Make-for Sentence Examples
That should make for a shorter list.
They make for a sexy, stylish silhouette.
Agree to obey the laws that I shall make for you.
It's certainly an intense film; potentially harrowing subplots and Reygadas ' unforgiving use of close-up make for occasionally uncomfortable viewing.
Stunning glacier-fed lakes, cascading waterfalls, majestic glaciers, tumbling rivers and impressive mountains make for an ideal setting for your holiday.
Add to that people who gossip, your first crush and the effects of puberty and it can make for some tense situations.
This could range from decisions you make for yourself regarding using tobacco, drugs, or alcohol.
This can keep your room looking fresh or make for an easy change when tastes change.
No one feels exactly the way that you do and writing from this perspective can make for a unique read.
This is a decision that each person has to make for his or herself.
AdvertisementElastic waist cargo pants are also worn by men in the medical field, as they make for a comfortable and practical uniform.
But they can certainly make for a very good time until then!
Dark wash skinny jeans, worn with heels and a flattering top, will make for a sexy, sleek look.
Budget 101 has a list of several fun gag gifts you can make for a variety of occasions.
It is often affixed to an elastic band to make for easy wearing.
AdvertisementGift ideas for a teenage girl to make for her boyfriend is a popular search on websites such as and
For those who want to make a gift, but have no clue about gift ideas for a teenage girl to make for her boyfriend, there are many different ways to get ideas.
You could look online, in books, think about homemade gifts that you have received in the past, or ask friends and family for ideas about gifts to make for friends or boyfriends.
Opposites make for great prom themes like "Hot and Cold," "Fire and Ice," and "By Land and Sea."
Star-related images always make for a great theme and easy decor with themes like "A Night Under to Stars," "Starry Nights," and "Written In the Stars."
AdvertisementPotpourri, acorns, pine cones and pine branches make for an aromatic table.
Personalized mugs and hot cocoa mix make for a cozy winter treat, while caramel apples wrapped in cellophane and tied with a fancy ribbon are great fall treats.
If you're thinking a soup spoon doesn't make for a lovely favor, you couldn't be more wrong.
Couples enjoy 10 percent back on purchases they make for items needed for the wedding as well.
If you do wish to opt for a longer dress, steer clear of anything that goes beyond the ankles, as this will make for some precarious situations for your bridesmaids.
AdvertisementConsult your preferred vendors to see what arrangements they can make for outdoor events.
They also make for a fun ambiance when you're dancing the night away.
Having a Halloween wedding can be a lot of fun and certainly make for an interesting reception.
A cake clothed in soft waves of light blue buttercream or tiers of smooth, pastel green fondant highlight their relatively bare-bones, skeletal looks and make for a magnificent presentation.
Leaves make for a lovely cake, whether they're edible or real, but there are plenty of additional fall themes that are worth exploring in dessert.
Square or rectangular wedding cakes look classic with their clean lines, and more unusual shapes, such as hexagons or pentagons, make for beautiful presentations.
Getting married in Las Vegas is a choice many couples make for the glamour and money saving options the city offers.
When you're considering different types of figures to make for cake decorating, frogs are one of the most fun and creative options.
Hmmm, must make for scintillating pillow talk.
While this doesn't make for the happiest reading material, obsessive fans just can't get enough of their favorite celebs, even after they take their last breath.
Debating who has the best bod can make for plenty of friendly disagreements!
Of course many people are just naturally curious about this type of thing, and dates and details surrounding the death of a celebrity make for common trivia fodder.
Toggle coats often are made of wool; however, there are some other types of toggle coats, for example khaki ones, that make for a nice twist on the classic wool toggle coat.
Sundresses, as well as sun tunics with bloomers or capri leggings, make for summer-appropriate clothing options for little girls.
Several shirts are sleeveless for summer fun, and matching skirt and shirt sets make for an adorable little girls' outfit.
Special occasion items such as flower girl dresses, christening gowns and Easter dresses are popular for mothers, grandmothers and other relatives to make for children in the family.
These sets make for the perfect gift since they are packaged in a True Religion keepsake box.
However, a theme can add interest to a party and make for interesting conversation and fun times.
They learn about the opportunities they can make for themselves and for others.
Here is a great hard cookie you can make for your dog.
This would not be good, and could make for a more difficult delivery.
If your dogs seem to want chocolate as badly as mine, here is a safe holiday treat you can make for them or to give away to friends.
