Membership Sentence Examples
In the United States there were, in 1906, 101 church edifices and a total membership of 7558.
He sold membership in the "Knights of Peter."
The Southern Church had a total membership of 266,345.
The qualifications for membership of the assembly are the same as those for voters.
The president is elected by a national postal vote of the membership.
Of a total membership of 24,175 only 5770 are European.
He may veto a bill, or in case of an appropriation bill, the separate items, but this veto may be overridden by a simple majority of the total membership of each house.
Monaghan, to co-operate with the ribbonmen, and its membership seems to have been confined to the very lowest classes.
The principal churches, in order of their membership were, in 1890, the Methodist Episcopal, Presbyterian, Protestant Episcopal, Baptist, Roman Catholic, Quaker and Lutheran.
In the same year the amount of the various school taxes and other contributions was $30.53 for each child in the average membership of the public schools, and the highest amount for each child in any county was $35.77 in Suffolk county, and in any township or city $68 01 - in Lincoln.
AdvertisementIn both respects the reflex action of the Novatianist and Donatist controversies upon Catholicism was disastrous to the earlier idea of church-fellowship. Formal and technical tests of membership, such as the reception of sacraments from a duly authorized clergy, came to replace Christ's own test of character.
The relation between membership of the church and membership of the civic community has been mentioned.
As a result of these assemblies it was decided that those who had become members in childhood simply by virtue of their parents' status could not subsequently join in the celebration of the Lord's Supper nor record votes on ecclesiastical issues, unless they should approve themselves fit; they might, however, in their turn bring their children to baptism and hand on to them the degree of membership which they themselves had received from their own parents.
In July 1861 he accepted from Lord Palmerston the office of solicitor-general, a knighthood, and a safe seat for the borough of Richmond in Yorkshire, secured for him through the friendly action of Lord Zetland, and thus began the second spell of Palmer's membership of the House of Commons, which continued till his elevation to the woolsack and the peerage.
There are nominally about 35 organized societies in existence, but the extent to which public opinion and practice in the matter of dietary has been affected by vegetarianism is not to be gauged by the membership of such organizations.
AdvertisementIn the early days the Church was thought of as a community of saints, all of whose members were holy, and as a consequence discipline was strict, and offenders excluded from the Church were commonly not readmitted to membership but left to the mercy of God.
In 1909 it had an annual membership of 191; it supports the periodical Kantstudien (founded 1896; see Bibliography, ad init.).
No person holding a lucrative office under the state or the United States, no salaried officer of a railroad company, and no officer of any court of record is eligible for membership in either house.
The most important are those on Madame de Montausier (1672), which gained him the membership of the Academy, the duchesse d'Aiguillon (1675), and, above all, Marshal Turenne (1676).
The assembly chose a board of Twelve Men to represent it, and a few months later this board demanded certain reforms, especially that the membership of the director-general's council should be increased from one to five by the popular election of four members.
AdvertisementThe great Sokol union has a membership of over 300,000 in all, and the programme includes not only physical but also moral and disciplinary training, aiming at the production of citizens of character and patriotism.
The Protestants number about one million, the largest body being the Evangelical Church in Slovakia with a membership of over 400,000.
The Evangelical Lutheran Immanuel Synod came into being in 1864, and has a membership of 5300 with 13 ordained pastors.
The renitente church of Lower Hesse has a membership of 2400.
The Hermannsburg Free Church has a membership of about 2000 under 2 pastors.
AdvertisementThe Evangelical Lutheran Free Church of Saxony has a membership of about 3780 with 15 ordained pastors.
Meantime, he had gained a high literary reputation by his Eloges of Charles V.,, Lacaille, Moliere, Corneille and Leibnitz, which were issued in a collected form in 1770 and 1790; he was admitted to the French Academy (February 26, 1784), and to the Academie des Inscriptions in 1785, when Fontenelle's simultaneous membership of all three Academies was renewed in him.
After buying and receiving the four initial books, you may cancel the book club membership or continue receiving Disney books once a month at a great price.
Membership in the church depends solely upon being enrolled as a member of one of these meetings for Christian fellowship, and thus placing oneself under pastoral oversight.
The total membership of this order probably reached 250,000 to 300,000, principally in Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin, Kentucky and south-western Pennsylvania.
It was maintained at the bar that the denial of the most fundamental doctrines of Christianity would not be a lawful cause for such rejection, but the judgment only queries whether a denial of the personality of the devil or eternal punishment is consistent with membership of the church.
It is indeed just possible that the term may originally have signified "true member of a clan," since membership of a phratry was a characteristic of each clan ('y vos).
Under his influence the order spread rapidly, and he soon found himself the supreme director (Oberhauptdirektor) of some 26 "circles," which included in their membership princes, officers and high officials.
No figures of membership, however, are published.
A majority of either house constitutes a quorum, but as regards ordinary bills, on the third reading, not only must they receive a majority of the quorum, but that majority must be at least two-fifths of the total membership of the house.
The Liberal branch had 3732 organizations in 1906 with a total membership of 274,649.
In contemporary English Free Churches the purity of the church is commonly secured by the removal of persons unsuitable for membership from the church books by a vote of the responsible authority.
For the enactment of appropriation bills and bills creating a debt a majority of the total membership in each house is required.
In the House of Representatives, which has the large membership of 390, representation is on the basis of population, but is so arranged as to favour the rural districts; thus every town or ward of a city having 600 inhabitants is allowed one representative, but, although for every additional representative 1200 additional inhabitants are required, any town having less than 600 inhabitants is allowed a representative for such proportionate part of the time the legislature is in session as the number of its inhabitants bears to 600.
The "Old Constitution" body had 572 organizations in 1906 with a total membership of 21,401.
This policy was accompanied by a gradual decay of civic feeling and municipal enterprise, which showed itself mainly in the unwillingness of the townsmen to become candidates for local magistracies, or to take up the burdens entailed in membership of the municipal senate.
He seemed momentarily to approach the doctrinal position of the Baptists, but by his statement, "I will be baptized only into the primitive Christian faith," by his iconoclastic preaching and his editorial conduct of The 'Christian Baptist (1823-1830), and by the tone of his able debates with Paedobaptists, he soon incurred the disfavour of the Redstone Association of Baptist churches in western Pennsylvania, and in 1823 his followers transferred their membership to the Mahoning Association of Baptist churches in eastern Ohio, only to break absolutely with the Baptists in 1830.
The membership of the Protestant bodies increased in the interval 44-8%, while that of the Roman Catholic Church increased 93-5%.
Of the committee on rules, which practically determines the order in which important measures come before the house, he was formerly chairman, and he had the power of appointing the committee; but on the 19th of March 1910, the house passed a resolution which increased the membership of this committee from 5 to lo, excluded the Speaker, and transferred the appointments to the house.
At election times they also direct and superintend the work of bringing up voters to the polls and of watching the taking and counting of the votes; but in this work they are often aided or superseded by specially appointed temporary bodies called campaign committees, These party committees are permanent, and though the membership is renewed every year, the same men usually continue to serve.
