Masked Sentence Examples
She glanced up to find him watching her with masked emotion.
His cynical and rather rough manner frequently masked a wish to be kindly, and even affectionate.
No longer a tyrant of Ezzelinos stamp, he reigned by intelligence and terrorism masked beneath a smile.
Only a mysterious masked man in black can save her from a terrible fate and prove that nothing can stop true love, not even death.
Potassium gives a blue-violet flame which may be masked by the colorations due to sodium, calcium and other elements.
The equability of heat throughout the day is masked and relieved by the afternoon sea breezes.
To some extent the real level of military expenditure has been masked by the separation of certain payments into " extraordinary " expenditure, a course which, it is understood, has not been followed in the budgets of the " new regime," and which will not be revived.
With other electrolytes similar phenomena appear, though the primary chemical changes may be masked by secondary actions.
It is present in variable amounts in limestones of all kinds, although its white ness may there be masked by the presence of iron oxide and other coloured substances.
The powerful Dutch fortress of Maastricht was masked, and the French then moved towards Dusseldorf.
AdvertisementAt the same time her extravagance in dress, jewelry and amusements (including the gardens and theatricals at Trianon, of the cost of which such exaggerated reports were spread about) and her presence at horse-races and masked balls in Paris without the king, gave rise to great scandal, which was seized upon by her enemies, among whom were Mesdames, the count of Provence, and the duke of Orleans and the Palais Royal clique.
Several of the earlier events of his life, especially his marriage with the princess Louise of Orleans, and the duel that the comte d'Artois provoked by raising the veil of the princess at a masked ball, caused much scandal.
It is made sufficiently strong to bear the weight of the animals, which are confined within their bounds by undercut overhanging ridges, and by deep and wide ditches, masked by rockwork.
Bands of masked men rode about the country both in the Black Patch and in the Burley, burning tobacco houses of the independent planters, scraping their newly-planted tobacco patches, demanding that planters join their organization or leave the country, and whipping or shooting the recalcitrants.
Platinum is employed in oxidizing processes, and in the fusion of substances with fluxes; also in observing the colouring effect of substances on the blowpipe flame (which effect is apt to be somewhat masked by charcoal).
AdvertisementThe coast itself is broken and dangerous, there being many small indentations, which are usually masked by islands or shoals.
Little is known of the personal part played by Philip in the events associated with his name, and later historians have been divided between the view which regards him as a handsome, lethargic nonentity and that which paints him as a master of statecraft who, under a veil of phlegmatic indifference and pious sentiment, masked an inflexible purpose, of which his ministers were but the spokesmen and executors.
Agreement in the use of a common watchword had masked as it seems a real divergence of meaning and purpose.
Voltaire, in his Siècle de Louis XIV (1751), told the story of the mysterious masked prisoner with many graphic details; and, under the heading of "Ana" in the Questions sur l'encyclopedie (Geneva, 1771), he asserted that he was a bastard brother of Louis XIV., son of Mazarin and Anne of Austria.
In Soulavie's Memoires of Richelieu (London, 1790) the masked man becomes (on the authority of an apocryphal note by Saint-Mars himself) the legitimate twin brother of Louis XIV.
AdvertisementThis kidnapping of Mattioli, however, was no secret, and it was openly discussed in La Prudenza trionfante di Casale (Cologne, 1682), where it was stated that Mattioli was masked when he was arrested.
If he was the individual who died in 1703 at the Bastille, the obscurity which gathered round the nameless masked prisoner is almost incomprehensible, for there was no real secret about Mattioli's incarceration.
Indeed three years before the arrival of Saint-Mars we hear (Gazette d'Amsterdam, March 14, 1695) of another masked man being brought to the Bastille, who eventually was known to be the son of a Lyons banker.
Its real strength was masked by the system which enabled any ministry in power to control the election of candidates to the cortes.
From the Mongolian plateau the ascent is on the whole gentle, but from the plains of Siberia it is much steeper, despite the fact that the range is masked by a broad belt of subsidiary ranges of an Alpine character, e.g.
AdvertisementThe contrast between the lower grounds of the Western and the Eastern Divisions is masked in many places by the general covering of the surface with glacial drift, which is usually a stiff clay composed on the whole of the detritus of the rocks upon which it rests, though containing fragments of rocks which have been transported from a considerable distance.
The natural effect of the heating of the air in summer and the cooling of the air in winter by contact with the land is largely masked in England on account of the strength of the prevailing south-westerly wind carrying oceanic influence into the heart of the country.
It is a system " whereby the great conquering or commercial peoples masked, so to speak, their irresistible advance "; it was much practised by the Romans in Africa and A si a; it has been chiefly applied in modern times Y PP in India (p. 326).
A narrow channel, partly masked by islands, leads into Kavirondo Gulf, which, with an average width of 6 m., extends 45 m.
In 1889 Stanley further explored the lake, discovering Emin Pasha Gulf, the entrance to which is masked by several islands.
In the case of curare these are masked almost at once by paralysis of the terminations of the motor nerves.
Deficiencies could have been masked with clever characterisation, or visual humor, but chances were wasted and occasional attempts botched.
The source of the SARS virus was revealed this week to be the masked palm civet.
In the remnant cloud forest we will be looking specifically for Sclater's Tyrannulet, Green & White Hummingbird and Masked Fruiteater.
The attack was carried out by three masked males using cudgels studded with nails.
How much sin, pride and insecurity would surface, currently masked by spiritual elitism and charismatic culture?
Highly conserved features, such as coding exons or repeats should be masked to reduce the number of false positive hits.
A vector instruction that validates the VC is called a masked operation.
A Masked Ball will be held Saturday from 8 pm ' til midnight.
