Measuring Sentence Examples
Eyes as cold as ice were measuring her every word.
It became, in fact, essential to invent a " micrometer " for measuring the small angles which were thus for the first time rendered sensible.
Kangaroo Island, at the entrance of St Vincent Gulf, is one of the largest islands on the Australian coast, measuring 80 m.
But on account of experimental errors in weighing and measuring, and through loss of material in the transfer of substances from one vessel to another, such analyses are rarely trustworthy to more than one part in about Soo; so that small changes in weight consequent on the chemical change could not with certainty be proved or disproved.
In his earlier experiments he burned the substance in a known volume of oxygen, and by measuring the residual gas determined the carbon and hydrogen.
The most natural method of procedure is to observe the deviations from Boyle's law by measuring the changes of pv at various constant temperatures.
The first, for a memoir on the construction of a clepsydra for measuring time exactly at sea, he gained at the age of twenty-four; the second, for one on the physical cause of the inclination of the planetary orbits, he divided with his father; and the third, for a communication on the tides, he shared with Euler, Colin Maclaurin and another competitor.
The differences of the readings of the screw, when converted into arc, afford the means of measuring the variations of the sun's apparent diameter.
Thus, in measuring the largest as well as the smallest angles, the images of both stars would be equally symmetrical and equally well in focus.
For the purpose of measuring resistances up to a few thousand ohms, the most convenient appliance is a Wheatstone's Bridge (q.v), but when the resistance of the conductor to be measured is several hundred thousand ohms, or if it is the resistance of a so-called insulator, such as the insulating covering of the copper wires employed for distributing electric current in houses and buildings for electric lighting, then the ohmmeter is more convenient.
AdvertisementThe size of leopards varies greatly, the head and body usually measuring from 31 to 42 ft.
The present writer has successfully used a similar plan in measuring position angles of a Centauri with the heliometer, viz.
He, however, successfully employed the instrument in measuring double stars, so close as I" or 2", and using a power of 300 diameters, with results that agreed satisfactorily amongst themselves and with those obtained with the filar micrometer.
The antlers are greatly palmated and of enormous size, fine specimens measuring as much as 11 ft.
The valley of Bannu proper, stretching to the foot of the frontier hills, forms an irregular oval, measuring 60 m.
AdvertisementThe feathers which form this remarkable adornment are, like those of the "ear-tufts," stiff and incurved at the end, but much longer - measuring more than 2 in.
No standards of weighing or measuring were known, but the parts of the body were the units, and money consisted in rare and durable vegetable and animal substances, which scarcely reached the dignity of a mechanism of exchange.
The group, consisting of small islands and reefs (which mark the extreme northern range of the coral-building polyps), is of oval form, measuring 22 m.
They lie mainly on the ancient Acropolis, which has been shored up with huge walls to form a terrace raised on vaults and measuring about 110o ft.
Methods of measuring the amplitude in sound waves in air have been devised and will be described later.
AdvertisementIf we compare the problem with that of measuring the illumination due to a source of light, we see at once how different it is.
The energy of this fork with a given amplitude of vibration could be calculated from its dimensions and elasticity, and the amplitude was observed by measuring with a microscope the line into which the image of a starch grain on the prong was drawn by the vibration.
The size which they finally attain and their general condition depend chiefly on the abundance of food (which consists of crustaceans and other small marine animals), on the temperature of the water, on the season at which they have been hatched, &c. Their usual size is about 12 in., but in some particularly suitable localities they grow to a length of 15 in., and instances of specimens measuring 17 in.
Electrolytic Meters are exclusively ampere-hour meters, measuring electric quantity directly and electric energy only indirectly, on the assumption that the pressure of the supply is constant.
The current is determined by measuring the volume of the mercury delivered at the cathode.
AdvertisementThe tang is used for measuring rice and the sat for paddi and other grain.
In bulk the white bear exceeds most other members of the family, measuring nearly 9 ft.
With metric units, measuring P in kg., and C in litres, the G.D.
For this purpose a resistance, say, of one ohm is placed in series with the lamp and a resistance of 100,000 ohms placed across the terminals of the lamp; the latter resistance is divided into two parts, one consisting of loon ohms and the other of 99,000 ohms. The potentiometer enables us to measure therefore the current through the lamp by measuring the drop in volts down a resistance in series with it and the potential difference of the terminals of the lamp by measuring the drop in volts down the tooth part of the high resistance of 100,000 ohms connected across the terminals of the lamp.
It has been in use for measuring corn, potatoes, &c., from a very early date; the value varying locally and with the article measured.
There are methods of measuring electrical power by means of electrostatic voltmeters, or of quadrant electrometers adapted for the purpose, which when so employed may be called electrostatic wattmeters.
It was square in shape, each side measuring 82 yds., and the remains stood about 10 ft.
Resistance measuring instruments.
Here is carried out the work of standardizing measuring instruments of various sorts in use by manufacturers, the determination of physical constants and the testing of materials.
The size varies, the total length of a very large specimen measuring 6 ft.
A voltmeter isan instrument for measuring difference of electric potential in terms of the unit called a volt.
Ayrton and others, for measuring voltages from 10,000 volts down to 1 volt.
Another muchused method of measuring con tinuous current voltages or unidirectional potential difference employs the principle of potentiometer.
It is always an advantage, if possible, to employ an electrostatic voltmeter for measuring potential difference if it is necessary to keep the voltmeter permanently connected to the two points.
