Manuscript Sentence Examples
Braille is especially useful in making single manuscript copies of books.
A notebook lay on the table next to a few scrolls, an ancient manuscript and another block of stone with carvings too faint for Gabe to read.
Then for the first time she had her whole manuscript under her finger at once.
Helen wrote a little letter, and, enclosing the manuscript, forwarded both by mail to Mr. Anagnos for his birthday.
It was under the auspices of an empress (Suiko) that the first historical manuscript is said to have been compiled in 620.
There are others in manuscript at the P.R.O.
The chief manuscript of Terence is the famous Codex Bembinus, of the 4th or 5th century, in the Vatican.
Another history of England by Walsingham dealing with the period between 1272 and 1393 is in manuscript in the British Museum.
Polish your manuscript and when it's ready, submit it.
In 1568 John Josseline, secretary to Archbishop Parker, issued a new edition of it more in conformity with manuscript authority; and in 1691 a still more carefully revised edition appeared at Oxford by Thomas Gale.
AdvertisementWhen you finish your manuscript, start sending it out and see what happens.
He was selected by the executors of Franciscus Vieta to revise and edit his manuscript works, a task which he discharged with great ability.
From the title, as given in the only manuscript, we learn John's name and the fact that he was prior of Hexham.
Several manuscript works by him exist in the library of Trinity College, Dublin.
The oldest manuscript of this production is dated 1408, and is preserved at Cracow.
AdvertisementHe thinks that the variations in the inscriptions of the fifth treatise, which is not found in the best manuscript, are so great that the name of Boetius could not have originally been in the title.
His tractate (1542) against the permission of bigamy in the case of Philip of Hesse was not allowed to be printed (the manuscript is in the Heidelberg university library).
The manuscript maps intended to be produced by photographic processes upon stone, zinc or aluminium, are drawn on a scale somewhat larger than the scale on which they are to be printed, thus eliminating all those imperfections which are inherent in a pen-drawing.
As for the influence he exercised on posterity, it is enough to say that Luca Pacioli, about 1500, in his celebrated Summa, leans so exclusively to Leonardo's works (at that time known in manuscript only) that he frankly acknowledges his dependence on them, and states that wherever no other author is quoted all belongs to Leonardus Pisanus.
To the latter Hugh Blair seems to refer when, in his work on Rhetoric and Belles-Lettres (1783), he acknowledges his obligations to a manuscript treatise on rhetoric by Smith, part of which its author had shown to him many years before, and which he hoped that Smith would give to the public. Smith had promised at the end of his Theory of Moral Sentiments a treatise on jurisprudence from the historical point of view.
AdvertisementThe records of Delisle's observations at St Petersburg are preserved in manuscript at the Pulkowa observatory.
The standard editions of his works are The Writings of Henry David Thoreau, Riverside edition (II vols., Boston, 18 941895), and Manuscript edition (12 vols., ibid., 1907).
The Vatican library contains a volume of manuscript letters and other documents written by him in connexion with his various missions against Luther.
Dr Creighton had access to the manuscript returns of burials and christenings for five years from 1578 to 1582 preserved in the library at Hatfield House.
This view is confirmed by the fact that, when the music was performed at Venice by permission of the pope, it produced so little effect that the emperor Leopold I., at whose request the manuscript had been sent, thought that something else had been substituted.
AdvertisementIt is to be observed that two different styles of writing are often found in the same manuscript, the difference being utilized for t1e purposes of distinction.
Several of his writings exist still in manuscript.
This has come down to us through a Latin version of an Arabic manuscript; it cannot, however, have been written by Archimedes in its present form, as his name is quoted in it more than once.
Origen's textual studies on the Old Testament were undertaken partly in order to improve the manuscript tradition, and partly for apologetic reasons, to clear up the relation between the LXX and the original Hebrew text.
He did not use manuscript authorities, and for most of his work he had no need to do so.
The only extant manuscript of the Chronicon is in the British Museum.
The tables have never been published, and are generally known as the Tables du Cadastre, or, in England, as the great French manuscript tables.
These deities are not easily ' One of the most important sources for the ancient Mexican traditions and myths is the so-called " Codex Chimalpopoca," a manuscript in the Mexican language discovered by the Abbe analysed, but on the other hand Tonatiuh and Metztli, the sun and moon, stand out distinctly as nature gods, and the traveller still sees in the huge adobe pyramids of Teotihuacan, with their sides oriented to the four quarters, an evidence of the importance of their worship. The war-god Huitzilopochtli was the real head of the Aztec pantheon; his idol remains in Mexico, a huge block of basalt on which is sculptured on the one side his hideous personage, adorned with the humming-bird feathers on the left hand which signify his name, while the not less frightful war-goddess Teoyaomiqui, or " divine wardeath," occupies the other side.
The manuscript, which belonged to General Calderwood Durham, was presented to the British Museum.
Another of his works was a general geography of the world, which exists in manuscript.
Johnson also aspired to be a poet, and visited his cousin armed with a manuscript.
She sat running her finger over the braille manuscript, stopping now and then to refer to the braille notes on which she had indicated her corrections, all the time reading aloud to verify the manuscript.
It might just be that unfinished manuscript on the Art Ensemble of Chicago.
Among the musical compositions of Allegri were two volumes of concerti, published in 1618 and 1619; two volumes of motets, published in 1620 and 1621; besides a number of works still in manuscript.
This particular variant appears to be of British-Celtic origin, and the most faithful representative of the original tale is now very generally held to be the English Syr Percyvelle of Galles, a poem preserved in the Thornton manuscript.
Both of these dramas, which were not printed at the time but were widely circulated in manuscript, are of the type which preceded the Shakespearean age - they are allegorical and all the characters are types.
The original manuscript was long in the possession of Temple Franklin, who spent years rearranging the matter in it and making over into politer English his grandfather's plain-spokenness.
From this rule, however, he deviated in the case of the Apocalypse, where, owing to the corrupt state of the text, he felt himself at liberty to introduce certain readings on manuscript authority.
The first edition of the five books of Phaedrus was published by Pithou at Troyes in 1596 from a manuscript now in the possession of the marquis of Rosanbo.
