Many Sentence Examples
You ask too many questions.
He was such a wonderful person in so many ways.
How many times do I have to tell you?
Many days passed before they came in sight of land.
How many miles had he ridden this morning?
But you can learn many things from books.
However, there were many challenges.
I wish you many happy returns of your name day, said the visitor.
With so many people at their house, it was fortunate that the weather was warm and dry so they could utilize the courtyard for the children.
One has so many relatives in Moscow!
AdvertisementHe visited many lands and saw many wonderful things.
He did a great many things.
Jonathan Swift, often called Dean Swift, was famous as a writer on many subjects.
How many times have any of us been involved in an event remotely exciting?
My hands felt every object and observed every motion, and in this way I learned to know many things.
AdvertisementMany ships are wrecked and the sailors are drowned.
Then he sang a wonderful song, so sweet, so lively, so touching, that many of the sailors were moved to tears.
Apparently this was a favorite haunt for Giddon... and how many others?
I was then for a time the Head of the finest Flying Machine that was ever known to exist, and we did many wonderful things.
Many tasks in life have to be done.
AdvertisementThey say she has a family of young wolves up there; and that is why she kills so many lambs.
Wild imagination, listening to too many stories, or maybe because I have the ranch.
The houses of this city had many corners, being square and six-sided and eight-sided.
How many miles had they traveled today?
How many seventeen year old virgins do you know?
AdvertisementI don't know how many times or how many ways I can say I'm sorry.
It would have been humiliating if anyone had noticed, but no one seemed to pay much attention – probably because so many others were also drinking.
Next morning they all assembled for the final parting, and many of the officials and courtiers came to look upon the impressive ceremonies.
Many are the travellers I have spoken concerning them, describing their tracks and what calls they answered to.
I think you've been putting in too many hours lately.
And many other stories are told of this man's great love and pity for the timid creatures which lived in the fields and woods.
I saw so many of those peasant carts in your yard.
I am told that while I was still in long dresses I showed many signs of an eager, self-asserting disposition.
Most of the luxuries, and many of the so-called comforts of life, are not only not indispensable, but positive hindrances to the elevation of mankind.
It seemed unlikely that he would travel so many miles to get her, and then give up.
How many times have I offered to let you stay with me - free?
I've travelled many miles since my last and I'm becoming impatient for company.
Many years after that, some funny little verses about Mr. Finney's turnip were printed in a newspaper.
All this happened many years ago in New Britain, Connecticut.
When have we seen so many fortunes made by so many so quickly?
I send many kisses and hugs with letter.
So many different eyes, old and young, were fixed on her, and there were so many different faces, that she could not distinguish any of them and, feeling that she must speak to them all at once, did not know how to do it.
In the closets he discovered many fancy costumes of rich velvets and brocades, and one of the attendants told him to dress himself in any of the clothes that pleased him and to be prepared to dine with the Princess and Dorothy in an hour's time.
Then I could go to many strange lands and see many wonderful things.
Many of them were so tame that they would eat from my hand and let me feel them.
One learns many things then, she added with a certain pride.
Many spoke eloquently and with originality.
Yes, we have many horses.
In such a small town, there couldn't be many positions, and the pay wouldn't come close to what she was making in Tulsa.
He learned many languages and became known all over the world as "The Learned Blacksmith."
He therefore gave him many beautiful gifts and everything that could please a prince.
One summer he went over the sea to Italy; for his name was well known there, and many people wished to hear him sing.
I've been through this so many times I could do it in my sleep.
They advanced in a great swarm, having been joined by many more of their kind, and they flew straight over Jim's head to where the others were standing.
The crowd consisted of a few Russians and many of Napoleon's soldiers who were not on duty--Germans, Italians, and Frenchmen, in a variety of uniforms.
They killed the king and many other people.
There were many things about him she couldn't reconcile.
Like other kings, he lived in a beautiful palace and had many officers and servants to wait upon him.
Of course, if you wanted to print it out and read it, the stack of paper would be many miles high.
Many incidents of those early years are fixed in my memory, isolated, but clear and distinct, making the sense of that silent, aimless, dayless life all the more intense.
From the field beyond the village came now sounds of regimental music and now the roar of many voices shouting "Hurrah!" to the new commander-in-chief.
After many consultations and conversations, the count at last devised means to tranquillize her.
Many of the wounded asked them not to unload the carts but only to let them sit on the top of the things.
Bilibin attentively examined his nails, and many of those present appeared intimidated, as if asking in what they were to blame.
