Meat Sentence Examples
His bread and meat are sweet.
She ate the meat and drank some of the cool water.
She chopped at the hamburger meat in the skillet with a spatula.
He said she could buy all the meat and milk she needed.
She paused with the meat half way to her mouth.
She rolled the pieces of meat in flour and fried them.
A few of us hunt every night for meat then have a bonfire to cook it up.
Finally she put the knife down and started putting the sliced meat in a plastic container.
She decided on a big slab of meat.
When he motioned to the meat, she looked toward the spit and then lied.
AdvertisementYou will be offered Elk and Bison meat while you're here.
Fred sat at the table and began forking in the cold meat.
Kelli greeted one of the men with a kiss and a quick hug before going to the woman cutting chunks of meat off the deer.
He made a precision cut through the meat.
Some animals eat meat and only meat - thay are called carnivores.
AdvertisementThis establishment also serves delectable pasta entrees, such as orecchietta, spaghetti with tomato and meat sauce, fettuccine and tortellini alfredo, tubular pasta, and linguini.
The scents of fresh bread and some sort of meat cooking nearly nailed her to the ground as she rounded the corner.
You don't have to buy expensive cuts of meat just because they are, but I'm sure you'd enjoy buying some meat that you don't have to play wizard on so they won't be tough.
It was hard to reconcile the man before her with the creature that tore apart bodies like meat in a blender.
Jessi pressed the meat of her palms to her eyes and calmed herself.
AdvertisementTheir food consists of meat, chiefly pork, turnips, rice, barley-meal and tea made from the brick-tea of China.
They are probably founded on Jewish thanksgivings, and it is of interest to note that a portion of them is prescribed as a grace before meat in (pseudo-) Athanasius' De virginitate.
It is full of tender meat in a delicious gravy.
The meat was meant for outdoor grilling, but the rain kept us inside.
The bait is any kind of meat, a mouse, squirrel, piece of fish or bird's head.
AdvertisementShe extended her sphere of influence throughout the coast-lands of the western gulf; by the settle meat of numerous colonies in N.W.
Few oxen or sheep are reared in the colony, meat, as well as bread and most vegetables, being imported from America.
There is also a large trade in frozen meat.
Gazan butcher Mohammed Hadad opens the door to a walk-in fridge, releasing a pungent smell of rotting meat into his shop.
On Mondays there was cold meat from Sunday's joint, with bread and lovely hot gravy.
Grilling over a wood fire Meat grilled over a wood fire is really quite different from anything else.
His body was said to have been finally disposed of in an industrial meat grinder; in any case it has never been found.
He not only served but carved and helped the dishes, proffered the first or principal cup of wine to his master and his guests, and carried to them the basin, ewer or napkin when they washed their hands before and after meat.
Organic acids such as vinegar, common salt, the natural ingredients of food, and the various extraneous substances used as food preservatives, alone or mixed together, dissolve traces of it if boiled for any length of time in a chemicallyclean vessel; but when aluminium utensils are submitted to the ordinary routine of the kitchen, being used to heat or cook milk, coffee, vegetables, meat and even fruit, and are also cleaned frequently in the usual fashion, no appreciable quantity of metal passes into the food.
The principal articles imported are textiles, hardware, wines, rice, flour, canned goods and general provisions; the exports are yerba mate, hides, hair, dried meat; wood, oranges, tobacco.
Ball thinks that the former legend originated in the Indian practice of sacrificing cattle to the evil spirits when a new mine is opened; birds of prey would naturally carry off the flesh, and might give rise to the tale of the eagles carrying diamonds adhering to the meat.
The exports are chiefly coal, sheep, tallow, wool, frozen meat and hides.
They ate meat of all kinds, and drank a kind of mead.
But in general he dined, and thought that he dined well, on sixpennyworth of meat and a pennyworth of bread at an alehouse near Drury Lane.
Whenever he was so fortunate as to have near him a hare that had been kept too long, or a meat pie made with rancid butter, he gorged himself with such violence that his veins swelled and the moisture broke out on his forehead.
If his questing had been unsuccessful, he appeased the rage of hunger with some scraps of broken meat, and lay down to rest under the piazza of Covent Garden in warm weather, and, in cold weather, as near as he could get to the furnace of a glass house.
On the whole, despite the prosperous condition of the German live-stock farming, the consumption of meat exceeds the amount rendered available by home production, and prices can only be kept down by a steady increase in the imports from abroad.
They would only give their support to the Navy Bills of 1897 and 1900 in return for large concessions limiting the importation of margarine and American preserved meat, and the removal of the Indemnitts Na-chweis acted as a kind of bounty on the export of corn.
The whole body, including the back of the neck, is covered with straight silky hair, which denotes quality and lean meat.
A deficiency of lean meat is a common characteristic of the breed, which is almost extinct.
The Small Black, moreover, is rather longer, and stands somewhat higher, whilst it yields more lean meat than the Small White.
From 3 to 5 lb of meal consumed results in an increase of i lb of live weight in a pig, which is the most economical meat producer on a farm.
In England the king washed the feet of as many poor men as he was years old, and then distributed to them meat, money and clothes.
He may not even eat cheese or eggs or milk, for they, like meat, are produced per viam generationis seu coitus.
The total number of bullocks in the island is calculated to be less than 200,000; and although the ratio of consumption of meat is low in proportion to the population, some of the cattle for slaughter have to be imported.
They are quiet in disposition, and much valued for agricultural labor by the people, who therefore very rarely slaughter them for meat.
Sheep (of which the greater number are black) and goats are abundant, and mutton is the ordinary butchers meat.
Swine are very rarely kept, and then almost wholly for the European inhabitants, the Copts generally abstaining from eating their meat.
In the XVIIIth Dynasty the value of meat, &c., was reckoned in gold; somewhat later copper seems the commonest standard, and under the Deltaic dynasties silver.
The flesh is dry and unsavoury, but is permitted meat for Hindus, even of the Brahman caste.
Unlike the modern Hindus, the Aryans of the Veda ate beef, used a fermented liquor or beer made from the soma plant, and offered the same strong meat and drink to their gods.
In honour of the Horae a yearly festival (Horaea) was celebrated, at which protection was sought against the scorching heat and drought, and offerings were made of boiled meat as less insipid and more nutritious than roast.
This Orphic fast from meat was only broken by an annual sacramental banquet, originally, perhaps, of human, but later of raw bovine flesh.
Cattle-breeding flourishes, and meat and butter are constantly increasing items of export.