He left a vast store of manuscript, portions of which have been published at intervals in Crelle's Journal.
Many of his theological writings were collected in one volume (Paris, 1622), and at the time of his death in 1623 he was engaged on a translation of the New Testament which is still in manuscript.
In 1882 a critical reconstruction of this book was made by Adam Krawutzcky with marvellous accuracy, as was shown when in the very next year the Greek bishop and metropolitan, Philotheus Bryennius, published The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles from the same manuscript from which he had previously published the complete form of the Epistle of Clement.'
The Feuillants copy is in existence, being the only manuscript, or partly manuscript, authority for the text; but access to it and reproduction of it are subjected to rather unfortunate restrictions by the authorities, and until it is completely edited students are rather at the mercy of those who have actually consulted it.
In manuscript there is usually no space between words, but punctuation is expressed by intervals isolating phrases and sentences.
He worked diligently at original manuscript authorities at Simancas, the Record Office and Hatfield House; but he used his materials carelessly, and evidently brought to his investigation of them a mind already made up as to their significance.
The only manuscript of which there is any record dates from about 1000, and was destroyed by fire in 1731.
But the bent of his reading is shown by the manuscript with which he returned to Paris at the close of 1.504 - Valla's Annotations on the New Testament,.
The epic, which remained in manuscript till 1850, is a genuine representation of Polish life; no picture so faithful appeared till the Pan Tadeusz of Mickiewicz.
The first method distinguishes between uncial or majuscule, and cursive or minuscule; the second between papyrus, vellum or parchment, and paper (for further details see Manuscript and Palaeography); and the third distinguishes mainly between Gospels, Acts and Epistles (with or without the Apocalypse), New Testaments (the word in this connexion being somewhat broadly interpreted), lectionaries and commentaries.
The manuscript was in the hands of the printers in 1775, and most of the experimental work for it was done before 1773.
Babbage compared his table with the Tables du Cadastre, and Lefort has given in his paper just referred to most important lists of errors in Vlacq's and Briggs's logarithms of numbers which were obtained by comparing the manuscript tables with those contained in the Arithmetica logarithmica of 1624 and of 1628.
He was appointed teacher of the principles of decoration; his lectures in manuscript are preserved in the art library, South Kensington.
Other copies of the same manuscript, made by Leon y Gama, Jose Pichardo, Aubin and Brasseur, exist in the Paris National Library in the AubinGoupil collection.
From a note in the manuscript we learn that two men, F rman and Owun, made the version.
In 1529 the manuscript translation of Deuteronomy is mentioned as having perished with his other books and papers in a shipwreck which he suffered on the coast of Holland, on his way to Hamburg.
The first of a series of ephemerides, calculated on these principles, was published by him at Linz in 1617; and in that for 1620, dedicated to Baron Napier, he for the first time employed logarithms. This important invention was eagerly welcomed by him, and its theory formed the subject of a treatise entitled Chilias Logarithmorum, printed in 1624, but circulated in manuscript three years earlier, which largely contributed to bring the new method into general use in Germany.
As far as the circlesquaring functions are concerned, it would seem that Gregory was the first (in 1670) to make known the series for the arc in terms of the tangent, the series for the tangent in terms of the arc, and the secant in terms of the arc; and in 1669 Newton showed to Isaac Barrow a little treatise in manuscript containing the series for the arc in terms of the sine, for the sine in terms of the arc, and for the cosine in terms of the arc. These discoveries 1 See Euler, ” Annotationes in locum quendam Cartesii," in Nov.
This achievement was anticipated or outdone by an unknown calculator, whose manuscript was seen in the Radcliffe library, Oxford, by Baron von Zach towards the end of the century, and contained the ratio correct to 152 places.
To collate a manuscript is to observe and record everything in it which may be of use towards determining what stood in the source or the sources from which it is derived.
A manuscript is not usually a clean or single piece of writing; it is commonly found to contain alterations by erasure, addition or substitution.
It is therefore necessary to distinguish the different hands which have been at work on the manuscript.
Account must also be taken of the number of lines in each page, the number of pages in each quire, of gaps or lacunae in the manuscript, and so forth.
This is exemplified in the Neapolitanus of Propertius, a manuscript now at Wolfenbiittel.
Such an epoch was the revival of Latin and Greek learning in the 15th century, and a modern scholar would for that reason naturally prefer to have a manuscript to work on, which was written immediately before this epoch to one which was written immediately after it.
It should, however, be here observed, that whoever takes a reading without investigation, on the authority either of a manuscript or of a great scholar, or of a number of scholars, ceases for the time being to be a textual critic.
However early Aristotle began a book, so long as he kept the manuscript, he could always change it.
If then Aristotle was for some thirty-five years gradually and simultaneously composing manuscript discourses into treatises and treatises into a system, he was pursuing a process which solves beforehand the very difficulties which have since been found in his writings.
He could very easily write in different styles at different times, now avoiding hiatus and now not, sometimes writing diffusely and sometimes briefly, partly polishing and partly leaving in the rough, according to the subject, his own state of health or humour, his age, and the degree to which he had developed a given topic; and all this even in the same manuscript as well as in different manuscripts, so that a difference of style between different parts of a work or between different works, explicable by one being earlier than another, does not prove either to be not genuine.
In order, however, to impute the whole work to Anaximenes, Spengel took one of the most inexcusable steps ever taken in the history of scholarship. Without any manuscript authority he altered the very first words " three genera " (T pia -yin) into " two genera " (Suo -ybni), and omitted the words " one declamatory " (rO SE E7rLSEtKrucOv).
The manuscript residue includes papers on atmospheric refraction (dated 1755), on the motion of Mars as affected by the perturbations of Jupiter and the Earth (1756), and on terrestrial magnetism (1760 and 1762).
Mandley for the Chetham Society, but others still remain in manuscript in the State Paper Office.
During the 17th century a manuscript of the Liber was discovered in Rome by the humanist, Lucas Holstenius, who prepared an edition for publication; for politic reasons, however, the papal authorities would not allow this to appear, as the book asserted the superiority of a general council over the pope.
Two other volumes of his manuscript notes, scrolls of poems, &c., are preserved among the Drummond MSS., now in the library of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland.