How many women had he promised to marry?
There can't be too many.
Over this Land I ruled in peace for many years, until I grew old and longed to see my native city once again.
It is nice to have so many people to take care of your children, yes?
There were a great many ladies and some of Nicholas' Moscow acquaintances, but there were no men who could at all vie with the cavalier of St. George, the hussar remount officer, the good-natured and well-bred Count Rostov.
She stared into the flames, wondering why none of the windows had curtains, and why so many things were left to gather dust in the attic.
He led his armies through many countries.
He had written many stories which people at that time liked to read.
He conquered many kings and burned many cities.
This has no offline corollary and is economically empowering to so many people. 5. eBay and reallocating existing goods. eBay is actually a little like direct trade.
But in many areas, scarcity is so profound it has huge societal impact.
Many of the dreams that had delighted my young inexperience became beautifully less and "faded into the light of common day."
Here in Dr. Bell's laboratory, or in the fields on the shore of the great Bras d'Or, I have spent many delightful hours listening to what he had to tell me about his experiments, and helping him fly kites by means of which he expects to discover the laws that shall govern the future air-ship.
Many years ago there lived in England many good people, but the king and his friends were not kind and gentle and patient with good people, because the king did not like to have the people disobey him.
All the Moscow notabilities, all the Rostovs' acquaintances, were at the Razumovskis' chapel, for, as if expecting something to happen, many wealthy families who usually left town for their country estates had not gone away that summer.
Many voices shouted and talked at the same time, so that Count Rostov had not time to signify his approval of them all, and the group increased, dispersed, re-formed, and then moved with a hum of talk into the largest hall and to the big table.
Many people were hurrying through the streets and there were many soldiers, but cabs were still driving about, tradesmen stood at their shops, and service was being held in the churches as usual.
No matter how sorry Alex was for what happened, or how many times he apologized or tried to make up for it, he couldn't remove the hurt.
So many have come to my bed, but never have I been so unnerved by a nocturnal visitor than when first dear Joshua visited me in the darkest part of the night.
She has done this deed for so many others, but I can't bear to heap more sin on my blackened soul and kill unborn this result of my Joshua's love.
Although, I suspect, if he has turned as many humans as it seems, he is too strong to be destroyed.
He had prepared for many scenarios, but this was beyond anything imagined.
It was one of many messages her micro had decoded.
Lana was a gentle soul; the secret must have been great if she left behind that many people to die!
This mollified Jim a little, and after some thought the green maiden decided to give the cab-horse a room in the palace, such a big building having many rooms that were seldom in use.
Knowledge often consists of the rolled-up conclusions from many pieces of data.
Of course, I stand to be corrected on many of the specifics.
My grandmother used to say, "There is many a slip between cup and lip."
I learned a great many new words that day.
I count it one of the sweetest privileges of my life to have known and conversed with many men of genius.
Then I asked many questions about the poem, and read his answers by placing my fingers on his lips.
And believe me on my honour that to me personally it would be a pleasure to hand over the supreme command of the army into the hands of a better informed and more skillful general--of whom Austria has so many--and to lay down all this heavy responsibility.
While dressing, Petya had prepared many fine things he meant to say to the gentleman-in- waiting.
Many various, indifferent, and insignificant people appeared before him.
One of the first bullets killed him, and other bullets killed many of his men.
You really let him eat that many marshmallows?
Maybe there were just too many deaths that winter to make news of one insignificant passing.
I can't say if I knew the deceased but the Wanaka and all the mines send us so many of their workers I may have.
I was fearful he might try to stop me, but there are many girls willing to do as I've done, for food and shelter, so I shan't be missed.
The winter wind has come a-calling and moans through cracks and crevices like so many ghosts visiting from hell, wailing and beckoning for me to join them.
But I've got to tell you, it looks pretty funny to see this many suits and uniforms in Ouray on the same day.
But the peaceful sleep he'd assumed would come eluded him as his mind continued to trip over far too many loose ends in the recent happenings.
She went to one of her bookcases, searching the many leather bound volumes.
Jackson and Elisabeth spent many evenings outdoors lying on the frigid ground, stargazing, pointing out the constellations, and anticipating the occasional falling star.
Do you kill many people?
One day a traveler was walking through a part of Italy where a great many sheep were pasturing.
For many days he wandered through rough and dangerous places.
There were so many questions.
God, how many deaths are our responsibilities?
How many we got so far?
There are many things I'm forbidden from telling you.