As regards church membership, the Baptists are much the most numerous, followed by the Methodists, the Roman Catholics and the Presbyterians.
The total membership of the churches in 1906 was about 1,029,037, of whom 596,319 were Baptists, 349,079 were Methodist Episcopalians, 24,040 were Presbyterians, 19,273 were Roman Catholics, 12,703 were Disciples of Christ, 9790 were Protestant Episcopalians, and 5581 were Congregationalists.
Under its terms baptized persons of moral life and orthodox belief might receive the privilege of baptism for their children and other church benefits, without the full enrolment in membership which admitted them to the communion of the Lord's Supper.
It also meets in different countries, but it differs from the Institute in the number of its members being unlimited and in all respectable persons being eligible for membership. A report is published after each meeting.
The act of 1900 provides for the election of a delegate to Congress, and prescribes that the delegate shall have the qualifications necessary for membership in the Hawaiian Senate, and shall be elected by voters qualified to vote for members of the House of Representatives of Hawaii.
Their membership could be recruited only from the outside world, as marriage and all intercourse with women were absolutely renounced.
In the year 1931 I believe that the " active " membership of the Church was around 7 ladies in the rather elderly bracket.
He was loaded with the degrees of the universities and membership of numerous societies and academies.
By this ingenious suggestion of the membership of one spirit in another, Fechner's " day-view " also puts Nature in a different position; neither with Hegel sublimating it to the thought of God's mind, nor with Lotze degrading it to the phenomena of our human minds, but identifying it with the outer appearance of one spirit to another spirit in the highest of spirits.
Acceptance of the Confession and Apology was made a condition of membership in the Schmalkalden League.
In 1809 the new Exchange was opened, and terms of membership were fixed at two guineas for those within 6 m.
In 1906 (according to Bulletin 103 (1909) of the Bureau of the U.S. Census) there were 659 organizations with 7.73 church edifices reported and the total membership was 124,938.
The Christian Reformed Church, an "old school" secession, had in 1906, 174 organizations, 181 churches and a membership of 26,669, I In 1832 the articles of Church government were rearranged and in 1872-74 they were amended.
The bulk of the work has been done by voluntary societies, membership in which depends upon a pecuniary subscription, and the administration of which is entrusted to elected committees.
There is no membership by subscription, nor any elected committee.
Its total membership is under ioo,000, and it has some 350 missionaries, labouring in the most unpromising fields - Greenland, Labrador, Alaska, Central America, Tibet, and among the Hottentots.
This last resulted in a great number of nominal conversions, as baptism was the passport to government favour, and church membership was based on the learning of the Decalogue and the Lord's Prayer, and on the saying of grace at mealtimes.
Membership of the corps is gained after a somewhat trying novitiate, but is the only passport to the various social and sports societies.
As yet, however, none of the trade or craft gilds, as such, had a share in the government, which continued in the hands of the patrician families, membership of which was necessary even for election to the council and to the parochial offices.
This achievement won for him, in 1878, the prix Lacaze and membership of the Academy of Sciences in France, and the Rumford medal of the Royal Society in England.
The law of 1881, while it left membership voluntary, gave to them many duties of a semi-public nature, especially that of arbitration between masters and men.
The Marine Society was organized in 1799, its membership being limited to "persons who have actually navigated the seas beyond the Cape of Good Hope or Cape Horn, as masters or supercargoes of vessels belonging to Salem"; it assists the widows and children of members.
Some time before 164 B.C. Pessinus fell into the power of the Gauls, and the membership of the priestly college was then equally divided between the Gauls and the old priestly families.
In the case of membership of a voluntary association (club, &c.) the right of expulsion depends upon the rules, and must be exercised in good faith.
By the end of the and century A.D., claims made by the imperial government upon the municipal senate are more and more changing membership of the order from an honour into an intolerable burden, and financial disorganization is calling on imperial officials in one place after another to undertake the business of government.
He gradually reverted to formal membership of the Liberal party, and in January 1906 unsuccessfully contested a division of Edinburgh as a supporter of Sir Henry Campbell-Bannerman at the general election.
Elected Associate of the Royal Scottish Academy in 1870, Reid attained full membership in 1877, and took up his residence in Edinburgh in 1882.
At the same time he was in favour of making the creed of the Church as wide as possible - " not narrower than that which is even now the test of its membership, the Apostles' Creed " - and of throwing down all barriers which could be wisely dispensed with to admission to its ministry.
His membership of that body was alone sufficient to make him an object of suspicion; his administration at the regie des poudres was attacked; and Marat accused him in the Ami du Peuple of putting Paris in prison and of stopping the circulation of air in the city by the mur d'octroi erected at his suggestion in 1787.
Requisites for membership in the General Assembly are citizenship in the United States; residence in Illinois for five years, two of which must have been just preceding the candidate's election; and an age of 25 years for senators, and of 21 years for representatives.
The Centro Asturiano, a club with a membership of some ten or fifteen thousand (not limited to Asturians), 1 Renamed Paseo de Marti by the republic, but the name is never used.
In 1840, however, when it began to advocate measures which he deemed too radical, he withdrew his membership, but with his pen he continued his labours on behalf of the slave, urging emancipation in the district of Columbia and the exclusion of slavery from the Territories, though deprecating any attempt to interfere with slavery in the states.
The question is as to membership of a class, and the dominant formula concet.
The Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences embraces twenty-six departments, of which those of music, philology and the fine arts have each more than l000 members; the total membership of all departments in 1906 was 5894.
It was also made increasingly difficult to obtain membership in the craft-gilds, high admission fees and so-called masterpieces being made a condition.
As a result the clergy and the nobles were excluded from all membership of the commune, except inasmuch as that those residing in the town might be required to swear not to conspire against it.
Among the numbers of religious denominations in 1906 the Roman Catholics, with 10,264 communicants, had the largest membership, followed by the Latter-day Saints, or Mormons, with 5211 communicants (21.8% of the total church membership for the state), the Protestant Episcopalians with 1741, the Methodists with 1612 and the Presbyterians with 984.
While then membership in this organization is not primary, it assumes a higher and even a vital importance, since a true experience recognizes the common faith and the common fellowship. Were it to refuse assent to these, doubt would be thrown upon its own trustworthiness.
There is a division of society into septs or clans, the membership of which constitutes the closest tie.
In this sect, children are solemnly admitted to full membership at the early age of four, and even two, years of age, when a rosary, or necklace, of 108 beads of basil (tulsi) wood is passed round their necks, and they are taught the use of the octo-syllabic formula Sri-Krishnah saranam mama, " Holy Krishna is my refuge."
Any statistics of its membership, however, must necessarily be misleading.
Exact statistics of the membership of the Churches of the Oriental rite are almost impossible to obtain; the numbers of their adherents, moreover, are apt to vary suddenly with the shifting currents of political forces in the East, for political factors have always played a considerable part in these movements towards reunion or the reverse.
