Melt Sentence Examples
She'll melt when she sees you.
This pond has no stream passing through it to melt or wear away the ice.
I'm going to melt his brain.
The rain would pack down the mud and melt the rest of the snow.
You might not melt at my feet, but you want to know more.
It was more than comforting; she wanted to melt against him and stay there.
Place the butter into the pan and let melt.
He picked at his food while the rest of us wolfed down stacks of pancakes and melt in your mouth sausage, the finest breakfast I'd eaten in years.
King Sun laughed softly to himself when the delicate jars began to melt and break.
Hearing the heartbreak in her voice, Jule found his resolve to keep his distance melt.
AdvertisementThere will be great outbursts of polar ice, but this will melt at higher latitudes than in the periods when the tide-generating force is minimal.
They also melt frankincense as a depilatory, and smear their hands with a paste into the composition of which frankincense enters, for the purpose of communicating to them an attractive perfume.
Luxury Bath Melts - Bath melts contain moisturizers and essential oils, and melt exquisitely in hot water for a luxurious bath.
Place the steaks in the hot oven for 4-5 minutes to allow the gorgonzola to start to melt and the steaks to cook slightly.
The truth of his words made her last meager attempt at resistance melt.
AdvertisementYou may melt your metals and cast them into the most beautiful moulds you can; they will never excite me like the forms which this molten earth flows out into.
Follow the steps in your instructions carefully, allowing the wax to melt fully before adding fragrance or coloring.
Never mind, she said to herself, watching the woman melt in front of Xander.
These are washed with ammonium chloride until the filtrate is colourless, ignited, fused with caustic potash and nitre, the melt dissolved in water and nitric acid added to the solution until the colour of potassium ruthenate disappears.
The precipitated tellurium is then fused with potassium cyanide, the melt extracted with water and the element precipitated by drawing a current of air through the solution and finally distilled in a current of hydrogen.
AdvertisementIt commonly opens about the first of April, a week or ten days later than Flint's Pond and Fair Haven, beginning to melt on the north side and in the shallower parts where it began to freeze.
The gloom that enveloped the army was filled with their groans, which seemed to melt into one with the darkness of the night.
Melting Glaciers - As the planet gets warmer, the glaciers that form the polar ice caps begin to melt.
Toast the bread the way you like it but long enough for the butter to melt.
If you aren't too concerned about doing it the proper way, you can always buy bayberry wax and melt and pour like you would any other candle.
AdvertisementGo to the rightmost part of the maze and use the dryer to melt the ice wall.
When the wax has cooled, pop the wax cubes out and melt them again, this time adding a whole little brick of wax buds.
The almost-worst thing that can happen is you'll make an ugly or unusable candle that you'll have to melt and start over.
In soap making, you can melt old bits of soap, glycerin soap blocks, or solid fat such as lard or tallow.
Melt some wax, either bayberry or paraffin, in a coffee can, melting pot or other tall and narrow but deep vessel.
You need something deep that doesn't require you at melt a lot of excess wax.
The only other supplies one might need would be something to melt the wax in and something to stir with.
Soy wax candles are sort of the same as melt and pour soap in the soap making world.
Since the wattage is only 20, jars can even be placed on the warmers so that the candle wax inside can melt.
On the other hand, if the wick is too small, you'll get a sort of crater down the center of your candle and the outside part won't even melt.
Melt and pour soap making is fun for children as well as adults and makes a great craft activity for a rainy day.
Cosmetic clay can also add a light blush of color to your melt and pour soap.
You should be able to find a variety of colorants for melt and pour soap, as well as other soap making supplies, at the local craft supply store or online.
Known among soap makers as "melt and pour," the process is quite straightforward.
Just like chocolate or cheese, it will melt quicker if it's cut into many small pieces than as a few large ones.
For novice adult soap makers, melt and pour soap making projects that involve working with a glycerin base are the most popular.
If you are making melt and pour glycerin soap, try embedding a small plastic toy into the bar for a decorative effect.
If you're making melt and pour glycerin soap, you can tint your soap with food coloring instead of purchasing special dyes for this task.
When making melt and pour soap, the easiest way to enjoy honey soap making is to simply purchase a base that already has the honey added in it.
If you have a child who wants to experiment with making her own handmade soaps, melt and pour soap making may be a better option to consider.
As a novice soap maker, melt and pour projects are a great way to learn the basics of how to create handmade soap.
Melt and pour soap, also known as "glycerin soap," is created by melting a premade soap base and adding the colors or fragrances of your choice.
