Max Sentence Examples
Winge, and endorsed by Professor Max Weber, is also taken to include the koala.
A useful sketch, with references to the best literature, is in Max Heimbucher, Orden and Kongregationen (1896), i.
The art school, founded by him in 1848, has had a notable series of eminent painters among its professors, including Preller, Bocklin, Kalckreuth, Max Schmidt, Pauwels, Heumann, Verlat and Thedy.
American Kestrel Falco sparverius Recorded on ten dates; daily max 6 birds.
As early as 1875 he published a volume of poems in Gujarati, followed in 1877 by The Indian Muse in English Garb, which attracted attention in England, notably from Tennyson, Max Miller, and Florence Nightingale.
In 1888 there was published the huge monograph by Max Fiirbringer entitled Untersuchungen zur Morphologie and Systematik der Vogel.
An excellent article in Herzog-Hauck, Realencyklopcidie (3rd ed.), "Briider des gemeinsamen Lebens," supplies copious information with references to all the literature; see also Max Heimbucher, Orden and Kongregationen (1897), ii.
There are monuments to the philosopher Moses Mendelssohn (born here in 1729), to the poet Wilhelm Muller, father of Professor Max Muller, also a native of the place, to the emperor William I., and an obelisk commemorating the war of 1870-71.
The silicon-iron had, in fields up to about Io, a greater permeability than a sample of the best Swedish charcoal-iron, and its hysteresisloss for max.
The principal contributors to the " Transactions " of this section of the academy were--for anatomy and physiology, Coloman Balogh, Eugene Jendrassik, Joseph Lenhossek and Lewis Thanhoffer; for zoology, John Frivaldszky, John Kriesch and Theodore Margo; for botany, Frederick Hazslinszky, Lewis Juranyi and Julius Klein; for mineralogy and geology, Joseph Szabo, Max Hantken, Joseph Krenner, Anthony Koch and Charles Hoffman; for physics, Baron Lorando Eotviis, Coloman Szily and Joseph Sztoczek; for chemistry, Charles Than and Vincent Wartha; for meteorology, Guido Schenzl.
AdvertisementThe Max Kohl pumps are based on the same principle, but are constructed with more elaborate detail, leading to a greater efficiency, an exhaust of o 0008 mm.
Dr Max Pappenheim has ascribed the origin of Germanic gilds to the northern "fosterbrotherhood" or "sworn-brotherhood," which was an artificial bond of union between two or more persons.
The most striking of these are the palaces of Duke Max and of Prince Luitpold; the Odeon, a large building for concerts, adorned with frescoes and marble busts; the war office; the royal library, in the Florentine palatial style; the Ludwigskirche, a successful reproduction of the Italian Romanesque style, built in 1829-1844, and containing a huge fresco of the Last Judgment by Cornelius; the blind asylum; and, lastly, the university.
Among the succeeding rulers those who did most for the town in the erection of handsome buildings and the foundation of schools and scientific institutions were Albert V., William V., Maximilian I., Max Joseph and Charles Theodore.
In 1901, Professor Max Neuberger of Vienna called attention to certain anticipations of modern views made by Swedenborg in relation to the functions of the brain.
AdvertisementMax showed the greatest coolness and did his best to calm the populace.
His story has been dramatized by Max Ring, Die Genfer (1850), by Jose Echegaray, La Muerte en los Labios (1880), by Albert Hamann, Servet (1881), and by Prof. Shields, The Reformer of Geneva (1897).
Max Weber states that blue mud occurs in the deep basins of the eastern part of the Malay Sea.
The poet Max von Schenkendorf (1784-1817) was born at Tilsit.
The information is epitomized by Max Heimbucher, Orden and Kongregationen, i.
AdvertisementThe Cours d'economie politique pratique, from which Morstadt had given extracts, was translated into German by Max Stirner (1845).
The range of stress is therefore k max.
For a bar so placed that it is alternately loaded and the load removed, 0 =k max .
If a bar is subjected to alternations of stress having the range A = f max .-f min ., then, by Wchler's law, the bar will ultimately break, if f max
Putting the values of F in (1) and solving for f max ., we get for the breaking stress of a bar subjected to repetition of varying stress, f max.
AdvertisementAs the load travels, the shear at the head of the train will be given by the ordinates of a parabola having its vertex at A, and a maximum F max.
Among comparative philologists Max Miller belonged to Germany by birth and to England by adoption, while, in the United States, his ablest counterpart was W.D.
The explorations made by Dr Lehmann in 1909 in the famous ruins of Teotihuacan, near Mexico city throw new light upon certain chronological problems. Like the excavations made by Dr Max Uhle in Peru, they tend to determine the relative antiquity of the different periods of the ancient civilization.
It was detected by Max Wolf at Heidelberg on plates exposed on Sept.
Some diversity of view obtains among naturalists with regard to the classification of the order; the scheme here followed being the one adopted (with some modifications of nomenclature) by Professor Max Weber in his Sliugethiere.
It is a small barbel discovered in Natal by Max Weber, and described by him under the name Barbus viviparus.
Though his own sympathies, and those of his allpowerful minister, Max Josef von Montgelas, were, if anything, French rather than Austrian, the state of the Bavarian finances, and the fact that the Bavarian troops were scattered and disorganized, placed him helpless in the hands of Austria;.