The food of the people in the midlands and south is plentiful and good; in the remoter parts of the north an unfavourable summer is followed by a winter of scarcity or even famine; and in these parts meat is little used.
A prevalent custom among the better classes is that of beginning meals with a selection of such viands as anchovies, smoked salmon or slices of meat, of which a number of small dishes are provided (smorgasbord).
About the other peoples of Sweden he gives a few details, chiefly of physical or moral characteristics, commenting upon the warlike nature of the Visigauti, the mildness of the Finns, the lofty stature of the Vinovii and the meat and egg diet of the Rerefennae.
Chief exports are wool, flour and frozen meat, and the industries are in connexion with these.
In order to reduce the price of meat, the meat tax, which had existed since ancient times was abolished.
The well-intentioned abolition of the tax on meat also had not the desired result, for by a system of cornering the price of meat rose to more than it In the autumn of 1896 the grand vizier (Amin-es-Sultan) encountered much hostility from some members of the shahs Mi I t riai entourage and various high personages.
The city exports coal, wool, coke, horses, cattle, frozen meat, silver, lead, copper, tallow, hides and country produce.
There are also extensive lairages for live-stock, and cold storage for dead meat.
He tried to supply this by giving raw meat and glycerine extract of meat, but although he seemed to get some benefit from the treatment, it was not sufficiently marked to attract general attention.
It may be diminished or its increase prevented by a diet from which red meat and meat extracts are excluded, by the use of the lactic acid bacillus, by the administration of laxatives and cholagogues to regulate the bowels, and by the use of iodides and nitrites.
The other plan is to use an exclusively meat diet, combined with the ingestion of a large quantity of hot water, so as to cause free elimination.
It sometimes answers very well in persons troubled with flatulence, since meat does not give rise to the same amount of gas in the intestines as carbohydrates.
If the meat diet be continued with too small a proportion of water, a gouty condition may be brought on.
An entirely opposite dietary is that in which butcher's meat is completely excluded and proteids reduced to a minimum, as advocated by Dr Haig.
The dietaries already mentioned, the whey cure, the grape cure, the meat cure and the vegetarian cure, are all more or less systems of starvation, one or other article of ordinary diet being either reduced to a minimum or omitted altogether.
In three of them at least - the whey cure, the grape cure and the meat cure-a diminution in one or other of the solid constituents of food is associated with the ingestion of an unusually large quantity of water.
Both the war of1899-1902and the grant of self-government to the new colonies were necessary preliminaries to the success of any unification scheme, but the causes which now led to the question of closer union being raised were not political but economic. Since the development of the diamond meat for and gold mining industries the coast colonies had Closer unduly neglected their own resources and had relied Union.
As made by the Indians it was composed of the lean parts of the meat, dried in the sun, and pounded or shredded and mixed into a paste with melted fat.
Their sole wealth is cattle and their chief food milk and blood; meat is only eaten when a cow happens to die.
Any liquid (blood, urine, milk, beer, &c.) containing organic matter, or any solid food-stuff (meat preserves, vegetables, &c.), allowed to stand exposed to the air soon swarms with bacteria, if moisture is present and the temperature not ab- Distribu- normal.
The more recent researches of Molisch have shown that the luminosity of ordinary butcher's meat under appropriate conditions is quite a common occurrence.
Thus of samples of meat bought in Prague and kept in a cool room for about two days, luminosity was present in 52% of the samples in the case of beef, 50% for veal, and 39% for liver.
If the meat was treated previously with a 3% salt solution, 89% of the samples of beef and 65% of the samples of horseflesh were found to exhibit this phenomenon.
To mention examples, blood serum solidified at a suitable temperature is a highly suitable medium, and various media are made with extract of meat as a basis, with the addition of gelatine or agar as solidifying agents and of non-coagulable proteids (commercial " pep tone ") to make up for proteids lost by coagulation in the preparation.
The central cattle market and slaughter-houseslfor the inspection and supply of the fresh meat consumed in the metropolis occupy an extensive area in the north-east of the city on the Ringbahn, upon which a station has been erected for the accommodation of meat trains and passengers attending the market.
Whisky, groceries, prints and notions were staples sent to Santa Fe; wool, buffalo robes and dried buffalo meat, Mexican silver coin, gold and silver dust and ore came in return.
The imports are French wines, spirits and liqueurs; silk and cotton stuffs, tobacco, hardware, glass, earthenware, clothing, preserved meat, fish, and vegetables, maize, flour, hay, bran, oils and cattle.
In the same year the Imperial parliament passed the New Con- meat.
Any medical officer or inspector of nuisances may inspect any meat, &c., exposed for sale or deposited in any place for the purpose of sale or of preparation for sale and intended for the food of man.
If upon such inspection the meat, &c., appears to be diseased, unsound or unwholesome, it may be taken before a justice for the purpose of being condemned, and the person to whom the meat, &c., belongs or in whose possession it was found is liable to a penalty or, in the discretion of the justices, to imprisonment for three months without the option of a fine.
On a conviction of selling or exposing for sale, or having in his possession or on his premises unsound meat, the court may also revoke the licence.
The question of meat offered to idols was a burning one, in every sense of the term, long after Paul's day.
The chief exports to foreign countries are textile fabrics, Indian corn, meat, dairy products, apples, paraffin, boards and shooks; the chief imports from foreign countries are sugar, molasses and wool.
In the simple arts of broiling and roasting meat, the use of hides and furs for covering, the plaiting of mats and baskets, the devices of hunting, trapping and fishing, the pleasure taken in personal ornament, the touches of artistic decoration on objects of daily use, the savage differs in degree but not in kind from the civilized man.
Meat and vegetable food, such as fern-root, was broiled over the fire, but boiling in a vessel was unknown.
The bulls are usually kept for ploughing, the cow being preferred for meat.
The meat of both sheep and goats is excellent; that of the latter is preferred by the natives.
The raw meat eaten in this way is considered to be very superior in taste and much more tender than when cold.
Veal is the one kind of meat generally consumed.
The first step in the scientific refutation of the theory of abiogenesis was taken by the Italian Redi, who, in 1668, proved that no maggots were "bred" in meat on which flies were prevented by wire screens from laying their eggs.
Of later origin are the jam, pickle and potted meat factories, hundreds of acres having been laid down in strawberries and other fruits within a few miles of the city.
It has a black face and legs, a big head with Roman nose, darkish ears set well back, and a broad level back (especially over the shoulders) nicely filled in with lean meat.
Although it handles hard on the back when fat, no breed except the old Horned Norfolk equals it in producing a saddle cut of mutton with such an abundance of lean red meat in proportion to fat.
