Maturity Sentence Examples
The kids are born small, but grow fast, and arrive early at maturity.
Oats are cut shortly before reaching maturity, when they are known as oat-hay.
They come to maturity about July or August.
A pine cone reaches maturity in two years; a single year suffices for the full development in Larix and several other genera.
The mangel crop also is mainly English, the summer in most parts of Scotland being neither long enough nor warm enough to bring it to maturity.
The young, though born with valves, have at first a nauplian body, and pass through various stages to maturity.
By his first wife he had five, and by his second seven children, of whom only two, a son and a daughter, reached maturity.
By the intense application of his mind he had thus brought the new idea, in less than three months from its first development, to a state of perfect maturity.
Upon inquiry of the farmers he found that all the white pigs born in a litter were destroyed, because they could not be reared to maturity.
Donkeys and mules of various breeds are good, and would be better were they not so often weakened by heavy work before attaining full maturity.
AdvertisementThis principle is in constant action; it regulates the colour, the figure, the capacities and instincts; those individuals in each species whose colour and covering are best suited to concealment or protection from enemies, or defence from inclemencies or vicissitudes of climate, whose figure is best accommodated to health, strength, defence and support; whose capacities and instincts can best regulate the physical energies to self-advantage according to circumstances - in such immense waste of primary and youthful life those only come to maturity from the strict ordeal by which nature tests their adaptation to her standard of perfection and fitness to continue their kind by reproduction."
Vernon have adduced experimental evidence as to the induction of variation by such causes as difference in the ages of the parents, in the maturity or freshness of the conjugating germ cells, and in the condition of nutrition for the embryos.
In any race of animals, the number of young produced in a season is almost always greater than the number which survives to attain maturity; it is not certain that every one of those which become mature will breed, and not all of those which breed contribute an equal number of offspring to the next generation.
His Memorials of Canterbury (1855), displayed the full maturity of his power of dealing with the events and characters of past history.
The Muscat date reaches maturity sooner than the Basra crop, and is commercially valuable.
AdvertisementThe fruit of their efforts came to maturity in the Masses of Mozart and Haydn.
But a year later, the second generation having reached sexual maturity, new broods were produced, and out of these some individuals lost their gills and dorsal crest, developed movable eyelids, changed their dentition, and assumed yellow spots, - in fact, took on all the characters of Amblystoma tigrinum.
The constant abundance of food, stable amount of water, innumerable hidingplaces in the mud, under the banks, amongst the reeds and roots of the floating islands which are scattered all over them, - all these points are inducements or attractions so great that the creatures remain in their paradise and consequently retain all those larval features which are not directly connected with sexual maturity.
Some come to maturity in two months, others require seven months; some are as many feet high as others are inches; some have kernels eleven times larger than others.
It may be conjectured that, when he emerged from the purely Socratic phase of his earlier years, Plato gave himself to the study of contemporary methods of education and to the elaboration of an educational system of his own, and that it was in this way that he came to the metaphysical speculations of his maturity.
AdvertisementThe maturity of its philosophic outlook tends to give it a place relatively advanced in the Platonic canon.
In especial it is an outstanding characteristic of the younger rivals to Aristotelianism that as they sprang up suddenly into being to contest the claims of the Aristotelian system in the moment of its triumph, so they reached maturity very suddenly, and thereafter persisted for the most part in a stereotyped tradition, modified only when convicted of indefensible weakness.
It is this aggregation which we describe variously as birth, death, maturity, decay, and of which the senses give inaccurate reports.
Apart from the fact that reckoning from the birth of Christ was by no means universal, and consequently the mass of men were ignorant that there was such a thing as the year 1000, one wonders how that most enduring type of architecture, the Romanesque, reached its maturity among men who thought that the earth itself was so soon to "shrivel like a parched scroll."
When the grapes have attained to maturity they are collected by hand and then transferred in baskets or carts to the press house.
AdvertisementIt thrives best on rocky mountain slopes freely exposed to the sun, and requires a relatively high temperature to reach perfect maturity.
When growing in perfection it is one of the finest of the group, and perhaps the most picturesque of forest trees; attaining a height of from 70 to 120 ft., it is of conical growth when young, but in maturity acquires a spreading cedar or mushroom-like top, with a straight trunk of from 2 to 4 ft.
The leaves are rather short, curved, and often twisted; the male catkins, in dense cylindrical whorls, fill the air of the forest with their sulphur-like pollen in May or June, and fecundate the purple female flowers, which, at first sessile and erect, then become recurved on a lengthening stalk; the ovate cones, about the length of the leaves, do not reach maturity until the autumn of the following year, and the seeds are seldom scattered until the third spring; the cone-scales terminate in a pyramidal FIG.