Although the basic process for making melt and pour soap is quite simple, there are plenty of variations on this project.
Melt and pour is probably one of the easiest and least expensive ways to start soap making.
You begin with premade blocks of soap and melt them down in the microwave or on top of the stove.
Melt and pour is a good choice when you want to make soap with children.
This is the most common type of soap making and the one most people will advance to after they have made the pour and melt type.
Rebatching is similar to the melt and pour method in that you take existing bars of soap and melt them down to create new types of soap.
You can, however, use the melt and pour method, which will allow you to create soap without having to use the lye yourself.
You will just need some glycerin soap or pour and melt soap blocks and a few other items.
Because of these issues, some soap makers prefer to make pour and melt soaps with glycerin, a completely safe, gentle, and natural product.
Most soap makers begin creating handmade soap by making melt and pour projects.
Melt and pour soap, commonly known as glycerin soap, is made by adding custom colors, fragrances, and skin care additives to a premade soap base.
One key difference between cold process soap and melt and pour soap is that the cold process method involves working with lye in its natural state.
Unlike melt and pour soap, cold process soap can't be used immediately.
You can purchase bars of glycerine soap mix, melt it down, and then add fragrances and coloring, pouring it into any shape mold you want.
You can also buy fancy molds with a variety of motifs and raised designs, which allow you to put a raised image of a different color on the top of your soap.To use the molds, you melt the soap base in a double boiler until it is liquid.
Traditional soap making is much too complicated for a preschooler, but young children can make melt and pour soap with help from an adult.
Is there anything special one should consider when making natural melt and pour soap?
It is believed by followers of the Mayo Clinic Diet that grapefruit is a fat-burner, able to melt away the pounds quickly.
For example, Slim Fast insists that if you choose two of their food products and one sensible meal each day, weight will simply melt away.
You'll want to keep a close eye on the cheese or else it will melt too much and you will have a puddle.
Allow the cream to sit and melt the chocolate for about 5 minutes before stirring.
Stand time is a major consideration when serving baked brie in pastry because the longer you let the dish stand after heating, the less melt it will have.
You need the chocolate to be in small pieces so that it will melt quickly.
In addition, they carry Gavottes Crêpe Dentelle Cookies, miniature butter crêpes that melt on the tongue and turn a dish of ice cream or mousse into a show-stopping dessert.
Melt butter in a large sauté pan over medium heat, and add the olive oil.
If your body's been bugging you, Spanx Shapewear may just be your quick fix until your time spent at the gym starts to melt away those extra pounds.
The groups style seems to be taken from groups like the Beatles, and song lyrics that are crafted to melt the hearts of tween girls everywhere, The Jonas Brothers are very successful in America , and beyond.
These drivers must get their loads of supplies to the diamond mines, 350 miles away, before the ice begins to melt.
It can melt if it is exposed to temperatures above 86 degrees.
She emerged into the bright light of a warm December afternoon and began to melt.
He took a jar lid from the cupboard and lit a match, holding it on the bottom of the candle until it began to melt.
For the desulphurization of zinc blende where it is not intended to collect and save the sulphur there are many mechanical kilns, generally classified as straight-line, horse-shoe, turret and shaft kilns; all of these may be made to do good work on moderately clean ores which do not melt at the temperature of desulphurization.
A better method is Wohler's, in which the finely powdered mineral is fused with twice its weight of potassium carbonate in a platinum crucible, the melt powdered and treated in a platinum basin with aqueous hydrofluoric acid.
They are obtained by neutralizing the solution of the acid, or by fusing the oxide with potassium carbonate and treating the melt with hydrofluoric acid.
Strontium chloride, SrC1 2.6H 2 O, is obtained by dissolving the carbonate in hydrochloric acid, or by fusing the carbonate with calcium chloride and extracting the melt with water.
If we melt copper and add to it about 30% of zinc, or 20 of tin, we obtain uniform liquids which when solidified are the well-known substances brass and bell-metal.
If we melt an alloy and chill it before it has wholly solidified, we often get evidence of the crystalline character of the solid matter which first forms. Fig.
Sodium aurosulphide, NaAuS 4H 2 O, is prepared by fusing gold with sodium sulphide and sulphur, the melt being extracted with water, filtered in an atmosphere of nitrogen, and evaporated in a vacuum over sulphuric acid.
The extraction from ores in which the bismuth is present in the metallic condition may be accomplished by a simple liquation, or melting, in which the temperature is just sufficient to melt the bismuth, or by a complete fusion of the ore.
