Mammal Sentence Examples
Many a large mammal coming to drink at its accustomed place is dragged into the water by the lurking monster.
The common use of the word animal as the equivalent of mammal, as opposed to bird or reptile or fish, is erroneous.
The ornithology of northern Asia is even more closely allied to that of Europe than the mammal fauna.
The only mammal actually associated with the plants appears to be a species of tapir, a genus which in Europe seems to be characteristically Miocene and Older Pliocene.
Possibly mammalian remains also occur in the antecedent Triassic epoch, some palaeontologists regarding the South African Tritylodon as a mammal, while others consider that it was probably a reptile.
Otters also eat amphibians, crayfish and the occasional bird and small mammal.
These include Protozoa, three sponges, Vermes, twenty-five Molluscs, numerous Amphipods, fishes of the genera Gobius, Benthophilus and Cobitis, and one mammal (Phoca caspia).
At its head, a dark silhouette was clearly a swimming mammal.
Stunning anatomical photography of British mammal skulls including wild boar.
The mammal fauna of the Indian region of Asia is much more highly developed than that of the Palaearctic. The Quadrumana are represented by several peculiar genera, amongst which are Semnopithecus, Hylobates and Simia.
AdvertisementPerhaps the most interesting mammal of Brazil is the manati, or sea-cow (Manatus americanus), which inhabits the lower Amazon and sometimes reaches a length of 15 to 20 ft.
The effects of a bite by a poisonous snake upon a small mammal or bird are almost instantaneous, preventing its escape; and the snake swallows its victim at its leisure, sometimes hours after it has been killed.
The main point of interest connected with the dingo relates to its origin; that is to say, whether it is a member of the indigenous Australian fauna (among which it is the only large placental mammal), or whether it has been introduced into the country by man.
In the eastern part of the country the rhinoceros is met with, and the rivers swarm with crocodiles and with a curious mammal called the ayu, bearing some resemblance to the seal.
In mammals, such as dolphins and some armadillos, which have a large series of similar teeth, not always constant in number in different individuals, there may indeed be differences in the two sides; but, apart from these in describing the dentition of any mammal, it is generally sufficient to give the number and characters of the teeth of one side only.
AdvertisementBinomial name Equus caballus Linnaeus, 1758 The horse (Equus caballus, sometimes seen as a subspecies of the Wild Horse, Equus ferus caballus) is a large odd-toed ungulate mammal, one of ten modern species of the genus Equus.
Derived fossils can be collected along the foreshore including echinoid 's in flint, shells and occasional mammal bones.
Snowdonia's most distinguished mammal, the elusive pine marten (Martes martes) is also rare.
I think she will laugh when I tell her she is a vertebrate, a mammal, a quadruped; and I shall be very sorry to tell her that she belongs to the order Carnivora.
The mammal survey showed that wood mice live at Jumping Downs and pygmy shrew were found at some of the reptile survey sites !
AdvertisementShrews are notoriously small, ( the pygmy white-toothed shrew is the smallest extant mammal weighing a mere 2-3 grams at adult weight).
Herefordshire water shrew survey The water shrew is Herefordshire 's, and Britain 's, least known land mammal.
For instance, the skeleton of a whale would represent the largest size attained by a mammal.
Aquatic mammal manatees sunning alligators even fan a chinese of the hair.
Bats are among the most susceptible mammal species to habitat fragmentation.
AdvertisementMuch of the world 's wildlife is threatened with extinction, including one quarter of the mammal species.
While congenital deformities can take place in any type of mammal, cats born with two faces are extremely rare.
Every mammal craves affection, and your cat is no different.
Livestock must eat 100 percent organic feed free of mammal or poultry byproducts, pescitides, synthetic fertilizers, or bioenineered foods.
In the event of the host escaping being killed and eaten it is believed that some of these larvae wander about or ultimately make their way to the exterior, possibly through the bronchi; nevertheless it seems to be certain that they can only reach sexual maturity in the nasal passages of some carnivorous animal, and the chance of attaining this environment is afforded when the viscera of the host are devoured by some flesh-eating mammal.