The satire in which the lines now appear was probably first published soon after the accession of Hadrian, when Juvenal was not an octogenarian but in the maturity of his powers.
Two of their sons reached maturity - John, who died in 1805, and William Henry John, who died unmarried in 1832.
Not that all these powers at once reach full maturity.
True history, as a record of what really has happened, first reached maturity in prose.
Spikelets one-flowered, rarely two-flowered as in Zea, falling from the pedicel entire or with certain joints of the rachis at maturity.
One embryo only comes to maturity.
The development that had thus begun in the time of Paul reaches maturity in the Fourth Gospel, whose dependence on Philo appears (I) in the use of the allegorical method, (2) in many coincident passages, (3) in the dominant conception of the Logos.
Cumberland and Durham, but its chief value is for crossing, when it is found to promote maturity and to improve the fattening propensity.
It is supplanting the Border Leicester as a sire of mutton sheep; for, although its progeny is slower in reaching maturity, tegs can be fed to greater weights in spring - 65 to 68 lb per carcass - without becoming too fat to be classed as finest quality.
Early maturity and great size have been the objects aimed at and attained, this breed, more perhaps than any other, being identified with early maturity.
The ewes, although difficult to confine by ordinary fences, are in high favour in lowland districts for breeding fattening lambs to Down and other early maturity rams.
It is planted with orange and lemon groves, the products of which are largely exported, and with many palm-trees, the fruit of which, however, does not attain maturity.
That it was fully sanctioned by his intellect at maturity is evident; but the vindication of unbiased choice would not have been readily accepted had Disraeli abandoned Judaism of his own will at the pushing Vivian Grey period or after.
In some of the heterosporous forms (Lepidocarpon, Miadesmia) the sporangia were sometimes surrounded by an integument; and since only a single megaspore attained maturity, the structure of the megasporangium suggests a comparison with an ovule.
Such an instance of maturity of mind and of opinion at so early an age would be remarkable under any circumstances; but in Calvin's case it is rendered peculiarly so by the shortness of the time which had elapsed since he gave himself to theological studies.
Turgot, the most notable of these latter, was well fitted to play his great part as an enlightened minister, as much from the principle of hard work and domestic economy ot, traditional in his family, as from a maturity of mind 1776.
The anterior premolars are quite rudimentary, sometimes not developed at all, and generally fall by the time the animal attains maturity, so that there are but six functional cheek teeth, - three that have predecessors in the milk-dentition, and hence are considered as premolars, and three molars, but otherwise, except the first and last of the series, not distinguishable in form or structure.
Whether the race-horse of to-day is as good as the stock to which he traces back has often been disputed, chiefly no doubt because he is brought to more early maturity, commencing to win races at two years instead of at five years of age, as in the days of Childers and Eclipse; but the highest authorities, and none more emphatically than the late Admiral Rous, have insisted that he can not only stay quite as long as his ancestors, but also go a good deal faster.
The walls of the cells are frequently absorbed, so that when the anther attains maturity the fibres are alone left, and these by their elasticity assist in discharging the pollen.
Dr Bather justifiably anticipates further discoveries, but if, already in Silurian as in modern times, the members of these families had to pass through nauplius and cypris stages to maturity, there is one " enormous gap " between them and the common ancestor of the crustacean class that will not be easily filled.
The extraordinary specimens we possess of his mercantile correspondence and friendly letters, written at this time, attest an astonishing poise and maturity of mind, and self-conscious ambition.
In 1774-1775 he wrote two influential anonymous pamphlets, which were attributed to John Jay; they show remarkable maturity and controversial ability, and rank high among the political arguments of the time.
They show great maturity - a more remarkable maturity than has ever been exhibited by any other person, at so early an age, in the same department of thought."
If their marriage was going to continue its path toward maturity, she was going to have to put a foot down.
The dilemma is perhaps akin to the maturity mismatch faced by economies laboring under 'original sin ' .
They asked my permission to do an amniocentesis to check for fetal lung maturity.
The 24-year-old shows a maturity that many older directors rarely attain.
Approximately half the children of somebody with maturity onset diabetes of the young will develop diabetes themselves.
Traded endowments are with-profits endowment policies that have been sold by the original owners before their maturity date.
But they make no bones that it will be tough, and the kids respond with an almost freakish level of discipline and maturity.
However, these are spreads of corporate bonds over the benchmark gilt or treasury bill for the relevant maturity.
At maturity, this yew will be about twelve feet tall with a five foot girth but may be kept smaller by regular clipping.
Has he got the maturity with the bat to play big innings?
But with the approach of sexual maturity, such skills become increasingly marginal.
Adults The trout reaches full maturity at around two years.
