Make up Sentence Examples
No matter how sorry Alex was for what happened, or how many times he apologized or tried to make up for it, he couldn't remove the hurt.
Prodigies of valour on the part of Bayezid's troops could not make up for the defection of the newly-absorbed levies from Aidin, Sarukhan and Menteshe who went over to their former princes in Timur's camp. The rout of the Turkish army was complete.
She picked up two suitcases and nodded to her make-up case.
The great object of 17th-century moralists had been to find some general principle from which the whole of ethics could be deduced; common-sense, by turning its back on abstract principles of every kind, forced the philosophers to come down to the solid earth, and start by inquiring how the world does make up its mind in fact.
These genera make up the sub-family Anophelinae, and together include over ioo species.
Two main elements went to make up the Megarian doctrine.
This time, however, the endeavour to make up for lost time was unavailing.
Silver bullion, and the copper, tin and zinc required to make up bronze, are bought by the Mint and manufactured into coin, which is kept in stock and issued as it may be required.
The members which make up the One Ecclesia are not communities but individual men.
And they make up the mass of books II.
AdvertisementIf the grooves be left out of account, the large faces which have replaced each tetrahedron corner then make up a figure which has the aspect of a simple octahedron.
It has been contended that irrigation water suffers no change in composition by use, since by evaporation of a part of the pure water the dissolved matters in the remainder would be so increased as to make up for any matters removed.
In Prussia the government appeared resolved to make up for its temporary submission to the popular will by the utmOst violence on which it could venture.
From 925 to 975 all the chronicles are very fragmentary; a few obits, three or four poems, among them the famous ballad on the battle of Brunanburh, make up the meagre tale of their common materials, which each has tried to supplement in its own way.
There is no lack of fertile soil, and the climate is moist enough to make up for the absence of running water.
AdvertisementToday, Make Up Forever offers a generous color selection.
From Light came Heat and Fluidity; these three together with Space make up the elements out of which all things are constructed.
To say, for instance, that X is equal to A -B, is the same thing as to say that X is a quantity such that X and B, when added, make up A; and the above five statements of necessary connexion between two statements of equality are in fact nothing more than definitions of the symbols -, m of, =,, and loga.
If one condition is more necessary than another for good crops it is a suitable supply of water, for no amount of manuring or other treatment of the soil will make up for a deficient rainfall.
No laboratories were accessible to ordinary students, who had to content themselves with what the universities could give in the lectureroom and the library, and though both at Bonn and Erlangen Liebig endeavoured to make up for the deficiencies of the official instruction by founding a students' physical and chemical society for the discussion of new discoveries and speculations, he felt that he could never become a chemist in his own country.
AdvertisementIn contrast to the great French actress she avoided all "make-up"; her art depended on intense naturalness rather than stage effect, sympathetic force and poignant intellectuality rather than the theatrical emotionalism of the French tradition.
The bees which make up this group agree with the Sphecoidea in the short pronotum, but may be distinguished from all other Hymenoptera by the widened first tarsal segment and the plumose hairs on head and body.
Not more than 25% of the deposit may consist of bottomdwelling foraminifera, echini or worm-tubes, and as a rule these make up only from 9 to io%.
The Coal Measures, forming the third great member of the Carboniferous series, consist of alternations of shales and sandstones, with beds of coal and nodular ironstones, which together make up a thickness of many thousands of feet - from 12,000 to 14,000 ft.
As a songster it is indeed surpassed by many other species, but its docility and ready attachment to its master or mistress make up for any defect in its vocal powers.
AdvertisementHe had resided in England since the rebellion of 1745, and in 1747, a downpour of rain having prevented the departure of Frederick, prince of Wales, from the Egham races, Bute was summoned to his tent to make up a whist party; he immediately gained the favour of the prince and princess, became the leading personage at their court, and in 1750 was appointed by Frederick a lord of his bedchamber.
Seidler granted indeed a rearrangement of districts in Bohemia (seven Czech, four German and two mixed); but he could not make up his mind to go further, and tried the expedient of summoning a fresh Parliament on June 16.
At first Catherine and her counsellors could not make up their minds what to do with "the former emperor."
The various documents which make up the New Testament were to be dated mainly by their relation to the great dispute.
Shaler, state geologist in 1873-1880, " When the rocks whence they flow were formed on the Silurian sea-floors, a good deal of the sea-water was imprisoned in the strata, between the grains of sand or mud and in the cavities of the shells that make up a large part of these rocks.
The Laramie is the great coalbearing series of the west, and corresponds in its general physical make-up and in its mode of origin to the Coal Measures of the east.
These account for almost all women in this group; servants and waitresses make up two-thirds of the total.
The lunations are supposed to consist of twenty-nine and thirty days alternately, or the lunar year of 354 days; and in order to make up nineteen solar years, six embolismic or intercalary months, of thirty days each, are introduced in the course of the cycle, and one of twenty-nine days is added at the end.
In dyeing a silk black a certain amount of weight must be added; and the common practice in former times was to make up on the silk what was lost in the scouring.
The only consonants are k,1, m, n and p, which with the gently aspirated h, the five vowels, and the vocalic w, make up all the letters in use.
He allows, in fact, no a priori forms except categories of the understanding, and these he reduces, considering that the most important are identity with difference and causality, which in his view are necessary to the judgments that the various data which make up a total impression (Gesammteindruck, Totaleindruck) are each different from the others, together identical with the total impression, and causally connected in relations of necessary sequence and coexistence.
The great bulk of the yarn spun in Great Britain ranges between comparatively narrow limits of count, and such staples as 32' to 36 s twist and 36' to 46' weft in American, 50 9 to 60 s twist and 42' to 62' weft in Egyptian, make up a large part of the total.
This is necessary not only to make up the required hotbeds in the first place, but also to fill in the pathways between the frames, wherever it is considered advisable to maintain the heat within the frames at a certain point.
The tails are almost black and make up most handsomely into trimmings, muffs, &c. Tails worked separately in these forms are as rich and fine and more durable than any other fur suitable for a like purpose.
The number of jurists from whose works extracts were made is thirty-nine, but the writings of Ulpian and Paulus make up quite half the work..
If a student can auscultate correctly, or make up a prescription, at an examination, he will in all probability be able to do so in other circumstances.
The profit made upon the chlorine produced has to make up for the loss on the alkali.
In man, as the noblest of created things, the Trinity is seen most perfectly reflected; intellectus (vous), ratio (X6yos) and sensus (& ivota) make up the threefold thread of his being.
They make up an account fairly adequate to the manifoldness of the book; yet they may be summed up in three ideas, together constituting the moral which this history of the expansion of Christianity aims at bringing home to its readers.
