Mature Sentence Examples
He's a mature male.
Their marriage had finally blossomed into mature love.
His friends had always been older, probably because he was so mature for his age.
His logic and acceptance of the deformity was amazingly positive and mature for a 9-year-old.
He thought she wasn't mature enough to be a mother?
Birds sang in the mature trees that ringed the deck and there was a country smell of spring.
This book, her first mature experiment in writing, settles the question of her ability to write.
Did he think of her as a mature female?
The words "mature male" crossed her mind again.
It is not important that he should mature as soon as an apple tree or an oak.
AdvertisementThe post-exilic priestly spirit represents a tendency which is absent from the Judaean Deuteronomic book of Kings but is fully mature in the later, and to some extent parallel, book of Chronicles (q.v.).
Indeed, the Cretan system, like that of Sparta, appears to have aimed at training up the young, and controlling them, as well as the citizens of more mature age, in all their habits and relations of life.
The mature dragon-fly nymph, for example, makes its way out of the water in which the early stages have been passed and, clinging to some water-plant, undergoes the final ecdysis that the imago may emerge into the air.
The Graf-Wellhausen hypothesis, that the hierarchical law in its complete form in the Pentateuch stands at the close and not at the beginning of biblical history, that this mature Judaism was the fruit of the 5th century B.C. and not a divinely appointed institution at the exodus (nearly ten centuries previously), has won the recognition of almost all Old Testament scholars.
It wasn't that I didn't want to be associated with you, I just wasn't mature enough to take on the responsibility.
AdvertisementA person never got old enough or mature enough that they were no longer capable of making a poor choice.
The common mushroom (Agaricus campestris) is propagated by spores, the fine black dust seen to be thrown off when a mature specimen is laid on white paper or a white dish; these give rise to what is known as the "spawn" or mycelium, which consists of whitish threads permeating dried dung or similar substances, and which, when planted in a proper medium, runs through the mass, and eventually develops the fructification known as the mushroom.
Normally the medusae are liberated in quite an immature state; they swim away, feed, grow and become adult mature el individuals.
The young comedian's puerile jokes were not appreciated by the mature audience.
Anything big enough to make a mature elk bolt was enough to concern him – including a bull elk.
AdvertisementBut although mature study has established the truth of this proposition it was not always so.
My call was forwarded to a female with a mature sounding voice.
Perhaps Erysichthon may be explained as the personification of the labourer, who by the systematic cultivation and tilling of the soil endeavours to force the crops, instead of allowing them to mature unmolested as in the good old times.
They mature slowest of all Immortals, but when they hit certain points in angel years, they jump to the next human stage of maturity, Helga said.
In every mature period of art it will be found that, however much the technical rules may be collected in one special category, every artistic category has a perfect interaction with all the others; and this is nowhere more perfectly shown than when the art is in its simplest possible form of maturity.
AdvertisementThe close of Bonapartes victorious campaign against the Archduke Charles in 1797 enabled him to mature those designs respecting Venice which are detailed in the article NAPOLEON.
They are liberated in a mature condition, and probably live but a short time, merely sufficient to spread the species.
In this it remains until the completion of the transformation into the sexually mature insect, which then emerges from the case, leaving the pupal integument behind.
It is evident that the same method may be followed with other sorts which continue only a short time in a mature state.
His love for Natasha, Antichrist, Napoleon, the invasion, the comet, 666, L'Empereur Napoleon, and L'russe Besuhof--all this had to mature and culminate, to lift him out of that spellbound, petty sphere of Moscow habits in which he felt himself held captive and lead him to a great achievement and great happiness.
It makes me feel small when you keep things from me - like you don't trust me, or you think I'm not mature enough to handle it.
In that moment he became more than a mature male – more than Alex.
Although some attain their full development in the body of a single host - in this respect differing from all other Entozoa - the majority do not become sexually mature until after their transference from an "intermediate" to a "definitive" host.
In the preface, Lamarck says that the work was written in 1776, and presented to the Academy in 1780; but it was not published before 2794, and at that time it presumably expressed Lamarck's mature views.
In the spruce firs (Picea), the cones are pendent when mature and their scales persistent; the leaves are arranged all round the shoots, though the lower ones are sometimes directed laterally.
Ahead was nothing but a narrow dirt road lined with mature Oak trees and brush.
A mature bull weighs over a ton and can be six feet or more at the hump.
A number of larvae of Lepidoptera feed on the leaves - the remedy is to capture the mature insects when possible.
In some cicads the mature nymph ceases to feed and remains quiescent within a pillar-shaped earthen chamber.
Let us illustrate Wagner's mature use of Leitmotif by the theme which happens to be associated with Alberich's ring.
The emperor Theodosius came to London from Boulogne to mature his plan for the restoration of the tranquillity of the province.
The larvae known as caddis-worms are aquatic. The mature females lay their eggs in the water, and the newly-hatched larvae provide themselves with cases made of various particles such as grains of sand, pieces of wood or leaves stuck together with silk secreted from the salivary glands of the insect.
But it still presents the Europeans with an opportunity to recast the relationship - if they are mature enough to seize it.
The fine example of a Victorian Rectory dated 1876 stands in secluded grounds with mature trees which provide a haven for wildlife.
Let us take the next, more mature, work by Kautsky, which was also largely devoted to a refutation of opportunist errors.
Rosebay willow-herb Chamerion angustifolium; male stage When the flower opens the anthers are beginning to mature and shed pollen.
The appearance, using Paul 's fabulous mature Brazilian rosewood, is absolutely stunning !