This and other of his religious tracts, A Short Rule of Good Life, Triumphs over Death, Mary Magdalen's Tears and a Humble Supplication to Queen Elizabeth, were widely circulated in manuscript.
A manuscript of Dee's, relating what passed for many years between him and some spirits, was edited by Meric Casaubon and published in 1659.
The Pelerinage de Charlemagne (Koschwitz, Altfranzosische Bibliothek, 1883) was, for instance, only preserved in an Anglo-Norman manuscript of the British Museum (now lost), although the author was certainly a Parisian.
A single manuscript by Holinshed is known to be extant.
Besides a number of archaeological works, especially in the department of numismatics, he published a compilation from the Arabic, Persian and Turkish, entitled Paroles remarquables, bons mots et maximes des orientaux (1694), and a translation from an Arabic manuscript, De l'origine et du progres du café (1699).
Other commentaries on the Topics and the first six books of the Metaphysics still exist in manuscript.
According to an Arabic manuscript, a translation of which was published by Eusebius Renaudot (Paris, 1718), they traded in ships to the Persian Gulf and Red Sea in the 9th century.
In 1850 two works appeared, translated from the Russian manuscript, Vom anderen Ufer (From another Shore) and Lettres de France et d'Italie.
In the library of the Massachusetts Historical Society at Boston, there are sixty-two manuscript volumes of the Pickering papers, an index to which was published in the Collections of the society, 6th series, vol.
The name, as is shown by manuscript testimony, was also pronounced Kamhi and further mention is made of the French surname Petit.
One of them is the "Saga of Eric the Red" as found in the collection known as Hauk's Book, so called because the manuscript was made by Hauk Erlendsson, an Icelander who spent much of his life in Norway.
Another manuscript that tells the same story, with only verbal variations, is found in No.
This manuscript was made later than Hauk's, probably in the early part of the 15th century, but it is not a copy of Hauk's.
For his manuscript sermons Tillotson's widow received 2500 guineas.
His father was struck by the weight and originality of his views, asked him to put them in writing, and then recommended the publication of the manuscript.
No sooner did copies of the book reach Paris than he found himself shunned by his former associates, and though he was himself so little conscious of disloyalty that he was forward to present a manuscript copy " engrossed in vellum in a marvellous fair hand" 3 to the young king of the Scots (who, after the defeat at Worcester, escaped to Paris about the end of October), he was denied the royal presence when he sought it shortly afterwards.
This rifacimento remained the standard text with a few unimportant additions for nearly two centuries, except that, by a truly comic revolution of public taste, Condorcet in 1776 published, after study of the original, which remained accessible in manuscript, another garbling, conducted this time in the interests of unorthodoxy.
He set out with a few guineas, three acts of his tragedy of Irene in manuscript, and two or three letters of introduction from his.
Immediately after his admission into the Royal Society he was induced by Bishop John Wilkins to translate his Real Character into Latin, and it seems he actually completed a translation, which, however, remained in manuscript; his Methodus plantarum nova was in fact undertaken as a part of Wilkins's great classificatory scheme.
Thousands of commentaries on the Koran, some of them of prodigious size, have been written by Moslems; and even the number of those still extant in manuscript is by no means small.
The Irish barrows occur in groups in certain localities, some of which seem to have been the royal cemeteries of the tribal confederacies, whereof eight are enumerated in an ancient Irish manuscript, the Leabhar na h-UidhPi, compiled c. A.D.
He submitted to various eminent Parisian thinkers a manuscript copy of the Meditations, and defended its orthodoxy against numerous clerical critics.
Madame Agnesi also wrote a commentary on the Traite analytique des sections coniques of the marquis de 1'Hopital, which, though highly praised by those who saw it in manuscript, was never published.
Towards the end of the 16th century Miguel Leite Ferreira, son of the Portuguese poet, Antonio Ferreira, declared that the original manuscript of Amadis de Gaula was then in the Aveiro archives, and an Amadis de Gaula in Portuguese, which is alleged to have existed in the conde de Vimeiro's library as late as 1586, had vanished before 1726.
Next to it comes the national museum, founded in 1807 through the donations of Count Stephan Szechenyi, which contains extensive collections of antiquities, natural history and ethnology, and a rich library which, in its manuscript department of over 20,000 MSS., contains the oldest specimens of the Hungarian language.
A monument of the labours of the missionaries is a manuscript dictionary (c. 1720) of the language of the Illinois, with catechism and prayers, probably the work of Father Le Boulanger.
Goldwin Smith left in manuscript a book of reminiscences, which was edited by Mr Arnold Haultain, his private secretary.
Thanks to a manuscript copy of the play in its earliest form - discovered as recently as 1887 - we are now able to distinguish how much of this tragedy was the immediate product of the Sturm and Drang, and to understand the intentions with which the young poet began his masterpiece.
He devoted most of his life to researches among the archives of his native city, and in 1656 even obtained a licence to print his Paris ancien et moderne; but on his death (21st March 1676) the whole work was still in manuscript.
Yet, from a note in a manuscript, we know that he had intelligent readers in Spain more than a century afterwards.
A great part of his writings, particularly on jurisprudence and astronomy, as well as essays on special logical subjects, prolegomena to philosophy, criticisms on Avicenna and Alfarabius (Farabi),remain in manuscript in the Escorial and other libraries.
Thomas Digges, in his Stratioticus, p. 359, published in 1579, states that his father, Leonard Digges, "among other curious practices had a method of discovering by perspective glasses set at due angles all objects pretty far distant that the sun shone upon, which lay in the country round about," and that this was by the help of a manuscript book of Roger Bacon of Oxford, who he conceived was the only man besides his father who knew it.
He frequently stopped his carpentering to work at his poems. He left voluminous manuscript notes, showing the preparatory studies and reflections that preceded the Leaves; many of them, under the title of Notes and Fragments, were privately printed by his literary executor, Dr Richard Maurice Bucke, in 1899.
Again, he was sensible of the paramount value of manuscript authority, and appears to have introduced no readings from mere conjecture.