Hence, to find a percentage of a percentage, we multiply the two numbers, put o's in front if necessary to make up four figures (not counting fractions), and prefix the point.
The Liberals had long arrears to make up in their political programme, and their supremacy in the House of Commons was an encouragement to assert their views in legislation.
My costume was itchy and my make-up felt funny.
Then again, don't the fat years make up for all this?
Also next month, we enter the inner sanctum of one of the world 's truly great make-up artists.
Creative Memories prides itself on helping scrappers remember the "special people, places and events that make up a well-lived life."
Even if the agent made no profit he was bound to return double what he had received, if he made poor profit he had to make up the deficiency; but he was not responsible for loss by robbery or extortion on his travels.
The defection of a number of native allies (who, however, were attacked and defeated by Colonel Stevani on the I 8th of February) rendered the Italian position still more precarious; but Baratieri, unable to make up his mind, continued to mancruvre in the hope of drawing an Abyssinian attack.
Pain and sin must have been reduced to a minimum by God; though they are so ingrained in the finite that we have to make up our minds even to the endless sin and endless punishments of hell.
The remaining bundles (compensation bundles) which go to make up the cylinder are such as have branched off from the leaf-traces, and will, after joining with others similarly given off, themselves form the traces of leaves situated at a higher level on the stem.
The supply of energy to the several protoplasts which make up the body of a plant is as necessary as is the transport to them of the food they need; indeed, the two things are inseparably connected.
Unable to bear up against the Dominican's fiery denunciations, the sovereigns, three months after the fall of Granada, issued a decree ordering every Jew either to embrace Christianity or to leave the country, four months being given to make up their minds; and those who refused to become Christians to order had leave to sell their property and carry off their effects.
In addition to this there is compulsory service in the National Guard (a) in the first class, consisting of men between seventeen and thirty years of age, liable for service with the standing army, and numbering some 15,000; (b) in the second class, for departmental service only, except in so far as it may be drawn upon to make up losses in the more active units in time of war, consisting of men from thirty to forty-five years of age, and (c) in the third class, for local garrison duty, consisting of men between forty-five and sixty years old.
All of them together really go to make up the "Shutting of the Great Council," a name which is formally given to the act of the first of those years.
The duty of a railway with deficient plant or facilities would seem to be to make up for their absence by moderating the speeds of its trains, but public sentiment in America appears so far to have approved, at least tacitly, the combination of imperfect railways and high speeds.
The head of an ant carries a pair of elbowed feelers, each consisting of a minute basal and an elongate second segment, forming the stalk or "scape," while from eight to eleven short segments make up the terminal "flagellum."
The " sclerites " that make up the skeleton of the insect (which skeleton, it should be remembered, is entirely external) are composed of this chitinous excretion.
A Monograph of the Odontophorinae or Partridges of America (1850); The Birds of Asia, in seven volumes, the last completed by Mr Sharpe (1850-1883); The Birds of Great Britain, in five volumes (1863-1873); and The Birds of New Guinea, begun in 1875, and, after the author's death in 1881, undertaken by Mr Sharpe, make up the wonderful tale consisting of more than forty folio volumes, and containing more than three thousand coloured plates.
He consequently fell into a state of doubt, and before he could make up his mind on some questions which he deemed important he was overtaken by death.'
The conquerors were feudatories of the reigning prince or sultan, and their payments consisted principally in providing fighting forces to make up the armies of the prince.
Among the incidental operations are (a) the valuation of the bullion by weighing and assaying it; (b) " rating" the bullion, or calculating the amount of copper to be added to make up the standard alloy; (c) recovering the values from ground-up crucibles, ashes and floor sweepings (the Mint " sweep "); (d) assaying the melted bars; (e) " pyxing " the finished coin or selecting specimens to be weighed and assayed; (f) " telling " or counting the coin.
The government, however, could not make up their minds what course to pursue, and by allowing things to drift ended by converting a popular riot into a national revolt.
A certain amount of upland rice is also cultivated, and cotton, sugar-cane and garden produce make up the rest; recently large orange groves have been planted in the west of the state.
At least the coniferous forests which make up nine-tenths of California's woodland surpass all others known in number of species and in the size and beauty of the trees.
Sand and loams in great variety, grading from mere sand to adobe, make up the soils of the state.
The letters of abraxes, in the Greek notation, make up the number 365, and the Basilidians gave the name to the 365 orders of spirits which, as they conceived, emanated in succession from the Supreme Being.
They make up by far the majority of French towns, comprising all those situated in the centre of the kingdom, and also a large number in the north and the south.
A fine gorge opening from the hills immediately upon the site of the town is known as Cheddar cliffs from the sheer walls which flank it; the contrast of its rocks and rich vegetation, and the falls of a small stream traversing it, make up a beautiful scene admired by many visitors.
Krauss blames his divisional commanders, who, he says, were opposed to these tactics, and could not make up their minds to a resolute attempt.
The increasing mass of the population dwelt along the western border or on the less fertile ridges which make up the major part of the land even in tide-water Virginia.
Thankfully did men bow before Napoleon, who undertook to relieve them of the responsibility of having to make up their minds.
The poems which make up that book had been the silent gathering of years.
You behold in me those beatitudes of Christ which make up the gospel, and you ask me if I accept it.
These three together make up the intellectual (as opposed to the physical) system of the universe; and they are opposed respectively by three false principles, atheism, religious fatalism which refers all moral distinctions to the will of God, and thirdly the fatalism of the ancient Stoics, who recognized God and yet identified Him with nature.
King and parliament together make up the state, but the former is first in nature and importance.
The various agricultural products, cattle and mules, cheese, wines and spirits, silk cocoons and gypsum make up the bulk of the exports.
To make up for the ravages caused by the recent wars colonists were imported to cultivate the land and work the mines, and the old inhabitants gradually returned.
But the acquisition of Norway might make up for the loss of Finland; and Bernadotte, now known as the crown prince Charles John, argued that it might be an easy matter to persuade the antiNapoleonic powers to punish Denmark for her loyalty to France by wresting Norway from her.
The common standpoint, the relation to contemporary or earlier systems, with all that goes to make up the character and spirit of Stoicism, can, fortunately, be more certainly established, and may with reason be attributed to the founder.
In the Lower Sonoran belt, soapweed, acacias (Palo Verde or Parkinsonia torreyana), agaves, yuccas and dasylirions, the creosote bush and mesquite tree, candle wood, and about seventy-five species of cactuses - among them omnipresent opuntiae and great columnar " Chayas " - make up a striking vegetation, which in its colours of dull grey and olive harmonizes well with the rigidity and forbidding barrenness of the plains.
To mention examples, blood serum solidified at a suitable temperature is a highly suitable medium, and various media are made with extract of meat as a basis, with the addition of gelatine or agar as solidifying agents and of non-coagulable proteids (commercial " pep tone ") to make up for proteids lost by coagulation in the preparation.
