Marrying Sentence Examples
I'm not marrying you because I need someone to wipe my nose.
Has there ever been anyone else you considered marrying?
To talk you out of marrying me.
Was he marrying her farm?
Marrying me will do wonders for your social life - once you learn to dress properly.
Before she was six years old negotiations were opened, which dragged on for several years, for marrying the princess to James IV.
When Albany returned to Scotland in 1521 his association with Margaret gave rise to the accusation that it was with the intention of marrying her himself that he favoured her divorce from Angus, and it was even suggested that she was Albany's mistress.
Except as to the marrying age, these figures fairly apply to women.
Such strange enactments as the Familianten-Gesetz, which prohibited more than one member of a family from marrying, broke up families by forcing the men to emigrate.
His father, who was a wealthy man and possessed at any rate a smattering of Greek, Latin and French, was thought to have demeaned himself by marrying the daughter of an Andover tradesman, who afterwards retired to a country house near Reading, where young Jeremy spent many happy days.
AdvertisementCatherine's name soon began to be coupled with that of Owen Tudor, a Welsh gentleman, and in 1428 Humphrey, duke of Gloucester, secured the passing of an act to prevent her from marrying without the consent of the king and council.
But he never left Sparkford, though the contrary has been maintained, until he resigned all his curacies in June 1783, and returned to Wales, marrying (on August loth) Sarah Jones of Bala, the orphan of a flourishing shopkeeper.
They had three children; there was no scandal between them; the baron obtained money and the lady obtained, as a guaranteed ambassadress of a foreign power of consideration, a much higher position at court and in society than she could have secured by marrying almost any Frenchman, without the inconveniences which might have been expected had she married a Frenchman superior to herself in rank.
She was again at Coppet in the summer of 1808 (in which year Constant broke with her, subsequently marrying a German lady) and set to work at her book, De l'Allemagne.
London was then gay with pageants, but when the queen made known her intention of marrying Philip of Spain the discontent of the country found vent in the rising of Sir Thomas Wyat, and the city had to prepare itself against attack.
AdvertisementJohn endeavoured to strengthen his position by marrying his daughter Margaret to the dauphin Louis, and by betrothing his son Philip to a daughter of Charles VI.
Matilda or Mahaud, widow of Theobald Walter, escaped from John's solicitations by marrying the outlawed Fulk and following him to the forest.
He now aimed at establishing himself definitely by marrying his daughter Mary to Peter II.
Vermigli's second wife, Caterina Merenda, whom he married at Zurich, survived him, marrying a merchant of Locarno.
For two years he ruled in Edessa (1098 - I zoo), marrying an Armenian wife, and acting generally as the intermediary between the crusaders and the Armenians.
AdvertisementDingli had refrained from making any provision in his code as to marrying.
All his time was spent in the pleasures of his harem, the intrigues of which were further complicated by his falling in love with and marrying his own daughter Atossa (according to the Persian religion a marriage between the nearest relations is no incest).
Vladimir, prince of Kiev, conquered Chersonesus (Korsun) before being baptized there, and restored it to the Greeks on marrying (988) the princess Anna.
She conceived the project of marrying her favourite son, the duke of Anjou, to Queen Elizabeth of England, and her daughter Margaret to Henry of Navarre, To this end she became reconciled with the Protestants, and allowed Coligny to return to court and to re-enter the council.
In 386 he excited the jealousy of the tyrant by secretly marrying his niece, and was sent into banishment.
AdvertisementThe dukes of Edinburgh, Connaught and Albany were each voted an income of £15,000, and £10,000 on marrying.
The precaution proved useless, and four months later Cecil committed one of the rare rash acts of his life in marrying Mary Cheke.
Addison, marrying the widow of the 6th earl, lived here until his death in 1719.
He was the son of General James Lindsay of Balcarres, but took the additional surname of Loyd in 1858 on marrying the heiress of Lord Overstone, the banker; he fought with his regiment the Scots Fusilier Guards in the Crimea and won the V.C., retiring as lieutenant-colonel.
