Markedly Sentence Examples
In general, a compound has properties markedly different from those of the elements of which it is composed.
The young Heteropteron is hatched from the egg in a form not markedly different from that of its parent; it is active and takes food through all the stages of its growth.
The Bahima are often markedly handsome, even to European eyes.
This was markedly the case during the Civil War.
The flowers are generally arranged in terminal or axillary clusters, and are markedly regular with the same number of parts in each series.
It is a tetrabasic acid, of markedly acid character, and readily decomposes carbonates and acetates.
The Lamellibranchia have markedly diverged from the original type by the adoption of filtration as a method of feeding.
Its opening section, recalling to its hearers the passing of the mists of idolatry before the revelation in Jesus Christ, is markedly similar in tone and tenor to passages in the Epistle to Diognetus.
In chemical properties, however, they differ very markedly from the paraffins.
Independent evolution of parts is well shown among invertebrates, where the shell of an ammonite, for example, may change markedly in form without a corresponding change in suture, or vice versa.
AdvertisementIt is with respect to this number of segments that respectively constitute the pygidium and the midregion of the body that Trilobites differ most markedly from each other; and it is a singular fact that the extremes in structural organization in this particular to be met with in the Trilobita are found side by side in strata of Cambrian age.
A Trypanosome usually produces markedly harmful effects upon gaining an entry into animals which have never been, by their distribution, liable to its invasion previously.
Although the more typical goats are markedly distinct from sheep, there is, both as regards wild and domesticated forms, an almost complete gradation from goats to sheep, so that it is exceedingly difficult to define either group. The position of the genus Capra (to all the members of which, as well as some allied species, the name "goat" in its wider sense is applicable) in the family Bovidae is indicated in the article Bovidae, and some of the distinctions between goats and sheep are mentioned in the article Sheep. Here then it will suffice to mention that goats are characterized by the strong and offensive odour of the males, which are furnished with a beard on the chin; while as a general rule glands are present between the middle toes of the fore feet only.
The other groups of the old Linnean order (such as lacewing-flies and caddis-flies)--which are hatched as larvae markedly unlike the parent, develop wing-rudiments hidden under the larval cuticle, and only show the wings externally in a resting pupal stage, passing thus through a " complete " metamorphosis and falling into the sub-class Endopterygotawere retained in the order Neuroptera, which thus became much restricted in its extent.
They resemble the May-flies in their " hemimetabolous " lifehistory; the young insects are markedly unlike their parents, inhabiting fresh water and breathing dissolved air, either through tracheal gills at the tip of the abdomen, or by a branching system of air-tubes on the walls of the rectum into which water is periodically admitted.
AdvertisementTheir highly favoured position in England, contrasting markedly with their refusal of trade facilities to the English in some of the Baltic towns and their evident policy of monopoly in the Baltic trade, incensed the English mercantile classes, and doubtless influenced the increases in customs-duties which were regarded by the Germans as contrary to their treaty rights.
The suggestibility of large crowds is markedly greater than that of individuals, and to this and the greater faith must be attributed the greater success of the fashionable places of pilgrimage.
In this respect catechisms of modern times, from Luther's down to the recent Evangelical catechism of the Free Churches, and including from their respective points of view both the catechism of the Church of England and the catechism of the council of Trent, are markedly superior to articles and synodical decrees.
It hardly affects the small intestine, but markedly stimulates the muscular coat of the large intestine, causing purging in about fifteen hours.
The number of sane paupers declined steadily and markedly from 1863 to 1904.
AdvertisementAn improvement was shown only in the position of employees in smelting works, otherwise a deterioration is to be observed everywhere, most markedly in the textile industry.
It is found to be very markedly superior to the other equations.
At most stations a+ and a_ both increase markedly as wind velocity rises.
The birth- Basses-Al rate markedly decreased during the 19th century; Basses-Py despite an increase of population between 1801 and Belfort, 1
It should be added that Professor Elliot Smith has pointed out a certain peculiarity in its commissures whereby the brain of the diprotodonts differs markedly from that of the polyprotodonts From Flower, Quart.