These are the best cheese crackers you can make for yourself and your dogs as a treat!Every year and only once a year, I make these cheese crackers, and let me tell you it was purely by mistake that I found out my dog Cappy just loves them.
Today is as good a time as any to stock up on some fun foods you can make for your dog.
A cold frame is one of the most useful and economical investments you can make for your garden.
In fact, improvising using arpeggio sequences can make for better sounding solos.
The lighting resulting from fluorescents can be relatively harsh, so it does not make for an elegant setting.
There are many important considerations to make for your home theater room design.
Shorts can make for a more comfortable ride as well as protect you from sweat and overheating.
Organic cotton one-piece bodysuits - These garments, also known as onesies, are something most any mother would appreciate they pull on over the head and unsnap at the legs to make for easy diaper changes.
A bow and a gift card make for a nice finishing touch.
Rayon and Lycra blends are a very soft fabric and make for a comfortable bikini top.
It may be obvious that wearing a sexy piece of lingerie such as a corset for that special someone will make for a spicy evening.
You also want to take time to find the right shoes and finishing touches that make for a complete outfit.
There's no need to wear boring clothes with all of the choices plus size clothing manufacturers make for the plus market nowadays.
All are designed to cling to your curves and need only a pair of serious heels and a lot of attitude to make for a very exciting time.
They reduce the appearance of lines and make for a smooth appearance under your clothing.
This can make for a really sharp weekend look that is still comfortable.
The right retirement sayings make for great coffee mugs or t-shirts.
Grandparents Day activities often center on things grandchildren can do with or make for their grandparents.
There is also nearby Wachusett Mountain Ski Area which would make for a fun ski and swim vacation.
While the cheat codes for Guitar Hero won't make you a better player in the game, they can alter some of the game's effects and intricacies to make for a more interesting experience.
While you still won't find any players with a rating of under ten, Madden NFL 10 does "stretch" the scale to make for more of a differentiation between players.
This could make for some interesting Miis.
Whatever your choice, the Wii Balance Board can be a great addition to your collection of Nintendo accessories, since it really can make for a novel and immersive gaming experience.
While video game developers have long sought the answer to this question, there are a few quantities known to make for a good puzzle game.
Ninja Gaiden Black - Lightning fast ninja action and whip-smart AI make for one of the best action adventure games of all time.
This can make for a more intuitive interface for younger gamers as well as a more immersive experience for gamers in general.
It is up to you to use the various tools, creating water and adjusting the landscape to make for a more hospitable environment.
As the name implies, Street Fighter II Turbo featured selectable speed levels that could make for hectic battles.
It prevents the normal corrections the game will make for two parents with very different facial structures.
The colorful graphics and easy-to-understand gameplay make for a very appealing package for gamers of all ages.
Dried apricot and pinapple mixed with caramel and honey make for a lush, rich sensation.
Always filter the wine before racking it; it will make for a smoother and softer finish.
Fortunately, Pinotage wines lean more towards its biological Pinot Noir heritage rather than its Cinsault genes and make for good medium-bodied wines that match with food very well.
With a handful of trip packages that are sure to make for a special afternoon of wine tasting, the Wine Train is the perfect way to spend your day in wine country.
Its stunning glossy black appearance, touch-sensitive music keys, and unique slider form factor make for quite the attractive package, but did you know that you have more than one option when it comes to selecting an LG Chocolate Phone?
If you're a Verizon Wireless subscriber and want to stick out from the crowd just a bit (and make for a more enjoyable cell phone experience along the way), then this article is definitely up your alley.
This is a great way to share your music with people around you and can make for a much better experience than the underpowered speakers on the cell phone itself.
Once a routine operation urged by pediatricians and obstetricians for newborns in the middle of the twentieth century, circumcision has become an elective option that parents make for their sons on an individual basis.
Because hearing impairments may delay speech and language acquisition, interfere with cognitive development, and disrupt progress in school, the educational decisions that parents make for their child are of special significance.
However, with the special accommodations that hospitals usually make for children and their parents, a stay in the hospital need not be a traumatic event.
Dig up some recital photos you love, or spend an afternoon shooting some new shots that will make for great prints.
The catchy tap rhythms make for exciting wings, turns, and a final chorus line with high kicks.
Unfortunately, not everyone is a natural at dancing in a club scene, which can make for an awkward and embarrrassing experience.