Meanwhile Otto I., the German king, whose English wife Edgitha had died in 946, had formed the design of marrying her and claiming the Italian kingdom in her right, as a step towards the revival of the empire of Charlemagne.
Federigo much strengthened his position, first by his own marriage with Battista, one of the powerful Sforza family, and secondly by marrying his daughter to Giovanni della Rovere, the favourite nephew of Pope Sixtus IV., who in return conferred upon Federigo the title of duke.
After the death of Peter the Great, Golitsuin became the recognized head of the old Conservative party which had never forgiven Peter for putting away Eudoxia and marrying the plebeian Martha Skavronskaya.
In 1861 he was elected rector of Lincoln, marrying in the same year Emilia Francis Strong (afterwards Lady Dilke).
The knights were one hundred in number, and possessed the right of marrying and receiving pensions charged on ecclesiastical benefices.
Escaping to Egypt, she became the wife of her full brother Ptolemy II., the first instance of the practice (afterwards common) of the Greek kings of Egypt marrying their .sisters.
His next brother, Edmund of Langley, who was created duke of York (1385),(1385), founded the Yorkist line, and was father, by a daughter and co-heiress of Pedro the Cruel, king of Castile, of two sons, Edward, second duke, who was slain at Agincourt, and Richard, earl of Cambridge, who by marrying the granddaughter and eventual heiress of Lionel's daughter Philippa, brought the right to the succession into the house of York.
Although Henry was careful to claim the crown in his own right (1485), he soon fortified that claim by marrying Elizabeth, eldest daughter of Edward IV.
About this time he received from his brother Louis the Saxon palatinate, over which he strengthened his authority by marrying Sophia, sister of Adalbert, count of Sommerschenburg, a former count palatine.
Lothairs rebuff in Bohemia stiffened the backs of Frederick and Conrad, and in order to contend with them the king secured a powerful ally by marrying his daughter Gertrude to Henry the Proud, a grandson of Welf, whom Henry IV.
It is good for a man not to touch a woman; a man's relations with his own wife are merely a means of fornication, and marriage and concubinage are indistinguishable as against the kingdom of God, in which there is no marrying or giving in marriage.
This step was favoured by the pope, and Ottakar, eagerly accepting the offer, strengthened his position by marrying Margaret, a sister of Duke Frederick II., and in return for his investiture promised his assistance to William of Holland.
Marrying Matilda, widow of Simon de St Liz and heiress of Waltheof, David received the earldom of Huntingdon and supposed himself to have claims over Northumberland, a cause of war for' three generations.
In 1261 his queen bore, at Windsor, a daughter, Margaret, who later, marrying Eric, king of Norway, became the mother of " The Maid of Norway," heiress of Alexander III.; the girl whose early death left the succession disputed, and opened the flood-gates of strife.
Peace between Albany and the wayward Rothesay was impossible, and Rothesay, by breaking troth with the daughter of the earl of March, and marrying a daughter of the third earl of Douglas, added a fresh feud to the general confusion.
Boyd, with some borderers, Hepburn and Ker of Cessford, seized the boy king, and Boyd had himself made governor, his son marrying the princess Mary, sister of James.
A youth was considered to be in his minority until he was tattooed, and in former times be would have no chance of marrying until he had, by submitting to this process, proved himself to be a man.
In 1460, during the reign of the fourteenth Caran Shyri, or king of the Cara nation, Hualcopo Duchisela, the conquest of Quito was undertaken by Tupac Yupanqui, the Inca of Peru; and his ambitious schemes were, not long after his death, successfully carried out by his son Huayna-Capac, who inflicted a decisive defeat on the Quitonians in the battle of Hatuntaqui, and secured his position by marrying Pacha, the daughter of the late Shyri.
In 1660 he revisited Switzerland; and, after marrying, he travelled in the following year to Holland, where he made the acquaintance of Johannes Cocceius.
At the beginning of his reign he reunited the Cyrenaica to Egypt by marrying Berenice the daughter and successor of Magas (who had died about 250).
Abdalaziz consolidated his power by marrying the widow of the late king Roderic. Musa left Spain about August 714, and reached Damascus shortly before the death of Walid.
