Masai Sentence Examples
The Masai (q.v.) and allied tribes are nomads and cattle raisers.
In many parts of Africa the serpent is looked upon as the incarnation of deceased relatives; among the Amazulu, as among the Betsileo of Madagascar, certain species are assigned as the abode of certain classes; the Masai, on the other hand, regard each species as the habitat of a particular family of the tribe.
Joseph Thomson, in his journey through the Masai country in 1883, was the first white man to see the lake and to correct the exaggerated notions as to its size.
But all over the savage world, especially in Africa, spirit worship has sprung up and choked the All-Father, who, however, in most savage regions, abides as a name, receiving no sacrifice, and, save among the Masai, seldom being addressed in prayer.
In the northern zone this check is absent, and the number of more essentially pastoral peoples, such as the eastern Hamites, Masai, Dinka, Fula, &c., correspondingly greater.
The culture prevailing in the Horn of Africa is, naturally, mainly Hamito Semitic; here are found both cylindrical and bee-hive huts, the sword (which has been adopted by the Masai to the south), the lyre (which has found its way to some of the Nilotic tribes) and the head-rest.
We will then transfer to the famed Masai Mara staying at a lovely luxury tented camp within the park.
Our journey takes us into the valley where we we visit the world famous Masai Mara Game Reserve.
Masai handicrafts (shields, beads, lances, carved gourds) are available everywhere that tourists roam.
This was all whilst facing the opprobrium of his superiors as he defended the rights of the Masai.
AdvertisementIn the south is the Masai Mara, vast, open savanna, teeming with game.
Antonio Ben Chimol worked in Milan and Paris as a fashion designer for quite a few years but had his first major style breakthrough in 1996 when he created a bracelet from hi-tech car springs and dubbed it the Masai Tech Bracelet.
Masai Barefoot Technology, or MBT, was founded in 1996.
They called it the "Schritt Masai," or the Masai Step.
Then the company continued construction on the rest of the shoe, and developed the first prototype of its now famous shoe - the Masai Sensor.
AdvertisementOf these the Masai and Wakuafi are found in the region between Victoria Nyanza and Kilimanjaro.
The Germans raised levies of Masai and Sudanese, and brought natives from New Guinea to help in suppressing the rising, besides sending naval and military contingents from Germany.
The restless Arabs of Zanzibar had since 1857 steadily advanced Zanzibar influence to Tanganyika, Nyasa, and even through the Masai countries to the north-east coast of Victoria Nyanza and the " back door " of Uganda.
Naivasha was discovered in 1883 by Gustav Adolf Fischer (1848-1886), one of the early explorers of the Tana and Masai regions, and the first to demonstrate the continuance of the rift-valley through equatorial Africa.
Stuhlmann into the Older Bantu (Wanyamwezi, Wasukuma, Wasambara, Waseguha, Wasagara, Wasaramo, &c.) and the Bantu of Later Immigration (Wakikuyu, Wakamba, Wapokomo, Wataita, Wachaga, &c.), who are more strongly Hamitized and in many cases have adopted Masai customs. These peoples, from the Victoria Nyanza to the Zambezi, may conveniently be termed the " Eastern Bantu."