Manufacturers Sentence Examples
It is used by perfumery manufacturers as an ingredient.
The wholesale jam manufacturers of the present day use this sugar; they boil the jam in vacuo and secure a product that will last a long time without deteriorating, but it lacks the delicacy and distinctive flavour of fruit preserved by a careful housekeeper, who boils it in an open pan with cane sugar to a less density, though exposed for a short time to a greater heat.
That some four hundred British manufacturers.
Those manufacturers who act as merchants aim to retain the merchant profit and must employ a merchant capital in stocks.
With the opening of the Russian railway from the Caspian to Merv, Bokhara and Samarkand in 1886-1887, Russian manufacturers were enabled to compete in Central Asia with their western rivals, and the value of European manufactures passing Meshed in transit was much reduced.
In 1860 he founded at Hunslet, Leeds, the firm of Fowler & Co., manufacturers of agricultural machinery, traction engines, &c. He died at Ackworth, Yorkshire, on the 4th of December 1864.
These commercial varieties differ in appearance and quality, and are roughly classified as Soft or Shipping opium, Druggists' and Manufacturers' opium.
Before 1716 ordnance was obtained from private manufacturers and proved by the Board of Ordnance.
A good example of a fairly typical case is afforded by Heterodera schachtii, which attacks beetroot and causes great loss to the Continental sugar manufacturers.
The rise of the industry has been favored by protective tariffs and by a system of excise which allows a considerable premium to manufacturers.
AdvertisementThey are not, as a rule, supported by workmen or peasants, but rather by small tradespeople, manufacturers and farmers.
It is proportional, and is collected by deduction from salaries and pensions paid to servants of the state, where it is assessed on three-eighths of the income, and from interest on consolidated stock, where it is assessed on the whole amount; and by register in the cases of private individuals, who pay on three-fourths of their income, professional men, capitalists or manufacturers, who pay on one-half or nine-twentieths of their income.
The use of pharmacopoeia preparations made by manufacturers is allowed, but the seller is held responsible for their purity and strength.
Many Copenhagen Jews achieved distinction as manufacturers, merchants and bankers, and among famous Jewish men of letters may be specially named Georg Brandes.
Commercial supremacy required not so much highly trained intelligence amongst manufacturers and merchants as keen business instinct and a certain rude energy.
AdvertisementFambri was ruined by his enterprise, but other manufacturers, more expert than he, drew profit from his initiative, and founded flourishing factories at Pellestrina and Burano.
The relative inferiority of the wines made at the Cape of Good Hope and in Australia is partly due to variations of climate, the vine not yet having adapted itself to the new conditions, - and partly to the deficient skill of the manufacturers.
But as Fox on this occasion aided the vested interests of some English manufacturers he secured a certain revival of popularity.
It was found, however, that certain classes were addicted to drinking this mixture, and since 1891 the sale of such spirit has been confined to manufacturers who must purchase it in bulk from the "methylators."
Notwithstanding this permission there have been many agitations on the part of chemical manufacturers to obtain a less restricted use of absolute alcohol, and in 1905 an Industrial Alcohol Committee was appointed to receive evidence and report as to whether any modification of the present law was advisable.
AdvertisementThis mixture is supplied to manufacturers and corresponds to the British unmineralized methylated spirit; but the regulations are more stringent.
To prevent the war being brought to a premature end by dearth of supplies, the Government took measures, modelled on those adopted in Germany, for ensuring that necessary goods should be supplied to the proper quarters - whether the army authorities, manufacturers of war material, or consumers - and at a moderate price.
The associations, to which the manufacturers using these materials had to belong, were directed by elected committees; at the head of each was an expert appointed by the Government, which was represented on the board by a commissioner exercising the Government's right of supervision.
Its object was to exhibit by means of certain formulas the way in which the products of agriculture, which is the only source of wealth, would in a state of perfect liberty be distributed among the several classes of the community (namely, the productive classes of the proprietors and cultivators of land, and the unproductive class composed of manufacturers and merchants), and to represent by other formulas the modes of distribution which take place under systems of Governmental restraint and regulation, with the evil results arising to the whole society from different degrees of such violations of the natural order.
In the summer of 1827, through the persistent efforts of persons most interested in the woollen manufactures of Massachusetts and other New England states to secure legislative aid for that industry, a convention of about loo delegates - manufacturers, newspaper men and politicians - was held in Harrisburg, and the programme adopted by the convention did much to bring about the passage of the famous high tariff act of 1828.
AdvertisementThe Santa Maria mines of Sonora, Mexico, probably the richest deposits in the world, supply the American lead pencil manufacturers.
Here is carried out the work of standardizing measuring instruments of various sorts in use by manufacturers, the determination of physical constants and the testing of materials.
In the verification of weights and measures a margin of error is permitted to manufacturers and scale-makers, as it is found to be impossible to make two weights, or two measures, so identical that between them some difference may not be found either by the balance or the microscope.
Few of the manufacturers do more than compete with the foreigner for an increasing share of the home market.
Other important firms, Tuscan wine-growers, oil-growers, timber traders, colour manufacturers, &c., have their head offices and stores at Leghorn, with a view to export.