The chemical processes used to relax hair can make for beautiful sleek tresses, but they can also cause dryness, thinning and breakage.
Too thick, and the bleach will make for a troublesome application.
Your casual updo can rely on tendrils and falling locks, which will make for a carelessly attractive hair style with minimal effort and expense.
A few fresh flowers and a set of hot rollers make for an effortless and breezy updo.
To create big hair, for example, requires a lot of backcombing and that can make for some nasty knots.
The choice of deciding to home school is one that each family needs to make for itself.
This collaboration with fellow students through learning management tools make for a very rich environment in terms of technology and diversity.
Search for "Star Wars origami" and the character or ship you want to make for the best results.
Sometimes the little moments, such as the husband rubbing his wife's back during labor can make for the most remarkable memories.
Buttons make for easy access as your nurse your baby.
This can make for an interesting twist on the traditional baby shower!
Cars are banned in the park on Sundays from 5am to 5pm, which can make for the perfect opportunity for a bike ride, relaxing stroll or energetic skate.
The diagonal details on this swimsuit make for a slimming fit, and the inexpensive price is just right for many budgets.
In major metropolitan cities like New York, Miami and Los Angeles, a growing number of straight men are shelling out big bucks to make for a perfectly smooth experience.
With fabric increasingly being designed to replicate shark or dolphin skin and thus allowing for greater smoothness in the water; a suit that covers more of the body can make for faster swimming.
Look for organic cotton, bamboo and even hemp in trunks that will hold up well and make for a more worry-free summer.
The only complaint is that the bra lining is not sewn in as well as it might be, which can make for some awkwardness in removal and washing.
For both men and women, a few choice accessories make for a stronger look.
A great hat or headband, necklace, belly chain, armbands and jangly anklets can all make for more fun.
The best choices you can make for kids' bathing suits are simply-cut suits in lively patterns that will make the day that much more delightful.
This can be a bit more difficult when shopping for a girl, but it will make for a much happier summer.
This is even more true if you are using padding, ruching and other assorted details that will ultimately make for a great suit.
Extreme high cut sides, thong back and thin fabric strips running down either side on the front make for one hot suit.
This doesn't make for the best cuddle buddy.
Ingredients such as dextrose, FD&C dyes, and sodium benzoate are quite common in prescription drugs, but they make for less than 10 percent of the drug formula.
They can make for an interesting party dress.
Take advantage of Dress Barn's looser dresses, which make for perfect swimsuit cover-ups.
If you trim your food to the same thickness each time you use the grill, it will make for more consistent cooking.
These small appliances also have washable parts that make for an easy clean up afterwards.
No matter where you sit philosophically on the subject of Scrabble cheating, it will probably make for a better game if your opponent shares your views.
This would make for a very rare Yankee Candle that is treasured by the recipient!
The variety of colors available in the heat resistant votive holders can make for a splash of color in your centerpieces, candelabras and more.
A rainbow of colorful, miniaturized candles can make for thoughtful gifts for friends at the office, teachers at the school and even for neighbors.
Rowe Pottery sells personalized pet dishes that make for functional yet attractive Christmas presents.
There are plenty of creative, affordable, and unique presents you can make for everyone on your holiday gift list.
Christmas poems for kids make for great bedtime reading during the holiday season.
Dressing a brother and sister as Diego and Dora would make for some really cute Halloween pictures, and these costumes are perfect for kids who love the show or who are always trying to "explore" the world around them.
Full kids' bunny costumes, however, are also available -- and do make for adorable pictures.
Shakespeare's women make for some fun choices.
There aren't enough powerful female characters that make for great costumes, but a pirate queen is a popular costume that lets you show off your swashbuckling techniques in style.
While The Three Stooges are more famous, and you can easily buy masks for Moe, Larry and Curly, the three Marx Brothers make for a more detailed group costume and are funnier overall.
Kids often love to see their parents wear costumes and everyone getting in the spirit of the season can make for a day as memorable as Christmas itself.
Many places either have singles-only timeframes or special arrangements they make for visitors who travel alone.
Whether you are on your first date or your fiftieth, it can make for a memorable evening.
Fine food and fine company make for a romantic evening.
Depending on where you live and the types of seasons you and your date enjoy, seasonal opportunities make for unique dates.
In the meantime, you have a decision to make for yourself.