The Society of the Cincinnati, an organization composed of officers of the late war, chose him as its first president; but he insisted that the Society should abandon its plan of hereditary membership, and change other features of the organization against which there had been public clamour.
A third of her membership is computed to have gone with them.
The membership of the larger churches is that of communicants only; in the Highlands especially the adherents of these churches who do not communicate form a large proportion of those connected with the church.
Its charges are numerous in proportion to its membership, having an average of 134 members, while the Church of Scotland averages 497 and the United Free Church 313 members for each congregation.
The borough returned two members to parliament from 1302 to 1832 when the Reform Act reduced the membership to one; in 1868 it was disfranchised altogether.
According to the above Report, the three most powerful dissenting bodies in Wales are the Congregationalists or Independents, whose members number 175,147 throughout Wales and Monmouthshire; the Calvinistic Methodists - a direct offshoot of the Church since the schism of 1811 - with a membership of 170,617; and the Baptists, 143,835.
A schoolmaster by profession, he became prominent owing to his attacks on orthodox theologians, and his membership of a semi-theological debating society, the Robin Hood Society, which met at the "Robin Hood and Little John" in Butcher Row.
Before the Jacob church, however, had itself become Baptist, it dismissed from its membership a group of its members (the church having grown beyond what was regarded as proper limits) who, in 1633, became the first Particular Baptist Church.
Up to this time a great majority of the Baptists admitted none either to membership or communion who were not baptized, the principal exception being the churches in Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire, founded or influenced by Bunyan, who maintained that difference of opinion in respect to water baptism was no bar to communion.
Still more recently many Baptist churches have considered it right to admit to full membership persons professing faith in Christ, who do not agree with them respecting the ordinance of baptism.
The difference now under consideration is expressed by the terms "strict" and "open," according as communion (or membership) is or is not confined to persons who, according to their view, are baptized.
The General (Six Principles) Baptists of Rhode Island and Connecticut had increased their congregations and membership, and before the beginning of the 18th century had inaugurated annual associational meetings.
With Marshall, his brother-in-law, and about a dozen fellow-believers he settled at Sandy Creek, North Carolina, and in a few years had built up a church with a membership of more than six hundred.
To counteract this influence, Baptist State Conventions were formed by the friends of missions and education, only contributing churches, associations, missionary societies and individuals being invited to membership (1821 onward - Massachusetts had effected state organization in 1802).
The court has a membership of 18 justices (justitierad), two of whom are present in the council of state when law questions are to be settled; while the body also gives opinion upon all proposed changes of law.
The membership of the lower house is in the proportion of one deputy for each 30,000 of the departmental population, and each fraction over 15,000; and the senate is entitled to one-third the membership of the chamber.
The qualifications for membership are knowledge of the Persian language and ability to read and write it and good repute in the constituency.
It must be borne in mind that the Boers of every grade have always been more or less sedulously instructed in religious subjects, at all events to the extent required to fit them for formal membership of their church, and in all their wanderings they have usually been attended by their pastors.
It had no definite membership, but the conseillers lais served in it in turn.
In 1906 it was estimated that the total membership of all religious denominations was 74,578, and that there were 32,425 Latter-Day Saints or Mormons (266 of the Reorganized Church), 18,057 Roman Catholics, 5884 Methodist Episcopalians (53 1 3 of the Northern Church), 3770 Presbyterians (3698 of the Northern Church), 3206 Disciples of Christ, and 2374 Baptists (2331 of the Northern Convention).
P. Lebrun, and in 1783 her picture of "Peace bringing back Abundance" (now at the Louvre) gained her the membership of the Academy.
In the Senate each of the 21 counties has one representative, chosen for a term of three years, and about one-third of the membership is chosen each year.
The election of the governor was taken from the legislature and given to the people; the powers of government were distributed among legislative, executive and judicial departments; representation in the assembly was based on population; and the property qualification for membership in the legislature and for the suffrage was abolished.
In 1907 there were 102 ministers and 103 societies with a membership of 6560.
Unfortunately Madame Kovalevsky did not live to reap the full reward of her labours, for she died just as she had attained the height of her fame and had won recognition even in her own country by election to membership of the St Petersburg Academy of Science.
As for the test of communicancy, it is untrustworthy because the insistence on communion as the pledge of membership varies with the different denominations and even with different sections of opinion within those denominations.
The membership of the Roman Catholic Church in England is estimated at about 2,200,000.
Roman Catholics are more numerous than all the Protestant sects taken together, having in 1906 a membership of 113,419 out of a total of 212,988 in all denominations.
The Latter-Day Saints (Mormons) are far more numerous than any other sect, this church having a membership in 1906 of 151,525 (of these 493 were of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints) out of a total of 172,814 in all denominations; there were 479 members of this denomination to every 1000 of the population in the state, and the next largest sect, the Roman Catholics, had only 26 per 1000 of population and no Protestant body more than 6 per 1000.
Senators are elected for four years, but one-half the membership of the Senate retires every two years.
The membership of each house is fixed by law every five years, but the number of senators must never exceed thirty, and the number of representatives must never be less than twice nor more than three times the number of senators.
The Half-Way Covenant adopted by the synods of 1657 and 1662 had made baptism alone the condition to the civil privileges of church membership, but not of participation in the sacrament of the Supper.
But during his pastorate the church grew to be probably the largest in membership in the United States.
The legislative department (officially called "the legislative assembly") consists of a Senate of thirty 1 members chosen for four years, with half the membership retiring every two years, and a House of Representatives with sixty 1 members elected biennially.
To that convention, with one-third of its membership composed of Friends, Whittier was a delegate, and was appointed one of the committee that drafted the famous Declaration of Sentiments.
Its membership in 1908 was 35,870, its 481 lodges and 10 grand lodges being distributed over the United States, Germany, Austria-Hungary, Rumania, Egypt and Palestine.
The membership of the senate is limited to 4 o, and that of the house of representatives to 125.
All the wealthier men, both in the countryside and in the towns, were required to take up the duties as well as the privileges of membership of the military household of the king.
One measure remained to place the dissenters in the position of full membership of the state.
Only one other state (Pennsylvania) had a larger percentage of the total membership of this denomination.
Some conformed; a large number made their way to Holland (where the Remonstrants admitted them to membership on the basis of the Apostles' Creed); others to the German frontier; a contingent settled in Tran sylvania, not joining the Unitarian Church, but maintaining a distinct organization at Kolozsvar till 1793.
The official title is the Hungarian Unitarian Church, with a membership of over 60,000, most of thefn in Transylvania, especially among the Szekler population, a few in Hungary; their bishop has a seat in the Hungarian parliament.
The church membership, really nominal, may be estimated at 100,000.
The ultimate sanctions of the moral code were the infinite rewards and punishments awaiting the immortal soul hereafter; but the church early felt the necessity of withdrawing the privileges of membership from apostates and allowing them to be gradually regained only by a solemn ceremonial expressive of repentance, protracted through several years.