The latter often gives birth to prodigious icebergs and ice islands, which are carried northward by ocean currents, nearly as far as the tropical zone before they melt.
It forms small cubes which melt at a red heat and volatilize readily.
Caesium nitrate, CsNO 3, is obtained by dissolving the carbonate in nitric acid, and crystallizes in glittering prisms, which melt readily, and on heating evolve oxygen and leave a residue of caesium nitrite.
Troost produced crystallized zirconium by fusing the double fluoride with aluminium in a graphite crucible at the temperature of melting iron, and extracting the aluminium from the melt with hydrochloric acid.
The porcelain-like melt is powdered, boiled with water, and acidified with hydrofluoric acid, and the residual potassium fluosilicate is filtered off.
It crystallizes in large transparent prisms, which melt on heating and decompose, leaving a residue of metaphosphoric acid, (HP03).
The discovery of definite laws in this region might at first sight seem hopeless; but the argument rests on an implied postulate of stability and continuity of constitution of material substances, so that after a cycle of transformations we expect to recover them again as they were originally - on the postulate, in fact, that we do not expect them to melt out of organized existence in our hands.
The metal as obtained in this process is lustrous and takes a polish, does not melt in the oxyhydrogen flame, but liquefies in the electric arc, and is not affected by air at ordinary temperatures.
By the fusion of potassium bichromate with boric acid, and extraction of the melt with water, a residue is left which possesses a fine green colour, and is used as a pigment under the name of Guignet's green.
Some of the higher mountains are covered with perpetual snow, a luxury which is highly prized by the inhabitants of the valleys, where the summer is usually extremely hot, and in winter the snow falls only to melt when it reaches the ground.
If we attempt to change either the temperature or the pressure ice will melt, water will evaporate or vapour condense until one or other of the phases has vanished.
Thus, if we supply heat to the mixture of ice, water and steam ice will melt and eventually vanish.
If heat be added to the mixture ice will melt and salt dissolve in the water so formed.
Then let us heat both ice and solution through the infinitesimal temperature range dT to the freezing point T of the solvent, melt the ice by the application of an amount of heat L, which measures its latent heat of fusion, and allow the solvent so formed to enter the solution reversibly through a semi-permeable wall into an engine cylinder, doing an amount of work Pdv.
As the afternoon wore on their force began to melt away by desertion and to break up for lack of discipline.
They require more draught than coke fires, but care must be taken not to give too much, as excessive heat is likely to melt or soften the fire-bars.
The oxide ores of copper would be deoxidized by the savage's wood fire even more easily than those of iron, and the resulting copper would be recognized more easily than iron, because it would be likely to melt and run together into a mass conspicuous by its bright colour and its very great malleableness.
The second period, by converting the metal into the fusible cast iron and melting this, for the first time removed the gangue of the ore; the third period by giving a temperature high enough to melt the most infusible forms of iron, liberated the slag formed in deriving them from cast iron.
This carburizing is an indispensable part of the process, because through it alone can the iron be made fusible enough to melt at the temperature which can be generated in the furnace, and only when liquid can it be separated readily and completely from the slag.
The duty of the limestone (CaCO 3) is to furnish enough lime to form with the gangue of the ore and the ash of the fuel a lime silicate or slag of such a composition (1) that it will melt at the temperature which it reaches at about level A, of fig.
Below this level the solid charge descends easily, because it consists of coke alone or nearly alone, and this in turn because the temperature here is so high as to melt not only the iron now deoxidized and brought to the metallic state, but also the gangue of the ore and the limestone, which here unite to form the molten slag, and run freely down between the lumps of coke.
The coke thus at once supplies by its combustion the heat needed for melting the iron and keeping it hot, and by itself dissolving in the molten metal returns carbon to it as fast as this element is burnt out by the blast, so that the " refined " cast iron which results, though still rich in carbon and therefore easy to melt in the puddling process, has relatively little silicon.
The lime and iron oxide melt, and, in passing up through the overlying metal, the iron oxide very rapidly oxidizes its phosphorus and thus drags it into the slag as phosphoric acid.
In Great Britain the charge usually consists of blister steel, and is therefore high in carbon, so that the crucible process has very little to do except to melt the charge.
Although his resources had been so completely drained that he had been forced to melt the silver in his palaces and to debase the coinage, his energy soon brought back the national prosperity.
Gaps then appear in the apposed surfaces, usually at the isthmus; the entire protoplasts either pass out to melt into one another clear of the old walls, or partly pass out and fuse without complete detachment from the old walls.
