Management Sentence Examples
This left the management of the business to the other three.
One matter connected with his management sometimes worried Nicholas, and that was his quick temper together with his old hussar habit of making free use of his fists.
Jonathan had band practice with his friends and Alex was in his recliner, reading a letter from a wildlife management area in Colorado.
With much hard labor and careful management I have saved only five little silver pieces.
Later, after the guests left, the three-person management team was cleaning up when the front door bell rang.
In 104 he superseded Saturninus (q.v.) in the management of the corn supply at Ostia.
And Nicholas' management produced very brilliant results.
This miracle was achieved by tact and management.
Complex projects can be carried out on multiple continents through project management tools.
Those conveniences which the student requires at Cambridge or elsewhere cost him or somebody else ten times as great a sacrifice of life as they would with proper management on both sides.
AdvertisementSecondly, the prefect is not only the general representative of the government, but the representative of the department in the management of its local interests.
From 1818 to 1830 Bilaspur came under the management of the British government, the Mahratta chief of Nagpur being then a minor.
Did the company have a knowledge management system?
I I of the act a tenant is entitled to compensation for disturbance, when he is compelled to quit without good and sufficient cause, and for reasons inconsistent with good estate management.
A general state law enacted in 1904 placed the management of school affairs in the hands of an elective council of seven members, five chosen at large and two by districts.
AdvertisementThe control of foreign policy, public works, the customs and the exchequer are in French hands, while the management of police, the collection of the direct taxes and the administration of justice between natives remain with the native government.
The state came under British management, and the administration was improved, the revenue increased, a system of irrigation developed, new tanks and wells constructed and an excellent system of roads and public buildings organized.
The efforts have met with gratifying success, and they were much needed, for while in 1904 the Dutch government took away 350 of the best young Irish mares, Great Britain was paying the foreigner over 2,000,000 a year for horses which the old system of management did not supply at home.
There is no appreciable tendency toward management for absentee owners.
Howe, and for association with Laura Bridgman and Helen Keller; the Massachusetts school for idiotic and feebleminded children (1839); and the Massachusetts charitable eye and ear infirmary (1824), all receive financial aid from the commonwealth, which has representation in their management.
AdvertisementLord Derby became a Liberal Unionist, and took an active part in the general management of that party, leading it in the House of Lords till 1891, when Lord Hartington became duke of Devonshire.
For the next few months he travelled to regain his health; and in the spring of 1836 returned to his cotton plantation, where for several years he devoted his time largely to reading political philosophy, political economy, public law and the English classics, and by careful management of his estate he acquired considerable wealth.
He issued an important constitution on the 18th of July 1289, which granted to the cardinals one-half of all income accruing to the Roman see and a share in the financial management, and thereby paved the way for that independence of the college of cardinals which, in the following century, was to be of detriment to the papacy.
When he undertook the management.
Weary of politics, and obeying a natural inclination to pleasure, Julius then virtually abdicated the management of affairs, and gave himself up to enjoyment, amusing himself with the adornment of his villa, near the Porta del Popolo, and often so far forgetting the proprieties of his office as to participate in entertainments of a questionable character.
AdvertisementPlace and profit were comparatively indifferent to him; he declares that he never received a farthing for any of his works except Gulliver's Travels, and that only by Pope's management; and he had so little regard for literary fame that he put his name to only one of his writings.
In instruction he gives the first place to " that which may direct us to heaven," and the second to " the study of prudence, or discreet conduct, and management of ourselves in the several occurrences of our lives, which most assists our quiet prosperous passage through this present life."
To the county councils were also assigned the power of assessing and levying the poor rate in rural districts, the management of lunatic asylums, and the administration of certain acts such as the Explosives Act, the Technical Education Act and the Diseases of Animals Act.
He also had the management of the university library, was director of the institute for the deaf and dumb, and filled many educational and municipal offices.
In this office he distinguished himself by careful management of the estates, by restoring the discipline of the chapter, and by building at his own expense a deanery-house.
Her purse was always open to assist convents, monasteries, and religious works and societies of all kinds, as long as they were under the management of the Church.
Other advantages are given in connexion with the qualifying of experts, &c., while nearly all the county associations in the United Kingdom employ qualified men who visit members in spring and autumn for the purpose of examining hives and giving advice on bee management to those needing it.
Before undertaking the management of a modern apiary, the bee-keeper should possess a certain amount of aptitude for the pursuit, without which it is hardly possible to succeed.
After two years in his father's office in London, he was sent to Birmingham to join his cousin Joseph Nettlefold in a screw business in which his father had an interest; and by degrees, largely owing to his own intelligent management, this business became very successful.
Adroit management of the nuclear environment was therefore not the real issue.
The management, in turn, are likely to give a downbeat view of future business prospects.
Smith & Williamson is an independent investment management, financial advisory and accounting group.
Today the members decided to invite management to binding arbitration in a final attempt to resolve the dispute.
Alan also serves on the editorial board of the Journal of Brand Management.
I provide bookkeeping, payroll, VAT, accounts, personal and business tax and a tad of management accounting.
The directors were determined "to stand forth as diwan, and take upon themselves by their own servants the entire management of the revenues."
He was also one of the grantees of the province of Carolina and took a leading part in its management; it was at his request that Locke in 1669 drew up a constitution for the new colony.
Ecclesiastical affairs were, as a matter of course, wholly under the management of the cantonal and municipal authorities, and Zwingli was content that it should be so.
One of the consequences of the persecutions of which he was the object was to oblige him to spend three years, from 1896 to 1899, in England, where his participation in the management of the Suez Canal had won for him some strong friendships, and where he was able to see the great respect in which the memory and name of his father were held by Englishmen.
At Langport again, on the 10th of July 1645, his management of the troops was largely instrumental in gaining the victory.
After the withdrawal of the restriction against the companies erecting trunk wires it became evident that the development of the telephone services throughout the country would be facilitated by complete intercommunication and uniformity of systems, and that economies could be effected by concentration of management.
More noteworthy than its management of internal affairs were the efforts of the Minghetti cabinet to strengthen and consolidate national defence.
A commission of inquiry reported in favor of private management.
Early in 1893 a scandal arose in connection with the management of state banks, and particularly of the Banca Romana, whose managing director, Tanlongo, had issued 2,500,000 of duplicate bank-notes.
The failure of the strike caused the Socialists to quarrel among themselves and to accuse each other of dishonesty in the management of party funds; it appeared in fact that the large sums collected throughout Italy on behalf of the strikers had been squandered or appropriated by the syndacalist leaders.
The management of the company had meanwhile passed into the hands of others, whose sole object was to settle accounts with the government, and wind up the undertaking.
He held a high place in the favour of King Alphonso V., who entrusted him with the management of important state affairs.
The management of the road under his control, and especially the sale of $5,000,000 of fraudulent stock in 1868-1870, led to litigation begun by English bondholders, and Gould was forced out of the company in March 1872 and compelled to restore securities valued at about $7,500, 0 00.
By dexterous management and large promises he overcame the scruples of the Greek troops against the length and danger of the war; a Spartan fleet of thirty-five triremes sent to Cilicia opened the passes of the Amanus into Syria and conveyed to him a Spartan detachment of 700 men under Cheirisophus.
In 1893 the Board of Agriculture took over the management, and Table XXIV.
The former of these were designed for the completion of the training of the most promising pupils in the communal elementary schools, and were left to local control or even to management by private individuals.
His versatility was shown in his organization of the Army Works Corps which served in the Crimea, his excellent capacity as a man of business in railway management, and his enterprising experiments in floriculture.
All these varieties were represented at the annual show of the Kennel Club in the autumn of 1905, and at the representative exhibition of America held under the management of the Westminster Kennel Club in the following spring the classification was substantially the same, additional breeds, however, being Boston terriers - practically unknown in England, - Chesapeake Bay dogs, Chihuahuas, Papillons and Roseneath terriers.
In 1901, owing to a disputed succession, the estate was under the management of the court of wards.
What is most worthy of notice in this method is the management of the e subordinates in the pruning for fruit.
Women (since 1898) may vote for school officers and members of library boards, and are eligible for election to any office pertaining to the management of schools or libraries.
His knowledge of hydraulics caused him to be frequently consulted with respect to the management of canals and other watercourses in various parts of Europe.