The market has to stop thinking of itself as special before it can attain true maturity, he says.
This demonstrates a maturity within the Black electorate that you cannot take the Black Vote for granted.
It is the goal of psychology to help people achieve maturity of the mind.
Mice colonies also grow faster than rats thanks to their ability to reach sexual maturity quicker.
It is thought to follow a slowly progressive course and to stabilize after skeletal maturity.
Jess is not as shy as she used to be and with her newfound maturity, she is very popular with the boys.
Young parents lack the emotional maturity to teach their children why they should not act violently, say experts.
The children were allowed into the intelligent adult company of their parents and friends, and their early intellectual maturity resulted from this.
We also question the applicability of the maturity mismatch formula to firms electing to use maturity mismatch formula to firms electing to use maturity adjustments.
We also question the applicability of the maturity mismatch formula to firms electing to use maturity adjustments.
The herbs have to be harvested at precise times to ensure maximum potency, the fruits picked at exactly the right degree of maturity.
We are looking for graduates and post-graduates who can demonstrate practical problem-solving skills, maturity, and evidence of teamwork and initiative.
Wych Elm produces a mass of viable seed with relatively young trees reach fruiting maturity.
Maybe, it's the subtle sophistication that comes with maturity.
Blacks with Silver in their ancestry may have a sprinkling of silver hairs through their coat with maturity.
A male Mexican red knee tarantula, Brachypelma smithii, which has been off show for six years, has recently reached maturity.
How did the early modern period imagine and represent physical virginity and the transition to sexual maturity?
We've found that this regrowth rarely achieves maturity, and only in unusually wet areas is repeat action necessary.
At maturity, the protoplasts convert to sporangia, which release zoospores into the soil.
In primitive forms the medusa-individuals are set free before reaching sexual maturity and do not contribute anything to the colony.
A due consideration of it leads to the curious paradox that if any two animals be compared, the zoologically lower will be separated from the common ancestor by a larger number of generations, since, on the average, sexual maturity is reached more quickly by the lower form.
A land may thus be characterized by its position in the " geographical cycle," or cycle of erosion, as young, mature or old, the last term being reached when the base-level of erosion is attained, and the land, however varied its relief may have been in youth or maturity, is reduced to a nearly uniform surface or peneplain.
The specimens should be collected when the capsules are just appearing above or in the colesule or calyx; if kept in a damp saucer they soon arrive at maturity, and can then be mounted in better condition, the fruit-stalks being too fragile to bear carriage in a botanical tin case without injury.
In general we find an analogy between the development of groups and of organs; we discover that each phyletic branch of certain organisms traverses a geologic career comparable to the life of an individual, that we may often distinguish, especially among invertebrates, a phase of youth, a phase of maturity, a phase of senility or degeneration foreshadowing the extinction of a type.
Pebrine manifests itself by dark spots in the skin of the larvae; the eggs do not hatch out, or hatch imperfectly; the worms are weak, stunted and unequal in growth, languid in movement, fastidious in feeding; many perish before coming to maturity; if they spin a cocoon it is soft and loose, and moths when developed are feeble and inactive.
Though conspicuously uniting faith in Christ with spiritual maturity, there are evidences that, like other Valentinians, Heracleon did not sufficiently emphasize abstinence from the moral laxity and worldliness into which his followers fell.
Nymphs repeat the behaviour of the larvae, and finally moult into the adult, showing the generative orifice, which is the mark of maturity.
All four tracks show a surprising maturity of song writing; catchy and clever punk rock 'n' roll and full of great riffs.
Maybe, it 's the subtle sophistication that comes with maturity.
If you are considering adopting baby bunnies. you must get them neutered or spayed as soon as they reach sexual maturity.
Only time deposits with min. one year maturity Can take current, recurring, savings and time deposits 12.
The grapes arrived at the wineries in a healthy condition, showing both good maturity and varietal characteristics.
We 've found that this regrowth rarely achieves maturity, and only in unusually wet areas is repeat action necessary.
To live abstemiously shows self-control and maturity.
Some wines reach their maturity in six years, some take as long as 30.
The hybrid poplar is one of the fastest growing trees, growing to full maturity in about five years.
These bonds pay interest every 6 months until they reach their 30-year maturity date.
The final step is to reinvest your money once the bonds have reached maturity or stopped paying interest.
The database only has bonds issued after 1974, but you may find that you have a bond that has reached maturity.
When a bond is callable, it means the issuer can call back the bond and retire it prior to its scheduled maturity date.
Young children usually don't have the maturity to handle kittens responsibly, so a cat that's at least four months old is typically the best choice for homes with [small] kids.