You don't trust your partner, and he may not trust you either, which can make for a toxic union.
This gives couples a useful additional insight and helps to make for a better shopping experience.
Chocolate diamonds are an interesting type of diamond and one that will make for a fantastic engagement ring.
Gluten-free pumpkin pie is one of the simplest and most satisfying desserts you can make for a gluten-free diet.
Gluten-free bread gives you the starters for sandwiches that always make for an easy lunch at home or school.
Moreover, if you'll be traveling this summer, don't neglect Alina's spectacular line of shoulder and messenger bags that make for a perfect touring companion!
This placement can make for terrific, very talented writers and artists.
Remember, blistered feet make for a bratty bride!
While wool and leather are standard in the boot industry and provide some of the best natural warmth, they can make for a heavier and higher maintenance shoe.
The stiffness of the fabric, while contributing to the boot's lifespan, can make for a longer than usual breaking in period.
The sheepskin lining and wool fleece footbed in particular are destined to make for a comfortable feel, while the thick rubber sole makes every step just a bit easier, no matter how harsh the conditions might be.
While stilettos make for pretty footwear, they're often hard to wear for extended periods of time.
Purchasing your shoes in-store will give you the opportunity for a proper fitting and make for easier returns in the event that you are dissatisfied with your item.
All My Children transcripts make for compelling reading, even if you aren't a soap fan.
The gothic setting of a southern town mingling with the teen angst and supernatural beings make for a truly unique soap opera that has fans of all ages tuning in.
They make for an interesting read about a subculture that is not widely understood.
Traditional representations of her would make for a great tattoo sleeve or part of another tattoo.
Whether it's surfing in Hawaii, swimming with dolphins in the Florida Keys, or snorkeling in the Caribbean, the world's best beaches make for incredible family vacation destinations.
The traditional styling of these clocks appeals to adults too, and a few words engraved onto the back of the clock make for a very personal and thoughtful gift.
The smaller shape of the spots makes them ideal for watches and make for a very distinctive watch design.
Engraving a pocket watch case with a name or date, for instance, might make for a great gift but can decrease the collectible value of the watch.
By today's standards, Patek watches still make for a valuable investment and are just as charming as watches from modern times.
Multiple workshops on weekend days also make for a full yoga community; you might come for a prenatal teachers' workshop, but end up discussing a meditation workshop with one of the participants of that workshop.
While it might warrant some explaining, dressing as enemies from historical tales could make for some very smart costumes - particularly if your school is able to give prizes to reward the originality of the costumes at a pep rally.
This will allow you to get your leg further out in the toe touch position and make for a stronger Herkie jump.
Leave only your current project out on the table or desk, putting the materials in a tabletop organizer, such as the ones they make for office desks.
Made from a protein in cow's milk (not vegan friendly), these needles are said to make for smooth and effortless knitting and are very light.
Here are some ideas for crafts you can make for Father's Day.
One of my favorite Christmas gift crafts to make for a group is votive candles.
For more ideas on knitted and crocheted scarves you can make for Christmas gift crafts, check out our knitting and crochet scarf articles.
Be aware that the projects are all in PDFs, which does not make for easy browsing, but does get you nice big pictures of the finished crafts.
Even if you're a relatively inexperienced crafter, there are many fun projects that you can make for Valentine's Day.
When choosing Halloween arts and crafts to make for kids, however, there are a number of different factors to consider.
Craft projects make for great family memories!
Pictures frames make great Father's Day arts and crafts for kids to make for Dad.
Decide how many pairs you want to make for your game.
Note that some Christmas cards do not make for good postcards.
With so many different types of beaded ornament designs available, it can sometimes be hard to choose what to make for your holiday craft project.
Calligraphy can make for an elegant looking card, but this can be rather time consuming if you're making a large batch of greeting cards.
A collage using letters cut from magazines and images to replace certain words in the poem would make for an interesting piece of wall art or a unique handmade gift for a loved one.
Most children love puppets, and this paper bag puppet is easy to make for all ages.
These results make for an effective drug in the battle against obesity and its health risks.
Some recipes developed by the talented chef can be a little challenging to make for novice cooks.
Choosing to dedicate yourself to a healthy lifestyle is one of the best choices you can make for your future.
Cookies are individually wrapped to make for easier snacking on the go.
Here are five exercises that make for a free lower ab workout that will leave you good and sore for sure!
