Mem Sentence Examples
Delambre's notice of his life, extracted from the Mem.
Much of the Arabic material has been collected and translated by Fraehn, "Veteres Memoriae Chasarorum" in Mem.
I, 2 and 3), used to bolt the head of one of the screws, and the instrument was provided with a slipping piece, giving motion to the micrometer by screws acting on two slides, one in right ascension, the other in declination, so that " either of the, webs can be placed upon either component of a double star with ease and certainty (Mem.
See Mem.
The same deficiency became still more apparent when, between 1869 and 1871, he published his Hand-List of Genera and Species of Birds in three 1813-1814, p. xxviii.); but, through the derangements of that stormy period, the order was never carried out (Mem.
Examples of this mode of procedure will be found, in the case of stellar parallax in the Mem.
Beugnot, "Sur la spoliation des biens du clerge attribuee a Charles Martel," in the Mem.
Subsequently the duchess, in a final interview which she had forced upon the queen, found her tears and reproaches Swift's Mem.
It is strange 1 Mem.
In this theory, given in the memoirs " Sulle trasformazioni geometr i che delle figure piani," Mem.
AdvertisementDavid will get a formal quote from DELL for 7 machines (1GB mem, 1.7GHz, Windows 2000 ).
No mem usage / data transfer needed there at all!
Nevertheless, whatever his chief motive may have been, whether to displace Oxford as leader of the party, to strengthen his position and that of the faction in order to dictate terms to the future king, or to reinstate James, Bolingbroke, yielding to his more impetuous and adventurous disposition, went much further 1 Berwick's Mem.
No mem usage / data transfer needed there at all !
This baby book is a masterful collaboration between two respected children's book professionals, Mem Fox and Helen Oxenbury.
AdvertisementBy this permutation, Aleph, the first letter of the alphabet, becomes Lamed, the twelfth letter; Beth becomes Mem, and so on.
Mem de Sa continued to hold the reins of government in Brazil upon terms of the best understanding with the clergy, and to the great advantage of the colonies, for fourteen years.
Each cansists of an eversible hollow tentacle provided with hooklets and capable of introversion within a mem The excretory organs consist of flame-cells, richly convoluted canaliculi, and a pair of longitudinal canals leading to the exterior by one or more pores.
In 1560 their fort was captured and destroyed by' a Portuguese expedition from Bahia under Mem de Sa, and in 1567 another expedition under the same commander again destroyed the French settlements, which had spread to the mainland.
Six leading mem bers of the States of Holland were seized (30th of July 1650) and imprisoned in Loevenstein Castle, and troops under the command of William Frederick, stadholder of Fries land, were sent to surprise Amsterdam.
AdvertisementThe good intentions of the Jesuits were in part frustrated by the opposition of Costa the governor; and it was not until 1558, when Mem de Sa was sent out to supersede him, that their projects were allowed free scope.