Mandrake Sentence Examples
The action of the drug appears to be entirely psychic, and comparable to that of the mandrake of the Hebrews.
P. peltatum, the North American mandrake, has large umbrella-like leaves and white flowers; P. pleianthum, from China, purple.
I am trying to find the tell all instructions for recompiling a new kernel for RH5.2 (Mandrake 5.3 ).
There was an old saying that people who uprooted the mandrake would die within a year.
There is for example a manufacturing aerospace company with 400 employees which uses mandrake for most its intranet servers.
As well as lotus they had mandrake and cannabis, and there is a strong suggestion the also used opium.
Mandrake mandrake Mandrake users can get packages for all of the video programs from the Penguin Liberation Front web site.
J. integrifolia (Jaborosa) - An interesting dwarf perennial, allied to the Mandrake, growing 9 to 12 inches high, with broad leaves, and white tubular flowers about 2 inches long, fragrant and handsome.