Thallous sulphate, T1 2 SO 4, forms rhombic prisms, soluble in water, which melt at a red heat with decomposition, sulphur dioxide being evolved.
Or again, the process of scientific induction is a threefold chain; the original hypothesis (the first unification of the fact) seems to melt away when confronted with opposite facts, and yet no scientific progress is possible unless the stimulus of the original unification is strong enough to clasp the discordant facts and establish a reunification.
Before the mass has reached that point the sulphides still present have been destroyed, either by the addition of solid nitrate of soda or by blowing air through the red-hot melt.
The dibrominated product so obtained was then fused with caustic potash, the melt dissolved in water, and on the addition of hydrochloric acid to the solution, alizarin was precipitated.
The melt is dissolved in water and the dyestuff is liberated from the sodium salt by hydrochloric or sulphuric acid, or is converted into the calcium salt by digestion with hot milk of lime, then filtered and the calcium salt decomposed by acid.
During heavy rains and when the snows on the hills melt, thousands of streams flow from all directions into the innumerable depressions of inner Persia, or help to swell the perennial rivers which have no outlet to the sea.
Skeat has connected it with Old English lcietan, to let, which is very doubtful, though this is the origin of the use of the word in such expressions as "two-" "three-way leet," a place where cross-roads melt.
At least two pieces are taken from each melt or blow at the mill, and are stamped or marked, and all the various sections rolled from the melt or blow are required to bear a similar stamp or mark for identification.
The corresponding intensity at the sun's surface is 4.62 X Io 4 as great, or 6.79 X Io 4 kilowatts per square metre = 7.88 X Io 4 horse-power per square yard - enough to melt a thickness of 13.3 metres (=39.6 ft.) of ice, or to vaporize 1.81 metres (=5.92 ft.) of water per minute.
The whole expedition seemed likely to melt away from want and disease.
The wheat region is a country of heavy snows, and of severe, dry cold; but when March comes the snows begin to melt away, and by April the ploughed land is dry enough for the harrow.
Then when an outbreak occurs the snow and ice melt, and in that way they sometimes give rise to serious catastrophes (jokulhlaup), through large areas being suddenly inundated by great floods of water, which bear masses of ice floating on their surface.
Again, such tribal forces were only levies gathered together for a few weeks at most, unprovided with military stores or the means of transport, and consequently generally unprepared to attack fortifications of any kind,' and liable to melt away as quickly as they were gathered together.
This "regelation" is due to the increased pressure at the various points of contact causing the ice there to melt and cool.
Thus Jansen's theories of conversion melt into predestination; although, in doing so, they somewhat modify its grimness.
This is not only due to the fact that they are mixtures of several glycerides, but also that even pure glycerides, such as tristearin, exhibit two melting-points, a so-called "double melting-point," the triglycerides melting at a certain temperature, then solidifying at a higher temperature to melt again on further heating.
The crudest method of rendering oils from seeds, still practised in Central Africa, in Indo-China and on some of the South Sea Islands, consists in heaping up oleaginous fruits and allowing them to melt by the heat of the sun, when the exuding oil runs off and is collected.
The average annual snowfall is about 8 in., and the snowfalls are usually light and melt within a few days.
The earthy matters form a fusible glass or slag melt, and collect at the lowest point of the hearth, whence they are removed by opening a hole pierced through the front wall at the bottom.
She felt the tension within him melt, and the restless shadows wrap around her, cocooning them before retreating.
The lingering rage at being so unceremoniously busted, and by a snippy woman storm trooper to boot, was only now beginning to melt away in the peace of his quarters.
She didn't melt when their bodies brushed, and she appeared completely immune – or ignorant – of the affect he normally had on women.
A column rushing forward with charged bayonets almost seemed to reach the enemy's ramparts, but then to melt away.
Melt the low fat spread over a gentle heat and mix the crushed biscuits into the melted fat.
Half an hour after starting the beef broth cooking, melt a tablespoon of butter in a pan.
Only a fraction of it has to melt to trigger a cataclysm.
Is it really possible to melt off fat, or massage cellulite away?
However, there has been less work on phase transitions from oriented melt phases to crystal phases in block copolymers.
Do you have a voice that could melt the heart of the harshest opera critic?
Become crushed into shards or melt as I speak rusty hooks, jeweled daggers, dark candy.
If you're getting married in a very hot climate, a three-tiered wedding cake can very quickly melt and start to look droopy.
The electrical conducting solution or melt of ions is called the electrolyte.
As a child I adored this delicious caramel filling topped with chocolate on its ' melt in the mouth ' shortbread base.