These spaces make up the apparent body-cavity, the ta, Stomach of common crab, true body-cavity or coelom having Cancer pagurus, laid open, been, for the most part, obliter showing b, b, b, some of the ated by the great expansion of calcareous plates inserted in the blood-containing spaces.
The borough treasurer is required to make up his accounts half-yearly, and to submit them, with the necessary vouchers and papers, to the borough auditors.
Another vast social change has been that from the patriarchal condition, in which the unit is the family under the despotic rule of its head, to the systems in which individuals make up a society whose government is centralized in a chief or king.
In all structures exposed to wind, if the resisting moments of the ordinary materials of construction, such as masonry, partitions, floors and connexions, are not sufficient to resist the moment of distortion due to wind pressure, taken in any direction on any part of the structure, additional bracing shall be introduced sufficient to make up the difference in the moments.
Instinct told him that his old ally the khan of the Crimea was unreliable, and that the tsar of Muscovy was his natural protector, yet he could not make up his mind to abandon the one or turn to the other.
The supply of the nitric acid required to make up this loss is obtained in England by "potting" that is, by decomposing solid nitrate of soda by sulphuric acid in a flue between the pyrites burners and the chambers.
The subtraction of 4 from 9 may mean either " What has to be added to 4 in order to make up a total of 9," or " To what has 4 to be added in order to make up a total of 9."
Thus "-4 of A " no longer means two of the units, three of which make up A; it means that A is multiplied by the fraction 3, i.e.
The libertarian is not pledged to the belief that acts which alone exhibit real freedom are isolated acts which depend upon a complete change of character, a change which is in no sense continuous with, and is in no kind of relation to, the series of successive changes which make up an individual's mental and moral history.
Her love for Kiartan the poet, and his career abroad, his betrayal by his friend Bolli, the sad death of Kiartan at his hands, the revenge taken for him on Bolli, whose slayers are themselves afterwards put to death, and the end of Gudrun, who becomes an anchorite after her stormy life, make up the pith of the story.
Touched by the gallantry of the Irish regiments in South Africa, and moved to some extent, no doubt, by the presence of the duke of Connaught in Dublin as commander-in-chief, the queen determined in April to make up for the loss of her usual spring holiday abroad by paying a visit to Ireland.
The question is rather that of the infinity of forms that matter may assume, including that most attenuated form found in the nebulae, which seem to be composed of matter more refined than even the atoms supposed to make up the matter around us.
In a second campaign he lestroyed at Jena both the army and the state of Frederick William III., who could not make up his mind between the Napoleonic treaty of SchOnbrunn and Russias counter-proposal at Potsdam (October 14, 1806).
When an acute crisis arose out of the refusal of parliament, in 1862, to vote the money required for the reorganization of the army, which the king and Roon had carried through, he was summoned to Berlin; but the king was still unable to make up his mind to appoint him, although he felt that Bismarck was the only man who had the courage and capacity for conducting the struggle with parliament.
Wild, salt and prairie grasses make up the bulk of the forage acreage, but the cultivated crops - especially millet and Hungarian grasses and alfalfa - are more important.
Of these, Indian corn is by far the most important, representing normally about two-thirds of the total crop value; while wheat and oats each represented in 1906 about oneseventh of the total crop, and rye, barley, kafir-corn and buckwheat make up the small remainder.
One of the conditions of the grant was that within six months Pizarro should raise a sufficiently equipped force of two hundred and fifty men, of whom one hundred might be drawn from the colonies; as he could not make up his due complement he sailed clandestinely from San Lucar in January 1J 3 o.
It consists of seven books, of which the first two, entitled "Childhood" (Bul-kand) and "Ayodhya" (Ayodhya-kand), make up more than half the work.
The origin and nature of the various elements that go to make up the story of the Nibelungenlied have been, and continue to be, the subject of very lively debate.
The modes under which it is possible for such given difference to become portion of the conscious experience of the ego, the modes under which the isolated data can be synthetically combined so as to form a cognizable whole, make up the form of cognition, and upon this form rests the possibility of any a priori or rational knowledge.
The consideration of the several elements which in combination make up the fact of cognition, or perception, as it may be called, contains little or nothing bearing on the origin and nature of the given data of sense, inner or outer.
In the same way, no matter how sorry Alex was for what happened, or how many times he apologized or tried to make up for it, he couldn't remove the hurt.
Have you had time to make up your mind to come out of your hermit cave and do some serious fishing?
You make up your mind—to keep it and skip.
And yet he knew he couldn't turn his back on the quest—there were too many cop years and too much history in the make up of David Dean.
The decision was made without due regard to the interdependency of the parts that make up the whole.
Jeff Bridges, Jessica Lange, John Goodman and Penelope Cruz don't even make up half of the talented actors on display here.
Do I have to use an airbrush to apply make-up for HD?
The artistes now wearing make-up applied by airbrush reads like a Hollywood A-list roll call.
The shared experiences of active alcoholism at AA meetings make up a bond among all members of Alcoholics Anonymous.
This essential amino acid is vital in the make up of critical body proteins.
Provided you employ an experienced make-up artist, they should have no problem in creating make-ups that work well on HD.
Make Up Artist Online Articles We are still indexing our make-up artistry articles for our new website.
John Woodbridge is the UK's foremost expert in airbrush make-up artistry.
Click here for a close-up of the individual bar codes which make up the face.
You will he given freshly laundered bed linen with which to make up your bed.
Great longevity and crisp controls make up for the slightly blocky graphics.
For example, amylase catalyzes the breakdown of starch-based stains to smaller segments that make up the larger starch molecule.
An elastic waist band with a quick release buckle make up the belt system.
Our corporate clients make-up an essential part of our business.
We start with the individual men and women who make up these vast conglomerations of people.
Firstly, certain airbrush cosmetics can actually give a matte, powdered look without the need to use powder to set the make-up.
Free delivery Direct cosmetics A superb range of discount cosmetics & make up is available to buy from this online cosmetics shop.
They say we can only do many good deeds to make up for our bad deeds.
The rarities that make up the rest of the disk are also sheer delight.
The four atoms which make up the distorted square are shown by filled circles, the substrate dimer atoms are shown by open circles.
Further down the corridor is the practice dispensary where he would make up his prescriptions.
Using these make-up tips will help you minimize any distortion caused by your lenses.
Whiting, dabs, dogfish, plus the odd monkfish make up the early season catches.
In fact, they make up about one-fifth of the entire electorate.
The teams studied the genetic make-up of the members of 44 families where at least one member of the family had juvenile myoclonic epilepsy.