The height and massiveness of the mountains decrease to the south-west, where the piedmont belt sweeps westward around them in western Georgia and eastern Alabama Some of the residual mountains hereabouts are reduced to a mere skeleton or framework by the retrogressive penetration of widening valleys between wasting spurs; the very type of vanishing forms, Certain districts within the mountains, apparently consisting of less resistant crystalline rocks, have been reduced to basin-like peneplains in the same time that served only to grade the slopes and subdue the summits of the neighboring mountains of more resistant rocks; the best example of this kind is the Asheville peneplain in North Carolina, measuring about 40 by 20 m.
The Lararnie Plains and the Green river basin, essentially a single structural basic between the east-west ranges of Rattlesnake Mountains on the north and the Uinta Range on the south, measuring roughly 260 m.
The hall was a very spacious apartment, measuring 83 f t.
The hall (2) was one of the most spacious and magnificent apartments in medieval times, measuring 170 ft.
The machine is fitted with 20 to 40 of these bobbins placed side by side, and its product is known as " slubbing roving," it being now a soft, thick thread of silk, measuring usually either 840 or 1260 yds.
Mauna Loa (" Great Mountain "), on the S., is by far the largest volcano in the world; from a base measuring at sea-level about 75 m.
For the instruments and methods used in measuring the dip see Inclinometer.
The method of measuring the horizontal component which is almost exclusively used, both in fixed observatories and in the field, consists in observing the period of a freely suspended magnet, and then obtaining the angle through which an auxiliary suspended magnet is deflected by the magnet used in the first part of the experiment.
It is also more particularly applied to a mathematical instrument ("pair of compasses") for measuring or for describing a circle, and to the mariner's compass.
For the measurement of motion it must be presumed that we have a method of measuring time.
He had, however, some years before, when he was a medical student, noticed the apparent regularity of successive swings of a pendulum, and devised an instrument for measuring, by means of a pendulum, such short periods of time as sufficed for testing the pulse of a patient.
The B resse extends from the Dombes on the south to the river Doubs on the north, and from the SaOne eastwards to the Jura, measuring some 60 m.
In the valley between Ward Hill and the ridge of the Hamars to the south-east is situated the famous Dwarfie Stone, an enormous block of sandstone measuring 28 ft.
It is an enclosure measuring 112 ft.
For this purpose a large can, whose volume is known, is filled loosely with stones, and the volume of the voids between them is determined by measuring how much water the can will hold in addition to the stones.
Santa Maura, measuring about 20 m.
It is one of the largest, measuring 2 ft.
The coal-field, measuring 7 m.
The earthen dikes are protected by stone-slopes and by piles, and at the more dangerous points also by zinkstukken (sinking pieces), artificial structures of brushwood laden with stones, and measuring some 400 yds.
The foundations of a fine synagogue, measuring 75 ft.
The Indawgyi lake, a fine stretch of water measuring 16 m.
In measuring conduction of heat in fluids, it is possible to some extent to eliminate the effects of molar convection or mixing, but it would not be possible to distinguish between diffusion, or internal radiation, and conduction.
There is little difficulty in measuring the time of flow, provided that it is not too short.
Angstrom's Method consists in observing the propagation of heat waves in a bar, and is probably the most accurate method for 4 4 thehi 's ' 'so ' d 60 measuring the diffusivity of a metal, since the conditions may be widely varied and the correction for external loss of heat can be made comparatively small.
Owing to the difficulty of measuring the gradient, the order of divergence of individual observations averaged 2 or 3%, but occasionally reached 5 or io %.
The chief difficulty is that of measuring the small change of resistance accurately, and of avoiding errors from accidental thermo-electric effects.
When the time for eclosion has come, the male enters the water with his burden; the larvae, in the full tadpole condition, measuring 14 to 17 millimetres, bite their way through their tough envelope, which is not abandoned by the father until all the young are liberated, and complete in the ordinary way their metamorphosis.
The idea of the pressure of the air and the invention of the instrument for measuring it were both new when he made his famous experiment, showing that the height of the mercury column in a barometer decreases when it is carried upwards through the atmosphere.
It is a diamond-shaped peninsula jutting out from the mainland in a north-easterly direction, the longer axis, from Muir of Ord station to the South Sutor at the entrance to Cromarty Firth, measuring 20 m., and the shorter, from Ferryton Point to Craigton Point, due north and south, 12 m., and it has a coastline of 52 m.
Most of the species are small, the largest known measuring 12 (the European Misgurnus fossilis), 13 (the Chinese Botia variegata), or 14 in.
The Swedish Expedition (17) of 1899-1902, engaged in measuring an arc of the meridian in Spitsbergen, were unusually well provided spectrographically, and succeeded in taking photographs of aurora in conjunction with artificial lines-chiefly of hydrogen-which led to results claiming exceptional accuracy.
An apparatus of great value in measuring slight changes in the vertical which have a bearing upon seismometrical observation is the Darwin bifilar pendulum.
Meath, there is a group of about thirty stone barrows or cairns, mostly chambered, their bases measuring from 5 or 6 to 60 yds.
He published, both alone and jointly with others, a large number of papers on physical, and in particular electrical, subjects, and his name was especially associated, together with that of Professor John Perry, with the invention of a long series of electrical measuring instruments.
Under Russian auspices a considerable, strip of alluvial soil on the left bank has been brought under cultivation, measuring Lower 4 or 5 m.
The two carried out some of the earliest thermochemical investigations, devised apparatus for measuring linear and cubical expansions, and employed a modification of Joseph Black's ice calorimeter in a series of determinations of specific heats.