Turn the omelet on to a plate, melt the remaining butter in the pan and slide the frittata back into the pan.
The weather was improving, and the sun beginning to melt the slight frost which could be seen glinting off the grass blades.
To make the ganache; melt the chocolate in a bowl set over a pan of simmering water.
We were now in the water, with all our scuba gear, ready to melt into the blue world below.
Then use a dab of hot melt glue to secure the LED to the front panel.
Sheets of paper String PVC hot melt glue Glue stick.
Ensure diy glue sticks are used with diy hot melt glue sticks are used with diy hot melt glue gun.
Melt the butter in a frying pan and cook the halibut, turning once.
We will try to locate a small winter snow pack and gage its melt rate in relation to glacial ice.
This would eventually cause the polar ice caps to melt, and thus generate an environment in which biological life could be sustained.
How does the ship not just implode or melt?
When only tiny bits remained, we poured boiling water from the expedition tea kettle over the surface to melt them.
In high polymers it is commonly observed that crystalline lamellae, grown from the melt, thicken after initial crystallization [6] .
Ask an adult to help you melt the lard.
To make the cheese sauce, melt the margarine in a small saucepan then add the flour.
Melt 40g (1½oz) reduced fat margarine with 75g (2¾oz) dark chocolate, cool slightly then beat in an egg yolk.
In a medium saucepan or Le Creuset skillet melt the marge.
The skin friction of the missile at those speeds at those altitudes would melt any metals or nonmetals available.
Melt the butter and fry the leeks for 3 minutes, adding plenty of fresh nutmeg.
This will melt the plastic around the hole and seal it.
Basell has added new high melt flow grades to its Metocene line of metallocene polypropylenes.
A theory to quantify the amount of melt in the magma reservoir will be developed.
To comment or make suggestions on these or other ISO standards on polymer melt rheology please contact Martin Rides.
Melt the butter in a saucepan, add the flour and stir to make a roux.
Melt knob of butter in a non-stick saucepan, then add the egg mixture.
Scarring - prevents production of excessive scar tissue and, in some instances, can melt away unwanted scar.. .
Six rather sexy bits of chocolate that melt in the mouth.
Fry shallots in butter, add red wine vinegar, let shallots in butter, add red wine vinegar, let shallots melt.
Reduced melt temperature is another benefit, lowering crystallization and cooling times and thus shortening cycles, and also saving energy costs.
Alternatively, ribbons of silicon can be pulled from a melt of silicon to produce thin sheets of multicrystalline silicon.
Melt 2 remaining tbsp of butter in a large non-stick skillet over a high heat.
Meanwhile, in a 12-inch nonstick skillet over medium-high heat, melt the margarine or butter.
Shake the whole thing around, and the salt will melt some of the ice, making the whole ice slush very cold.
Electrodeposition or melt spinning can be used to avoid these problems.
I find the perfect solution is to cook the apple and melt the suet in separate saucepans before adding them to the remaining ingredients.
For example, exposure to direct sunlight can cause honey to soften or melt.
Melt water on glaciers may contain mineral silt, which can cause gastrointestinal upsets.
Fry shallots in butter, add red wine vinegar, let shallots melt.
If your candle is smoking despite trimming the wick and checking for debris in the melt pool, extinguish the candle immediately.
The whole process is like watching the frost of a winter's morning melt from a heated car windscreen.
It is difficult to produce because it requires very high temperatures, over 2,700 Celsius, to melt powdered zirconium and zirconium dioxide.
The double chloride is fused with nitre, the melt extracted with water and the residue fused with lead, the excess of lead being finally removed by solution in nitric acid and aqua regia.
In times of drought the Guanches drove their flocks to consecrated grounds, where the lambs were separated from their mothers in the belief that their plaintive bleatings would melt the heart of the Great Spirit.
By fusing iron with saltpetre and extracting the melt with water, or by adding a solution of ferric nitrate in nitric acid to strong potash, an amethyst or purple-red solution is obtained which contains potassium ferrate.
Melt butter and make a roux with white flour, add milk gradually until thick sauce obtained.
When his real character comes out, his face starts to sag and melt and scarify in this horrible way.
Scarring - prevents production of excessive scar tissue and, in some instances, can melt away unwanted scar...
For the chard, melt the butter in a saucepan and gently fry the garlic and shallots for a minute.
He is happily snoozing by my feet butter would n't melt !
In the subarctic regions, changes are obvious as large areas of permafrost begin to melt and ice-free sea passages increase.
For temporary relief, use sugarless candy or gum, melt bits of ice in your mouth, or use a saliva substitute.