While all things equestrian make up the bulk of his work he has been known to tackle some unusual and challenging commissions.
The CD even features four marvelous radio slots, where the girls give tips on make-up and dating etiquette.
He mixes this in with the make-up for the two teen stars and sends them out to kill the movie execs.
I wince; her face expressionless, tracks of eye make-up like tribal marks across her cheeks.
They may make up a very small but very fearsome element of the waterbird community at our universities.
Edinbane Pottery make up their own clay body, blending very plastic clays from Dorset, china clay from Cornwall and potash feldspar.
The summary notes the pupils make up should be kept in a hard A4 folder or notebook.
If you feel I'm the right person to help you achieve your success as a make-up freelance, begin now.
Head and members make up one perfect man, or mystical body, which is called the fulness of Christ, Eph. iv.
Soldiers ejected over Iraq abuses Dare I say token gesture to make up for below?
A normal hemoglobin molecule contains two alpha globin molecule contains two alpha globins and two beta globins to make up the complement of 4 globins.
Roughly speaking, the strings served to bind together the quarks that make up the proton, the neutron and other hadrons.
It seems clear that febrile convulsions make up an extremely heterogeneous group for which there is no single mode of inheritance.
To make up for this several hornets put in an appearance at the traps to liven up the evening's proceedings.
He played through all of the make-up, with a look almost identical in all three, plus his voice was always the same.
Large and very white, my perfect teeth make up for all the other physical imperfections I have.
Iraq's Sunni minority was dominant under Saddam and is believed to make up the backbone of the country's insurgency.
And we also make up for our general lethargy by spending a marathon 4 hours at the gym.
Any auto locksmith should be able to make up a key element for this unit.
Enjoy v logging OFF During the recent HD event, some make-up artists were popping out to buy it during their lunch break.
You CAN stretch a bit map but the dots which make up the image will grow into ' bricks ' and therefore look lumpy.
I don't normally wear make-up but everyone says I should for my wedding day, how can I avoid looking too made-up?
We are, I would say, almost manic to make up for lost time in training our young people.
As employers make up for falling market prices in increased contributions toward their pension schemes, that by extension means less IR takings.
Read on to find out how... using the Right Make-Up Using the right mascara is the first step toward having fabulous lashes.
A combination of East Indian sandalwood, amber, white musk and driftwood make up the warm base.
Like the Hollywood ' do n't muss the make-up dahling ' greeting that celebrities exchange for the benefit of the photographers.
Each fungus will have vast numbers of these hyphae, all intertwining to make up a tangled web called the mycelium.
Fitness instruments make up a lucrative niche in the Finnish consumer electronics industry.
Make-up didn't quite hide the dark rings under her eyes or the unhealthy pallor of her skin.
It said that physicists could have been wrong for forty years about the make-up of the universe.
If we are a representative democracy, then the make up of our elected politicians should reflect the diversity of the population.
You can download a template WANTED poster or make up your own.
To do this we shall offer the widest and most comprehensive range of Make-up Services, matched with highly skilled, trained professionals.
The second prong of their overall argument, however, may well make up the difference.
One hundred and twenty-nine MSPs make up the Parliament, which is elected by proportional representation.
The show required a heavy workload of make up effects, using prosthetics for each of the transformation scenes.
Key Fact Holistic means treating " the whole " paying due regard to the interdependency of the parts that make up the whole.
To make up for their " loss leader " they'll try various ruses particularly getting you to buy their insurance policies.
Also next month, we enter the inner sanctum of one of the world's truly great make-up artists.
Do not use recess as a time to make-up missed schoolwork.
They are the largest socially segregated group anywhere in the world, and make up nearly 3 per cent of the world's population.
Dublin wasn't rubbish 7 years ago when I was there, I saw a lovely tweed skirt and they had great make up.
My diary is very slippy too & I often have to make up for 6 days at a time.
You might unconsciously eat sweets to make up for lack of attention.
I tend to use tracings of images, to make up for my lack of drawing skill.
So off we went to buy some 100mm channel in order to make up some more 100mm square tubing.
These provide the highly unsaturated fatty acids (HUFAs) that make up 20% of the weight of the brain.
The ' overpaid wankers ' make up a very small percentage of people who play football, 0.001% perhaps?
Carole used a systemic weedkiller, containing glyphosate which you can get in gel form or make up from concentrate.
But Aldridge soon donned wigs and white make-up and moved on to non-black parts such as Macbeth, Shylock and King Lear.
Movement in xylem vessels The cells which make up a xylem vessels The cells which make up a xylem vessel are dead.
Petasus and other genera make up this family, founded by Haeckel, but no other naturalist has ever seen them, and it is probable that they are simply immature forms of other genera..
The young pigeons are fed by both parents with a peculiar stuff, the product of the strongly proliferating epithelial cells of the crop, which cells undergo a cheese-like fatty degeneration, and mixed with mucus, perhaps also with the proventricular juice, make up a milklike fluid.
In the passage cited above, "monastic discipline, the daily charge of singing in the church, learning, teaching, writing," in other words devotion and study make up the even tenor of Bede's tranquil life.
The " City," so called both formally and popularly, is a small area (673 acres) on the north bank of the river, forming the heart of the metropolis, and constituting within its boundaries one only, and one of the smallest, of twenty-nine municipal divisions which make up the administrative County of London.
This development was forwarded by Augustine, who in his famous work De civitate Dei identified the Church with the kingdom of God, and claimed that it was supreme over all the nations of the earth, which make up the civitas terrena or earthly state.
Sow tomatoes and cucumbers for a winter crop. Make up mushroom beds.
The attempts to suppress these, the harsh measures taken against those who attended them or connived at them, or refused to give information against them, the military violence and the judicial severities, the confiscations, imprisonments, tortures, expatriations, all make up a dreadful narrative..
The dissolution of this second parliament was followed by a short imprisonment of some of the more active members, and by a dethand made through England for a benevolence to make up the deficiency which parliament had neglected to meet.
Poinsot gave the formula E 2k = eV + F, in which k is the number of times the projections of the faces from the centre on to the surface of the circumscribing sphere make up the spherical surface, the area of a stellated face being reckoned once, and e is the ratio " angles at a vertex /21r" as projected on the sphere, E, V, F being the same as before.
Now he felt that it was inevitable, but he could not make up his mind to take the final step.
To him the club entrusted the arrangement of the festival in honor of Bagration, for few men knew so well how to arrange a feast on an open-handed, hospitable scale, and still fewer men would be so well able and willing to make up out of their own resources what might be needed for the success of the fete.
They drew lots to settle who should make up her set.
A week before the French had had boot leather and linen issued to them, which they had given out to the prisoners to make up into boots and shirts for them.
To make up for this, at home Pierre had the right to regulate his life and that of the whole family exactly as he chose.
