Memorable Sentence Examples
A memorable meeting of the General Assembly was held in August 1643.
A memorable incident occurred at one of these meetings.
But he is chiefly memorable for having introduced Plato to the Western world.
And I am sure that I never read any memorable news in a newspaper.
The morning, which is the most memorable season of the day, is the awakening hour.
Thus in a time of trouble ever memorable to him after the birth of their first child who was delicate, when they had to change the wet nurse three times and Natasha fell ill from despair, Pierre one day told her of Rousseau's view, with which he quite agreed, that to have a wet nurse is unnatural and harmful.
He also was provost of Edinburgh at various times, and it is a remarkable instance of the esteem in which the lairds of Merchiston were held that three of them in immediate lineal succession repeatedly filled so important an office during perhaps the most memorable period in the history of the city.
A trip with friends and family can make for a memorable 21st birthday.
On his return he held memorable services in the churchyard at Epworth.
The quarter of a century immediately following 1760 is memorable for the introduction of various important improvements.
AdvertisementHe brought forward a motion in parliament to this effect, which led to a long and memorable debate, lasting over four nights, in which he was supported by Sydney Herbert, Sir James Graham, Gladstone, Lord John Russell and Disraeli, and which ended in the defeat of Lord Palmerston by a majority of sixteen.
There was absolutely nothing memorable in Dean's baseball career to give reason for lasting impressions.
The winter (332-331) which Alexander spent in Egypt saw two memorable actions on his part.
At the opening of the Piedmontese parliament in 1859, Victor Emmanuel pronounced the memorable words that he could not be insensible to the cry of pain (ii grido di dolore) which reached him from all parts of Italy.
The change from storm and winter to serene and mild weather, from dark and sluggish hours to bright and elastic ones, is a memorable crisis which all things proclaim.
AdvertisementSan Salvador, however, claims historical precedence as the landfall of Columbus on his memorable voyage.
In 1880 there was a memorable election riot under the guise of an anti-Chinese demonstration.
The attempts of the Habsburgs to conquer Transylvania drew down upon them two fresh Turkish invasions, the first in 1552, when the sultan's generals captured Temesvar and fifty-four lesser forts or fortresses, and the second in 1566, memorable as Suleiman's last descent upon Hungary, and also for the heroic defence of Szigetvar by Miklos Zrinyi, one of the classical sieges of history.
The next recorded expedition is a memorable one in the annals of Australian history - the despatch of a British colony to the shores of Botany Bay.
He stood between Scotland and France and Germany and France; and, though his expositions are vitiated by loose reading of the philosophers he interpreted, he did serviceable, even memorable work.
AdvertisementThe memorable arrangement in Bristol was made a few weeks before Wesley's field of labour was extended to the north of England in May 1742.
The memorable meeting took place in the hall of the Cinquecento.
To make for a truly memorable outing, try novel combinations of classic ingredients or explore lesser-known wonder foods.
It is rendered memorable by the decisive victory gained here on the 12th of July 1691 by the forces of William III.
The Old South church (1730-1782), the old state house (1748, restored 1882), and Faneuil Hall (1762-1763, enlarged 1805, reconstructed 1898) are rich in memorable associations of the period preceding the War of Independence.
AdvertisementShe writes snappy, clever lyrics and memorable music.
After a sleepless night, I trod with a lofty step the ruins of the forum; each memorable spot, where Romulus stood, or Tully spoke, or Caesar fell, was at once present to my eye; and several days of intoxication were lost or enjoyed before I could descend to a cool and minute investigation."
A more memorable and clearly authentic monument of Theodoric is furnished by his tomb, a massive mausoleum which stands still perfect outside the walls near the north-east corner of the city.
The years 1830-1833 are especially memorable for a disastrous outbreak of sheep-rot and for agrarian outrages, caused partly by the dislike of the labourers to the introduction of agricultural machines.
One memorable feature was associated with 1877 in that this was the last year in which the dreaded cattle plague (rinderpest) made its appearance in England.
Thus, within the last quarter of the 19th century - and, as a matter of fact, only fourteen years apart - two royal commissions on agriculture were appointed, the one in a year of memorable flood, 1879, and the other in a year of disastrous drought, 1893.
On the 4th of May Milner penned a memorable despatch to the Colonial Office, in which he insisted that the remedy for the unrest in the Transvaal was to strike at the root of the evil - the political impotence of the injured.
Some ill-considered imputations upon Father Damien by a Presbyterian minister produced a memorable tract by Robert Louis Stevenson (An Open Letter to the Rev. Dr Hyde, 1890).
A frost almost as severe as the memorable one of1683-1684occurred in the winter of 1 7391740, and the Thames was again the scene of a busy fair.
Its ancient castle is picturesquely situated on a lofty porphyry rock, and is memorable as the place from which, in 1455, Kunz von Kaufungen carried off the young princes Albert and Ernest, the founders of the present royal and ducal families of Saxony.
They are memorable occasions with first-rate speakers, properly run but not solemn.
The memorable evening was brought to a close with hot soup, sandwiches and more native mutton.
One piece of good sense would be more memorable than a monument as high as the moon.
It was already the beginning of June when on his return journey he drove into the birch forest where the gnarled old oak had made so strange and memorable an impression on him.
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Most authorities on the art of war agree that the collapse of the Entente in this memorable campaign was primarily due to the abortive naval effort to force the Dardanelles.
He refers to de Maistre's memorable book, Du Pape, as the most profound, accurate and methodical account of the old spiritual organization, and starts from that as the model to be adapted to the changed intellectual and social conditions of the modern time.