Precisely one hundred years later religious troubles gave the most effective impetus to the silk-trade of England, when the revocation of the edict of Nantes sent simultaneously to Switzerland, Germany and England a vast body of the most skilled artisans of France, who planted in these countries silkweaving colonies which are to this day the principal rivals of the French manufacturers.
The same term - gum-waste--is applied to " waste " made in the various processes of silk throwing; but manufacturers using threads known technically as organzines and trams call the surplus " manufacturer's waste."
The yarns are chiefly used by manufacturers of powder bags.
During the great trade "boom" of 1905 there was a good deal of buying by exporters in advance of their indents because manufacturers continued to contract engagements which threatened to exclude dilatory buyers.
Some manufacturers devote themselves exclusively to the home trade, and some exclusively to foreign trade, but there is a large class with what may be called a margin of alternation, which serves to redress the balance as business in one or other of the sections is good or bad.
By far the majority of Lancashire manufacturers sell their goods as they come from the loom, or, as it is called, in the "grey state," but an increasing number now cultivate the trade in finished goods.
Some manufacturers now go to the shopkeeper, and this has made it difficult for the merchant with a limited capital and therefore a limited assortment to survive.
The great general houses such as Rylands's, Philips's and Watt's in Manchester, and Cook's and Pawson's in London, some of which are manufacturers to a minor degree, continue to flourish because under one roof they can supply all that the draper requires, and so enable him to economize in the time spent in buying and to save himself the trouble of attending to many accounts.
In the United States there has been an arduous struggle over this question, and combinations of merchants have sometimes compelled favourable terms. In England, though the merchant has maintained a great part of the trade with shopkeepers, the developing trade with makers of shirts, underclothing, &c., is mainly done by the manufacturers directly, and perhaps the simplification of relations by direct dealing in the cotton trade has now reached a point of fairly stable compromise.
It must be noted, however, that while most of the spinning concerns are worked by limited companies or individuals with a considerable capital, a good many small manufacturers exist who have little capital and are practically financied by their agents or customers.
The profits of manufacturers, merchants and shopkeepers are commonly very much less on the lower classes of cotton goods than on the higher ones.
As buyers of finished goods for London and the country do not attend it, certain departments of the home trade are hardly represented, but practically all the spinners and manufacturers and all the export merchants of any importance are subscribers.
Transactions between spinners and manufacturers are largely effected on Tuesdays and Fridays, the old "market days," when the manufacturing towns are well represented, but a large amount of business is transacted every day.
Thus not only bleachers, carriers, chemical manufacturers, mill furnishers and accountants find their way there, but also tanners, timber merchants, stockbrokers and even wine merchants.
According to semi-official records "the first building in the nature of an Exchange" was erected in 1729 by Sir Oswald Mosley, and though designed for "chapmen to meet and transact their business" it appears that, as to-day, encroachments were made by other traders until cotton manufacturers and merchants preferred to do their business in the street.
Export buyers, attended by salesmen, are commonly more or less stationary and prominent; Burnley manufacturers abound in one locality and spinners of Egyptian yarns in another.
There are long streets and terraces of fine houses belonging to the merchants and manufacturers of the city which amply testify to its prosperity, and recall the 16th century distich that Antwerp was noted for its moneyed men ("Antwerpia nummis").
The native manufacturers are quite able to compete in peninsular markets with foreign rivals.
The recipients eligible for the various classes are graded, from the first grade of the first class for reigning sovereigns down to the fifth class for merchants and manufacturers.
By adding certain alkalies to the other ingredients used in the preparation of these pigments, the colour becomes indigoblue, in which case it is the litmus of the Dutch manufacturers.
The Dutch were chiefly a commercial and seafaring people, with interests in distant lands and colonial possessions; the Belgians were agriculturists, except where their abundance of minerals made them manufacturers.
The chief exceptions are the Persian and Astrachan lambs, which are bought at the Russian 'fairs, and are dressed and dyed in Leipzig, and the ermine and Russian squirrels, which are dressed and manufactured into linings either in Russia or Germany before offered for sale to the wholesale merchants or manufacturers.
Since, however, the value of all good furs has advanced, dyers and manufacturers have made very successful efforts with this fur.
At the end of the 18th century the trade was still important, but it began to decline after the invention of machinery, probably owing to the poverty of the manufacturers.
Admiral Sallandrouze de Lamornaix (1840-1902) belonged to a family of tapestry manufacturers established at Aubusson since the beginning of the 19th century.
The old distrust of the towns, of manufacturers and artisans,still continued.
After the year 1873, a strong movement in favour of protective duties made itself felt among the Austrian manufacturers who were affected by the competition of German, English and Belgian goods, and Austria was influenced by the general movement in economic thought which about this time caused the reaction 2 Matlekovits, Die Zollpolitik der osterreichish-ungarischen Monarchie (Leipzig, 1891),., gives the Hungarian point of view; Bazant, Die Handelspolitik OsterreichUngarns (1875-1892, Leipzig, 1894).
Austria also came to see that separation from Hungary would seriously enhance the cost of living in Cisleithania and would deprive Austrian manufacturers of their best market.
The fine exhibits from the Trenton potteries at the Centennial Exhibition in Philadelphia in 1876 greatly stimulated the demand for these wares and increased the competition among the manufacturers; and since that date there has been a marked development in both the quantity and the quality of the product.