Lancasters ad parlia- herents were turned out of the council; the persons meat of condemned in 1376 were declared incapable of serving in it; Alice Perrers was sentenced to banishment and forfeiture, and the little king was made to re pudiate the declaration whereby his uncle had quashed the statutes of 1376 by declaring that no act of parliament can be repealed save with parliaments consent.
Both Houses of Parliament were in the main assemblies of aristocrats and landowners; but agriculture was ceasing to be the characteristic industry of the country and the Parliaold semi-feudal relations of life were in process of meat and rapid dissolution.
He reduced the duties on the raw materialswhich the farmers used, such as seed and maize, and in return he called on them to give up the duties on cattle and meat, to reduce largely the duties on butter, cheese and hops, and to diminish the duty on corn-by gradual stages to IS.
The earliest attempts at enrichment by oil gas consisted in spraying oil upon the red hot mass in the retort during carbonization; Enrich- but experience soon showed that this was not an econo- meat by mical method of working, and that it was far better to oil gas.
For many years the price of benzol has been falling, owing to the large quantities produced in meat arlch by the coke ovens, and at its present price it is by far the volatile cheapest enriching material that can be obtained.
Formerly cannel coal was used for Enrich- producing a very rich gas which could be mixed with the meat.
By autumn or October he is busy at his njalla killing the surplus reindeer bulls and curing meat for the winter.
The principal native products exported are live sheep, horses, salt meat, wool and hides, to which must be added the fish products - cod, train-oil, herring and salmon - eiderdown and woollen wares.
Large quantities of prunes, grain, meat, raw hides, eggs and copper are exported, chiefly to Austria-Hungary, Germany and Turkey.
The sisters were not to be literally shoeless, but to wear sandals of rope; they were to sleep on straw, to eat no meat, to be strictly confined to the cloister, and to live on alms without regular endowment.
In the halls of the kings the position of each person's bed and seat, and the portion of meat which he was entitled to receive from the distributor, were regulated according to a rigid rule of precedence.
Dead meat, butter and cheese were also excluded, yet peace brought a certain prosperity.
He introduced sumptuary laws; relieved the poor by distributions of bread and meat, proceeded with great severity against informers and embezzlers; began the construction of various public works and buildings; and proclaimed a general amnesty for political crimes.
They both abstain from meat and liquor, marry at the age of puberty, ordinarily celebrate their ceremonies through the agency of the elders of their own caste and bury their dead.
Their main doctrines were the evil nature of matter, an absolute forbidding of marriage, abstinence from wine and perhaps from meat.
Other important manufactures are ships, paints, foundry and machine shop products, brass goods, furniture, boots and shoes, clothing, matches, cigars, malt liquors and fur goods; and slaughtering and meat packing is an important industry.
The articles mentioned in the edict, which is chiefly interesting as giving their relative values at the time, include cereals, wine, oil, meat, vegetables, fruits, skins, leather, furs, foot-gear, timber, carpets, articles of dress, and the wages range from the ordinary labourer to the professional advocate.
They preserved an absolute chastity and abstained from wine and meat.
They condemned marriage (save, perhaps, first marriages), the eating of meat, baptism of children, veneration of saints, fasting, prayers for the dead and belief in purgatory, denied transubstantiation, declared the Catholic priesthood worthless, and considered the whole church of their time corrupted by the "negotia saecularia" which absorbed all 1 One result is their inability to form a true theory of Judaism and of the Old Testament in relation to the Gospel, a matter of great moment for them and for their successors.
The heretics of whom Heribert speaks condemned riches, denied the value of the sacraments and of good works, ate no meat, drank no wine and rejected the veneration of images.
Davy Postle read a paper before the Royal Society of Victoria, suggesting the conveyance of meat on board ship in a frozen state by means of refrigerated air, and in 1869 he showed by experiment how it could be done; but his apparatus was not commercially developed.
In the meat trade between the River Plate, the United States, Canada and Great Britain, ammonia or carbonic acid machines are now exclusively used, but for the Australian and New Zealand frozenmeat trade compressed-air machines are still employed to a small extent.
The cooling of residential and public buildings in hot countries, though attempted in a few cases in the United States and elsewhere, is yet practically untouched, the manufacture of ice and the preservation of perishable foods (apart from the frozen and chilled meat trades) have in many countries hardly received serious consideration, but in breweries, dairies, margarine works and many other industries there is a large and increasing field for refrigerating and ice-making machinery.
It has an active trade in petroleum, salt, metals, timber, cereals, fruit, wine, spirits, preserved meat, textiles, clothing, leather, cardboard and cigarette paper.
Wool is extensively worked, and meat is frozen for export.
At a later date, when the custom in collegiate churches of living in common had become less general, a certain amount of the church revenue was divided among the clergy serving such a church, and each portion (no longer of meat or drink only) was called a prebend.
On one side Prometheus arranged the best parts of the ox covered with offal, on the other the bones covered with fat, as the meat was covered in Homeric sacrifices.
The fresh meat would have been a welcome change, but nobody was going to get away with throwing food at her - least of all an arrogant saddle bum.
Hopefully, Cynthia thought as she left, not 'third bottle' pork chops—meat doused with a shake from every third container on the spice rack.
He was furious, but he knew he was dead meat.
Dressed in a mock turtleneck of some expensive fabric and slacks, the seated Immortal was relaxed and bright-eyed, despite accompanying them on the hunt that led them to the meat locker a couple of hours ago.
He opened the fridge for a snack and dragged out a selection of meat the size of his arm.
Pork meat products could potentially carry PRRS, although they are of far greater risk for other diseases.
We'd rather relish meat or butter from the local farmer - witness the boom in farmers' markets.
This included the abattoir operated by Orkney Meat, Orkney Auction Mart and the new Orkney Cheese creamery.
Meat inspectors working in Scottish abattoirs have also reported a marked increase in carcasses showing evidence of liver fluke infestation.
She is a combined milk and meat machine who drives, and is driven by, modern agribusiness.
Here were the meat packing workers who stock the supermarket aisles.
Components of cooked meat that have been suggested to cause this include heterocyclic amines, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, nitrogenous residues and iron.
This attention to detail and concern for excellent animal husbandry produces tender meat consistent in quality and flavor throughout the year.
Conversely, vegetarians may have lower dietary exposures to chemicals which are more prevalent in meat and fish (e.g. arsenic ).
First of all, he developed an aversion to meat.
The outputs of these systems include meat, milk, wool, charcoal, cork bark and grain.