The deliverance of the besieged from a surprise, by means of a flash of light which revealed the advancing masses of the Macedonian army, has rendered this siege memorable.
Much more memorable, however, was a library formed by Iyeyasus grandson the feudal chief of Mito (1662I 700), who not only collected a vast quantity of books hitherto scattered among Shinto and Buddhist monasteries and private houses, but also employed a number of scholars to compile a history unprecedented in magnitude, the Dai-Nihon-shi.
Neither work can be said to possess signal literary merit, but both had memorable consequences.
The supposed right of Convocation to stamp heretical opinions with its disapproval was exercised on a somewhat memorable occasion.
Olgierd's most memorable feat was his great victory over the Tatars at Siniya Vodui on the Bug in 1362, which practically broke up the great Kipchak horde and compelled the khan to migrate still farther south and establish his headquarters for the future in the Crimea.
At the apex of the pyramid stands John of Antioch, Chrysostom, who in 387, at the age of 40, began his 12 years' ministry in his native city and in 399, the six memorable years in Constantinople, where he loved the poor, withstood tyranny and preached with amazing power.
The Modern Period may be said to begin in 1738, the year in which John Wesley began his memorable work.
The next summer, however, on Mr. Austen Chamberlain's resignation owing to the Mesopotamia report, he returned to the India Office as Secretary of State and began a tenure of that post which will always be memorable in Indian annals.
In a memorable campaign Edward marched from La Hogue to Caen, and from Caen almost to the gates of Paris.
The war in this quarter was memorable for Conde's last, and William's first, battle, the desperate and indecisive engagement of Seneffe (August 11th), in which the two armies lost one-seventh of their strength in killed alone.
Sevastopol sustained a memorable eleven months' siege, and on the 8th of September 1855 was evacuated by the Russians.
The "Tractarian Movement" had set in five years earlier, but the memorable tract, No.
During his archbishopric Dr Temple was deeply distressed by the divisions which were weakening the Anglican Church, and many of his most memorable sermons were calls for unity.
Meanwhile Italy had been the scene of memorable events, in most of which Machiavelli took some part.
To this appeal Polycarp made the memorable answer, "Eighty and six years have I served Him and He bath done me no wrong.
On the 23rd of November 1600 he preached at Whitehall a remarkable sermon on justification, which gave rise to a memorable controversy.
The theatre, built under Goethe's superintendence in 1825, memorable in the history of art not only for its associations with the golden age of German drama, but as having witnessed the first performances of many of Wagner's operas and other notable stage pieces, was pulled down and replaced by a new building in 1907.
In 655, after repeated examinations, in which he maintained his theological opinions with memorable constancy, he was banished to Byzia in Thrace, and afterwards to Perberis.
On Hare's departure from Cambridge in 1832, Thirlwall became assistant college tutor, which led him to take a memorable share in the great controversy upon the admission of Dissenters which arose in 1834.
The schools were made free only after a memorable contest against the " rate bill."
In 1665 Schumacher obtained his first political post as the king's secretary, and the same year composed the memorable Kongelov (see Denmark, History) .
It is chiefly memorable for having included the story of the "Martyrs of Cordova," one of the most remarkable passages in the religious history of the middle ages.
In the spring there was a fancy-dress ball at Buckingham Palace, which remained memorable owing to the offence loyal members of the Southampton Corporation remem sorebered Raleigh, and spread their robes on the ground reigns.
The dispute with the United States concerning the "Trent" affair of 1861 will always be memorable for the part played in its settlement by the queen and the prince consort.
The queen had already paid a memorable visit to the East End, when she opened the People's Palace on the 14th of May.
Soon afterwards her majesty went to Biarritz, and the occasion was made memorable by a visit which she paid to the queen-regent of Spain at San Sebastian, the only visit that an English reigning sovereign had ever paid to the Peninsula.
This view is confirmed by the evidence of the Synodicon Orientate (the collection of the canons of Nestorian Councils and Synods), which shows that the Great Syriac Church built up by the adherents of Nestorius and ever memorable for its zeal in carrying the Gospel into Central Asia, China and India cannot, from its inception, be rightly described as other than orthodox.
Laud continued to support Strafford's and the king's arbitrary measures to the last, and spoke in favour of the vigorous continuation of the war on Strafford's side in the memorable meeting of the committee of eight on the 5th of May 1640, and for the employment of any means for carrying it on.
Instead of submitting, Dollinger, on the 28th of March 1871, addressed a memorable letter to the archbishop, refusing to subscribe the decrees.
The general state of learning in this century is illustrated by Ausonius (c. 310-393), the grammarian and rhetorician of Bordeaux, the author of the Mosella, and the probable inspirer of the memorable decree of Gratian (376), providing for the appointment and the payment of teachers of rhetoric and of Greek and Latin literature in the principal cities of Gaul.
The most memorable name, however, among the scholars of this century is that of Eustathius, whose philological studies at Constantinople preceded his tenure of the archbishopric of Thessalonica (1175-1192).
Its name figures conspicuously in the military annals of medieval and recent times; and it is specially memorable for the overthrow of the Turks by the imperial forces in 1689 and for the crushing defeat of the hospodar Michael Sustos by Pasvan Oglu in 1801.
Charleston was attacked without success in 1862, but from June to August 1863 it was besieged by General Gillmore and Admiral Dahlgren, and under great difficulties the Federals secured a lodgment, though it was not until Sherman appeared on the land side early in 1865 that the Confederate defence collapsed, Fort Fisher near Wilmington also underwent a memorable siege by land and sea.
In 1862-1864 Arminius Vambery made in the disguise of a dervish a memorable journey through this fanatical state.