It was only after continued protests by the Newspaper Proprietors' Association that publicity was given to the gigantic achievements of the Ministry of Munitions, and the manufacturers and millions of workers associated with it.
In 1759 he leased the Ivy House pottery in Burslem from some relatives, and like a sensible man he continued to make only such pottery as was being made at the period by his fellow - manufacturers.
It was valuable in teaching how to work within definite limitations, but without slavish copying; it also emancipated a considerable body of craftsmen from the tyranny of manufacturers whose sole idea was that machine-work should supersede handicraft.
Nor must it be overlooked that salt-cake must be made as long primary duty of preventing nuisance, but quite as much to showing manufacturers how to make the most of the acid formerly wasted in one shape or another.
The scientific and technical principles of the condensation of hydrochloric acid are now thoroughly well understood, and it is possible to recover nearly the whole of it in the state of strong commercial acid, containing from 32 to 36% of pure hydrochloric acid, although probably the majority of the manufacturers are still content to obtain part of the acid in a weaker state, merely to satisfy the requirements of the law prescribing the prevention of nuisance.
There is hardly another example in the annals of legislative efforts equal to this, in respect of the real benefit conferred by it both on the general public and on the manufacturers themselves.
Fourteen industries represented from 41% to 45% of the employees, wages, capital and product of the aggregate manufacturers of the state.
He succeeded his father, George Doubleday, as partner in a firm of soap manufacturers at Newcastle, but devoted his attention rather to literature than to mercantile affairs.
The light charcoal afforded by the hazel serves well for crayons, and is valued by gunpowder manufacturers.
In the first case, against Colonel Mordaunt, who was supported by a combination of manufacturers, the decision was unfavourable to him, on the sole ground that the description of the machinery in the specification was obscure and indistinct.
His fortunes, however, were not thereby seriously affected, for by this time his business capacity and organizing skill had enabled him to consolidate his position, in spite of the difficulties he had encountered not only from rival manufacturers but also from the working classes, who in 1779 displayed their antipathy to labour-saving appliances by destroying a large Trill he had erected near Chorley.
In April 1907 (according to an estimate of the National Association of Wool Manufacturers) New Mexico contained 2,600,000 sheep, the largest XIX.
In this class of machine various improvements were made from time to time by different manufacturers, each profiting by the experiences of the others, and two kinds of such revolving presses may now be given as examples.
On the other hand, there has been a compensating advantage in the fact that improved machinery has been demanded for this class of work, and the British manufacturer has been stimulated by the American manufacturers, who have taken the initiative in the change of methods in printing.
Subsequently, under Lord Auckland, a further supply of Chinese cultivators and manufacturers was obtained - men well acquainted with the processes necessary for the production of green tea, as the former set were with those requisite for black.
Manufacturers of hardware and tools at an early date laid the foundation for the present steel and other metal industries, in which 42.8% of all the workers were employed in 1905.
Manufacturers' opium includes any grade yielding not less than 102% of morphine, but the Yoghourma or " pudding " opium, on account of its paste being more difficult to work, is not used for the extraction of the active principles.
The Sheffield cutlery manufacturers, however, refused to buy it, on the ground that it was too hard, and for a long time Huntsman exported his whole output to France.
As the clay pits contain only small amounts of any one kind of clay, it has proved more profitable for manufacturers to buy their raw materials from a number of miners than for them to operate the mines themselves, and consequently clay mining and the manufacture of clay products are largely distinct industries.
For many years he was engaged in managing various business enterprises, and became, in 1877, president of the Boston Manufacturers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company, a post which he held till his death.
Such conditions carried on the work of British inventors in helping to develop industries so strongly that manufacturers were able to take full advantage of the opportunities offered by the American Civil War (in spite of the temporary disability it entailed upon the cotton industry) and by the Franco-German War.
The exact mode of extraction adopted by manufacturers is secret.
Until 1867 English manufacturers of quinine were entirely dependent upon South America for their supplies of cinchona bark, which were obtained exclusively from uncultivated trees, growing chiefly in Bolivia, Peru, and Ecuador, the principal species which were used for the purpose being Cinchona Calisaya; C. officinalis; C. macrocalyx, var.
The industry is carried on in a great number of neighbouring townships, but the cloth is commonly finished or dressed in the city itself, this procedure differing from that of the wool manufacturers in Gloucestershire and the west of England, who carry out the entire process in one factory.
Formerly much of the business between manufacturer and merchant was transacted in the cloth halls, which formed a kind of market, but merchants now order goods directly from the manufacturers.
Other manufacturers followed his example.
The Broad Flange Differdange Beams are claimed by the manufacturers to be stronger and to minimize weight for use as girders; they are made in twenty-one different sizes with flanges from 88 to i 2 in.
The two inventors then cooperated, an experimental plant was run successfully, and the patents were taken over by the leading manufacturers.
This is not an infrequent occurrence, and arises from the tendency on the part of manufacturers to make balances so extremely sensitive that they are on the verge of in - stability.
Some shipbuilding is carried on, and there are manufacturers of cordage, netting and sailcloth.
Sir Robert Peel told the house that, in his previous budgets, he had given the manufacturers of the country free access to the raw materials which they used.