You're stubborn, suspicious of everyone, and you ask so many damn stupid questions.
Almost as bad, how many others had died from the treachery of a single Guardian?
How good was a Defender of Humanity who purposely looked away from something that led to so many deaths?
How many twenty-six-year-olds planned their own funerals?
His gaze settled on Jade's familiar features, and he studied his companion of so many years.
He made his way through the castle with the black stones as he had many times during his long stay.
He found it laughable that the living invented so many myths to create a false sense of security regarding the dark predators.
I'd hate to have to put that many cows in that little barn.
They had shared so many memories - so many good times.
He could think of so many things he'd do to her sweet little body.
Now only the commanders of detachments with staffs, and moving according to rules at a distance from the French, still regarded many things as impossible.
There is a nice cheese menu, which is organized by region, and great for pairing with many of the wines from the elaborate list.
Maybe friends didn't let friends drive drunk, but how did they stop them when there were so many?
Yes. I'm sorry so many buildings are gone but that one block is enough.
I repeated the promise I'd made Merrill Cooms when he funded us so generously; "Do as much good for as many people for as long as you can."
There's more than one but how many?
There's been so many, you probably don't remember, but I looked him up.
Think how many Howie has accused.
It would be so unfair to so many people if we quit, but God almighty, it's difficult and scary.
Lord knows how many crazies that will send after us!
There can't be many that old.
He'd trained her to use many of the weapons and encouraged her to visit the armory, even when she was young and too weak to lift a sword.
She wondered how many other men had been killed by the clean, neatly aligned weapons in the armory.
He disappeared, and she stared after him for a long moment before grabbing as many weapons as she could carry and returning to her room.
I guess I watched too many movies about spies to know how they really work.
She tried to assess how many there might be.
I guess I'd forgotten how many there were.
Jenn didn't approach, instead sinking into the shadows of one of the many pillars providing support all along the main floor.
There weren't many of them, but they were powerful.
Instead, she watched a man many, many times her strength gently clean the blood from her arm in unhurried, methodical strokes.
Do you make many women cry?
In fact, she did see him in those positions, and in many more.
There were a great many things she'd let him do to her to win the game in her head.
His visions were more than just his death; they were the first-person experience of the torturing and killing of many, many others, as if she were mutilating others.
How many people lived to hear they'd died?
There were many things he thought of doing to her.
There were many people in his dream, and he thought he should remember them.
He was accompanied by Dustin and two other men, one she knew as Sasha, a man who'd struck her with his devotedness to his family, and Levi, a man who'd been present in many of his pre-Schism memories.
How many Guardians had he lost this year alone?
How many humans were dead because he lacked the strength to face his instincts?
You've killed so many, and I've been too afraid to see you for what you are.
Love, what I do to you would kill a demon many times over.
There were far too many around him.
The way was totally familiar— twice today, three times in as many days.
He was peppered with questions from the rescuers, many of whom he recognized, but he held responses to a negative shake of his head and Billy Langstrom's name.
How many times had he met her?
He never had to wonder how many men were rotating through her bed or when she was planning to stab him in the back or decipher the riddles she gave him as answers to important questions.
I had no idea she cared enough about me to break so many rules.
Her sister wore maroon, as did many of the other women in masks around her.
Evelyn's many history lessons had covered the strange kin of Romas's, explaining they weren't the cousins Romas claimed them to be at the wedding.
She had many more questions, but the more she asked, the less she could deny the world around her was real.
In his mind's eye Dean could picture climbers rappelling downward in great lunges, covering many feet in long swings, reaching the bottom in but a few mad leaps into space.
Jackson did not feed recklessly like many of his kind.
How many comprise the group?
I do not know how many around the world, hundreds, perhaps thousands.
They had played out this scene many times–way too many for his liking.
She also said you were lovers for a short time many years ago.
He stopped, frozen in his tracks, feeling something he had not felt in many, many years–fear.
Things would not work out with us for many reasons, so I think we should quit while we're ahead.
Jackson wanted to ask her so many more personal questions.
She smiled, thinking of the many times they played "Wingman" for each other and all the times he had nursed her through heartache.
They had discussed choosing one surname many years back, but their names were the only connection that remained to their human lives, so decided against it.
Humans have many misconceptions about us.
Many students stopped to talk and personally thank Ms. Sidwell.
Jackson still had many questions, but he felt they both needed a break from their dilemma.
You fulfill me in so many ways I never dreamed of, this isn't that big a deal.