Warlomont (1860-1889), known under the pen-name of " Max Waller."
Max Elskamp (born at Antwerp in 1862) is the author of some volumes of religious poetry - Dominical (1892), Salutations, dont d'angeliques (1893), En symbole vers l'apostolat (1895) - for which he has devised as background an imaginary city.
From it some pretty gardens and promenades (Kaiserin Augusta Anlagen) stretch along the bank of the Rhine, and in them is a memorial to the poet Max von Schenkendorf.
He was heir to the extensive Austrian lands, and as the widowed husband of Charles the Bolds daughtel Max!miliani.
Already the Liberal ministers, Falk and Hobrecht, had resigned, as well as Max von Forckenbeck the president, and Stauffenberg the vice-president of the Reichstag; in their place there were chosen a Conservative, and the Catholic Baron von Franckenstein.
Max Muller (Asien und Europa, 1893, chap. v.), this represents an endeavour to express the vocalization; but, if so, it was carried out with very little system.
In all these distinctively Buddhist verses the existing translations (of which Professor Max Miller's is the best known, and Dr Karl Neumann's the best) are inadequate and sometimes quite erroneous.
Without entirel y break ing with the pseudo-classic method he had adopted in Don Carlos - the two lovers, Max Piccolomini and Thekla, are an obvious concession to the tradition of the French theatre - Wallenstein shows how much Schiller's art had benefited by his study of Greek tragedy; the fatalism of his hero is a masterly application of an antique motive to a modern theme.
But the reason for this was not, as Herr Max Hecker rather absurdly suggests, Wolfgang's jealousy of his grandfather's oppressive fame, but one far more simple and natural.
Converts to Rome have, therefore, to accept the Latin rite (see Prince Max of Saxony, Vorlesungen fiber die orientalischen Kirchenfragen, 1907).
Thomson,' John Trowbridge, Max Abraham, and many others, contributed to its elucidation.
In 1883 the Cyprus Museum was founded by private enterprise, and on its behalf Max Ohnefalsch-Richter, who had already made trial diggings for Sir Charles Newton and the British Museum, excavated sanctuaries at Voni and Kythrea (Chytri), and opened tombs on some other sites.
In 1904 a five-act tragedy, The Duchess of Padua, written by Wilde about 1883 for Mary Anderson, but not acted by her, was published in a German translation (Die Herzogin von Padua, translated by Max Meyerfeld) in Berlin.
Hegel, before the anthropological stage, found it in magic. Max Muller, building on philosophy and mythology, affirmed that " Religion consists in the perception of the infinite under such manifestations as are able to influence the moral character of man " (Natural Religion, 18 99, p. 188).
Max Muller, Lectures on the Origin and Growth of Religion (Hibbert Lect., 1878), v., and the Vedic treatises of Ludwig, Bergaigne and Wallis.
Max Miller observed the Vedic poets addressing themselves to the several objects of their devotion, as if each occupied the field alone.
The solubility of copper carbonate in ferrous chloride solution was pointed out by Max Schaffner in 1862, and the subsequent recognition of the solubility of the oxide in the same solvent by James Douglas and Sterry Hunt resulted in the " Douglas-Hunt " process for the wet extraction of copper.
While making a survey exclusively for the cave-owners in 1908, Max Kaemper of Berlin, Germany, forced an opening from the main cave into a remarkable region to which the general name of "Violet City" was given, in honour of Mrs Violet Blair Janin, who owned a third of the Mammoth Cave estate.
Subsequent researches have been carried out by Zotenberg, Max Muller, Rhys Davids, Braunholtz and Joseph Jacobs, who published his Barlaam and Josaphat in 1896.
West (London, 1878); De Harlez, Introduction a l'etude de l'Avesta (Paris, 1881); Max Duncker, Geschichte des Altertums, vol.
See Life of Szechenyi, by Zsigmond Kemeny (Hung.; Pest, 1870); Aurel Kecskemethy, The Last Years and Death of Count Szechenyi (Hung.; Pest, 1866); Menyhert Lonyai, Count Szechenyi and his Posthumous Writings (Hung.; Budapest, 1875); Max Falk, "Der Graf Stephen Szechenyi and seine Zeit" (in the Oesterreichische Revue, Vienna, 1867); Antal Zichy, Count Szechenyi as a Pedagogue (Hung.; Budapest, 1876); Pal Gyulai, Szechenyi as a Writer (Hung.; Budapest, 1892); Antal Zichy, Biographical Sketch of Count Stephen Szechenyi (Hung.; 2 vols., Budapest, 1896-1897).
An analogous statement may be made with regard to the sea-cows, or Sirenia, which appear to be derivates from the great herbivorous order of Ungulata, and might consequently be included in that group, as indeed has been already done in Dr Max Weber's classification.
By Max Muller especially it was employed as a convenient short term for the whole body of languages more commonly known as IndoEuropean or Indo-Germanic. In the same way Max Muller used Aryas as a general term for the speakers of such languages, as in his book published in 1888, Biographies of Words and the Home of the Aryas.
It is to be observed, therefore, that Max Muller is careful to avoid any ethnological signification.
From the popularity of Max Miller's works on comparative philology this is the use of the word which is most familiar to the general public. The arguments in support of this use are set forth by him in the latter part of lecture vi.