Lord Ashley and the factory reformers contended, on the one hand, that ten hours were long enough for any person to work; their opponents maintained, on the contrary, that the adoption of the clause would injure the working-classes by lowering the rate of wages, and ruin the manufacturers by exposing them to foreign competition.
In France the manufacturers complained that they would be unable to stand against the competition of English goods.
The weaving of damask was introduced in 1718 by James Blake, who had learned the secret of the process in the workshops at Drumsheugh near Edinburgh, to which he gained admittance by feigning idiocy; and since that date the linen trade has advanced by leaps and bounds, much of the success being due to the beautiful designs produced by the manufacturers.
The supporters of the Doctrinaires in the country were chiefly ex-officials of the empire, - who believed in the necessity for monarchical government but had a lively memory of Napoleon's tyranny and a no less lively hatred of the ancien regime, - merchants, manufacturers and members of the liberal professions, particularly the lawyers.
Schenectady is a manufacturing centre of growing importance; here are the main works of the General Electric Company, manufacturers of electrical implements, apparatus, motors and supplies, and of the American Locomotive Company.
More harmonious relations were in time established, partly because of improvements in the methods of transport, but mainly as a result of outside pressure in the form of criticism of slavery and the adoption by the national government of an economic policy which favoured the manufacturers at the expense of the agricultural interests.
But this loss has been to a great extent compensated by the expansion of the home market for cotton, and the Spanish manufacturers are unable to meet the wants of the population, large quantities of cotton goods being imported every year.
They also all of them claimed, under the concordat, exemption from taxes; and, since many of them indulged in commercial and industrial pursuits, they competed unfairly with other traders and manufacturers, and tended to depress the labor market.
Bee-appliance manufacturers are not eligible for membership of its council, nor are those who make bee-keeping their main business; thus no professional jealousies can possibly arise.
The bee-keepers' associations of the United States, Canada and most of the British colonies, are - like those last mentioned above - formed for the sole and laudable purpose of promoting the business interests of their members, the latter being either bee-farmers or bee-appliance manufacturers.
The practice of "dumping" must be fairly met; if foreign goods were brought into England to undersell British manufacturers, either the Fair Wages Clause and the Factory Acts and the Compensation Act would have to be repealed, or the workmen would have to take lower wages, or lose their work.
His mother, Jemima Fourdrinier, was of a Huguenot family, long established in London as engravers and paper manufacturers.
Maybe consumer apathy is the reason that, in my view, manufacturers feel they can get away with selling under-developed products.
In the automotive industry, the first division manufacturers have been able to maintain their capabilities throughout all their vertically integrated functions.
Many component manufacturers also supply replacement parts to the independent aftermarket.
Its customers include all of the world's leading manufacturers of civil and military, fixed and rotary wing aircraft and aero engine.
By 1936 Miles was one of the country's leading manufacturers of light civilian aircraft.
Follow the manufacturers instructions on how to fit the alarm.
The post-war slump brought a last-ditch amalgamation of traction engine manufacturers including Burrell's.
I started as a cell film animator in 1998, and I've also worked as a concept artist for game manufacturers.
A listing of the manufacturers and dealers of awnings including porch, free-standing to full awnings.
You can make your own beanbags just like the professional manufacturers do.
We carry a wide variety of baby crib bedding and crib sets available from well known manufacturers that you are familiar with.
Some preparations of high potency benzodiazepines are produced in suspension form by their manufacturers.
There are also no longer any tobacco product manufacturers based within the County, nor distilled alcoholic beverages or wine producers.
Paint manufacturers may use biocides in their products in order to prevent these organisms developing.
Many manufacturers add foaming ingredients even tho this makes the products less biodegradable.
Clients range from small businesses in all markets to government departments, reputed international training companies, cutting edge biotech and motor manufacturers.
This means that European manufacturers will produce five ' low-entry cab ' ranges.
Sometimes the manufacturers will also adjust the camber in relation to the stiffness of the snowboard's longitudinal flex.
These ensure that manufacturers can enjoy the advantages of lower fuel bills and reduced environmental emissions without having to make any large-scale capital expenditure.
Plastic Dolls Doll manufacturers started using celluloid in the 1860s when it was developed by the Hyatt Brothers in New York.
In the meantime, specifiers have to rely on test data from manufacturers or third-party certification.
The manufacturers of Pepsi Max are now spending more on marketing the brand than on any of their other colas.
This interpretation became the conventional wisdom both inside Departments and among medicines manufacturers and others outside government.
Overall, the regulations, and technological achievements of manufacturers, have put a significant crimp in energy consumption.
However, we are still the largest manufacturers of light safe darkroom Doors and Film Drying Cabinets for the conventional photography darkroom in europe.
Manufacturers should be encouraged to fit deadlocks more widely on the new car model range, particularly on cars produced in volume.
The small size of the MultiMediaCard is allowing digital device product manufacturers the ability to continuously design ultra-small, portable device product manufacturers the ability to continuously design ultra-small, portable devices.
Is there a role for the manufacturers to help prepare drawings?
Galloway Group is one of the largest manufacturers and contractors of ventilation ductwork and related products in the UK.
There follows an uncritical eulogy of the computer organ, including the names of several manufacturers.
Manufacturers pull out all the stops on quality these days, but the C3 feels a bit flimsy.