This manuscript, written in the 10th century, contains (1) the best text of the Iliad, (2) the critical marks of Aristarchus and (3) Scholia, consisting mainly of extracts from four grammatical works, viz.
It would seem, therefore, that after the manuscript was finished the " marginal scholia " were discovered to be extremely defective, and a new series of extracts was added in a form which interfered as little as possible with the appearance of the book.'
Furthermore a study of his manuscript diary now shows that he opposed the efforts of Walker and Buchanan in the.
Much of Cudworth's work still remains in manuscript; A Treatise concerning eternal and immutable Morality was published in 1731; and A Treatise of Freewill, edited by John Allen, in 1838; both are connected with the design of his magnum opus, the Intellectual System.
The principal works intended to form portions of the history, and either published by himself or left in manuscript, are Historia Ventorum, Historia Vitae et Mortis, Historia Densi et Rani, and the extensive collection of facts and observations entitled Sylva Sylvarum.
This was probably the time when he composed his voluminous commentaries (many of which still exist in manuscript) and divided the Bible into chapters.
He also left a number of works in manuscript, including diaries, a medical treatise and a huge commentary on the Bible, entitled "Biblia Americana."
The manuscript was read aloud and discussed at their meetings, and any points remaining obscure were referred to Spinoza for further explanation.
But, finding that it would be impossible to keep the authorship secret, owing to the numerous hands through which parts of the book had already passed, Spinoza determined to keep his manuscript in his desk for the present.
As the commotion seemed to grow worse instead of subsiding, Spinoza consigned the manuscript once more to his desk, from which it was not to issue till after his death.
His inquiry into manuscript and printed authorities was most laborious, but his lively imagination, and his strong religious and political prejudices, made him regard all things from a singularly personal point of view.
About one hundred of his alleged writings exist, the majority in manuscript and of doubtful authenticity.
Pattison had made many manuscript collections for a life of Joseph Scaliger on a much more extensive scale, which he left unfinished.
Much of the work of both the Gerards remains in manuscript, as in Paris, National Library, MSS.
The process of decay was hastened by frequent outbreaks of plague, sometimes followed by famine; a contemporary manuscript estimates that no fewer than 500 persons died daily in Lisbon alone during July, August and September 1569, and in some other years the joint effects of plague and famine were little less disastrous.
This original manuscript is now lost, whereby hangs a tale.
But in 1741 the well-known medievalist La Curne de St Palaye found at Lucca a manuscript of the 16th century, evidently representing an older text than any yet printed.
Three years later a 14th-century copy was found at Brussels, and this is the standard manuscript authority for the text of Joinville.
The modern science of critical editing, however, which applies to medieval texts the principles long recognized in editing the classics, has discovered in the 16th-century manuscript, and still more in the original miscellaneous works of Joinville, the letters, deeds, &c., already alluded to, the materials for what we have already called a conjectural restoration, which is not without its interest, though perhaps it is possible for that interest to be exaggerated.
A manuscript distich, which was found in the Toulouse library, deals with the death of an infant named Theodule, whose country was Lyons and his father Rabelais, but we know nothing more about the matter.
Hamilton (London, 1870) from a manuscript which he was the first to identify as the archetype.
The claim is, however, unwarranted; Leonardo's chief work on flight, bearing the title Codice sul Volo degli Uccelli e Varie Altre Materie, written in 1505, consists of a short manuscript of twenty-seven small quarto pages, with simple sketch illustrations interspersed in the text.
The simplicity and symmetry of his sentences, the modulations of his thrilling voice, the radiance of his fine face, even his slight hesitations and pauses over his manuscript, lent a strange charm to his speech.
Here in 1517 the manuscript of the five first books of the Annals of Tacitus was discovered.
Dr Percy's first work was a translation from a Portuguese manuscript of a Chinese story, published in 1761.
This was based on an old manuscript collection of poetry, rescued by Percy in Humphrey Pitt's house at Shifnal, Shropshire, from the hands of the housemaid who was about to light the fire with it.
Of the original authorities on which his work is founded many of great value exist only in manuscript, and his researches in public and private collections of manuscripts at home, and in the archives of Simancas, Venice, Rome, Brussels and Paris, were indefatigable and fruitful.
His record of the relations between England and other states proves his thorough knowledge of contemporary European history, and is rendered specially valuable by his researches among manuscript sources which have enabled him to expound for the first time some intricate pieces of diplomacy.
He also wrote a Bibliographie du Languedoc, which was awarded a prize by the Academie des inscriptions et belleslettres, but remained in manuscript.
Applying to the French classics the rigorous method used with regard to the texts of the middle ages, he published the of Pascal, revised with the original manuscript (1887-1889), and the Provinciales (1891), edited with notes.
He died on the 19th of May 1904, after a short illness, leaving in manuscript a criticism on the sources of the [[Speculum]] historiale of Vincent de Beauvais.
A genuine work, the Glossulae super Porphyrium, from which Charles de Remusat, in his classical monograph Abelard (1845), has given extracts, remains in manuscript.
Aramaic. It must be supposed then that, certain parts of the original Hebrew manuscript being lost, the missing places were supplied from the current Aramaic translation.'
His pupil, Samuel Hopkins, in 1765 published two volumes from manuscript containing eighteen sermons and a memoir; the younger Jonathan Edwards with Dr Erskine published an edition in 4 volumes (1744 sqq.), and Samuel Austin in 1808 edited an edition in 8 volumes.
Professor Park, like Mr. Grosart before him, had been unable to accomplish the great task of editing this mass of manuscript.
At the same time it wants unity and coherence, it attains no conclusion, and the author abuses his digressive method of composition and his convenient fiction of hiatuses in the original manuscript.
Pope arranged that Erasmus Lewis should act as literary agent in negotiating the manuscript.
It gave rise to a literary controversy, however, of great bitterness and violence, the author having ventured without warrant to claim for it an historical character, appealing to an imaginary "manuscript in Florence."
His Life, written by himself up to 1678, with his diary and correspondence, and an index to his manuscript collections, was edited by William Hamper, and published in 1827.
An Historia Mundi, the manuscript of which is in the British Museum, is sometimes regarded as the work of Walden; but this was doubtless written by an earlier writer.