That it is in any way connected with a Sanskrit word for earth, ira, as Max Muller asserts, is far from certain.
But in the mode of detecting these swarming bodies, a typical change was made on the 22nd of December 1891, Max Wolf.
The peak of Khan-tengri, which according to Max Friedrichsen's observations is not so high as had generally been supposed, being 22,800 ft.
Another version of the Andrew legend is found in the Passio Andreae, published by Max Bonnet (Supplementum II Codicis apocryphi, Paris, 1895).
Max Muller, have shed a new and vivid light.
It is this irrational and unnatural element - .as Max Muller says, " the silly, savage and senseless element " - that makes mythology the puzzle which men have so long found it.
The most distinguished and popular advocate of the philological school was Max Muller, whose views may be found in his Selected Essays and Lectures on Language.
Max Muller says (speaking of the Greeks), " their poets had an instinctive aversion to everything excessive or monstrous, yet they would relate of their gods what would make the most savage of Red Indians creep and shudder " - stories, that is, of the cannibalism of Demeter, of the mutilation of Uranus, the cannibalism of Cronus, who swallowed his own children, and the like.
Max Muller refers the beginning of his system of mythology to the discovery of the connexion of the Indo-European or, as they are called, " Aryan " languages.
Thus Athene is a divine name without meaning in Greek, but Max Muller advances reasons for supposing that it is identical with ahana, " the dawn," in Sanskrit.
But Max Muller's system is based on scientific philology, not on conjecture, and is supported by a theory of the various processes in the evolution of myths out of language.
Max Muller's system was a result of the philological theories that indicated the linguistic unity of the Indo-European or " Aryan " peoples, and was founded on an analysis of their language.
Therefore, though we may ascertain that Zeus means " sky " and Agni " fire," we cannot assert, with Max Muller, that all the myths about Agni and Zeus were originally told of fire and sky.
We cannot convert Max Muller's proposition " there was nothing told of the sky that could not in some form or other be ascribed to Zeus" into " there was nothing ascribed to Zeus that had not at some time or other been told of the sky."
Max Muller, for example, connects Kronos (Kpbvos) with xpbvos, "time "; Preller with Kpatvw, " I fulfil," and so forth.
The civilized men of the Mythopoeic age were not obliged, as Max Muller held, to believe that all phenomena were persons, because the words which denoted the phenomena had genderterminations.
Thus Max Muller's theory that myths are " a disease of language " seems destitute of evidence, and inconsistent with what is historically known about the relations between the language and the social, political and literary condition of men.
The system of Herbert Spencer, as explained in Principles of Sociology, has many points in common with that of Max Muller.
According to his theory, too, this habit of mind may be regarded as the result of degeneration, for in his view, as in Max Muller's, it is not primary, but the result of misconceptions.
But, while language is the chief cause of misconceptions with Max Muller, with Spencer it is only one of several forces all working to the same result.
Here, of course, we have to ask Spencer, with Max Muller, why words in early languages " imply vitality."
Max Muller asked (when speaking of the mental condition of men when myths were developed), " was there a period of temporary madness through which the human mind had to pass, and was it a madness identically the same in the south of India and the north of Iceland?
Now early man, as Max Muller says, " not only did not think as we think, but did not think as we suppose he ought to have thought."
These human beings are often sacrificed, for various reasons, actual or hypothetical, and gods and heroes are almost as likely to be explained as spirits of vegetation now, as they were likely to become solar mythological figures in the system of Max Muller.
Preller inclines to a connexion with +Oat, to kindle fire, but Max Miller differs from this theory.
The Homeric hymn to Helios, as Max Muller observes, " looks on the sun as a half-god, almost a hero, who had once lived on earth."
See Cornhill Magazine, " How the Stars got their Names " (1882, p. 35), and " Some Solar and Lunar Myths " (1882, P. 440); Max Muller, Selected Essays, i.
Spain max be divided botanically into four provinces, corresponding to the four climatic zones.
Max Muller credits him with having anticipated Humboldt, and with making "one of the most brilliant discoveries in the history of the science of language" by establishing the relation between the Malay and Polynesian family of speech.
The first unfavourable rumours with reference to him arose in connexion with an interview with Herr Max Warburg, the German financier at Stockholm.
He also edited the Zend Avesta for Max Miller's Sacred Books of the East.
The very varied sources and the chronology of Aldhelm's work are discussed in "Zu Aldhelm and Baeda," by Max Manitius, in Sitzungsberichte der kaiserlichen Akad.
Max doesn't believe he was abducted by aliens, I believe he was.
Prince Max von Baden had introduced a general amnesty for all political prisoners tho there was reluctance to let Luxemburg have her freedom.
Always find it faintly amusing that most places we go Max can say " I used to go out with a girl from here.
Between 1912 and 1914 she was influenced by Max Stirner's version of individualist anarchism.
But when Max sweet talks the skinny babe into taking some pictures for him, he's soon reaming her ass deep and wide!
Made from 100% coconut fiber with anti-slip rubber backing, Shoe Max mats are destined to become design classics... .
Max is a man with his back against the wall, fighting a battle he cannot hope to win.
Today Lewisham Telegraph Hill ward by-election tomorrow err where exactly max?
Mervyn Hobden and Max Jens Jensen also remarked that infra-red is not usually a problem with color CCD cameras.