The portraits of many famous professors since the earliest days hang in the university aula, one of the most memorable places, as Niebuhr called it, in the history of science.
In the memorable year 1848 the people of Szalonta elected him their deputy to the Hungarian parliament.
This extraordinary production is memorable as having announced the discovery of the "third law" - that of the sesquiplicate ratio between the planetary periods and distances.
His son, Donald of the Isles, was memorable for his rebellion in support of his claim to the earldom of Ross, in which, however, he was unsuccessful.
Of all the minor creatures of mythology the fairies are the most beautiful, the most numerous, the most memorable in literature.
After studying with distinction under the doctrinaires of Perigueux, he entered the life-guards of Louis XVI., and was present at Versailles on the memorable 5th and 6th of October 1789.
Memorable services were held in City Road Chapel, which was restored and rendered more worthy of its historic position.
Two events of the first magnitude make his reign one of the most memorable in the century.
In 1854, after the meeting of the British Association in Liverpool, a memorable visit occurred to the Penrhyn slate quarries, where the question of slaty cleavage arose in his mind, and ultimately led him, with Huxley, to Switzerland to study the phenomena of glaciers.
In spite of his violent partisanship, for Richerus was an ardent upholder of the Carolings and French supremacy,-of great defects of style, and of an utter disregard of accuracy and truth, his Historiae has a unique value as giving us the only tolerably full account by a contemporary of the memorable revolution of 987, which placed the Capets on the throne of France.
Lessing's third residence in Berlin was made memorable by the Briefe, die neueste Literatur betreffend (1759-1765), a series of critical essays - written in the form of letters to a wounded officer - on the principal books that had appeared since the beginning of the Seven Years' War.
The operations of these two great chartered companies occupy a place among memorable events of Frederick Henry's stadholderate; they are therefore mentioned here, but for further details the special articles must be consulted.
The campaign of the following year was made memorable by the siege of Maestricht.
It is worthy of notice that this intercourse with Cromwell occurred when Baxter was summoned to London to assist in settling "the fundamentals of religion," and made the memorable declaration, in answer to the objection that what he had proposed as fundamental "might be subscribed by a Papist or Socinian," - "So much the better, and so much the fitter it is to be the matter of concord."
This position, which he filled with much ability, did not prevent his occasionally descending from the presidential chair to make speeches, one of which, advocating an amnesty to the communards, was especially memorable.
In the following year he pleaded for the liberation of the duchess, made a memorable speech in defence of Chateaubriand, who was prosecuted for his violent attacks on the government of Louis Philippe, and undertook the defence of several Legitimist journalists.
This memorable achievement was greeted with an outburst of public enthusiasm.
The palace of the bishops, where the memorable Confession of Faith was presented to Charles V., is now used for government offices.
Of its conventions the most memorable are those which gave birth to the Augsburg confession (1530) and to the Augsburg alliance (1686).
Wilfrid's is a memorable name in English history, not only because of the large part he played in supplanting the Celtic discipline and in establishing a precedent of appeal to papal authority, but also by reason of his services to architecture and learning.
Thus Rudolph made himself memorable as the real founder of the house of Habsburg.
But Louis was perhaps still more indebted for his victory to the memorable conflict between the Swiss and the Habsburgs, the defeat of Leopold of Austria at Morgarten in 1315 striking a heavy blow at his position.
After the conclusion of peace nothing happened to make his reign memorable.
The connexion with Greece, the most memorable of all, has consisted in the settlement of many colonies from old Greece, which gave the island the most brilliant part of its history, and which made the greater part practically Greek.
Among the speakers were Cobden and Bright, and the dinner is memorable as the first occasion on which the two future leaders appeared together on a Free Trade platform.
His most memorable speech, the greatest he ever made, was delivered on the 23rd of February 1855.
The wooded heights overlooking the Bergstrasse are studded with castles and medieval ruins, some of which are associated with some of the most memorable adventures of German tradition.
His tenure of the deanery of Westminster was memorable in many ways.
In 1808 it was the scene of the memorable interview between Napoleon and the emperor Alexander I.
In September, 1786 Goethe set out from Karlsbad - secretly and stealthily, his plan known only to his servant - on that memorable journey to Italy, to which he had looked forward with such intense longing; he could not cross the Alps quickly enough, so impatient was he to set foot in Italy.
The battle was fought at Sikri near Agra, and is memorable for the vow made by the easy-living Baber that he would never again touch wine.
The repulse of Lake in person at the siege of Bharatpur (Bhurtpore) (1805) is memorable as an instance of a British army in India having to turn back with its object unaccomplished.
His two most memorable acts are the abolition of suttee and the suppression of the Thugs.
It is in connexion with this event, which might have been as memorable in the history of the British navy as it is in the life of Lord Dundonald (see Dtndonald), that Lord Gambier's name is now best known.
The date of this memorable discovery is October 16, 1843.
One of the most attractive features of Brooklyn is Prospect Park, occupying about 516 acres of high ground in the west central part of the borough, on a site made memorable by the battle of Long Island.
The first year of Leo's reign saw a memorable siege of his capital by the Saracens, who had taken advantage of the civil discord in the Roman empire to bring up a force of 80,000 men to the Bosporus.
This investigation is also memorable because he detected the minute sugar-crystals in the roots by the help of the microscope, which was thus introduced as an adjunct to chemical inquiry.
Washington retained his commission until the 23rd of December 1783, when, in a memorable scene, he returned it to Congress, then in session at Annapolis, Md., and retired to Mount Vernon.