There were 356 congregations, with a total membership of 124,335, and 324 working clergy in 1 9 00.
Membership in the association is open to all Germans who are Protestants and declare their willingness to co-operate in promoting its objects.
Attempts more or less successful have been made from the first to exclude clergymen and professors identified with it from the pulpits and chairs of Berlin and elsewhere, though membership in it involves no legal disqualification for either.
On a trip to the Connecticut Valley he selected a spot for a new colony which should have a limited membership and in which his ideas as to government might be put into execution.
Agricultural societies have been established for the purchase of seed, implements, &c., on co-operative lines and of these there are 150, with a membership of some 14,000.
Membership of the National League is, in many cases, as necessary a protection as ever was a certificate of civism under Robespierre.
From the twentieth year began the Spartan's liability to military service and his membership of one of the &vSpeia or 4ul1.7-ta (dining messes or clubs), composed of about fifteen members each, to one of which every citizen must belong.
Grouped together on the council of affairs, they managed to control the policy of the common council, with its too mixed and too independent membership. They successfully strove to separate the grandeur and superexcellence of the king from the rest of the nation; to isolate the nobility amid the seductions of a court lavish in promises of favor and high office; and to win over the bourgeoisie by the buying and selling and afterwards by the hereditary transmission of offices.
Another advantage of membership is the use of a " county label " for affixing to each section of honey in comb, a or jar of extracted honey, offered for sale by members.
Bee-appliance manufacturers are not eligible for membership of its council, nor are those who make bee-keeping their main business; thus no professional jealousies can possibly arise.
There he gained the acquaintance of many of the foremost scientific men of the day, and quickly made a name for himself both as a teacher and an investigator, attaining within ten years the honour of membership of the Academy of Sciences.
The membership of Grange, Alliance and Knights of Labour went over generally speaking into the People's party.
In 1880 he became a member of the Society of American Artists, and in 1885 was elected to full membership in the National Academy of Design, New York, and was for one term its vice-president; he became a member also of the American Water Color Society and of the Institute of Painters in Oil Colours, London.
To be chosen superior, fifteen years of membership are requisite as a qualification, and the office is tenable, as all the others, for but three years at a time.
At this date Newman also resigned the editorship of the British Critic, and was thenceforth, as he himself later described it, "on his deathbed as regards membership with the Anglican Church."
In 1576 he obtained the important post of pensionary of Rotterdam, an office which carried with it official membership of the States of Holland.
The New England Half Way Covenant of 1657, which extended church membership so as to include all baptized persons, was sanctioned by the general court in 1664.
These were the chief printed media of his anti-Government propaganda; but he took every advantage of public activities, such as membership of the local municipality and the organizing of Shivaji and Ganpati celebrations, to work upon the prejudices and passions both of the masses and of the educated minority.
There was a boycott of the referendum on British membership of the Euro.
What if its efforts to become more diverse and inclusive alienate existing members without providing a sufficiently coherent focus to attract a new membership?
The salary increase was commensurate with each professional membership grade.
Membership is open to all clubs affiliated to the South of England AA.
Membership in the GB represented the first formal institutional affiliation for all the women.
As a result, full and punctual attendance is a requirement for ongoing membership.
Car Sticker (eg like the new membership card) and enameled badges of just the new AW logo.
Membership also offers access to the 80 camping barns in some of the best countryside in England, including six National Parks.
Bes site has is information about the Society's aims, membership and constitution.
Also consider getting products to provide think only a. Basic membership fee cooperative itself offered bevy of consultants of america will.
Committee meetings are held approximately bimonthly and free membership is open to anyone interested in supporting the aims of the group.
Its membership also extends to many leading booksellers overseas.
Often membership organizations bootstrap from donations, although often membership orgs don't pay their own way.
Part of the success of Dublin and Wicklow is that it offers affiliated membership allowing visiting brethren from Northern Ireland to join.
Gordon Brown's five tests are really no great bulwark against membership.
The membership includes Old Bury Hill Lake, Temple Lake our new specimen carp lake.
The British Cartographic Society (B.C.S. ), through and on behalf of its membership, exerts an influence on and promotes world cartography.
The subscription cost for each membership category shall be determined at each Annual General Meeting.
Potential students to the Cricket Academy need to apply for a full-time academic qualifi cation in addition to membership of the Cricket Academy.
Its membership is open to all such organizations including chamber orchestras, symphonic wind and jazz orchestras.
Membership would be amended to reflect changes over time.
By necessity, any revolutionary organization had to restrict its membership, be largely clandestine, and composed mainly of ' professional revolutionaries ' .
The Institute has a very big individual membership as well as a large number of affiliated clubs throughout the country and overseas.
Again membership includes those of Russian hereditary commander 's families, who are entitled to join by virtue of the rules on 1799.
If two separate written complaints are received in respect of any member, membership will automatically be terminated without further notice.
Volunteer Challenge aims to achieve an active membership, which reflects the composition of the student and staff community it serves.
Please note that purchasing a product from the Wesleyan does not necessarily confer membership.
Membership of the group did stay almost entirely constant with one or two leaving and two or three joining over time.
Interestingly tho geographical contiguity was never a major consideration governing Greece and Turkeys ' membership.
The program is administered by the National Milk Producers Federation, a membership organization for dairy cooperatives.
A small fee would have to be charged for membership, in order to pay for our administration costs in maintaining an efficient service.
Unconsciously we expect our church membership, correct doctrine, or moral decency to pull us through.
It is, therefore, entirely permissible for an African-Caribbean community organization to restrict its membership solely to those of African Caribbean descent.
For example, membership details of the Openness working group were inaccurate.
What benefits do we gain from EU membership, which outweigh the disadvantages listed above, which are only the basics?
It's no longer considered disloyal to make the fairly obvious observation that our membership is aging fast.
In the last newsletter the Editor seemed rather dismissive of our claim to membership of the human race.
Membership of the group grew from a few dozen In the 1940s to around 700 at the turn of the century.
More importantly, he has done a first class job, leading us to our greatest ever electoral success and our membership has quadrupled.
Membership does not in itself constitute the endorsement of any service or product.
This will prevent us arranging a clashing event and enable us to maximize the enjoyment of the membership.
If you wish to see the entirety of the information in your membership record, please contact us and we will arrange a copy.
There is a bursary for SMEs to help with membership fees.
These currently include Board membership of Shared Interest Society Ltd (the specialist financier of Fair Trade) and of the International HIV/AIDS Alliance.
Membership of The SQS Club is open to all UK independent fishmongers who sell Scottish Quality Salmon.
For some, membership in a voluntary association has resulted in or cemented lifelong friendships.
Its membership encompasses the whole gamut of science, technology and medicine.
Membership Members of the Investors Trust are appointed by the general assembly having been nominated by the department.
The Upper House, in theory, defies every canon of democracy, since its membership is mainly appointed and partly hereditary.
However, membership is not compulsory and a judicial office holder may opt out of the scheme.