In the late 1930s Max Perutz used the technique to study hemoglobin and the enzyme chymotrypsin.
The manufacturers of Pepsi Max are now spending more on marketing the brand than on any of their other colas.
Note the stunning (20 ' x 14 ' max) double glazed conservatory - thats big!
He finds a perfect counterbalance in Max, whose conscience and desire for self-preservation are at odds with each other throughout the film.
The wreck is broken into 2 main parts and lies in a scour with a max depth of 16m.
If so, Max dice can help Does this mean the dice roller is " truly random "?
I was paid twenty-five dollars a week for helping Max Eastman get out the magazine.
For those who suffer premature ejaculation, Condomi Max Love condoms can offer major benefits.
We had a huge electrical storm last night which our dog Max was not very impressed with.
Over the past few years Max Value have offered many clients first-class, independent financial advice.
But Max also wanted to play current funk and experiment with Jazz Fusion.
Max's problem comes down to his associate Riton, whose lover has left him for rival gangster Angelo.
Wega Max 6.4 espresso coffee grinder £ 330.00 + VAT The workhorse commercial grinder manufactured by Compak.
I think a 20metre max is a tad harsh, if all is well there should be no depth limits at all.
How Max Clifford kept things hushed HUSH is anything but hushed unless the gossip among its famous clientele must be kept hush-hush.
Businesses elsewhere have wooley says quot raceif mike foster don't max new York life insurance deny your.
Max is still pretty lively for his age and loves people and cuddles.
Rooms with 2 doubles or 1 king-size bed, sleeping max 4 persons plus a child under 3 years, in a cot.
Like the high jump bar that can go no further than 5ft no wonder we have so many high jumpers reaching the max!
Model Aircraft Let your 3D skills take flight with 3D World's in-depth guide to modeling this Sea King helicopter using 3ds max.
I consider myself lucky to be in control and try and live my life to the absolute max.
Having checked this more throughly I think I'm now going to allow low (e.g. max of 75) use of rmse.
Offered Wanted Looking for an accommodation ideally flatshare with double bed in double room for non-smoker flatmate max rent 400 per month including bills.
They refer to " min default max " of the autotune buffers.
The stress ratio R (s min / s max) was equal to 0.1.
With weight selected of say 50% of one rep max.
Cars without a current mot are worth £ 400 Max.
Max Payne is a man with nothing to lose in the violent, cold urban night.
Max Zorin was a pure psycho and that's what made him a great villain!
Max is a producer who is stuck in a financial quagmire due to his golden touch for producing complete catastrophes.
Dr. Max Bull, for many years Senior Tutor, once recounted an incident which perfectly illustrates Henry Hart ' s extraordinary memory.
Later, Max is furious when he learns that Tanya asked Bradley but soon relents as the party gets underway.
Remember Max organized religion creates a lot more problems than it solves.
The only down side is a max res of 1280x1024 (which probably more than enough anyways ).
I remember seeing two cut of perillous time by max Romeo.
Max Derrick 10B opened the scoring for St John's, finishing off a well-worked move from the first ruck of the game.
Watch out for the economic ruination of Spain, I wonder how Max will explain that, with yet more Socialist cut and pastes?
In the case of the ramped sinusoid, shifting to the local max criterion has a dramatic effect.
Predictably, Max gathered snow from mom's car to create a large snowball to take into the house to threaten his sister with.
No wonder speechwriters to Presidents Reagan and Clinton say the author Professor Max Atkinson is the speechwriters Guru.
Max is now in relatively good health for age apart from slightly stiff joints which he takes a supplement for.
Phenytoin (300 mg once daily) decreased the C max and AUC tau of voriconazole by 49% and 69 %, respectively.
With the fan running at 7 volts the max temp I have under load is 45 degs and that's in a warm room.
Imagine no more, because Pontiki are mad little plastic thingamabobs that can be customized to the max... .
Max launches a tirade against Boyd's would be in-laws.
Please state the model of blocks (or if not our standard range give length and max width) when ordering.
Max Reess distinguished the species according to the appearance of the cells thus, the ellipsoidal cells were designated Saccharomyces ellipsoideus, the sausage-shaped Saccharomyces Pasteurianus, and so on.
By Professor Max Weber it is employed as a collective designation for these groups, together with the extinct Anthracotheroidea and Dichobunoidea; but its use seems best restricted to a general term rather than a definite systematic group. (See ARTIODACTYLA, PECORA, TYLOPODA.)
Max Muller used it particularly in connexion with the Vedanta philosophy for the correlative of ignorance or nescience (Gifford lectures, 1892, c. ix.).
These are made up, as Prince Max zu Neuwied found in southern Bahia in 1817, " of the genera Cocos, Melastoma, Bignonia, Rhexia, Mimosa, Inga, Bombax, Ilex, Laurus, Myrthus, Eugenia, Jacaranda, Jatropha, Visinia, Lecythis, Ficus, and a thousand other, for the most part, unknown species of trees."
Buchanan (1831-1895), and forwarded in Germany by Max von Pettenkofer (1818-1901).
Its invocation with the other nakshatras, remoteness from the ecliptic notwithstanding, was thus due (according to Max Miiller's plausible conjecture)' to its being regarded as of especially good omen.
