Marxist Sentence Examples
His influence with the extreme Socialists had already declined, for it was said that his departure from the true Marxist tradition had disintegrated the party.
Such finer points of Marxist dogma or strategy were confined to a minority.
Apparently such a proposition runs counter to Marxist theory.
In practice, relations between Marxist feminism and the Marxism in the mixed groups proved to be difficult.
His aim was to base a Marxist interpretation of English feudalism on research in the archives on the primary sources.
This was clearly discerned and exposed by a leading Marxist writer, Kautsky.
This conflict of tendencies continued, and Bebel came to be regarded as the chief exponent of the traditional views of the orthodox Marxist party.
As early as 1894, when he was twenty-four, Lenin had become a revolutionary agitator and a convinced Marxist.
The Church does not offer a 'third way ' between liberal capitalism and Marxist collectivism.
Does Craipeau see sufficient reasons to revise the Marxist conception on this capital point?
AdvertisementI think that the present working-class core of the German Communist Party constitutes that Marxist core which the German Communist Party needs.
He studied at Trinity College, Cambridge, under the Marxist literary critic Raymond Williams.
In essence Trotsky provided a Marxist critique of what was going on in Russia in International under almost impossible conditions.
I don't know whether he understands Marxist dialectics, clearly he understands the language of materialism.
From the 18th century enlightenment to Marxist historical materialism, strong claims have been made in response to these questions.
AdvertisementHe's the brother of Christopher, you know, the one-time Marxist firebrand turned Neo-Con.
What do the British Marxist historians have to offer to the theorizing of social movements?
Not only pacifists, but also members of socialist groupings, many of whom were inspired by Marxist ideas.
Heretics Via the mechanism of Marxist irrationalism we have returned once more to the era of burning of heretics and books.
Rayan's concern for the poor and awareness of Marxist analysis gave him a natural affinity with Latin American liberation theology.
AdvertisementIn Chapter Four Gardiner examines the oeuvre of the French Marxist Henri Lefebvre.
The real issue was Lenin's control of the faction and the enforcement of his brand of Marxist orthodoxy.
From this general perspective, ABC for a Marxist, he contrives however to make a recipe of temporizing passivity and national nihilism.
They fight reformism, true enough, but they fight reformism from a centrist rather than from a Marxist position.
They were first printed in the daily News Line; then republished in Marxist Review, August 1986.
AdvertisementLet us admit for a moment that the bureaucracy is really a class, in the sense of Marxist sociology.
Kautsky The first Marxist theoreticians were divided on the question.
Nevertheless, he emerged as a great marxist theoretician and one of the most powerful speakers in Holland.
The New Statesman was a left-wing weekly which was sometimes almost Marxist in its views.
With these may be mentioned certain volumes of essays, among which are to be noted those upon Historical Materialism and Marxist Economy (1896-1900); upon Hegel (1905); upon Vico (1910); and the New Essays upon Aesthetic (1920), which complete and carry further the first Aesthetic. Croce only took part in the administrative work of Naples upon rare occasions and in moments of crisis.
Working within a ' classical ' Marxist framework, I have sought to tease out the ecological implications of the capitalist economic system.
Their earliest work was an attempt to theorize political identity within a Marxist framework.
Appealing to ' inconsistency ' as justification for an unprincipled theoretical bloc signifies giving oneself bad credentials as a Marxist.
Castro remains more a venerated national father figure than typical Marxist dictator.
The choice between warmed-over Labourism and Marxist politics is not a choice between abstract hypotheses about reform and revolution.
I said, ' Call it Marxist humanism ' .