Among other duties, the corporation has a share in the management of the university, and maintains the Calton Hill observatory.
Upon the reoccupation of Rome by the French after Mentana, Antonelli again ruled supreme, but upon the entry of the Italians in 1870 was obliged to restrict his activity to the management of foreign relations.
It was in the management of pleurisies that the aid of surgical means first became eminent in inward disease.
In neither case had the vestry powers of town management.
But in 1888 the Local Government Act, dealing with the area of the metropolis as a separate county, created the London County Council as the central administrative body, possessing not only the powers of an ordinary county council, but also extensive powers of town management, transferred to it from the abolished Board of Works.
When the Metropolitan Board of Works was formed by the Metropolis Management Act of 1855 the city was affected to a certain extent, but by the Local Government Act of 1888 which founded the London County Council the right of appointing a sheriff for Middlesex was taken away from the city of London.
The success of the operation chiefly depends upon the proper management of the cooler.
The practical management of the royal stables and stud devolves on the chief or crown equerry, formerly called the gentleman of the horse, who is never in personal attendance on the sovereign and whose appointment is permanent.
This concession of form having been made to the Magyars without the knowledge of the Austrian government, Prince Konrad Hohenlohe, the Austrian premier, resigned office; and his successor, Baron Beck, eventually (July 6) withdrew from the table of the Reichsrath the whole Szell-Korber compact, declaring that the only remaining economic ties between the two countries were freedom of trade, the commercial treaties with foreign countries, the joint state bank and the management of excise.
The concordat of 1855 had given the The Church complete freedom in the management of all Liberals ecclesiastical affairs; there was full liberty of inter- and the course with Rome, the state gave up all control over concordat.
The lay priests were divided into four classes that undertook the management of the temple in alternate months; their collective name was the hour-priesthood.
The accession of this prince was followed by an incursion of the Carmathians into Syria, before whom the Ikshidi governor fled into Egypt, where he had for a time to undertake the management of affairs, and arrested Ibn Furt, who had proved himself incompetent.
By Emerson's management he also received something during the same period from American publishers.
Mrs Carlyle had to pass many hours alone, and the management of the household and of devices intended to shield him from annoyances was left entirely to her.
The Education Act of 1872 abolished the old management of the parish schools and provided for the creation of districts (burgh, parish or group of parishes) under the control of school boards, of which there are 972 in Scotland, elected every three years by the ratepayers, male and female.
By the act of 1872 their management was transferred to the school boards, and they may be conveniently classified into higher-class public schools, such as the old grammar schools and the liberally endowed schools of the Merchant Company in Edinburgh, and higher grade schools, with a few years' preparatory course for the universities, while some of the ordinary schools have earned the grant for higher education.
The Roads and Bridges (Scotland) Act of 1878 entrusted the control of the roads to royal and police burghs and in the counties to road trustees, from whom it was transferred by the Local Government Act of 1889 to county councils, the management, however, being in the hands of district committees.
The Forth and Clyde canal has a revenue of about £1 20,000 a year, including receipts from the docks at Grangemouth, and the expenditure on management and maintenance is about £40,000.
The management of Scottish business in parliament has since 1885 been under the charge of the secretary for Scotland.1
Its railway communications with the interior are good, and include the Sul de Pernambuco, Recife and Sao Francisco, Central de Pernambuco, and the Recife to Limoeiro lines, the first three now being under the management of the Great Western of Brazil Co.
He took a prominent part in the proceedings against Strafford, was chairman of the committee of management, and had charge of articles XIX.-XXIV.
In 1889 he was deposed from the management of Commonweal, and gradually lost all confidence in the movement as an active force.
The charitable institutions of the state are under the management of local trustees appointed by the governor.
The Vedrenne-Barker management also revived Candida (April 1904), You Never Can Tell (May 1905), Captain Brassbound's Conversion (March 1906) and John Bull's other Island (November 1904), a statement of the Irish land question, which had been produced at the Camden Theatre in 1903, and later by the Stage Society.
In 1744 he was apprenticed to his eldest brother, who had succeeded to the management of his father's pottery; and in 1752, shortly after the term of his apprenticeship had expired, he became manager of a small pottery at Stoke-upon-Trent, known as Alder's pottery, at a very moderate salary.
A speech made by Lasker on the 7th of February 1873, in which he attacked the management of the Pomeranian railway, caused a great sensation, and his exposure of the financial mismanagement brought about the fall of Hermann Wagener, one of Bismarck's most trusted assistants.
The school had languished since the death of its founder and first head, Martin Planta (1727-1772), and von Salis hoped to revive it by reconstituting it as a "Philanthropin" under Bahrdt's management.
From 1813 the popular representatives had some share in the management of the finances.
As a rule, there is one gaol in each district, under the management of the civil surgeon.
When the British declared themselves heir to the nawab of the Carnatic at the opening of the 19th century, they had no adequate experience of revenue management.
These recommendations embody the principle upon which the management of the state forests is based.
The silk weavers of India possess the very highest skill in their craft, and with competent and energetic management and increased capital the industry could be revived and extended.
In all these types the longer the telescope and the greater its diameter (or weight) the more massive must be the mounting and the greater the mechanical difficulties both in construction and management.
John Jay's son, William Jay (1789-1858), was born in New York City on the 16th of June 1789, graduated from Yale in 1807, and soon afterwards assumed the management of his father's large estate in Westchester county, N.Y.
The local management is entrusted to a municipal council organized on lines similar to those which obtain at Shanghai.
They perambulated the country inspecting the prisons; they issued lengthy interrogatories to prison officials; they published periodical reports giving the result of their inquiries, with their views on the true principles of prison management, and much sound advice, accompanied by elaborate plans on the subject of prison construction.
These are entirely under state management.
Saxony established a penitentiary at Zwickau in 1850 and in its earlier management exhibited exaggerated kindness to its inmates.
Prison management is essentially a local concern, but some general features are common to all states, such as the rule that while petty offenders and prisoners awaiting trial are under county and city jurisdiction, the state takes charge of all persons convicted of serious crimes.
This is represented commonly as a revolt, but as IIomran was a client of Othman, and remained in favour with the Omayyads, it is almost certain that he took the management of affairs only to maintain order.
Notwithstanding his activity and his devotion to the management of affairs, the Moslem power declined rather than advanced, and signs of the decay of the Omayyad dynasty began to show themselves.
To him, in 745-746,the management of affairs in Khorasan was entrusted, with instructions to consult in all weighty matters the head of the mission, the Arab Suleiman b.
Since then the most important change in Baluch administration has been the perpetual lease and transfer of management to British agency of the Nushki district and Niabat, with all rights, jurisdiction and administrative power, in lieu of a perpetual rent of Rs.9000 per annum.
This investigation revealed many irregularities in the management of the companies and led to the passage by the Legislature of New York and of other states of remedial legislation.
The county board represents the county, is entrusted with the care of the county property and the management of the county business, appoints a supervisor of assessments and levies the taxes necessary to defray the county expenses.
In 1903 a state banking department was created under the management of a commissioner of banking appointed by the governor with the concurrence of the Senate for a term of five years.
In 1839, after his mother's death, he undertook, with his brother, the management of the family estates in Pomerania; at this time most of the estate attached to Schonhausen had to be sold.
It also adjudicates in disputes concerning the management of their financial affairs.
It is difficult to compare the content management products available because of the widespread use of jargon, buzzwords, and marketing babble.
This section explains the basics of a document management system.
You may think you can outsmart the management team by inviting competitive bids from trade buyers.
The standardized operational bindings do not have to be established via the Operational Binding management protocol (the DOP ).
There is diverse opinion and a lack of consensus about management of preterm birth due to the lack of clinical and scientific data.
The Royal Free's management, of course, cannot be held blameless.
But it felt like we were shouting at a brick wall, as insane management decisions followed marketing blunders.
Financial Services Forex brokers - We facilitate specific functions and services, including forex brokers account, training, charting, and Money Management.
The Lord Mayor is Chairman of our Management Committee We employ one full time rat catcher (all other workers are volunteers ).
It is like the common areas of an apartment block but there is no management company to levy service charges and do the work.