A shaving or make-up mirror of this type has a radius of curvature of 30 cm.
Half a dozen rangy leatherette booths make up the seating along the walls.
For an extra treat, make up the cream and add the raspberries as in 3, 4 and 6 above.
The media were, and mostly still are, patronizing and unable to make up their scatty minds.
They are the largest socially segregated group anywhere in the world, and make up nearly 3 per cent of the world 's population.
The only way to make up the 1999 loss was to make a charge against the national central banks ' seigniorage income.
The cyanobacteria and algae that make up the crusts can fix atmospheric nitrogen and sequester carbon dioxide directly from the atmosphere.
They have no petals, which make up the showy part of the flower in most plants.
The 333 islands that make up this nation can sizzle with excitement or murmur with the quiet calm of pristine nature.
Dublin was n't rubbish 7 years ago when I was there, I saw a lovely tweed skirt and they had great make up.
In fact, as the TUC notes, trade unionists make up nearly one third of the workforce.
The Daily Mail states that she was spotted yesterday, with her hair tied back in a bun and wearing no make up.
I was in my tracksuit pants without a scrap of make-up on, with a sticker with my name on it.
Part 1 Trillions of Billions of content pages make up the wide world of Internet.
The code in DNA is a triplet code; three bases code for each amino acid (three bases make up each gene).
The pierrot is the white-faced clown who is always immaculately dressed, with finely defined make-up.
Movement in xylem vessels The cells which make up a xylem vessel are dead.
All of the ecosystems in the world make up the biosphere.
The science class learned about the different types of ecosystems that make up the biosphere and made projects to display them.
Toddlers make up a unique age group caught between babies and older children.
While the revised statement from The American Academy of Pediatrics may help parents make up their mind regarding the decision of pacifier use, there are still valid arguments against their usage.
It's never too late to start, and you can more than make up for the time you've lost by bonding and forming a closeness with your child as soon as possible.
Today, however, single people make up as much as 25 percent of adoptive parents for special needs children and approximately five percent of other adoptions.
In addition, you can help your child expand his vocabulary potential as you sing songs and make up your own silly lyrics as a way to keep ordinary tasks miles from mundane.
You can probably buy a bike a little cheaper through eBay or classifieds, but a good bike shop will more than make up this small difference with quality service.
These four scents make up the base of almost all perfumes.
Of course, there are an endless variety of ways to make up your eyes.
There are a large number of dishes that make up Chinese cuisine in the United States.
If you have a birthday, anniversary or other special date in mind, use the numbers that make up the date on your lotto tickets.
Any change in the make-up of your family is stressful for both you and your animal.
You can make up your own name and label the bottle with it.
A cat may eat raw fish in the wild, but rarely will it make up the majority of a wild or feral cat's diet.
In the Readers & Writers Club, kids learn what parts make up a story and how to write their own tales.
The ratio of one point per dollar is generous when compared with some other reward programs, but you'll need to do your research to determine if you will earn enough to make up for the fee.
If the rewards and/or lowered interest rate will not make up for an annual fee, then you should avoid offers for cards that charge you, and focus on offers that provide perks and benefits without the cost.
Make sure that you know all of the facts about how much an account will cost before you make up your mind.
A 98 percent approval rating and a monthly cost that actually comes out to be lower than the majority of the competitors should help make up for the account set-up fee.
When barriers exist that prevent one person from supporting him or herself and maintaining the same lifestyle they had during the marriage, alimony may be ordered to make up the difference.
Given the melting pot community of America, and today's fast-paced world, oftentimes it is simply impossible to maintain all of the traditions that make up a Greek family.
The selection isn't always as good as regular retail stores, but the low prices often make up for it.
We can strive to become carbon neutral by reducing our contributions to greenhouse gasses as much as possible and then buying credits (also known as carbon offsets) to make up for the carbon we are putting into the atmosphere.
Install solar panels - This is a big and costly project, but what you save in energy costs will more then make up for the initial cash outlay.
Known as Horizontal-Axis Wind Turbines (HAWT), they make up the majority of wind design known today.
Instead of one large silicon crystal, multiple smaller crystals make up polycrystalline panels.
This requires planning by the group of individuals who will make up the community.
Celestial Seasonings Wellness Teas make up the company's most popular line.
They are called phytoesterol and make up the cell membrane of certain plants.
The judges were perplexed at her creation of various displays throughout the room - gluing make-up products to boards and hanging them on the walls.
How long do you have to make up your mind?
They are a place to put on make-up, store your beauty products, and relax before or after the day.
Light, also, is necessary so that you can see to put on your make-up and style your hair.
Colors taken from the Tuscan landscape make up the typical interior color scheme.
For instance, maximize the space so someone can be putting on their make-up while someone else is brushing their teeth without getting in each other's way.
Add a contrasting fabric at the top or bottom to make up the difference and dress up the design.
What elements make up African safari inspired design?
You should also consider an additional mirror to be used when applying make up or shaving.
There are many parts that make up decorative curtain rods and can be selected as a set or individually.
Some online shops offer various options for creating your mural that allow you to select individual stencils to make up your overall mural.
There are dozens of details that make up the kitchen interior design scheme, from cabinet hardware to sink and faucet styles.
Their full priced selection might come in a little over budget, but they make up for it with their sales.
Together they make up a diverse and all-encompassing collection suitable for any house or home.
With so many great colors and textures to choose from, you might find it hard to make up your mind.
However, the irregular dark shapes against a lighter background that make up the distinctive markings of real giraffe hide create an eye-catching pattern that can be incorporated into many different decorating styles.
Sometimes simpler modern mirrors can make up a more versatile decor scheme.
She should also temporarily not use any eye make up so as not to start the cycle over again, even with new products, until the infection is completely cleared up.
I also use oil free make-up foundation but still my face looks shiny in a couple of hours!
I need help on a particular brand of mineral make-up called Mineralogics; I'm really interested in purchasing from them but want to make sure they carry good quality mineral make-up.
I'm a brunette but I'm not really sure about what kind of make up should I use.
Karen Kubeck has been a Hollywood make-up artist since 1979.
Her specialties include straight makeup, beauty, character, blood effects and special effects make-up.
When you work in the film industry as a make-up artist the trick is to be on time, organized and be open to the actor and director.
Some directors don't want a lot of make-up or they don't want a lot of blood, but others do.
A make-up artist plays a huge part, but must put their ego aside because it is not about them.
It is not as creative as being a make-up artist except that I love to design eyebrows or give personal make-up lessons on simple day to evening make-up.
I think teens should experiment with make-up.
But here's the problem, if a teen screws up her eyebrows she will unknowingly hide it with lots of make-up.