Where anxious members see falling membership figures, I see a refreshing honesty about how many paid-up members the party actually has.
The membership includes hoteliers, restaurateurs, contract caterers and clubs as well as suppliers.
The groups do not have a membership and are deliberately informal, driven by those who attend, rather than the project workers.
There are also large numbers who have let their membership lapse.
Membership application forms are available from the General Secretary and interested dealers should apply using their business letterhead.
Membership is open to anyone with an interest in applied linguistics.
New personal membership scheme -- posted by martin on Wednesday, June 28 2006 We are pleased to announce a new personal membership scheme.
Contravention of the letter or intention of this Code of Conduct may be used to terminate membership.
The main point was that the two boards not Council would be elected by the membership.
Such applicants must complete an approved project and, as above, must not be eligible for corporate membership.
This in short is the total membership of the party in Lagos city.
Continued membership of the European Union will increasingly diminish Britain's voice in international affairs, as more power is given to EU institutions.
Is the government right to start its new campaign for fuller membership?
Corporate gym membership, pension schemes, private healthcare - these are all instant winners with staff and we can help you get started.
Another reason why British euro membership is inconceivable now is the exchange rate.
Membership also includes access to research tools, Merriam-Webster's dictionary and thesaurus, and rich multimedia - all in an advertising-free environment.
The membership rules explain the nature of the Premises and ask members to respect and support these.
Ned to have your license and club membership card with you.
Membership The Society welcomes anyone with an interest in clinical neurophysiology.
New Ageetirement ages, compulsory employer pension contributions, compulsory pension scheme membership it is all coming your way soon!
Membership rule at unfortunately she came in the clubhouse associated with a. More than anything i've learned how London society notables.
Just a quick note to everyone who has sent their membership applications in for the 2006/2007 membership year.
We ask UK resident members to pay a one-off minimum membership fee of £ 10.
Election to membership of the Royal Society of portrait painters is based solely on the quality of an artist's work.
Our membership now stands at around 470 having written off a large number of non active / non payers during the year.
Membership covers vessels in the whitefish, prawn, scallop and creel sectors and until recently there was also pelagic interests.
Would Serbia ever swallow the bitter pill of independence for Kosovo without the prospect of EU membership for itself?
Now this ' privilege ' has been withdrawn as a measure to weaken the none too pliant membership.
But again I've no doubt that membership is abused to give or obtain personal preferment.
There have been many examples of freemasons using their membership to gain preferment in their careers and avoid due punishment for their misdemeanors.
It's like gaining membership to a private clique which you never wished to become privy to.
But membership on the council offers a bully pulpit.
Dawa (founded by Shia clergy in 1968) membership was made punishable by death.
That is the crunch - the certification of an accredited qualification NOT ILT membership.
The quinquennial review process carried out by the Membership Committee is supported by the quinquennial review process carried out by the Membership Committee is supported by the quinquennial review procedures carried out by the Modality Sections.
In this event customers will be entitled to a pro rata refund based upon the remaining period of membership.
Please tick membership type required and enclose the correct remittance.
All office holders receive no remuneration from Membership funds.
Subscription to The British Veterans Recognition Card is an annually renewable membership offering a number of benefits.
Full membership of the Federation remained restricted to veterinary organizations of EEC Member States, while other European countries could become observers.
This does not include membership based on transfer values from other schemes but does include extra membership given on ill health retirement.
You must provide your Marriott rewards membership number to claim your points.
On the membership roster are at least 10 people who have the letter " C " at the start of their job titles.
The active membership will appoint a secretary who will maintain a register of all Members.
All members should forward their email address to their membership secretary.
So it may not simply be wage serfs who are signing up for union membership.
Level one service is available to all subscribers and is included within your membership fee and monthly service charge.
The Myreside Club exists to promote recreational, sporting and social activities among its membership, which includes former pupils, parents and staff.
In exchange for a membership sub of £ 35 we provide whatever motoring-related support is required.
The membership subscription is based on your annual turnover.
Purchase a one-year NANT membership for your certified technicians.
Membership certificate Open The Hope Trust was formed in 1847 to promote temperance among Scotland's youth.
It is the ANC's desire to encourage original thinking in the areas of work covered by our membership.
It has become all too topical in relation to possible British membership of the Euro.
In 2003, company membership was £ 200 per £ 1m turnover, plus VAT, capped at £ 1bn.
Union membership You are allowed to join a union membership You are allowed to join a union.
Many clubs require an upfront joining fee, however monthly payments soon spread out the total cost of a years membership.
Membership has changed considerably but the degree of representation of minority viewpoints remains questionable.
Even where it is comparatively strong it is largely exotic. The membership is mainly Scottish, and the ministers I Drysdale, History of the Presbyterians in England, p. 625.
The other states with a large Presbyterian population were Illinois (115,602; 86,251 of the Northern Church; 17,208 of the Cumberland Church; 9555 of the United Presbyterian Church); New Jersey (79,912; 78,490 of the Northern Church); Tennessee (79,337; 42,464 being Cumberland Presbyterians, more than one-fifth of the total membership; 6640 of the Colored Cumberland Church, more than one-third of its membership; 21, 39 0 of the Southern Church; and 6786 of the Northern Church); Missouri (71,599; 28,637 of the Cumberland Church; 25,991 of the Northern Church; 14,713 of the Southern Church); Texas (62,090; 31,598 of the Cumberland Church; 2 3,934 of the Southern Church; 4118 of the Northern Church; and 2091 of the Colored Cumberland Church); Iowa (60,081; 48,326 of the Northern Church; 8890 of the United Presbyterian Church); and North Carolina (55,837; 41,322 of the Southern and 10,696 of the Northern Church).
The Colored Cumberland Church had a membership of 18,066.
It is probable that the island was not dorized before the 9th century B.C. One of the earliest facts known to us in its history is its membership in the League of Calauria, which included, besides Aegina, Athens, the Minyan (Boeotian) Orchomenos, Troezen, Hermione, Nauplia and Prasiae, and was probably an organization of states which were still Mycenaean, for the suppression of the piracy which had sprung up in the Aegean as a result of the decay of the naval supremacy of the Mycenaean princes.
England particularly attracted him, and his fascinating book, Aus dem Tagebach eines in Grossbritannien reisenden Ungarns (Pesth, 1837), gained for him the membership of the Hungarian Academy.
A revision of the Constitution may be made upon a two-thirds vote of all members of both Houses of the legislature, if ratified by a majority vote of the people; a Constitutional Convention is then to be provided for by the legislature, such convention to meet within six months of the passage of the law therefor, and to consist of a number equal to the membership of the House of Representatives, apportioned among the counties, as are the members of this House.
In 1907 they were divided into seven yearly meetings (together with some smaller independent bodies, the result of extreme emphasis laid on individualism), with a membership of about 5000.
Membership of the governing council, which selected from its own body the four rationales or burgomasters, was confined to men of approved "wisdom," and wisdom was measured in terms of money.