For example, a kitten that has darker, chocolate points will not have those points lighten to red, but a kitten with pale orange points should deepen to a richer red with maturity.
By the end of its second year, a cat's maturity level is basically relative to that of a 25 year old person.
Although conversion charts aren't always completely accurate, they offer a good way to estimate your cat's maturity level as well as how long she might be expected to live.
Just Me remains true to the girlish quality of its predecessor, perhaps with a bit more bite and maturity.
Anger management programs for elementary students encourage emotional maturity, while teaching the necessary skills to cope with anger, teasing, bullying, and criticism.
Beginning your period is not the only sign of your growing maturity.
The onset of puberty is the physical manifestation showing a change from childhood immaturity to adulthood maturity has begun.
High school teachers expect a much higher level of maturity and responsibility than teachers at the lower grade levels.
You can get out of the house and either work part -time (showing maturity and willingness to financially contribute to your education, a very adult thing to do) or volunteer for a charity part-time.
Hence the expression, (you always want what you can't have) With maturity and time, hopefully, your "fear of commitment" will change into appreciating how wonderful it is to be with a caring, loving person.
After all, these changes are a sign of growing up, and with maturity comes the opportunity to spread your wings and make more of your own decisions.
In girls, the increase in LH and FSH hormones in the bloodstream stimulates the ovaries and adrenal glands to produce even more hormones that affect development and maturity.
Although the rate of maturity varies, the following stages can serve as a guide for what to expect, and in what likely order.
Problem teenagers are often dealing with a lot of adult issues, yet they don't have the wisdom or maturity to see the big picture.
Understand that in some cases, you may be watched more carefully and you'll need to show greater maturity and work hard to overcome being disgraced.
Some youth may be ready to babysit as young as thirteen, while others may need to gain more maturity.
Nine out of ten died before reaching maturity.
In addition, there are yellow varieties that go from yellow to brown upon maturity.
Other varieties of coconuts, even before maturity, will have a thicker, milky juice that is not so sweet.
It is possible that certain anorexics are using a refusal to eat as a way to avoid coping with the feelings and physical changes that accompany sexual maturity.
Growing up in Houston, Texas, Brad Coleman looked up to racing greats, Jeff Gordon and Dale Earnhardt, Jr. He explains, "The maturity with which they have both handled their success has really been an inspiration to me."
The difference between 18 and 30 is pretty big as far as number of years, but even bigger when it comes to maturity.
Along with adult responsibilities for the Olsen twins, grown up controversies and scandals have followed them into maturity.
Personally, I believe a dog should be given time to reach maturity before his energies are redirected into breeding, and then he should only be bred selectively a few times each year.
As a dog reaches social maturity around the age of 18 months, real problems can crop up between dogs that have "always gotten along just fine."
Puppies grow anywhere from 21 ½ inches to 24 ½ inches tall, and they weigh between 55 to 80 pounds at maturity.
At maturity the Paulownia assumes a dense rounded head, but rarely exceeds 30 feet in height, although in some south-coast gardens there are trees of 40 feet.
The leaves, as the specific name implies, resemble those of the Horse Chestnut, and at maturity assume a rich bronzy-green.
California White Fir (Abies Lowiana) - A lovely tree, often 150 feet high, long leaves, and light green cones, turning yellow at maturity.
You can choose plants that are not frost tolerant if you look at the maturity rates of each one and do a bit of figuring before planting.
If you are starting from seed you will want to start them early to allow for slower maturity as the days get shorter in the fall.
Be sure that once the hydrangea grows to maturity, it will be an appropriate size for the garden location you select.
Young spiders reach maturity in late summer, at which time the male may leave his own web to take up residence with a female, whose web is significantly roomier.
As they grow, spiderlings build increasingly larger webs at ever greater heights, until they reach maturity and construct their trademark two-foot diameter web between tree limbs, tall grasses or other suitably elevated, sunny location.
Varieties that grow tall are planted on the north side of the grid so at maturity they do not overshadow the other plants.
Large plants such as bell peppers, tomatoes, broccoli, and cauliflower are only planted one to a square and positioned in the very center of the square so at maturity they do not overlap the square next to them.
Seeds started indoors typically need many weeks to attain maturity before planting outdoors.
These are plants grown for the sole purpose of turning them under and mulching the entire garden bed with them once they've attained maturity.
The obvious evolution of style, maturity, songwriting and musical skill solidified the band's importance, but it failed to balance critical opinion.
Bamboo is more environmentally friendly, since it is a rapidly renewable resource versus hardwood trees that take decades to reach maturity.
As the children get older, the lessons on stranger safety can be adapted for their growing maturity level.
As a Baby Boomer, you have the perfect ingredients of wisdom, maturity, and a track record of employment success.