Allergic rhinitis and asthma often coexist and improving the management of rhinitis may lead to a reduction in asthma symptoms.
In the midst band management myspace com site of life we are in Long Island... .
Ages went from 20 45, with people from a lifetime of turf management to relative new comers having 2- 3 years experience.
The 14 major players with the permission of the European commission started creating a powerful management network, which encompassed some 800 members.
Management is reduced to a least common denominator of housekeeping.
This book contains a compendium of some of the papers presented at a workshop on Performance Measurement and Management Control in October, 2001.
In his view senior management could do more to improve managerial competence.
Available in a smart silver lacquered finish, it features 12mm tempered glass top plate, concealed castors & concealed castors & concealed cable management.
He runs a stress management consultancy based in London.
Many CIMA members work in management consulting, business analysis or project management.
This suggests a general contentment with the management of BECTU, which is very much not the case.
Among these is an area of hazel coppice which is part of the historic management of the site.
The management at reception are quite cordial and helpful, and most of them are trilingual.
Coronet cuts coronet cuts Coronet cuts and dead wood management A coronet cuts is a technique for producing a natural fracture effect in cut stubs ends.
It also corrals the files that tend to be large and/or expendable into one location, and simplifies disk space management for builds.
To maintain resources, we will base our future plans on sound financial management and provide more cost-effective policing.
Metadata Workflow Investigation MWI is a study of metadata creation and management processes within the JISC Information Environment.
Above all the principles of honesty and integrity when applying the PMS are essential to enable genuine creativity in design and realism in management.
On a more general note, he says there are three clear priorities for livestock farmers seeking to improve the management of forage crops.
To satisfactorily include croplands in GCMs, the representation of crop management needs consideration.
Several teaching modules involve student development in systems thinking, systems modeling, business analysis, managerial cybernetics and change management.
Examples would be in management cybernetics and in the cybernetics of politics.
Management of hydatid cysts Surgical treatment is the preferred option.
The development and optimal management of acute and chronic lung disease, including cystic fibrosis, are also being studied.
The additions are all welcome, but the management dashboard may be particularly significant.
Leaving standing and fallen deadwood in situ wherever possible should be a long term aim in the management of new urban woodlands.
Once they have agreed a deal with the vendors, only then will they decide on the management's equity stake.
A few corporations choose to grease the squeaky wheel to avoid product defamation by imposing management practices on us, their suppliers.
This contribution describes the causes of wound failure and the management of acute wound dehiscence.
Subsequently the Nepalese government actually denationalized the forest and put them partly into private hands and partly restored village management structures.
Future prospects would include office management or fully qualified dental hygienist.
Validation of techniques to detect illicit heroin use in patients prescribed pharmaceutical heroin for the management of opioid dependence.
Embodies the 80's management philosophy of coming out from behind the mahogany desk once in a while to inspire the little people.
Hedge laying This traditional form of boundary management would have once been the staple diet of any farm worker during the winter months.
To this end, a university accredited management diploma has been developed which will develop all of these areas.
Day-to-day management will rest with the remaining executive directors who will report to a management committee chaired by Allen Thomas, the Chairman.
The management of scarce resources is a prime issue for the pass-on practice about which a number of people expressed dislike.
The Small Claims Court can be used to resolve a dispute with a property management company.
Members of your Faculty may wish to ask questions of a management who have brought their institution into such public disrepute.
Indeed, there is a danger it will arouse suspicions that the management committee is unwilling to tolerate dissent or justify its actions.
Stage 4 Project management; research methods; concept development; media writing; honors project; honors dissertation; critical analysis.
Secondary Water Scarcity Failings of management may lead to scarcity with unequal distribution.
Market Management Reduce costs where utility diversions or agreements required.
The DBA is a practitioner doctorate, designed to make a significant contribution toward the enhancement of professional practice in the area of management.
His ' unique ' management style in this multi-award winning spoof fly-on-the-wall documentary had office workers squirming on their sofas.
Domain Name Registration Since 1998 we have provided domain name registration services and easy management facilities for customers with 1 to 1000+ domain name Registration Since 1998 we have provided domain name registration services and easy management facilities for customers with 1 to 1000+ domain names.
Both the CBE unit and ETV unit have their own management plans designed to dovetail with the overall plan.
Without a production and stage management team contributing their knowledge and skills, it would never leave the drawing board.
Sliced web content management system is now fully e-commerce ready for you to control.
The use of management plans based on sound ecological surveys to co-ordinate economic, environmental and social objectives should be standard practice.
However, it may be argued that these are examples of relatively elementary quality standards in project management.
Subjects include microscopic endodontics, cleaning and shaping, obturation techniques, surgical endodontics, practice management, news and links.
Nevertheless, we were unable to identify any studies examining the epidemiology, characteristics or management of dysphagia in a typical primary care population.
These services are designed to protect and manage intellectual property through technology escrow and domain name records management.
Describes care and problems, and includes the etiology, clinical course, differential diagnosis and management of patients.
The management of this mighty kingdom has hitherto been a subject for contending factions to try their selfish experiments upon.
We were each engaged in impression management and doing our best not to commit a faux pas.
Assess and report (orally and in writing) on herd fertility management.
The problem is not technology but the management of business systems and information technology as a whole, not as two competing fiefdoms.
The Executive has now finalized the new quinquennial Management Plan (required by UNESCO ).
The services operated from these centers include Treasury, wealth management, asset finance, invoice finance, international trade and private banking.
The number of false fire alarms may have persuaded management differently over time.
He performed pioneer work in the early days of the management of tracheo-oesophageal fistula in neonates.
Then by pure fluke Project Management was a module that I I studied just in the last semester.
The increase is primarily attributable to lower interest expense and gains from the company's foreign exchange and interest rate management activities.
In August of that year she joined the Management Advisory Committee where she served until whe was made forewoman of Department 423 in 1938.
However, even where teachers used a good deal of foreign language for classroom management purposes, their utterances had a somewhat formulaic quality.
The Department's Top Management Group is responsible for driving forward New TSN and for monitoring progress.
It presents a practical guide for workers, and a thought-provoking new perspective for genuinely forward-looking management.
Read more... Trusty Handyman Start a lucrative management franchise in the handyman business, a £ 28 billion market in the UK.
Last year Mr Redwood declared a three-year freeze on management numbers.
All their internal management information and external reporting to funders is provided by a simple front-end.
Ignition is controlled by the same integrated engine management system that also controls fuel injection.
Time will be spent outdoors learning the fundaments of conservation, participating in bush walks and general game farm management.
Elective modules allow you to pursue areas of specialist interest (Eg gastronomy, hospitality events management or environmental management ).
This book reflects experiences with mainstreaming gender and women's issues in natural resources management.
Main research interests are in the development and use of molecular genetic markers for the management of natural populations and farmed fish.
They all want to say they can offer revenue management, so what is this new holy Grail for the sector?
Management, research and guidance Management agreements to conserve calcareous grassland on SSSIs have been made between owners and occupiers and EN or CCW.
Increasing your contribution to the management team through basic group dynamics and team work.
A second useful resource is " The complete idiot's guide to Knowledge Management " by Rumizen.
The result here is an indispensable, easy-to-read handbook for practitioners in all aspects of forestry and natural resource management.
Therefore, management has become extremely hands-on, which requires knowledge in many areas of hotel operations.
The mad hatter 's tea party theme reflects the feeling among the staff that the way they have been treated by management is madness.
This paper suggests that there is considerable scope for improvement in the management of chronic heart failure.
The Water Management Board election is not a very high-profile election, many show little interest in what these boards are doing.
History, habitats and management Blacksmith's Field is situated on a rocky hilltop with wide views over the surrounding countryside.
The Healthcheck is offered on an annual basis, providing a completely holistic approach to the management of effective security measures.
They all want to say they can offer revenue management, so what is this new Holy Grail for the sector?
Policies are sold this amounts to case management homemaker.
Well honed account management skills which lead to repeat contracts.
Last year, there were only four Management Committee Members who were not honorary Officers.
It includes lectures on how to feed your dressage horse, being fit for the job and general stable management.
How does land use management impact on lowland catchment hydrology, including both water quantity and quality?
There is no consensus on the management of subclinical hyperthyroidism.
General topic areas covered include iconography, image manipulation and image management.