AdvertisementIn the equatorial region between these belts the salinity is markedly less, especially in the eastern part.
In some Indian and Malay Engystomatids of the genera Callula and Microhyla, the tadpoles are remarkably transparent, and differ markedly in the structure of the buccal apparatus.
Hygrophytes.Living, as these plants do, under medium conditions as regards soil, moisture and climate, they exhibit no characters which are markedly xerophytic or hydrophytic. Hence, such plants are frequently termed mesophytes.
In relation to the latter theory, it is pointed out that some markedly calcicole species occur on sand dunes; but this may be due to the lime which is frequently present in dune sand as well as to the physical dryness of the soil.
Taken internally, colchicum or colchicine markedly increases the amount of bile poured into the alimentary canal, being amongst the most powerful of known cholagogues.
It has an extraordinary power over the pain of acute gout; it lessens the severity and frequency of the attacks when given continuously between them, and it markedly controls such symptoms of gout as eczema, bronchitis and neuritis, whilst it is entirely inoperative against these conditions when they are not of gouty origin.
To this age we may ascribe the literature of the Priestly writers (symbolized by P), which differs markedly from the other sources.
The fourth abdominal segment is often very large, and forms the greater part of the hind-body; this segment is markedly constricted at its basal (forward) end, where it is embraced by the small third segment.
The regions of this cuticle have a markedly segmental arrangement, and the definite hardened pieces (sclerites) of the exoskeleton are in close contact with one another along linear sutures, or are united by regions of the cuticle which are less chitinous and more membranous, so as to permit freedom of movement.
A common result of metamorphosis is that the larva and imago differ markedly in their habitat and mode of feeding.
The rocks do not appear to differ very markedly from those farther south, but the Devonian is believed to be represented.
After 1877 the state prospered markedly in all material respects.
Edinburgh is not markedly a manufacturing city, but preserves its character as the Scottish capital.
The first effects of this immense acquisition of new material were markedly unsettling on the doctrinal orthodoxy of the time.
The lyric poems of Kolcsey can hardly be surpassed, whilst his orations, and markedly the Emlek beszed Kazinczy felett (Commemorative Speech on Kazinczy), exhibit not only his own powers, but the singular excellence of the Magyar language as an oratorical medium.
In its original sense it connotes attachment to a larger land-mass by a neck of land (isthmus) narrower than the peninsula itself, but it is often extended to apply to any long promontory, the coast-line of which is markedly longer than the landward boundary.
Increased work thrown on to a tissue may produce hypertrophy, but, if this excessive function be kept up, atrophy will follow; even the blacksmith's arm breaks down owing to the hypertrophic muscle fibres becoming markedly atrophied.
The whole physiognomy is fleshy and markedly distinct from that of other Syrians.
At Boghaz Keui, Euyuk and Jerablus, the facial type is very markedly non-Semitic. But not much stress can be laid on these differences owing to (i) great variety of execution in different sculptures, which argues artists of very unequal capacity; (2) doubt whether individual portraits are intended in some cases and not in others.
The intra-ocular tension is markedly lowered.
They also differ very markedly from free living fungi in their chemical reactions.
So markedly is this the case with hybrids that in a few generations all traces of a hybrid origin may disappear.
The animals preserved in the continental type of Carboniferous deposit naturally differ markedly from the fossil remains of the purely marine portions of the system.
A second antelope inhabiting the same country as the chiru is the goa (Gazella picticaudata), a member of the gazelle group characterized by the peculiar form of the horns of the bucks and certain features of coloration, whereby it is markedly distinguished from all its kindred save one or two other central Asian species.
The word "species" now signifies a grade or rank in classification assigned by systematists to an assemblage of organic forms which they judge to be more closely interrelated by common descent than they are related to forms judged to be outside the species, and of which the known individuals, if they differ amongst themselves, differ less markedly than they do from those outside the species, or, if differing markedly, are linked by intermediate forms. It is to be noted that the individuals may themselves be judged to fall into groups of minor rank, known as sub-species or local varieties, but such subordinate assemblages are elevated to specific rank, if they appear not to intergrade so as to form a linked.