Q. Is the application process the same for mature applicants?
A mature forest of Linux trees lacking little new tree saplings growing all around them wo n't be a forest for long.
They often articulate in mature, self-reflexive ways the changes they have undergone.
Mature dock plants have been stunted by sheep grazing leaves.
Planting near to mature trees which naturally remove a great deal of moisture from soggy soil is a clever ecological solution for shade lovers.
Where do you expect to find type A spermatogonia, primary and secondary spermatocytes, spermatids and mature spermatozoa.
Just as with any other relationship, the relationship you'll forge with your baby will grow and mature through time.
He had mastered his manner and, as one may say, learned his trade, in the exercise of criticism and the reflective parts of literature, before he surrendered himself to that powerful creative impulse which had long been tempting him, so that when, in mature life, he essayed the portraiture of invented character he came to it unhampered by any imperfection of language.
The sexes are separate, and when mature are sometimes distinguished by small differences of colour in the genital region.
Indian corn grows luxuriantly everywhere, but it does not mature well in the humid regions of the Amazon region and the coast.
The young during the first twelvemonth are of a greyish-brown, but when mature almost the whole plumage, except the black primaries, is white, deeply suffused by a rich blush of rose or salmon-colour, passing into yellow on the crest and lower part of the neck in front.
But the garment usually worn by men of mature age was the iµaTCov, which was (like the rbrXos) a plain square of woollen stuff.
He lived at the meeting-point of three distinct civilizations - the mature, or rather decaying, civilization of Greece, of which Athens was still the centre; that of Carthage, which was so soon to pass away and leave scarcely any vestige of itself; and the nascent civilization of Italy, in which all other modes were soon to be absorbed.
Whatever be the ancestral cell from which these cells spring, it is in the bone marrow that we find a differentiation into the various marrow cells from which are developed the mature corpuscles that pass from the marrow into the blood circulation.
The trees are ready to yield sap when five years old; at eight years they are mature, and continue to give an annual supply till they reach thirty years.
The replacement of detached mature proglottides at the distal end of the Cestode-body by others is not regeneration, for the replacing set has already developed, and in certain cases they can complete their development quite independently after being detached from the parent.
The tapeworm, Taenia saginata, throws off eleven proglottides a day during its mature stage, and if this rate of increase were maintained for a year the total weight of its progeny would be about 550 grammes.
Schistocephalus becomes fully segmented in Gasterosteus and mature in aquatic birds (ducks, &c.).
In North Germany the mature tapeworm was found on post-mortem examination once in every 200 bodies examined, while its embryo, the Cysticercus cellulosae, was found in in every 76 bodies.
After transplanting the crop takes about another sixty days to mature, i.e.
The larvae are perfectly white at first and wingless, although in other respects not unlike their parents, but they are not mature insects until after the sixth casting of the skin.
They are flattened organisms provided with two or more suckers, hence their name (7 rpThµarc,8rls, pierced with holes), and are exclusively parasitic both in their earlier and mature stages of life.
The noxious influence of Trematodes is, moreover, not confined to their mature phase of life.
Sometimes the Polystomum-larva attaches itself to a young tadpole, and in that case grows so rapidly as to become mature in five weeks.
When young it is found in the intestine, but becomes mature in "Keber's organ" and the pericardium.
The larvae usually live in Molluscs, the mature worm in vertebrates, and the immature but metamorphosed Trematode in either host and also in pelagic and littoral marine and fresh-water invertebrates.
D, An adult redia, containing a daughter-redia, two almost mature cercariae, and germs. E, A free cercaria.
Theory and The Study of Religion, and, in some measure, of The Seat of Authority in Religion."' These books expressed his mature thought, and may be said to contain, in what he conceived as a final form, the speculative achievements of his life.
This great book, the first and still one of the best historical works on Poland in the modern sense of the word, was only undertaken after mature consideration and an exhaustive study of all the original sources then available, some of which are now lost.
They may have contributed to the formation of the style of comedy which appears at the very outset much more mature than that of serious poetry, tragic or epic. They gave the name and some of the characteristics to that special literary product of the Roman soil, the satura, addressed to readers, not to spectators, which ultimately was developed into pure poetic satire in Lucilius, Horace, Persius and Juvenal, into the prose and verse miscellany of Varro, and into something approaching the prose novel in Petronius.
In the Georgics we are struck by the great advance in the originality and self-dependence of the artist, in the mature perfection of his workmanship, in the deepening and strengthening of all his sympathies and convictions.
In the last ten years of his life Horace resumed his lyrical function for a time, under pressure of the imperial command, and produced some of the most exquisite and mature products of his art.
He soon returned to Sparta to mature plans for overthrowing the hereditary kingship and substituting an elective monarchy open to all Heraclids, or even, according to another version, to all Spartiates.
I find the word ' mature ' more pleasing than the other term.
Vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts taste sweeter when they mature after a hard frost.
The seeds won't be mature enough yet to harvest.
Look for telltale signs that the flower is mature.
You will need several growing seasons before you will actually see the mature vines produce grapes.
Be sure to document the size of mature plants so you do not overcrowd.
Most mature lantanas will grow as high as six feet tall and just as wide.
Baby Argiope spiders make tiny webs in low-lying vegetation and are unlikely to attract your notice until they are mature.
Through this temporary protection the active pupa, which closely resembles the mature insect, subsequently bites a way by means of its strong mandibles, and rising to the surface of the water casts the pupal integument and becomes sexually adult.
It is only necessary here to mention one anomalous form, Enoicyla pusilla, in which the mature female is wingless and the larva is terrestrial, living in moss or decayed leaves.