Certain services, especially the payment of merchet- the fine for marrying a daughter - were considered to be the badge of serfdom.
In spite of this proceeding Henry wished to live at peace with his northern neighbour, and soon contemplated marrying his daughter to James, but the Scottish king was not equally pacific. When, in 1 495, Perkin Warbeck, pretending to be the duke of York, Edward IV.'s younger son, came to Scotland, James bestowed upon him both an income and a bride, and prepared to invade England in his interests.
He secured an ally against them, and an addition to the royal domain, by marrying, on the 28th of April 1180, Isabella or Elizabeth, daughter of Baldwin V., count of Hainaut, and of Marguerite, sister of Philip of Alsace, the reigning count of Flanders, who ceded Arras, St Omer, Aire and Hesdin, and their districts, as Isabella's dowry, a district afterwards called Artois.
Aesculapius (§ 13) - much in the same way as Hercules has contests with serpents and dragons, becomes the patron of medicinal springs, and by marrying the serpent Echidna was the ancestor of the snakeworshipping Scythians.
Before marrying Anne he had been a candidate for the throne of Poland.
On the approach of Antigonus he retired into winter quarters near Heraclea, marrying its widowed queen Amastris, a Persian princess.
Feeling that Seleucus was becoming dangerously great, he now allied himself with Ptolemy, marrying his daughter Arsin06.
But here, and perhaps in most other towns in South America, a poor girl of mixed race - especially if good-looking - rarely thinks of marrying one of her own class until she has - as the Brazilians say - "approveitada de sua mocidade" (made the most of her youth) in receiving presents from gentlemen.
Frau Gliick finally rid herself of the girl by marrying her to a Swedish dragoon called Johan.
A man of his stamp, advancing unscrupulously on the road of fortune, had no hesitation in divorcing his wife and marrying a mistress of Michael, Eudocia Ingerina, to please his master.
Protestantism, indeed, since the Act of Settlement in 1689, has been of the essence of the Constitution, the sovereign forfeiting his or her crown ipso facto by acknowledging the authority of the pope, by accepting " the Romish religion," or by marrying a Roman Catholic; and though of late years efforts have been made to modify or to abrogate this provision, the fact that such efforts have met with widespread opposition shows that it still represents the general attitude of the British nation.
She was not a Quaker, and her husband was formally excommunicated for marrying her, but the Friends who were commissioned to announce the sentence "shook hands and stayed to luncheon."
On the 9th of June 1572, Jeanne d'Albret died and Henry became king of Navarre, marrying Margaret of Valois, sister of Charles IX.
He endeavoured to conciliate Edwin and Morcar by marrying their sister Ealdgyth, and trusted that he had bought their loyal support.
This struggle, the only continental war in which the first of the Tudors risked his fortunes, was not prosecuted with any great energy, and came to a necessary end when Anne, duchess of Brittany, in whose behalf it was being waged, disappointed her allies by marrying Charles VIII.
In 1590 a plot was formed by the moderate section of the Roman Catholics of marrying her to Ranuccio, eldest son of the duke of Parma, who was descended from John of Gaunt, and of raising her with Spanish support to the throne.
Marrying her daughter he exacted a promise that his wife should not inquire into his origin.
At one time the empress thought of marrying her favourite, but the plan was frustrated by Nikita Panin.
On the 17th of January 1648 he procured the marriage of the tsar with Maria Miloslavskaya, himself marrying her sister, Anna, ten days later.
There is ample evidence that great laxity prevailed with regard to the marriage tie even after the introduction of Christianity, as marrying within the forbidden degrees and repudiation continued to be very frequent in spite of the efforts of the church.
His Bible was prohibited by proclamation in 1542, while Coverdale himself defied the Six Articles by marrying Elizabeth Macheson, sister-in-law to Dr John MacAlpine.
Gedymin also secured an alliance with the grand-duchy of Muscovy by marrying his daughter, Anastasia, to the grandduke Simeon.
At Mittau was realized his cherished plan of marrying Madame Royale, daughter of Louis XVI., to the duc d'Angouleme, elder son of the comte d'Artois.
