Market research Sentence Examples
You must not only be convinced your idea will work, but must provide solid market research presenting a strong case to convince the angels why it will succeed.
The results of Philips ' market research was to show that the core target group typically disliked the unnecessary hassle created by technology.
More extensive market research was carried out to gage the reactions of consumers.
Our own market research has shown that automation and integration are critical when implementing and running a HR system.
This practical, jargon-free book gives lots of insight into techniques for successful market research.
It is hoped there will be some " market research " carried out at this year 's Solstice.
Take part in market research groups - sporadic work but free food and drink and easy money as you just spout off your opinion !
Qualifications and experience Graduate trainee posts are offered in related fields such as sales or market research.
If you sign up to participate in online market research surveys, you may be able to do just that.
The data uses calculations based on NPD Group, which provides market research and analysis of retailers who sell video games.
AdvertisementDespite market research that shows the average gamer is in his or her twenties, video games are largely considered to be the domain of children.
Conduct thorough market research and put together a solid business plan before you get started.
The company was awarded the 2007-2008 Customer Care Award by National Research Corporation, a market research firm.
The market research firm conducted a survey of consumers who had purchased a home warranty, and Nationwide was ranked highest out of all survey respondents.
Search trend research is one of the most effective methods to conduct local market research at very low cost.
AdvertisementIt is hoped there will be some " market research " carried out at this year's solstice.
Take part in market research groups - sporadic work but free food and drink and easy money as you just spout off your opinion!
Many market research statisticians will also have an MSc in Statistics.
Qualifications and experience graduate trainee posts are offered in related fields such as sales or market research.