I then began using idealist for the Collections Management requirements of the Old Operating Theater Museum using the Windows version.
In addition, David Wilson Homes has been ordered to pay for infrastructure improvements such as traffic management and flood control.
Each project has a clock which records the time from project inception through to approval, giving you valuable management information.
To help you achieve this, incise offers a complete content development, management and research service.
They encourage data inconsistency, prevent integration and stand in the way of a world-class EHS management strategy.
Women randomized to active management commenced an oxytocin infusion within 20minutes of randomisation.
There are five analog bass management inputs with selectable crossover for 5.1 surround sound production.
Your role will involve assistant management insolvency at administration level.
It provides an enterprise data management service to the BBC, promoting applications integration using the latest technologies.
Try customer relationship management (CRM) or computer-telephony integration.
Through this program, we have also formed strong relationships with global systems integrators, management consultants, and industry leaders in storage technology.
These areas have generally low biodiversity as a result of relatively intensive management.
It established a waste management hierarchy, which stressed the interdependence of approaches to waste disposal.
This case illustrates the laparoscopic management of benign small bowel intussusception due to lipoma.
It covers just-in-time inventory and supply chains management for true make-to-order outsourced manufacturing.
We base our in the census and management gruber j higher incomes potentially.
Many people with diabetes can benefit from measuring blood ketones as part of their overall diabetes management program.
They are not industry kingpins and rely largely on talented management to progress.
And mental health chollet kirk and ermann how they might management programs and.
Thanks to Alistair's good management we have been able to accept an offer from the builder to upgrade the floor using European larch.
In the same year he was also appointed an honorary lecturer in the school of Finance & Management Studies at the University of Nottingham.
Management and Business & Administration NVQs Maecenas sodales posuere ligula.
Nevertheless, given the confluence between technology and management, the two organizations are working to strengthen linkages in appropriate areas.
Fasting has been used by patients for weight management, to rest the digestive tract and for lowering lipids.
Diagnosis of the cause of raised plasma lipid levels will enable appropriate decisions to be taken with regard to management.
The role of extracorporeal shock lithotripsy is in the management of salivary calculi is at present unclear.
Clearly members wanted management but were still loath to give ' management ' any power.
Do you use a call logging / management system?
Children, adolescents and younger adults requiring long-term, higher dose steroid therapy pose particular management difficulties.
Indeed, risk assessments form the lynchpin of health and safety management.
Specific legislation shall regulate the functioning and powers of the management and discipline organ of the administrative jurisdictional magistracy.
His comments range from issues of project scope, to management buy-in, through testing and practical issues to ongoing maintenance and training.
We have a democratic, but efficiently organized, management structure that allows your participation in decision- making.
Technologies » Brand Development, Content management, Subscription-based online payment system, managed hosting.
The proposals made were put forward to improve the management of Council activities and to provide a more contemporary and flexible structure.
It is intended for small sites allowing centralized management.
You alone observe that the senior management never back me up.
The vision of CAMS is ' a shared strategy for sustainable management of water resources within a catchment area ' .
The Best Value performance Plan is also an important aspect of the Council's new performance management arrangements.
Expert advice, knowledge sharing by providing specialists, either as consultants or interim managers for your program and project management.
Opportunities exist throughout the Nationwide network for highly experienced / qualified mechanics who are looking to progress into first line management.
Besides the sugar-refinery already mentioned, there were in Ig00 four tobacco factories, a national printing-press, an annular furnace for brick-burning, an iron-foundry and several blast-furnaces, under the management of the state.
To prevent the gradual destruction of the forests by unskilful management and depredations, schools of forestry have been founded, and means have been taken for regulating the cutting of wood and for replanting districts that have been partially denuded.
Formerly under the Turnpike Acts many of the more important highways were placed under the management of boards of commissioners or trustees.
The management and maintenance of the highways and bridges is vested in county road trustees, viz.
The expenses of highway management in each district (or parish), together with a proportion of the general expenses of the act, are levied by the trustees by an assessment on the lands and heritages within the district (or parish).
It is especially necessary that they should gain experience in management of men, and in the conduct of the business details, which cannot well be taught in schools.
They took over the management of the Roman and Megalesian games, the care of the patrician temples and had the right of issuing edicts as superintendents of the markets.
Although a large part of the people disliked the idea of a conflict with the church, an alliance with Florence's old enemy Bernabo Visconti was made, war declared, and a balia of 8, the Otto della guerra (afterwards called the "Eight Saints" on account of their good management) was created to carry on the campaign.
He then undertook the management of his father's factory in Newcastle, and greatly aided him in the improvement of the locomotives.
He was president of the Union Pacific railroad from 1884 to 1890, having previously become widely known as an authority on the management of railways.
The use of multiple-effect evaporation made it possible to raise the steam for all the work required to be done in a well-equipped factory, making crystals, under skilful management, by means of the bagasse alone proceeding from the.
Great care is necessary to prevent the heaps from becoming too hot, in which case the clay becomes baked into hard lumps of brick-like material which cannot be broken up. With careful management, however, the clay dries and bakes, becoming slowly converted into lumps which readily crumble into a fine powder, in which state it is spread over and worked into the land at the rate of 40 loads per acre.
There is no exact parallel in England to the conflict between these two classes in Scotland in the 16th century, or to the great continental revolution of the 13th and 14th centuries, by which the crafts threw off the yoke of patrician government and secured more independence in the management of their own affairs and more participation in the civic administration.
The main causes of these conflicts on the continent were the monopoly of power by the patricians, acts of violence committed by them, their bad management of the finances and their partisan administration of justice.
Closely associated with it also, and under the management of the university trustees, is the New York State School of Clay-Working and Ceramics (1900), one of the most efficient schools of the kind in the country.
When the French government decided on printing a general catalogue of the printed books in the Bibliotheque, Delisle became responsible for this great undertaking and took an active part in the work; in the preface to the first volume (1897) he gave a detailed history of the library and its management.
The ex-president invested in it all his available property, but paid no attention to the management of the business.
As the works did not pay under official management, they were transferred to the director-general of railways.
So thoroughly had he now mastered the management of glazes that he could combine yellow, green, white and claret color in regular patches to imitate tortoise-shell.
The facts that the outlays averaged less than 47% of the gross income, and that accidents and irregularities are not numerous, prove that Japanese management in this kind of enterprise is efficient.
It also works coal-fields at Yentai and Fushun; has a line of steamers plying between Tairen and Shanghai; and engages in enterprises of electricity, warehousing and the management of houses and lands within zones 50 Ii (17 m.) wide on either side of the line.
Naville, he came to Paris as under whose energetic management it soon achieved a world-wide reputation.
During the agitation against corruption, and in favour of honest management of the public money, which was very strong between 1779 and 1782, he and they worked heartily together.
Subsequently, he undertook first the secretaryship and then the management and chief ownership of some tile-works at Tilbury, but here also he was unfortunate, and his imprisonment in 1703 brought the works to a standstill, and he lost £3000.
The 10th of August uprooted his party, his paper and his friends, and the management of relatives who kept him out of the way in Normandy alone saved him from the massacre of September.
He continued successfully in the management of this business through a financial crisis incident to a wildly speculative time, until in the spring of 1857 the house, by his advice, withdrew from Californian affairs.
Since 1887 the management of the town had been entrusted to a nominated sanitary board, under the chairmanship of the mining commissioner appointed by the South African Republic. In 1890 elected members had been admitted to this board, but at the end of 1897 an elective stadsraad (town council) was constituted, though its functions were strictly limited.
The management of that enterprise, however, was a difficult one, and cost Villehardouin another embassy into Italy to prevent if possible some of his fellow-pilgrims from breaking the treaty with the Venetians by embarking at other ports and employing other convoy.
The statesgeneral under the skilful management of the Grand Pensionary, John de Witt, retaliated by sending de Ruyter from the Mediterranean, where he was cruising against the Barbary pirates, to follow Holmes.
The Dutch admiral, who was hampered rather than helped by his Spanish allies, did his best to make good his weakness by skilful management.
By politic management Trajan was able to represent the diminution as a sort of discount for immediate payment, while the civilians had to wait a considerable time before their full due was handed to them.