In the UK, board manufacturers are advertising low formaldehyde or zero formaldehyde emission boards made to the stringent German " E1 " standard.
What's more, manufacturers have combined PDAs with cell phones, multimedia players and other electronic gadgetry.
But hard drive manufacturers have always used the term gigabyte to mean a thousand million bytes - 1,000,000,000 - over 7% less.
To manufacturers, some of this may sound very grandiose.
They are secured using manufacturers locating points or rain gutters.
In any case you should always consult the manufacturers handbook for your particular machine.
As the supply chain is entirely illicit, there are no legitimate manufacturers with whom the government can work to restrict supply.
The Information Sheet contains current industry guidance from manufacturers of play inflatables and HSE's current advice on inspection.
The UK sector has struggled to perform, with many areas of advanced instrumentation now only available from foreign manufacturers.
We are low-volume manufacturers of heavy-duty, precision instrumentation products - we mill, turn & weld.
They are manufacturers of quality and contemporary handmade lampshades.
As lampshade manufacturers, we have a wealth of experience and pay great attention to both the quality and detail of our lampshade manufacturers, we have a wealth of experience and pay great attention to both the quality and detail of our lampshades.
Some of these vehicles were called " landaus " by their manufacturers, and many were fitted with landau bars on the rear quarters.
Top Appliance - Offer great deals on Kitchen Appliances from leading manufacturers through out the internet.
In recent years automotive manufacturers have been faced with the need to produce lighter weight vehicles.
Normal (or ferric) tapes should be chosen from reputable manufacturers such as BASF, TDK, Maxell or Agfa.
For recent designs and prices, contact the major manufacturers.
AutoAlert has conducted extensive testing across all the main networks and across a number of different telephone handset manufacturers.
They're both exactly matched to the SiS 5598 with the difference in name being made by different motherboard manufacturers.
The site includes an excellent set of links to equipment manufacturers.
Integrated circuit technology has allowed manufacturers to produce " smart " microscopes that incorporate microprocessors into the microscope stand.
Europe, Middle East and North Africa Dorset Cereals Ltd Manufacturers of high quality breakfast cereals including muesli and crunchy products.
The British newsprint Manufacturers Association found that recycling of newspapers would create three times as many jobs as incinerating them.
Why did the Working Party advise that manufacturers should exclude certain bovine offals from baby food?
Today, some manufacturers still use the word pashmina to describe 100 per cent cashmere.
This set of glowstick poi are of high quality & are made by leading manufacturers Henrys.
Manufacturers literature will indicate any special requirements, but in general a zinc phosphate primer is used.
Over the next few years, the vehicle manufacturers will be playing an increasingly proactive role in telematics.
To safeguard medical supply manufacturers Victrex is guaranteeing long term protection against material specification changes or withdrawal of supply.
The simplest way to avoid this is to discharge the cells completely then recharge them using the cell manufacturers recommended recharge regime.
External chillers Air cooled chillers utilizing hydrocarbon refrigerants are available from Swedish manufacturers such as ABB Stal and Bonus.
All new riggers are covered by a three year manufacturers warranty.
Manufacturers are expected to replace organic selenium with sodium selenite.
Confusion arises because some manufacturers make their " normal " knives serrated on the right of the blade - the left-handed side.
Licensed Manufacturers The only manufacturers licensed to supply RIAS site signboards are those listed below.
Manufacturers of a beautiful collection of baby sleepwear and accessories that offer the appeal of classic design combined with modern detail.
Other claimants represent a broad range of interests, from coffee shops to manufacturers of hiking socks.
You can help control fluid retention by reducing the amount of common salt (often called sodium chloride by manufacturers) in your food.
This massive spending spree is aimed at getting a very good deal with computer manufacturers.
Mix the Grout to the manufacturers recommendations and then spread it over the tiles using the rubber squeegee.
The Emperor is mainly selling the urine to cloth manufacturers and leather tanners to raise money for the treasury.
Raytek, a provider of infrared thermometry, has produced this free handbook to help manufacturers ensure good hygiene and equipment performance.
The Report suggests, however, that manufacturers of baby foods should avoid the use of bovine thymus and offal.
Datacasting is not two-way, although most industry experts expect that set-top box manufacturers will create methods for interaction.
They are also unisex, but then so are boots, despite what the manufacturers try to tell you.
Blinds 4 Sale Manufacturers of made to measure Venetian, roller, vertical blinds and replacement vertical vanes.
Tape manufacturers sold millions of blank videocassettes in the Beta and VHS formats in the same period.
What makes matters worse is that like many camera manufacturers, HP has opted not to include an optical viewfinder.
You will receive a 5 year manufacturers warranty with stair lifts.
Before using ISI cream whippers or gas charges you must first read the manufacturers instructions.
The trade-licence tax (impt des patentes) is imposed on every person carrying on any business whatever; it affects professional men, bankers and manufacturers, as well as wholesale and retail traders, and consists of (I) a fixed duty levied not on actual profits but with reference to the extent of a business or calling as indicated by number of employbs, population of the locality and other considerations.
In order to provide a similar protection for the artisans employed in the protected industries, an excise duty was imposed on the home-produced articles, which was to be remitted in favour of manufacturers who could show that they paid " fair and reasonable " wages, and complied with certain other conditions for the benefit of their workmen.