After the taking of a moderate dose the pulse is markedly slowed.
The khedive, moreover, markedly abstained from any association with the agitation of the Nationalists, who viewed with disfavour his highnesss personal friendship with Sir Eldon Gorst.
Suspension of cerebral influence exists even more markedly, of course, when the cerebral hemispheres have been ablated.
Between the middle and the end of the 19th century the rate of mortality decreased most markedly for all ages.
But moderate doses of atropine markedly paralyse the terminals of the nerves that go to involuntary muscles, whether the action of those nerves be motor or inhibitory.
Advance has been along two lines, markedly in relation to insect-pollination, one of which has culminated in the hypogynous epipetalous bicarpellate forms with dorsiventral often large and loosely arranged flowers such as occur in Scrophulariaceae, and the other in the epigynous bicarpellate small-flowered families of which the Compositae represent the most elaborate type.
They have very small eyes, blunt snouts, inconspicuous ears and short limbs and tails, in all of which points they are markedly contrasted with true rats and mice.
Matthew shows, however, that the skeleton of Merycodus, as the extinct ruminant is called, differs markedly from that of all deer.
As regards the general structure of the rest, of the skeleton, it must suffice to say that this agrees closely with that of the antelopes and the prongbuck, and differs markedly from the cervine type.
Since then political agitation has practically died out, though the material condition of the class has not markedly improved, except where, with government aid, crofter fishermen; have been enabled to buy better boats; but in some districts, even in the island of Lewis, substantial houses have been built.
But in view of the extreme importance of the matter, and especially of the evidence that, for some cause or other (which may or may not be the examination system), intellectual interest and initiative seem to diminish in many cases very markedly during school and college life in England, the whole subject seems to call for a searching and impartial inquiry.
Old tradition suggests the " schools of the prophets " at Jericho, Gilgal and Bethel, and in fact the proximity of these places, especially Bethel, to Judaean soil may be connected with the friendly and sometimes markedly favourable attitude to Judah in these narratives.
As this amount seems to be markedly less than that which would be expected from the cause in question, it is probable that some other cause tends to accelerate the earth's rotation and so to shorten the day.
This people gave way in time to another, markedly inferior in the manufacture of pottery, but superior, apparently, as builders.
As a result of these improvements land and timber values have markedly risen, and great impetus has been given to traffic on the rivers, which carry a large part of the cotton, lumber, coal, stone, hay and miscellaneous freights of the state.
Since 1884 its production has markedly fallen off; in 1 9 05 the wheat crop was 17,542,013 bushels, and in 1906, 26,883,662 bushels (valued at $20,162,746).
In the foreign relations of the United States, as directed by President McKinley, the most significant change was the cordial understanding established with the British government, to which much was contributed by his secretary of state, John Hay, appointed to that portfolio when he was ambassador to the court of St James, and which was due to some extent to the friendliness of the British press and even more markedly of the British navy in the Pacific during the Spanish War.
Apart from the more obvious characteristics of the serpent likely to impress all observant minds (§ 1), its essentially chthonic character shows itself markedly when it is associated with the treasures and healing herbs of the earth, the produce of the soil, the source of springs - and thence of all water - and the dust unto which all men return.'
In eastern Europe, so far as the figures can be trusted, this is markedly the case, and the birth-rates range between 39 per mille in Hungary and 49 in Russia, where the tradition of encouraging prolificity amongst the peasantry has not been effaced.
The same vine, exposed to practically identical conditions of climate, will produce markedly different wines if planted in different soils.
At the same time the acidity is markedly reduced.
The general configuration of the country is markedly different from that of the Medoc, consisting of a series of low hills rising easily from the river.
Ethnologically as well as climatically the differences between the plateau and the eastern part of the agency are distinct and the languages markedly so.
The interpretation itself is markedly subjective; by the side of much that is legitimate exegesis, there is much that appears arbitrary in the extreme.
Similarly the recent experience of zoological gardens, particularly in the case of parrots and monkeys, shows that, excluding draughts, exposure to changes of temperature without artificial heat is markedly beneficial as compared with the older method of strict protection from cold.