Melt the fat and syrup in a saucepan but do n't allow it to become hot.
Melt 1 tablespoon of butter in a skillet on a medium heat, add egg mixture.
Melt the tallow with gentle heat and add the other ingredients, stirring until cold.
Focused laser light is used as the heat source to both melt and vaporize material in its path.
The children were amazed as they saw the dry ice sublime into a gas instead of melt.
The embossing powder will melt onto the paper, and you'll have an elegant footprint baby shower invitation.
For warmer months, take along a cooler to store drinks and other items that might melt.
They may also overheat and melt their plastic housing.
Season Shot (ammo with flavor) is hardened pellets of various seasonings that will melt while your game bird is being cooked.
Be sure not to crush the ice too finely, or it will melt quickly and result in a watery cocktail.
Since 1954, the average retreat of the glaciers that experienced ice melt was approximately 1,970 feet . As these giant ice islands melt away, the oceans will rise.
Higher temperatures from global warming cause ice and glaciers to melt and water to expand which results in the rise in water levels.
Additionally, rising temperatures melt glaciers, polar ice sheets, and sea ice, sending more and more water into the sea.
As these glaciers melt, there is a resulting drop in pressure that may trigger serious geological reactions.
If it continues to melt it could potentially release 55 billion tons of methane into the atmosphere.
As the earth's temperature rises above normal levels, ice caps begin to melt and increase the chances of flooding.
They are designed to be used with a small glass container, since they melt into oil after being lit.
Set these creations in crystal bowls surrounding by snow and mirrors so when the ice begins to melt, it won't ruin your centerpiece.
Add in humid conditions, and regular makeup just seems to melt away, leaving you with creases, shine and a lack of a healthy coloration.
The heat and perspiration will melt it and the slightest touch will streak it.
However, it may take some serious trial and error to find a shade that makes him melt.
When temperatures begin to reach the smoldering triple digits and humidity wrecks havoc on our hair, regular makeup products begin to melt away faster than the Wicked Witch of the West.
Because pencil lines tend to melt during the day, you may want to set this type of liner with a soft smudge of eye shadow.
Remove from heat and stir until spinach is wilted and cheese is starting to melt.
Put in microwave and let melt for 1 minute.
Tortillas with melted cheese - Place cheese on top of a flour tortilla and melt in the microwave.
In a medium sauce pan, melt butter and add flour, salt, and pepper.
Melt enough shortening (over low heat) to come just 1/8-inch up the side of a 12-inch cast iron skillet or heavy fry pan.
Shortening doesn't melt at mouth temperature like butter does.
We would melt a 25 lb. case of butter at a time.
While you clean the bases with the base cleaner, heat your iron to a temperature that is just warm enough to melt the wax.
Think of the things you enjoy the most or try something new as you find natural stress reliever methods that quickly melt away the tension leaving you feeling relaxed, calm, and refreshed.
Feel the tension melt away as you relax in a beautiful hot bubble bath or a relaxing tub scented with your favorite aromatherapy oils.
Many soy cheeses have a different consistency than regular cheese, however, and often they don't melt very well.
Whatever style you choose, your little man is sure to melt hearts as he marches down the aisle on your wedding day.
Another way to make edible cake leaves is to melt candy disks.
You may choose to shape your leaves by rolling a dough recipe out and using cookie cutters; or simply melt the disks into candy molds.
Fondant is a great choice for outdoor receptions because it doesn't melt down in the heat or humidity.
Fondant can stand up to summer heat and a fair amount of humidity, whereas buttercream may melt, so it's a good frosting choice for outdoor parties.
Place the chocolate and glucose in a medium bowl over a gently simmering pot and melt, constantly stirring gently.
For more chocolate options, you can gently melt your chocolate using a Bain Marie and then fill your piping bag with this chocolate.
With its gorgeous beaches, sun-filled days and cobalt blue waters, a Mexican voyage can melt away stresses of everyday life.
Place the carob chips in the double boiler and let them melt slowly.
It won't truly melt the ice, but it will give you and your dog some much needed traction.
In a large bowl, melt the margarine by pouring the hot water over it.
Allow snow and frost to melt away on its own but keep people off the grass to ensure its protection until the sun can dry it out.
Some notable selections featured here are I Melt, Feels Like Today, Skin, and This Everyday Love.
The one disadvantage worth mentioning is that Styrofoam can melt or burn if exposed to flame.
The sinter process begins with powered glass put into molds and then fired to melt the glass into shapes.