By the use of a revolving mirror similar to that used by Sir Charles Wheatstone for measuring the rapidity of electric currents, he was enabled in 1850 to demonstrate the greater velocity of light in air than in water, and to establish that the velocity of light in different media is inversely as the refractive indices of the media.
Thoth presided over writing, measuring and calculation, and is prominent in the scene of the weighing of the soul.
Probably in no country in the world are there gathered together within comparatively narrow limits so many clean-cut waterways, measuring thousands of feet in depth, affording such a stupendous system of narrow roadways through the hills.
There are peaks measuring over 12,000 ft.
This animal sometimes attains the height of 20 hands (close on 7 ft.), measuring from the hump above the shoulder.
The value of "one revolution of the screw in seconds of arc" can be determined either by observing at transit the difference of zenith distance of two stars of known declination in terms of the micrometer screw, the instrument remaining at rest between their transits; or by measuring at known instants in terms of the screw, the change of zenith distance of a standard star of small polar distance near the time of its greatest elongation.
Specimens have been obtained measuring 18 ft.
Its framework is composed essentially of four uprights, which rise from the corners of a square measuring loo metres on the side; thus the area it covers at its base is nearly 22 acres.
The difficulties arise in connexion with the determination of the quantities of ice melted or steam condensed, and in measuring the latent heat of fusion or vaporization in terms of other units for the comparison of observations.
If the inner bulb is filled with mercury instead of water and ice, the same arrangement answers admirably as a Favre and Silbermann calorimeter, for measuring small quantities of heat by the expansion of FIG.
The method requires very delicate weighing, as one calorie corresponds to less than two milligrammes of steam condensed; but the successful application of the method to the very difficult problem of measuring the specific heat of a gas at constant volume, shows that these and other difficulties have been very skilfully overcome.
It is therefore often possible to measure quantities of heat indirectly, by measuring the energy in some other form and then converting it into heat.
Hirn's method of measuring the work expended in terms of the torque and the number of revolutions, still possess value as experimental evidence.
But, Quite Apart From This, Electrical Methods Possess The Greatest Value For Calorimetry, On Account Of The Facility And Accuracy Of Regulating And Measuring The Quantity Of Heat Supplied By An Electric Current.
The Defects Of The Earlier Work From An Electrical Point Of View Lay Chiefly In The Difficulty Of Measuring The Current With Sufficient Accuracy Owing To The Imperfect Development Of The Science Of Electrical Measurement.
The Direct Methods Of Measuring The Ratio S/S, By The Velocity Of Sound And By Adiabatic Expansion, Are Sufficiently Described In Many Text Books.
Formerly attempts were made to determine parallaxes by measuring changes in the absolute right ascensions and declinations of the stars from observations with the meridian circle.
Nowadays the determination is more usually made by measuring the displacement of the star relatively to the stars surrounding it.
Although much work has been done recently in measuring parallaxes, the number of stars included in such a list has not been increased, but rather has been considerably diminished; many large parallaxes, which were formerly provisionally accepted, have been reduced on revision.
A unit of length, which is often used in measuring stellar distances, is the light year or distance that light travels in a year; it is rather less than six billion miles.
The method commonly adopted in measuring the latent heat of a vapour is to condense the vapour at saturation-pressure in a calorimeter.
The simplest method of measuring the specific heat appears to be that of supplying heat electrically to a steady current of vapour in a vacuum-jacket calorimeter, and observing the rise of temperature produced.
The value in terms of arc of the scale of the record can be obtained by measuring the distance between the magnet mirror and the recording drum, and in most observations it is such that a millimetre on the record represents one minute of arc. The time scale ordinarily employed is 15 mm.
The Pacific coast, measuring some zoo m.
Back, showing graduations, parallelogram for measuring heights; and other tables, together with the Rule with sights (A) held by a moveable pin (B), known as the Horse or Wedge.
In 1850 Spano excavated many Phoenician tombs; they are rectangular or square chambers cut in the rock, measuring from 6 to 9 ft.
The dingo is a stoutly-built, rather short-legged, sandy-coloured dog, intermediate in size between a jackal and a wolf, and measuring about 51 in.
The apparatus he employed was devised by the Rev. John Michell, though he had the most important parts reconstructed to his own designs; it depended on measuring the attraction exercised on a horizontal bar, suspended by a vertical wire and bearing a small lead ball at each end, by two large masses of lead.
Measuring 72 ft.
As yet no more definite principle has been discovered than the somewhat obvious one of measuring the proposed items of outlay (I) against each other, (2) against the sacrifice that additional taxation involves.
It led at once to the construction of the galvanometer as a means of detecting and measuring the electric current in a conductor.
The voltameter provided a means of measuring quantity of electricity, and in the hands of Faraday and his successors became an appliance of fundamental importance.
By this simple device he provided a means of measuring small electric currents far in advance of anything yet accomplished, and this instrument proved not only most useful in pure scientific researches, but at the same time was of the utmost value in connexion with submarine telegraphy.
Maxwell showed in this paper that the velocity of propagation of an electromagnetic impulse through space could also be determined by certain experimental methods which consisted in measuring the same electric quantity, capacity, resistance or potential in two ways.
The larger sizes of these presses usually print a sheet of double crown, measuring 30X20 in.
Now, supposing the forme to be dealt with consists of thirty-two pages to be printed on quad crown paper, measuring 40X30 in., on a suitable size of single cylinder machine of the Wharfedale class, it would be found, although both the machine and type were fairly new (that is, not much worn), that there was some amount of inequality in the impression given to the whole sheet.