Illluck, or her own wilfulness, frustrated numerous plans for marrying her to persons of exalted station, including even Charles II.
It was not till 1657 that she reappeared at court, but, though projects for marrying her were once more set on foot, she was now past her first youth.
These conditions were very painful to him, for Savoy was the hereditary home of his family, and he was greatly attached to Princess Clothilde and disliked the idea of marrying her to a man who gave little promise of proving a good husband.
To this day I wonder why she took a step backwards on the alter steps by marrying me.
Instead he played travel guide, pointing out various sights along the way—the occasional abandoned mine building, steep slopes, and the ghost town of Sneffles where Dean had experienced yet another adventure, this one before marrying Cynthia Byrne.
Deep inside she had a gnawing fear that he regretted moving to Arkansas – maybe even marrying her.
The opportunity for radical education reform lies in marrying autonomy and collaboration.
People were eating, drinking, marrying and being given in marriage up to the day Noah entered the ark.
Ever since my poor old master prevented her from marrying that tipsy blackguard -- " " Stop, " said Gilder very sternly.
If you like, my father would give you the half of his immense fortune without your marrying me.
He is not marrying, not fitting in, not settling down, not sticking around to organize funerals.
One of the authors most popular and widely read books, marrying the mistress shows Joanna's wonderful storytelling talent at its very best.
By marrying Luciana, Matt will become stepfather to her six-year-old daughter, Alexa, from a former relationship.
Charles Albert felt a certain interest in Liberal ideas and was always surrounded by young nobles of Carbonarist and anti-Austrian tendencies, and was therefore regarded with suspicion by his royal relatives, Metter nich, too, had an instinctive dislike for him, and proposed to exclude him from the succession by marrying one of the kings daughters to Francis of Modena, and getting the Salic law abolished so that the succession would pass to the duke and Austria would thus dominate Piedmont.
The fact of his marrying would seem to show that he did not at the time intend to enter the church; possibly the death of his wife caused him to qualify for holy orders.
Miss Turner was decoyed from school by means of a forged letter, and made to believe that she could only save her father from ruin by marrying Wakefield, whom she accordingly accompanied to Gretna Green.
Though their full style as proclaimed by the herald is "most high, potent and noble prince," and they are included in the Almanach de Gotha, they are not recognized as the equals in blood of the crowned or mediatized dukes of the continent, and the daughter of an English duke marrying a foreign royal prince can only take his title by courtesy, or where, under the "house-laws" of certain families, a family council sanctions the match.
With indecent haste he began to devise a scheme for marrying his niece Elizabeth, whose brothers he had murdered but a year before.
It makes it as if you were marrying her because you must, and that wouldn't do at all.
He had a brilliant position in society thanks to his intimacy with Countess Bezukhova, a brilliant position in the service thanks to the patronage of an important personage whose complete confidence he enjoyed, and he was beginning to make plans for marrying one of the richest heiresses in Petersburg, plans which might very easily be realized.
Soon after Prince Andrew had gone, Princess Mary wrote to her friend Julie Karagina in Petersburg, whom she had dreamed (as all girls dream) of marrying to her brother, and who was at that time in mourning for her own brother, killed in Turkey.
She told him that her only hope of getting their affairs disentangled now lay in his marrying Julie Karagina.
Because I have noticed that when a young man comes on leave from Petersburg to Moscow it is usually with the object of marrying an heiress.
You know that old Prince Nicholas much dislikes his son's marrying.
It was, in fact, only the commencement of the campaign that prevented Rostov from returning home as he had promised and marrying Sonya.
It made him angry just because the idea of marrying the gentle Princess Mary, who was attractive to him and had an enormous fortune, had against his will more than once entered his head.
They all knew very well that the enchanting countess' illness arose from an inconvenience resulting from marrying two husbands at the same time, and that the Italian's cure consisted in removing such inconvenience; but in Anna Pavlovna's presence no one dared to think of this or even appear to know it.
And as long as my sister Natasha was engaged to her brother it was of course out of the question for me to think of marrying her.