The gastrula has now become an actinula, which may be termed the distinctive larva of the Cnidaria, and doubtless represents in a transitory manner the common ancestor of the group. In no case known, however, does the actinula become the adult, sexually mature individual, but always undergoes further modifications, whereby it develops into either a polyp or a medusa.
Thus the anthers and stigmas in any given flower are often mature at different times; this condition, which is known as dichogamy and was first pointed out by Sprengel, may be so well marked that the stigma.
The flower is termed proterandrous or proterogynous according as anthers or stigmas mature first.
Xenogamy is of course the only possible method in diclinous plants; it is also the usual method in monoclinous plants, owing to the fact that stamens and carpels often mature at different times (dichogamy), the plants being proterandrous or proterogynous.
In giving greater prominence to events of religious importance and to their bearing upon the spiritual needs of contemporaries they view and interpret the past in a particular light, and will see in the past those growths which only in their own time have become mature.
At a mature age - having first, it appears, become acquainted with Mantegna - he turned his attention to painting.
The plant is propagated from suckers and requires very little attention after transplanting to the field where it is to remain, but it takes six to eight years to mature and then yields an average of ten gallons of sap during a period of four or five months, after which it dies.
A section of the coastal plain, from North Carolina to southern New Jersey, resembles the plain farther south in general form and quality of soils, but besides being narrower, it is further characterized by several embayments or arms of the sea, caused by a slight depression of the land after mature valleys had been eroded in the plain.
Again, in Kentucky and Tennessee, there is a double alternation of sandstone and limestone in the plateau-making strata; and as the skyline of the plateau bevels across these formations, there are west-facing escarpments, made ragged by mature dissection, as one passes from the topographically strong sandstone to the topographically weak limestone.
The submature or mature dissection of the plateau by its branching insequent streams results in giving it an excess of sloping surface, usually too steep for farming, and hence left for tree growth.
They are usually fine-textured limestones and shales, lying horizontal; the moderate or small relief that they were given by mature preglacial erosion is now buried under the drift, but is known by numerous borings for oil, gas and water.
As in the Atlantic coastal plain, it is only the lower, seaward part of this region that deserves the name of plain, for there alone is the surface unbroken by hills or valleys; the inner part, initially a plain by reason of its essentially horizontal (gently seaward-sloping) structure, has been converted by mature dissection into an elaborate complex of hills and valleys, usually of increasing altitude and relief as one passes inland.
On account of the rapid deposition of sediment near the main channel at times of overflow, the flood plain, as is normally the case on mature valley floors, has a lateral slope of as much as 5, 10, or even 12 ft.
A significant exception to the rule of mature valleys occurs, however, in the case of the Missouri, the largest river, which is broken by several falls on hard sandstones about 50 m.
The Llano is separated from the plains on the north by the mature consequent valley of the Canadian river, and from the mountains on the west by the broad and probably mature valley of the Pecos river.
This mature weathering, resulting in the relatively complete separation of the quartz from the kaolin, and both from the calcium carbonate and other basic materials, implies conditions of rock decay comparable to those of the present time.
At Rome in mature manhood Tertullian became a Christian, under what circumstances we do not know, and forthwith he bent himself with all his energy to the study of Scripture and of Christian literature.
Such then was the method of composition by which Aristotle began in early manhood to write his philosophical works, continued them gradually and simultaneously, combined shorter discourses into longer treatises, compared and connected them, kept them together in his library without publishing them, communicated them to his school, used the co-operation of his best pupils, and finally succeeded in combining many mature writings into one harmonious system.
By these differences we can do something to distinguish between earlier and later philosophical works; and also vindicate as genuine some works, which have been considered spurious because they do not agree in style or in matter with his most mature philosophy.
These considerations make it probable that the author of all three treatises was Aristotle himself; while the analysis of the treatises favours the hypothesis that he wrote the Eudemian Ethics and the Magna Moralia more or less together as the rudimentary first drafts of the mature Nicomachean Ethics.
According to him, the good is activity of soul in accordance with virtue in a mature life, requiring as conditions bodily and external goods of fortune; and virtue is a mean state of the passions.
Now, as in all eight passages Aristotle speaks, somewhat disparagingly, of " even (Kai) extraneous discourses," and as these include his own early dialogues, they must be taken to mean that though he might quote them, he no longer wished to be judged by his early views, and therefore drew a strong line of demarcation between his early dialogues and the mature treatises of his later philosophical system.
The answer to the first three points is that Aristotle did not make any distinction between exoteric and acroamatic, and was not likely to have any longer taught his exoteric dialogues when he was teaching his mature philosophy at Athens, but may have alternated the teaching of the latter between the more abstruse and the more popular parts which had gradually come to be called " exoteric."
Here we have only room for its spirit, which we shall try to give as if he were himself speaking to us, as head of the Peripatetic school at Athens, and holding no longer the early views of his dialogues, or the immature views of such treatises as the Categories, but only his mature views, such as he expresses in the Metaphysics.
But in Ethics a man's individual good is his own happiness; and his happiness is no mere state, but an activity of soul according to virtue in a mature life, requiring as conditions moderate bodily and external goods of fortune; his virtue is (I) moral virtue, which is acquired by habituation, and is a purposive habit of performing actions in the mean determined by right reason or prudence; requiring him, not to exclude, but to moderate his desires; and (2) intellectual virtue, which is either prudence of practical, or wisdom of speculative intellect; and his happiness is a kind of ascending scale of virtuous activities, in which moral virtue is limited by prudence, and prudence by wisdom; so that the speculative life of wisdom is the happiest and most divine, and the practical life of prudence and moral virtue secondary and human.
