Meditate Sentence Examples
His omission to do so gave the country time to meditate on the consequences of his policy.
I will meditate also of all thy work, and talk of thy doings.
In order to meditate on the mystic lore he withdrew to a hut by the Nile, returning home for the Sabbath.
In some cases, you'll meditate in an environment with soothing sounds or music.
Give yourself at least 15 minutes every time you meditate.
I will meditate in thy precepts, and have respect unto thy ways.
Ponder in thine heart upon the unsearchable wisdom of God, and meditate on its manifold revelations.
Here he remained for many years, but recovered sufficiently to correspond with his friends and even to meditate writing fresh books.
As you meditate, your anxious mind and tense body begin to relax.
Failure to meditate at this particular place means failure to complete the hajj.
AdvertisementWhile planning their trip to Japan, Kate made sure they had time to visit a Buddhist Zen garden and meditate.
Beginning meditation requires some basic techniques how to meditate that are easy to follow and introduces beginners to the benefits of the skill.
Learning how to meditate for beginners is a great way to get started with meditation and to take advantage of the health benefits without a lot of effort.
Most people feel a little intimidated when they think of learning how to meditate.
The best way to meditate is to find a quiet place to sit down and close your eyes.
AdvertisementThis aspect of learning how to meditate simply requires doing some research.
At the weekend I was feeling a bit despondent...finding it hard to meditate, that sort of thing!
Purkinje was a polymath who would often meditate at dawn during long walks in the blossomed Bohemian fields.
Beginning to meditate Children can begin to practice meditation from a very early age.
I wished to meditate, but instead my imagination pictured an occurrence of four years ago, when Dolokhov, meeting me in Moscow after our duel, said he hoped I was enjoying perfect peace of mind in spite of my wife's absence.
AdvertisementUse the time instead to read a trashy novel, meditate or have a massage.
You also have the option of having the script said out loud, so all you have to do is sit back, relax and think, or "meditate" on the image.
Breathing is the first stage of techniques how to meditate that a person must learn.
A co-worker may find great relief in taking a brisk walk around the building; still another may meditate, and a third will put on his headset to listen to music.
You can even go outside and meditate while focusing on a tree, thinking about its roots firmly planted in the earth and its branches reaching to new heights.
AdvertisementRemember that learning to meditate is a process and you won't do it perfectly the first time.
Meditate - Meditation is a proven relaxation technique that quiets the mind and lets you focus on what you need to do.
That's why it's not impossible, or even difficult, to learn how to meditate for free.
There are plenty of cost free ways to learn how to meditate.
There are a number of online resources that provide information designed to help people learn how to meditate for free.
BrainSync - Learn to meditate with the free 10-minute guided meditation.
Learn to Meditate - Read articles about different types of mediation, what their benefits are, and how to practice them.
Walking is a natural time to meditate because you're away from the many distractions vying for your attention at home or work.
Listening to music is another way meditate.
A lot of folks are afraid to meditate, either because they believe that they are doing it "wrong" or because it seems too difficult.
Choose how long you want to meditate and the type of meditation you would like and you're ready to de-stress!
Suppose you have set aside a time that you wish to meditate.
There are also people who meditate as a religious or spiritual practice.
Keep in mind there is no right or wrong way to meditate and it is a natural way to relax mentally, physically, and emotionally.
Everyone is different, so some people might find it easier to meditate than others.
One of the most popular ways to reduce stress is learning to meditate.
Newberg performed experiments with Tibetan Monks who meditate and Catholic Nuns who pray.
He discovered that members of both groups exhibit reduced stress levels and enhanced brain function over those who do not routinely pray or meditate.
Pilgrims of many faiths come to meditate at the Chalice Well garden and drink water from the well.
Taking some time to meditate, to look at some art (erotic or otherwise), to stretch and get back in touch with your body - these all help clear the clutter of the day's events.
The sixth card is the key factor in your situation and the one that you'll want to meditate one.
The only requirement is your mind and a few peaceful moments when you can meditate and become centered each day.
Meditate or concentrate on moving the bar either to the right or left.
Many Christians even take their Bible along with them to a yoga session and pick out a verse to memorize and meditate on during that session.
On the accession of the emperor Paul in 1796 she was deprived of all her offices, and ordered to retire to a miserable village in the government of Novgorod, "to meditate on the events of 1762."
Other people come to the Tor to quietly meditate on the summit of Tor field.
As the sum total of the wisdom propounded in the mystery of Agni, the searcher after truth is exhorted to meditate on that Self, made up of intelligence, endowed with a body of spirit, a form of light, and of an ethereal nature; holding sway over all the regions and pervading this All, being itself speechless and devoid of mental states; and by so doing he shall gain the assurance that "even as a grain of rice, or the smallest granule of millet, so is the golden Purusha in my heart; even as a smokeless light, it is greater than the sky, greater than the ether, greater than the earth, greater than all existing things; - that Self of the Spirit is my Self; on passing away from hence, I shall obtain that Self.
Learning to meditate requires a sense of discipline.
If you're a visual learner, you'll likely have an easier time learning how to meditate by watching videos.
Today, the reasons people meditate differ from one person to another, but no matter the reason, the tranquil effects are beneficial to mind and body.
Christians may meditate on a scripture readings, while others may repeat the name of a sacred deity, or something like the Om mantra practiced in Eastern religions.
Many people don't realize that the steps to meditate are easy to follow and that a meditation practice is extremely beneficial.
Set a goal to meditate for five minutes a day as a start and try it for one month.
Just prior to the agreed time, both you and your partner should go to a quiet place and meditate for a little while or just quiet your mind.
As you meditate and focus on breathing, imagine that divine being around you; imagine that you're breathing that being into your body.
Then I say five positive affirmations, walk widdershins three times around the desk and meditate before my potted plant . . . OK, I'm joking.
An attempt made by his uncles to dislodge him proved unsuccessful, and no sooner was the young sovereign firmly settled than he began to meditate an extension of his own dominions.
Learning the techniques of how to meditate will lead to an understanding of techniques how to meditate.
By the time at least when he began to meditate his essays in the retirement of his country house it was tolerably certain that no golden age was about to return.
Do you want to learn how to meditate for free?
He retained the full use of his senses during the paralytic attack, and in July he was sufficiently recovered to renew his old club life and to meditate further journeys.
The success of his pamphlet gained him ready access to all Whig circles; but already his confidence in that party was shaken, and he was beginning to meditate that change of sides which has drawn down upon him so much but such unjustifiable obloquy.
Cangrande died in 1319, being succeeded by his nephew Martino, and Marsiglio soon began to meditate treachery; he negotiated with the Venetians in 1336, and in the following year he secretly introduced Venetian troops into Padua, arrested Alberto della Scala, Martino's brother, then in charge of the town, and thus regained the lordship. He died in 1338, and was succeeded by his relative Ubertino, a typical medieval tyrant, who earned an unenviable notoriety for his murders and acts of treachery, but was also a patron of the arts; he built the Palazzo dei Principi, the castle of Este, constructed a number of roads and canals, and protected commerce.
In the first the novice is received and told to meditate on the three mystic letters; in the second, after a period of forty days, he is taught the titles of the 16 suras of the Majmu`; in the third, after seven or nine months (intended to correspond with the ordinary period of gestation), he is taught Suras 5, 6 and 9, learns the meaning of the three mystic letters and goes through a further period of instruction from his initiator.