As the chief objection of the "Separates" to the churches of the standing order was their refusal to insist on personal regeneration as a term of membership, many of them were led to feel that they were inconsistent in requiring regenerate membership and yet administering baptism to unconscious infants.
The quinquennial review process carried out by the Membership Committee is supported by the quinquennial review procedures carried out by the Modality Sections.
You need to ensure they comply with the rules in order to be able to re-claim tax on the membership subscription.
Secondly Tom Temple, seconded by Wally Wilkinson that his membership be reinstated immediately.
A small group of the Harrogate branch membership attended the remembrance parade at the cenotaph on Sunday.
After this time, membership will run for a 12 month period renewable on each calendar anniversary.
There are few, if any, instances where a breach of conduct has led to the rescinding of membership.
You must provide your Marriott Rewards membership number to claim your points.
On applying for membership please provide a detailed description of why you are interested in the subject of schizoid personality disorder.
Their membership, being ex servicemen, was predominantly over 50 years of age.
We have, for example, welcomed the opportunity to consider whether BYM might adopt a category of " sojourning membership ".
This country quite voluntarily surrendered the once seemingly immortal concept of the sovereignty of parliament and legislative freedom by membership of the European Union.
These are precisely the sort of activities that CIFAS membership can show thus sparing the financial institution embarrassment or worse.
Does the membership rely on the stand-down times for other reasons?
The major achievement of 2005 has been to maintain the level of membership, staunching the hemorrhage of recent years.
Sundial societies exist in Britain and many other countries, and their membership is expanding.
In the case of multiple object class membership, there are several superclass chains in the list.
Approximately 30% of British Jewish adults do not have synagogue membership.
Membership certificate Open The Hope Trust was formed in 1847 to promote temperance among Scotland 's youth.
The Committee shall have the power to terminate the membership of any Member by a two-thirds majority vote.
It is the ANC 's desire to encourage original thinking in the areas of work covered by our membership.
In the face of this why is it that trade union membership is not higher?
United Germany in the UN The unification of the two states dramatically changed Germany 's membership of the United Nations.
Full Flying Membership of the Club is open to anyone holding a valid pilots license.
If you are expecting a baby and asked what gift you would like to receive, consider asking for a portrait club membership where a professional can take pictures of your baby.
If you are a relative or friend of an expecting mother-to-be, think about giving a membership to a portrait studio as a shower gift.
The membership of this organization is comprised of international child welfare agencies, international medical clinics, advocacy and parent support groups, and more.
You'll need to sign-up for their free online membership.
If you're not a member, be sure and factor in how much a yearly membership will cost and consider purchasing other items in bulk as well to add to your savings.
You should also read about the store's rental, membership and cancellation policies, not to mention special introductory offers and payment options.
Most online DVD rental stores have different membership options.
Think about how much money you can spend, as well as how much free time you have, before deciding on a membership plan.
Books for younger teens are often offered at discounted prices, and if you have a membership, you can get additional savings.
There are also several online auction sites, though they require membership fees.
Police Auctions boasts a free membership fee, but they do have other options for paid memberships.
You'll have to have a full membership to view the car auctions.
You will be able to find out very basic information about a select number of cars by using the free membership.
By signing up for a membership card, you'll receive forty percent off hardcover bestsellers, twenty percent off adult hardcovers, and ten percent off of almost everything else.
In addition to the membership card, there is a Barnes & Noble Mastercard; when you sign up there, you may receive a special offer, such as a discount, money back, or a gift card.
The owner of those sites don't tell you where you can buy this iPod unless you purchase a "list" or pay a membership fee for their wholesale services.
This site also offers packaged gift cards and free one-month trail membership to Amazon Prime which gives you free two-day shipping on many items.
Apple offers a Student Developer membership program that includes a substantial "one time" lifetime system discount.
Some of the membership benefits for shoppers are online, printable coupons and complimentary coupon books.
The VIP Club is a membership you can join for additional benefits.
Be sure to take advantage of a free membership in Johnson Creek's VIP Shoppers Club, and get exclusive coupons and members-only offers from participating shops.
Best of all, this is an online club, so there are no cards to keep up with, and you don't have to worry about missing a discount because of a lost membership ID.
All you have to do is complete the registration form found on the website and activate your membership through a verification sent to your email address.
Traditionally, The Disney book club membership included Disney books sent straight from the Disney Corporation once a month to all book club members.
The membership includes one parent account and up to three child accounts.
You must purchase four books during the year at regular prices to keep the membership current.
You can read full books online for kids with a paid membership of about $80 per year.
Groups receive a varying percentage of purchases in donations and cardholders often reap other benefits to their goodwill, like discounts for membership fees or rewards gift certificates.
Individuals who wish to cancel their 7-day trial membership must call the customer service center as well.
In fact, many additional services actually offer the free report as part of a trial period for a paid subscription service or they include it as a membership bonus for other services.
Mastercard began in 1966 as a membership owned association.
However, the American Express Membership Rewards loyalty program website promises one point for every one dollar or one Euro you spend.
Unlike most programs that offer these types of benefits to their cardholders on a no-fee basis to show appreciation for their business, American Express charges for membership into their program.
Membership in the NFCC is no guarantee of quality or honesty, but accreditation is a requirement for membership and they are required to adhere to certain standards.
While some of these cards require membership into the military organization in order to qualify for the card, some of the cards are available to anyone who can get approved.
Membership is designed to accommodate military members and people affiliated with the military, with no geographic restrictions for membership.
There are organizations which have open membership to anyone, and membership into these organizations grant eligibility into Pentagon FCU membership regardless of military affiliation.
If you are interested in joining Pentagon FCU but are not otherwise eligible, you can join the National Military Family Association and become immediately eligible for membership with Pentagon FCU.
Membership is designed to accommodate military members in the Navy and their family members, although other select groups qualify for membership.
Check the Navy FCU website to see if you qualify for membership, or call a member service representative at 1-888-842-6328.
Membership in this program will turn your purchases into points that can be redeemed from your choice of shopping, entertainment, or travel.
The card choices range from a card with a $450 annual fee and extensive membership benefits to cards with no annual fee and more limited membership benefits.
Gas membership programs offered online are different from regular prepaid gas cards.
In order to obtain a card through one of these programs you have to pay a membership fee, which is sometimes a one-time or annual fee, depending on the program.
After paying the membership fee, you're allowed to purchase prepaid gas cards at reduced cost.
Usually these cards do not have a significant amount of money loaded onto them, but they are free nonetheless.Do not pursue membership into a program or service simply to get your hands on a free prepaid debit card.
You do not have to live near a branch in order to open an account as long as you fall within the eligibility requirements of membership.
Membership is also available to people who do not reside in these counties but who do work, attend school, or attend a church located within the boundaries of these counties.
Most cards come with no annual membership fee, 24/7 customer service and mail-in or online payment access.
Preferred Rewards Gold Card - This American Express card offers 10,000 membership reward bonus points if you spend five hundred dollars in three months which will get you a one hundred dollar gift card.