Many lay on the ground for days on end, in sweltering conditions and covered in fake blood and raw meat.
Vegetarians have lower blood pressure than do people who eat meat.
Wild boar meat is leaner and deeper red than pork; meat of the young boar is very tender.
Herbs The kinds of herbs grown for flavoring sauces and meat included borage, sage, thyme, rosemary, parsley and chives.
Place the Ostrich Meat in pan and add the bouquet garni, cloves and port, then arrange the plums over the top.
Good food sources of both these nutrients include Brazil nuts, seafood, meat and poultry.
These are found in a range of foods such as meat, fish, eggs, nuts, milk, wholemeal bread and cereals.
The meat is moist closest to the bone, and these are choice cuts from a master butcher.
Animals on fur factory farms are fed meat byproducts considered unfit for human consumption.
The factory ship processes whales into whale oil, whale meat, bone meal, meat extract and other byproducts.
Poultry meat toughness reaches its maximum level as recently slaughtered carcasses are washed, but the meat becomes more tender as carcasses are chilled.
To avoid cold shortening, meat must not reach 10 o C within 10 hours post mortem in lamb carcasses.
Add the cinnamon sticks and black cardamoms and let them sizzle for a few seconds before adding the marinated meat with its liquid.
Nunamiut share caribou meat when fresh meat is required but will store it otherwise.
If protein turnover rates are measured in growing meat animals, the half-life for protein synthesis is shorter than the half-life for protein catabolism.
In contrast, by the 1990s, most iron came from fortified breakfast cereals where the iron is less bioavailable than from meat.
Eggs, miscellaneous cereals and meat products contained the highest nitrite concentrations.
Food sources include fatty fish, wholegrain cereals, nuts, meat, vegetables.
The meals will be something special with local specialities such as arctic charr and reindeer meat.
The Old Smokehouse - Brougham Hall Fine smoked meat, poultry, fish, game and cheese and hand-made chocolates.
Canines are fang teeth at the front of mouths which carnivores use to rip chunks of meat from their prey.
So the Sergeant major gets a meat cleaver and chops his privates off!
Big mistake, especially as the son wields a large meat cleaver and isn't fussed about who he kills.
I am going to sleep with a meat cleaver under my pillow to be on the safe side.
The meat thus prepared stayed moist and the sauce had a hint of sweetness that did not cloy.
Meat with large diameter collagen fibers tends to be tougher than meat with thinner collagen fibers tends to be tougher than meat with thinner collagen fibers.
This double-sided bone comb was made from the waste products of the meat industry.
For desserts and meat dishes, mixed berries compote combines raspberries, strawberries and blackberries.
Their TV program about our investigation will hopefully help to educate Italian consumers about the suffering involved in providing them with their meat.
Don't put raw meat products next to cooked or partially cooked meat on the barbecue.
Such transformations are meat and drink to Peter Rafferty in this rich cornucopia of subjects and styles.
However, eating large amounts of meat may cause short-lived increases in blood creatinine levels.
Meat and salads will be provided but please bring your own crockery, cutlery and drink.
Many a big guy on the opposing side have come a cropper thinking Peter was easy meat.
Leave the spoon in and add a cupful of water so that the meat is just covered.
It is also the name of small round pieces of lean meat such as lamb cutlets with the bone and fat removed.
The price of meat was a little dearer than when she was a girl.
Is it purely as a pet, for eggs, as a snail and slug deterrent or for meat?
The whole thing is aimed at getting the discerning diner simply the best meat meal.
She says, As a mother and a vegetarian, I am horrified by the meat industry's utter disrespect for life.
Meat supplies to Smithfield market in London were seriously disrupted with no Scottish beef reaching the market at all.
The meat dolma is a main course dish eaten with a yogurt sauce, and a very frequent one in the average household.
Small steamed dumplings called momos may be filled with meat or cheese.
Among these civil laws was the rule that forbade the eating of pig meat.
In this game you can " create 76 different, real world dishes from fried eggs to cabbage meat rolls!
My very entrails burn for want of drink, My bowels cry, Humber, give us some meat.
These are particularly found in red meat, meat pies, sausages, butter, cheese, cakes and biscuits made with hydrogenated fats.
You're also adding to the already high saturated fat by piling on more meat.
The female calves were kept to maintain the milking herd and the bull calves fattened and sold for meat.
Beware of meat products like beefburgers and sausages which are very fatty, choose low-fat varieties whenever possible.
Most baits appear to be working although corn, meat and carp pellet remain firm favorites with boilies taking the bigger fish.
What there is not enough of is animal feed - cereals to drive the predicted increase in meat consumption.
Meat with large diameter collagen fibers tends to be tougher than meat with thinner collagen fibers.
This basis for a naturally fibrous (and therefore ' chewy ') texture has been exploited in the formulation of meat analogs.
Their purpose is to add intense flavor to the meat without excessive moisture.
Younger children and babies on request Evening meals include a weekly Swiss folklore evening with Raclette, meat fondue and gala dinner.
Tuck into jerk chicken, spicy ribs, blackened fish or meat jambalaya and soak up the family vibe.
A little red currant jelly is nice with the meat.
Each year, hunters are licensed to shoot millions of adult kangaroos for their meat and skins.
Use the woody stalks as skewers to add flavor to meat and vegetable kebabs.
Meat mains include interesting offerings such as minced lamb with parsley, pine kernels & onions or whole quail seasoned with coriander.
Remove with a slotted spoon and repeat with the remaining 2/3rds of the meat adding a little more lard or oil if necessary.
It reduces the price of meat for human consumption and reduces the demands on the human food larder.
Although hunting great apes for meat is illegal in many countries, enforcing the law is not easy, especially during times of conflict.
If the Ministry's plans for hygienic control succeed, it will effectively legalize the dog meat market.
Each recipient having a quarter a pound of meat, potatoes, plum pudding and a penny loaf.
As well as knives, the weapons surrendered to the 43 police forces across England and Wales include machetes, meat cleavers and axes.
Beat chicken breasts with a meat mallet or rolling pin to flatten them slightly.
At the side of the food tent nearest the spit roast the meat is cut into portions and kept warm in the bain Marie.
Pour the flour over the meat, and steadily add the marinade until the meat is covered.
With my first taste of roast bone marrow with parsley salad was born my enduring love of meat, nose to tail.
Middle Ages Food - Lamb and Veal Of all butchers ' meat, veal was reckoned the best.
We wear leather shoes, eat meat, drink milk, why not make use of the skins, too?
Fresh minced meat also does nothing for the cat's teeth.