One of the most important branches of colliery work is the management of the ventilation, involving as it does the supply of fresh air to the men working in the pit, as well as the removal of inflammable gases that may be given off by the coal.
The management of such places, therefore, requires the most constant vigilance on the part of the workmen, especially in the examination of the working places that have been standing empty during the night, in which gas may have accumulated, to see that they are properly cleared before the new shift commences.
But due to lack of policies for proper water management the irrigation system is too poor.
The several roads are under the management of twenty-seven companies, but about 75% of the business is done by the Chicago Burlington & Quincy, the Chicago & North-Western, the Chicago Milwaukee & St Paul and the Chicago Rock Island & Pacific. Electric interurban railways are increasing in importance for freight and passenger service.
Each county has its own administrative boards and officers; and there are two justices of the peace and two constables for every township. The board of supervisors, consisting of not more than seven members, elected for a term of three years, has the care of county property and the management of county business, including highways and bridges; it fixes the rate of county taxes within prescribed limits, and levies the taxes for state and county purposes.
But Benjamin's management of the paper, and particularly his free-thinking, displeased the authorities; the relations of the two brothers gradually grew unfriendly, possibly, as Benjamin thought, because of his brother's jealousy of his superior ability; and Benjamin determined to quit his brother's employ and to leave New England.
In 1730 the partnership was dissolved, and Franklin, through the financial assistance of two friends, secured the sole management of the printing house.
Franklin's superior management of the paper, his new type, " some spirited remarks " on the controversy between the Massachusetts assembly and Governor Burnet, brought his paper into immediate notice, and his success both as a printer and as a journalist was assured and complete.
In 1746-1747 he fulfilled a short engagement with Rich at Covent Garden, his last series of performances under a management not his own.
With the close of that season Fleetwood's patent for the management of Drury Lane expired, and Garrick, in conjunction with Lacy, purchased the property of the theatre, together with the renewal of the patent; contributing 8000 as two-thirds of the purchase-money.
As a manager, though he committed some grievous blunders, he did good service to the theatre and signally advanced the popularity of Shakespeare's plays, of which not less than twenty-four were produced at Drury Lane under his management.
Garrick practically ceased to act in 1766, but he continued the management of Drury Lane, and in 1769 organized the Shakespeare celebrations at Stratford-on-Avon, an undertaking which ended in dismal failure, though he composed an " Ode upon dedicating a building and erecting a Statue to Shakespeare " on the occasion.
Great wealth, gained from the Moslem conquests, was pouring into Medina, and a system of business management and administration became necessary.
The territorial extent of each town was determined by its grant or grants from the general court, which the towns served as agents in the management of land.
The selectmen have the general management of a " town's " affairs during the interval between town-meetings.
From that time until 1821 the Greeks monopolized the management of Turkey's foreign relations, and soon established the regular system whereby the chief dragoman passed on as a matter of course to the dignity of hospodar of one of the Danubian principalities.
His devotion to mathematical science seems to have interfered alike with his advancement in the Church and with the proper management of his private affairs.
Demesne of the crown, or royal demesne, was that part of the crown lands not granted out to feudal tenants, but which remained under the management of stewards appointed by the crown.
His management of the affairs of his department was, however, very successful; he confirmed and maintained the alliance with Germany, which had been formed by his predecessors, and cooperated with Bismarck in the arrangements by which Italy joined the alliance.
In June 1623, however, New Netherland was formally erected into a province and the management of its affairs assigned to the Chamber of Amsterdam, which in March 1624 despatched the " New Netherland," with the first permanent colonists (thirty families mostly Walloon), under Cornelis Jacobsen Mey, the first governor or director of the colony.
The Republican legislature had in 1867 appointed a committee to investigate the management of the canal system, but the abuses were allowed to continue until in 1875 Governor Tilden disclosed many frauds of the " Canal Ring," and punished the guilty.
In 1823, however, a treaty was made establishing a fixed toll and a uniform system of management; this was further improved in 1856 and 1865; and when Prussia took possession of Hanover and Hesse-Nassau in 1866 the chief difficulties in the way of organizing the river-trade disappeared.
Trained in a school where the principles of responsible government were still in an embryonic state, where the adroit management of coalitions and cabals was essential to the life of a political party, and where plots and counterplots were looked upon as a regular part of the political game, he acquired a dexterity and skill in managing men that finally gave him an almost autocratic power among his political followers.
All of these institutions are under the management of a bi-partisan State Board of Control which consists of three members appointed by the governor for a term of six years, one every two years, and also removable by the governor in his discretion.
Of the powerful literary executive which gathered about Counts Porro and Confalonieri, Pellico was the able secretary - the management of the Conciliatore, which appeared in 1818 as the organ of the association, resting largely upon him.
He was in constant demand as a lecturer from 1843, when he made his first appearance on the platform, always drew large audiences, and, in spite of his bad management in money matters, received considerable sums, sometimes $600o or $7000 for a single winter's lecturing.
The Evangelical-Lutheran, or State, church has as its head the minister de evangelicis so long as the king is Roman Catholic; and its management is vested in the Evangelical Consistory at Dresden.
Nell Gwyn, who sold oranges in the precincts of Drury Lane Theatre, passed, at the age of fifteen, to the boards, through the influence of the actor Charles Hart and of Robert Duncan or Dungan, an officer of the guards who had interest with the management.
The educational institutions of the state are all under the management of a board of regents of five members, who are appointed by the governor, with the approval of the senate for terms of six years.
A realization that the continuation of independent and rival corporations retarded growth eventually led to a compromise by which the two were united as two wards of the same village in 1839, the autonomy of each being still recognized by an odd arrangement whereby each maintained practically independent management of its finances and affairs.
On the proposal of had helped her in the management of her most private affairs and had acted as an intermediary between her and her ministers with singular ability and success.
All but 65 miles was under state management.
The revenue of Netherlands India has been derived mainly from customs, excise, ground-tax, licences, poll-tax, &c., from monopolies - opium, salt and pawn-shops (the management of which began to be taken over by the government in 1903, in place of the previous system of farming-out), coffee, &c., railways, tin mines and forests, and from agricultural and other concessions.
Where there were one bishop and a number of presbyters and deacons in a church, the presbyters constituted the bishop's council, and the deacons his assistants in the management of the finances and charities and in the conduct of the services.
In June 1597 he was consecrated bishop of London; and from this time, in consequence of the age and incapacity for business of Archbishop Whitgift, he was virtually invested with the power of primate, and had the sole management of ecclesiastical affairs.
In practice moderate discussion was still proceeding in 1921 with the view of giving a more democratic character to factories and other undertakings and assuring a closer cooperation of the workers in the management.
In regard to the mines specialists were in conference as to the part to be taken by the State and by public bodies in ownership and management.
It was not long, however, before the allies displayed their intention of keeping the management of affairs entirely in their own hands.
The site was purchased by the United States government, and all the expenses come from national funds, the management being vested in the Smithsonian Institution.
The collection is extremely good, the houses are well constructed and sumptuously decorated, and the general management is conducted on the most adequate scientific lines.
Certain general remarks may be made on the efficient management of the zoological gardens.
Only a single pathogenic species can withstand the short boiling to which milk is ordinarily treated in domestic management, and this is the anthrax bacillus containing spores.
He is himself one of the board of education, of the board of public works, and of the board for the management of the house of correction.
Each of these is under the management of a board appointed by the governor subject to the confirmation of the senate.
Both are under the management of the state Board of Education, which appoints the principals and teachers and prescribes the course of study.
The Maryland Agricultural College, to which an experiment station has been added, was opened in 1859; it is at College Park in Prince George's county, and is largely under state management.
The committee of management consists of thirty-six laymen, six of them being foreigners resident in or near.
It was endowed by Dr Francis Andrews, provost of Trinity College, was erected in 1785, and in 1791 was placed by statute under the management of the royal astronomer of Ireland, whose official residence is here.
A new system of management and high rents were imposed, in consequence of which numbers of the tacksmen, or large tenants, emigrated to North America.
The main lines are the Southern, belonging to an American company and running from San Jose to the capital; the Northern, a government line from the capital to Puerto Barrios, which completes the interoceanic railroad; and the Western, from Champerico to Quezaltenango, belonging to a Guatemalan company, but largely under German management.