In the most primitive forms of several classes there are no distinct genital ducts, the gonads when mature discharging into or through the kidneys.
When the larva is fully mature, and ready to change into the pupa condition, it proceeds to spin its cocoon, in which operation it ejects from both glands simultaneously a continuous and reelable thread of 800 FIG.
Thus the resolutions of the Institute have the authority attaching to a mature expression of the views of the leading international jurists of Europe.
The consistency of her character throughout life makes it highly probable that even at the age of fifteen she was mature enough to adopt this worldly-wise line of conduct.
The discovery of the MS. of the De jure praedae discloses the whole history of Grotius's ideas, and shows that from youth upwards he had steadily read and meditated in one direction, that, namely, of which the famous De jure belli was the mature product.
Owing, however, to the difference in their vegetative growth, they mature one after the other instead of simultaneously.
Thus with the genial warmth and moisture of the hotbeds, all crops grow rapidly, but the radishes mature first, then the lettuces are taken off in due course, thus leaving the beds to finish up with the carrots by themselves.
When severe frost prevails the lights or cloches are rarely taken off except to gather mature specimens; and no water is given directly overhead to the plants for fear of chilling them and checking growth.
As with other plants, so in fungi the essential process of fertilization consists in the fusion of two nuclei, but owing to the absence of well-marked sexual organs from many fungi, a peculiar interest attaches to certain nuclear fusions in the vegetative cells or in young spores of many forms. Thus in Ustilagineae the chlamydospores, and in Uredineae the teleutospores, each contain two nuclei when young, which fuse as the spores mature.
In other cases (Hypomyces, Nectria) the perithecia arise on an already mature stroma, while yet more numerous examples can be given (Poronia, Hypoxylon, Claviceps, &c.) where the perithecia originate below the surface of a stroma formed long before.
Nor can the superior polish of the more mature productions counterbalance the concentrated vigour of the more youthful work.
The result of these labours appeared in the greatly enlarged and more mature edition of his work published in 1803.
Bernstorff's great faculties appeared, indeed, to mature and increase with age, and his death, on the 21st of June 1797, was regarded in Denmark as a national calamity.
Phormium is prepared with great care by native methods, only the mature fibres from the under-side of the leaves being taken.
This was the year of the Petition of Right, extorted from the king in the third parliament he had tried within three years of his accession; and, in view of Hobbes's later activity, it is significant that he came forward just then, at the mature age of forty, with his version of the story of the Athenian democracy as the first production of his pen.
The sow is a prolific breeder and good mother, weighing, when mature but not fat, 450 lb - the boar averaging 600 lb, and barrows at six to eight months 350 lb.
Russia, justly offended, drew closer her ties with Prussia, where Bismarck was already hatching the plans which were to mature in 1866; and, if the attitude of Napoleon in the Polish question prevented any revival of the alliance of Tilsit, the goodwill of Russia was assured for France in the coming struggle with Austria in Italy.
The mature pollengrain is, like other spores, a single cell; except in the case of some submerged aquatic plants, it has a double wall, a thin delicate wall of unaltered cellulose, the endospore or intine, and a tough outer cuticularized exospore or extine.
The development of the ovule, which represents the embryo- Gymnosperms; when mature it consists of one or two sac. coats surrounding the central nucellus, except at the apex where an opening, the micropyle, is left.
Thus the "Nemesis," belonging probably to 1503, is a marvellously wrought piece of quite unflinching realism in the rendering of a common type of mature, muscular, unshapely German womanhood.
In any race of animals, the number of young produced in a season is almost always greater than the number which survives to attain maturity; it is not certain that every one of those which become mature will breed, and not all of those which breed contribute an equal number of offspring to the next generation.
When fullsized they leave the water and spend a quiescent pupal stage on the land before metamorphosis into the sexually mature insect.
His last piece of work, the crowning glory of his printing-press, was the Kelmscott Chaucer, which had taken nearly two years to print, and fully five to plan and mature.
The law recognized that a child should not be treated like a mature malefactor, and provided that there should be no criminal procedure, that the child should not be imprisoned or prosecuted, that his interests should be protected by a probation officer, that he should be discharged unless found dependent, delinquent or truant, and in such case that he should be turned over to the care of an approved individual or charitable society.
The insect, which may have become an imago with the Gordian larva still in it, is then eaten by a carnivorous insect or by a fish, and the contained Gordian larva becomes elongate and mature in its second host.
It is said to be very profitable, though it takes three years to mature.
Many mature plants are not taller than 0.4 to o 8 in.
It is said that wines treated in this manner mature more quickly, and that they are more stable and of better colour.
In the lower lands, therefore, it is customary to plant, in addition to the Riessling, vines such as Osterreicher and Kleinberger, which mature more readily than the former.
They mature very slowly and die after flowering, but are easily propagated by the offsets from the base of the stem.
Nor was the fissure in the Protestant ranks closed, and Charles took advantage of this disunion to conquer Gelderland and to mature his preparations for overthrowing the league of Schmalkalden.
The numerous male catkins are generally arranged in dense whorls around the bases of the young shoots; the anther-scales, surmounted by a crest-like appendage, shed their abundant pollen by longitudinal slits; the two ovules at the base of the inner side of each fertile cone-scale develop into a pair of winged seeds, which drop from the opening scales when mature - as in the allied genera.
All that would be necessary would be to take a number of mature oysters containing white spat and lay them down in tanks till the larvae escape.
It has also been demonstrated that under proper restriction great quantities of mature oysters, and seed oysters as well, may be taken from any region of natural oyster-beds without injurious effects.