Precisely. Many a man has tried to break through those walls, but you are the first to succeed.
Many of the partygoers had been to Elisabeth's opening, and wanted to convey how much they were enjoying her artwork.
They probably won't ask too many questions that way.
My relatives have been dead for many years.
They had a tough road ahead, yet after talking with Jackson and seeing them together, she felt hopeful they would overcome the many obstacles they would encounter.
He had tried to teach her to play the piano many times through the years, but she always became bored within a week or so of practice and gave up.
I have to admit, I have thought of you many times over the years, probably would have hooked up with you again if it were not for Jackson's threats.
Josh is religious, but there aren't many men who would claim to understand women.
I never knew there were so many goat breeds.
Alex feigned and then hooked Josh's leg again with the toe of his boot, sending Josh to the floor twice in as many minutes.
Josh was no stranger to a fistfight, and he was considered by many to be a formidable opponent.
There were too many miles between them to make her secret desires anything more than a dream.
But then, many a man didn't want children until he had them.
I keep records on each goat and how many pounds of milk she gives daily, when she reached peak production and how long she lactated.
How many fillies do you have now?
Do you have any idea what it would be like to adopt that many children?
Probably for the same reason it had been for him so many years.
How many times do you have to be told no?
Bring uniforms, as many as you have clean.
We've gotta treat as many people as we can who are suffering from radiation poisoning.
Brady had conducted many missions in austere conditions in other countries.
I don't want to wait until I'm a half-century old to start raising children... not when there are so many children who need parents now.
Many great men were glad to call him their friend, and even kings asked his advice and were amused by his fables.
He was a member of Congress for many years, and was noted for his odd manners and strong self- will.
For this reason many people were glad when he ran away from home and went to sea.
Many boys and indeed many girls have read his story.
Many of his best friends had been killed or captured.
So I took ten gold pieces from the many that were in the bag.
After that I saw Dr. Holmes many times and learned to love the man as well as the poet.
The Abbe Morio and many others had also come.
On the way to Bogucharovo, a princely estate with a dwelling house and farm where they hoped to find many domestic serfs and pretty girls, they questioned Lavrushka about Napoleon and laughed at his stories, and raced one another to try Ilyin's horse.
If he now incurred Natasha's censure it was only for buying too many and too expensive things.
In describing a war or the subjugation of a people, a general historian looks for the cause of the event not in the power of one man, but in the interaction of many persons connected with the event.
We... actually, I... was thinking about adopting a few wild horses from out west where they have too many.
But then, he didn't have to travel that many miles to get her alone.
There were too many lengthy phone calls to Massachusetts and minimal attention to our other life.
Don't bother to ask questions because you won't get many answers.
How many of you are there?
I only ask that you do as much good for as many people for as long as you can.
Martha and Betsy spent many a weekend searching out of the way shops and country auctions for their antiques.
He hinted this case was only one of his many accomplishments.
He was so incensed; he'd try as many times as it took.
While we presumed Daniel Brennan and Merrill Cooms had gleaned much about our group from our many conversations, we continued to volunteer nothing concrete.
It's mind-blowing on so many different levels.
She recognized tips came in all over the country; giving rise to her feeling there might be many different tipsters.
With so many problems pending, I desperately needed time to think things through.
It's been a good run and many lives have been saved.
How many cases has she been involved in?
A lot are cases of runaway or lost and many are children found quickly.
I find it is funded by corporations, do-gooders, trust funds, individuals, and off shore ghost entities... unfortunately, too many names to pursue each and every one.
I'm well practiced in this art as I've done so many times before!
There can't be too many of those sold.
As big a pain Quinn is at times, I know he's as committed as the rest of us to helping as many kids as possible.
My boss was going make me send a form letter back to each of them until she saw how many nuts there were out there.
There weren't many candidates fitting that description.
Sure, he was insensitive, but how many sixteen year olds sneak out to drink?
Do you realize how many thousands of people tried to find us?
That's why he has so many precise numbers.
He'd dreamt many times about his sister and his family, but she'd never talked to him directly.
She wondered how many more there would be and doubted she'd last more than another day or two if he kept draining her blood.
You've done many foolish things, kiri, but stepping between me and a vamp is a first.
She took in the clean car and shook her head, wondering how many hours a week he spent cleaning everything he owned to keep it all so spotless.
He hadn't paid much attention to any woman in many, many years, but couldn't help thinking her one of the most attractive he'd ever met.
There weren't many places she could go where he couldn't find her, especially if Sofi kept interfering.