The manuscript which he used contained only the first fifty of the Apostolic Canons; these he translated, and they thus became part of the law of the West.
The work was discovered by Poggio, who copied the original manuscript Editio princeps (books 14-26) by Sabinus, 1474; completed by Accursius, 1533; with variorum notes, by Wagner-Erfurdt, 1808; latest edition of text, Gardthausen, 1874-1815.
At the next meeting of the Society, on the 28th of April, " Dr Vincent presented to the Society a manuscript treatise entitled Philosophiae Naturalis Principia Mathematica, and dedicated to the Society by Mr Isaac Newton."
Although this manuscript contained only the first book, yet such was the confidence the Society placed in the author that an order was given " that a letter of thanks be written to Mr Newton; and that the printing of his book be referred to the consideration of the council; and that in the meantime the book be put into the hands of Mr Halley, to make a report thereof to the council."
In the same letter Halley found it necessary to inform Newton of Hooke's conduct when the manuscript of the Principia was presented to the Society.
Sir John Hoskyns was in the chair when Dr Vincent presented the manuscript, and passed a high encomium on the novelty and dignity of the subject.
And some years ago I lent out a manuscript containing such theorems; and having since met with some things copied out of it, I have on this occasion made it public, prefixing to it an introduction, and joining a Scholium concerning that method.
Being prevented from going to Holland, Locke copied the manuscript, and sent it, without Newton's name, to Le Clerc, who received it before the 11th of April 1691.
This was accordingly done; but Le Clerc sent the manuscript to the library of the Remonstrants, and it was afterwards published at London in 1754, under the title of Two Letters from Sir Isaac Newton to M le Clerc. This edition is imperfect, and in many places erroneous.
Dr Horsley therefore published a genuine one, which is in the form of a single letter to a friend, and was taken from a manuscript in Sir Isaac's own hand.
Sir Isaac Newton left behind him in manuscript a work entitled Observations on the Prophecies of Daniel and the Apocalypse of St John, which was published in London in 1733, in one volume 4to; another work, entitled Lexicon Propheticum, with a dissertation on the sacred cubit of the Jews, which was printed in 1737; and four letters addressed to Bentley, containing some arguments in proof of a Deity, which were published by Cumberland, a nephew of Bentley, in 1756.
Newton devoted much of his time to the study of chemistry; but the greater number of his experiments still remain in manuscript.
The extant remains of these laws are manuscript transcripts from earlier copies made on vellum from the 8th to the 13th century, now preserved with other Gaelic manuscripts in Trinity College and the Royal Irish Academy, Dublin, the British Museum, Oxford University, some private collections and several libraries on the continent of Europe.
The first volume contains his previously published writings; the second those left in manuscript, including the substance of his lectures on the Lunar Theory.
Manuscript copies of his works abound, and are to be found in almost every library which possesses a collection of ancient writings.
He lectured with applause at Vienna from 1450; was joined there in 1452 by Regiomontanus; and was on the point of starting for Rome to inspect a manuscript of the Almagest when he died suddenly at the age of thirty-eight.
Benedictus has been credited with the authorship of the Gesta Henrici on the ground that his name appears in the title of the oldest manuscript.
There is a break in his work at the year 1177, where the earliest manuscript ends; but the reasons which have been given to prove that the authorship changes at this point are inconclusive.
During his residence in Wales a hyper-Calvinistic work entitled A Body of Divinity; or the Sum and Substance of the Christian Religion, was published under his name by John Downham; and, although he repudiated the authorship in a letter to the editor, stating that the manuscript from which it was printed was merely a commonplace-book into which he had transcribed the opinions of Cartwright and other English divines, often disapproving of them and finding them dissonant from his own judgment, yet it has been persistently cited ever since as Usher's genuine work, and as lending his authority to positions which he had long abandoned, if he ever maintained them.
After Plato's death, a manuscript was found among his papers with the first eight words of the Republic arranged in several different orders.
The collation of this manuscript by Immanuel Bekker first placed the textual criticism of Demosthenes on a sound footing.
Not only is this manuscript nearly free from interpolations, but it is the sole voucher for many excellent readings.
Roy Smith, South Carolina as a Royal Province, 1719-1776 (New York, 1903), based on the manuscript sources at Columbia.
The entire writings of Gioberti, including those left in manuscript, have been edited by Giuseppe Massari (Turin, 1856-1861).
Writing in 1566 Sixtus Senensis mentions having seen at Lyons a manuscript of a so-called " Fifth Book of Maccabees " in the library of Santas Pagninus, which was soon afterwards destroyed by fire.
The name of Isidore usurped by the author at first led to the supposition that the False Decretals originated in Spain; this opinion no longer meets with any support; it is enough Nation= to point out that there is no Spanish manuscript of the ality of collection, at least until the 13th century.
In the 16th the coiiec= century the Protestants, who wished to represent the forgeries in the light of an attempt in favour of the papacy, ascribed the origin of the False Decretals to Rome, but neither the manuscript tradition nor the facts confirm this view, which is nowadays entirely abandoned.
The manuscript, discovered by Edward Pococke the Orientalist, and preserved in the Bodleian Library, contains a vivid description of a famine caused, during the author's residence in Egypt, by the Nile failing to overflow its banks.
The first work which he edited was the Anthologia Graeca or Analecta veterum Poetarum Graecorum (1772-1776), in which his innovations on the established mode of criticism startled European scholars; for wherever it seemed to him that an obscure or difficult passage might be made intelligible and easy by a change of text, he did not scruple to make the necessary alterations, whether the new reading were supported by manuscript authority or not.
In addition to his achievements in black-letter bibliography he threw great light on ancient Celtic language and literature by the discovery, in 1857, of the Book of Deer, a manuscript copy of the Gospel in the Vulgate version, in which were inscribed old Gaelic charters.
A manuscript of the Ayodhya-kand, said to be in the poet's own hand, exists at Rajapur in Banda, his reputed birthplace.
In 1847 he obtained the Prix Volney - one of the principal distinctions awarded by the Academy of Inscriptions - for the manuscript of his "General History of Semitic Languages."
The result was an immense volume, The Future of Science, which remained in manuscript until 1890.