On the whole, then (though degeneracy, as well as progress, is a force in human evolution), we are not tempted to believe in so strange a combination of forgetfulness with long memory, nor so excessive a degeneration from common sense into a belief in the personality of phenomena, as are required no less by Spencer's system than by that of Max Muller.
Quantum theory goes back to a scientist Max Planck who in 1900 presented the theory that energy comes in discreet units called quanta.
The only down side is a max res of 1280x1024 (which probably more than enough anyways).
I remember seeing two cut of perillous time by max romeo.
Max Derrick 10B opened the scoring for St John 's, finishing off a well-worked move from the first ruck of the game.
Predictably, Max gathered snow from mom 's car to create a large snowball to take into the house to threaten his sister with.
Send up to 6 poems (40 lines Max per poem, includes stanza breaks) any style or theme.
Can Max control his temptation of stealing the last jewel or will he give in and complete his life 's work?
Your D O mysteriously changes your max takeoff weight during the holiday season.
Imagine no more, because Pontiki are mad little plastic thingamabobs that can be customized to the max....
Meanwhile, Max is thrown into prison on trumped up charges.
Max launches a tirade against Boyd 's would be in-laws.
Walgreens allows makeup lovers to shop online for mascara from such popular cosmetics companies as Almay, Uptown Visions, Max Factor, Milani and Revlon.
Reviewers found this model to be very similar to the Toro Power Max with the exception that it doesn't seem to throw the snow as far.
Office Max, the Photo Center at Walmart and Kinko's can make ornaments for you, but give yourself enough time during the holidays to have it completed.
Office supply stores like Office Depot, Staples and Office Max are good options for PCs, as are mass merchandisers like Walmart and Target and warehouse stores like Sam's and Costco.
These stores include Office Max, Wal-Mart, Walgreens, Blockbuster, Rite Aid, Price Chopper and Chevron gas stations.
If you have an office supply store near you like Office Depot, Office Max or Staples, visit them to see if they carry the Intel drives.
Our cat Max likes to drink from the faucet.
Acai Max is made with organically grown acai, pomegranate, camu camu, red raspberry, and black elderberry.
Barley Max is a barley juice product marketed by Hallelujah Acres.
Barley Max is a supplement promoted by those following the Hallelujah Diet,.
Barley Max is a capsule-based supplement that you take daily.
But Barley Max, like all supplements, isn't a magic pill.
If you'd like more information about the Hallelujah Diet or Barley Max, you can visit the Hallelujah Acres website.
It was designed by Max Orlopp and Casper Kusener, who were also responsible for the Little Rock Courthouse.
It is easy to double your color pleasure with MAX Factor's new mix of catwalk fashion colors contained in a stick which includes two shades of lip color satisfaction, known as MAXwear Lip Colors.
The newest version in lip color from MAX Factor arrives in a tube with two colors to mix and match.
When selecting your own personal colors, visit the MAX Factor website and let your mouse do the research.
Of course, for the Max Factor lipstick review we had to try this product and put it to the LoveToKnow test.
Another popular drugstore find is the Max Factor 2000 Calorie mascara.
Max Factor claims that its product "builds lashes up to 200%."
A sample arrived in the mail from Max Factor, responding to our request for products to review.
Max Factor delivered their Lash Perfection, a waterproof, high volume and extreme definition mascara.
Max Factor claims this waterproof mascara's brush is a breakthrough iFX technology.
I certainly didn't have any irritation and Max Factor is quick to note this mascara has been opthalmologically tested and is completely hypoallergenic.
This Max Factor mascara is inexpensive and found at most drugstores.
In 1932, the cosmetic house Max Factor invented the first commercially available lip gloss, known as X-Rated.
It's no wonder why Max Factor cosmetics are usually remembered and associated with the world of movie cosmetics and the platinum starlets of Hollywood.
With a knack for creating camera ready faces, Max Factor coined the phrase "make up", as in, to make up a woman's face.
Lip gloss is certainly not the only cosmetic invention that Max Factor created.
In addition to this phenomenal little tube of shine, Max Factor is credited for formulating the first camera worthy makeup in 1912, the original pan cake makeup in the 1930's and the first under eye concealer stick in 1954.
Although there are many colored lip glosses available on the market, the original formula created by Max Factor in 1932 was colorless and intended to mimic the sexiness of a wet and shiny pout.
With on screen film cosmetic demands and application woes, lip gloss helped Max Factor add the shine necessary shine to create an attention grabbing pout without layering color endlessly.
To many customer's dismay, in 1991, Procter and Gamble purchased the Max Factor line of cosmetics and ceased production of their famous X-Rated lip gloss in 2003.
Rest assured Max Factor still creates fabulous lip glosses with the same shine and supple texture that the original is known for.
The character will kick goals up until your max score.
When playing a 1-line slot, you can click "Bet One" to add one coin to your wager or hit "Bet Max" to bet three coins.
When you hit Max Bet the slot starts spinning without you clicking Spin or Play.
Finding free stickers to print can help you stretch your scrapbooking budget to the max.
Places such as Office Max and Staples usually have samples you can look at and then you can order directly through them.
Max Max Prep's high school rankings are based on stats as well as other factors.
In addition, Max Prep also ranks high school players.
Max Gerson, MD, spent 30 years reversing cancer (even advanced stages) with patients on raw foods.