Amongst the memorable achievements of the ten days which Faraday devoted to this investigation was the discovery that a current could be induced in a conducting wire simply by moving it in the neighbourhood of a magnet.
Of this distinguished band the most memorable names are those of Bishop Richard Davies (c. 1501-1581) and of William Salesbury, the squire-scholar of Llanrwst (c. 1520-c. 1600) in Denbighshire, who is commonly credited with the honour of having produced the first printed book in the Welsh language, a small volume of proverbs published in London about the year 1545.
His most memorable work, however, was the inauguration of international operations for charting the heavens.
He had much to do with the witchcraft persecution of his day; in 1692 when the magistrates appealed to the Boston clergy for advice in regard to the witchcraft cases in Salem he drafted their reply, upon which the prosecutions were based; in 1689 he had written Memorable Providences Relating to Witchcraft and Possessions, and even his earlier diaries have many entries showing his belief in diabolical possession and his fear and hatred of it.
He attended the trials, investigated many of the cases himself, and wrote sermons on witchcraft, the Memorable Providences and The Wonders of the Invisible World (1693), which increased the excitement of the people.
They acted together against the Northmen, over whom in August 881 they gained a memorable victory.
The league was promised by England; but the army of France was first in the field, and towards the end of the year drove the forces of the "congregation" from Leith into Edinburgh, and then out of it in a midnight rout to Stirling - "that dark and dolorous night," as Knox long afterwards said, "wherein all ye, my lords, with shame and fear left this town," and from which only a memorable sermon by their great preacher roused the despairing multitude into new hope.
Already "in our towns and places reformed," as the Confession puts it, there were local or "particular kirks," and these grew and spread and were provincially united, till, in the last month of this memorable year, the first General Assembly of their representatives met, and became the "universal kirk," or "the whole church convened."
As a prose writer Dalin is chiefly memorable for his History of the Swedish Kingdom (4 vols., 1746-1762).
Delhi must have experienced a sense of relief at the departure of its conqueror, whose residence there had been rendered painfully memorable by carnage and riot.
It recalls the literal and original meaning of graduation "theses," also Martin Luther's memorable theses and the replies made to him.
In what may be called his second period, the ode entitled France, considered by Shelley the finest in the language, is most memorable.
He even asked John Wesley, in 1739, to desist from preaching in his diocese of Bristol, and in a memorable interview with the great preacher remarked that any claim to the extraordinary gifts of the Holy Spirit was "a horrid thing, a very horrid thing, sir."
It was at this time he began his memorable controversy with Episcopius, who, in attacking the Coronis, railed against the author as having been "a disturber of the public peace in his native country, so that the English magistrates had banished him thence; and now, by his late printed Coronis, he was raising new disturbances in the peaceable Netherlands."
Fenelon now wrote a series of memorable criticisms on the government of Louis XIV., accompanied by projects of reform, not always quite so wise.
In 1793 Sir John Scott was promoted to the office of attorney-general, in which it fell to him to conduct the memorable prosecutions for high treason against British sympathizers with French republicanism, - amongst others, against the celebrated Horne Tooke.
The 9th earl, George, descended from this Gilbert, died unmarried, and his nephew, who followed, was succeeded by his grandson Francis, chiefly memorable for his unhappy fate.
Burke, in a memorable passage of a memorable speech, has described this "chequered and speckled" administration with great humour, speaking of it as "indeed a very curious show, but utterly unsafe to touch and unsure to stand on."
An ardent republican, it was he who in the first session of the National Convention (September 21, 1792) proposed the motion for the abolition of the kingship, in a speech in which occurred the memorable phrase that "kings are in the moral order what monsters are in the natural."
This date is memorable, as it marks the permanent accession of the Habsburg dynasty to the Bohemian throne, though the Austrian archdukes Rudolph and Albert had previously been rulers of Bohemia for short periods.
The siege which followed forms one of the memorable incidents of the British history of India.
Not very long after these events Petrarch made his first journey to Rome, a journey memorable from the account which he has left us of the impression he received from its ruins.
The most memorable of his diplomatic missions was to Venice in the autumn of 13 53.
After a memorable debate (June 17), Palmerston's policy was condemned by a vote of the House of Lords.
His visit to Carlyle, in the lonely farm-house at Craigenputtock, was the memorable beginning of a lifelong friendship. Emerson published Carlyle's first books in America.
In the market-place opposite the town hall is situated the ancient T`-n church, memorable as having been the religious centre of the Hussite movement.
Therein appeared Polyeucte, the memorable comedy of Le Menteur, which though adapted from the Spanish stood in relation to French comedy very much as Le Cid, which owed less to Spain, stood to French tragedy; its less popular and far less good Suite, - and perhaps La Mort de Pompee.
They are mostly told to show the occasion on which some memorable act of the Buddha took place, or some memorable saying was uttered, and are as exact as to place as they are indistinct as to time.
Comyn is chiefly known for his memorable quarrel with Robert the Bruce.
The most memorable acts of his pontificate were those arising out of the contumacy of the French king, Robert, who was ultimately brought to submission by the rigorous infliction of a sentence of excommunication.
The years 1685 and 1686 will ever be memorable in the history of science.
As an educational reformer, as a man of letters and learning, who trod "the large and impartial ways of knowledge," and who swayed others to the same paths, as a thinker influential alike in the action and the reaction to which he led, Cousin stands out conspicuously among the memorable Frenchmen of the 29th century.
One of the most memorable of these occurred on the 4th of October 1775, when the Tyne rose 8 ft.
The years 1871, 1879, 1881 and 1892 were made memorable by particularly severe storms. There are 150 to 175 " growing days " for crops between the frosts of spring and autumn, and eight in ten days are bright with sunshine - half of them without a cloud.
