Marvel Sentence Examples
Hannah was happy to marvel over her surroundings.
She began to marvel at the world around her again, something she hadn't done in days.
It seems strange that people should marvel at what is really so simple.
Mithras was born of a rock, the marvel being seen only by certain shepherds, who brought gifts and adored him.
All you have to do is wait for the paint to dry and marvel at your work.
Research is ongoing, and time will reveal many answers with regard to the safety of this scientific engineering marvel.
It includes three divisions - the Djiung ling, which describes the invasion of part of Tibet by the Djiung or Moso; the Hor ling, which recounts the conquest of the Hor (Turk tribes) by the Tibetans, and conveys much historical information in a tale of magic and marvel; and the Djia ling (Chinese division), which narrates a contest of unknown date between the Tibetans and the Chinese.
We marvel at the obstinacy with which he, with inadequate mathematical knowledge, opposed the Newtonian theory of light and colour; and at his championship of "Neptunism," the theory of aqueous origin, as opposed to "Vulcanism," that of igneous origin of the earth's crust.
His courtesy to all visitors, even to strangers and children who called to look at him, or who, not venturing to call, hung about his garden-gate in order to catch a glimpse of him, was almost a marvel.
When I think back to that afternoon, and lord knows, I've pondered the incident a thousand times, I marvel at our collective wisdom in disregarding caution and acting as we did.
AdvertisementI marvel at thy voluntary crucifixion, O Compassionate One!
The key to this miniature marvel is its 1.5 " wide high-resolution TFT (Thin Film Transistor) color screen.
Close by is the architectural marvel of the new Scottish Parliament building.
This modern marvel packs a studio's worth of sound, sequencing, and audio recording into one amazing instrument.
One can only marvel at the good nature of trawler cooks.
AdvertisementStretching altest 6,000 miles from Moscow to Vladivostok, the very name of this engineering marvel evokes images of exotic, adventurous, travel.
Finally, marvel at museum facsimiles of some of Tutankhamun's greatest golden treasures, including the funerary mask.
Puddings range from exquisite raspberry souffles to that crowning marvel of Scottish cookery, the Clootie Dumpling.
Simply attach its obscenely powerful magnets to any surface you see fit and marvel at some truly superhuman leverage... .
Marvel as they brave a thunderstorm for your listening pleasure, and laugh as they run out of things to say at the end.
AdvertisementAre the costumed heroes of the Marvel Universe protectors or ticking time bombs?
Most of the entries are copied almost word-for-word (mistakes included) from the Marvel website.
Avicenna was put in charge of a tutor, and his precocity soon made him the marvel of his neighbours, - as a boy of ten who knew by rote the Koran and much Arabic poetry besides.
People will enjoy the playfulness of the stress reliever toy and marvel over the changing colors.
He was cast in the title role of Spider-Man, after the famous Marvel comic series.
AdvertisementThis vessel is considered a marvel of modern cruise engineering and is highlighted by an 11-story Metropolis atrium with a ruby-red glass ceiling.
An Alaskan cruise can be considered a budgetary marvel provided you know what to look for.
Marvel Ultimate Alliance gives you the opportunity to choose from a wide selection of heroes, including Captain America, Wolverine, Spiderman and Blade.
Marvel Ultimate Alliance will give you the opportunity to create the ultimate dream team of superheroes to fight the evils of the earth and outer space!
Choose from a large selection of Marvel heroes, including Spider-Man, Wolverine, Blade and Captain America, then experiment with their super powers and combat the most dangerous villains.
If you have played other related titles like Wolverine or Marvel Nemesis, you will find this game to be easy to pick up.
From Marvel, we are treated to video games featuring Spider-Man, Wolverine, and others from the ultimate alliance.
Grey was known as Marvel Girl, later taking on the names of Phoenix and Dark Phoenix.
After exploring the splendid, white marbles of Aphrodisias, we drive through hilly backcountry to marvel at Pamukkale's ' Frozen Waterfall ' .
True or not, such a theory doesn't explain or illuminate the marvel of literary creation that is Falstaff.
Urban Species work very closely with Marvel International, and are affectionately dubbed ' The Official Marvel Guerilla Licensee ' .
Bring your own kite or marvel at displays by the best fliers in the country.
Observe the abundance of marine life that inhabit these tropical waters and marvel at the brilliant display of colorful coral formations.
The Trust's modern caravan is a marvel of engineering ingenuity with every basic amenity built into the construction.
In 2002 Stan Lee decided he had to file a lawsuit against the comic giant, Marvel.