Some cards have both annual fees and membership fees, which may be applied one time only or over a period of time.
Low financing is often coupled with higher fees elsewhere; for example, you might be required to pay a high membership fee in order to maintain your card's low interest rate.
Cardholders who enjoy the open waters can use their membership to upgrade their stateroom or to earn special stateroom credits valued up to $500 per stateroom.
Plus, cardholders can earn double Membership Points when they book their travel on cruises, yachts and floating resorts - and then, in turn, use the Points for additional travel adventures.
Cardholders earn up to 25,000 Membership Points for their stay as well as special amenities worth up to $200 depending on their vacation destination.
The American Express Membership Rewards program allows cardholders to earn points every time they make a purchase.
However, if you rarely fly, or tend to travel on several different airlines, one of the general Membership Rewards program accounts might be a better option for your particular situation.
It is likely that membership fees and annual fees will apply.
Many have higher interest rates and membership fees.
Classic Rewards cards help members earn more Membership Rewards by using the cards at certain locations, such as to make every day purchases.
The best way to monitor the number of rewards that you have earned is via the Membership Rewards page.
Problems such as these did not reflect well upon AAA, which is commonly considered one of the best companies with regards to customer service and membership satisfaction.
There is no annual fee for the first year of membership.
Donate funds to charities or pay membership fees.
This includes Presidents Club Membership, which allows you access to clubrooms in airports and associated locations.
First, you start with a seven-day trial membership in Triple Advantage.
Without some kind of paid membership, there is little information available on the CardWeb homepage.
If you are not yet a USAA member, you will need to obtain membership before obtaining any financial products from this lender.
Find out about your membership eligibility by speaking to a USAA customer service representative.
It holds your payment information, address, identification cards, gift cards, loyalty membership cards and even your Social Security number and card for your use.
In addition to ASID membership, a firm's reputation and referrals can help you choose the right designer.
The membership body encompasses interior designers operating in all fields, from corporate to residential design, as well as students and educators.
Application fees and dues are determined by the type and level of membership.
Membership in ASID also connects designers to members of the public who are interested in the market for an interior designer through their referral service.
With a free membership, you get access to industry related research, products and vendors and you can request other commercial product information.
Membership is strongly encouraged, as well, in a related professional organization, such as the American Society of Interior Designers.
Once a prospective designer passes the NCIDQ exam, they can apply for membership in the ASID (Association of Interior Designers).
Registration is required if you want to browse what One Kings Lane has to offer, but access to wall décor and other home accents from some of the top brands around at up to 70% off list price is a fine reward for free membership.
Membership through MAC Pro is available to industry professionals, providing support, discounts and special events for cosmetologists, makeup artists, hairstylists, models, photographers, and other related professionals.
Some organizations, like the Society of Permanent Cosmetic Professionals, offer membership only to qualified individuals who pass a test and review of their work.
Women who claim they had practically "no lashes" before, now relish their membership into the society of fully flirtatious eyes from the application of Kiss Me Mascara.
Membership is free and includes a subscription to the club's e-newsletter, which often includes free sample offers.
The MAC PRO membership program was designed to unite the MAC artists' community and provide a supportive forum for members to consult with each other.
Why spend money on a gym membership you won't use when you can add fitness activities to your daily routine without changing your lifestyle or spending extra money?
Some sites allow you to pay only for the services you use, while others require membership fees by the week, month or longer.
It is suggested you watch others play the game for a season, or try a free online fantasy sports team league membership while you are learning to play.
You will be able to save your name and membership number on your computer to save time when you log-in using a five-digit pass code and two random letters.
Membership sites offer beautiful cards and some added benefits such as email notification of upcoming birthdays and holidays.
Options include a Create and Print Membership and a separate eCard Membership.
The totally free greeting card sites don't charge any membership fees for their services.
A premium membership may include additional levels of play for certain games, free downloads, beta games not available to free game players and unlimited online play.
If you are considering a paid membership, be sure to read the fine print.
Make sure that you can cancel the membership at any time unless you have agreed to a specific time period.
Make sure that any website that you pay a membership for has a wide variety of games.
The process to adopt is simple and free and membership gives you access to shops, trades, auctions and a chat system.
When TopoZone was purchased by, the free maps of TopoZone were replaced by a paid membership.
This will ensure that you don't accidentally sign up for a free trial period with an agreement to continue a paid membership when the trial offer ends.
This membership also provides access to more games.
You do need an account if you want to include a song, but registration and maintaining a membership are free.
For the basic gameplay, you can create an account for free, but Foopets offers a Club Foo premium membership that is for children who are absolutely obsessed with animals.
A premium membership removes the ads and adds more features and activities.
The basic membership is free, but you have minimal features you can enjoy.
A Deluxe membership opens up all the worlds and Webkinz.
With a basic membership, you are relegated to simply meeting people, chatting with them and traveling around the Second Life world.
Note that with a premium membership you can buy land, buy virtual products and create an entire world yourself.
When you sign up for a free membership, you have access to video lessons, flashcards and interactive video lessons given by a professional teacher.
A Catholic encyclopedia online can help church membership better understand Church principles, and it can help the general public get a more accurate picture of what being Catholic is really all about.
Also, many of the following encyclopedias may require a membership to access special or enhanced features.
There is usually no membership fee for this type of club.
Adhere to the guidelines at sites where membership is offered to remain in good standing.
If you are in a hurry and need the easiest, fastest option possible, then check out the Smilebox premium membership options.
They offer a free trial, along with monthly or yearly membership choices.
With this exclusive membership, you can access lesson archives, email your instructor and participate in course feedback to let the instructors know how they can improve or change a course.
Once you have tested out their offerings, you can then purchase a membership for further instruction.
Clubs such as the Caldean Club, which is located 45 minutes from Toronto, charge a lifetime membership fee, as well as annual dues.
The Peak Club is another unique offering that requires a membership.
However, the high monthly membership dues may add financial stress to already strained budgets.
Adding in shipping costs and possible wholesale membership fees increases the price even further, making these balls far too expensive for personal use.
This site offers a 30-day free trial, but after the trial is over, you have to choose a membership option.
With your paid membership, you'll also receive a personalized membership card.
Parents receive an introductory email and log in when membership is established that explains about the site.
Many fans and their parents believed that club membership guaranteed the availability of tickets for them to purchase, but sadly this isn't the case.
Get a membership at your local YMCA, usually there are workout machines like treadmills, and a pool that is sometimes indoor, giving you something to do during the winter.
The MHSAA is a nonprofit, membership based organization.
If your family is a member of the local YMCA, you can enjoy all of the perks membership brings like exercise classes, nutritional counseling and more.
Consider giving a membership to the zoo, symphony, theatre or local museum to the couple who enjoys cultural events.
Membership is required, so consider this if you are already a member.
Membership in a professional organization can provide additional training and incentives to addiction professionals.
There are no membership fees or dues required.
