Meconopsis Sentence Examples
The Welsh poppy belongs to an allied genus, Meconopsis; it is a perennial herb with a yellow juice and pale yellow poppy-like flowers.
The herbaceous vegetation does not differ greatly, generically, from that of the east, and many species of Primulaceae, Ranunculaceae, Cruciferae, Labiatae and Scrophulariaceae occur; balsams abound, also beautiful forms of Campanulaceae, Gentiana, Meconopsis, Saxifraga and many others.
Indian Poppy (Meconopsis) - Handsome Poppyworts, the most familiar of which is the common Welsh Poppy (M. cambrica); the other kinds are natives of the Himalayas, hardy, but only of biennial duration.
Meconopsis Aculeata - A singularly beautiful plant, with purple petals, like shot silk, which contrast charmingly with the numerous yellow stamens.
Meconopsis Cambrica - For the wild garden or wilderness the Welsh Poppy is one of the best plants.
Meconopsis Grandis - A newly introduced kind from the mountains of Sikkim, and one of the few true perennials in the genus.
Meconopsis Heterophylla - The only kind found in America, where it grows over a wide area but is nowhere abundant, thriving best in the light, dry soils of California.
Meconopsis Horridula - A little plant found at a great height in the Himalayas, growing as almost stemless tufts of lanceolate leaves, covered densely with prickles; the short stems bear bluish-purple flowers about an inch and a half wide.
Meconopsis Integrifolia - A new kind, its pale yellow flowers being much admired.
Meconopsis Nepalensis - s flower-stems 3 to 5 feet high, which are not much branched, the nodding blossoms, borne freely, are 2 to 3 1/2 inches across, and of a pale yellow.
AdvertisementMeconopsis Paniculata - A beautiful Himalayan plant with much-cut foliage and panicles of bright yellow flowers, which come true from the seed ripened sparingly in fine seasons.
Meconopsis Principis - A plant first found by Franchet in Thibet; it comes near M. punicea, but is not so large a plant, and its smaller crimson flowers are held erect instead of nodding.
Meconopsis Punicea - A fine kind, growing at a great height in the mountains of Thibet.
Meconopsis Quintuplinervia - A perennial kind from Manchuria, of dwarf growth as a rosette of long-stemmed uncut leaves, covered with reddish hairs and traversed by five prominent veins.
Meconopsis Racemosa - A rare plant but lately introduced to this country.
AdvertisementMeconopsis Simplicifolia - s a tuft of lance-shaped leaves, 3 to 5 inches long, slightly toothed, and covered with a short, dense, brownish pubescence.
Meconopsis Sinuata Lobata - This handsome Meconopsis was very fine in a Scottish garden I visited this year.
It is one of the best of the many Meconopsis which have been recently introduced.