She'd tried the door many times and determined if it didn't open, it was because he didn't want it to.
For the second time in as many days, he almost felt bad.
He whipped out his phone and trotted down the stairs, typing a response to one of the many texts he'd received.
It was the least of Darian's many offenses.
No way of tracking how many drove.
He felt the loss already, a pain similar to the loss of his sister so many years ago.
He checked his weapons and pulled off his jacket, clipping as many magazines to his belt as he could.
It was one of the many oddities about her father that she'd accepted over the years.
I've tried to run away so many times.
I did for many, many years.
How many Naturals you have in Tucson?
If he had, how many thousands of lives would have been saved?
It's not easy being the good guy, and it's a job not many people can do.
There aren't many of us, and we're all over the world, but we're really close-knit.
He didn't remember what made the scars, and he didn't realize how many there were.
Sofia swallowed hard at the sight of so many vamps milling around.
He turned and made his way through the doors he suddenly remembered traversing many times the past few days.
Darkyn has been spinning out of control for many years.
How many were here?
How many days, months, years had she prayed for a miracle like the one in her hand?
She retains many of the less appealing human qualities.
I never knew there were so many.
She probably knew many of the same rules Darkyn did about creating terms.
Cynthia apologized for asking so many questions, but Westlake waved her off.
The winter had been exceptionally clear of late snow and the high mountain passes that in many years remained closed until July had been cleared weeks earlier this spring.
How many miles do you suppose it is?
How many prop skeletons could there be in the small town of Ouray?
When he'd finished, he asked Fred, "How many of those trunks were sold in total?"
There's not many folks in town she doesn't know.
It wasn't a new sight—he'd spent far too many years as a police officer not to have seen it, uncounted but never forgotten times.
There's so many, it's hard to say!
While I can't say for certain he'd been drinking—the autopsy hasn't been performed yet—I know from past experience that many of our teenagers drink regularly.
Too many coincidences are beginning to add up.
Roger rose and went to the front of Diversions and returned with one of Ouray's many history books.
Dean was directed to spend all available weekend time on a door to door smiling and handshaking crusade, the first of many Fred had mapped out for his full-court press for making David Dean the sheriff of Ouray County, Colorado.
Cynthia said, simplicity being one of her many virtues.
Not in so many words, but we both knew what he was suggesting.
Dean had run Fred's prints, but as Fred pointed out, it had been many years ago.
But as many times as David Dean considered picking up the telephone, it remained snuggled in its cradle unless Cynthia was answering it.
Even his many years absence from visiting Ouray no longer eliminated him as a suspect now that the age of the bones was uncertain.
But the election was only one problem of many.
Dean couldn't tell, but it was many yards away.
It took many days of mountain sunshine and the comforting routine of the bed and breakfast to blur the trauma of the Lucky Pup shooting.
Was human-Deidre going through the same pain many times a day at Darkyn's hands?
There were too many emotions for her to identify them, but one of them – or all of them? – caused the tears.
Chest heaving, he gazed around the meat locker to assess how many bodies were present.
Darkyn doesn't have the numbers to set up a facility like this in too many places.
Not many people thought differently of the first Ancient Immortal, who had led the Council with six of his sons for many years before being killed.
No matter how many Deidres were shoved into that perfect little body, she'd never have the control over him she once had.
He never expected there to be so many.
It was a blow to him, considering he'd worked with many of them for thousands of years.
Morale was low, and many had lost faith in Gabriel.
Deidre recalled dealing with him many times before without remembering exactly what they'd discussed.
He had no idea how many rules she broke in her time as Death.
How many more die before we stop him?
We didn't have the ability to gather this many.
Maybe Gabe was right; maybe this was partially her fault for breaking too many Immortal Laws at once.
He'd been the one to deliver his friend to Hell many years ago.
Gabriel was reminded of the many times he'd expressed something human to the goddess he'd loved for thousands of years.
No longer hungry, she began to wonder how many other people she'd faulted over her lifetime.
I've hurt so many people.
Something as simple as calling her sweetheart or pointing out her many attributes could put her in a romantic mood.
She favored him in many ways.
Not too many people wish for a male horse... unless they want to use it as a stud.
Without it they wouldn't have had so many material things, but their love wouldn't have been any different.
I have so many bills...
She could have carried a gun, but that would have to be put down so many times that it wouldn't be much help.
Many times she caught herself wondering what Alex would do and what he would want her to do under the circumstances.
He didn't want them to be spoiled with too many things, but he wanted the best quality.