The first three years of the queens reign were memorable for a constantly deficient revenue.
But it was still more memorable because the.remedy which Lord John proposed at once destroyed the panic which had suggested it.
Delhi, after a memorable siege, was at last taken by a brilliant assault.
With the possible exception of Sir Robert Peels term of office, no previous period of British history had been memorable for a series of more remarkable financial reforms. Their success redeemed the chatacter of the administration.
His ministry had been essentially one of peace, yet its closing days were memorable for one little war in which a great soldier increased a reputation.
It was not surprising, in such circumstances, that the earlier months of the war should have been memorable for a series of exasperating reverses.
In 1846 his first speech in the chamber of peers - Louis Philippe's House of Lords - was delivered on behalf of Poland; his second, on the subject of coast defence, is memorable for the evidence it bears of careful research and practical suggestion.
The second volume contains the record of his deeds and words during the years of his exile; like the first and the third, it is headed by a memorable preface, as well worth the reverent study of those who may dissent from some of the writer's views as of those who may assent to all.
The third and fourth volumes preserve the register of his deeds and words from 1870 to 1885; they contain, among other things memorable, the nobly reticent and pathetic tribute to the memory of the two sons, Charles (1826-1871) and Francois (1828-1873), he had lost since their common return from exile.
It has been the scene of two memorable battles.
Equally memorable was his famous ride, through the enemy's lines on the night of the 16th-17th of October 1813, to convey to Blucher and Bernadotte the wishes of the two empefors that they should participate in the battle of Leipzig on the following day, at a given time and place.
I he last and most memorable was in August 1813, when the allied British, Portuguese and Spanish armies under Lord Wellington captured the city from the French, and then sacked and burned it.
Another Reform Bill, memorable for driving certain good Liberals into a Cave of Adullam, broke up the new government in a few months; Disraeli contributing to the result by the delivery of opinions not new to him and of lasting worth, though presently to be subordinated to arguments of an inferior order and much less characteristic. "At this rate," he said in 1866,"you will have a parliament that will entirely lose its command over the executive, and it will meet with less consideration and possess less influence."
Another memorable piece of work, the confederation of Canada, had already been accomplished.
In the memorable engagement of the 12th of April 1782, in which Rodney defeated the comte de Grasse, near Martinique, Bougainville, who commanded the "Auguste," succeeded in rallying eight ships of his own division, and bringing them safely into St Eustace.
His execution was memorable from the part taken in it by the prince of Wales, who himself tried to reason the Lollard out of his convictions.
The end of his reign was memorable for the persecution of the Christians.
The two following years, during which he lived at Dorset Court in London, were memorable for the publication of his two chief works on social polity, and of the epoch-making book on modern philosophy which revels the main principles of his life.
The controversy with Edwards was followed by a more memorable one with Stillingfleet, bishop of Worcester.
But both are memorable in the record of human progress.
The reform of the constitution continued to be discussed, and the election of 1895 was memorable because of the return of a powerful party of democrats.
The first and most memorable of these contests was the quarrel between Jacobin and Girondin.
Rewbell was an able, although unscrupulous, man of action, Barras a dissolute and shameless adventurer, La Revelliere Lepeaux the chief of a new sect, the Theophilanthropists, and therefore a bitter foe to other religions, especially the Catholic. Severe integrity and memorable public services raised Carnot far above his colleagues, but he was not a statesman and was hampered by his past.
Yet his rationale of the tides in De Motibus Stellae is not only memorable as an astonishing forecast of the principle of reciprocal attraction in the proportion of mass, but for its bold extension to the earth of the lunar sphere of influence.
The proper share of each in bringing about this memorable result is not easy to apportion, since they freely imparted and profited by one another's advances and improvements; it need only be said that the fundamental proposition of the invariability of the planetary major axes laid down with restrictions by Laplace in 1773, was finally established by Lagrange in 1776; while Laplace in 1784 proved the subsistence of such a relation between the eccentricities of the planetary orbits on the one hand, and their inclinations on the other, that an increase of either element could, in any single case, proceed only to a very small extent.
But the most memorable of all the controversies in which Calvin was engaged was that into which he was brought in 1553 with [[Michael Servetus]].
In this post he performed the most memorable actions of his life by the abolition of purchase and the institution of the short service system and the reserve in the army, measures which excited more opposition than any of the numerous reforms effected by the Gladstone government of that period, but which were entirely justified by their successful working afterwards.
The north bank is mostly flat and marshy, whereas the Bulgarian bank is almost continuously crowned by low heights on which are built the considerable towns of Vidin (Widdin), Lom Palanka, Rustchuk and Silistria, all memorable names in Turko-Russian wars.
The question of the origin of the marks and characteristics of various animals and plants has also produced a class of myths in which the marks are said to survive from some memorable adventure, or the plants and animals to be metamorphosed human beings.
Before the close of 1610 the memorable cycle of discoveries begun in the previous year was completed by the observation of the ansated or, as it appeared to Galileo, triple form of Saturn (the ring-formation was first recognized by Christiaan Huygens in 1655), of the phases of Venus, and of the spots upon the sun.
Since the publication of the documents relating to this memorable trial, there can no longer be any doubt, not only that the threat of torture was not carried into execution, but that it was never intended that it should be.
The occasions on which, in his turn, he preached before his university were all memorable; and some of the sermons were manifestoes which mark distinct stages in the history of the High Church party of which he was the leader.
Cowper's mother, to whom the memorable lines were written beginning " Oh that these lips had language," was his first wife.
