Mandate Sentence Examples
We will not accept this attack on our electoral mandate.
How do I change or add a dividend mandate?
How far has the department come in fulfilling the mandate of Congress to establish this new department?
The battle was focusing on whether the US would require a fresh UN mandate to carry out an attack.
As before, the mandate was disobeyed.
Russia and China's proposal is that an Ad Hoc Committee in the CD would first have a research and not a negotiating mandate.
That is the democratic mandate of several second Chambers in Europe.
The Senate rejected a similar amendment during floor debate, at least in part to avoid creating a new unfunded mandate.
Mob thought processes made legit by a mandate from Corporate.
It's also helping them meet a congressional mandate to the military to reduce their fuel use by 20 percent.
AdvertisementFor an underused port like San Francisco, a future federal mandate imposing additional stops on cruises to or from Hawaii could serve as a crushing blow to its operations.
Black Hills gold jewelry continued to increase in popularity, and today its exclusivity is maintained through a federal mandate that any jewelry claiming to be Black Hills gold must be manufactured in the vicinity of the Black Hills.
That mandate prompted her to reassess her diet and exercise habits and, after gaining 70 pounds, Renn reemerged as a plus-size model with superstar status.
Both lines predominantly feature sport wrap styles, but others, like the modified aviator look of Anarchy's Crash glasses, or the sleek Anarchy Mandate are available as well.
Over subsequent years, federal provisions strengthened the states' mandate.
AdvertisementThe mandate was to eradicate the virus by 2005.
Anyhow, CWV warrior looks at Christianity 's cultural mandate and Church leadership in the postmodern relativistic quagmire in this post.
But coming out of the realms of speculation, there is the question of a democratic mandate for any major change.
Powers The SAI does not have the powers of requisitioning all records of the auditee departments/organisations to discharge its mandate.
Mandate at a with scam insurers americans persisted in.
AdvertisementWhile most states require your child to remain in a child restraining booster seat or car seat until at least the age of 7, some states only mandate six years or less.
Educational interventions under Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 mandate that AD/HD children will be served within the public school system.
The feng shui masters guarded the sacred art of balancing the chi energy on a direct mandate from the emperors, the only ones allowed to use feng shui.
Heat protection products are a mandate for those who use styling tools such as blow dryers, straightening irons and hot rollers.
Some states mandate parental consent, while others only require that a related adult such as an aunt or older sibling give consent.
AdvertisementWhat makes folic acid so important that the U.S. government would mandate its addition to certain foods?
Though the card industry would like to impose a mandate requiring greeting cards for every occasion, engagement cards are not mandatory.
This is not because they enjoy being dominant, but rather because they know things will be done correctly if they mandate how tasks are completed.
Add the travel time to and fro, giving the bureau sufficient time to reply as an absolute deadline that includes the 30-day reply mandate.
Many schools now mandate the use of safety equipment such as mats for both practice and performances.
Not only does each state mandate that you need to have car insurance, it also defines the minimum financial coverage that the policy needs to provide.
As early as 1867 he had been twice elected a member of the Hungarian diet, but on both occasions refused to accept the mandate.
But neither now nor subsequently (1861, 1869) would he accept a parliamentary mandate.
On the 10th of December 1701 Newton resigned his professorship, thereby at the same time resigning his fellowship at Trinity, which he had held with the Lucasian professorship since 1675 by virtue of the royal mandate.
In 1253, upon being commanded to provide in his own diocese for a papal nephew, he wrote a letter of expostulation and refusal, not to the pope himself but to the commissioner, Master Innocent, through whom he received the mandate.
His vamps started stalking our Guardians this morning, and I lifted the ceasefire mandate.
On the other, the IAEA's mandate promotes the dangerous myth of peaceful nuclear power.
A further 13% would comply reluctantly; 5% would not comply reluctantly; 5% would not comply with such a mandate.
The WTO has no mandate to regulate the major trading players, the transnational corporations.
The failure to agree a UN mandate for the war was poisonous debacle which left bruised egos all round.
Members decided to observe the formality of reappointing the current auditor in order to meet its statutory mandate.
Applicants must possess previous Mortgage Underwriting experience, a minimum of 2 years and possess a current mortgage mandate.