The reward is rich, lean meat with an incomparable richness of flavor.
Most lizards eat a variety of foods; some like large monitors eat raw meat, whilst others eat only insects.
One of the most recent was how eating too much red and processed meat could increase the risk of bowel cancer.
Raw or undercooked meat Make sure you only eat meat that has been well cooked.
Don't eat red meat more than once a day.
All of Chris's fish came to small pieces of luncheon meat fished over carp pellets.
Ten years ago, the UK imported about 1000 tons of poultry meat.
Meat quot i'm the best-in-the-west nugget western diner with.
The article also reported Dr. Grant as saying that infected cattle offal was still being used in pies and meat products.
John fished a homemade soft pellet paste over a bed of pellet and chopped corn and meat offerings.
In particular, red meat contains oleic acid, the same type of fat that's found in olive oil.
However, their female characters also identify with animals as the victims of patriarchal oppression, and some of them refuse to eat meat.
Season the meat sauce with salt and pepper and add some oregano, basil and a grating of nutmeg.
Cheese now outranks meat as the number one source of saturated fat in our diets.
Labeling Solutions for Ireland One of the largest fresh meat packers in Ireland have recently purchased several labeling systems from Atwell Self-Adhesive Labellers.
Lambs carrying a double muscling gene which American meat packers say has an effect worth about $ 15 a carcass.
The berries also make a very palatable jelly, often served with meat.
Bait wise, paste, corn, meat, worm and maggot are all working as are boilies and banded pellet.
Even African pastoralists, whose lives depend on cows, sheep and goats, get more nutrition from milk than from meat.
Best feed 4mm - 6mm halibut pellets, chopped meat or hemp.
Daniel float fished luncheon meat over small carp pellets.
Add the ground meat, red pepper, pepper, salt, spices the rice also.
The origins of the meat in a shepherd's pie would be a conundrum too far.
Pigs are raised to produce either piglets or meat.
Be it a full meat platter or just some milky tea, most people eat meat or animal products on a daily basis.
We will force feed vegans a meat slurry with toilet plungers.
We believe the secret of cooking succulent pork lies in the slow maturing qualities of the meat allied with a good covering of fat.
We produce the finest quality Gourmet Meals using only the best local ingredients & local free range meat with no added preservatives.
The dark orange pumpkin meat is used for food.
Good examples are fruit and vegetables in plastic punnets, meat or fish in plastic trays and plastic carrier bags.
Tyson proposed that because meat rots so quickly outside the body it will incite internal putrefaction if taken into the body.
No DNA method yet exists that can accurately quantify the amount of meat species in meat products.
That meat requires with excessive sugar predominantly rebellious anti-heroes is the overall.
Boosting iron intakes - If you eat meat, try to include some lean, red meat in your diet every week.
Paragraph 9 should provide the opportunity to promote Scotch red meat.
Using stepwise regression of a number of features of the signal stronger prediction equations are possible (R = 0.95 for meat toughness ).
This misery is partly a direct result of our desire to eat meat.
Rex rabbits were also suitable for the meat trade.
The tender meat of skate clinging to the strip of cartilage is reminiscent of pork ribs.
Meat needs to be hung for anything from 1-4 weeks before it is edible, so I see nothing wrong with humans eating roadkill.
Remove the meat from the tail section, the soft greenish liver and any red roe from the head and tail.
She recommends using apple or a sweet berry as well as rowans, unless you're making rowan jelly to go with meat.
We need to be checking rigorously the importation of meat and meat products to ensure that Britain is kept safe.
The Brunello wine gives a wonderful taste to the meat - a classic Tuscan salami with a kick!
The meat counter includes traceable local hams cooked on the premises, along with the best European salamis.
Children's menu is £ 5.95 and this includes starters, a vegetable or meat samosa.
Slice the meat then pour the sauce over the mutton.
Since food is rationed and meat is relatively scarce, much of the diet is healthy fruit and vegetables.
A male calf, too scrawny for the meat industry, is often shot.
That was the day when Alun Jones opened his butcher's shop with the aim of providing high-quality local meat to the local market.
Meat Sandwiches cannot be described as ham if they are made with pork shoulder.
And finally The Real Meat Company has always shunned sponsorship.
Slender rosemary branches can also be used to make skewers which flavor meat from the inside-out to stunning effect.
Allow the meat to marinate in the mixture for several hours, then thread onto long skewers.
Meat eaters are catered for with a selection of dishes ranging from crispy aromatic duck to satay chicken skewers.
They directed that bovine head meat had to be recovered from the intact skull before the brain was removed.
It is funded through a Meat and Livestock Commission levy paid on all sheep and cattle slaughtered in England.
Will FAWC look at poultry slaughter once it has completed its study of red meat slaughter?
Meat was scarce, so we had whale meat and something called snook.
For dinner, make spaghetti with tomato and fresh basil sauce instead of a meat sauce.
The lamb came on a caponata of caramelized root vegetables, and the meat was perfectly cooked with a delicious stuffing.
Will compliment fish in rich sauces, pasta and white meat such as pork loin with an apricot stuffing, quail or goose.
As kosher food is an acceptable substitute for halal meat, many of the usual arguments over food at the wedding reception were bypassed.
Our method should help you produce a truly tasty turkey with especially succulent breast meat.
Considering how some people opt for vegetarian suet, it is now even possible to eat mincemeat which contains no meat at all.
Nowadays, the only meat based ingredient is beef suet.
Again, large meat works often have their own tannery.
Tastier was the accompanying braised leg meat in a puff pastry tartlet.
Adrian's meat was wonderfully tasty too - must have been the special sauce.
Cats need more meat than dogs and they also need taurine, which is not found in dog foods.
I like to take whatever meat or fish I have purchased - salmon or tuna, pork tenderloin, chicken breasts or beef.
Make sure meat and poultry are thoroughly thawed before cooking.
Remove any skin and sinews from the turkey thigh meat and cut into small pieces.
Inside, the M&S meat was an alarmingly bright pink; the Waitrose gray with a pinkish tinge in the middle.
Spread some Passatta onto the Tortilla, add your meat toppings, then sprinkle on the Mozzerella, Cheddar and some Parmesan shavings.
The nosh is very trad French, heavy on the meat and pretty on the plate.
Dirty sponges, warm fridges, dripping meat and under-cooked bangers all spell tummy trouble.
The shellfish filled a large tureen, two large casseroles and a large meat dish.
A trial begins in Hull of men accused of conspiring to sell poultry meat unfit for human consumption to a supermarket chain.