Employers often value the maturity and experience of seniors, but it may take a bit of time to find the right job, and job opportunities fluctuate with the economy, as well as the region of the country where you live.
Fable is an open-ended role-playing game designed for Xbox where you mold the character from childhood, through maturity and old age.
This game takes you and immerses you in the lifestyle of the character that you create, from childhood through maturity and old age.
Overall our feeling was that these wines we still quite closed and needed another 10 years at least to come anywhere near maturity.
The "Mer" stands for the sea, which in this case refers to the Pacific Ocean that brings a fog and cool breeze to the vinyards, "Soleil" is the sunshine that brings the grapes to maturity.
The fruit is hand-picked at optimum maturity levels and then sent straight up the winery in St Helena in refrigerated trucks.
Regionality has become very important to Australia's maturity as a wine producing nation.
This regional development, as mentioned above, is very important for Australia's maturity as a wine producer.
Somatrotropin (hGH) is measured in the clinical laboratory to identify hGH deficiency in adolescents with short stature, delayed sexual maturity, and other growth or development abnormalities.
The CAT is used to assess personality, level of maturity, and, often, psychological health.
With experience and increased mental maturity, the child will eventually understand that he is not being abandoned permanently and that the caregiver will return.
The gender differences in the way antisocial behavior is expressed may be related to the differing rate of maturity between girls and boys.
Apart from facing the onset of sexual maturity, teenagers must also make key decisions about their future, develop their identities, change schools, and meet new friends.
An x ray is also used to document spinal maturity, any pelvic tilt or hip asymmetry, and the location, extent, and degree of curvature.
Modifications can be made based on the age and maturity of the child.
Sometimes referred to as teenage years, youth, or puberty, adolescence is the transitional period between childhood and maturity, occurring roughly between the ages of 10 and 20.
Adolescence is a time of moving from the immaturity of childhood into the maturity of adulthood.
Some tests use developmental ages to describe a child's physical, perceptual, social, and emotional maturity.
The Columbia Mental Maturity Scale (CMMS) does not depend on reading skills.
The Maturity Index indicates the age group of the child in terms of test performance.
These sex hormones (especially estrogen in girls and testosterone in boys) are what causes the onset of sexual maturity.
Maturity starts developing during this time; the young person acquires self-certainty as opposed to self-doubt and experiments with different constructive roles rather than adopting a negative identity, such as delinquency.
Puberty is the period of human development during which physical growth and sexual maturity occurs.
Adolescents generally speak in an adult manner, gaining language maturity throughout high school.
Apperception tests are administered to children individually by a trained psychologist to assess personality, maturity, and psychological health.
Parents or caretakers should take into account the age and developmental maturity of their child when responding to the fears and anxieties that a nightmare brings to the surface.
The healthy preschooler becomes increasingly independent, mastering many motor skills and developing greater social and emotional maturity.
This maturity supports the ability to solve problems and make reasonably independent decisions.
In some cases, medications such as betamethasone may be given to the mother to speed up the lung maturity of the baby.
It is also used to determine the level of maturity of the baby's lungs, of particular interest if the baby will be delivered prematurely.
If children receive proper support from family members and the hospital staff, hospitalization can even make them feel proud for having successfully negotiated a challenge to their maturity, self-discipline, and courage.
The pediatrician can make an initial evaluation of the child's developmental maturity compared to other children in his or her age group.
The grieving process for children is influenced by their age and maturity.
Children typically display different symptoms than adults and teens due to their maturity level.
Sophisticated styles portray confidence and maturity.
Some men proudly embrace male pattern baldness as a symbol of maturity, and in fact many women find the style attractive and even sexy if the man is confident.
The ages for students to reach the different stages will vary because each student masters each level at a different time, depending on the child's maturity level, ability, and the desire to learn during a classical homeschool education.
Before beginning a relaxed homeschooling program, it is wise to consider your child's maturity level, his ability to focus and learn independently, and your expectations for your child's education and future.
The BBA is responsible for determining the average interest rate for each maturity period.
Melissa dealt with the resulting negative media storm with grace and maturity.
Sometimes, an amnio will be performed toward the end of the pregnancy to determine the maturity of the baby's lungs.
A doctor will usually perform a maturity amniocentesis first to check the baby's lungs.
You may need to consider whether or not you're comfortable with her wearing a two-piece swimsuit based on her age or maturity level.
When there are two people engaged in couple activities, with emotional control and mutual respect, that is maturity in duplicate.
For mature dating to be found, you will need to start developing your own inner maturity and see where that takes you.
This is because the relationship is progressing from excitement and newness toward maturity and dependability.
For those using the term in personal ads, however, maturity typically refers to women who are at least 25 years old.