A self-confessed sports nut he loves marrying his chosen profession with his passion for the sporting world.
Elizabeth tries to hide her disappointment, she thinks I 'm throwing myself away by marrying this foolish, self-opinionated man.
In the face of this news, I refused to give up my dream of marrying Michelle and raising a multi-national family in the US.
Although this has changed over the years, marrying someone Greek is generally preferred by the family.
Like the kitchen, bathroom design involves marrying functionality with personal style.
Here, after literally stealing and marrying the Queen, the King must convince the court and its subjects that he deserves his title.
By marrying bold colors and neutrals, you can still create a soothing, but young and fun look.
My best friend was marrying my favorite cousin; their wedding was to be the third in that church on a hot July day.
You wouldn't have considered marrying in a sarong a few years ago, but these large scarves are all the rage for beach weddings.
Others are marrying straight out of high school or college, and they have no desire to acquire the typical wedding items such as fine china or expensive linens.
Bed, Bath & Beyond is a more economical choice for those who are marrying young or need a wide variety of things for their new home.
First, they express the love between the marrying couple.
Japanese American brides, women who are planning a theme with an Asian-influence, or women marrying into a family with a Japanese heritage may all want to consider wearing wedding kimonos on their special day.
As long as you are marrying the right person to spend the rest of your life with, you can never go wrong.
Stack the bottom tiers with just cupcakes, and place a small cake for the marrying couple on the top level.
Though professional bakeries and hired cake decorators can certainly add custom details to a cake and decorate on request, they don't usually know the marrying couple personally.
A heart shaped wedding cake is a beautiful way to show the love and commitment you have to the person you're marrying.
Check to find out which county you are marrying in to find out the exact requirements.
Marrying couples rarely make use of the combination in their wedding cake designs, but if you're feeling a little rebellious, ask your decorator to draw up a few possibilities that incorporate both colors.
A novelty cake design might be carved and decorated to look like a bride's bodice or a setting from a TV or movie that is meaningful to the marrying couple.
Nevertheless I got involved at about seven months and ended up marrying her.
Kelley. Eric has since settled down, marrying actress Rebecca Gayheart in October of 2004.
In 2007, she became Eva Longoria-Parker after marrying San Antonio Spurs point guard Tony Parker.
Many apparently had a huge problem with him marrying Mills, who was 25 years his junior.
Ashlee Simpson announced that not only is she planning on marrying Fall Out Boy's Pete Wentz, she's having a baby too.
Rumor has it that TV mom Florence Henderson does not approve of one of her TV sons marrying Adrienne Curry.
Given the break-up/make-up record of the two, marrying was a bit of a surprise to most, but hopefully they can make their marriage last far longer than their engagement.
He's also had his ups and downs with the entertainment media, after marrying one of Hollywood's elite actresses.
They're both natives of Colombia who ended up as single mothers of young sons, although now Gloria has moved on to marrying Ed O'Neill's character, Jay Pritchett.
The actress met actor Michael Douglas in 1998 and began dating him in 1999, marrying in 2000.
Elizabeth Edwards was a lawyer and activist, though she is best known for marrying vice-presidential candidate John Edwards.
Couples have the choice of marrying onboard the ship, marrying at a port of call, or using the Alaskan cruise strictly as a honeymoon to celebrate their nuptials.
This is merely a brief list of cruise lines offering special wedding packages for marrying couples.
By marrying the most sought after features of both wood and plastic and eliminating the negatives, Trex decks have become the leading brand of alternative decking lumber in North America.
To accurately get an idea of what this collection looks like, imagine the science of archeology marrying high fashion and that will help you to understand just how gorgeous and elegant this collection appears.
If you plan on marrying at a tropical locale, it may be worth booking a hair appointment in advance while you book your travel accommodations.
Although Nicole was seen with musician Lenny Kravitz and American billionaire Steve Bing after her divorce, she often claimed she wasn't interested in marrying again.
Ever since the Supreme Court overturned in 1967 a Virginia law that barred whites from marrying non-whites, multiracial relationships have flourished.