The site is free to register, but you must pay a membership fee to take advantage of all of its services.
They don't need to get a gym membership to get the benefits of exercise; going for a walk regularly get the blood pumping throughout the body and increase cardiovascular fitness.
Download and print out a standard application for a membership.
It does not take a Mensa membership to recognize country music fans as some of the most patriotic of all U.S. citizens.
As a safety precaution, children under 13 who visit this online community will receive a "Kid Safe" membership.
This membership allows them access to all doll-related games, but prevents them from using the site's diary, guestbook, message center, and online forum.
Many offer attractive incentives for membership.
The suit alleges that fans were promised "access" concert tickets to Hannah's next show as a benefit of paying the $29.95 membership fee for joining the club.
Lawyers stated that this was a deceptive practice to get fans to pay the $29.95 membership fee.
His next few films solidified his membership in the "Brat Pack," a group of young Hollywood actors that included Demi Moore, Tom Cruise and Molly Ringwald.
Membership isn't free, so make sure you read all of the available information before considering signing up.
One of the rules for membership in the SAG is that members may not have the same name as any other.
On this tab, a World Trefoil Pin and an official Daisy Scout Membership Pin should be placed.
This is followed by membership stars and discs, as well as the "bridge" award, which symbolizes a girl's transition from Daisies to Brownies.
You'll have to sign up for a membership, but it's free and totally worth it!
Membership is free, and you can easily sign up online or in your local store.
A fraternity is a student organization with a selective membership.
While fraternities can be male-only or coeducational, sororities are only female in membership.
Since fraternities don't have open membership like many college organizations, there is a long-standing belief that the groups are elitist.
Breeders of purebreds registered with an American Kennel Club (AKC) affiliated club have to meet certain professional standards of pet care for membership.
Though the American Kennel Club officially recognizes many breeds, others stand waiting in the wings, hoping to some day gain that recognition and all the opportunities and benefits that come with full membership in the AKC.
The PWDCA maintains a paid membership as well as a Breeder Referral List.
Membership has its privileges, and those privileges are revocable at any time.
They offer both a requirement and an incentive to their membership to strive for quality in the type of dog they breed, and encourage the fair and ethical treatment of future owners and customers.
The National Home Gardening Club is a membership organization devoted to all things plant-related.
Membership also includes access to the club website, which includes even more features, tips, and a forum for members.
As of this writing, membership in the club costs a dollar a month, or $12 a year.
A life membership is $250 and can be paid in monthly installments.
On the website you will also see a link that will get you a free trial issue of the magazine and a month trial membership, which will let you visit the forums and see the exclusive member information.
If you don't like the club after the trial, you can cancel your membership without payment.
For more membership information, visit their FAQ page.
Matching friendship bracelets are sometimes exchanged to show membership in a club or group.
While a good set of clubs will cost you and membership dues can be high, you can find golf shirts at affordable prices.
You also need a full-size towel for the shower afterwards, as well as shampoo and soap (unless these are included in your gym membership).
It's very much worth it if you can spend enough money on the discount days so that you're saving more than you spent on the membership.
Buying from local growers and producers defrays freight costs while supporting local businesses and reducing your individual carbon footprint.Join a food co-op and participate in membership price breaks.
The company requires membership registration which does not ask for a business license.
Although membership is free, there is a $150 minimum order.
These stores are known as wholesale clubs and require their shoppers to pay for a yearly membership.
Best Wholesale Lingerie requires registration and membership, which is free.
Once you reach the $250 benchmark, sign up for Divastyle membership is free.
Membership is required, but members receive discounts on numerous products and have access to articles discussing health care, housing and retirement.
Membership includes prescription, travel and insurance discounts.
You must be a Smithsonian member to participate, but membership is only $29 annually and includes many other amenities.
While Senior Friend Finder is billed as a top website by many third-party reviewers, you may want to check out other similar sites before starting your membership.
In some cases, your insurance plan may even pay for your membership or your participation in specific classes like Silver Sneakers.
There is also a state-by-state directory of retirement communities which is open to visitors of the site who have not paid a membership fee.
Primarily open to those 47-60, members pay a graduated membership fee, based on the level of access to potential friends.
Billed as the "singles site for seniors with integrity", this site doesn't even allow access to profiles without membership.
This site promises a successful match based on true compatibility and membership is fee-based.
Use this coupon for a free 7-day trial membership.
Membership benefits include everything from discounted Home Depot gift cards to cheaper insurance rates.
Preferred membership costs $240 annually, but members receive $300 in travel credits, along with specialized service from the Silver Wings Plus Travel Center, and other perks.
Before paying a yearly fee to an organization offering discounts, you should weigh the discounts you're likely to use against the yearly cost and any other membership benefits.
The cost of membership varies per site, based on a variety of factors.
A free membership and easy access to profiles make this site popular.
A free seven-day membership is a good way to test-drive this service.
Use this free trial membership coupon to see what the site is about.
The membership terms start at six months, and some last as long as two years.
This site explains the levels of membership and fees well.
Use of the site is limited to members, but membership is free for people over 50 looking for jobs.
Through the years, the center expanded from a membership of approximately 60 to more than 225 today.
Senior meal rates in restaurants sometimes require that you register for a membership or senior club.
Learn about its history, services offered and find out how you can benefit from membership.
With a multitude of older individuals continuing to work beyond retirement age, retirement is not a requirement for membership.
You can peek at your matches and navigate the site for free, but if you want to continue to use the site, membership fees apply.
Membership is open to any woman approaching age 50 or above.
For many seniors, membership to the Healthways Silver Sneakers Fitness Program is a benefit of their Medicare Advantage Plan.
Nationwide there are more than forty Medicare approved health insurance plans, Medigap plans and Medicare supplemental insurance providers that provide membership as part of the Medicare beneficiaries insurance coverage.
Check with your health insurance as sometimes the senior's health insurance company pays for the gym membership.
If your insurance does not cover your membership, you can still take a Silver Sneakers exercise class.
Visit the website for important information for seniors, as well as to sign up for TSCL membership so that you can start benefitting from the organization in the same way that so many other seniors already do.
The Gold Membership provides all of the free member benefits plus complete database access.
The Premium Membership provides all of the free and gold member benefits plus a copy of the senior discounts guidebook, which is a downloadable version of their database.
Most senior citizen advocacy organizations charge a nominal yearly fee for membership.
To join any of the groups mentioned in this article, visit the website of the organization you are interested in and fill out the membership form.
This program offers life care to residents who pay a one-time fee upon entrance to join the program and a monthly fee to continue that membership.
Although signing up for Senior Dating USA is free, the free membership only gives you limited member benefits.
Once you fill out the free online membership application and verify your email address, you are allowed to enter the website.
The cost of upgrading to a paid membership subscription varies depending on how many months you agree to subscribe for.
Your free membership to Senior Dating USA allows you to see pictures of other members and read their profiles, which include all of the information they selected above.
However, without upgrading to a paid membership, you are not able to contact anyone from the dating service.