The 18th century has a goodly tale of Jewish artists in metal-work, makers of pottery, and (wherever the gilds permitted it) artisans and wholesale manufacturers of many important commodities.
The manufacturers of Geneva formed in 1487 no fewer than 38 gilds, including tailors, hatters, mercers, weavers, tanners, saddle-makers, furriers, shoe-makers, painters on glass, &c. Goldsmiths are mentioned as early as 1290.
In addition large numbers are engaged in industries arising out of agriculture; among these are manufacturers of agricultural implements, millers of flour and oatmeal, curers and packers of meat, makers of cheese and butter, and persons occupied in the transportation and commerce of grain, hay, live stock, meats, butter, cheese milk, eggs, fruit and various other products.
The tendency to eliminate the middleman has not only brought a good many manufacturers into direct relation with the shopkeeper, but in some exceptional cases the manufacturer, adopting some system of broadcast advertisement and postal delivery, has dealt with the consumer.
Opposite to the abbey church (see below) stands the town hall (1879-1882), which originated in a bequest by George Aitken Clark (1823-1873), and was completed by his relatives, the thread manufacturers of Anchor Mills.
In 1880, the Russian manufacturers depending chiefly on the barter-trade in tea at Kiakhta, their production was regulated principally by the prices of tea established at the fair; but now cotton takes the lead, and the prospective output for the year of the mills of central Russia is determined at the fair by the price of raw cotton imported from Asia, by that of madder, and by the results of the year's crop, which became known during the fair.
This revivification can be carried on a number of times until the material when dry contains about 50% of free sulphur and even occasionally 60% and over; it is then sold to manufacturers of sulphuric acid to be used in the sulphur kilns instead of pyrites (see Sulphuric Acid).
The manufacturers have learned that this taste is merely whimsical.
They have no genius or talent for comparatively humble questions of taxation and finance, commerce and manufacturers and agriculture.
To process multiple selections enter the number of each Offers range cookers from manufacturers such as Belling, Leisure and Baumatic.
Seat covers - many car seat covers are removable for machine washing; most manufacturers also supply spares.
In other words, manufacturers do not simply respond to demand but also create it.
The Portman Group, meanwhile, was specifically set up by drinks manufacturers to promote responsible drinking and marketing of alcoholic drinks.
However, tho sailcloth manufacturers are not shown to be in Yeovil, rope and twine, and sack and sacking manufacturers are included.
Manufacturers of hand made brass mortice, rim, case and sash locks, and all types of brass locks for ships ' use.
Some tire sealant manufacturers have tried to argue this is n't so.
But it is hard to imagine that manufacturers could sell shiploads of cigarettes without knowing where the product was going.
Exact specs and details of current models are available from each of the manufacturers.
This campaign has prompted action by a range of sportswear manufacturers to clean up their act.
Use of sulfuric acid produced the more uniform finish desired by leather manufacturers.
There are surfboard manufacturers and resorts who want to talk to her.
The area is the base for two of the largest tableware manufacturers in the world - Josiah Wedgwood and Royal Doulton.
We were also reluctant to be sidetracked into this arena by the tampon manufacturers.
Tip-off information has been on the increase and has proven to be very useful in deterring pirated optical disk manufacturers.
Many manufacturers make statements on their products saying for example may contain traces of nuts.
Collaborating with pump manufacturers to to adapt treadle pump design in response to user needs.
Our methods are safe and are approved by upholstery manufacturers.
Any problems tend to be due to variations in thickness between manufacturers, which can result in differences in placement pressure.
Blinds 4 Sale Manufacturers of made to measure venetian, roller, vertical blinds and replacement vertical vanes.
Under pressure from the vociferous green lobby, the European Car Manufacturers ' Association agreed a " resolution ".
Offering a 2 year manufacturers warrantee you really cant go wrong.
Hello John, The drivers for the wireless adapter may be available from the manufacturers website.
Most manufacturers suggest handwashing and air-drying to reduce the risk of your bra shrinking and/or stretching out of shape.
The debate over cloth versus disposable diapers continues to rage among manufacturers and parents.
Today, clothing manufacturers are striving to meet the needs of those babies who were not carried to full-term and thus need special sizes for their little bodies.
True rocking chairs were not built and sold until around the turn of the next century, however, and one of the original companies is Duncan Phyfe, a well known name in furniture manufacturers.
Maclaren is an easily recognizable name in stroller manufacturers, and the company features several stroller designs.
Manufacturers finally caught on to the need that parents may need to talk to and comfort their babies without entering the room every time.
You will find that most car seat manufacturers recommend waiting until your child is 40 pounds before using just a booster seat.
Because of the recent recalls, many manufacturers are going back and re-testing their products.
It's important that manufacturers use a certified fully independent third party to test their toys.
This is the certification seal from the Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association that should be on any baby equipment you buy.
If you aren't so great about navigating the Internet for freebies, you can sometimes obtain free things for babies by contacting manufacturers directly.
Finding PJs for preemies can be a bit of a challenge, as these tiny babies don't normally fit the size proportions of mainstream manufacturers.
This bed is one of many certified by the Juvenile Products Manufacturers Association or JPMA.