Sheep are one of the most important ungulates to man, farmed for their meat and their wool.
Various contributions from East Asia and elsewhere have given some meat to these challenges to liberal universalism.
Don and Tony sell meat, eggs, cheese, frozen vegetables and meat freezer packs.
Yet, instead of advocating vegetarianism, some scientists are trying to create animals that produce double the normal meat yield.
But those who do not practice vegetarianism are prohibited from eating Halal meat and beef.
From local forests, wild venison is a healthy meat, low in fat.
Lay the slices of tail meat over the potato salad, garnish with one of the claws and drizzle the vinaigrette over the lobster.
Even where they do, meat tends to be consumed by people who are relatively wealthy and already well-fed.
Even today Icelanders commonly support whaling, and visits by Greenpeace are greeted with people barbecuing whale meat.
Recent projects have included processes for the production of fungal meat substitute, biodegradable plastic, and protein and ethanol from cheese whey.
The main activities include potato and buckwheat cultivation, and raising yaks for wool, meat, manure and transport.
In the interval between his nomination as Protector and the summoning of his first parliament in September 1654, Cromwell was empowered together with his council to legislate by ordinances; and eighty-two were issued in all, dealing meat of with numerous and various reforms and including the reorganization of the treasury, the settlement Lilburne and the anabaptists, and John Rogers and the Fifth Monarchy men, were prosecuted only on account of their direct attacks upon the government, and Cromwell in his broadminded and tolerant statesmanship was himself in advance of his age and his administration.
Accordingly, in the session of 1562-1563, Cecil forced upon an unwilling parliament "a politic ordinance on fish eating," by which the eating of flesh on fast days was made punishable by a fine of three pounds or three months' imprisonment, one meat dish being allowed on Wednesdays on condition that three fish dishes were present on the table.
Arrange- Professor C. Lapworth has generalized the grand features meat of of crustal relief in a scheme of attractive simplicity.
Glycerin acts as a preservative against decomposition, owing to its antiseptic qualities, which also led to its being employed to preserve untanned leather (especially during transit when exported, the hides being, moreover, kept soft and supple); to make solutions of gelatin, albumen, gum, paste, cements, &c. which will keep without decomposition; to preserve meat and other edibles; to mount anatomical preparations; to preserve vaccine lymph unchanged; and for many similar purposes.
The quantities of dead meat imported increased with great rapidity from 1891 to 1905, a circumstance largely due to the rise of the trade in chilled and frozen meat.
An abundance of lean meat and a moderate amount of fat well distributed constitutes a better carcase, and a more economical one for the consumer, than a carcase in which gross accumulations of fat are prominent.
The new government was pledged to abolish the vicious system by which Paris was fed at the expense of all France, and the cessation of the distribution of bread and meat at nominal prices was fixed for the 20th of February 1796.
A curious street sight in Kashgar is presented by the hawkers of meat pies, pastry and sweetmeats, which they trundle about on hand-barrows just as their counterparts do in Europe; while the knife-grinder's cart, and the vegetable seller with his tray or basket on his head, recall exactly similar itinerant traders further west.
In addition large numbers are engaged in industries arising out of agriculture; among these are manufacturers of agricultural implements, millers of flour and oatmeal, curers and packers of meat, makers of cheese and butter, and persons occupied in the transportation and commerce of grain, hay, live stock, meats, butter, cheese milk, eggs, fruit and various other products.
For example, the trypsin of the pancreas (see Nutrition) digests albuminous bodies in neutral or alcoholic solution, and if the whole of that which is secreted in the pancreas for the digestion of meat in the intestine were absorbed unchanged into the circulation, it would digest the body itself and quickly cause death.
First there are informal meetings of eminent persons; Parka- acts remain, and to which only knights of the shire meat.
People on top of the earth are all meat.
All the rest was of a piece; dry salad, putrid meat, and bread harder than English cookie.
The stigma that our forebears had to make do with rancid meat is nonsense.
The Real Meat Company stipulates breeds, hanging times, cooling regimes and ingredients for sausages and ready meals.
Using stepwise regression of a number of features of the signal stronger prediction equations are possible (R = 0.95 for meat toughness).
We 'd rather relish meat or butter from the local farmer - witness the boom in farmers ' markets.
Originally bred for their furs, rex rabbits were also suitable for the meat trade.
She recommends using apple or a sweet berry as well as rowans, unless you 're making rowan jelly to go with meat.
The Brunello wine gives a wonderful taste to the meat - a classic Tuscan salami with a kick !
Children 's menu is £ 5.95 and this includes starters, a vegetable or meat samosa.
She does n't eat cat meat, but tuna is fine, And a saucer of milk at round about nine.
Secondly, where the bird is dry, like turkey, a sausage meat stuffing helps keep the flesh moist.
The scalloped edge prevents fish or meat from sticking to the blade.
Ravens were unclean scavenger birds so better not to think about the bread and meat they would actually bring !
Add the lobsters, flesh side down, and sear for a few minutes or until the meat starts to color.
Next comes the primo piatti, usually pasta or risotto, and this followed by the secondo piatti of meat or fish.
Flesh shambles were flesh benches or stalls where meat was once sold in medieval times.
That was the day when Alun Jones opened his butcher 's shop with the aim of providing high-quality local meat to the local market.
For a quick snack, try the original kebab, a souvlaki of skewered meat in pitta bread.
Meat skewers were an addition to the 18th century table.
Choose lean meat / mince and skinless chicken / poultry and trim all visible fat before cooking.
In my MINIM discussions I have made it clear that I want more resources for slaughterhouse inspection, whether welfare or meat hygiene.
The meat was presented as strips of tender lamb, the sauce was thick with a glossy slick of oil on top.
Also you do not get the smokey flavor from the juices of the meat cooking alongside the nan in the tandoor.
You know the snowshoe rabbits were my main source of meat during the winters.
Locals in this region enjoy meat dishes and most of the restaurants here specialize in grilled cuisine.
The major attraction of the Souq is its stalls of freshly slaughtered meat and traditional food sheds where roasted and stewed meat is served.
The plant in Merthyr Tydfil had to comply with strict new European guidelines in order to be allowed to export the meat.
Such meat is subject to far less stringent standards.
This was the somewhat stringy meat of the deal.
Joints of meat are suspended from the ring beam in the smoke to keep the meat free from flies and to season it.
Adrian 's meat was wonderfully tasty too - must have been the special sauce.
One is to increase the flow of adrenalin and the other is to tenderize the meat.