The present report is submitted pursuant to that mandate.
The lack of a popular mandate explains why New Labor has been so thin-skinned all the way through the election campaign.
Elected a member of the Versailles assembly, he resigned his mandate in anger at French insults, and withdrew to Caprera until, in 1874, he was elected deputy for Rome.
Thus when a writ of significavit issued on the mandate of a bishop, an appeal to Rome availed not to stay execution; but if there were an appeal to the archbishop it was otherwise.
At this time he was still faithful to Benedict XIII., and the disinclination he felt to joining the members of the French clergy who were on the point of ratifying the royal declaration of neutrality excited the anger of Charles VI.'s government, and a mandate, which was however not executed, ordered the arrest of the bishop of Cambrai.
It is the privilege of the archdeacon of Canterbury to induct the archbishop and all the bishops of the province of Canterbury into their respective bishoprics, and this he does in the case of a bishop under a mandate from the archbishop of Canterbury, directing him to induct the bishop into the real, actual, and corporal possession of the bishopric, and to install and to enthrone him; and in the case of the archbishop, under an analogous mandate from the dean and chapter of Canterbury, as being guardians of the spiritualities during the vacancy of the archiepiscopal see.
The foreign policy of the administration at first seemed likely to emphasize independence of action, in contradistinction to that of President Wilson; the threatened war between Panama and Costa Rica was prevented by a sharp note from Secretary Hughes; the claims of the Japanese to a mandate over Yap were stoutly denied; the administration refused to follow Great Britain in resuming trade relations with Soviet Russia.
In this latter respect Tisza rendered substantial aid to the joint minister for foreign affairs by repressing the anti-Russian ardour of the Magyars on the outbreak of the Russo-Turkish war of 1877-78, and by supporting Andrassy's execution of the mandate from the Berlin Congress to Austria-Hungary for the occupation of Bosnia, against which the Hungarian opposition agitated for reasons ostensibly financial.
After Giolitti's renunciation of a mandate in Albania the claim to Skutari became untenable, and at last in 1921 the Supreme Council sanctioned the frontiers assigned to Albania in 1913.
But in Bosnia and most of the other provinces the deputies had no popular mandate whatever, beyond being members of the self-constituted local committees which had sprung up amid the ferment of the revolution.
In this mission Gentz had no official mandate from the Austrian government, and whatever hopes he may have cherished of privately influencing the situation in the direction of an alliance between the two German powers were speedily dashed by the campaign of Jena.
After the bishop or his commissary has instituted the presentee, he issues a mandate under seal, addressed to the archdeacon or some other neighbouring clergyman, authorizing him to induct the clerk into his benefice, - in other words, to put him into legal possession of the temporalities, which is done by some outward form, and for the most part by delivery of the bell-rope to the clerk, who thereupon tolls the bell.
The Federal census, which began in 1790 and has been taken every ten years since under a mandate contained in the Constitution of the United States, was the outgrowth of a controversy in the convention which prepared the document.
At last Stiirgkh's second successor again summoned the Reichsrat; but since its six years' mandate was expiring, it was prolonged by a special law towards the end of 1918.
Benton's resolution expunging from the journal of the Senate the resolution of censure, Tyler, though admitting the right of instruction, could not conscientiously obey the mandate, and on the 29th of February 1836 he resigned his seat.
Upon the election being reported to the crown, a mandate issues from the crown to the archbishop and metropolitan, requesting him and commanding him to confirm the election, and to invest and consecrate the bishop-elect.
Some little relief he got through the intervention of Etienne d'Aligre, the chancellor, who procured a royal mandate which enabled Grotius to draw, not all, but a large part of his pension.
In the year 1570 he was created doctor in divinity by mandate; and, upon the promotion of Dr Pearson to the see of Chester, he was appointed to succeed him as master of Trinity College by the king's patent, bearing the date of the 13th of February 1672.
General irritation was caused by his and Count Corti's policy of "clean hands" at the Berlin Congress, where Italy obtained nothing, while Austria-Hungary secured a European mandate to occupy Bosnia and the Herzegovina.
Maximilian became prominent in 1607 by executing an imperial mandate against the free city of DonauwOrth, where a religious riot had taken place, and afterwards treating it as his own.