Size isn't an issue in love, but maturity certainly is.
Maturity means you know who you are and what you want, and you know how to get it.
Maturity leaves behind the posturing, role-playing, and attention-starved behavior that often revolves through the lives of the immature.
This growth to maturity is called living.
Being in a life long relationship takes maturity, your actions show you are not there yet.
Maturity takes being accountable for your behavior.
While taking responsibility for your actions (no matter how embarrassing or painful that may be is) won't be easy; doing so demonstrates a growing maturity.
Being in a long distance relationship takes a lot of maturity, strength and a very strong commitment.
Long distance college relationships take a certain level of commitment and maturity.
Long distance relationships take a lot of maturity because they require couples to behave as though they lived in the same town without all of the privileges that come with living nearby.
With time and maturity, most children eventually let go of this wish.
Sexual poetry is a form of erotic literature that explores maturity, sexuality, relationships and intimacy.
Most people don't meet their soulmate when they're young, but instead when they've reached a level of maturity within themselves.
Not only are these items useless without the ring, but returning them will also aid in reselling or returning the ring if necessary, demonstrating a maturity and responsibility to see the relationship through properly to the very end.
The inspiration which maintains Italian designs apart from others betrays a severity and a maturity quite absent in the playfulness or femininity of the French, and the casual sophistication of the Americans and Australians.
This division explains the emotional and social maturity of an individual over a lifetime.
Parents need to carefully evaluate their child's learning style, maturity, and personality, while looking at the various options available to them for education.
Once kids are older, however, they can do significantly more, depending on their maturity level.
The most common reason a child is asked to wait another year is maturity.
Take into consideration both age and maturity while selecting the best pets for kids.
Preadolescents and adolescents should avoid competitive weight lifting, power lifting, body building, and maximal lifts until they reach physical and skeletal maturity.
Not all children are ready to stay away from home overnight at the same age, and you should consider your child's level of maturity.
Many avoid conflict, instead giving in to their children and not demanding a certain level of maturity or behavior.
With such a system, there is of course no way to control for maturity levels of individual youngsters.
Movie ratings exist largely so that the audience can understand the level of maturity required for a movie prior to watching it.
Iams ProActive Health MiniChunks - for small-breed puppies up to 20 pounds when they reach maturity.
A butterfly is one of the few creatures born as one thing and then grows in to maturity as another.
Fixed rate loans of $50,000 or more cannot exceed prime plus 2.25 percent if the maturity is less than 7 years, and 2.75 percent if the maturity is 7 years or more.
Loans of $25,000-$50.000 rates cannot exceed prime plus 3.25 percent if the maturity is less than 7 years, and 3.75 percent if the maturity is 7 years or more.
Loans $25,000 or less, rates cannot exceed prime plus 4.25 percent if the maturity is less than 7 years, and 4.75 percent, if the maturity is 7 years or more.
Factors that do alter nutrient values include soil conditions, climate, genetics, and ripeness or maturity at harvest time (for produce).
The final payment on an annuity is referred to as the maturity date.
Other annuities have specific maturity dates and if the investor passes away before the maturity date, the nearest surviving relatives or stated beneficiaries may have the ability to claim the remaining payments.
The loss of that money, combined with the fact that the value of annuities runs out upon maturity, are good reasons to seek other types of investment products.
Fixed rate annuities are purchased for the long-term savings and allow you to lock in a certain rate at the time of purchase that you will continue to pay until the maturity date for the payout.
Some people think that all of the hubbub surrounding bat mitzvah parties has moved the focus away from the real meaning of the event - that the young lady has reached the age of religious maturity.
A bat mitzvah is the first party your daughter will have when she comes of age in the eyes of her religion, so an elegant invitation can make a statement about her new found maturity.
At age 58, what can you say about a Portland, Maine high school physics teacher who claims to have the emotional maturity of a twelve-year-old combined with MacGyver-like survival skills?
However, the best way to "reverse" the signs of maturity in your skin is to avoid them in the first place.
In every mature period of art it will be found that, however much the technical rules may be collected in one special category, every artistic category has a perfect interaction with all the others; and this is nowhere more perfectly shown than when the art is in its simplest possible form of maturity.
Both sexes reach maturity early.
The fertilized egg-cell (oospore) forms a filamentous structure, the proernbryo, from a restricted basal portion of which one or more embryos develop, one only as a rule reaching maturity.
The lymph vessels of the tail and hinder parts of the body enter the hypogastric veins; and at the point of junction, on either side, lies a small lymph heart, which often persists until maturity.
In some species of Copris it is stated that the female lays only two or three eggs at a time, watching the offspring grow to maturity, and then rearing another brood.