More correctly it was a terrine of confit rabbit, beautifully slowly cooked so that the meat was meltingly tender.
Thawed meat unable to be cooked immediately must be stored in the refrigerator.
Top Cooking Make sure frozen meat and poultry are fully thawed before cooking.
Insert a meat thermometer into the thickest portion of the ham, making sure it does n't touch fat or bone.
Vitamin B thiamine can be found in whole-grain cereals, bread, red meat, egg yolks, and green leafy vegetables.
Government attempts to blame meat imported from Europe were quickly thwarted by the fact that there have been no Foot and Mouth episodes there.
The Norman meat in the Lovett sandwich was an unbridled joy.
The variety of earthenware objects decorated in underglaze blue was vast, from enormous meat dishes to tiny butter boats.
The union states that ' we need to work together to combat the problem of unfit meat entering into the food chain '.
You can have an unhealthy diet with or without meat.
Any trader who wishes to sell unwrapped raw meat together with ready-to-eat food must have a license from the council for the trading premises.
Fresh local veg served with a quality roast or grilled meat is also quickly prepared...
While freezing and refrigeration would not substantially reduce the concentration or virulence of viruses on contaminated meat, proper cooking kills such viruses.
For those wishing to try something out of the ordinary there is also ostrich and water buffalo meat !
Your cubs must be bottle fed around the clock for two weeks, then weaned on a diet of high quality meat.
Well-done meat contains more carcinogenic material than does lightly cooked meat.
The fast food company had a lawsuit filed against them because they tried to adulterate their meat without informing customers.
Be aware when shopping in grocery stores, because some meat companies will adulterate their products with water to increase the weight.
When I learned I was anemic, I decided to increase my intake of red meat to get more iron in my diet.
Be sure to avoid any finger foods that might be choking hazards, such as grapes, nuts, popcorn, or large pieces of meat.
The same principles apply to meat that you give your child.
Baby food is ideally made with skinless chicken or fish or lean cuts of red meat or pork.
Aim for variety in your child's protein intake, and remember that there's no need to include meat at every meal, as all those dairy products also include a large amount of protein.
The micronutrients found in whole grains, fruits and vegetables and lean meat, chicken and fish are essential for your baby’s health.
Temperature-controlled drawers or bins with individual controls to set the interiors of these several degrees cooler for storing meat or fish.
Dry-aged steak Meat cut from a side of beef that hangs in a cooler for 20-30 days.
Wet Aged Beef Meat is packaged in vacuum-sealed bags and placed in coolers for "wet aging" before cutting and packaging.
This process breaks down the meat fibers and become more tender then beef packaged and sold in supermarkets.
This is a misconception, however, as many companies will ship perishable foods, such as meat and cheesecake.
Still in the creation stage, this new invention product promises to help you hunt game birds and put them on the table without those annoying metal pieces of shot in your meat.
These canned meals are meant to be served over rice and include the meat and vegetables needed to enjoy dishes such as Sweet and Sour Chicken and Beef Chow Mein.
This animal eats both meat and plants, and has to watch out for leopards, their top predator.
Cats are obligate carnivores, meaning that they must eat meat in order to survive.
Therefore all food must be high in protein from good meat sources, not by-products.
Always buy food with real, named meat sources such as chicken or beef, not "meat" or "meat by-products".
Wellness cat food uses real meat as the main-stay in nearly all of its formulas, unless a specific formula addresses a particular dietary concern.
This means your cat receives real meat as the main ingredient in its food, not a lower quality, secondary protein source.
Using real human-grade meat is more expensive, as reflected in the price per bag, but the nutritional benefits should be well worth the additional cost.
This dry recipe is low carb and high protein with five meat sources.
It's not entirely understood why cats seem to have such an attraction to grass, especially since they are mainly meat eaters.
This is an inferior substitute for real meat protein.
Duck tends to be very fatty, but if you take the skin off, you have very tasty dark meat, and it sautés quickly.
In fact, the quality of meat contained in pet food is generally unfit for human consumption, and to add insult to injury, large amounts of melamine are just another reason to be skeptical of commercial brand pet foods.
Take a good look at the quality of meat used in these foods.
Place your cooked turkey meat in a food processor or blender, and blend until it becomes a thick paste.
Now take the turkey mixture, and using a tablespoon of the meat mixture at a time, roll it into a ball.
I personally think your cat is getting safer nutrition from the real meat and fruits you are serving.
You can boil a meat and some rice together, and then add in a vegetable and a fruit near the end to create a nutritious recipe.
This meat based formula contains a ratio of approximately eight pounds of fish and chicken meal for every sixteen pounds of cat food.
The meat is in larger pieces, similar to the Figaro product.
You can add a little meat broth or the water from a can of tuna to try to entice your reluctant cat to eat.
Orijen uses hormone and antibiotic-free meat and poultry in their products, and the poultry used is grain-fed.
The company uses a 70/30 formula; 70 percent meat to 30 percent fruit and vegetables.
The meat used is deboned to keep your pet safe from possible injury.
Cats have a digestive system that doesn't require much more than meat.
If the first few ingredients don't even include meat (not meat by-products), odds are you're feeding your animal a lot of filler ingredients that do little for your pet nutritionally.
It is important to note that all of the protein sources are meat based.
Chicken is from the meat and ground bone only, not the feathers or internal organs.
While commercially prepared raw pet food costs in excess of five dollars a pound, you can find inexpensive cuts of meat in your grocery store for a fraction of that cost.
She would chew on bones and meat, and would also ingest stomach contents of her prey.
Chopping up some raw meat is only part of feeding your cat a species appropriate diet.
Just grind the meat and the bones, as well as the organ meats.
Animals used for the meat in Primal Pet Foods are raised on grass or an appropriate vegetarian diet.
The food contains meat, organs and bone ground up for a complete nutritional profile.
Beat the water with the remaining ingredients and stir into the meat.
Taurine, which is an important nutrient for cats, is added through natural meat sources such as organ and muscle meats.
The meat is either turkey, chicken or lamb, and all meats are free range.Rad Cat also uses human-grade bone meal to provide the appropriate levels of calcium and phosphorus.
Some of the more expensive foods contain exotic meats like rabbit, elk, buffalo or other meat.
This is fine as long as the meat is named specifically and is the first ingredient listed.
Meat by-products are a little different from poultry by-products.
Meat by-products actually contain no real muscle meat, but they may include any organ, bone or fatty tissue.
Meat, organ meats and broth should be the first three ingredients on the cat food label.
They need protein in the form of meat to be healthy.
Find foods that have meat listed as the first ingredient.