He had so many problems to face.
Mums was her first choice because of confidentiality issues, but there probably wasn't much romance at her age and after so many years of marriage.
Her sign language vocabulary had increased, but many things were still difficult to understand.
Many of them were ones he had suggested – like the size of the fireplace and replacing the stairs with a spiral staircase.
You were exquisitely beautiful - standing against that wall looking so innocent – not posed like so many women do who have half as much to show off.
I can't tell you how many times I've had a hen set until the last few days and then leave the nest, spoiling the eggs.
Seriously; I haven't seen many down sides to it.
She had indicated many times that she could live anywhere... any way.
Every week, he asked how many things she checked off her bucket list.
I got too many things on my bucket list.
Not many people appreciated a sense of humor crafted over millennia as a sanctioned killer for Death.
He'd roamed the palace that was his home many times before returning to live out of the tiny cabin he preferred in the Everdark forest.
There were too many memories inside, and he hadn't been able to return.
He didn't bother to try to count how many were waiting for him.
For the second time in as many days, she thought she saw red tattoos flash.
Last night was different in too many ways for him to count.
If you can duplicate, I'll need as many of those as I can get.
How many made it up?
We need to locate how many lakes are now possessed.
We lost so many Immortals, Gabe.
How many of these can you make me?
A trickle of relief went through him as he realized he was able to fix one of the many issues he faced.
He had no way of knowing how many the demons had claimed during the week his dealers had claimed none.
We're closely related to humans, and we share many of the same limitations.
She groaned, aware of how many questions he could ask when he was interested in something.
Furious at the idea, Gabe began to wonder how the reincarnated Deidre made it this far without being slaughtered by one of her many enemies.
How many deities are there?
Do you want to know how many times I walked away from past-Deidre?
How many had she unknowingly killed since being reborn a human?
How many emeralds did it take to fill a lake this size?
He knew he wasn't collecting fast enough, but the amount left him horrified to imagine how many he was missing.
Not many others do.
She'd been through so many … "Good news or bad news?" he asked, appearing in her vision.
We need to know how many people have this mutation and where they are, Kris ordered.
His lover of many years sensed his unease and waited for him to speak.
Sasha had told him many things before to try to break him, but this time, he sensed the truth behind the words.
She perched on a boulder near the entrance, wondering how many nights of Sasha-type treatment she'd take before tossing herself off the cliff.
He'd almost died many times, and in many cases, for the sake of his brothers.
She tugged the heavy door open by its old iron handle and gazed into a large square of grass, a courtyard, around which many similar rooms with heavy doors were arranged.
It exists to protect mortals, and in many cases it does.
The Ancient Andre, who became dead-dead recently, left us his fortune, as have many others before him.
He's not a man of many words, Gabriel.
There were many still forms around them, with only Kris moving.
Ensconced lights glowed in the midday, and antique furniture, rare paintings, elegant marble sculptures befitting a museum, silk Persian rugs underfoot, and many other priceless displays of prestige lined the wide hall.
Every time I turn around, I'm getting my ass kicked by some beast, many of which are probably after you!
I left many years ago and haven't gone back.
It has many Immortal comforts we care nothing for.
The demon closed the door—one of the Immortal comforts, for there were no doors in Hell—and left him to wonder how many men and women Sasha had in the bed before him.
For the second time in as many days, Rhyn surprised her.
She continued to the small women.s boutique that stocked every kind of facial and body care product she.d ever heard of—and many she hadn.t.
The healers. village consisted of several dozen cottages around a central square, in which many of the village.s people gathered and talked or cooked meals over red flames.
While feeling vindicated that Kris might already be dead, he couldn.t help the growing guilt at hurting so many other Immortals.
Never seen so many demons!
Having spent many afternoons with him in the lab, she knew he kept only serums and instruments in the refrigerator.
How many are lost?
He passed through them tensely, many of them as bloody or bruised as he was.
He.d spent many wonderful nights in the now crispy bed.
He told me many things, such as he.d let you go.
How many did you sell? she asked.
His planet was dying without either, and many had begun to accept this was the planet's fate.
Evelyn's wedding was for a hundred invitees in a small chapel by the ocean followed by a reception for over twice that many guests.
Kiera groaned, dreading the idea of a party with so many strangers who were bound to think of her as the women in the bathroom had earlier.
Many were distant enough to be the size of her fist, while those closer were the size of football stadiums.
It was news they-- and the rest of his people!-- had been awaiting for many sun-cycles.