The method of cast tile is to put pieces of glass into a mold and then fire until the chunks melt together.
Solid surface countertops do scratch, melt, stain and burn but can be repaired at home with a few household items, such as scouring pads.
Another alternative to stone counters, solid surface counters, can melt or burn if a hot pot is placed on them; engineered stone is perfectly safe in this regard.
Did you melt when he presented Bella with the lovely wolf charm bracelet and wish he gave you one?
Unfortunately they found that the tendency of microfiber to melt, rather than burn, made it a liability for the high-risk battlefield environment.
You don't want chocolate soup--melt until it just starts to liquefy, then stir.
However, the ingredients used in these products allow them to melt on contact with your skin.
The wool doesn't melt like synthetic fibers do when the fibers ignite.
Putting a layer of rock salt (sodium chloride) on icy areas is an effective way to melt the ice.
The rock salt will help to melt ice and lower the risk of slipping.
I've even heard a rumor that if you play on Master Ninja difficulty, the hardest difficulty, your face will start to melt.
Or are they afraid you're about to melt down?
S'mores tend to be messy to make and sometimes the chocolate bar does not melt.
The new S'mores Campfire Grill Basket solves both of these problems when you assemble your S'more place several in the basket and hold it over the fire to melt.
Those two issues can sometimes melt or scorch an area around the batteries, rendering the phone inoperable.
Do not use a hair dryer because the heat might melt the inside of the phone.
As the cupcake cooks, the ganache will melt.
The trick is to melt the chocolate without un-tempering it.
The easiest way to accomplish this is to melt your chocolate in a Bain Marie over a low heat.
Melt the chocolate slowly over a Bain Marie until it is completely melted and smooth.
Melt butter and then let cool to room temperature.
While fettuccine is cooking, melt the butter in a small sauce pan over medium heat.
Light brushing can help keep the wig in good shape, but no heat styling should be used because it could melt the individual strands of hair.
If the product does not easily dissolve in your hands, you can put a warm towel on your head to help it melt and mix into your hair.
In a household that is already filled with clutter, this can create a complete melt down situation for many parents that is nearly impossible to conquer.
Sheer bikinis like their Malibu micro and Bandeau/X-micro are alluring enough, but choose these suits in white and they seem to melt away like ice cream on a hot summer day when you get them wet.
He began to deduce that the magnetron had caused the candy bar to melt and to test his theory he tried out some popcorn.
When you are finished, place four pats of butter to melt fully.
All of the hot air Presto popcorn poppers come with a own measuring cup that you can also used to melt butter.
Make sure the ice you will use for freezing is in big chunks instead of cubes so it will not quickly melt.
Finally, the project most people probably think of when they think of making taper candles is the process of dipping a piece of wick into a coffee can or specially designed taper candle making melt pot.
Just allow it to harden, then peel off the tray and melt again.
If you have too little, you can melt a little more to top off the mold.
Bring the water to a low simmer, just hot enough to allow the wax to melt slowly.
If you run into problems it's easy to melt the wax again and start over.
A really great tip I found for making consistently colored and correctly dyed candles is to melt a pound of wax as you normally would to make candles, then fill 10 sections of an ice cube tray evenly with wax (you'll have leftover wax).
Allow it to harden overnight, then melt and repour your remaining wax over the top of the candle in the hole that has been created.
Soy jar candles can take a while to burn and melt enough wax to disperse their scent.
In a triple scented product, a high quality base wax will melt more evenly and give off more fragrance than an ordinary candle.
Since the candles are designed to melt into a pool of wax, they can hold more essential and fragrance oils.
One of the simplest candle projects that you can try is a container candle, since you'll learn how to melt wax and set a wick, without having to bother with candle molds right away.
A higher temperature won't make your gel candle wax melt any faster.
You can stir the heated wax gently to melt the rest of it.
Using the basic technique for a container candle, melt white paraffin wax and begin pouring it into a clear, wicked container.
The hot wax will slightly melt the crayons, and as it cools, you'll end up with a white candle with splashes of color throughout.
Dipping should be relatively quick; don't let the wick sit in the wax for too long, or you'll melt the wax that has already set on the candle.
This can take a long time, and you may have to melt more wax to keep the melting container full.
Candle warmers offer an alternative and allow people to enjoy the benefits of scented candles, but without having to burn the candle wick in order to melt the wax and release the fragrance.
Candle warmers gently heat the candle to melt the wax, this allows the fragrances and scents to be released without the need of a flame.
High proportion of fragrance oil - because Scentsy wickless candles are warmed to melt the wax and not burned, a higher proportion of fragrance oil can be used.