I could see myself morphing into my father who finds the wireless a technological marvel.
A List Apart was a major talking point and a creative and technical marvel.
And no marvel, for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.
Enjoy a whale watch cruise, visit the oceanarium or marvel at the incomparable scenery in the park.
Michael Leete obtained the best result by arriving on the exact second, to the marvel of finish marshal Simon Robson.
Designed to reflect a billowing sail, this spectacular hotel can only be described as an architectural marvel.
Sometimes it will marvel at their failure to anticipate and address the many problems the technology turned out to have (e.g. thalidomide ).
Each horse will bear the exact markings of its real-life counterpart in the Mini Marvel team.
They tend to marvel at a story and characters that resonate in the mind, distinguished prose and originality.
His rendering of a steam railroad engine starting and stopping was something to marvel, ( and to smile) at.
Simply attach its obscenely powerful magnets to any surface you see fit and marvel at some truly superhuman leverage....
Sometimes it will marvel at their failure to anticipate and address the many problems the technology turned out to have (e.g. thalidomide).
An excellent quality LED flashlight described as An engineering marvel of performance and durability - small powerful and portable.
Marvel at the diverse scenery - from elegant fairy-tale châteaux to sloping vineyards and troglodyte dwellings in the cliffs.
After you have gotten used to having all your music readily available at all times you will wonder how you ever lived without the modern technological marvel of the MP3 player.
One of the best places to access comics online is Marvel Digital Comics Unlimited-The site allows you to choose a monthly or yearly plan to get immediate online access to thousands of Marvel digital comics.
As I unscrew the top, I marvel at the pink color because it's a glorious combination of pink, brown, and just a hint of apricot; I'm very hopeful that the color will be flattering on my honey beige skin.
If you constantly marvel at stunning shots taken of rainbow colored fish darting around exquisite coral reefs, you might have wondered what equipment is used for underwater photography.
Nature lovers will marvel at the wondrous sights featured along the majestic waterway.
N. Marvel has a bladder-like spathe like an Allium, and a pale and shapely flower.
This marvel of organizational design is for neatly storing assorted types of jewelry or exclusive types of jewelry like earrings, rings, pins, bracelets, or necklaces.
If you're a Marvel superhero fan, it's a game that will keep you interested and entertained.
If you are a big fan of the Marvel universe, and like light, easy to learn action/adventure games, you may want to check this title out for fun.
I was in my favorite game store and I saw the booth, featuring the title I had heard about, but was not too hopeful given Marvel's track record with fighters.
I have to hand it to the Marvel franchise.
The only thing stopping him is a team of Marvel heroes.
On paper, Marvel Nemesis was supposed to be one of the greatest games based on the Marvel universe ever made.
This is the same studio that developed the Ultimate Spiderman video game as well, so they already knew a thing or two about the popular Marvel superhero franchise.
Marvel's answer to Grand Theft Auto promises to be the most exciting thing since the invention of sliced bread.
Reading about the amazing work that went into building it is one thing, but actually standing in front of it and witnessing its marvel features is much more exciting.
It is awe inspiring as you marvel at the beauty of a flower, the magnificence of the pyramids or the miracle of the growth of a human embryo.
You will marvel at how it manages to find its way back to where it lived, pre-baby.
Once you're in your seat, be sure to marvel at the arched, gilded-in-gold ceiling and works of art that hang from the walls.
You might just start your search on Amazon, which has a range of towels with Disney characters, as well as Marvel and DC comics.
Sheer, tan-through swimsuit fabric is a marvel of ingenuity.
The Coastal Beach Lounge Chair found at Patio Furniture USA is a marvel of invention.
Notre Dame – Built in 1163, Notre Dame is a historical and architectural marvel.
Building upon a foundation laid more than two centuries ago, Jaeger Lecoultre (JL) has created a marvel of engineering in the Atmos that continues to evolve aesthetically and technologically.
Comics have come a long way since the meager beginnings of DC and Marvel.
Marvel female superheroes are iconic figures in pop culture, thanks largely to the efforts of Stan Lee and Marvel Comics.
The catalog of female superheroes in the Marvel universe is extensive.
She was adopted by Mystique and raised as a "villain" - until the day she absorbed the powers and psyche of Ms. Marvel.
One of the most recognizable characters in Marvel's X-Men lexicon was that of Jean Grey.
While Jean eventually returned, her actions as Phoenix and Dark Phoenix rippled through the Marvel world for more than three decades.
Created in 1961 by the legendary Stan Lee himself, Sue Storm (later Richards) was the heart and soul of Marvel's signature title The Fantastic Four.