Unoccupied territory may, however, be prepared for the reception of new beds, by spreading sand, gravel and shells over muddy bottoms, or, indeed, beds may be kept up in locations for permanent natural beds, by putting down mature oysters and cultch just before the time of breeding, thus giving the young a chance to fix themselves before the currents and enemies have had time to accomplish much in the way of destruction.
This form of fruit is succeeded by others which have received different names, and lastly by the mature Nectria which forms minute red flask-shaped perithecia on parts of the rotted potatoes that have dried up. The intermediate forms are known as Monosporium, Fusarium and Cephalosporium.
If the recognition of physics and logic as two studies coordinate with ethics is sufficient to differentiate the mature Zeno from the Cynic author of the Republic, no less than from his own heterodox disciple Aristo, the Cleanthes.
The eggs are collected either by "stripping" them from the mature adult immediately after capture, or by keeping the adults alive until they are ready to spawn, and then stripping them or by keeping them in reservoirs of sea-water and allowing them to spawn of their own accord.
One of the brain-like gelatinous masses into which the mature condenses.
The flowers of the horsechestnut, which are white dashed with red and yellow, appear in May, and sometimes, but quite exceptionally, again in autumn; they form a handsome erect panicle, but comparatively few of them afford mature fruit.
The majority seem to descend to the sea before their first winter, to return when mature.
The general, however, had passed his mature years wholly in military service and had never voted, much less strongly allied himself, with any political party.
However this may be, before he had time to mature his schemes, and when he had been the director of Russian policy for only eighteen months, he died suddenly of heart disease when travelling with the emperor on the 30th of August 1896.
On the other hand, such a form as Lucernaria or Haliclystus may be regarded simply as a scyphistoma which has become adult and mature.
Rachis generally jointed and breaking up when mature.
In his fully mature or critical position he held that the noiimenal world was inaccessible to the speculative reason, and yet that we are not altogether excluded from it, since the practical reason, i.e.
The pollen-grains when mature consist of three cells, two small and one large cell; the latter grows into the pollen-tube, as in the Coniferales, and from one of the small cells two large ciliated spermatozoids are eventually produced.
As the cone grows in size and becomes woody the lower half of the cone-scale, which we may call the carpellary scale, may remain small, and is so far outgrown by the upper half (seminiferous scale) that it is hardly recognizable in the mature cone.
In Gnetum Gnemon, as described by Lotsy, a mature embryo-sac contains in the upper part a large central vacuole and a peripheral layer of protoplasm, including several nuclei, which take the place of the archegonia of Ephedra; the lower part of the embryo-sac, separated from the upper by a constriction, is full of parenchyma.
The bishop appears to rank far above the presbyters (more conspicuously so, for example, than in the Canons of Hippolytus), and the presbyters are still divided into two classes, those who are more learned and those who are of mature age.
Of the early development of the polypary in the Dendroidea little is known, but the more mature stages have been fully worked out.
Mature males and females are found together upon the same host.
Another species, Hyalomma aegyptium, the so-called camel-tick of Egypt and Arabia, is alleged to be parasitic only in its mature stage.
Victor Hugo's first mature work in prose fiction, Le Dernier Jour d'un condamne, has appeared thirteen years earlier (1829).
The mature cone is fleshy, with the succulent scales fused together and forming the fruit-like structure known to the older botanists as the galbulus, or berry of the juniper.
This he did with an industry stiffened by matchless self-confidence and by ambitions fully mature before he was eighteen.
It was a more mature Disraeli who in the general election of 1837 was returned for Maidstone as the colleague of his provi dential friend Mr Wyndham Lewis.
The mature sporangium had a wall of a single layer of cells, which were larger towards the base, where they continued into the epidermis of the sporangiophore.
G, Portion of a mature plant showing the creeping habit, the adventitious roots and the specialized erect branches bearing the strobili or cones.
B, Mature opened archegonium.
When mature, the sporangia are raised above the margin of the indusium by the elongation of the receptacle, thus facilitating the dispersion of the spores.
The development of the sporocarp shows that it corresponds to a pinna, although when mature it may appear to occupy a ventral position in relation to the vegetative portion of the leaf.
Spring wheats procured from northern latitudes mature more rapidly than those from temperate or hot climates, whilst the reverse is the case with autumn wheats from the same source.
The spores, when mature, are easily detached, and are carried by insects or by the wind to other wheat-plants.
Erigena's contemporaries, and was certainly unorthodox enough to justify the condemnation which it subsequently received from Honorius III.; but its influence, together with that of the Pseudo-Dionysius, had a considerable share in developing the more emotional orthodox mysticism of the 12th and 13th centuries; and Neoplatonism (or Platonism received through a Neoplatonic tradition) remained a distinct element in medieval thought, though obscured in the period of mature scholasticism by the predominant influence of Aristotle.
The impatience of the king and his wife gave the minister no time to mature his plans.
It is a small, submerged plant with long, slender branching stems bearing whorls of narrow toothed leaves; the flowers appear at the surface when mature.
The remainder of his works, especially La Filosofia della Rivelazione and the Protologia, give his mature views on many points.
In 1636 he completed his Dialoghi delle nuove science, in which he recapitulated the results of his early experiments and mature meditations on the principles of mechanics.
A mature stallion can serve from eighty to one hundred mares per annum.
It is rarely cut, but is left to mature and dry on the stalk in the field.
Thus in Cucurbita the stamens are originally five in number, but subsequently some cohere, so that three stamens only are seen in the mature flower.