An electrometer is an instrument for measuring difference of potential, which operates by means of electrostatic force and gives the measurement either in arbitrary or in absolute units.
Quadrant electrometers have also been designed especially for measuring extremely small potential differences.
An instrument of this form is valuable in measuring small alternating currents by the fall of potential produced down a known resistance.
In the same way it may be employed to measure high potentials by measuring the fall of potential down a fraction of a known non-inductive resistance.
In 1838 he communicated to the Academy the details of his apparatus, which utilized the revolving mirrors employed by Sir C. Wheatstone in 1835 for measuring the velocity of the electric discharge; but owing to the great care required in the carrying out of the project, and to the interruption to his labours caused by the revolution of 1848, it was the spring of 1850 before he was ready to put his idea to the test; and then his eyesight suddenly gave way.
South of the railway lies a square block of territory, measuring roughly 300 m.
At one locality in north-western Ladakh there is a continuous mass of snow and ice extending across a snowy ridge, measuring 64 m.
At the entrance of the town stands a noble chinar (oriental plane), measuring 45 ft.
Oxen are employed for all field-work; those of the commonest breed are tawny, of great muscular power, very docile, and with horns measuring 5 or 6 ft.
In the church of Sao Roque in Lisbon, the decoration of a single chapel measuring 17 ft.
On the south-east, cut out of the rock, is the ancient harbour, or cothon, measuring about 480 ft by 240 ft., the entrance being 4 2 ft.
He did not, however, enter into the explanation of particular phenomena, as this had been done already by Laplace, but he pointed out to physicists the advantages of the method of Segner and Gay Lussac, afterwards carried out by Quincke, of measuring the dimensions of large drops of mercury on a horizontal or slightly concave surface, and those of large bubbles of air in transparent liquids resting against the under side of a horizontal plate of a substance wetted by the liquid.
The Diwan-i-Am is a splendid building measuring zoo ft.
The absolute capacity of the cranium of the gorilla is far less than that of man; the smallest adult human cranium hardly measuring less than 63 cub.
It consists in the determination of the standard or typical " mean man " (homme moyen) of a population, with reference to any particular quality, such as stature, weight, complexion, &c. In the case of stature, this would be done by measuring a sufficient number of men, and counting how many of them belong to each height on the scale.
The principal apartment is the Victoria Ha11, a richly ornamented chamber measuring 161 ft.
In size they vary between wide limits, from minute sparkling points encrusting rock surfaces and often so thickly clustered together as to produce a drusy effect, to large single crystals measuring a yard in length and diameter and weighing half a ton.
In the illustration the c' h is a little greater, measuring 471% of the flow of the driest year.
At a meeting of the Royal Society on the 11th of January 1672, Oldenburg the secretary read a letter from Paris describing the method followed by Picard in measuring a degree, and specifically stating the precise length that he calculated it to be.
At this place was a gauge for measuring the discharge of the river.
Thus the weights ordinarily in use for measuring from 4 oz.
There is no satisfactory name for the operation, as distinguished from partition; it is sometimes called measuring, but this implies an equality in the original units, which is not an essential feature of the operation.
A fractional number may be regarded as the result of a measuring division (§ 39) which cannot be performed exactly.
But in measuring a distance we may find that it is " between " two distances differing by a unit of the lowest denomination used, and a subdivision of this unit follows naturally.
Of the two kinds of division, although the idea of partition is perhaps the more elementary, the process of measuring is the easier to perform, since it is equivalent to a F series of subtractions.
Division in the sense of measuring leads to such a result as 935 d.= 3, 17s.
The circuits in which the batterybattery P and and d being galvanometer called the ratio branches placed are called conjugate circuits, and the circuits P, Q, R, and S are called the arms of the bridge, the '44 S arms and S the measuring arm.
In series with this set of coils is another set, S, which forms a measuring arm, the resistances of which are generally I, 2, 3, 4, 10, 20, 30, 40, 100, Zoo, 300, 400, woo, 2000, 3000, 4000 ohms. The junction between each pair of coils is connected as above described to a block, the blocks being interconnected by plugs all of which are made interchangeable.
This arrangement forms the measuring arm of the bridge, the ratio arms being constructed on the series plug pattern just described.
A bridge of this pattern has the advantage that the insertion or removal of a plug in the measuring arm does not tend to tighten or loosen all the rest of the plugs; moreover, there are fewer plugs to manipulate, and each plug is occupied.
The last-mentioned stood on a platform (irp60vacs) measuring 125 ft.
As compared with the majority of Acari, ticks are of large size, distended female specimens of some of the species measuring half an inch or more in length, while even the newly hatched young can hardly be regarded as microscopical.
The Florentine Paul Toscanelli, in his letters to Columbus and the Portuguese court (1474), takes Antilia as the principal landmark for measuring the distance between Lisbon and the island of Cipango or Zipangu (Japan).
The apparatus consists of (I) a measuring vessel, and (2) a xI.
A convenient form of measuring vessel is that devised by W Hempel.
One tube, called the "measuring tube," is provided with a capillary stopcock at the top and graduated downwards; the other tube, called the "level tube," is plain and open.
To use the apparatus, the measuring tube is completely filled with water by pouring water into both tubes, raising the level tube until water overflows at the stopcock, which is then turned.
The volume of the gas in the measuring tube is determined by bringing the water in both tubes to the same level, and reading the graduation on the tube, avoiding parallax and the other errors associated with recording the coincidence of a graduation with a (By permission of Messrs Baird & Tatlock.) FIG.