While I too have heard stories of people being high school or college sweethearts and marrying, although I find any statistical data that says this is how most couples meet.
When you marry someone you are not just marrying him, you are marrying all of his friends and family and visa versa, which is why planning a wedding is so challenging.
If that thought really bothers you, consider it a sign you may be marrying the right person.
Even if he could deal with being dishonored, how will he endure further disgrace by falling in love and marrying someone from a different culture?
Through my research on the Internet, I found out that marrying a friend ex's is a taboo according to the American social standards.
How your ex feels about you marrying a friend of hers can be another obstacle.
By addressing all the potential issues listed in this response, you will go a long way to reduce and minimize the impact of marrying your ex-wife's friend.
Because more and more women are marrying later in life or remaining single, the allure of right hand diamond jewelry is a way for any woman - regardless of her marital status - to enjoy the brilliance and sophistication of diamonds.
Marrying form, function, and unique style, Betsey Johnson hobo bags are still a hot commodity.
Falling in love and marrying in the span of six months is very common with eclipses.
After marrying and having two children, he lost his family to the plague.
In the Hangover movie cast, Graham plays the supporting role of Jade, the stripper and single mother Stu Price ends up unwittingly marrying.
Mr. Capezio gained the praise of dancers all over the world, and even ended up marrying a dancer.
She has the distinction of marrying all three Lewis men, brothers Billy and Josh as well as their father H.B.
At the end of the OC, Rachel's Summer is shown marrying her high school sweetheart Seth.
She wants the most out of life and is not afraid to play dirty to get it including marrying for money and cheating for fun.
In retaliation, Jack began to romance Victor's ex-wife Nikki, eventually marrying her.
The compelling saga of Newman versus Abbott continues into another generation with Jack marrying Sharon (Victor's ex-daughter-in-law) and Nicholas' (Victor's son) affair with Jack's former wife Phyllis.
Mary Ellen Walters changed her name to Lucinda Walsh after marrying James Evan Walsh.
She decides against marrying the baby's father and goes back to work at her father's vetrinary clinic.
Her attorney Owen defends her in court while romancing her and eventually marrying her.
In Amor Real, Matilde is tricked into marrying the wealthy Manuel by her aristocratic mother.
In Amor Real, for example, Matilde is tricked into marrying Manuel, but Manuel is not an evil man.
She passed off her child as the product of an affair on a cruise, marrying Brad Carlton (her ex-brother-in-law) in the hours after baby Abbey was born.
There always seems to be someone marrying, divorcing, dying or coming back from the dead, and with these issues, you won't miss a single beat.
The Young and the Restless mogul has officially tied the knot nine times to seven different women, marrying only two of them twice.
Their love, however, was interrupted by a scheming Adam Chandler who sent Mike away and seduced Erica into marrying him by offering her the role of herself in the film version of the biography.
Dan broke Karen's heart by marrying Deb his first year in college and fathering Nathan, the son he cherished while ignoring Lucas.
The character aged with the actress, marrying several times, giving birth to children and becoming a grandparent.
She was also with Victor for a time before marrying Stefano, and is the mother of Austin, Billie, Lucas, Philip, Rex, and Cassie, and the grandmother of many.
If myths and the surreal are appealing to you, consider marrying moon, stars and a fairy or two into a flattering design that brings out the ephemeral in all the elements.
The two met while filming a benefit show for victims of the Southeast Asian tsunami and kicked off a whirlwind romance, marrying a few months later in the Caribbean.
After marrying her manager in December of 1994, Dion looked to have a family in 2000 with her husband.
Lauri Warning has gone from single mother to marrying an extremely wealthy Orange County businessman.
Before marrying the Count she was a model.
Most of the women were actually marrying into wealth and viewers found that the women thought they deserved to marry into wealth.
Viewers wonder why the man is marrying her.
The wedding went forward and Krystle realized that she made the right decision in marrying Kiel.
While in Las Vegas, she thought about marrying Scott and ended up with him at one of the city's chapels.
Marrying a basketball player is the perfect solution for someone of Khloe Kardashian's height!