The anther consists of lobes containing the minute powdery pollen grains, which, when mature, are discharged by a fissure or opening of some sort.
Then the walls of the mother-cells are absorbed, and the pollengrains float freely in the fluid of the pollen-sacs, which gradually disappears, and the mature grains form a powdery mass within the anther.
They then either remain united in fours, or multiples of four, as in some acacias, Periploca graeca and Inga anomala, or separate into individual grains, which by degrees become mature pollen.
These hairs, during the upward growth of the style, come into contact with the already ripened pollen, and carry it up along with them, ready to be applied by insects to the mature stigma of other flowers.
When the view commenced to gain ground that whitebait were largely young herring, the question arose whether or not the immense destruction of the young brood caused by this mode of fishing injuriously affected the fishery of the mature herring.
With the exception of a number of forms in which the whole development takes place within the egg or in the body of the mother, batrachians undergo metamorphoses, the young passing through a free-swimming, gill-breathing period of considerable duration, during which their appearance, structure, and often their regime, are essentially different from those of the mature form.
This chieftain, who lived to be a hundred years old, had ample time to mature his ambitious designs, and was the real founder of his house.
He simply longed for a more mature relationship.
In the heat of passion she was a mature woman - a passionate and uninhibited lover.
But now I'm more cautious and mature.
I can't do that each time when she's a mature milk goat.
In that moment he became more than a mature male – more than Alex.
Jenny wasn't particularly attractive, but she did have a mature figure.
Anything big enough to make a mature elk bolt was enough to concern him – including a bull elk.
Their behavior was often exemplary, with mature responses to challenging situations.
A genuine feelgood movie that will have mature adults queuing for tickets.
So, as the regional bodies mature they would be representing culture minus heritage - which would look anomalous.
Q. I am a mature applicant, can I apply to any College?
The garden has a good number of mature trees, as well as a newly planted arboretum that provide good autumn color.
The secondary woodland includes stands of mature aspen and willow carr.
To the front boundary is a retaining wall with well stocked borders behind containing mature trees, shrubs and flowers including azaleas.
Stands of Scots Pine and mature beech, together with mature hedgerow trees create a strong sense of enclosure.
A novice bodhisattva's anger at a mature bodhisattva's anger at a mature bodhisattva, for instance, will not de-commission her, but it will impede her development.
A novice bodhisattva's anger at a mature bodhisattva, for instance, will not de-commission her, but it will impede her development.
The sharp callus of the mature fruit can become entangled in the wool of sheep (Watt & Breyer-Brandwijk 1962 ).
Mature males can be one and a half times the length of mature females and the females often have calluses on their dorsal humps.
Large amounts of debt are more appropriate for mature companies with stable cash flows which will not require much capital for growth.
Stocked with 1 large pearl gourami, 1 mature bristlenose catfish, 1 albino cory, neon... .. .
He is justly celebrated at Stratford as a comic actor; she is generally identified with more mature roles than that of Juliet.
The specialized intestinal epithelial cells are rapidly replaced by mature cells, so that immunoglobulins cannot be absorbed after 24-36 hours post-birth.
Generally, the younger leaves are most affected, the most mature leaves sometimes show no chlorosis at all.
The second mutation introduces a premature stop codon in the mature protein 34.
Thursday I attended an external conference about meeting the needs of Mature Students in HE.
Will compliment grilled and roasted red meats, pan fried cutlets and medallions of game and anything utilizing a strong, mature cheese.
The mature cuttlefish should be fed a varied diet to maintain their health and growth rate.
But the mature Gibson is no longer obsessed, as he was in Case's day, by La belle dame sans merci.
Hill, who looked pretty dejected at the count, is a mature student at Lancaster university.
I've always detested this band of smug mature students.
This is important when considering elderly people because of the rise in age related cardiac problems and the incidence of mature onset diabetes mellitus.
Vitamin A is known to play a part in cell differentiation, a process by which cells " mature.
A large mature broad-leaved dock can produce up to 60,000 ripe seeds per year.
Mature silver eels migrate downstream from the first stormy night in October for two weeks (Fig 3 ).
Garry, a mature student at Queen's Armagh campus, has dystrophy.
For more mature entrants, training needs are assessed on an individual basis.
Most institutions take between 5 and 20 per cent of both their young and mature full-time entrants from these areas.
This yields a buffy coat preparation in which the majority of mature erythrocytes have been depleted.
The winged spindle euonymus alatus Rosa roxburghii, when mature, peel and flake in cinnamon tinted hues.
Sadly the pleasing exterior of the house along with its mature garden were not to survive for very much longer.
It combines large, undulating greens and mature tree-lined fairways with water coming into play on seven holes.
Do you want to join the mating game... with the release of an egg from a mature follicle.
They then trigger the ovaries to begin to mature more follicles.
Thus any incompletely unfurled fronds may be destroyed by the first autumnal frost, whereas mature fronds may escape.
You sound very much a go getter, you sound mature for your age.
Goldeneye (Bucephala clangula) The mature male goldeneye (Bucephala clangula) The mature male goldeneye has an iridescent green head with a prominent white patch between bill and eye.
This echinoderm is a simultaneous hermaphrodite (male gonads and mature eggs occurring together ).
Article continues In general, cricket in south Asian fiction assumes a more mature guise.
They turn dark green and then brilliant shades of yellow, orange and red in autumn, becoming nearly hairless when mature.
That's why scientists are so intrigued by creating safe harbors for fish, so they have a chance to mature and repopulate.
Lowland Wood Pasture, Parkland & Mature Trees Mature trees are those which are old enough to be hollow or contain rotting heartwood.