Many manufacturers make them, and you can find them online, as well as in your local baby store or discount superstore.
Most La Leche bras will be priced around the 30 US dollar mark; however these bras may lack some of the design perks of the aforementioned manufacturers.
Below is a list of some of the top crib manufacturers who stock parts.
Manufacturers offer repair kits free of charge to convert your drop side crib into a fixed side crib.
Five-point harness are safer, and some manufacturers produce seats that will hold a child to 65 pounds.
Spend some time browsing in a few different stores and looking at what several manufacturers have to offer to find the sink that you like best.
Lower-quality settings may omit the salad fork and tablespoon, and many manufacturers offer single piece replacements for popular sets.
Note that some manufacturers offer lifetime patterns that will never be discontinued, which can be useful if pieces are damaged or lost.
Oneida is one of the world's most popular flatware manufacturers and offers both trendy and traditional designs, including patterns guaranteed never to be discontinued.
Many kitchen knife manufacturers offer lifetime warranties, especially for more expensive designs.
Most manufacturers offer two-to-four-year warranties.
You can buy stereos from online electronics and appliance stores, or even direct from manufacturers online.
Ergonomically-designed keyboard manufacturers claim ergonomic designs are easier on your fingers, hands, wrists and arms.
Manufacturers will offer limited 90-day to one-year warranties.
You will find a number of manufacturers and retailers selling men's dress boots online.
Many also come with surround-sound speakers, as TV manufacturers assume you will want enhanced audio as well as advanced picture display.
You will find a number of manufacturers and retailers selling men's pants online.
There are many manufacturers of dress shirts.
Some manufacturers also offer pajamas and sleepwear geared to specific outdoor scenarios like camping in the mountains, hiking trips and so on.
You will find a number of manufacturers and retailers selling men's sleepwear online.
You will find a number of manufacturers and retailers selling men's socks online.
Though manufacturers make standard waist sizes, the rest of the fitting varies greatly from brand to brand.
You will find a number of manufacturers and retailers selling men's underwear online.
The popular outdoors store REI has a great selection of full suspension and hardtail mountain bikes from a wide range of manufacturers, including K2 and Novara.
Skis from such popular manufacturers as Salomon, Burton, K2 and Fischer await you at ProPeak Sports.
Desk lamps are available at online home and office supplies stores as also directly from lighting goods manufacturers.
Beads are available from a number of manufacturers and hobby resource websites online.
Printing calculators are available at office supplies stores and with manufacturers of electronics goods.
Dress boots for women are available with a number of footwear manufacturers and fashion accessory stores.
You will find a number of manufacturers and retailers selling women's sleepwear online.
You can buy baseball cards from other collectors, from manufacturers and from card traders online.
Manufacturers are constantly making changes to their cards in order to make them different and more attractive, and it can get quite cumbersome to pinpoint what makes a particular card valuable.
Cards which have been personally autographed by the players are much more valuable than those created by manufacturers as a part of 'autographed sets'.
You can buy hosiery from lingerie manufacturers and even fashion accessory stores online.
You will find a number of manufacturers and retailers selling women's casual shoes online.
Also, remember that shoes made by different manufacturers will all have different sizes and a size 5 of 'X' brand will fit differently than a size 5 from 'Y' brand.
They also feature offers from the manufacturers.
Get recommendations, inquire about upcoming sales and ask for advice on which fishing pole manufacturers have the best reputations in the quality and performance department.
Talk to him/her about your needs, how often you think you'll be using the boat and the reputation and performance of boat manufacturers who craft the type of boat you're after.
As far as durability, most wheel manufacturers use what is called the "a-scale", with a higher number representing a harder wheel.
The trend by current wood stove manufacturers is moving towards the non-catalytic version despite the fact that many high ended wood stoves use catalytic combustion.
Many will base it off the MSRP (Manufacturers Suggested Retail Price) since that is how many banks structure their loans.
Most manufacturers offer a one-year warranty on factory defects.
Nice seat padding that incorporates head bolsters is ideal, but not all infant car seat manufacturers do this.
The table on the AHAM (Association of Home Appliance Manufacturers) can help identify different types of environments.
Most supplier and manufacturers will have information about the running costs of a particular model.
There are many popular golf club manufacturers to choose from when it comes to irons.
Of course, there are clubs especially designed for both of these groups too by most major golf club manufacturers.
Many manufacturers, during the off-season, offer reduced or free shipping as well.
Since children have different needs, manufacturers have designed special binoculars for them, both in size and durability.
Manufacturers have also taken into consideration the special needs of children, including weight and size.
Most binocular manufacturers make their models ready for eyeglass wearers.
Most manufacturers will provide you with excellent customer service and promptly send you the necessary replacement parts or advise you on how to return a defective appliance.
Many down pillow manufacturers will use different grades of down, from those with mostly feathers to those with a combination of feathers and down, or those completely made with down.
The first thing you should do is read up on the different manufacturers.
Manufacturers sometimes give dealers the ability to give you rebates and incentives and even great financing.
A few main manufacturers supply most of the industry's carpet.
Dalton, Georgia, has some of the largest carpet dealers in the United States, and because the large manufacturers are located nearby, you'll find some of the best prices in companies operating around that area.