To use a pipette, the absorbing liquid is brought to the outlet of the capillary by tilting or by squeezing a rubber ball fixed to the wide end, and the liquid is maintained there by closing with a clip. The capillary is connected with the measuring tube by a fine tube previously filled with water.
The clip is removed, the stopcock opened, and the level tube of the measuring apparatus raised, so that the gas passes into the first bulb.
It is then run back into the measuring tube by lowering the level tube, the stopcock is closed, and the volume noted.
Hydrogen may be estimated by absorption by heated palladium contained in a capillary through which the gas is passed, or by exploding (under reduced pressure) with an excess of oxygen, and measuring the diminution in volume, two-thirds of which is the volume of hydrogen.
To use the apparatus, the measuring tube is completely filled with water by raising the levelling bottle.
By opening the three-way cock to the supply of the test gas and lowering the levelling bottle, any desired amount can be drawn into the measuring tube.
The series of operations connected with the manufacture and distribution of coal gas embraces the processes of distillation, condensation, exhaustion, wet purification by washing and scrubbing, dry purification, measuring, storing and distribution to the mains whence the consumer's supply is drawn.
The typical and largest representative of the group is the great anteater or ant-bear (Myrmecophaga jubata), an animal measuring 4 ft.
Off a promontory on its west coast, divided only by a narrow strait, is the comparatively flat island of Easdale (pop. 284), measuring roughly 2 m.
It is a more obvious, if perhaps a more vulgar, criticism of the great development to say that it was too simply intellectual - seeking clear-cut definitions and dogmas without measuring the resources at the command of Christians or the urgency of their need for such things.
Sacrobosco's De sphaera, he read all the books on the subject that he could buy or borrow; observed a partial solar eclipse on the 12th of September 1662; and attempted the construction of measuring instruments.
The problem of measuring from an axis perpendicular to this plane is solved on the principle that the incident and reflected rays of light make equal angles with the perpendicular to a reflecting surface.
The problem of determining the zenith distance of a celestial object now reduces itself to that of measuring the angle between the direction of the object and the direction of the vertical line realized in one of these ways.
Right ascensions are now determined, not by measuring the angle between one star and another, but, by noting the time between the transits of successive stars over the meridian.
The processes of measuring great portions of the earth, and of determining geographical positions, require both astronomical observations proper, and determinations made with instruments similar to those of astronomy.
They were, on the other hand, probably acquainted, a couple of millenniums before Meton gave it his name, with the nineteen-year cycle, by which solar and lunar years were harmonized; 1 they immemorially made observations in the meridian; regulated time by water-clocks, and used measuring instruments of the nature of armillary spheres and quadrants.
Christoph Rothmann and Joost Biirgi (1552-1632) became his assistants in 1577 and 1579 respectively; and through the skill of Biirgi, time-determinations were made available for measuring right ascensions.
The circle is the largest specimen of primitive stone monuments in Britain, measuring on the average 1200 ft.
In breadth the district of Chakhansur, measuring from the old bed of the Helmund, inclusive of Nad Ali, to Kadah, may be estimated at some 30 m.
It is on this latter plane that the eyepiece must be focussed, and here the measuring web must be placed.
Later observers have generally employed a balance method (some modification of the potentiometer or Poggendorf balance) for measuring the E.M.F.
The agreement between the observed and calculated values in the last two columns is as good as can be expected considering the great difficulty of measuring such small quantities of heat.
This length has been standardized to a measure of 6 ft., and as such is used mainly in soundings as a unit for measuring the depth of the sea.
He also gathered that the abnormal conditions forced upon the bees by a ready-built single comb might so turn aside their natural instincts as to render his investigations less trustworthy than if conducted under perfectly natural conditions; so, in order to remove all doubt, he decided to have a series of wooden frames made, measuring 12 in.
The ibex is a handsome animal, measuring about 41 ft.
In their numerous allusions to the subtle mercury, which the one makes when treating of a means of measuring time by the efflux of the metal, and the other in a treatise on the transit of the planet, we see traces of the school in which they served their first apprenticeship. Huygens, moreover, in his great posthumous work, Cosmotheoros, seu de terris coelestibus, shows himself a more exact observer of astrological symbols than Kircher himself in his Iter exstaticum.
It was then found necessary to distinguish clearly between horses and ponies, and, accordingly, all animals measuring 14 hands or under were designated " ponies," and registered in a separate part of the (Hackney) Stud-Book.
Of the three-clawed echidnas (Proechidna) confined to New Guinea there are two species, Bruijn's echidna (P. bruijnii), discovered in 1877 in the mountains on the north-east coast at an elevation of 350o ft., and the black-spined echidna (P. nigroaculeata) of larger size - the type specimen measuring 31 in., as against 24 in.
In both eyepieces micrometers or cross-wires are used for measuring in the plane of the real FIG.
For measuring this angle, an eyepiece with cross-threads is used.
The warm meal is then delivered through measuring boxes into closed pressbags ("scourtins" of the "Marseilles" press), or through measuring boxes, combined with an automatic moulding machine, into cloths open at two sides (Anglo-American press), so that the preliminarily pressed cakes can be put at once into the hydraulic press.
The spermatozoa of Discoglossus are remarkable for their great size, measuring three millimetres in length.
Binocular Instruments for Range-finding.-For measuring purposes binocular telescopes with parallel axes are the only types employed.
He leaned back slowly, as if measuring important words, and carefully set his cup on the desk.
The serpent raised its ugly head, the beady black eyes measuring Megan as its tiny forked tongue flicked in her direction.