The key lies in the way in which growth rings change from being juvenile sapwood to becoming mature heartwood in later life.
The traps were placed among mature heather on ground that is usually wet in winter.
The site is bounded by mature hedgerows to three sides whilst the north boundary consists of a deciduous woodland.
There is already a good mature hedgerow on some sides of the site.
I. FTY720 selectively decreases the number of circulating mature lymphocytes by acceleration of lymphocyte homing.
In life I like playfulness, in fiction I like mature humor.
Although the capability was then recessed and the menace not so imminent, mature opinion in Pakistan already recognized the need for restraint.
It's surprisingly technically mature given the inexperience of the director, and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it to anyone.
Soulful with jazz inflections, mature definitely not poppy or watered down.
Go through a gate and follow the track as it winds gently left through open fell, with scattered mature larch.
Grounds 3 acres with paved patios, steps to different areas, large sloping lawns, mature trees, shrubs, 2 landscaped fields.
This fine hotel & spa leisure Suite stands in one acre of mature grounds A Hotel For ALL Seasons.
Current status This crustose lichen grows on the trunks of mature trees with basic bark.
Mature lifelong learners may need even more support at this stage of learning than do young lifelong learners may need even more support at this stage of learning than do young lifelong learners.
This open loch surrounded by mature mixed woodland and with sudden ledges and drop-offs to 25ft is very reminiscent of many Irish loughs.
Sitters are fully vetted, mature, responsible animal lovers.
Later they will fare fine - a mature magnolia is very wind resistant.
They become sexually mature at 3 years of age.
Some of its members were spiritually mature, but others were only babes in Christ.
In the future, it will be better for her to get married after the age of 28, when she is emotionally mature.
G Gametes - Mature reproductive cells, sperm or ova in humans produced by meiosis.
Colombian black-faced spider monkeys live in the mature rain forest of Colombia.
They are now mature men and women, working on various fronts for the development of our beloved motherland " .
It shows the head and shoulders of a mature Seacole, wearing a red neckerchief and the three medals, awarded for her service.
The protein that is produced protects these mature nerve cells from death following an injury.
Other bacteria in a mature aquarium convert the nitrite to nitrate.
The ammonia produced by the fish is acted upon in mature water by the bacteria, which converts it to another compound called nitrite.
Part of what I loved about this place was the garden that adjoined it a hidden, sunlit nook surrounded by mature sycamore trees.
There were no significant differences in mean age, number of mature oocytes obtained, and number of embryos transferred between the two groups.
We are currently studying the mechanisms by which low pH activates mature osteoclasts.
But since we has grown up a bit, got mature, we n own up a bit, got mature, we n ow onl y throw them th e bre ads.
In contrast, the north side of the road is bordered by a high stone wall with mature parkland beyond.
In some cases sexually mature male parr manage to fertilize a percentage of the eggs.
Mature male peacocks have a long train of tail feathers and when the male opens the tail he reveals a highly colorful pattern.
Shooting The steep banks of the Spey and Avon glens and mature hardwoods allow driven pheasants to be shown well to lines of guns.
Many mature trees including plums, bananas and olives.
There are around 50 mature pollard White Willow Salix alba growing on Sheep's Green.
Humpbacks seem to show male dominance polygyny and may compete for access to mature females.
Peter Pepper Yellow slow to mature outside very small chillis at the present, have now potted for the greenhouse.
Juvenile animals presented similar toxicity profiles to mature animals although enhanced nephrotoxicity in neonatal rats has been reported in some studies.
The fine example of a Victorian rectory dated 1876 stands in secluded grounds with mature trees which provide a haven for wildlife.
When the leaves are young they are bright red, as they mature they turn green.
The appearance, using Paul's fabulous mature Brazilian rosewood, is absolutely stunning!
Both are attractively rustic, the first lively with concentrated smooth honey flavors, the second more mature.
A mature forest of Linux trees lacking little new tree saplings growing all around them won't be a forest for long.
To the south, hedges are mainly scrubby, with occasional mature willows.
Laurel Farm [Website] An 18th-century Farmhouse in an acre of wild and peacefully secluded grounds surrounded by mature trees and hedges.
But as they mature and their values develop they mellow out and become less self-centered.
Back toward the property is a formal area of garden with attractive planting with a variety of rhododendrons and mature shrubbery.
Flora The tree canopy is dominated by mature silver birch with occasional oak and rowan.
After its long snooze in a refill sherry butt, this malt is mature and multi-faceted.
Those cells went on to develop into mature, functional sperm.
Overall the concentrations reported for young leaf spinach were lower than those reported for mature spinach.
Pumpkins and winter squash intended for storage will benefit from maximum exposure to sunlight to help the skin to mature.
A meandering stream feeds 3 large lakes and the course is planted with mature palms and attractive cactus and sub tropical gardens.
There is a special yellow CAF for mature students that you should complete rather than the blue CAF.
A spacious garden of mature palm trees and exotic plants unique to the island surround the private swimming pool.
His occasional goals were often real gems and he possessed a temperament which sometimes made him seem much more mature than his years.
Residual cancer could not reliably be predicted or discriminated from necrosis or mature teratoma by the prognostic criteria.
Dermoid cyst (sometimes called benign mature cystic teratomas) These cysts can grow quite large - up to 15 cm across.
The enemy in a mature theater leaves little time for reaction.
A stream runs through the bottom of the gardens to the front which have lawns, flower and shrub borders and mature trees.
Mature males are most aggressive to each other during the autumn rut when potentially fatal injuries can be inflicted from their sharp tusks.