When the brow is not shaped right, or it is too thin, you don't feel complete and therefore apply more make-up.
When I decided to go to make-up school in 1979, the school was new; I happened to be in the second class ever.
Joe Blasco was very excited about his new venture and the teachers were make-up artists themselves.
In the early days of film and television you became a make-up artist by getting an apprenticeship.
All the make-up artists were men at the time.
Highly skilled make-up artists would train people right on the job.
After working so many days and months, a person would then be able to join the make-up union, but only after passing a very sophisticated practical exam (mine went eight hours).
As time went on the studios became rental houses and no longer staffed make-up artists.
Joe Blasco wanted to put professionally trained make-up artists out into the field, so he started one of the first schools.
Go to a film and television make-up school.
Make-up products used in the film industry have improved dramatically.
The make-up that you learn in cosmetology or esthetician school is geared for salon make-up (weddings, events, etc.) not for film and television.
The proper school will help you start a portfolio of your make-up.
Most of the times they only want to hire one person to do both make-up and hair.
I would suggest getting a college degree first and then go to make-up school.
I don't really use make up and my mom really wants me to.
I do want to wear make up but I don't know what colors would be good with what I look like.
Hi Dana,I would like to know the best make-up for a 55 year old.
I know most things about eye make up and how to apply it.
Established in Toronto, Canada by make up artist and photographer Frank Toskan and businessman Frank Angelo, MAC cosmetics brought reliable and versatile cosmetics to fashion photo shoots worldwide.
Ever since my sister and I were little girls we would put make-up on each other, but my true make-up career began when I was working as an esthetician.
One day I decided to play around with the make-up in the salon.
So, I sat her down in the make-up chair and started to work my magic.
Since then people have been asking me to do their make-up for their weddings.
I believe that wedding make-up should be somewhat consistent with the wedding style and colors.
However, it is most important to find make-up colors to compliment the bride's natural coloring such as her eyes, skin tone, and hair color.
If the wedding colors do not compliment the bride when incorporated into her make-up, then it is best to use neutral tones.
Make-up techniques vary depending on the shape of the person's face.
I believe the bridal party should have the same basic make-up style.
When selecting a bridal makeup artist it is very important to have trial make-up applications.
That way you get a good idea of how your make-up will look on your special day.
It is also important to find a make-up artist that works well with you.
You should feel comfortable with your make-up artist and have fun.
One thing I always do is photograph the bride after the make-up trial.
This gives me an idea of what the make-up will look like in the wedding pictures.
The foundation of the make-up application is the most important; this is what creates the flawless palette for the make-up artist to work on.
Included in this mini kit is translucent powder, which is one of the best ways to keep make-up from running.
Basically, she gets one month to look for a bridal makeup artist she is comfortable and happy with, and the last two to make sure the make-up artist isn't already booked on her wedding day.
A lot of brides tend to leave make-up as a last minute thing, not knowing how important it really is.
When it comes to wedding make-up one of the most critical is our custom blended matte foundation.
Maki-Yaz make-up is a customizable mineral based make-up line.
Mineral make-up is the best make-up that can be used on the skin.
Mineral make-up has natural healing qualities unlike talc-based make-up, which gives a powdery look and does nothing to help promote healthy skin.
Our mineral based make-up is made from micronized minerals, which gives it its silky, lightweight feel and has long lasting properties.
Maki -Yaz is great because not only is it healthy make-up for your skin it can also be customized just for you.
Maki-Yaz can customize the color, texture and the formula of your make-up.
Whatever your desire, from funky to natural looking make-up, Maki-Yaz can create it for you naturally.
Try lines like Make Up For Ever, Ben Nye, and MAC (regular and pro MAC lines have out of this world colors).
I worked for the company for about 5 years and now I am pursuing my own freelance career in the make-up industry.
How your make-up can ultimately reflect your inner beauty and [is able to] transform a woman's confidence.
That's why having a make-up consultation, at least one every season, with your favorite brand, is imperative.
When you just don't have time to make up your entire face in the morning, dust on a hint of Laura Mercier Face Tint and you'll be all set!
These products, and so many more, make up the Colorscience mineral makeup collection.
Mineral makeup collections make up a vast part of the cosmetic industry, although they aren't all composed in the same manner.
The Eye Make-Up Remover stands up to everything from shimmery shadows to the most stubborn mascaras.
Unlike many gel cleansers, Make Up For Ever Professional's Sens'Eyes is exceptionally lightweight.
With a knack for creating camera ready faces, Max Factor coined the phrase "make up", as in, to make up a woman's face.
Use a whitening nail pencil to rub underneath the nails to make up for a long time between manicures.
Adding color to both the cheeks and lips with a natural color stain product offers a healthy way to upgrade your make-up routine.
To learn more about this coveted beauty brand, visit their website at Make Up Forever.
Try these look younger eye make-up tips first, before thinking about medical treatments.
Here are two very different ways you can make up your face to fit your fairy look.
The season begins with a draft, where team owners select players from that sport and make up their own fantasy team.
Bratz Makin' Up Makeover - This is a fun way to put make-up on the doll of your choice.
These photos feature models wearing sexy clothing, accessories, and make-up appropriate for the shoot.
It's easy to see how vital images of women are in advertisements -- from billboards promoting lingerie to posters with women sporting the latest hair and make-up trends.
In addition, heavier make-up can make your subject feel like a professional model and encourage her to take more risks during your shoot.
If you're considering purchasing the Rebel T2i, but can't quite make up your mind, additional information is helpful.
Or make up your own salad by pairing a fruit, such as pears, with an interesting cheese (such as blue cheese), homemade candied nuts, and a simple homemade dressing.
It is one of the seven ski areas that make up the area known as Ski Lake Tahoe.
The mountains make up 2400 square miles that overlooks the Delaware Water Gap and borders Lake Wallenpaupack.
Bring some small prizes (small pieces of candy work well) and make up some questions to ask members.
If you purchase new cosmetics to use for your pictures, make sure to experiment with the make-up prior to you senior pictures.
This trend is one instance wherein the labels not only don't tell the whole story; they often make up a story that is completely untrue.
Depending on the ethnic make-up of your community, other languages may be represented in your local card shops.
Visit the make-up department for all your beauty essentials, including the Flirt! line.
There are other characteristics that make up the pre teenager.
She can also get catty to make up for her insecurities.
You can have make-up on for the headshot, but don't wear make-up in the other two shots.
Wear minimal make-up; the agents want to see the real you.
Have all the girls bring their make-up, style magazines, and nicest clothes.
A teen who is really involved with music may spend more money on CDs and instruments than clothes, but a teen who is very concerned with his or her appearance will often spend more money on clothes and make up.
Spend some time before prom night working on your punk rock eye make up and practicing this technique.