The bulb will warm the wax enough to melt it, but the wax does not get dangerously hot.
If they are not in a tin then remember the wax can melt in the heat, therefore be careful when leaving a candle in a hot car.
Don't use plastic beads as these may melt.
It is important that the candle does not touch any parts of the wreath that may catch alight or melt.
Discovering how to make gel candles is a little trickier than simple melt and pour wax candles, but the extra effort is absolutely worth it.
Melt a small amount of paraffin or soy wax in a coffee can or double boiler pan, and dip the votives into this mixture several times, waiting a few seconds between each dip.
The conversion into energy releases heat causing more of the solid wax to melt.
The heat generated by the flame on the wick begins to melt the wax that surrounds the wick, turning it to liquid.
Children ages four and up can make rolled beeswax candles with minimal adult supervision because there is no need to use heat to melt the beeswax sheets.
They decide that Frosty should go to the North Pole where he can never melt.
Santa, however, explains that Frosty is made of Christmas snow and therefore cannot melt away completely.
Any candle will work, but an I Love You candle may also melt her heart.
Write a poem - There's just something about a poem inspired by you that can make any man or woman melt.
She will melt if you remember a special day like her birthday without her telling you.
Get some strawberries and melt some chocolate, you can take turns feeding each other.
Some people advise not to send chocolate because it might melt.
However you choose to use your valentine poem, your sweetheart will love it because it's thoughtful and will melt his or her heart every time it's read.
However, no matter when you propose, the key is that the question comes from your heart, and in doing so, it will melt the heart of your beloved and be a treasured beginning to your life together.
To really impress them, consider investing in 300 count thread sheets and watch them melt.
This dreamy-eyed, handsome man can melt the coldest of female hearts and seduce the most jaded of lovers with his otherworldly persona.
For a special treat, you can also melt Hershey bars, then let your children roll the popsicle-sticked banana in the chocolate, before rolling in either nuts or granola before freezing.
Melt the margarine in a no-stick pan, and add the entire bag of marshmallows.
Combine one of these films with a tub of fresh popcorn and watch your troubles melt away into the shadows of the movie theatre.
Close your eyes, take some deep relaxing breaths and let the day's tensions melt away.
Melt together old crayons to make new multi-colored art supplies for your children.
For example, if you save your child's broken crayons in a plastic storage container, you can melt them down to make new crayons.
And just like each pair of sandals, Baja Boots come with that special arch support that seems to melt around your foot.
In a sense, Las Vegas provides a honeymoon for the entire family, where any differences separating the families can melt under the hot summer sun in the Nevada desert.
Getting flight information from the major airlines over the phone is as fast a watching glaciers melt.
Melt grated bar soap over medium-low heat, then add a little bit of water and stir well.
Melt grated soap in a pan with a little water.
Allow the ice to melt and pour out the water.
Melt and pour soap making involves taking a base soap, such as bulk glycerin or goat's milk soap, melting it down, adding fragrance and color, and putting it into a mold.
If you're making a small batch of soap, melt the base in a microwave-safe dish.
Put water in the bottom, soap base in the top and heat on medium, stirring occasionally to help the base melt.
Carolyn Hasenfratz has a section of her website with several interesting melt and pour soap recipes that you might want to try.
From Nature with Love also has melt and pour soap recipes, although the site cautions that they are reader submitted recipes and have not been personally tested.
At the same time, melt your oils and fats together.
Whether you enjoy melt and pour soap making or prefer to create cold process soaps, adding your own personal touch to the basic soap making recipe ensures memorable results.
Most beginners start with glycerin soap, also known as melt and pour soap making because its made by melting a soap base, adding color, scent and other additives, and pouring it into molds.
Glass measuring cups are great for mixing the lye and water, while a stainless steel pan can be used to melt the fats.
While the lye mixture is cooling, combine all the fats in a stove-safe pan and melt the solid fats.
Plastic soap molds are best suited for melt and pour soap making, since the base doesn't get as hot and you can easily make small batches.
Finally, if you love making melt and pour soap, you can look around your house for inspiration.
The most basic type of soap making is known as melt and pour, because that's basically what you do.
All you will need to supply is a large microwave-safe measuring cup to melt your wax in or a pot or double boiler if you want to melt it on the stove, and something to stir with.
Melt and pour is as close to instant gratification as soap making gets, and the kits are really inexpensive.
You will probably be able to find a basic kit for melt and pour soap making at your local craft store, where soap making supplies are often in the same aisle as the candle supplies.