Alba was selected by show creator James Cameron out of 1,200 hopefuls for the part of Max Guevera - the so called "genetically enhanced superhuman prototype" around whom the show's plot revolved.
Clooney has a pet pot bellied pig named Max.
Since then, band leader Max Weinberg has filled the role.
The Sutter's son, Max, was born in July of 2007 and Trista has often spoken about her desire to have more children.
After appearing on the cover of US magazine in January along with son Max, Sutter announced that she and husband Ryan have already begun trying to have another child stating, "I'd love to have babies close in age.
Jennifer Lopez and Mark Anthony - People magazine paid them a reported $6 million for pictures of Max and Emme.
Robyn was a dental nurse and Mel had just wrapped up filming on Mad Max.
When he was 12 years old, his father moved the Gibson family to Sydney, Australia.Mel's acting career began in 1976, but his first real starring role came along in 1979, when he played the title character in the movie Mad Max.
Sheen then married real estate investor Brooke Mueller in 2008, and they have twin boys together named Bob and Max.
Erika Alexander's next major role was that of Maxine (Max) Shaw on Living Single.
Mel Gibson soared to the A-list as an affable cinematic heavyweight with starring roles in Mad Max and Lethal Weapon, as well as directing and producing credits for Braveheart and The Passion of the Christ.
Mueller soon gave birth to twin boys Bob and Max.
The story is about a child named Max that is put to bed without supper for misbehaving.
During the ensuing pages, Max's imagination takes him on a fantastic journey to the land of the wild things, where he becomes king.
A full length feature, the movie follows with the original book and stars Max Records as Max.
A mixture of animatronics and live action was used to create believable interactions between Max and the Wild Things.
For newer converts, choose a movie depiction of Max or the Wild Things in black, white or gray.
In 2009, the Hannah Montana clothing line expanded to include a new line carried by Wal-Mart and launched by Miley Cyrus and fashion designer Max Azria.
A second consideration before you max out your Visa on a toddler's ball gown involves the length of wearability.
A man named Max Von Stephanitz is considered the founder of this breed.
The product then went national, but didn't receive significant attention until it began marketing the Nutro Max line of dog foods in 1985.
The Max product line promises maximum nutrition for maximum health.
Instead, Max uses a combination of rice and wheat that is more digestible than corn.
Border Collies are supposed to love the water, but Max doesn't like to swim.
Max is large for his breed, standing 25 inches tall and weighing 58 pounds.
The vet recommended a spray to help them heal, but is there anything else I can do for Max?
If Max doesn't enjoy the water, there's probably no need to push the issue.
As for Max's feet, you can use the spray as your vet advises.
In his career, he played alongside such jazz greats as Miles Davis, Charlie Parker, Max Roach, Benny Goodman, George Shearing and many others.
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Amber Color Max lenses will have you looking like Edward Cullen from Twilight.
Color Max contacts do require a valid contact prescription, so in order to purchase a pair you must see an eye care professional for an exam.
Color Max lenses are not designed for overnight or extended wear.
For example, BCBG Max Azria Paloma retails for $276.99, but are available at Best Buy Eyeglasses for $157.99.
Visit the website to see a view of a golf course as seen with and without Max Golf Tint glasses.
The only color combination that's polarized in this style is a gray frame with white accents, and that has gray max polarized lenses.
Also, SOS offers a Polar Max line that contains West Beach and South Beach styles.
Take a look at the PivLock V90 or PivLock V90 Max for a combination of ventilation, comfort, a secure fit, and protection from the elements.
A great pair of shades for fishing is the Parallel Max from Smith’s Polarized Fishing collection.
For example, the Parallel Max is part of the Evolve series, meaning it is made from reusable materials,and is done with Hydrophilic Megol nose and temple pads just like Theory.
Parallel D Max is another semi-rimless style that is designed for adventure.
Consider the Parallel Max, the Interlock Whisper or the original Parallel.
The max speed is 60 miles per hour, the maximum height is 100 feet, and the ride is 3,000 feet long.
The max you'll probably find a 360 for is $349 or so.
Bulletproof is a 3rd person action shooter like Tomb Raider or Max Payne, just not as good.
You play Max, who must stop Darksol from resurrecting the Dark Dragon who wants to rule Rune, the land where the story takes place.
This is one of the best Bully cheats for Wii, because it is the easiest way to score lots of money by making the max bet on the midget fighting at the carnival until you win.
You went to the Max with DDR Max 1 and 2 and totally went nuts with Extreme.
This version isn't the best, but DDR Max has some of the funkiest songs in it's collection.
With an easier beginner mode for novices and a new Endless mode (you can probably guess the amount of sweat I released on this mode), Max 2 quickly became the most popular game of the series.
The Xbox has Ultramix 1, 2 and 3, which have the same songs as Max 2, Extreme 1 and Extreme 2, but with a harder to manipulate interface.
Once you find a strategy for collecting experience, and there are several fun and easy ones, it shouldn't be too hard to max out all of your character's stats.
When entered, Colton enters a stage of slow-motion (similar to Bullettime in Max Payne) and a first-person view where he can target enemies quickly and take them down.
Skins and color and pattern combinations come in many ways, shapes and forms and each max their background skin.
Max, having lost his wife and his child to drug-addicted criminals, is back working as a detective for the New York Police Department.
Things aren't always what they seem, and soon things start to involve Max's own past.And that's it.