The effect of the rising was, of course, more markedly felt in Emin's province after the abandonment of the Sudan by the Egyptian government in 1884.
Only along the south-eastern coast and in some of the river valleys is the climate of a markedly tropical character; here the rainfall rises to 50 in.
It was completely destroyed in the fire of 1906, and its inhabitants removed temporarily across the bay to Oakland, but by 1910 the quarter had been practically rebuilt in an improved manner, yet retaining its markedly oriental characteristics.
In 1833 Altenstein appointed Trendelenburg extraordinary professor in Berlin, and four years later he was advanced to an ordinary professorship. For nearly forty years he proved himself markedly successful as an academical teacher, during the greater part of which time he had to examine in philosophy and pedagogics all candidates for the scholastic profession in Prussia.
In infants especially opium acts markedly upon the spinal cord, and, just as strychnine is dangerous when given to young children, so opium, because of the strychnine-like alkaloid it contains, should never be administered, under any circumstances or in any dose, to children under one year of age.
The skull and skeleton do not differ markedly from those of the other cats.
The uric acid excreted in the urine (mostly in the form of urates) is markedly diminished.
The influence of Schelling may be observed very markedly in the earlier form of his philosophy.
It was markedly anti-socialistic. But from this period he passed almost entirely from public life, and ceased to wield the personal influence which he had done during the preceding years.
A four-chambered heart, with a complete double circulation, and warm blood (less markedly so in the lowest group than in the rest of the class), distinguish mammals from existing reptiles, although not from birds.
The Suinae are at present spread all over the Old World, although the African forms (other than the one from the north) are markedly distinct from those inhabiting Europe and Asia.
Germans and Irish are now scattered throughout the state; but the German element predominates markedly in Milwaukee.
The voice and habits of these cattle are also markedly different from those of European cattle.
The nose is always low and broad, more markedly retrousse among the females than the males.
According to this, Genesis is a post-exilic work composed of a post-exilic priestly source (P) and non-priestly earlier sources which differ markedly from P in language, style and religious standpoint, but much less markedly from one and another.6 These sources can be traced elsewhere in the Pentateuch and Joshua, and P itself is related to the post-exilic works Chronicles, Ezra and Nehemiah.
Many of the dark-coloured horses of Europe have Barb or Arab blood in their veins, this being markedly the case with the Old English black or Shire horse, the skull of which shows a distinct depression in front of the eye-socket.
In its relatively long ears and general build it approaches the African wild asses, from which it chiefly differs by the striping (which is markedly different from that of the quagga-group) and the reversal of the direction of the hairs along the spine.
The bodies of the cervical vertebrae are elongated, strongly keeled, and markedly opisthocoelous, or concave behind and convex in front.
The same is even more markedly true of rye; in 1907 the crop was 1,502,000 bushels (from 88,400 acres), a yield exceeded in only five states in the country.
The fluctuations derived from this international work during the last seven years deviate but slightly from Chandler's formulae though they show a markedly smaller value of the annual term.
This summary gives a picture of Saul's ability and position which differs so markedly from the subsequent more extensive narratives of David's history that its genuineness has sometimes been questioned; nevertheless it is substantiated by the old poem quoted from the Book of Jashar in 2 Sam.
His markedly French sympathies during the war of 1870 led to his expulsion from Strassburg in 1872.
It is probable that the flowers of Bennettites were normally hermaphrodite, and they may have been markedly protandrous.
World-wide floras, such as seem to characterize some of the older periods, have ceased to be, and plants are distributed more markedly according to geographical provinces and in climatic zones.
During the Paleocene period the plants were not markedly different from those of the Upper Cretaceous.
A markedly upland character is given to the flora of this valley through the abundance of pines (9 species) and oaks (16 species) which it contains; but this peculiarity is readily accounted for by the steep slopes of the Apennines, which everywhere surround and dominate the old lake-basin.
Alkaline bromides, in addition to their saline action, have in sufficient doses a depressing effect upon the central nervous system, and less markedly upon the heart.
It has in addition a markedly depressing action upon the respiratory centre, it lessens all the secretions except the sweat, and diminishes bowel peristalsis and the size of the pupil.