Here Cowper was to reside for nineteen years, and he was to render the town and its neighbourhood memorable by his presence and by his poetry.
Turning to another field, Milman published in 1829 his History of the Jews, which is memorable as the first by an English clergyman which treated the Jews as an Oriental tribe, recognized sheikhs and arnirs in the Old Testament, sifted and classified documentary evidence, and evaded or minimized the miraculous.
Between Aconcagua and Mercedario are the passes of Espinacito (14,803 ft.) and Los Patos or Valle Hermoso (11,736 ft.), chosen by the Argentine General San Martin, when he made his memorable passage across the chain during the War of Independence.
Hey, it was one memorable day!
The album is also memorable for the appearance of one Nicko McBrain on drums alongside long time bassist ' Mars ' Cowling.
Tell us about your most memorable filming disaster. âIt has to be when we were filming Pebble Mill for the Australian bicentenary.
Hardworking Holmes was to have a memorable second half, creating two breakaway tries with long runs from midfield.
The most memorable was the response to the question Where is God? It was recited by the class with a powerful rhythmic chant.
The result is both intimate and powerfully atmospheric, shedding new and memorable light on what usually comes across as a massive choral spectacular.
One memorable section set the turbulence of a Full Monte workout against the calm of a trombone chorale.
It is however redeemed somewhat by the strong and melodic chorus, which is thankfully the most memorable section of this track.
An even more memorable event was the episcopal consecration of George Hay in 1769.
They carry information in highly contextual, memorable ways.
Michael Jeter was in The Fisher King, playing the memorable damsel in distress in Central Park.
Billy McLeod sent the defense the wrong way before firing home a memorable winner to send the home supporters delirious with excitement.
Allow us to help create a memorable evening of singing, merriment and dodgy dancing in a genuine environment of noisy celebration and laughter.
The music is full of power with upbeat tempos, dynamic rhythyms, memorable themes and loud triumphant fanfares.
What was the bands most memorable gig to date?
Gifts & Crafts Blueberry Barn Ltd Unique and memorable hampers, gift baskets, candles and pampering gifts for any occasion.
Additionally, the simulation provides an enjoyable memorable highlight!
Another destination would be the Cahal Pech Village Resort, which offers customized packages for a most memorable honeymoon in Belize.
Most memorable of all was the cry of the rutting male impala.
Hard-hitting and unsentimental, they are strong and memorable books celebrating the individuality of the lives of ' ordinary ' women.
Our wish is to make your wedding invitations and accessories the most memorable keepsake from your wedding day.
Literary experimentation has often proved most influential when itâs breaking down barriers, rather than creating anything particularly lasting or even memorable.
Very few birds (although including Gray's Lark) but some memorable, almost lunar, scenery.
His music generally is very lyrical, with memorable melodies in a variety of styles.
It's full of great, memorable hooks, powerful choruses and dynamic riffs, whilst still reeking of pure malevolence.
Throughout the decade he bashed out songs which were often musically and vocally stark, but still strongly melodic and memorable.
We are very proud of our ability to make a special occasion even more memorable by adding a personal touch.
Yet again I do not find the dinner appointment memorable.
For a truly memorable outing ask for Melvin Clifton in Plymouth.
The key is to select a name that is catchy and instantly memorable for customers yet avoids all the legal pitfalls in this area.
The stories are all very funny and the artwork is equally memorable and amusing.
On the back wall the ' outsider ' style continues with two especially memorable artworks.
Museum of Childhood Memories A visit to the Museum of Childhood Memories is a uniquely memorable experience.
Unexpectedly, Agra was to prove memorable beyond merely the Taj Mahal.
A confused melodrama that loses itself in it's own pretentions, but remains memorable for the stunning sets, music and photography.
Local wines are good and service is friendly and even simple meals can become memorable.
These occasions are made more memorable because the cast and crew bring along their own families to join in.
To round off a memorable occasion, event caterers Crumbs served guests with a splendid fork supper.
Perhaps Sun, teaching re at her comprehensive, is thinking how she can become someone's most memorable teacher in years to come.
The memorable diaper wearer, now recast Despite being a very well thought out and quite moralistic piece.
Alan Parker translates the music into memorable images that are just relentless.
They took a memorable scalp in the FA Cup two weeks ago.
Seder meals during Passover were always memorable family occasions marked by tradition and special food.
For some, the dress is a necessary splurge while others focus their money into creating a memorable dining and entertainment experience.
Before there was Elsie, Yamaha built an equally memorable two-stroke tearaway.
This is a real tear-jerker - the ' dream ' scene was one of the most memorable for me.
The Conservatives came third, to the distress of Ann Widdecombe, our memorable Guest of Honor on Speech Day.
One memorable moment was clearing the treetops by only about 20 feet on the way from Mendi to Tari.
Throughout the exhibition, Bond film footage plays alongside memorable theme tunes.
During the disintegration of the Roman empire Clermont suffered as much perhaps from capture and pillage as any city in the country; its history during the middle ages chiefly records the struggles between its bishops and the counts of Auvergne, and between the citizens and their overlord the bishop. It was the seat of seven ecclesiastical councils, held in the years 535, 549, 587, 1095, 1110, 1124 and 1130; and of these the council of 1095 is for ever memorable as that in which Pope Urban II.
That indeed, as Ranke says, which makes him memorable in English history is that he opposed the establishment of an Anglican and Royalist organization with success.
It was at one of these, a town of the Malli, that a memorable incident occurred, such as characterized the personality of Alexander for all succeeding time.