He laboured assiduously to obtain observations as to the winds and currents by distributing to captains of vessels specially prepared log-books; and in the course of nine years he had collected a sufficient number of logs to make two hundred manuscript volumes, each with about two thousand five hundred days' observations.
He carefully opened the massive manuscript with a petrified wood cover.
The following chapter was omitted from give the anarchist a Cigarette in the final stages of editing down the size of the original manuscript.
Her every feature expressed astonishment, for she had drawn from the pyramid the word which was the key to her manuscript.
The nearest analogy to this miniature in medieval Armenian art is the one in the Matenadaran manuscript codex 7739 (dated 1001 ).
With habitual diffidence she handed a new manuscript to me and took (to the Ladies) momentary leave.
The Manuscript Collection This collection relates mostly to the history of radical Protestant dissent in England.
The Uninvited Guest pieces together the odd lacunae and annotations in a manuscript collection of profound and bawdy classical epigrams.
In this manuscript and ' The House of Life ', her use of color became experimental.
The system works by displaying a digitized manuscript facsimile alongside an empty box into which the student types a transcription.
The research for the book draws extensively on archive sources, especially the manuscript holdings on the Abbey at the National Library of Ireland.
In manuscript submissions, we prefer that specific ethnicities are capitalized but not hyphenated.
If you would like to see a manuscript illumination of nuns in a wealthy convent, click here.
Manuscript D then mentions a border incursion by " Griffin, the Welsh king " .
Books of Hours were the most popular sort of medieval illuminated manuscript.
Proofs should be returned promptly with the original copy-edited manuscript and query sheet.
Mark Townshend, " God, come back to Russia, " unpublished manuscript.
The medieval manuscript was far more likely to be physically beautiful than the modern Bible.
Type your paper into a computer, either directly or from notes or from a handwritten manuscript.
The repair of Islamic illuminated manuscript leaves and the conservation of palm-leaf manuscripts.
The manuscript is on vellum and bound in full green morocco with elaborate gold tooling.
It is a parchment manuscript with a fine binding of white parchment manuscript with a fine binding of white parchment.
Many manuscript books of popular psalmody were deliberately destroyed by Victorian reformers.
Manuscript collections Bona fide scholars who wish to consult manuscripts should contact in the first instance the Archivist to make an appointment.
I was given a sneak preview of the rough, typeset manuscript, even before printing began!
Vivaldi made a note on the manuscript of the names of the four female musicians who were chosen to perform the sonata.
This manuscript was written in the fourth century, and is consequently as old as the oldest Greek uncials of the Bible.
Even Blyton's contemporaries thought the same (the publisher Macmillan once rejected a manuscript for its " unattractive... old-fashioned xenophobia " ).
Harden, New View of the Atomic Theory (1896), have shown, from a study of Dalton's manuscript notes, that we do not owe his atomic theory to such experiments.
The larger, Al-Shifa' (Sanatio), exists nearly complete in manuscript in the Bodleian library and elsewhere; part of it on the De Anima appeared at Pavia (1490) as the Liber Sextus Naturalium, and the long account of Avicenna's philosophy given by Shahrastani seems to be mainly an analysis, and in many places a.
In the Rabdologia the rods are called "virgulae," b'ut in the passage quoted above from the manuscript on arithmetic they are referred to as "bones" (ossa).
The former had written in lucid German an attack on the national neglect of native philosophers (principally Leibnitz), and lent the manuscript to Lessing.
The fourth book is also not found in the best manuscript, and two manuscripts have no inscription.
He also says that not a sheet had been seen by any other eyes than those of author and printer, a statement indeed which must be taken with a small deduction; or rather we must suppose that a few chapters had been submitted, if not to the " eyes," to the " ears " of others; for he elsewhere tells us that he was " soon disgusted with the modest practice of reading the manuscript to his friends."
Taking the manuscript with him, Gibbon, after an absence of four years, once more visited London in 1787; and the 51st anniversary of the author's birthday (27th April 1788) witnessed the publication of the last three volumes of The Decline and Fall.
Several alchemistical treatises, written in Arabic, exist in manuscript in the National Library at Paris and in the library of the university of Leiden, and have been reproduced by Berthelot, with translations, in vol.
The one manuscript of John's chronicle is a 13th century copy; MS. C. C. C. Cambridge, cxxxix.
These maps existed, as a matter of course, before such an index could be compiled, but it is doubtful whether the maps in our available manuscript, which are attributed to Agathodaemon, are copies of Ptolemy's originals or have been compiled, after their loss, from this index.
It is possible that the mouth of the Mississippi was discovered in 1519 by Alonso Alvarez de Pineda, but this interpretation of his vague manuscript remains conjectural; and that it was discovered by the expedition of Panfilo de Narvaez cannot be established.
They were then re-edited from the autograph manuscript by Geruzez (Paris, 1844), and by Champollion-Figeac with the Mazarinades, &c. (Paris, 1859).
He is invariably cited as the author of the Lancelot proper (consisting of two parts), the Queste and the Mort Artus, all three of which are now generally found in one manuscript under the title of Lancelot.
It forms no link in the general chain of medical tradition, for the simple reason that the influence of Celsus (putting aside a few scanty allusions in medieval times) commenced in the 15th century, when his works were first discovered in manuscript or committed to the press.
During most of the time he was suffering tortures from cancer in the throat, and it was only four days before his death that he finished the manuscript.
The same scholar has also edited the Paris manuscript (110) of the Fragmentary Targum (Das Fragmententhargum, Berlin, 1899), to which he has added the variants from Cod.
Christianismi restitutio (1553; perfect copies in Vienna and Paris); a copy in Edinburgh University Library is complete except that the missing first sixteen pages are replaced by a transcript from the original draft, containing matter not in the print (this supplementary manuscript was reproduced by photography, 1909); a transcript of other portions of the draft is in the Bibl.
One contained in the Shah Jahan Nama - a gorgeous specimen of illuminated Persian manuscript and exquisite calligraphy - represents a most ordinary, middle-aged Oriental, with narrow black whisker fringing the cheek and meeting the tip of the chin in a scanty, pointed beard; a thin moustache sweeps in a semicircle from above the upper lip; the eyebrow over the almond-shaped eye is marked but not bushy.