Max himself narrates with a stone-cold deadpan monologue that will send shivers down your spine and make you glad that you aren't Max Payne.
Max Payne is set in New York on a cold winter's night, where snow is falling and blood is being shed.
The ambience that Max Payne just resonates through the setting, voiceovers, and music is just jaw-dropping.
Stylized and hardcore, with Max diving through doors and taking out bad guys by the boat load, but unafraid to drag Max through the mud.
While gunplay and the seedy New York underbelly are usually staples of an anti-hero tale, Max is very much a good guy.
My only complaint is that they won't notice Max until he's in line of sight of them, even where you're in the next room making all kinds of ruckus.
Sadly, I'm reviewing the Playstation 2 port of Max Payne 2, and it shows.
At the smallest end was the 100 megabit (100 Mega Shock); the most common was a 330 megabit cartridge (Max 330 Mega - Pro Gear Spec); the largest was a whooping 1 gigabit version (GIGA Power).
To unlock the Max Tour challenges, you must complete all of the EX tours.
As you move up in Tour (Basic, Pro, Expert, Max), the difficulty curve quickly increases.
The Max Tour is almost impossible and it will take much diligence on your part to complete the game 100%.
As each player turns on overdrive, you can get 4x, 6x, and the max, 8x, when everyone is in overdrive mode.
Eventually these categories will be filled to the max when you reach the level of Legend.
If you are interested in creating video game art or using art tools such as Maya or 3D Studio Max to create levels of video games, one of these art school programs may be the best for you.
You'll have 51 points at max level 60 to distribute among the trees in any way you want.
However, many still max out their classes and you may feel as if you are herded through your instruction rather than getting to know your teacher and classmates personally.
Christina Aguilera's website proudly proclaims the birth of her little boy, Max Liron Bratman.
Casual Corner Petites, Ann Taylor Petites, BCBG Max Azria Petites and Petite Sophisticate carry sizes 0-14 and have many dresses available both online and in their stores.
Lopez, who recently dropped her baby weight after giving birth to twins Max and Emme, is focusing on dance and yoga gear as well as a line of shoes.
You can find a similar one from BCBG Max Azria.
Luckily, a medical doctor from Germany, Dr. Max Gerson took me in and within three months I was 100 percent back to normal.
One interesting strategy is called "Max Line Deduction".
In fact, people are often stressed to the max during this time of year.
Extend your foreplay to the max; explore touch and massage that doesn't instantly lead to sex.
Armed with these new powers, Ben, Gwen and grandfather Max head out to fight crime both here on earth, and in outer space.
Shuttle service is occasionally available, and both the metro bus and max train line drop off in the area.
And, if you take the Portland MAX light rail system to the zoo, you'll get $1.50 off admission.The Wildlife Safari has a number of discounts.
Office Max, Office Depot, and Staples are all popular destinations for purchasing pens, pencils, notebooks, folders, and other basic back-to-school necessities.
After taking their name from pet pooch Max, an instant mega-brand was born.
Kassie was paired with Max Holden and Todd Manning.
She is married to James DePaiva (formerly Max Holden).
For fans of Lorelai and Luke, Lorelai and Christopher, Lorelai and Max, Lorelai and Rory, Rory and Dean, Rory and Jess or Rory and Logan, the options are infinite.
Concetta Tomei was featured in many off-Broadway productions before moving to Los Angeles and appearing in many successful television productions including China Beach, Max Headroom and Judging Amy.
Brooks arrived in Salem in 2005 to fill the role of Max Brady.
Max King meets a fiery end when his Land Rover crashes through a brick wall and explodes.
Max's relationship with Luna comes a close second.
I took every workshop I could with all the amazing teachers either living here or passing through, including Shiva Rea, Max Strom, Erich Schiffman, Rod Stryker, Rodney Yee, David Life, Sharon Gannon, and Dana Flynn.
Office supply companies like Staples, Office Max and Office Depot have a selection of blank stocks and pre-printed imaged stocks to choose from.
Avery Clean Edge Business card blanks are available for 13-$30 from Staples Office Max and Office Depot.
Wal-Mart still heads a list of companies who removed "Christmas" from advertising or in-store promotions, including Best Buy, Nordstrom, Office Max and Staples.
Dial-up modems max out at 53 kilobits per second (Kbps), but most have average speeds at about 32 Kbps and efficiency is affected by line noise and other factors.
Office products stores such as Office Depot, Office Max, and Staples carry holiday cards designed with the needs of business customers in mind.
Slowly curl your torso up, lifting your hips off the pad and hold in the max contraction position for as long as possible.
Losing fat is a slow process with a max rate of 1-2 lbs per week.
Max Interval Circuit - Exactly as it sounds, this DVD is a high-intensity max interval circuit sure to get your blood pumping.
Max Interval Plyo - This workout is plyometrics at its height.
Max Cardio Conditioning and Abs - This DVD is the ultimate blend of cardiovascular exercises and abdominal strength conditioning.
The 6 best ab exercises come from a variety of exercise styles, giving you several options for working your core to the max.
The last three workouts are the Max workouts, which you only proceed into once you have mastered the first seven workouts.
For example, you may have a policy that will pay $50,000 for one person's injuries but max out at $100,000 for all injuries sustained in that accident.