To be considered a raw foodist the raw portion of your diet should make up 75-100 percent of your daily diet.
If you sacrifice some flavor and richness by using one egg substitute, you may be able to make up for it by mixing chocolate chips or fresh fruit into your pancake batter.
You'll want to know just what colors and fabrics make up your wedding dress!
However, Viti Levu and Vanua Levu make up 85% of the land, and only approximately 100 islands are actually occupied.
If your hesitating about whether or not to book an SUV limousine rental, make up your mind sooner rather than later.
Even if your dress is more expensive at one particular salon, getting a 10 to 20 percent discount on accessory purchases can more than make up any difference.
Use leftover scrap supplies to make up mock-invitations to see if you want a ribbon around the top, bottom, or middle of the page.
If you don't like the gift, don't make up an elaborate story about why it's perfect for you or your home.
Set a timer for guests to make up their own bouquets using the materials you offer.
Cranes, bamboo, ducks, flower blossoms, and birds often make up some of the designs on the uchikake.
I hate to say it, but my business is a big percentage of my make-up and it really was the only bright spot left.
I am a control freak, self centered, workaholic and many other things that make up my personality.
Senior citizens make up a large portion of this percentage, since they have easier access to prescription medications.
Women are largely at risk and make up over 70 percent of SAD cases.
Someone that doesn't feel good about him or herself will try to make up stories to embellish his or her life with accomplishments.
A compulsive liar will usually not admit he or she has told a lie; instead, he or she will either deny your accusation or make up another story to cover up the original lie that was told.
Some live a life based on many lies while others make up stories that relate to their life.
If a chronic liar is caught in a lie, his or her strategy to deal with the situation is to make up another lie to cover up the first one.
Children will usually make up this difference later on.
Not all bedding is the same, especially if you want something that will inspire your child to make up her bed.
Traditional Easter themes are always fun to create in cupcakes, but don't be afraid to make up your own designs or try something more creative and stylized as well.
On July 31, 1999, he married make-up artist and founder of Delux Beauty, Jillian Fink.
Staff members at the business Web site examined divorces during the last 25 years and only used information that was available and reliable to make up the "10 Most Expensive Celebrity Divorces," according to
Staff members at the business Web site examined divorces during the last 25 years and only used information that was available and reliable to make up the "10 Most Expensive Celebrity Divorces,", according to
Blazic was a model, make-up artist and once worked as Winona Ryder's personal assistant.
Then again, the items that are going to make up her entire collection don't seem very difficult to design, just a matter of finding a few cool graphics for t-shirts and choosing a couple of bright colors for other shirts and dresses.
Make up - There are a ton of different make up styles, colors and shades.
Hannah Montana Make Up - Drag and drop different makeup looks over a photo of Hannah Montana's face.
Once the votes were in, the ballots were constructed to make up the People's Choice Awards official nominees.
If so, she can achieve that image easily with the fun clothing and accessories that make up rave clothing.
Soft wools and other materials such as acrylic and even cotton make up many of the boys' sweaters parents will find.
Basketball tear-away pants, team shirts (usually sleeveless) and special tennis shoes, such as Air Jordans, make up this type of sports clothing.
One and two piece snowsuits make up the toddler selection, with several different color schemes ensuring a nice suit for both little boys and little girls.
Three divisions (I, II, III) make up college baseball.
The school features more than 34 undergraduate and graduate degree programs and 122 areas of specialized study. 29,000 learners from all over the United States and the world make up the student body.
Getting an early start also helps you to determine how much money you need for college, so you can apply for loans or work programs to make up the difference.
University of Texas distance learning classes are offered by multiple campuses that make up the University of Texas system.
Because Macs make up a minority of the total computer market, they're also less likely to get computer viruses and often less likely to crash.
Some prospective students even find it helpful to make up spreadsheets of price information so that they can easily compare costs at a glance.
Tuition is likely to make up the largest chunk of change you'll be paying for a grad program, but there are other costs to take into account, too.
Other students take courses to make up classes from their high school.
Individual manufacturers often make up their own sizing charts.
Large breeds make up the bulk of the registry today (45%) as a result of the Lab being in the top spot.
Ideally, proteins should make up approximately fifty percent of your dog's diet.
Vegetables and fruits should make up no more than twenty percent of the new diet, and should be run through a food processor before being added to the mix.
Carbohydrates should make up the remaining thirty percent of your dog's diet.
Adult fleas only make up about one percent of the total infestation issue.
By investigating these characteristics, dog owners can use a little at-home detective work to identify which breeds make up their mutts.
The lab then determines what breeds make up the dog's background.
Though expanding in slow succession, and never having more than three or four blooms open at the same time, the size and quality of its flowers do much to make up for this.
They make it easy to make up your shopping list before you head to the garden center.
The following elements make up most hydroponic growing systems.
However, the two instructional DVDs make up for what the instrument lacks, and you also receive a carrying case, picks, extra strings and straps.
Music is constantly moving from one place to another, and knowing the notes that make up any chord gives you many more options than simply defaulting to the root note.
Butcher block or square white tile make up the counters and a simple pattern adorns the backsplash.
Smalti is the Italian word for glass paste or glaze and defines the chemical make-up of the substance.
For complicated designs you'll probably want to make up some blueprints before trying to lay out the tile on the floor.
Granite is a natural material, which means that each slab will have a slightly different mineral make up.
The quartz, mica and feldspar that make up a granite countertop are ground up and mixed with a pigmented resin.
Charms, charm bracelets, necklaces, pendants, earrings, and rings make up this Chanel Jewelry collection.
This can alter the make up of the stone and make it brittle.
Pearl necklaces have long been regarded as a symbol of wealth as only very rich people could afford the number of graded pearls required to make up the length of a necklace.
Since Christian Hawaiian shirts make up such a specific niche of menswear, it may be tough to find them.
Organic toys encourage kids to make up their own stories and to interact with their toys and the people who play with them on a different level.
Fresh grass clippings and fruit and vegetable scraps are going to make up the majority of your nitrogen based materials.
Organic foods may not be as pretty as conventional produce, but the flavor and healthiness of it will more than make up for it.
The residues from these substances can be found in the cotton fibers that make up the fabric and filling of the doll.
These genetically modified food pros and cons are very polarizing and it may be many years before there is enough information to make up a majority favor in one direction or the other.
If you are concerned about your nutrient intake, you may consider taking liquid Organic Life vitamins to make up for any deficiencies in your diet.
Make-up is the number one item sold by models.
The materials that make up the swimwear are of the utmost importance.
It's helpful to make up a detailed list before you start looking at specific senior apartments in Dayton, Ohio.
Much like a potential homeowner would make up a list of wants and needs before going house hunting, you will want to do something similar when looking for senior accommodation.