The proper adjustment of the reins is the next thing to be attended to, and as the management of these depends so much upon the seat being firm and independent of the bridle the acquisition of a firm seat is certainly half-way towards the acquirement of good hands.
A peculiarly notable form of this special or private bill legislation is that of dealing by special statutes with the governmental forms and details of management of municipalities; and the control exercised by the state legislatures over city governments is not only a most important branch of legislative business, but at the same time a means of power to scheming politicians and of enrichment to greedy ones.
The latter have the management of county buildings, such as courthouses ar,d prisons, have power to lay out new main highways, to grant licences, and to apportion among the towns and cities the taxation necessary to meet county expenses.
In the United States the principal matters in this department are the management of the public lands, the conduct of Indian affairs, the issue of patents, the administration of pension laws, of the national census and of the geological survey, and the collection of educational information.
As the desire to dominate primaries was found to lead to many abuses, both in the way of manipulating the lists of party voters and in the unfair management of the primary meetings themselves, a movement was started for reforming the system, which, beginning soon after 1890, gathered so much support that now in the large majority of the states laws have been enacted for regulating the proceedings at primary nomination meetings.
Pro vincial control has caused some diversity of management; the interpretation of the denominational agreement has led to acute differences of opinion which have invaded the field of politics.
Moreover, he ordered that "no officer should be required or permitted to take part in the management of political organizations, caucuses, conventions or election campaigns," and that "no assessment for political purposes on officers or subordinates should be allowed"; and he removed from their offices the heads of the post-office in St Louis and of the customhouse in New York - influential party managers - on the ground that they had misused their official positions for partisan ends.
This was hardly done, however, before the panic of 1837 wiped out a large portion of the banks' assets; next came revelations of grossly careless and even of corrupt management, and in 1843 the banks were placed in liquidation.
He compared the results of his theory with experimental determinations of the ranges of mortars and cannon, and gave practical maxims for the management of artillery.
Italian though he was by birth, education and nature, France owed him a great debt for his skilful management during the early years of Louis XIV., and the king owed him yet more, for he had not only transmitted to him a nation at peace, but had educated for him his great servants Le Tellier, Lionne and Colbert.
For a century back it has played the part of an upper council in the management of Europe.
The purpose of the change was to subject all the independent tribes from Chitral to the Gomal Pass to the control of a single hand, and to ensure a firm and continuous policy in their management.
On the return of the Unionists to power in 1895 he resumed the leadership of the House, but not at first with the success expected of him, his management of the abortive education proposals of '96 being thought, even by his own supporters, to show a disinclination for the continuous drudgery of parliamentary management under modern conditions.
The first rules for the management of Methodist Sunday schools were issued by the Conference in 1827.
Under him are four ministers of state (sha-pe or kalon), who divide among themselves, under the immediate supervision of the two imperial Chinese residents (or amban), the management of all secular affairs of the country.
Always in pecuniary straits through his extravagance, he pursued a foreign policy which would have been expensive under the most careful management.
They gave employment to a body of conversi and labourers under the management of a monk, who bore the title of Brother Hospitaller - the granges, like their parent institutions, affording shelter and hospitality to belated travellers.
The choice of her daughter as wife of the future tsar was the result of not a little diplomatic management in which Frederick the Great took an active part, the object being to strengthen the friendship between Prussia and Russia, to weaken the influence of Austria and to ruin the chancellor Bestuzhev, on whom Elizabeth relied, and who was a known partisan of the Austrian alliance.
The management of the college was practically in his hands, and his reputation as a scholar became high in the university.
Elis and Sparta, making common cause, had no difficulty in excluding the Pisatans from their proper share in the management of the Olympian sanctuary.
C. It remains to notice those features of the Altis which were connected with the management of the sanctuary or with the accommodation of its guests.
In 1755 he was appointed a member of the board of trustees for encouragement of the fisheries, arts and manufactures of Scotland, and about the same time he was named one of the commissioners for the management of the forfeited estates annexed to the Crown.
Already, in the r3th century, they were hard pressed by the growing wealth of the burghers, and even the greatest nobles could scarcely keep up their state without careful business management.
His management of the war, more especially on Lake Champlain, was severely criticized, and he was threatened with a court-martial, but died before the trial came on.
So far as practical gardening is concerned, feeding by the roots after they have been placed in suitable soil is confined principally to the administration of water and, under certain circumstances, of liquid or chemical manure; and no operations demand more judicious management.
The smaller houses are far better for cultural purposes, while the plants can be classified, and the little details of management more conveniently attended to.
These houses require careful management in early summer so as to induce the more delicate varieties of peaches and nectarines to complete and ripen their growth before cold, sunless weather sets in.
The management of the furnaces is relatively easy, and consists in adapting the volume and intensity of the fires to particular needs.
In the management of artificial heat for this purpose, a considerable degree of caution is required.
The financial management in each congregation is entrusted to a special court (kerk-voogdij) composed of " notables " and church wardens.
Besides a great saving of labour, only partly offset by the cost of repairs, these machines have the great merit of making the management independent of a very troublesome set of labourers, the hand pig-breakers, who were not only absolutely indispensable for every cast and every day, because the pig iron must be removed promptly to make way for the next succeeding cast of iron, but very difficult to replace because of the great physical endurance which their work requires.
The advantage of this combination is that, by simplifying the conditions with which the composition of the pig iron has to comply, it makes the management of the blast furnace easier, and thus lessens the danger of making " misfit " pig iron, i.e.
But cast iron for the basic open-hearth process can be made from almost any ore, because its requirements, comparative freedom from silicon and sulphur, depend on the management of the blast-furnace rather than on the composition of the ore, whereas the phosphorus-content of the cast iron depends solely on that of the ore, because nearly all the phosphorus of the ore necessarily passes into the cast iron.
His eldest son, the younger Aldus, succeeded him in the management of the Venetian printing house when his father settled at Rome in 1561.
Posts, telegraphs and telephones are exclusively under state management and form a government department.
In 1582 after the execution of Father Campion he withdrew to Dethick, and attaining his majority occupied himself for a short time with the management of his estates.
The assembly of notables claimed the right of voting the budget, and thus came into conflict with the foreign controllers who had been appointed to guard the interests of the bondholders in the management of the Egyptian finances.
The earliness of the feed, its quantity and its quality will all depend in very great measure Manage - upon the proper management of the irrigation.
This assembly elects three small committees, and with them rests the whole management of the irrigation.
When British engineers first undertook the management of Egyptian irrigation many representations were made to them of the advantage of storing the Nile water; but they consistently maintained that before entering on that subject it was their duty to utilize every drop of the water at their disposal.
The management of the Prussian railway system is committed to the charge of twenty directions, into which the whole network of lines is divided, being those of Altona, Berlin, Breslau, Bromberg, Danzig, Elberfeld, Erfurt, Essen ad.
The seat of management was Frankfort-onMain.
The imperial railway board (Reichseisenbahnamt), the chief official of which has the title of president, deals exclusively with the management of the railways throughout the empire, in so far as they fall under the control of the imperial authorities in respect of laws passed for their harmonious interworking, their tariffs and the safety of passengers conveyed.
The Oberkirchenrat retains 87 1,763 the right of supreme management.
It took the place of the Prussian Bank in 1876, and is under the superintendence and management of the empire, which shares in the profits.
The country was not now divided into a few duchies which, with skilful management, might still in times of emergency Classes have been made to act together.
In many of the state parliaments resolutions were carried protesting against the system of imperial railways, and from that time the preservation of the local railway management has been the chief object towards which, in Saxony, Bavaria and Wurttemberg, local feeling has been directed.
Generally there remains to them the control of education and Teligiontheir most important dutypolice, all questions connected with land tenure, local government, the raising of direct taxes, and, in the larger states, the management of railways.
With the formation of the empire the conflict was transferred from Baden to Prussia, where there had been for thirty years absolute peace, a peace gained, indeed, by allowing to the Catholics complete freedom; the Prussian constitution ensured them absolute liberty in the management of ecclesiastical affairs; in the ministry for religion and education there was a separate department for Catholic affairs, and (owing to the influence of the great family of the Radziwills) they enjoyed considerable power at court.