No woman had given birth in many sun-cycles, because the planet's spirit was severed without the dhjan and the nishani.
I haven't seen my home in many sun-cycles.
There were many things she suddenly wanted to know about the man she was stuck with.
There were a great many things she could think of that would be dramatic issues to her.
She expected to be left behind many more times.
He's been doing it for many years.
Mansr strode down one of the many paths lining the rocky hills, away from the encampment and into a part of the hills untouched by any but the moons' light.
Her feet were cold on the wooden floor, and she'd caught herself looking down many times to see if she made grass grow here, too.
Many of it requires negotiations with headstrong warriors like A'Ran.
The town of Ouray, while only a century and a quarter old, was rich in history and Fred O'Connor, together with a cadre of widows with similar interests, spent many hours reading Ouray's old newspapers and written accounts.
Perhaps that's why many of the citizens of the picturesque town decided they might as well enjoy mother nature's offerings rather than remain locked indoors for six or seven months.
In the eighteen-nineties Ouray had three thousand people living in town, three or four times as many as today.
How many different numbers and letters are there?
There's just too many questions.
You're always testing because surface changes, by the season, the time of day, how many climbers hack away at it, sometimes by the hour.
There was lots of stuff about the 'soiled doves' but not very many full names.
There are so many couples who would give anything to have that child.
There aren't many fools climbing alone.
Connor had been with many women, even lived with one for a year, yet he had never met anyone he had connected with like Sarah.
How many do you want?
I'm afraid there aren't many people willing to look beyond the obvious in this circumstance.
The fighters were armed as well as the army and the government's special protective services and in many cases, with the same equipment.
How many of the anti-sleepers have you been taking?
How many Horsemen does Greene have?
Cool. How many do you have now?
Taran said nothing, angered that Memon was capable of as many secrets as Rissa.
How many times had she docilely allowed him to do just that?
There are many of them.
Sirian taught me much, but even he refused to teach me many things.
Today, I was asked by the steward how many men fought on the eastern wall, and I could not tell him.
What is one man's life to save so many, he asks?
There were many in my time, but most were killed.
Memon casts many down here.
I've thrown many a man down the catacombs, and none have ever returned.
An old man who'd been there for many years.
This day, it looked old and worn, like a tunic worn one summer too many.
Yet from the beginning, too many important facts had been shrouded in secrecy.
They were total opposites in many ways.
Ed kept looking back as if to ask how many more people they thought he could pull.
It must be difficult to live up to so many people's expectations.
Then again, many people would enjoy the attention.
Let's see how many times it takes you.
How many are there?
Maybe that was because they shared so many interests.
Yes, he was joking, and she had referred to him as a Texan many times.
How many acres do you have?
Mahogany shelves full of dust free books surrounded them with the wisdom of many years.
How many times do I tell you this man is not for you?
It is a sad thing to lose a friend of so many years.
Many of them were Morino's relatives.
How many times had she almost lost him already?
It was impossible to hear what he was saying with so many people speaking.
Still, I never realized how many ways they can be used.
In many ways I was very fortunate.
It seems like so many children grow up so quickly now.
How many times had she made the statement that the job was made for her?
How many other people recognized her?
On the other was a canyon cloaked with so many trees that it looked like broccoli.
How many of the snakes relatives lurked in the grass?
Not that she had the opportunity to spend many evenings by herself.
How many other reptiles lurked in the trees and brush, ready to waylay anyone bold enough to enter their territory?
How many times had she been told this was a fool's mission?
You can't imagine how many trees there are.
Too many snakes - and next time she might wander so far she wouldn't be able to find her way back.
If this cabin had only been in the California hills, instead of so many miles away, it would make an excellent investment.
Do you know how many edible plants grow naturally in our own front yards?
Would Dad have shared that information with him after keeping it silent for so many years?
How many aphids can he eat in a day?
Uh-huh, and there weren't so many juvenile delinquents then either.
You'd be surprised how many people I can impress when I put my shoes on.
Megan had so many ideas – ideas that could easily merge with his.
Far stronger than boys many years older than he was, he bent and lifted her, carrying her to her permanent resting place.
Xander grunted and poured the first of many cups of coffee.
She used it against him one time too many and burned any bridge he might consider passable.
If Eden succeeded, Xander died, a fact he didn't learn for many years after she left him writhing in agony on the roof of a tavern.
She found herself counting how many exclamation points Ingrid used before she read through the rules.
It was instinctive after so many years.