Four non-REM stages make up about three quarters of a night's rest.
Dream interpretation is a personal thing, so while Freud's theories can be helpful and intrusting, you should make up your own mind on what your dreams are telling you.
There are several parts that make up a pair of eyeglasses.
You can even get ideas for creating looks around your lenses from the head make-up artist from Buffy the Vampire Slayer there, too.
Glasses designed specifically for winter cycling do not make up a very large category on their own.
In most cases, the frames make up the largest portion of the overall cost of new eyeglasses.
Discovering great theme parks in the UK allows you to find great locations and culture within the four countries that make up the United Kingdom.
While you may not get that extreme discount that you wish, it's possible to find special bundle deals or discounts on accessories that make up for regular prices on the consoles.
So readers are expected to make up their own minds on this contentious issue.
You start with four weapons, but over time, you can combine them to make up to 14 different weapons to defeat an evil android that is out to destroy the Four Gems and the Planet G-9 by depleting all its resources.
Make sure you check the shipping and handling charges for each site, since a few unscrupulous e-tailers undercut their competitors, then make up for it with overblown shipping costs.
While the playlist is a little questionable (with the exception of September, The Anthem, and Y.M.C.A.), the incredible gameplay and lush graphics more than make up for any shortcomings.
They're a big fish, but online casual video games make up an awfully large pond.
This is because by clearing a trio (or quad) near the bottom will "shake up" the orientation and make-up of the marbles above it the most.
The best thing, though, is being able to change the hair and make up styles of your Sims as they get older so when little Susie has outgrown her pigtails you can give her a whole new look when she becomes a teenager.
Video gamers make up a small portion of the consumers in the world.
Rent them both and make up your own mind.
If you have several Miis created on your Wii, you will find that they make up the gallery during a bowling match.
So ideal are grape growing conditions in Sonoma County that wine grapes make up 73 percent of the region's agricultural output.
High-end grocery stores and specialty shops - Many high-end grocery stores like Whole Foods have a number of terrific gift options for wine lovers - or they will make up a gift basket for you.
The spindles that make up the back are straighter than the Boston rocker.
The chemicals used to make up this membrane have pores that are smaller than water droplets to keep water from penetrating the membrane to get into the pants, even if the wearer is standing in rapidly-flowing waters.
While a pop up camper may seem fairly simple, there are a number of important systems that make up the overall camper.
The Treo 650 is still clunky though, but the features that are packed into a Verizon Palm Treo make up for it.
Cancer results from alterations (mutations) in genes that make up DNA, the master molecule of the cell.
The cells that make up blood are produced in the bone marrow and the lymph system.
Children make up 20 percent of all fire deaths, and over 30 percent of all fires that kill children are set by children playing with fire.
Monocytes and macrophages are somewhat higher in neonates, and make up as much as 80 percent or more, with only 20 percent or less being lymphocytes.
This stretching increases the likelihood of an aortic dissection, which is a tear or separation between the layers of tissue that make up the aorta.
Scoliosis. Scoliosis, or curvature of the spine, is a disorder in which the vertebrae that make up the spine twist out of line from side to side into an S-shape or a spiral.
Regarding the matter of determining if a teen is experimenting or moving more deeply into the drug culture, parents must be careful observers, particularly of the little details that make up a teen's life.
For example, they understand that they cannot make up new rules to a game; they have to play by what the rule book says or what is commonly known to be the rules.
Each month, women experience fluctuations in hormones that make up the normal menstrual cycle.
Soft contact lens wearers should never use tap water to rinse their lenses or to make-up solutions.
Phonological awareness-The ability to hear and manipulate the sounds that make up words.
The test can be of particular value to school psychologists screening for specific learning disabilities because of the number of specific subtests that make up each section.
Older children should be provided opportunities to interact in smaller groups and in one-on-one situations, where it may be easier to try out new behaviors and make up for social mistakes.
In some areas, single mothers make up a large proportion of foster parents.
Children in abusive or neglectful families are at higher risk of FTT, but these cases make up only a small proportion of the total.
Cytosine and guanine are two of the four molecules, called nucleic acids, that make up DNA.
Karyotyping-A laboratory test used to study an individual's chromosome make-up.
Above all, a parent must be a careful observer, particularly of the little details that make up a teen's life.
Above normal levels of phenylalanine are toxic to the cells that make up the nervous system and cause irreversible abnormalities in brain structure and function in PKU patients.
The bone marrow, a substance that is found in the cavity of bones, is the factory that produces blood cells, including some of the white blood cells that make up the immune system.
The child is willing to do make-up school work at home, so long as he or she does not have to go to school.
They try to hide their absence from their parents and have no interest in make-up schoolwork or meeting academic expectations.
Antihistamines and other drugs used to treat allergic rhinitis make up a significant fraction of both prescription and over-the-counter drug sales each year.
Bound to protein, they make up high- and low-density lipoproteins (HDLs and LDLs).
Therapists who use this method may offer positive and negative examples of the behaviors that make up a social skill.
The nerve cells themselves, with long branches (dendrites) that receive signals from other nerve cells, make up the gray matter that lies in a butterfly-shaped region in the center of the spinal cord.
A variety of physicians, specialists, nurses, and teachers may make up the child's health care team.
Each subtype exhibits particular behaviors that make up the general symptoms of a child with AD/HD.
Dog bites make up 80 to 85 percent of all reported animal bites in the United States and Canada.
Cats account for about 10 percent of reported bites, and other animals (including rats, hamsters, ferrets, rabbits, horses, sheep, raccoons, bats, skunks, and monkeys) make up the remaining 5 to 10 percent.
The hair loss may be disguised by wearing wigs, hats, scarves or hair clips, or by applying make-up or even by tattooing.
My recommendation is to make up two to four canisters so you always have some on hand or even to give as gifts.
While images of ballet dancers and hip hop artists make up a solid majority of dance-related images, the dancing bear is also an extremely well-known, downright iconic, dance image.
Kids and teens make up the majority of students at dance classes across the nation, and San Diego is no exception.
The Tao yin yang symbol represents the dynamic, interacting, opposing energy forces that make up all things in the universe.
Every species has a set number of chromosomes, which contain all the information necessary to make up the organism.
Just read the selection you are assigning to your student and then make up questions based on the information that you have read.
Remember, often the best homeschool games are the ones you make up yourself.
Many parents prefer to use a boxed curriculum, while still others would rather make up their own course of study.
For many homeschooling families, free homeschool materials make up a sizeable portion of their daily activities.
Whether you're interested in working on a cruise ship, flying an aircraft, becoming an information technology, or pursuing just about any other occupation, you're sure to find information that can help you make up your mind.
Nurses make up the largest workforce within the medical field.