There is a museum of zoology and mineralogy in Palazzo Carignano (another of Guarini's buildings), and the royal palace contains the royal armoury (a fine collection made by Charles Albert in 1833) and the royal library with its rich manuscript collection and its 20,000 drawings, among which are sketches by Raphael, Michelangelo, and Leonardo da Vinci.
The manuscript, while entrusted to Mill for annotation, was burnt by an accident.
The original manuscript first belonged to Montmerque, and then passed into the possession of Le Roux de Lincy, who prepared an annotated edition; unfortunately this material, together with the original MS., was lost in the incendiary fires which took place under the Commune (1871).
In an open manuscript, the recto side of the folio appears on the right-hand side.
Moreover, sophisticated scanning has been used to highlight aspects of the manuscript, such as scribal corrections.
I was given a sneak preview of the rough, typeset manuscript, even before printing began !
Both survive in a single ancient manuscript each; they evidently were not widely read.
The final manuscript appealed to by Roberts does come with a certain terminus post quem.
My manuscript of the Goebbels biography was at that time complete, and undergoing editing by myself.
In an open manuscript, the verso side of the folio appears on the left-hand side.
Even Blyton 's contemporaries thought the same (the publisher Macmillan once rejected a manuscript for its " unattractive... old-fashioned xenophobia ").
The manuscript Cat Book Poems, written between 1350 and 1700 in Siam, contains pictures of Siamese seal point cats.
It's critical in ebook publishing to format your manuscript properly, with at least a table of contents, a cover page, and numbered text pages.
After 12 rejections, her manuscript was purchased and the world soon became consumed with the Hogwart's School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
You can choose from designs like Taking Someone for a Ride, Overlooking the Desert, Snail Garden, Hieroglyphics, Uncorrected Manuscript, and more.
Securing an invitation before submitting a manuscript seems to be a wiser and cheaper option.
The JCSM website lists manuscript format requirements, styles for citation of sources, and general information for authors as they prepare to submit their work.
The recovered Ma Wang Dui manuscript, buried in 168 BC, pretty much mirrors the content of the texts that we use today with a few changes in the ordering of the hexagrams.
If you have a friend whose taste and opinion you trust, see if you can get them to agree to read excerpts of your manuscript as you progress.
Sometimes agents may recommend specific changes in a manuscript in order to make it more appealing, such as moving the setting of the story or adding a certain type of character.
Entry fees start at $15, with an additional $5 charged for submissions that come in late, and the opportunity to submit more than one manuscript costing $10 per additional item.
When working on a book length manuscript, organization is essential.
For example, some contests require that you submit a separate outline with your full book length manuscript.
Manuscript Tracker is not a word processor, but allows you to track your various writing projects in one place.
The query letter is not accompanied by your resume or any other documents; you only send the manuscript if the recipient requests to see it after reviewing your letter.
Jim Morrison died before the release of the album, however Rockie held on to the original manuscript for years, and on that it was written "for Rockie the original L.A. Woman."
Sometimes it is easiest to use a temporary name to hold your character's place in the manuscript, until you know them.
Don't try to just re-tweet a regular manuscript - twitter novels are different.
In 1640 a copy of the work in manuscript was despatched to Paris, and Mersenne was requested to lay it before as many thinkers and scholars as he deemed desirable, with a view to getting their views upon its argument and doctrine.
After his death, his pupils published a Philosophic Generalis (1770) and a Jus Naturae (1765), which he had left in manuscript.
Some other works by him on theological subjects remain in manuscript.
C. Brunet chronicles editions of 1488, 1494, 1513, 1520 and 1533 - of this last date there are two, one published by Jehan Petit, the other by Philippe Lenoire, this last by far the better, being printed from a much fuller manuscript.
It consists of seventy-five Theses, followed by a Confarmatio in six books, and an appendix of letters to Erastus by Bullinger and Gualther, showing that his Theses, written in 1568, had been circulated in manuscript.
The epoch-making treatise in which it was set forth, virtually finished in 1530, began to be known through the circulation in manuscript of a Commentariolus, or brief popular account of its purport written by Copernicus in that year.
His mathematical enthusiasm was for the time completely quenched, and during two years the printed volume of his Mecanique, which he had seen only in manuscript, lay unopened beside him.
They are Orlando Malavolti (1515-1596), a man of noble birth, the most trustworthy of all; Antonio Bellarmati; Alessandro Sozzini di Girolamo, the sympathetic author of the Diario dell' ultima guerra senese; and Giugurta Tommasi, of whose tedious history ten books, down to 1354, have been published, the rest being still in manuscript.
In that year, however, Angelo Mai discovered in the Ambrosian library at Milan a palimpsest manuscript (and, later, some additional sheets of it in the Vatican), on which had been originally written some of Fronto's letters to his royal pupils and their replies.
Three hundred medical writers in Arabic are enumerated by Ferdinand Wiistenfeld (1808-1899), and other historians have enlarged the list (Haser), but only three have been printed in the original; a certain number more are known through old Latin translations, and the great majority still exist in manuscript.
Eutychius, patriarch of Alexandria about 930, included "Nubi" among the six kinds of writing which he mentions as current among the Hamitic peoples, and "Nubi" also appears among a list of six writings mentioned in an ancient manuscript now in the Berlin Museum.
In November 1852 he entered the manuscript department of the Bibliotheque Imperiale (Nationale), of which in 1874 he became the official head in succession to Jules Taschereau.
Of the Perceval-Grail romances the oldest from the point of view of manuscript preservation is the Perceval or Conte del Graal of Chretien de Troyes.
The version of Diodorus he did not publish, although the manuscript had been discovered by himself.
In estimating this wonderful productiveness on the part of a man sixty years old, it should be remembered that it was a habit of Defoe's to keep his work in manuscript sometimes for long periods.
This work obliged him to trace out, collect, arrange, and digest a great mass of incongruous material scattered on both sides of the Atlantic, a large portion of which was in manuscript, and required much tedious exploration and the employment of trained copyists.