They also markedly increase the secretion of urine by stimulating the secreting cells of the kidneys.
The nature of Ephedrine assures that the overall effects are markedly different from those associated with Speed and other abused amphetamines such as Ecstacy.
Visual outcome can still vary markedly however, particularly in the child with unilateral cataract.
The pit containing the cist was markedly deeper than the individual graves.
First, while the situation has improved markedly in recent years, many countries lack substantive laws that specifically criminalize computer crimes.
Weed population density may be markedly reduced using crop rotation but there has been little experimentation.
Here is the spectrum of cytochrome c. The absorption pattern for all three cytochrome c. The absorption pattern for all three cytochromes changes markedly when these molecules are oxidized and reduced.
It is markedly deficient in potassium and to some extent in phosphate and organic matter.
Severe anemia and chronic bronchitis associated with a markedly elevated specific IgG to cow's milk protein.
These advanced features and tool-types are markedly absent in the Siwalik Acheulian facies, hence hinting at its own older antiquity.
Clearly Havergate Island has a very important spider fauna with a species content markedly skewed toward rarity.
The recordings of these last two interviews are markedly inferior.
Homocysteine and copper interact to markedly inhibit the relaxation of the rabbit corpus cavernosum.
No organisms were detected by bronchoalveolar lavage and the pulmonary function tests suggested emphysema with air trapping, hyperinflation and markedly reduced diffusion capacity.
The number of people killed by lightning each year has varied markedly.
They are much daintier and more slender than female mallards, and often have markedly orange heads and necks.
The degree of visual impairment induced by lens opacity differs markedly depending on the location of the opacity.
The position of the continental plates has changed markedly over the last few hundred million years.
As Arne's examples show, the Italian sinfonia was markedly more modern in musical style than the French overture.
The shape of the planet is a markedly oblate spheroid with a polar diameter some 10% smaller than that at the equator.
Cross resistance between Kanamycin and other aminoglycosides including streptomycin, gentamycin and tobramycin was found to vary markedly between isolates.
When extended the body tapers markedly toward the front end consistent with the mainly subterranean habits of these animals.
The smaller channels make their way past sundown via markedly different routes to those of five years ago.
The comparative advantage of the Mexican telenovela over Philippine television drama is the markedly mestizo features of its actors and actresses.
In both cases the devitalised tissues absorb water and swell markedly.
Heading further westwards along the coast you enter the province of Asturias with its markedly different flavor.
Anyone whose physical, mental or emotional state would markedly worsen, or who would need residential care, without immediate help.
This Fungus stimulates the main twig to shoot out more twigs than usual; the mycelium then enters each incipient twig and stimulates it to a repetition of the process, and so in the course of years large broom-like tufts result, often markedly different from the normal.
The action of colchicum or colchicine upon the kidneys has been minutely studied, and it is asserted on the one hand that the urinary solids are much diminished and, on the other hand, that they are markedly increased, the specific gravity of the secretion being much raised.
Such doctrines regard the progress of humanity as on the whole tending to the greater perfection, and are markedly optimistic in contrast with earlier theories that progressive differentiation is synonymous with progressive decay.
Of the lines of concentration open to the Austrians, the direction of the roads and railways favoured that of Olmiitz so markedly that Moltke felt reasonably certain that it would be chosen, and the receipt of the complete ordre de bataille of the Austrian army of the north secured by the Prussian secret service on the 11th of June set all doubts at rest.
Perhaps we have said enough to show that after performing a great and real service to thought Comte almost sacrificed his claims to gratitude by the invention of a system that, as such, and independently of detached suggestions, is markedly retrograde.
In their life-history the Homoptera are more specialized than the Heteroptera; the young insect often differs markedly from its After Weed, Riley and Howard, Insect Life, vol.
Thus a super-spatial and super-temporal interpretation of that first markedly Jewish setting and apprehension of the Christian truth became as necessary as the attachment to the original contingencies.
The larger-flowered species of Geranium are markedly protandrous, the outer stamens, inner stamens and stigmas becoming.