It is possible that we have here gonad ducts distinct from nephridia which at the time of sexual maturity do open on to the exterior.
He was thus led to adopt that system of sowing his crops in rows or drills, so wide apart as to admit of tillage of the intervals, both by ploughing and hoeing, being continued until they had well-nigh arrived at maturity.
Such, moreover, is the effect of different manures that the gross produce of the mixed herbage is totally different on the respective plots according to the manure employed, both as to the proportion of the various species composing it and as to their condition of development and maturity.
Within the last quarter of the 19th century the stock-feeding practices of the country were much modified in accordance with these ideas of early maturity.
By comparing England with other countries we may be able in the distant future to reach conclusions of some generality as to the laws of growth, maturity and decay of industrial nations.
It is now, in fact, generally admitted that metamorphosis has been acquired comparatively recently, and Scudder in his review of the earliest fossil insects states that " their metamorphoses were simple and incomplete, the young leaving the egg with the form of the parent, but without wings, the assumption of which required no quiescent stage before maturity."
Until maturity is reached the spider has the power to repair lost or damaged limbs.
Most of these were held by the Educational Fund at the time of their maturity.
Mithraism was at full maturity on its arrival at Rome, the only modifications it ever suffered having been experienced during its younger days in Asia.
The efforts of the best minds in zoology had been directed for thirty years or more to ascertaining with increased accuracy and minuteness the structure, microscopic and gross, of all possible forms of animals, and not only of the adult structure but of the steps of development of that structure in the growth of each kind of organism from the egg to maturity.
The vine is hardy in Britain so far as regards its vegetation, but not hardy enough to bring its fruit to satisfactory maturity, so that for all practical purposes the vine must be regarded as a tender fruit.
In the bladder it remains for three years before attaining maturity.
In the course of a few months it attains full size and maturity and probably in most cases dies in the course of a year after having given rise to another generation of larvae.
It is essential that the grains on the maltster's floor should germinate simultaneously, hence at the time of reaping, the whole crop must be as nearly as possible in the same stage of maturity.
It examines the plant in its earliest state of development, and follows it through all its stages of progress until it attains maturity.
His precocious maturity is strikingly evident from the first.
The democratic sentiment of the Czechoslovak nation, and its maturity in social matters, resulted in the adoption of a social policy which, while proceeding without undue haste, was characterized by a comparatively rapid course of reform.
Flowers which are closed at the time of maturity of anthers and stigmas are termed cleistogamous.
The cost of planting and the outlay for manuring and weeding during the years of maturity of the crop, are higher in the Midlands and the yield was estimated by Ellmore at 6 to 10 tons per acre, green, worth from £3, ios.
The tales that grains of wheat found in the cerements of Egyptian mummies have been planted and come to maturity are no longer credited, for the vital principle in the wheat berry is extremely evanescent; indeed, it is doubtful whether wheat twenty years old is capable of reproduction.
As the larva approaches maturity these vessels become gorged with a clear viscous fluid, which, upon being exposed to the air immediately hardens to a solid mass.
If the attack comes on a short time before maturity, the worms are able to spin a cocoon of a feeble character, but worms with this disease never change into chrysalides, but always die in the cocoon before transformation can take place.
In the simplest instances the pollen of one flower fertilizes the ovules of another on the same plant, owing to the stamens arriving at maturity in any one flower earlier or later than the pistils.
In the south of England, with the habit of an annual, it ripens its seeds in favourable seasons; and it has been known to come to maturity as far north as Christiania in Norway.
In the Helvellaceae there is no apothecium but a large irregular fruit body which at maturity bears the asci on its surface.
Before the teleutospore reaches maturity the nuclei fuse, and the uninucleate condition Q C then continues again until aeci dium formation.
The Essays are undoubtedly written with more maturity and skill than the Treatise; they contain in more detail application of the principles to concrete problems, such as miracles, providence, immortality; but the entire omission of the discussion forming part ii.
The leaves, for fibre-yielding purposes, come to maturity in about six months, and the habit of the Maoris is to cut them down twice a year, rejecting the outer and leaving the central immature leaves.
Like its contemporary Gothic, it has three great periods, those of growth, maturity and decline.
The hour when Diirer, the typical artist of the German nation, attained maturity was one of the most pregnant in the history of his race.
As the field of existence is limited and preoccupied, it is only the hardier, more robust, better-suited-tocircumstance individuals, who are able to struggle forward to maturity, these inhabiting only the situations to which they have superior adaptation and greater power of occupancy than any other kind; the weaker and less circumstance-suited being prematurely destroyed.
The age at which the northern pine and Norway fir arrive at maturity is between seventy and one hundred years.
The peppers are 4 inches long and are very blocky in shape with a yellow flesh that matures to a brilliant red at maturity.