As these laws were inconsistent with those articles of the Prussian constitution which guaranteed to a religious corporation the independent management of its own affairs, it was therefore necessary to alter the constitution.
Thus a nucleus and precedent has been formed similar to that by which the Zoilverein was begun, and it was hoped that it might be possible to arrange similar agreements with other states, so that in this way a common management for all lines might be established.
There is, however, strong opposition, especially in South Germany, and most of the states cling to the separate management of their own lines.
Since 1869 they continued to exist only as voluntary associations with no public duties; many had been dissolved, and this is said to have brought about bad results in the management of lodging-houses, the condition of apprentices, support during illness, and the maintenance of labor bureaus.
During his administration even the secretary of state for foreign affairs, Baron Marschall von Bieberstein, and afterwards Count von Billow, became the ordinary spokesman of the government, and in the management of other departments the want of a strong hand at the head of affairs was often missed.
In 1 554 his father died, and, although he had an elder brother, Count Federigo, he was requested by the family to take the management of their domestic affairs.
It was furthermore charged that he was in contempt of the Senate in having failed to submit on request a complete report of the management of his office.
The management of the bank and the supervision exercised over it by the state are established on a footing of equality, both states having each the same influence.
The history of the common affairs which fall under the management of the common ministries is, then, the history of the foreign policy of the empire and of the army.
The whole responsibility for the payment of the remainder of the interest, amounting annually to over a hundred million gulden, and the management of the debt, was left to the Austrians.
The elements of this opposition were of very various kinds (r) The old-fashioned Moslems, sons of the Ansar and Mohajir, who had been Mahomet's first companions and supporters, and could not bear the thought that the sons of the old enemies of the Prophet in Mecca, whom they nicknamed tolaga (freedmen), should be in control of the imamate, which carried with it the management of affairs both civil and religious.
Impelled by serious charges against Fremont, the president sent Montgomery Blair, the postmaster-general, and Montgomery C. Meigs, the quartermaster-general, to investigate the department; they reported that Fremont's management was extravagant and inefficient; and in November he was removed.
After the opening of certain Korean ports to foreign trade, the customs were placed under the management of European commissioners nominated by Sir Robert Hart from Peking.
In early life he had little time for politics, but after 1880 he became prominent in the affairs of the Republican party in Cleveland, and in 1884 and 1888 was a delegate to the Republican National Convention, in the latter year being associated with William McKinley in the management of the John Sherman canvass.
The women are delicate in frame, with small hands and feet, fair complexions, beautiful black eyes, finely arched eyebrows, and a profusion of long black hair, which they dress to perfection, and ornament with pearls and gems. The Parsees are much more liberal in their treatment of women than any other Asiatic race; they allow them to appear freely in public, and leave them the entire management of household affairs.
Reaction set in under Charles Alexander, who became grand-duke in 1853, and the union of the crown lands and the state lands was undone, although both remained under the same public management.
After graduating at Hamilton College in 1818, he assumed the management of the vast estate of his father, Peter Smith (1768-1837), long a partner of John Jacob Astor, and greatly increased the family fortune.
As elsewhere, at first none but the civic aristocracy were admitted to take part in the management of the town's affairs; but from the end of the 13th century a share had to be conceded to representatives of the crafts.
It was threatened with total disafforestation, when under the Epping Forest Act of 1871 a board of commissioners was appointed for the better management of the lands.
Its site is that formerly occupied by the terminus of the Schleswig-Holstein railways, but a handsome central station lying somewhat farther to the N., connected with Hamburg by an elevated railway, now accommodates all the traffic and provides through communication with the main Prussian railway systems. There are also fine municipal and judicial buildings, a theatre (under the same management as the Stadttheater in Hamburg), a gymnasium, technical schools, a school of navigation and a hospital.
In 1741 the Swedes made an effort to recover the ceded province, but through wretched management suffered disaster, and were compelled to capitulate in August 1742, ceding by the peace of Abo, next year, the towns of Villmanstrand and Fredrikshamn.
The specialized use of the word as equivalent to the management of the public expenditure and receipts first became prominent in France during the 16th century and quickly spread to other countries.
Water supply, transport and lighting have become public services, requiring careful financial management, and still retaining traces of their earlier private character.
Though the materials are simpler, the need for a well-prepared budget is existent in the case of the city, county or department, if there is to be clear and accurate financial management.
His unskilful and unlucky management of the sea expedition to Ferrol and the Azores in no way lowered his popularity with the people, but undoubtedly weakened his influence with the queen.
The National was at first conducted by Thiers, Mignet and Carrel in conjunction; but after the revolution of July, Thiers and Mignet assumed office, and the whole management fell into the hands of Carrel.
While he was reforming the finances of the nation, and organizing its navy, he always found time to direct the management of his smallest farm.
By far the greater part of the interest now paid in the civilized world is, in the language of the English economists, only a fair reward for risk of loss and for management of capital, and a necessary stimulus to saving.
She remained there six months, learning every detail of hospital management with a thoroughness rarely equalled.
From Kaiserswerth she went to Paris, where she studied the system of nursing and management in the hospitals under the charge of the sisters of St Vincent de Paul.
The amount of revenue accruing to the Crown from the whole Reduktion it is impossible to estimate even approximately; but by these means, combined with the most careful management and the most rigid economy, Charles XI.
Carlson, of the High School of Gothenburg, succeeded in forming a party of Liberals and Radicals to the number of about 90 members, who, besides being in favour of the extension of the franchise, advocated the full equality of Norway with Sweden in the management of foreign affairs.
In favourable localities and with judicious management these establishments yield very considerable profit (see Feather).
Thus the railway and constabulary of both the ex-republics were under a single management.
The mode of electing officers, and the system of management generally, was challenged by three members who called themselves "artificers, poor men of the craft of goldsmiths."
At the beginning of 1863 he assumed the management and editorship of the Moscow Gazette, and he retained that position till his death in 1887.
In 1893 serious differences arose between the khan of Kalat and Sir James Browne, who succeeded Sir Robert Sandeman as agent to the governor-general in Baluchistan, arising out of Mir Khodadad Khan's outrageous conduct in the management of his own court, and the treatment of his officials.
An act of that year, however, organized the consular service as a branch of the civil service, with payment by a fixed salary instead of by fees; consuls were forbidden also to engage in trade, and the management of the service was put under the control of a separate department of the foreign office, created for the purpose.
At the close of the Peloponnesian War the Spartans gave to the people of Delos the management of their own affairs; but the Athenian predominance was soon after restored, and survived an appeal to the amphictyony of Delphi in 345 B.C. During Macedonian times, from 322 to 166 B.C., Delos again became independent; during this period the shrine was enriched by offerings from all quarters, and the temple and its possessions were administered by officials called i€poirocol.
Ignoring Sir Thomas Robinson, the political nobody to whom Newcastle had entrusted the management of the Commons, he made frequent and vehement attacks on Newcastle himself, though still continuing to serve under him.
His business management of these schools got him heavily into debt, and in the autumn of 1852 a charge of lax administration came before a court of bishops, who dismissed it.
It was decided to entrust the management of state affairs to a committee of twelve members chosen in equal number from the three estates.
Interrupting his studies, he withdrew to Broglio, and by careful management disencumbered the family possessions.
The supervisor is also the township assessor, and the several township supervisors constitute the county board of supervisors who equalize property valuations as between townships, authorize townships to borrow money with which to build or repair bridges, are entrusted with the care and management of the property and business of the county, and may borrow or raise by tax what is necessary to meet the more common expenses of the county.
Under the designation of a duchy the territory formed the department of Salzach in Upper Austria until 1849, when it was made a separate crownland, and finally in 1861 the management of its affairs was entrusted to a local diet.
The chief, who is a Mahratta of the Bhonsla family, resides at Poona on a pension, while the state is under British management.
The general construction of the pan is the same as in the Washoe process; the management, however, differs.
In the previous year, 1772, Warren Hastings had taken under the immediate management of the Company's servants the general administration of Bengal, which had hitherto been left in the hands of the old Mahommedan officials, and had removed the treasury from Murshidabad to Calcutta.
Katkov, he entered in 1877 the service of the Odessa State railway, and so distinguished himself in the transport operations necessitated by the Turkish campaign of 18 771878, that he was soon afterwards appointed general traffic manager of the South-Western railway of Russia and member of an Imperial commission which had to study the whole question of railway construction and management throughout the empire.