Consumers by nature are suspicious of manufacturers because buyers often feel they just want money and don't care about the customer's thoughts and feelings.
Depending on if the economy is up or down, personal budgets fluctuate, manufacturers produce more or less products to sell, and the number of holiday deals increase or decrease.
Memory foam mattress manufacturers make health claims about their products, but little medical evidence backs up these claims.
Many manufacturers will offer great deals if you are willing to buy a refurbished product.
Many bedding manufacturers and furniture makers use a high resiliency foam that reduces body impressions, but unfortunately, this foam is susceptible to heat and moisture and may deteriorate over time.
However, many larger retailers have business-orientated departments that sometimes can negotiate a better price through manufacturers or even through their own corporate.
Computer users see refresh rate in milliseconds, while TV manufacturers use Hertz.
Many manufacturers, including Apple Computer, have a refurbished section on their website where they sell remanufactured products and customer returns.
This can be a great way to get an amazing deal since you are able to get an item direct from the manufacturer, with full manufacturers warranty, at a fraction of the cost.
They sell products from a long list of manufacturers, including Black Cat, Black Diamond, Brothers, Dominator, Boomer, Predator, Pure, World Class and Rising Sun.
Familiarize yourself with futon, foam, water, innerspring, and air as well as the different manufacturers.
If you want to have a more hands-on approach to your computer purchase, then customizable computers are available from most manufacturers.
Once you get into a store, you see that manufacturers have stickered the computer's specifications on the computer and the stores have signs with relevant information on them.
Manufacturers know that they are selling to a relatively small group of people who love mechanical watches and are willing to spend a little extra to save themselves the nuisance of winding and resetting those watches.
Online retailers use similar strategies, focusing on shipping promotions, buy one get one free (or other items) specials and exclusive partnerships with manufacturers.
Since retailers want your business, online and offline stores try to obtain the best prices from computer manufacturers to offer you the best retail price possible.
Tiger Direct maintains exclusive deals with manufacturers and usually offers free shipping and additional products free with the laptop.
Built to resemble an outdoor village, the outlet mall consists of over 140 designer outlets featuring some of today’s top brands and manufacturers.
The Internet is great for this, as you can browse any number of stores' and manufacturers' websites to learn details about various models and features.
The war was largely ended due to equipment manufacturers and film companies lining up behind Blu-ray.
Up until recently, each instrument was produced by a only few trusted manufacturers, but in the past 20 years the market has been flooded with instruments in all price ranges.
Unfortunately, as more manufacturers have entered the marketplace, a number of low-quality instruments have become available.
Learn the brands of quality manufacturers for your specific instrument.
Check the seller's rating, and only purchase instruments from quality manufacturers.
Quality manufacturers include Yamaha, Gemeinhardt, Haynes, Powell, Selmer, Armstrong, and Artley.
Quality manufacturers include Buffet Crampon, LeBlanc, Yamaha and Selmer.
Quality manufacturers include Yamaha, Selmer, Cannonball, and Conn.
While there are routers from major manufacturers that offer this technology, there are not too many wireless devices that have adopted this standard yet.
Many cat food manufacturers offer a hairball formula diet that is designed to inhibit their formation.
Manufacturers often use carpet, and this works great at first, but after time your cat's claws cut through the fabric loops.
Although manufacturers and researchers are not one-hundred percent clear whether or not melamine is the exact cause of the pet deaths, melamine was found in the urine of the cats who died.
There is usually very little actual fish or other seafood included in the recipe because that would boost the production costs, something most pet food manufacturers avoid because it cuts into their profits.
While some manufacturers may repackage or reprocess foods, Orijen never does.
Many manufacturers are happy to give samples because it helps sell their product.
Another way to get samples is to go to manufacturers' websites and ask.
Most manufacturers are happy to send you a sample of their product even if that is not stated on their website.
Different manufacturers offer different foods to address specific health needs.
Manufacturers offer everything from boxes that blend into your decor to ones that come with a ton of accessories to help you with clean up.
Carbohydrates are not necessary for cats, and yet most cat food manufacturers add corn, rice or wheat to the food.
There may be fruit and vegetables listed because some manufacturers use them for added nutrients and probiotics.
Unfortunately, many commercial cat food manufacturers include harmful additives, flavoring agents and preservatives in their food products.
Based on these admirable qualities, it's easy to see why many pet product manufacturers have leaped onto the silica boat and produced this type of cat litter.
There are still many large-name litter manufacturers that produce clay litters, but many pet owners have become concerned about the safety of bentonite clay-based cat litter.
Some manufacturers of natural cat products have been creating "safer" litters derived from grain and corn.
One of the great things about automated litter boxes is that manufacturers are constantly improving current models and putting new litter boxes on the market.
It also is to the advantage of pet food manufacturers to contain a problem.
Manufacturers typically send out press releases to alert the public.
With government involvement and increased public awareness, pet food manufacturers are reminded of the responsibility they have to pets and pet owners.
Some manufacturers sell these types of prepared diets which you will likely only find at pet stores.
Some cat food manufacturers create their food products using poor cuts of meat and not even enough of these.
According to the American Pet Products Manufacturers Association, over 50 percent of American cats and dogs are overweight or obese, with nearly 60 percent of cats overweight.