Do you want to know how many men I've killed?
Not many people can make me laugh.
There were too many curse words he might take as an invitation.
Jenn stood smoothly and quickly at the hint, no doubt reminded of their many sparring sessions.
By not killing many women.
You killed six women and god knows how many men.
It was likely why Jessi changed her mind so many times about last night.
It's one of the many reasons I don't trust him.
Behind the teen were too many vamps for Jessi to count.
Their goal had been to get rid of as many of the Others as possible and save Jessi, because Darian wasn't able to disable the dozens gathered at once.
He killed many people for far less.
Many of the columns of the basilica have fallen, but the bases of all are in their original positions.
The world of many things surrounds us; our notions, by which we manage correctly or incorrectly to describe it, are also ready made.
In this endeavour Lotze discards as useless and untenable many favourite conceptions of the school, many crude notions of everyday life.
Many of them, however, are of considerable architectural importance and the revival of the Renaissance style is perhaps illustrated nowhere better than in Stuttgart.
The royal library contains about 400,000 printed volumes, including one of the largest collections of Bibles in the world, and also about 20,000 MSS., many of great rarity.
Formerly giraffes were found in large herds, but persecution has reduced their number and led to their extermination from many districts.
The herds, which are led by females, appear in general to be family parties; and although commonly restricted to from thirty to fifty, may occasionally include as many as one hundred head.
The rugged Spanish coast is indented by many fjord-like inlets, especially in the west, where navigation is sometimes difficult and dangerous; but its rivers are comparatively unimportant.
Dalton himself made many analyses with the purpose of establishing his views, but his skill as an analyst was not very great.
The neutralization of acids by bases affords many illustrations, known even before the atomic theory, of the truth of the statement.
Their hypothesis explains so many facts.
He devoted many years to carrying out a project for organizing the fur trade from the Great Lakes to the Pacific Ocean, and thence by way of the Hawaiian Islands to China and India.
Why all the cities of Greece dispute the honour of being his birthplace is because the Iliad and the Odyssey are not the work of one, but of many popular poets, and a true creation of the Greek people which is in every city of Greece.
It has been justly observed by many that this continuous cyclical movement entirely excludes the progress of humanity towards a better future.
Vico founded no school, and though during his lifetime and for a while after his death he had many admirers both in Naples and the northern cities, his fame and name were soon obscured, especially as the Kantian system dominated the world of thought.
In April 1849, when the Hungarians had won many successes, after sounding the army, he issued the celebrated declaration of Hungarian independence, in which he declared that "the house of HabsburgLorraine, perjured in the sight of God and man, had forfeited the Hungarian throne."
Many points in Kossuth's career and character will probably always remain the subject of controversy.
Many of the inhabitants are Bhils.
His government was costly, and to meet its many expenses he was obliged to lay heavy taxes upon the people.
In 1872 he was appointed to the supreme command of the newly established Austrian Landwehr, to the organization of which he devoted many years of work.
But during the whole of this active life, many details of which are very interesting as illustrative of the life and manners of the time, he never lost sight of a design which he had formed at a very early period, of writing the history of those civil wars in France in which he had borne a part, and during which he had had so many opportunities of closely observing the leading personages and events.
After America's entrance into the war they were frequently charged with disloyalty and in many towns attempts were made to suppress them.
The Church has always exercised a dominating influence in this region, and the city has many churches and religious establishments.
The climate is cool and bracing, and the products of the vicinity include many of the temperate zone.
It was for many years an object of contention among the Spanish factions, but ultimately the greater attractions of Lima and its own isolation diminished its importance.
In many respects he was far in advance of his age.
There are many sulphur and iron springs in the vicinity.
He soon, however, appears to have abandoned his possessions, which were afterwards for many years only visited occasionally by fishermen from the coasts of Chile and Peru.
It receives many streams, and discharges at the south-western extremity by the Ericht.
But in the course of time, notwithstanding many criticisms and objections, the reform spread from bottom fermentation to top fermentation breweries on the continent and in America.
The ovary has many cavities with a large number of ovules attached to its walls, and is surmounted by a flat stigma of many radiating rows as in a poppy.
The anatomical construction of these plants presents many peculiarities which have given rise to discussion as to the allocation of the order among the dicotyledons or among the monocotyledons, the general balance of opinion being in favour of the former view.
In many gardens open-air tanks have been fitted up with hot-water pipes running through them to keep the water sufficiently warm in severe weather.
In this, despite bitter opposition, he made many significant changes.