In the opinion of prelates and lawyers alike, an act of parliament was necessary before a bishop could be consecrated for a see abroad; to consecrate one for a foreign country seemed impossible, since, though the bestowal of the potestas ordinis would be valid, the crown, which, according to the law, was the source of the episcopal jurisdiction, could hardly issue the necessary mandate for the consecration of a bishop to a see outside the realm (see Bishop).
In 1862, when the diocese of Ontario was formed, the bishop was elected in Canada, and consecrated under a royal mandate, letters patent being by this time entirely discredited.
And when, in 1867, a coadjutor was chosen for the bishop of Toronto, an application for a royal mandate produced the reply from the colonial secretary that "it was not the part of the crown to interfere in the creation of a new bishop or bishopric, and not consistent with the dignity of the crown that he should advise Her Majesty to issue a mandate which would not be worth the paper on which it was written, and which, having been sent out to Canada, might be disregarded in the most complete manner."
Though enjoined by royal mandate in 1501 for general use within the realm of Scotland, it was probably never widely adopted.
On this, and what may have been a similarly contested presentation to the canonry and prebend of Flixton in Lichfield cathedral on the 1st of March 1359, repeated on the 22nd of August 1360, and supported by a mandate to the new bishop on the 29th of January 1361, Wykeham's latest biographer (George Herbert Moberly, Life of Wykeham, 1887, 2nd ed., 1893) has built an elaborate story of Wykeham's advancement being opposed by the pope because he was the leader of a national party against papal authority in England.
The bishops of England have also jurisdiction to examine clerks who may be presented to benefices within their respective dioceses, and they are bound in each case by the 95th canon of 1604 to inquire and inform themselves of the sufficiency of each clerk within twenty-eight days, after which time, if they have not rejected him as insufficiently qualified, they are bound to institute him, or to license him, as the case may be, to the benefice, and thereupon to send their mandate to the archdeacon to induct him into the temporalities of the benefice.
Deak would not go to the diet of 1843-1844, though he had received a mandate, because his election was the occasion of bloodshed in the struggle between the Clericals who would have ousted him and the Liberals who brought him in.
The revising chambers having fulfilled their special mandate, were dissolved in September 1884, and a new parliament assembled in November, the government, as usual, obtaining a large majority in both houses.
He had begun his episcopal labours with renewed ardour, and assembled his bishops in Alexandria to decide various important questions, when an imperial mandate again - for the fourth time - drove him from his place of power.
In accordance with this boast, in February 1687 he issued a mandate directing that Father Alban Francis, a Benedictine monk, should be admitted a master of arts of the university of Cambridge, without taking the oaths of allegiance and supremacy.
Some suitable temporary status for the Kurds of the Mosul vilayet and the south, which are included in the British mandate, was under consideration in 1921.
Foreseeing the wrath of the king against all who obeyed the mandate from Rome, the larger number of the bishops and many others of the higher clergy fled overseas to escape the storm.
When, in defiance of this mandate, he came home and announced his intention of impeaching Somerset.
Many persons thought that he should at once have appealed to the country, and have endeavoured to obtain a distinct mandate from the constituencies to introduce a new Home Rule Bill.
The Legislative Assembly, without a mandate for modifying a constitution that had become inapplicable with the suspension of the monarch, had before disappearing convoked a National Convention, and as the reward of the struggle for liberty had replaced the limited franchise by universal suffrage.
In spite of the vigorous protest of Great Britain, which saw in this demand only a pretext for reviving the traditional Bourbon ambitions in the Peninsula, the mandate was granted by the majority of the powers; and on the 7th of April 1823 the duke of French in- Angoulme, at the head of a powerful army, crossed tervengion, the Bidassoa.
In 1251 he protested against a papal mandate enjoining the English clergy to pay Henry III.
With this mandate Kant, after a struggle, complied, and kept his engagement till 17 9 7, when the death of the king, according to his construction of his promise, set him free.
If you are considering sending your child to a private or public school where uniforms are a mandate, make sure you discuss the decision thoroughly with your child.
Possession of the ring and his cousin's mandate carry Frodo and a couple of his friends on an epic quest toward the Cracks of Doom where he hopes to destroy the powerful ring, in an effort to bring the reign of the Dark Lords to an end.