It appears that he became mentally feeble some years before his death, and was obliged to surrender the management of his affairs to his brother Marcus.
The control and management of the crown lands is now regulated by the Crown Lands Act 1829 and various amending acts.
Under these acts their management is entrusted to the commissioners of Woods, Forests and Land Revenues, who have certain statutory powers as to leasing, selling, exchanging, &c.
The Metropolis Management Act of 1855 established (outside the city) two classes of parishes - the first class with vestries of their own, the second class grouped under district boards elected by the component vestries; and the Metropolitan Board of Works (abolished in 1888), elected by the vestries and the district boards, was made the central authority.
The hundred rate is seldom made, though in some counties it may be made for purposes of main roads and bridges chargeable to the hundred as distinguished from the county at large; (ii.) the borrowing of money; (iii.) the passing of the accounts of, and the discharge of the county treasurer; (iv.) shire halls, county halls, assize courts, the judges' lodgings, lock-up houses, court houses, justices' rooms, police stations and county buildings, works and property; (v.) the licensing under any general act of houses and other places for music or for dancing, and the granting of licences under the Racecourses Licensing Act 1879; (vi.) the provision, enlargement, maintenance and management and visitation of, and other dealing with, asylums for pauper lunatics; (vii.) the establishment and maintenance of, and the contribution to, reformatory and industrial schools; (viii.) bridges and roads repairable with bridges, and any powers vested by the Highways and Locomotives Amendment Act 1878 in the county authority.
A district council may from time to time make regulations with respect to summoning, notice, place, management and adjournment of their meetings, and generally with respect to the B n s transaction and management of their business.
District councils may, and if required by the Local Government Board, must provide mortuaries, and they may make by-laws with Mortu r respect to the management and charges for the use of the same.
An urban council may also provide slaughter-houses and make by-laws with respect to the management and charges for the use of them.
Among the duties transferred to parish councils may be mentioned the provision of parish books and of a vestry room or parochial office, parish chest, fire engine or fire escape, the holding or management of parish property, other than property Powers relating to affairs of the church or held for an ecclesiastical and duties charity, the holding or management of village greens or of parish of allotments, the appointment of trustees of parochial councils.
As the naval force of the enemy was completely driven into port, the British admiral had no opportunity of an action at sea, but his management of the convoy carrying the troops, and of the landing at Aboukir, was greatly admired.
And as on the river itself, so there shall be collected on these roads, railways, and canals only tolls calculated on the cost of construction, maintenance, and management, and on the profits due to the promoters"; while as regards the tariff of these tolls, strangers and natives of the respective territories were to be treated "on a footing of perfect equality."
Most noticeable among these doctrines is the complete system of angelology consistently followed out in the Book of Daniel, according to which the management of human affairs is entrusted to a regular hierarchy of commanding angels, two of whom, Gabriel and Michael, are even mentioned by name.
The principal hospitals are the Incurabili, Gesu e Maria, Santa Maria della Pace and a hospital for poor priests, which are all under the same management.
When, therefore, the battle which Keppel fought with the French on the 27th of July 1778 ended in a highly unsatisfactory manner, owing mainly to his own unintelligent management, but partly through the failure of Sir Hugh Palliser to obey orders, he became convinced that he had been deliberately betrayed.
The head of the Orthodox Church, the metropolitan Gennadius, had for some years past, as head of the philanthropic establishments founded by the princess Brancovan, desired to obtain the entire management of these wealthy foundations, and had made violent attacks on the two administrators, Prince George Bibescu and Prince Stirbei, both members of the Brancovan family.
Society thus becomes sole proprietor, intrusting to social groups and social functionaries the management of the various properties.
He became secretary of the scientific society of that city, and under his management the society was advanced to the position of one of the most noted in Europe.
His integrity in the management of the museum was called in question, but a judicial investigation speedily cleared his honour, to the satisfaction even of his accusers.
There are ten art colleges, of which two are managed by government, three by native states, and five are under private management.
With good management twenty ewes of any of the lowland breeds should produce and rear thirty lambs, and the proportion can be increased by breeding from ewes with a prolific tendency.
In 1763 he was called back to Dusseldorf, and in the following year he married and took over the management of his father's business.
Burke drew up a bill, which was adopted by the coalition government, for taking all authority in India out of the hands of the company, and even placing the companys management of its own commercial affairs under control.
In Jamaica the planters, who had sullenly accepted the abolition of slavery, were irritated by the passage of an act of parliament intended to remedy some grave abuses in the management of the prisons of the island.
By the management of the princewho later in the reign was known as the prince consortthe great ladies of the household voluntarily tendered their resignations; and every obstacle to the formation of the new government was in this way removed.
Before the change of administration a conference had been decided on, and Lord Palmerston entrusted its management to Lord John Russell.
Prudent management under this system has placed the city in the highest rank financially.
These rulers built up an elaborate system of government which left a considerable share in the management of affairs to the body of the people.
He was a fighter through and through, and his courage was superb; but he was indiscreet in utterance, impolitic in management, opinionated, self-confident, and uncompromising in nature and methods.
In 1767 he undertook on his own account the management of a farm in Essex.
The principal duties of this board are to examine the condition and the management of such institutions and report to the governor; and county and city authorities must submit to it for criticism all plans for new jails, public infirmaries, and hospitals.
Each school district elects one member of the county board of education, and in counties having less than five school districts one or more members of the county board, the number of which is always five, besides the county superintendent who is ex officio its secretary, are elected by the county at large, and to this county board of education together with district advisory boards is entrusted the management and control of the common schools.
He needed a little mind-clearing R and R. Bird Song showed no damage from a day of substitute management.
After dinner, and obligatory rave reviews by the other two-thirds of Bird Song's management team, Dean joined Cynthia in the parlor.
Then he went over my head—put in a request to senior management.
We do not want animosity between plant management and inspectors.
First, we need to decide whether it can move beyond the role of passive recipient of management information to exert active influence over company policy.
We are increasingly able to leverage the power of the Internet in our event management services.
Risk review management responsibilities are paramount to the boards of financial institutions.
Is the management up to the job of investing the IPO proceeds, if indeed the company actually gets any of the money?
Most have been sent in by email, so the collection of project management proverbs continues to grow.
Innate Management Systems stand 61 bridging the credibility Gap - Organizations are looking at IT departments to deliver business value.
At Acumen Europa, the interim management process starts once we have taken a detailed brief from a client.
Originally a joint venture between West London TEC and the Business Link it became an independent company in 2001 after a successful management buyout.
Martin's bid of over £ 1bn would pit him against a possible management buyout announced last month headed by chief executive Kevin Lomax.
Cue a further management buyout valuing the company at £ 11m.
It's another management buzzword that has become meaningless through brainless repetition.
Mechanical and electrical design expertise utilizing the latest cad and project management tools.
A postgraduate meeting of doctors, dentists and pharmacists included information on management of mouth ulcers and oral candida in primary care.
Lewes declares A market town in East Sussex has been declared an air quality management area due to street canyon problems.
These costs included capital expenditure, staff time and training, as well as scheme management, publicity campaigns, data archiving and reporting.
Schrempp had been pushing for a style of management much more like the Anglo-American model of deregulated free market capitalism.
These are the food safety management packs to help caterers comply with the new laws from 1 January 2006.
Management activities reduced cattail, but improved habitat for aquatic birds.
Fitzgerald Lighting is currently working on an Environmental Management System with the hope of gaining ISO14001 certification.
Dennis is an accomplished chartered accountant with experience as both a strategy and quality management consultant.
The existing management team retained a significant interest in the business along with the new Chief Executive Tony O'Neill.
He was the program co-chair of IEEE Integrated Management 2001.
From a remote console, an authorized user has the ability to perform centralized management, configuration and administrative functions across multiple zones.
Mark has led projects and change management initiatives involving the intricate interplay of process, people and systems.
This role will be responsible for the day-to-day management of the Data Changes / Issues process under which the Brand Data Action Group operates.
The Council has a sound system of financial management.
However, advice on good waste management practice is available through Hertfordshire Environment department.
The Basel II program is a key risk management development for the Bank in 2005.
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