A diagnosis is made by measuring the amount of the protein albumin in the urine.
When measuring blood albumin it is important to monitor the hydration status of the patient as this will affect interpretation.
The monitor works by measuring respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA ).
Post-operative gastric emptying was assessed by measuring the oral intake and gastric aspirate.
With the density of baryonic matter known, the total density can be determined from measuring the baryon fraction.
Measuring progress in halting biodiversity loss - Jun 02, 2006 The EEA launched its latest report on biodiversity loss - Jun 02, 2006 The EEA launched its latest report on biodiversity on 30 May.
She did a tiny bit of measuring with me and some addition [maths] and ' helped ' Chris with some packing.
In essence, Two Gentlemen of Verona gives you a measuring stick to see the brilliance in the best works.
A wire mesh measuring 1 " x 0.5 " is suitable when keeping budgerigars.
Holding the measuring cylinder over a tray or beaker, lightly insert the rubber bung.
Measurement of acetyl cholinesterase (AChE) activity is the primary method for measuring the effect of these pesticides on the nervous system.
For older children, preparation could include measuring slope angles with a simple clinometer.
The high energy makes the Tevatron the only collider capable of directly producing and thereby measuring the properties of the massive top quark.
Animations are used to illustrate the procedures in measuring cation exchange properties of soil colloids, in the Nutrient Cycling chapter of Oz Soils.
A Small Business Council discussion paper drawn from a report commissioned from Kingston University ' Measuring Training in Small Firms ' .
Programs for analyzing molecular shape and measuring shape complementarity for docked complexes are available for download, including FADE and PADRE.
This pink leather wrist cuffs will fit wrists measuring 5.5 to 8 inches round.
The primary focus will be on the act of measuring, with everything else receiving a rather cursory treatment.
By measuring the curvature of the tracks, the energy of the electrons to be estimated.
The measuring volume of the F25 is one cubic decimeter; measuring uncertainty 250 nm at a scale resolution of 7.5 nm.
These electronic measuring devices often have to be customized to individual customer requirements.
Measuring the actual numbers who attended the Mela as a result of Mela on the Mile proved difficult.
The slight discrepancy is probably the result of error in measuring.
By measuring genetic divergence between populations using molecular markers, I hope to relate this host specificity to the process of incipient speciation.
Measuring the Damping How does the ergometer ` know ' what damper setting is used?
Ferry Box monitors phytoplankton levels by measuring chlorophyll fluorescence.
In addition to measuring AFP, another substance produced during pregnancy called HCG is also measured.
Past sessions have covered the Drug Tariff, health & safety, first aid, measuring and fitting hosiery and professional practice issues.
There is a growth of bone on the distal left humerus measuring 6mm wide and 7 mm high.
There have been sensors for measuring air humidity for about 400 years.
Diagnosis of secondary hypothyroidism can be done by measuring cTSH at zero and 30 minutes post TRH stimulation.
Beer measuring instruments (beer meters) that have been crown stamped.
How are some ways that you are measuring progress in defeating insurgents in Iraq?
Most UK measuring jugs also have fluid oz marked on them.
Many people with diabetes can benefit from measuring blood ketones as part of their overall diabetes management program.
The technique involves measuring the accumulation of a biochemical marker called lipofuscin.
It has been characterizing displays since 1985, calibrating instruments and measuring luminance and chromaticity of displays.
Measuring Instructions For an accurate measurement please use a metal tape measure and take measurements in centimeters to the nearest 0.1cm.
Liposomes are tiny hollow molecules, measuring just one millionth of a millimeter, which are used to carry drugs to the body.
The display, measuring 7.5 mm across, is to be used in viewfinders, with appropriate lens magnification.
For measuring explosive power & efficiency in the lower limb extensor muscles.
While indoor air quality may seem nebulous, measuring and defining objectives is achievable.
It's stylishly oblong but compact, measuring just 79 x 25 x 12 cms.
In it's response the DfT also included figures for capital, measuring the total LTP allocations against a capital outturn figure.
An accurate way of measuring atmospheric ozone is by using an Ozone Monitor.
Paperweight Cube A small paperweight Cube A small paperweight or decoration measuring 2 " x 2 " x 2 " .
They took advantage of this fact to explain to them that this distance was obtained by measuring the parallax of the moon.
Conventional systems rely on measuring Raman scattering by optical phonons.
Firstly, there is currently no facility for measuring circular polarization.
Or are they actually not infinitely precise, given the practical limitations of measuring them with a finite universe?
A frost proof shelter measuring four feet x four feet is attached to the flight at the rear.
Conventional inversion recovery methods for measuring T 1 use a slice selective inversion pulse, followed a time TI later by an excitation pulse.
Further evidence comes from astronomical observation - astronomers look into the past when they look into space and have been measuring and observing quasars.
Hygrometer - a meter for measuring the relative humidity in the air.
Not that I would like to think that monetary reward is the only way of measuring quality.
Iron overload can be detected by measuring serum ferritin and fasting transferrin saturation.
The same thing happened to a French savant among the mountains of Spain, when he was measuring the terrestrial meridian.
This allows doctors to assess how well patients are responding to therapy by measuring tumor shrinkage.
At every stage of manufacture each test sieve is individually inspected by optical projection including the very latest computer based optical measuring equipment.
I have a small pipet with five balls in it designed for measuring specific gravity.
Measuring ozone To measure the ozone we use the Dobson Ozone spectrophotometer (behind us in the photograph above ).
Laser induced plasma spectroscopy (LIPS) is a technique for measuring the composition of various materials.