You are highly conscientious and even as a child you possessed great maturity, soberness, and worldly wisdom.
At birth, these insects are translucent and darken in color as they grow toward maturity.
During the breeding season many more eggs are developed than reach maturity, amounting in most birds to several dozens.
Indeed, as one of the acutest and most sympathetic of his critics has remarked, the deep and settled grudge he has betrayed towards every form of Christian belief, in all the writings of his maturity, may be taken as evidence that he had at one time experienced in his own person at least some of the painful workings of a positive faith.
In most orchids the only stamen developed to maturity is the posterior one of the three opposite to the lip (anterior before the twisting of the ovary), the other two, as well as all three inner ones, being entirely absent, or present only in the form of rudiments.
The judges, in making their awards at the show held annually in December, at Islington, North London (since 1862), are instructed to decide according to quality of flesh, lightness of offal, age and early maturity, with no restrictions as to feeding, and thus to promote the primary aim of the club in encouraging the selection and breeding of the best and most useful animals for the production of meat, and testing their capabilities in respect of early maturity.
The young emerge from the cocoon in the early spring, grow through the summer, and reach maturity in the early autumn.
In the event of the host escaping being killed and eaten it is believed that some of these larvae wander about or ultimately make their way to the exterior, possibly through the bronchi; nevertheless it seems to be certain that they can only reach sexual maturity in the nasal passages of some carnivorous animal, and the chance of attaining this environment is afforded when the viscera of the host are devoured by some flesh-eating mammal.
Dietrich married Jutta, daughter of Hermann I., landgrave of Thuringia, and was succeeded in 1221 by his infant son Henry, surnamed the Illustrious; who on arriving at maturity obtained as reward for supporting the emperor Frederick II.
The young are about an inch in length by the end of spring, but are not fit for the market till the second year, and it has been stated that they do not reach maturity, as shown by the power of reproduction, till the end of their third year.
The sorghum is hardier than the sugar-cane; it comes to maturity in a season; and it retains its maximum sugar content a considerable time, giving opportunity for leisurely harvesting.
This fact gave rise in ancient times to the false idea that the tapeworm originated from the union of these segments; and in modern times it has led to the view that the tapeworm is not a segmented organism (the monozoic view), but is a colony composed of the scolex which arises from the embryo and of the proglottides, which are asexually produced buds that, upon or before attaining their full size and maturity, become separated, grow, and, in some cases, live freely for a time, just as the segments of a strobilating jelly-fish grow, separate and become sexual individuals (the polyzoic view).
The influence of Panaetius and Polybius was more adapted to their maturity, when they led the state in war, statesmanship and oratory, and when the humaner teaching of Stoicism began to enlarge the sympathies of Roman jurists.
Such a fruitage as that of Greek culture of the age of Pericles does not come to maturity without a long period of preparation.
After 12 to 15 years the heads become "tired," and should be grubbed up. The first year's crop, known as the "maiden" crop, is of small value but should be cut and the ensuing years of maturity will yield crops of about 130 bolts, green, per acre, worth £9, 15s.
Used in its widest sense this includes the Hysteriaceae, Phacidiaceae, Helvellaceae, &c. The group is characterized in general by the possession of an ascocarp which, though usually a completely closed structure during the earlier stages of development, at maturity opens out to form a bowl or saucer-shaped organ, thus completely exposing the layer of asci which forms the hymenium.
Nevertheless he has a distinguished place in the story of precocious children, and in the much more limited chapter of children whose precocity has been followed by great performance at maturity, though he never became what is called a learned man, perhaps did not know Greek, and was pretty certainly indebted for most of his miscellaneous reading to Montaigne.
On account of their hardiness and disposition to early maturity they have proved valuable for crossing purposes.
The first step towards the formation of a mixed hydroid colony is undoubtedly a hastening of the sexual maturity of the medusaindividual.
The iris is in most young birds at first brown or dull-coloured, but with maturity attains often very bright tints which add considerably to the charm of the bird; sexual dimorphism is in this respect of common occurrence.
In all sections about as much, or even more, rain falls in summer as in both autumn and winter, and the summer rains, together with the long summer days, are very favourable to a rapid growth and early maturity of crops.
In Cystopteris the buds are deciduous, falling off as the fronds acquire maturity, but, if collected and pressed into the surface of a pot of soil and kept close, they will grow up into young plants the following season.
They mature slowest of all Immortals, but when they hit certain points in angel years, they jump to the next human stage of maturity, Helga said.
Rice sports into far more varieties than any of the corns familiar to Europeans; for some varieties grow in the water and some on dry land; some come to maturity in three months, while others take four and six months to do so.