She was one of the most recognized heroines of the Marvel universe, combining her love of family, parenthood, team and protecting the world.
Created in 1964 by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, Wanda Maximoff as The Scarlet Witch was the heart of Marvel Comics' Avengers.
While Wanda lived a far more soap opera existence than her other Marvel female superheroes, she remained a popular resident of the Marvel Universe for many years.
Dean never ceased to marvel at the difference of high mountain snow from the heavy, wet precipitation of the East and the endless problems it caused with man and auto.
He bided his time, and the transformation of sceptical Florence into an austerely Christian republic claiming the Saviour as its head only increased his resolve to crush the man who had wrought this marvel.
The design is an imitation of twining and interlaced branches, a marvel of delicacy and grace, and finer than anything of the kind to be found in Agra or Delhi.
At Delhi also he erected the celebrated peacock throne; but his favourite place of residence was Agra, where his name will ever be associated with the marvel of Indian architecture, the Taj Mahal.
Or marvel at the various lexemes for the word " snow " found in one Inuit dialect.
Other styles of Spiderman costumes exist in the Marvel universe.
It's the largest planet in our solar system, is consider one of the "gas giants" and has storms so strong that scientists can only marvel at their ferocity.
Whether you are looking for an entire bedroom set or just one or two pieces of furniture, you'll marvel at the selection offered by Simply Kids Furniture.
With so many fans of the Marvel franchise and comic books out there, it's exciting that there are so many upcoming Marvel movies for fans to look forward to.
Founded in 1939, Marvel Comics was originally called Timely Publications.
Joss Whedon is set to write the script while Chris Evans, Robert Downey, Jr., Chris Hemsworth and Mark Ruffalo (all of whom will be seen in other upcoming Marvel movies) are set to star in the film.
If you love superhero movies like those presented in the upcoming Marvel films, then you probably already know why the films are appealing.
Another Marvel based film is Wolverine 2.
Visitors flock to the city each year to marvel at the sights and enjoy the cosmopolitan atmosphere.
Visitors can marvel at the Pope's Palace in Avignon, a building that is widely regarded as one of the finest examples of gothic architecture still in existence in Europe.
These features established the work in a position which it will always maintain by its unprecedented dramatic qualities and by the glory reflected from Wagner's later achievements; but we shall not appreciate the marvel of its nobler features if we continue at this time of day to regard the bulk of the music as worthy of a great composer.
The tendency observable in many of the austerities and miracles attributed to St Catherine to outstrip those of other saints, particularly Francis, is especially remarkable in this marvel of the stigmata, and so acute became the rivalry between the two orders that Pope Sixtus IV., himself a Franciscan, issued a decree asserting that St Francis had an exclusive monopoly of this particular wonder, and making it a censurable offence to represent St Catherine receiving the stigmata.
She knows it's the marvel of engineering brilliance sure to draw him into her world.
Maytag himself seems to marvel at his archaic yet revered brewing process, right down to the copper kettles.
This is a question you may wonder as you enjoy rice as part of your next meal and marvel at its simplicity and flavor.
In true Marvel and Spider Man fashion the fate of the world is in your hands.
While the game is based on the Marvel character the Incredible Hulk, Play-Doh is a large contributor because one of the main things you do in Hulk Smash is make little cars out of clay with the mold case.
Spiderman - that webslinging superhero from the Marvel universe is a Halloween staple and with many versions to choose from, you too can live out your super hero fantasies by doning one of several spandex Spiderman costumes.
For example, X-men movie fans recognize Dr. Jean Grey, Rouge, Storm, and Mystique who are now famous female superheroes on the Marvel Comics list.
Today DC and Marvel superheroines dominate the market.
In 795 (February 1-August 1) Irish hermits had visited Iceland; on their return they reported the marvel of the perpetual day at midsummer in "Thule," where there was then "no darkness to hinder one from doing what one would."
Mitchell (" Ik Marvel ") was also born here; and Norwich was the home after 1825 of William Alfred Buckingham (1804-1875), war governor of Connecticut.
Taken from the life by Disraeli himself, accompanied by one or two members of the Young England party of which he was the head, it was the first of its kind; and the facts as there displayed, and Disraeli's interpretation of them - a marvel of perceptive and prophetic criticism - opened eyes, roused consciences, and led direct to many reforms.
Shadwell (Industrial Efficiency, London, 1906) describes it as representing " the most complete application of science, order and method of public life," adding it is a marvel of civic administration, the most modern and most perfectly organized city that there is."