We recommend bliss baggage handler, or for more mature skin, bliss wrinkle twinkle.
Current status The dark crimson underwing requires large areas of mature oak woodland.
To build a single large warship required 2,000 mature oaks.
The aorta may be fatally weakened by a lack of mature elastin in animals deprived of dietary copper.
Wide steps lead upto the formal gardens under a large pergola adorned by mature wisteria.
And it will work for more mature readers because you can appreciate the wit, as well as the visual jokes.
If you want constant laughs then get Fawlty Towers; if you want witty, intelligent, mature, thoughtful comedy, get Extras.
It is bordered at the top by a narrow strip of mature oak woodland.
Great spotted woodpeckers can be glimpsed in the canopy of mature willow and ash trees as they search for insects inside dead branches.
I (I) represents a section through an infant mushroom, (2) a mature example, and (3) a lon g itudinal section through a fully developed mushroom.
Speculations concerning a calculus of reasoning had at different times occupied Boole's thoughts, but it was not till the spring of 1847 that he put his ideas into the pamphlet called Mathematical Analysis of Logic. Boole afterwards regarded this as a hasty and imperfect exposition of his logical system, and he desired that his much larger work, An Investigation of the Laws of Thought, on which are founded the Mathematical Theories of Logic and Probabilities (1854), should alone be considered as containing a mature statement of his views.
The co-existence of the asexual encysted form and the sexually mature adult in the same host, exceptionally found in 011ulanus and other Nematodes, is the rule in Trichinella; many of the embryos, however, are extruded with the faeces, and complete the life cycle by reaching the alimentary canal of rats and swine which frequently devour human ordure Swine become infested with Trichinella in this way and also by eating the dead bodies of rats, and the parasite is conveyed to the body of man along with the flesh of "trichinized" swine.
In other cases, however, the medusa-individuals become sexually mature while still attached to the parent polyp, and are then not set free at all, but become appanages of the hydroid colony and undergo degenerative changes leading to reduction and even to complete obliteration of their original medusan structure.
Mature seeds are highly tolerant of cold and have been shown to be capable of withstanding the temperature even of liquid hydrogen.
A land may thus be characterized by its position in the " geographical cycle," or cycle of erosion, as young, mature or old, the last term being reached when the base-level of erosion is attained, and the land, however varied its relief may have been in youth or maturity, is reduced to a nearly uniform surface or peneplain.
On the other hand, a place can hardly be found for the history of Ezra before the appearance of Nehemiah; he moves in a settled and peaceful community such as Nehemiah had helped to form, his reforms appear to be more mature and schematic than those of Nehemiah; and, whilst Josephus handles the two separately, giving Ezra the priority, many recent scholars incline to place Nehemiah's first visit before the arrival of Ezra.'
The great palaces now excavated at Cnossus and Phaestus, as well as the royal villa of Hagia Triada, exhibit the successive phases of a brilliant primitive civilization which had already attained mature development by the date of the XIIth Egyptian dynasty.
The Enquiry does not go beyond an analysis of sense perception, and is therefore more limited in scope than the later Essays; but if the latter are more mature, there is more freshness about the earlier work.
It is a remarkable and newly-ascertained fact that in regeneration (in Potamilla) the thorax is not replaced by the growth of uninjured thoracic segments; but that the anterior segments of the abdomen take on the same characters, the setae dropping out and being replaced in accordance with the plan of the setae in the thorax of uninjured worms. Among the Oligochaeta the sexually mature worm is distinguished from the immature worm by the clitellum and by the development of genital setae.
Of course, from Wagner's mature point of view his early style is far too much cut up by periods and full closes; and its prophetic traits are so incomparably more striking than its resemblance to any earlier art that we often feel that only the full closes stand between it and the true Wagner.
In Tannhauser and Lohengrin Wagner's intellectual power develops far more rapidly in the drama than in the music. The Sangerkrieg, with its disastrous conflict between the sincere but unnatural asceticism of the orthodox Minnesingers and the irrepressible human passion of Tannhauser, is a conception the vitality of which would reduce Tannhauser's repentance to the level of Robert le Diable, were it not that the music of the Sangerkrieg has no structural power, and little distinction beyond a certain poetic value in the tones of violas which had long ago been fully exploited by Mozart and Mehul, while the music of Tannhauser's pilgrimage ranks with the Vorspiel to Lohengrin as a wonderful foreshadowing of Wagner's mature style.
Throughout the epistle we have a singular combination of the seemingly desultory method of a letter, turning aside at a word and straying wherever the mood of the moment leads, with the firm, forward march of earnest and mature thought.
Development of larva and seed go on together, a few of the seeds serving as food for the insect, which when mature eats through the pericarp and drops to the ground, remaining dormant in its cocoon until the next season of flowering when it emerges as a moth.
Pasteur established (I) that the corpuscles are the special characteristic of the disease, and that these invariably manifest themselves, if not in earlier stages, then in the mature moths; (2) that the corpuscles are parasites, and not only the sign but the cause of the disease; and (3) that the disease manifests itself by heredity, by contagion with diseased worms, and by the eating of leaves on which corpuscles are spread.
In the beginnings of consciousness instinctive reactions precede definite thoughts, and even in mature life thoughts often follow acts instead of preceding them.
After a stint as a radio presenter, she went to Goldsmiths to do a degree as a mature student.
That is not surprising as these methods form the most mature applications of swarm intelligence.
Droncit is effective against both immature and mature forms of adult tapeworms in both dogs and cats.
Tern breeding populations can fluctuate among years owing to variations in the proportion of mature birds that attempt to nest.