Mangoes Sentence Examples
Among the many tropical fruits found here are bananas, guavas, mangoes, cashews, breadfruit, aguacates, papayas, zapotes, granadillas, oranges, lemons and limes.
Other agricultural products are sweet potatoes, cassava (manioc), yuca, yams, white potatoes, maguey, okra, peanuts, pease, all the vegetables of the hot and temperate climates, oranges, lemons, limes, bananas, plantains, figs, grapes, coco-nuts, pine-apples, strawberries, plums, guavas, breadfruit, mangoes and many others.
Oranges are often plentiful, also pine-apples, guavas, custard-apples, mangoes and bananas.
There are many kinds of drupes in the world, such as mangoes, apricots and almonds.
Oranges, lemons, limes, figs, mangoes, grapes and peaches, besides a considerable variety of vegetables, are raised in small quantities for local consumption.
Science is how several rounds of pineapples mangoes avocados.
Sharon fruit and mangoes were available for everyone to enjoy.
The climate is suited not only to banana production but also to growing yams, dasheen, mangoes and coconuts.
A wide variety of fresh fruits such as blueberries, sharon fruit and mangoes were available for everyone to enjoy.
The tracts inhabited by the aboriginal tribes entitled Lo Nakpo, Lo Karpo and Lo Tawa ("Lo" signifies "barbarous" in Tibetan), are described as a pleasant country; the lands on either side of the Tsanpo being well cultivated and planted with mangoes, plantains and oranges.
AdvertisementVitamin C is present in many fruits including oranges, lemons, grapefruit and tangerines, kiwi fruit, blackcurrants, mangoes, strawberries, blackberries and raspberries.
Some fruits and vegetables seem to not retain pesticide residue, such as papaya, asparagus, bananas, avocados, broccoli, sweet corn, cauliflower, kiwi, onions, mangoes, pineapples and sweet peas.
Coco-nuts, cacao, bananas, mangoes and other tropical fruits are produced in profusion, but the production of foodstuffs (beans, Indian corn, mandioca, &c.) is not sufficient for local consumption.
But the mangoes of Bombay, of Multan, and of Malda in Bengal, and the oranges of Nagpur and the Khasi hills, enjoy a high reputation; while the guavas of Madras are made into an excellent preserve.
Sri Lanka has a bewildering array of fruits, including pawpaws, jackfruit, oranges, mangoes, durian and rambutan.
AdvertisementAfter the date, vines, peaches, apricots, oranges, mangoes, melons and mulberries find special favour with the Rehbayin, who exhibit all the skill and perseverance of the Arab agriculturist of Yemen, and cultivate everything that the soil is capable of producing.
The alluvial valley of the Guayas, above Guayaquil, is celebrated for the richness of its vegetation, which, in fruit alone, includes cacao, coffee, coco-nuts, pine-apples, oranges, lemons, guayavas (Psidium pomiferum), guavas (Inga spectabilis), shaddocks (or grape-fruit), pomegranates, apricots, chirimoyas (Anooa Chirimolia), granadillas (Passiflora quadrangularis), paltas (Persea gratissima, otherwise known as " alligator pears "), tunas (Cactus), mangoes (Man,gifera Indica), pacays (Prosopis dulcis), aji (Chile pepper), and many others of less importance.
Though adding mangoes to salsa or sesame oil and cilantro to grilled lamb may not be the traditional fare of Mexico or Japan, these sorts of culinary combinations are the essence of California creativity.
Like some other wonderful foods such as mangoes, coconuts, pumpkins, and mangosteens, pomegranates take a bit of work to enjoy.
Vitamin A is present in orange colored fruit and vegetables such as carrots, mangoes, apricots and peaches.
AdvertisementPeculiar to the maritime zone are mangoes and the coco-nut palm.
Many tropical fruits grow wild but their quality is often inferior; those cultivated most extensively are mangoes and bananas.
Balayan has a healthful climate, and is in the midst of a fertile district (with a volcanic soil), which produces rice, cane-sugar, cacao, coffee, pepper, cotton, Indian corn, fruit (oranges, bananas, mangoes, &c.) and native dyes.