Rivadavia's term of office was likewise memorable for the constitution of the 24th of December 1826, passed by the constituent congress of all the provinces, by which the bonds which united the confederated states of the Argentine Republic were strengthened.
The chief incidents of Rhodian history during this period are a memorable siege by Demetrius Poliorcetes in 304, who sought in vain to force the city into active alliance with King Antigonus by means of his formidable fleet and artillery; a severe earthquake in 227, the damages of which all the other Hellenistic states contributed to repair, because they could not afford to see the island ruined; some vigorous campaigns against Byzantium, the Pergamene and the Pontic kings, who had threatened the Black Sea trade-route (220 sqq.), and against the pirates of Crete.
On the 1st of January 1859, Napoleon astounded the diplomatic world by remarking to Baron Hubner, the Austrian ambassador, at the New Years reception at the Tuileries, that he regretted that relations between France and Austria were not so good as they had been; and at the opening of the Piedmontese parliament on the 10th Victor Emmanuel pronounced the memorable words that he could not be insensible to the cry of pain (ii grido di dolore) which reached him from all parts of Italy.
His connexion with the university was made memorable by his defence of the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception, in which he displayed such dialectical ingenuity as to win for himself the title Doctor Subtilis.
The most memorable incident, however, in Gibbon's stay at Oxford was his temporary conversion to the doctrines of the church of Rome.
Again, his inaction during those memorable twelve years (1401-1413) when the Turkish empire, after the collapse at Angora (1402), seemed about to be swallowed up by " the great wolf " Tamerlane, was due entirely to the malice of the Holy See, which, enraged at his endeavours to maintain the independence of the Magyar church against papal aggression (the diet of 1404, on Sigismund's initiative, had declared bulls bestowing Magyar benefices on foreigners, without the royal consent, pernicious and illegal), saddled him with a fresh rebellion and two wars with Venice, resulting ultimately in the total loss of Dalmatia (c. 1430).
In the history of Saxony it is memorable as the scene of various treaties; and in 1561 an assembly of Protestant princes was held there, which made a futile attempt to cement the doctrinal dissensions of the Protestants.
The Tokugawa era (1603f 867), which popularized the drama, had other memorable effects upon Japanese literature.
Juba, according to Pliny, who constantly refers to him, is mainly memorable for his writings.
In 1806 appeared Legendre's Nouvelles Methodes pour la determination des orbites des cometes, which is memorable as containing the first published suggestion of the method of least squares (see Probability).
These tribes were the Sakas, a horde of pastoral P established his own paramountcy over northern India; but his reign is mainly memorable as marking the beginning of the Brahmanical reaction against Buddhism, a reaction which Pushyamitra is said to have forwarded not only by the peaceful revival of Hindu rites but by a savage persecution of the Buddhist monks.
His reign is memorable chiefly for the growing power of the Assassins (q.v.) and for the first Crusade (see Crusades).
In Bengal the rising began at Barrackpore, was communicated to Dacca in Eastern Bengal, and for a time raged in Behar, producing the memorable defence of the billiard-room at Arrah by a handful of civilians and Sikhs - one of the most splendid pieces of gallantry in the history of the British arms. Since 1858, when the country passed to the crown, the history of Bengal has been one of steady progress.
In May 1789 - that memorable month of May in which the states-general marched in impressive array to hear a sermon at the church of Notre Dame at Versailles - a vote of censure had actually been passed on him in the House of Commons for a too severe expression used against Hastings.
The remarkably adult yet innocent expression of their open and serene eyes is very memorable.
Perhaps Sun, teaching RE at her comprehensive, is thinking how she can become someone 's most memorable teacher in years to come.
Lee Richardson sustained his resurgent run of form with a lively paid 12-point haul, which included some memorable passing maneuvers.
On flat land to the west of Loch Affric, ringed by high mountains, the bothy 's location makes for a memorable week.
The game against the Chest was memorable for many reasons, and finally salvaged some cricketing pride for the ailing team.
The seder meals during Passover were always memorable family occasions marked by tradition and special food.
The Open University 's Background Brief on teleportation is not particularly memorable, but What Have The Sixties Ever Done For Us?
The splendor of the mountain scenery alone made that particular trip extremely memorable.
There 's also a strong streak of black humor in this piece, which is really its most memorable feature.
Nigel Worthington 's threadbare squad saw today 's match become a memorable occasion for three of the 14 players in yellow.
His performance is possibly the most memorable villainous turn to be featured in a Big Finish audio drama with it being very strong.
In the year 1871 the memorable epidemic of yellow fever broke out at Buenos Ayres.
Here are some ideas for throwing a memorable shower.
A baby shower is always going to be memorable to the new mother, or the new parents if the daddy is invited, too.
To make the day more memorable for guests who might not be interested in an afternoon of labor stories, get them involved in a project or activity.
Memorable moments-these might be statements concerning how your baby reacted to her cake, candles, gifts, etc. If she cries at her party, write it down.
They want to pick a name that's unique, distinctive, and memorable.
This is one shower that is sure to be memorable!
Also, something that can be personalized is an ideal option, as it makes the keepsake that much more special and memorable.
Want something a bit more memorable to enjoy year round?
Anyone can make a memorable and classy cake with a little creativity and the right supplies.
While baby booties and blankets are always welcome, if you want to present a gift that's truly memorable, then a one-of-a-kind present is what you need.
The mother-to-be may have loved care bears as a child, and these favors can be a memorable way for her to pass on her love of these adorable characters to her child.
A selection of new baby shower games can help turn any shower into a memorable and fun event.
Over 18 seasons, The Simpsons has introduced the world to memorable characters and hundreds of quotable comedic moments.