Firstly, the onslaught on democratic practices is creating a new kind of authoritarianism, masked by Orwellian newspeak.
We got as far as a patch of snow and were pleased to see a pair of masked shrikes.
A picture attached to the statement showed two masked men dressed in black standing behind a kneeling Russian spy.
But one night in February 1983, armed and masked men burst into his stables and kidnaped the champion stallion.
Thus, the effective auditory stimulus for the activation is not masked by the scanner noise.
The soul of the Van Morrison vocal all through ' Who Was That Masked Man ' is just stupendous.
This sequel to Campbell's 1998 hit The mask of Zorro made the fatal mistake of undermining the masked swordsman by challenging his very relevance.
These fault timesheet timecard conditions are normally masked with a standard junction box allowing operation with measurement errors.
Many actually underachieve as their potential is masked by factors such as frustration, low self-esteem or lack of challenge.
Hans ' example led others in Amsterdam to become masked vigilantes, which in turn led to intense police attention.
On Monday 25 February, Sosa was enjoying his customary morning jog when he was grabbed by a gang of masked villains.
A dry well grazed area produced three woodchat shrikes along with masked shrike, 3 species of wheatear and hundreds of flava wagtail species.
At higher pressures the effect of conduction was masked by convection currents.
Voltaire, in his Siècle de Louis XIV (1751), told the story of the mysterious masked prisoner with many graphic details; and, under the heading of "Ana" in the Questions sur l'encyclopedie (Geneva, 1771), he asserted that he was a bastard brother of Louis XIV., son of Mazarin and Anne of Austria.
Nothing even remotely resembling a masked crusader, then?
Indirect fire weapons can deny enemy helicopters the use of masked, standoff positions.
This sequel to Campbell's 1998 hit The Mask of Zorro made the fatal mistake of undermining the masked swordsman by challenging his very relevance.
A badly positioned antenna masked by a main undercarriage wheel or a poorly constructed ground plane system all adversly affect system performance.
It can be a bit worrying or unnerving to have our senses masked.
Mix the ingredients until the alcohol is masked by the fruit flavor.
Some people like to taste the alcohol in their beverages, and others prefer it masked with mixers like soda, juice, coffee or dairy products.
The link is masked and takes you to the scammer's site where they collect your information for future use.
Once fragrance attars are mixed with alcohol, many of the underlying scents are masked and no longer distinguishable.
His first actual developed game was Lost Warld, a war-themed platformer with a masked female wrestler for a protagonist.
For example, for Zabuza's Hidden Mist Technique, the screen fills with fog as the enemy looks around with a confused look on his/her face, trying to find where the masked shinobi went.
If too much oak is used in the winemaking process, the crisp fruit and bright flavors are masked and the wines start tasting more like Chardonnays than Sauvignon Blancs.
However, the diagnosis may be masked because symptoms can begin at any age, can be mild or severe, and can occur with a wide variety of associated complaints.
There were feasts and celebrations, but the difficult business of settling a colony was overwhelming and so it seems the elaborate masked balls, so popular in Europe, were temporarily abandoned.
In the Victorian age, masked ball attendees wore dresses that either harked back to a Victorian idea of a previous era, evoked a painting, or had a thematic element, such as "night."
Nothing could be further from the truth, since Capricorn has a masked sense of humor that often surprises people who don't know him very well.
In females who have two X chromosomes, it is possible that the DNA will be masked or compensated for by the other X inherited by the father or mother.
So, just who are these masked young men?
Guy Williams, who starred as Dr. John Robinson, 'astrophysicist', was something of a heart-throb, having appeared in two movies and a TV series as Zorro, swashbuckling masked Robin-Hood-of-the-West.
Although Hayden Christensen portrays the early aspects of this transformation, the masked Darth Vader of the later episodes is created through a collaboration between James Earl Jones and David Prowse.
Mark, a recovering alcoholic, saw himself drinking in the office as well-armed mysteriously masked figures came for him.
With eBuddy and similar programs, your IP address is masked because your computer isn't directly communicating with the site's host.
Turkish cuisine features simple cooking techniques and dishes that are not masked by sauces or heavy seasoning.
Quinn asked, his face masked in shock.
Masked and hooded to hide his deformity, Xander relied on his special senses, the ones that no one else possessed.
Most people saved that look for his mother while casting uncertain or suspicious looks at the masked child who followed her dutifully through the city.
The subjection of the core to a hydraulic pressure of four tons to the square inch and an electric pressure of 5000 volts from an alternating-current transformer has been adopted, by one manufacturer at least, to secure the detection of masked faults which might develop themselves after submergence.
Driesch, in which, however, the primitively uniserial arrangement becomes masked later by secondary torsions of the hydranths.
As in other cases where animal colonies are formed by organic union of separate individuals, there is ever a tendency for the polyp-colony as a whole to act as a single individual, and for the members to become subordinated to the needs of the colony and to undergo specialization for particular functions, with the result that they simulate organs and their individuality becomes masked to a greater or less degree.
The chloroplasts are generally distinguished by their green color, which is due to the presence of chlorophyll; but in many Algae this is masked by another coloring matterPh ycoerytlsrin in the Florideae, Phycophaein in the Phaeophyceae, and Phycocyanin in the Cyanophyceae.
Ordinarily a substance composed of asymmetrical molecules is paramagnetic, but if the elementary magnets are so conditioned by their strength and concentration that mutual action between them is possible, then the substance is ferromagnetic. In all cases however it is the diamagnetic condition that is initially set up - even iron is diamagnetic - though the diamagnetism may be completely masked by the superposed paramagnetic or ferromagnetic condition.
Analysis, &c. - All volatile potassium compounds impart a violet coloration to the Bunsen flame, which is masked, however, if sodium be present.
However, she's attacked by the masked assailant.