The marriage took place in the autumn of 1709, and on February 9, 1710/1, was born at his house at Reigate, in Surrey, his only child and heir, the fourth earl, to whose manuscript accounts we are in great part indebted for the details of his father's life.
He died on the 5th of June 1716, leaving unfinished a series of elaborate retearches on optics, and a large amount of unpublished manuscript.
Late in 1545, or very early in 1546, he opened a fatal correspondence with Calvin, forwarding the manuscript of a much-enlarged revision of his theological tracts and expressing a wish to visit Geneva.
Writing to Abel Pouppin (in or about 1547) he complains that Calvin would not return his manuscript, and adds, " mihi ob earn rem moriendum esse certo scio."
In 1712 he wrote two essays, which are still in manuscript, one on substance and accident, and the other called Clavis Philosophica.
A very important manuscript unknown to Gerbert (the Codex bibliothecae Uticensis, in the Paris library) contains, besides minor treatises, an antiphonarium and gradual undoubtedly belonging to Guido.
In 1906 he began to publish, under the title of Histoire ancienne de l'eglise, a course of lectures which he had already delivered upon the early ages of the Church, and of which a few manuscript copies were circulated.
The Manuscript Journals of Alexander Henry and David Thompson, 1799-1814, edited by Elliot Coues (3 vols., New York, 1897).
From this manuscript an edition was printed in 1574 under the direction of Matthew Parker, archbishop of Canterbury; but this contained many interpolations and alterations which were copied by subsequent editors.
The date of the manuscript appears to be the middle of the 14th century, and probably in its present form it is only a copy of a much older text; there is also a translation of the fiftieth psalm belonging to the 13th century.'
As a source for the text it is superseded by the printed edition, and if there is more than one, then by the latest printed edition, which has been revised in proof by the author, or, in certain cases, by his representative; and the task of the textual critic is restricted to the detection of "misprints," in other words, of errors which the compositor (the modern analogue to the scribe) has made in "setting up" the manuscript, and which have escaped the notice of the proof-reader and the author or his representative.
Twenty-three chapters of this were left complete by the author in manuscript; the remaining three were supplied from other sources, chiefly printed but unpublished memoirs.
The manuscript of this work was, after the author's death, entrusted by his daughter to Lessing, who published extracts from it in his Zur Geschichte and Literatur in 1774-1778.
Scott looked down at the manuscript on the piano, " still fiddling with this piece then ", he asked.
This is a series of extracts transcribed from a truly astonishing manuscript that was posted to me by Don Hoggarth of Bothell, WA.
His Morgenstunden appeared in 1785, and he died as the result of a cold contracted while carrying to his publishers in 1786 the manuscript of a vindication of his friend Lessing, who had predeceased him by five years.
Even conservative students of the Bible urge that its historical passages must be viewed precisely in the light of any other historical writings of antiquity; and the fact that the oldest Hebrew manuscript dates only from the 8th century A.D., and therefore of necessity brings to us the message of antiquity through the fallible medium of many generations of copyists, is far more clearly kept in mind than it formerly was.
Only the first volume was corrected by the author, the other two being compiled from his manuscript by Juan Tineo.
At last one Tommaso Baglioni, who had no work for his presses, undertook to print the manuscript, on condition that he should be free to leave off if more promising work offered itself.
The book appears to have been known in the ages immediately succeeding his own; and, though there is no contemporary manuscript in existence, there are some half-dozen which appear to date from the end of the 13th or the course of the 14th century, while one at least appears to be a copy made from his own work in that spirit of unintelligent faithfulness which is much more valuable to posterity than more pragmatical editing.
It is a curious fact that the printed editions always give it in conjunction with this latter and that the two have also been preserved together in a Welsh manuscript translation.
It excited the admiration of Gonzales Clavijo, the Spanish envoy, when he passed through it on his way to visit the court of Timur at Samarkand (Clavijo, Historia del gran Tamorlan, p. 84); and Cardinal Bessarion, who was a native of the place, in the latter part of his life, when the city had passed into the hands of the Mahommedans, and he was himself a dignitary of the Roman Church, so little forgot the impression it had made upon him that he wrote a work entitled "The Praise of Trebizond" ('E-yac c uLovTpaire oiivros), which exists in manuscript at Venice.
In 1700 he became acquainted with Dr John Woodward (1665-1728) physician to the duke and author of a work entitled The Natural History of the Earth, to whom he entrusted a large number of fossils of his own collecting, along with a mass of manuscript notes, for arrangement and publication.
Its succession of word pictures, conventional and yet vigorous as the illuminations of a medieval manuscript, and in their very conventionality free from all thought of literary presentation, must charm all readers.
When Michael Ivanovich returned to the study with the letter, the old prince, with spectacles on and a shade over his eyes, was sitting at his open bureau with screened candles, holding a paper in his outstretched hand, and in a somewhat dramatic attitude was reading his manuscript-- his "Remarks" as he termed it--which was to be transmitted to the Emperor after his death.
He pointed to his manuscript book with that air of escaping from the ills of life with which unhappy people look at their work.
His linguistic work indeed was always hampered by the lack of manuscript material, which is felt in his philological writings, e.g.
Other works of his, chiefly on mathematics and astronomy, are still in manuscript only.
Similar works, in Latin or other languages, exist in manuscript in all the great European libraries.
Many miracles have been ascribed to him; an official list of these, said to have been attested by eyewitnesses, was drawn up by the auditors of the Rota when the processes for his canonization were formed, and is preserved in manuscript in the Vatican library.
Having settled at Cambridge in 1796, Gregory first acted as sub-editor on the Cambridge Intelligencer, and then opened a bookseller's shop. In 1802 he obtained an appointment as mathematical master at Woolwich through the influence of Charles Hutton, to whose notice he had been brought by a manuscript on the "Use of the Sliding Rule"; and when Hutton resigned in 1807 Gregory succeeded him in the professorship. Failing health obliged him to retire in 1838, and he died at Woolwich on the 2nd of February 1841.
Attempts have been made, principally founded on some remarks of Huygens, to show that Descartes had learned the principles of refraction from the manuscript of a treatise by Willebrord Snell, but the facts are uncertain; and, so far as Descartes founds his optics on any one, it is probably on the researches of Kepler.