Buy origami architectural cards for a memorable way to send greetings to friends and family members or for display in your home as intriguing pieces of art.
Content of ads get riskier, funnier, bolder and memorable to entice you to shop at their store rather than a competitors.
Whether you want to find a story about Daniel and the Lion's Den or Jesus Feeding the 5,000 finding it in an illustrated children's Bible story will make it more interesting and memorable to a young audience!
A shot or two of light rum can turn a glass of fruit juice into a memorable, satisfying cocktail.
The Tequila Sunrise is a simple yet memorable grenadine and orange juice cocktail.
As people look back on the most memorable parts of the courtship and early years of marriage, invariably the small things begin to stand out.
Document activities - Take many pictures with your kids and co-parent to make a photo album you can look at over the years to remind you of special events and memorable moments.
Having the right table decorations for Thanksgiving will make a special meal all the more memorable for you and your guests.
With about 60% of the furnishings being Jefferson's original pieces, including over 150 paintings and other art objects, you're assured of a memorable visit at Thomas Jefferson's Monticello.
The perfect table setting makes special occasion meals even more memorable, plus settings can be used between meals to breathe some life into your dining room or kitchen.
Try these recommended scents or explore the dozens of others available and help make the holidays more special and memorable.
Whether it is distance or circumstance that keeps us apart, there's no better way to send our love than a sweet and memorable kiss.
This distinct form of self-expression can inspire creative, memorable looks.
One of my most memorable cosmetic purchases was a Stila palette.
Other ensembles, though, require the magic of makeup to really make a memorable impact.
Based on the original Diavolo fragrances for men and women, this interpretation aims to build on the intensity and drama and create an even more evocative, memorable spirit.
This is a particularly classic, memorable scent ideal for a very fancy occasion.
Despite being bold and memorable, it veers just short of being too strong.
Whether it's a festive occasion or a memorable event such as your wedding day, tips for formal eye makeup application can help pull your whole look together with elegance.
In fact, the star has undergone a number of transformations over the years, but some of her most memorable looks definitely come from the decade of excess.
The song, from the maven's best-selling 1998 album Ray of Light, is a come-hither approach to the art of seduction, rife with memorable melodies and lyrics.
Not surprisingly, the packaging is memorable, featuring tattooed roses and a skull, along with a banner stating "Love Kills Slowly" and several smaller banners proclaiming "Life," "Love" and "Luck" against a pink backdrop.
Your wedding day is one of the most important, memorable and highly-photographed days of your life and the best MAC makeup for brides helps you look fresh and glowing all day long.
Experiment with unique angles and lighting to capture memorable images.
Be creative with your posing in order to capture a memorable shot.
You don't have to go way over the top to snap a memorable family portrait, but you should aim to capture your clan's true colors in each shot.
If you use a great Easter cupcakes recipe to close out your holiday dinner, you'll finish with something memorable and sweet that both kids and adults will enjoy.
Of all the birds that were served on that first Thanksgiving Day, partridge is one that is flavorful and sure to be unexpected at your table, making your Thanksgiving dinner a memorable one.
For example, trying adding a ribbon bow to a die cut wedding dress to create a memorable bridal layout.
Creative Memories digital scrapbooking offers a variety of tools and products to help today's digital scrapbookers create and showcase the memorable moments of their lives.
Or, if you're not the note taking type, invest in a portable tape recorder so you can record some of your family's more memorable vacation moments.
Fortunately, there are several quick tips you can employ in order to transform amateur efforts into a memorable masterpiece.
By using a few simple creative techniques, you can make very memorable layouts for a fraction of what you'd spend on pre-made scrapbook embellishments.
With so many options in designs and embellishments, even someone who doesn't consider herself especially artistic can create a beautiful book that's unique and memorable.
While not as easily accessible as traditional scrapbooking, you can still create memorable Disney digital scrapbooks with a little ingenuity.
You want a layout that brings it to life in a memorable way so that whenever you look back on it, it reminds you of the special time you had and the people you celebrated with.
Adjust words as you wish to fit the daddy in your life for a memorable, one-of-a-kind album that he'll treasure.
You don't have to be a sports fan to create a memorable football scrapbook layout.
Of course, you don't have to play ball or have a family member who stood out on the field to create a memorable football layout.
This is supposed to be the best time of year, so indulge in it, and knowing how to relax during the holidays can help you make the most of them in a delightful and memorable way.
The prom is a great and memorable rite of passage in a young person's life, so take the time to enjoy the evening.
Old Navy commercials catch the consumer's attention because they are deliberately cheesy, but also colorful, tasteful, and most importantly, memorable.
When deciding on a location, consider if it has special meaning to the two of you and if it's the most appropriate place to ask such a memorable question.
Keep in mind, no matter what creative way you ask someone to prom and no matter where, it will always be memorable.
These prom decoration themes are original and make your party a memorable event.
You want to look your best because this will be one of the most memorable and fun nights of your life.
Holding this honor is special and you want to make this a memorable time in your life.
You want this to be a memorable night for everyone, so take your time with the other committee members.
While the most memorable graduation quotes are meant to inspire graduates, you can also find quotes that are amusing, sentimental or about seemingly simple topics like friendship.
They can become a part of a student's identity and lead to memorable moments at sporting events.
David's Bridal prom may be the perfect place to start your search for a memorable dress that's the talk among your friends!
In turn, this will allow everyone to have a great time and a fun, memorable night.
No matter what, Windsor style you choose, the look is sure to be memorable.
For most, the ultimate goal is to create a memorable legacy that will be talked about by class members and even underclassmen for days, weeks, and even years to come.