Overall there is no consensus that automated blood pressure measuring devices are less accurate; however all the studies used different automated sphygmomanometers.
This is adequate for measuring relative areas occupied by the cortex and central stele.
The monaural stethoscope may be placed over the brachial artery and used for measuring blood pressure.
The effect of Quinag on ice flow can be checked by measuring glacial striae on the quartzites.
The difficulty in measuring drop-out rates from distance learning programs is that the question of having dropped out becomes very subjective.
The light in a warehouse measuring 2 candlepower is seriously substandard.
These studies involve measuring reaction rate coefficients at the low temperatures characteristic of the mesosphere/lower thermosphere region.
Each shelf comes topped with specially toughened Italian glass measuring 445mm x 355mm.
The LBL positioning method involves measuring ranges from an ROV mounted acoustic transceiver to a seabed array of transponders.
Examples include measuring the total transmittance and reflectance or by measuring the radial spatial distribution.
A new optical device was developed for continuously measuring the rate of sediment transport in the system.
If we are given a right-angle triangle of sides measuring 2 inches x 2 inches, what is the length of the Hypotenuse?
Unlike traditional wet wrapping with bandages, they require no measuring or cutting and can be worn like normal undergarments.
Dosing and measuring is not a hassle, if anything it allows you to maximize the full usage of your Ariel.
Work on measuring these quantities for non sinusoidal waveforms is underway.
This pink leather wrist cuffs will fit wrist cuffs will fit wrists measuring 5.5 to 8 inches round.
The presumption is either that d 2 V/dh 2 near the ground is much larger numerically than Gerdien supposes, or else that the ordinary instruments for measuring ionization fail to catch some species of Ion Whose Charge Is Preponderatingly Negative.
The principle of Gascoigne's micrometer is that two pointers having parallel edges at right angles to the measuring screw, are moved in opposite directions symmetrically with and at right angles to the axis of the telescope.
This screw is mounted on an oblong box which carries one of the measuring edges; the other edge is moved by the coarser part of the screw relatively to the edge attached to the box, whilst the box itself is moved relatively to the axis of the telescope by the finer screw.
In measuring differences of declination, where the stars are brought up by the diurnal motion, this precaution cannot be adopted, because it is necessary always to bisect the preceding star with the fixed web.
This excellent time-saving contrivance has also been used in Gill's apparatus for measuring astrographic plates (see below).
Especially important has been the problem of measuring the " catalogue plates " ofthe international Carte du ciel - a work that implies the determination of the positions of some millions of stars - that is to say, of all stars to the i ith or 12th magnitude.
Apparatus for Measuring Star-Spectra, &c. - These machines may be divided into three classes, viz.
A, in which the motion of the slide which carries the photographic plate is measured entirely by a screw; B, in which that motion is measured by combination of a scale and screw; and C, in which the A F B photographic plate is fixed and the measuring microscope is moved.
In the Potsdam form of this apparatus the micrometer is, for convenience, provided with a motion at right angles to the axis of the screw, and it has been found at the Cape Observatory that the periodic errors in this apparatus do vary very sensibly according as the microscope is directed to a point more or less distant from the measuring screw.
The forms of measuring machines of type C, often seen in physical laboratories, should be at once rejected for refined measurements, because it is impossible to construct slides of such perfection that the axis of the microscope will remain absolutely normal to the surface of the plate (assumed to be a plane) throughout the range of measurement.
Vogel and his successors employed one or other form of measuring machine, provided with a microscope having single or close parallel webs which could be successively pointed on the photographed lines of the star spectrum and the lines of the terrestrial spectrum.
On this account, observers have until now limited themselves to a partial treatment of such spectra, measuring only a small number of lines, whereby the major part of the rich material present in the plate remains unutilized."
The use of a rod as a measuring implement has given rise to the use of the word for a measure of length= 52 yds.
For instance, fourwheeled bogie third-class corridor carriages employed on the Midland railway at the beginning of the 10th century weighed nearly 25 tons, and had bodies measuring 50 ft.; yet they held only 36 passengers, because not only had the number of compartments been reduced to six, as compared with seven in the somewhat shorter carriage of 1885, by the introduction of a lavatory at each end, but each compartment held only 6 persons, instead of 10, owing to the narrowing of its width by the corridor.
It is encircled by a wall measuring upwards of a mile in circumference, and is prettily planted with trees, on one of which the last emperor of the Ming dynasty (1644), finding escape from the Manchu invaders impossible, hanged himself.
The largest island is Tongatabu (the Sacred Tonga, Tasman's Amsterdam) in the southern group, measuring about 25 by io m., and 165 sq.
The opening of the Taff Vale railway in 1840 and of the South Wales railway to Cardiff in 1850 necessitated further accommodation, and the trustees of the marquess (who died in 1848) began in 1851 and opened in 1855 the East Bute dock and basin measuring 464 acres.
It has generally been supposed to be a " milliarium " or central point for measuring distances, but Sir Christopher Wren believed it was part of some more considerable monuments in the forum (Parentalia, pp. 265, 266).
The disciples of Newton maintained that in the fact of the mutual gravitation of the heavenly bodies, according to Newton's law, they had a complete quantitative account of their motions; and they endeavoured to follow out the path which Newton had opened up by investigating and measuring the attractions and repulsions of electrified and magnetic bodies, and the cohesive forces in the interior of bodies, without attempting to account for these forces.
Its vapour density agrees with the molecular formula C302, and this formula is also confirmed by exploding the gas with oxygen and measuring the amount of carbon dioxide produced (see Ketenes).