It is one of the best decisions you can make for traveling the road to wellness.
Two factors make for easy French pronunciation with respect to English speakers.
There are many online resources, such as French Tutorial's Audio Alphabet that have audio tools for listening to the French alphabet and make for easier French pronunciation.
The castles of France make for beautiful vacation destinations, both for a couple on their honeymoon or for a family vacation abroad.
Scallops wrapped in bacon also make for a fabulous appetizer that will wow your dinner guests.
There is the option of putting more of the monetary burden onto the employees, but this does not make for an attractive benefits package.
This can make for one of the biggest selling points for this type of annuity.
Borrowing this attitude and outfitting yourself in authentic vintage lingerie can make for some modern day excitement.
Seams can also make for exotic stockings.
It also has plastic rings that connect the straps and the body of the bra, which can cut or chafe when active, as well as make for a less durable bra.
The male fans have a choice of five sleep pants and a sleepwear set, to say nothing of assorted tees and sweatshirts and shorts that any man knows make for perfect pajamas.
All of these sets feature camisole tops paired with cute little shorts that will be comfortable as sleepwear, but also make for pretty morning attire while you sip your favorite hot beverage and read the paper.
There's also buttoning on the front to make for easy on and off.
The harness bra they can make for you looks more truly medieval.
Cotton-poly blend fabrics are very typical, as they make for less expensive, lightweight pajamas that are easy to wear and care for.
You can usually purchase some other fun accessories to make for a whole ensemble.
The Fits You Perfectly Full Figure bra fits up to a DD cup; its smooth cups and wide straps make for a flattering bra that works under most tops.
A trip with friends and family can make for a memorable 21st birthday.
Facials, mani/pedis, playing with new hairstyles, even experimenting with washable color highlights, make for a glamorous bash.
Fun items such as a feather boa, gummy worms, a piece of velvet, double-stick tape, shaving cream or pudding, a nest of fishing line, and other unusual items make for funky fun.
Of course, a simple cake and conversations with your friends can make for a perfect party as well.
This will save on postage and make for an interesting mailing.
Watching movies and eating snacks always make for a fun night with friends.
Hair bands, ribbons, barrettes and clips can make for a fun hair style as well as using flat irons or curling irons.
Designers and other clients come into the home and try to find suitable models for their campaigns, and Janice's no-nonsense approach to the treatment of her models can make for entertaining television.
Some cast members already have preexisting grudges with each other and plenty of cast members have previous romantic interludes with each other that either make for more romance or instead bring up hard feelings that evolve into hatred.
You may think a show that features architects competing for a big job would make for great TV, but if you don't understand how that industry works, then you will struggle with everything from good casting to appropriate challenges.
After all, villains on reality television make for good TV, and as people tune in to see their antics, producers are pleased with the results.
Producer Terence Noonan discovered the sisters when he ordered cupcakes from the bakery and realized that their story would make for a great reality TV show.
The Venice of the fifties, and the characters that inhabit the boardwalk, make for a moody, almost 'noir' setting, and the characters, without being hard-bitten and cynical, would not be completely out of place in a Bogart movie.
The same is true for all of the characters in Batman Begins - they all have emotions, fears and a sense of duty, even the bad guys, which always make for a better movie experience.
Any of the above instances have been seen in werewolf fantasy art and make for great reference points for any artist with werewolves on the brain and the ability to make awesome fantasy paintings, drawings or computer designs.
While Galactica may look like a mechanical sea monster to some, her re-imaged design and inner workings make for a believable setting where the theory behind the show makes this a popular Sci-fi series.
He's a hyperactive and disruptive influence whose unpredictable actions make for good storytelling and contribute to the shows nostalgic appeal.
This can make for a very fun and authentic Star Trek computing experience!
It just doesn't make for an interesting character.
The very idea leads to all kinds of ethical and moral questions, but it does make for good science fiction.
The various Godzilla characters are each unique and make for a fantastic venture into science fiction.
Art paint can make for a fun beauty weekend with girlfriends or some spontaneous self-pampering when you have an evening in to stay at home.
The best choice you can make for your health is to report any abnormalities immediately to your doctor, and perhaps pay a visit to your dermatologist to learn more about skin cancer and how to recognize its danger signs.
While colored salts are certainly pretty, the bath salts you make for yourself are more about function, unless you want to store them by the tub.