It acts similarly, though less markedly, upon the nerves which determine the secretion of the perspiration, and is therefore a local anaesthetic or anodyne and an anhidrotic. Being rapidly absorbed into the blood, it exercises a long and highly important series of actions on nearly every part and function of the nervous system.
Whilst it is not a haematinic, in that it does not increase the number of the red blood corpuscles, it very markedly influences the stability of the compounds of the haemoglobin with oxygen.
The leucocytes or white blood corpuscles are very markedly affected by quinine, the characteristic "amoeboid" movements of the cells being arrested.
Speranski smiled more markedly.
As Arne 's examples show, the Italian sinfonia was markedly more modern in musical style than the French overture.
In labor the administration of opioids markedly slows gastric emptying.
However, after the blackbirds had dispersed survival improved, whilst song thrush numbers continued to decline markedly.
The ventilatory anaerobic threshold was markedly reduced in recipients compared to controls.
The Caithness site may be at risk from eutrophication if numbers of wintering geese increase markedly.
Although the number is not markedly huge, pet owners are still rightfully nervous.
Indoor pets tend to live markedly longer than outdoor animals, so a pet owner can always rest on the support of statistics and safety issues when making the decision to keep their pets indoors.
Typically, no one besides the sufferer will notice such a flaw, and if one does exist, it is usually slight with the person's concern being markedly excessive.
Actor Tim Robbins is a whopping 6'5'' and his lengthy frame is markedly noticeable in all his films.
The leaves are from 5 inches to 7 inches long by three-quarters of an inch to 1 inch in width, tapering to a sharp point, and markedly constricted at about an inch from the end, which has the appearance of a little tongue.
Summer formals differ markedly from winter formals.
The game promises worlds that can be altered markedly as you go through the environment.
The prognosis for children with Marfan has improved markedly in recent years.
The outlook for children with atrial septal defects has improved markedly in the past two decades.
The outlook for children with congenital cardiovascular defects has improved markedly since the 1980s.
Specific language impairment describes a condition of markedly delayed language development in the absence of any apparent handicapping conditions such as deafness, autism, or mental retardation.
Children with SLI usually begin to talk at approximately the same age as normal children, but are markedly slower in their progress.
Specific language impairment (SLI) describes a condition of markedly delayed language development in the absence of any apparent handicapping conditions.
Children with SLI usually begin to talk at roughly the same age as normal children but are markedly slower in the progress they make.
Carriage rates vary markedly in different areas.
The child's reaction to the supposed cause of the tantrum is often markedly disproportionate to the precipitating incident.
Since each mineral performs strikingly different functions, tests to confirm deficiency are markedly different from each other.
It is possible that this number may be markedly underestimated.
The defining symptom of a learning disorder is academic performance that is markedly below a child's age and grade capabilities and measured IQ.
Less expensive brands like White Rain will often use a higher concentration of detergent and markedly less conditioning or balancing agents.
Although lasers can treat hair growth much faster than electrolysis, they are also markedly more expensive and multiple treatments are necessary for an individual to see results.
Drugstore brands used to be markedly different from salon-quality or professional hair care lines.
Shear Movement is both owned and managed by Sandra Butler, whose experience in the hair care industry is markedly long and notable.
The First Response Pregnancy Test can be taken as early as four days before your next expected period with markedly accurate results.
With thong swimwear, there is markedly less fabric, and this can translate into faster swim times.
Internet dating has increased markedly in popularity over the last decade.
Moreover, specific Pisces characteristics are often balanced or thrown off entirely by the presence of markedly dominant zodiac signs within an individual's natal.
This style differs from low-heeled pumps because the kitten heel is markedly thin just like a stiletto.
A sedentary lifestyle hinders many of the body's natural processes and when toxins build up in the blood and lymph fluids, your chance for disease increases markedly.
Happily, today's bodysuits are markedly different from their original ancestors.
Throughout the 1990s and early 2000s, Heart continued to record, although the group's profile was markedly lower than it had been in previous years.
Her actions toward Julie, her mother and to Betsy with whom she shares a special relationship are markedly different.
There were markedly different conditions just a few miles away.
It presents a markedly medieval appearance.