After marrying Simon, Barney trained to become a real estate agent.
Later in the series, B'Elanna and Tom become a romantic couple, eventually marrying and having a daughter.
However, Helo returned with a storyline of his own, falling in love with and marrying a Cylon Eight who became known as Athena.
You kidnap me, trick me into marrying you, dump me here alone without Evelyn or even a pad of paper, with instructions for your sisters to give me behavioral training, and run off to fight some battle somewhere else.
They will not accept her marrying someone who cannot procreate.
Still, marrying Josh while another man was so capable of lighting her fire didn't seem fair - especially when Josh couldn't.
I have no intention of marrying a man for support - financial or any other.
I have every intention of marrying Alex, and I'm ready and willing to face a little competition.
I was concerned about marrying a woman who was obviously still interested in another man.
I'm not marrying your farm either.
I think a few years from now or twenty years from now I'll wish I had children, but I don't think I'll ever regret marrying Alex.
I never thought about marrying my sister.
It's a good thing he didn't know you were marrying me, then.
I just hope you never regret marrying me.
Then why are you marrying me?
How do I know he isn't marrying me for my property?
Maybe she had never consciously thought about marrying a man with money, but she hadn't been turned off by it either.
Her guilt wasn't born of marrying a man with money, though.
How did we end up marrying people who don't?
Marrying Alex wasn't a career choice.
Mary, who had always been opposed to Josh marrying Lori, was the only one who spoke.
Maybe it was deceptive to keep it a secret, but if he was marrying her for love, it wouldn't make any difference.
Father isn't marrying Denton...
Obviously Mom had joined the ranks of those who thought marrying Denton was the only way she could live up to the O'Hara name.
Latin legend represented her as landing on the coast of Latium and marrying Pilumnus or Picumnus, from whom Turnus, king of the Rutulians, was descended.
By marrying her daughter, Maria Amelia, to the young duke of Parma, and another daughter, Maria Carolina, to Ferdinand of Naples, Maria Theresa consolidated Habsburg influence in the north and south of the peninsula.
Marrying the sister and heir of the fifth Lord Stafford, who died in 1637, he and his wife were created Baron and Baroness Stafford by a patent of 1640, with remainder, in default of heirs male, to heirs female.
About 250 peace was concluded between Antiochus and Ptolemy II., Antiochus repudiating his wife Laodice and marrying Ptolemy's daughter Berenice, but by 246 Antiochus had left Berenice and her infant son in Antioch to live again with Laodice in Asia Minor.
The original leader of the Crusade was John of Brienne, king of Jerusalem (who had succeeded Amalric II., marrying Maria, the daughter of Amalric's wife Isabella by her former husband, Conrad of Montferrat); but after the end of 1218 the cardinal legate Pelagius, fortified by papal letters, claimed the command.
Until 1804 he lived at the Royal Institution in Albemarle Street, London, or at a house which he rented at Brompton, and he then established himself in Paris, marrying (his first wife having died in 1792) as his second wife the wealthy widow of Lavoisier, the celebrated chemist.
It became, however, a question of marrying her.
Maltese authorities were ignorant of the disabilities of British Nonconformists at common law, and they had not perceived that persons with a British domicile could not evade their own laws by marrying in Malta, e.g.
Pierre was staying at Prince Vasili Kuragin's and sharing the dissipated life of his son Anatole, the son whom they were planning to reform by marrying him to Prince Andrew's sister.
In marrying her without loving her; in deceiving yourself and her.
The countess, with a coldness her son had never seen in her before, replied that he was of age, that Prince Andrew was marrying without his father's consent, and he could do the same, but that she would never receive that intriguer as her daughter.
The idea of marrying some rich woman, which was suggested to him by his female relations, was repugnant to him.
I thought I was marrying a man who had chosen a lifestyle compatible with mine.
Did Bordeaux feel pressured into marrying the girl - to save her reputation?
But her parents are said to have objected to her marrying a Roman Catholic, which, in France, considerably limited her choice.
You see, Aunt, Mamma has long wanted me to marry an heiress, but the very idea of marrying for money is repugnant to me.