Hatful of Seuss has several styles of Grinch boxers including some with his dog, Max, on them.
According to Karen Jashinsky, personal trainer and founder of O2 Max Fitness, there are a few key things to keep in mind when shopping for sports bras for teens.
The scene of the event was a 600 acre dairy farm in upstate New York, owned by Max Yusgar.
Max Headroom started life innocently enough, as a supposedly-digital announcer on a music video show on Britain's Channel 4 in 1985.
Soon Max escapes from Lynch's computer system and has free run of the computer and television systems of Network 23, where he routinely preempts regular programming to present his own side of things.
Max stutters when he talks, quips remorselessly, and is a surprise hit on Network 23.
The network bosses would love to rein him in and exploit him, but there's no controlling the digital and uncatchable Max, who allies with Edison Carter when it suits him.
Max may or may not choose to assist them, depending on his whims.
Max Headroom was televised cyberpunk, in an age that didn't even have a term for 'cyberpunk'.
Of all the films released in 1979, Australia's Mad Max probably has the greatest 'return on investment'.
Mad Max is set in an unspecified 'near future' just as civilization is breaking down.
Mel Gibson plays Max, an Australian cop trying to keep order on the highways of the outback in Australia.
When Max causes the death of one gang-leader's henchman, the gang responses by killing Max's partner, leading Max to quit the force to protect his wife and son.
The rest of the movie is a lavish recitation of Max's search for revenge.
These troops were often teenage or younger, and the vehicles were dubbed 'technicals'; the sight of armed teens roving the countryside in weapon-bedecked vehicles was often referred to as 'Mad Maxian', or 'just like in Mad Max'.
The first movie was only briefly released in America - it was Road Warrior, or Mad Max 2, that really launched the series in the US.
Fortunately, succeeding Mad Max movies were released in the US with their soundtrack intact.
The second entry in the Mad Max series is the one most Americans remember as 'Mad Max'; this film was released in the US as The Road Warrior.
It's an unusual star vehicle (pun unintentional), since the named character Max has fewer than 100 words of dialog in the entire film.
The original Mad Max movie gave no explanation of how Australia, where the film is set in the near future, degenerated into the post-apocalyptic wasteland of the film.
Our hero Mad Max, wandering the outback with his dog, stumbles across such an outpost.
Max negotiates a way out for the settlers - he will provide a rig to haul their full oiltanker out of the trap, in exchange for limitless fuel for his own vehicle.
Punks, thugs and bandits variously driving and riding motorcycles, dunebuggies and assorted four-wheeled chariots against Mad Max in a Mack truck provide one of the most spectacular and thrilling pursuit sequences ever filmed.
We first meet Max roaming the Australian desert.
Auntie manipulates Max into having to accept a challenge to fight Blaster in the Thunderdome, where 'two men enter... one man leaves'.
Max defeats Blaster but refuses to kill him, which is a violation of the Bartertown laws, so he is tied to a donkey and sent into exile.
The next part of the movie becomes part anthropological-study, part Lord of the Flies, as Mad Max is discovered and rescued by a band of forgotten children.
The children have decided that Max is the mythological 'Captain Walker', the pilot of the plane who left their sanctuary years ago in search of help.
Of course the children run afoul of Auntie Entity, and Max must help them escape her clutches.
He recruits the helicopter pilot of the Road Warrior to assist him, and the pilot carries them all, except Max, to safety.
Mad Max is left behind to prevent the forces of Bartertown from interfering with the plane's takeoff.
One peculiarity of the Mad Max movies is the speed with which high-tech civilization falls and other forms of societies spring up to supplant it.
Every character a fairy tale is expected to have is represented in a unique way - the princess bride is neither a princess, nor a bride and the fairy godmother is a haggish miracle worker named Max who lives with his equally haggish wife.
Billy Crystal as Miracle Max paired with Carol Kane as his wife are hilarious together and Christopher Guest plays a wonderful right hand man to the villainous Prince Humperdink, portrayed by Chris Sarandon.
Max Headroom was perhaps the first view American audiences had of cyberpunk.
Set 'twenty minutes into the future', the world was controlled by massive corporations (much like today, in fact) and Max himself was the first AI character.
However, many believe it originated in the 1930s in Paris and may have been the brainchild of Max Factor.
Marketing professionals everywhere wish they could have a campaign as successful as "Elf Yourself," Office Max's holiday promotion of 2008.
For the second year of "Elf Yourself," Office Max has fully embraced the many aspects of social media.
Of course, this is a commercial for Office Max, so you also have the opportunity to buy merchandise with your elved self printed on it - but regardless, the site remains one of the most fun and harmless ways to celebrate the holiday season.
The site features paisley, semi-psychedelic layouts reminiscent of Peter Max, layouts with pictures of the model Twiggy and layouts with hippies and flower children.
There are literally thousands of templates, free and otherwise, that you can download to get the most out of your web site and max out the capabilities of FrontPage.
Helvetica means "Swiss" and it originated from Max Miedinger.
Helvetica is a sans-serif font designed in 1957 by Max Miedinger and Eduard Hoffman.
His senses were at their max.
See Max Mailer, Chips, i.
The various members of the body were parcelled out among the nakshatras, and a rotation of food was prescribed as a wholesome accompaniment of the moon's revolution among them.8 1 Max Muller, op. cit., p. lxiv.