Mass-media Sentence Examples
He wanted to study mass media in society.
To expose the deep flaws in the current mass media.
Consequently, mass media as the site where ideas and interests can be freely presented and discussed, become a precondition for civil society.
We're sick of seeing all of this through the distorting prism of the mass media.
However, an interest in the mass media is required.
The negative publicity given to the vaccine in the mass media led some parents to refuse to immunize their children with the MMR vaccine.
The first thing to do is take all the stereotypes about men that are put out there in mass media and throw them out.
While this report undoubtedly captured the attention of the local residents in the area, mass media communication was not yet in place to make the Loch Ness Monster a global phenomenon.
The issue of video game violence and children has really come to the attention of mass media lately, and this is possibly because video games are more realistic than ever before.
The increasing influence of the mass media in spreading and reinforcing gender stereotypes has also been noted.