In this case both the fixed and movable circuits consist of fine wires, and the instrument is constructed and used in a manner similar to the Siemens dynamometer employed for measuring continuous alternating current (see Amperemeter).
A continuous flow calorimeter has been used by the writer for measuring quantities of heat conveyed by conduction (see Conduction Of Heat), and also for determining the variation of the specific heat of water.
Aristarchus of Samos observed at Alexandria 280-264 B.C. His treatise on the magnitudes and distances of the sun and moon, edited by John Wallis in 1688, describes a theoretically valid method for determining the relative distances of the sun and moon by measuring the angle between their centres when half the lunar disk is illuminated; but the time of dichotomy being widely indeterminate, no useful result was thus obtainable.
The next step is to design a pulse oximeter in which this extra measuring facility is already an integral part.
Fairly roomy measuring to per person love with quot.
Adjust the first bridge saddle to the scale length, measuring from the inside of the nut to the center of the bridge saddle.
My work involved removing thin muscle fiber bundles, and then measuring their fiber length and sarcomere length.
Measuring 89cm x 56 x 50 cm when erected it is suitable for use until baby can sit unaided.
Measuring ozone To measure the ozone we use the Dobson Ozone Spectrophotometer (behind us in the photograph above).
Measuring the sterol content of barley leaves infected with powdery mildew as a means of assessing partial resistance to Erysiphe graminis f.sp. hordei.
For example when measuring the heat output from a firework or thermite reaction.
A new type of device for measuring ultrashort pulses of light has recently won an international award.
My objective measures 5 2 / 10 English inches in diameter with its brass ring, the uncovered part measuring 4½ inches.
The most common method of measuring bone density involves a simple test called dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DXA).
Measuring for a nursing bra a week or so after giving birth may be a bad idea because your breasts are most likely engorged during this period.
Measuring yourself at home should actually be done with the help of a friend or spouse because your arms should be straight at your sides during the measuring process.
Ease in measuring the intake of milk the infant is getting.
If one entry seems off kilter, it may be the result of an error in measuring.
Weighing in at 8.6 ounces and measuring only 8 inches long, Rahman was born at 25 weeks gestation.
The average growth patterns for male and female infants are somewhat different so there are separate growth charts measuring height and weight for boys and girls from birth to 36 months.
If you have concerns about making sure you are ordering a bra that fits, their website contains a detailed fitting guide and also includes a measuring tape template you can download and print out.
When selecting size, choose the height based on your needs and measuring from the wall because most toilets need about twelve to fourteen inches between the base and the wall.
It is recommended that you purchase a ceiling fan measuring from 29 to 36 inches for a room up to 75 square feet, and there are fans sized for medium and large rooms as well.
If you have a room measuring 225 square feet, for example, you will want a fan that measures anywhere from 50 to 54 inches, but a medium-sized room of 144 square feet can handle a fan measuring 36 inches or more.
Without proper measuring, carpeting costs can quickly rise.
Write this figure down in inches and centimeters for convenience while you shop, since some brands may list their sizes in either measuring system.
This is also important because there are so many dimensions to take into consideration when measuring for loft beds.
You should also go with the measuring guidelines each furniture cover manufacturer provides, as their guidelines will be structured according to how their individual furniture covers are designed to fit over specific types of furniture.
See examples of measuring guidelines at The Cover Store and KoverRoos.
Particle matter is commonly called black carbon pollution and is comprised of small pieces of matter measuring about 2.5 microns to about .0001 inches.
The study investigated several aspects of measuring the environmental impact of each type of bag.
The ancient Chinese medicine books have no information regarding cholesterol because humans did not begin measuring cholesterol levels until the 20th century.
A freezer container can accomplish the same goal, but you will need to measure the basil and olive oil mixture into a measuring cup first, then spoon it into the freezer container.
Areas of study include elements and principles of design, color theory, materials, sample board presentation, measuring, window treatments, and lighting.
Last year, I asked for a laser measuring device and got a sweater.
This year, I want the laser level (I bought the measuring device myself) and all I hear in response is "yeah, right."
The laser measuring device replaces cumbersome metal measuring tapes.
And, as everyone knows, measuring is the backbone of any remodeling project.
Once the measuring is done, they will help you pick out the style of frame you want.
You can also print out this handy measuring worksheet.
With your desired shape in mind, start measuring.
One of the examples given was measuring an outdoor track.
Some of the functions available are measuring shapes, unit conversion, general arithmetic and different types of rates.
Accurate measuring can make or break your recipe.
Simply overfill your measuring cup or spoon and use the dull side of a butter knife to scrape off the extra and make it level.
If a recipe calls for sifted flour or sugar, sift directly into the measuring cup or spoon first, then use the knife trick.
It's best to use a glass or plastic measuring cup that is larger than your final measurement.
Place the measuring cup on a level surface at eye level then add the liquid to your desired measurement.
Some recipes like soup and stews can be done well without measuring.
For other things like baking and specialty cooking, measuring is critical.
Get yourself the following measuring tools and you'll be set no matter what you're preparing.
They are sets of high quality, decorative paper with each sheet measuring 6 inches square.
Weighing less than two pounds and measuring five inches square, the Slice can cut out a dozen shapes in the time it takes a person to cut one by hand.
This can be done by standing the ski on its bottom edge and measuring it by where it reaches on your head.
As with your breast measurement, you're going to want to hold the measuring tape taunt across your waist, and yes, it's okay to pull in your stomach.
As with the previous two measurements, you'll be holding the measuring tape tigh