Cats do derive a lot of moisture from their food, primarily meat.
However, some cats simply cannot abide the taste of raw meat and poultry.
Cutting up your cat's meat into cubes is one option.
However, when supplementing the food with vitamins and nutrients, and entertaining the option of canning extra food, a meat grinder can make this process all the more simple.
Ground meat is far easier to blend with other ingredients.
While they may occasionally eat grass or catnip, biologically, they are meat eaters.
Therefore, a food high in grains may be inappropriate for a meat eater.
This means raw muscle and organ meat as well as ground raw bones.
Some cat food manufacturers create their food products using poor cuts of meat and not even enough of these.
Foods that deserve a glowing review when it comes to cat food ratings should be made using high-quality animal proteins formed from cuts of meat that would be considered safe for human consumption.
That means in terms of nutritional content, the food should be higher in protein and lower in carbohydrates since meat has this proportion of nutrients.
These nutrients are normally present in meat cats would consume from hunting.
Canned foods have the nutritional advantage in that they contain meat as well as moisture.
Some companies use inferior grades of meat and too many fillers to be healthy for your cat.
For example, most meat animals are fed a diet containing corn.
As the feed costs to the farmers go up, so the prices of meat, eggs, and other products that rely on grain will follow.
Meat production, especially beef, creates excessive pollutants.
By limiting the amount of meat you consume, and purchasing only meat from local sources, you can do your part to reduce the amount of carbon released into the atmosphere.
Become a vegetarian or limit the amount of meat in your diet.
Meat and dairy contribute to greenhouse gas emissions and global warming.
Dried herbs are great, but they simply don't compare in flavor to using fresh herbs in your meat dishes, pastas and salads.
Rosemary - used to flavor many meat dishes and occasionally salads.
Naturopaths taught that a diet based on red meat as the primary protein source was unhealthy and would lead to disease and ill health.
When you eat animal products such as meat or dairy, the food is broken down into its various components.
Chemically, they're very similar to the cholesterol found in meat products and dairy.
In the example given, if plant sterols are in the green beans, they may block some of the cholesterol from the red meat (but chances are they won't block much).
This information is rather selective and tends to leave out the fact that the Mapuche are also known to eat little meat and that their diet also includes other wild fruit as well as cultivated crops like potatoes and pumpkins.
Vegetables like cucumbers, carrots and onions are popular items as well as crab meat, shrimp and even hamburger.
In eastern cultures, meat is an enhancement giving the opportunity to eat more vegetables.
These treats are served in bamboo baskets and consist of 3-4 pieces of steamed meat, shrimp, buns, egg rolls, or pork.
Generally, a kebab refers to meat dishes that are prepared in Africa, the Middle East, Greece, central Asia, and south Asia.
The meat, usually lamb or beef, is grilled or broiled on a stick or skewer.
Smothered - Meat or vegetables cooked down until tender and reduced.
Cracklins- Deep fried pork skin, may have small bits of meat attached.
Tasso- Heavily smoked pork strips or cubes used to season meat, beans, or vegetables.
Cantonese is one of the most flexible cuisines of the country, and Cantonese cooks will use just about any meat, vegetable, and sauce in their cooking.
They are usually used with a lid for slow cooking large amounts of stew, soups, and meat.
The breast of the turkey finishes cooking well before the dark meat is done.
To keep the white meat from becoming overcooked while the dark meat finishes cooking, you need to take a piece of foil and place it over the turkey breast.
If you and your family are partial to the white meat, purchasing only whole breast might be your best option.
This helps keep the meat tender and moist during cooking.
A dry rub can be used to increase the taste but will not penetrate the meat as much as a marinade will.
Foil Wrapped - Cooking a turkey wrapped in aluminum foil produces very moist meat because the turkey steams in its own juices.
This allows the juice from the dark meat to run down into the breast. keeping it moist.
To produce a smoky flavor in the meat, water-soaked wood chips may be added to the hot coals.
Wash your hands and any surfaces and utensils that may have come in contact with the raw meat and never stuff a turkey the night before.
Carving your bird too early results in the juices running out, and the meat ends up dry.
If you are making a recipe that involves meat or poultry, you have an excellent opportunity to explain to your children how cross contamination can cause illness.
Low acid canned items like meat, poultry, and fish will last from 2-5 years as long as the can is not damaged.
The summertime heat in July can be a killer and your guests might not want to indulge in heavy red meat when the temperatures hit the roof.
Barbecued Salmon - If you're looking for something a little lighter than red meat for your grill, consider salmon.
Grilled Tomatoes - Tomatoes also shine on the grill and can make a great side to hearty meat dishes.
Horse meat is also available for those who want it.
Some are sweet enough to use as a dip for strawberries, and are one of the best marinades for meat.
When the meat loaf is finished baking, fill a syringe with warm spaghetti sauce and inject the loaf with it.
Choosing a lower fat cut of meat can drastically reduce the fat in a recipe.
Try to think of the meat in the meal as a side dish, and the greens as the main part of the meal.
Check after an hour, if the meat is falling off the bone your dinner is done.
Regardless of your sauce options for your steak recipe, rub a bit of oil onto the grill and heat it up for a couple of minutes before placing your meat down.
Then, give the meat 7 to 14 minutes on each side, depending on how you like it, and voila…the perfect steak.
There are also equipment options for deep frying meat, such as using a turkey fryer or a deep skillet (otherwise known as a wok), so here are times for these two common choices.
Select a deep red piece of meat of medium thickness for broiling.
You'll want to also choose a well-marbled steak so the juices keep the meat moist during the broiling process.
The longer the beef marinates, the more tender it becomes, so it is recommended that you let it marinate for approximately 30 minutes to 4 hours depending on your schedule and if the meat was cold to begin with.
If when pinched between your thumb and index finger the muscle part of the meat feels fleshy, it still needs another minute or so in the broiler.
If all else fails and you're still feeling unsure, cut into your meat and check the color…pink is rare and brown is well done.
If charring begins to happen, turn down the heat and flip the meat.
Adversely, if your oil is too hot when you put the meat in, you're going to wind up with smoke and charred beef.
You can also easily make your own ground meat at home from your favorite cut.
Also, feel free to add other things to your meat before you grind it, like sauces, herbs, fruit, or your other favorite toppings.
For more information on adding toppings to your meat before cooking, check out these homemade hamburger recipes.
While beef is the number one red meat consumed in the United States, there are a whole slew of meats available to consumers.
They may have several varieties of meat available and they'll be able to tell you the best way to cook it, too!