The variations which have been perpetuated and intensified by artificial selection are, with the exception of those of the dog, greater than have been induced in any other mammal.
The third or last molar tooth of both jaws is of great size, and presents a structure at first sight unlike that of any other mammal, being composed of numerous (22-25) parallel cylinders or columns, each with pulp-cavity, dentine and enamel-covering, and packed together with cement.
The hutia (Capromys pilorides) is nearly as large, arboreal in habits, and a native of Cuba, where it is the largest indigenous mammal.
The hyoid arch is unlike that of any known mammal.
Given the presence of all the necessary determinants for the development of pigment in a mammal's coat, some or all of the hairs may bear this pigment according to the pattern determinants, or absence of pattern determinants, which the cells of the hair papillae carry.
The speed with which it bounds upon its prey, when loosed from the cart, exceeds the swiftness of any other mammal.
It is, however, in the face that the most remarkable disposition of vivid hues occurs, more resembling those of a brilliantly coloured flower than what might be expected in a mammal.
The class-name (modified by the French into Mammiferes, and replaced in German by the practically equivalent term Sugethiere) has been anglicized into " Mammals " (mammal, in the singular).
The latter dictum must not, however, be pushed to an extreme, since the African elephant, which is the largest living land mammal, attaining in exceptional cases a height approaching 12 ft., was largely exceeded in this respect by an extinct Indian species, whose height has been estimated at between 15 and 16 ft.
Under the influence of exposure to intense cold a small mammal has been observed to turn white in a single night, just as the human hair has been known to blanch suddenly under the influence of intense emotion, and in both cases extreme activity of the phagocytes is apparently the inducing cause.
Mesohippus and Miohippus are connected with the earliest and most primitive mammal which it is possible to include in the family Equidae by means of Epihippus of the Uinta or Upper Eocene of North America, and Pachynolophus, or Orohippus, of the Middle and Lower Eocene of both halves of the northern hemisphere.
The final stage, or rather the initial stage, in the series is presented by Hyracotherium (Protorohippus), a mammal no larger than a fox, common to the Lower Eocene of Europe and North America.
Species diversity is generally low, with mostly domestic mammal remains.
His talk will be on four wild animals, including an amphibian, reptile, bird and mammal.
The orangutan is the only strictly arboreal ape and is actually the largest tree living mammal in the world.
This region boasts 320 bird species plus about 45 mammal species including the rare Spectacled Bear, and Andean coati.
The oil is threatening important populations of water voles, a nationally endangered mammal, and the wildlife of the Humber Estuary.
Ornithologists, however, should not be deterred by the sorry state of the park's mammal fauna.
We invent scuba gear and submarines and we explore the deep ocean so inimical to our terrene mammal bodies.
We saw many great birds, but the highlight was a mammal, the Spanish lynx.
The native British dormouse Muscardinus avellanarius is a nocturnal, secretive mammal, with orange-yellow fur and a long furry tail.
What do customers do Rescue wildlife using fully trained marine mammal medics.
They are only checking levels of insect life and not soil microbiology, or mammal life in the area.
The GSPCA carries a special whale and dolphin rescue pontoon and also has qualified marine mammal medics.
Mammal droppings provide clues to the animal, for example a fox scat will contain fur and bone and have a strong odor.
Also first mammal casualty of the year - a common shrew brought in by the cat.
Herefordshire water shrew survey The water shrew survey The water shrew is Herefordshire's, and Britain's, least known land mammal.
In addition several mammal species from Woodmice to Roe Deer also use these areas.
How I love the flavor of intelligent sea mammal with a chestnut stuffing...
As already mentioned, Thylacoleo was originally regarded as a carnivorous creature, but this view was subsequently disputed, and its diet supposed to consist of soft roots, bulbs and fruits, with an occasional small bird or mammal.
Prompt treatment and recognizing that even apparently minor bites can have serious consequences are the keys to a good outcome after a mammal bite.
The mammal survey showed that wood mice live at Jumping Downs and Pygmy shrew were found at some of the reptile survey sites!
In mammals Sir William Flower pointed out that a generalized type of liver exists, from which that of any mammal may be derived by suppression or fusion of lobes.