From kids making hilarious observations about the world around them to accidentally walking into a telephone pole, these situations can all make for good Facebook status updates.
In combination with the structured formatting of CSS code, the two scripting languages make for some very impressive templates.
To make for a truly memorable outing, try novel combinations of classic ingredients or explore lesser-known wonder foods.
The marshes make for great nature and bird watching, while the flat terrain allows bicyclists to easily explore miles of the countryside and waterfront.
White table cloths, good beer and some nice shucked oysters will make for a perfect day.
The pedestrian-friendly streets make for ideal places to walk pets and there are plenty of dog parks for pups to mingle and socialize.
Abstaining would make for a long night, so he carefully slid out from under her and crept downstairs.
It would make for an aggravating experience, if Tim was serious about assigning him to manage the battlefield from afar.
The trip would make for a 15-hour tour but it would certainly break up the usual routine.
He and Darian would make for a thrilling match, she noted.
Will make for a great Bella and the Beast photo.
The things which make for our ultimate welfare are the things we call morally good.
If the arguments chiefly relied on for an early date are so precarious or can even be turned against their inventors, there are others of an unambiguous kind which make for a date in the Persian period.
These each tribunal must make for itself.
A similar plot and rebellion took place in the province of Pernambuco, where the inhabitants of the important commercial city of Recife (Pernambuco) were jealous of Rio and the sacrifices they were compelled to make for the support of the luxurious court there.
In 1867 he determined to make for himself a haven of refuge against the invading Philistine, and bought some land on Blackdown, above Haslemere, then a secluded corner of England; here 1'Ir (afterwards Sir) James Knowles began to build him a house, ultimately named Aldworth.
The Kokka, a monthly magazine richly and beautifully illustrated and edited by Japanese students, has reached its 223rd number; the Shimbi Daikan, a colossal album containing chromoxylographic facsimiles of celebrated examples in every branch of art, has been completed in 20 volumes; the masterpieces of KOrin and Motonobu have been reproduced in similar albums; the masterpieces of the Ukiyo-e are in process of publication, and it seems certain that the Japanese nation will ultimately be educated to such a knowledge of its own art as will make for permanent appreciation.
He agreed with Luther in rejecting transubstantiation, and in believing that works without the grace of God could not make for salvation.
English missionaries, headed by Samuel Marsden, landed in 1814, to make for many years but slow progress.
Thereafter his pilot, Pedro Fernandez de Quiros, set out with the remainder of the company to make for the Philippines, and on the way discovered Ponape of the Caroline Islands, some of which group, however, had been known to the Portuguese as early as 1527.
When disturbed they make for the water, in which they swim and dive with expertness, often remaining below the surface for several minutes.
Paradoxical as it may seem, it is the logical conclusion of such comparisons that militarism only exists in countries where there are no citizen armies, and that, where there are citizen armies, they are one of the elements which make for permanent peace.
The prayer, " Thy kingdom come," embraces all spiritual forces which make for righteousness.
On occasion the towns could defend their independence with strenuous courage; the higher qualities which make for a progressive national life the Phoenicians did not possess.
For the acid Bessemer process the sulphur-content must be small and the silicon-content should be constant; for the basic openhearth process the content of both silicon and sulphur should be small, a thing difficult to bring about, because in the blast furnace most of the conditions which make for small sulphur-content make also for large silicon-content.
It is of the essence of an active mind like Pascal's to explore and state all the arguments which make for or make against the conclusion it is investigating.
For this attack he detailed the 22nd Schiitzen Div., followed immediately by a Kaiserjager and a Kaiserschiitzen batt., which were to go straight for the Stol, and by six battalions of the 3rd (Edelweiss) Div., which were to make for the Val Fella by way of the Val d'Ucosa.
The correct perspective places between the summits of modern and ancient times, not a long level stretch of a thousand years, with mankind stationary, spell-bound under the authority of the Church, absorbed in war or monastic dreams, but a downward and then a long upward slope, on both of which the forces which make for civilization may be seen at work.
But the midlands, the west, and the south of England, in spite of an absence of great elevation, contain no plains of such extent as might make for monotony.
The control exercised by an urban district council over streets and buildings is to a very large extent exercised through by-laws which they are empowered to make for various purposes relating to the laying out and formation of new streets, the erection and construction of new buildings, the provision of sufficient air-space about buildings to secure a free circulation of air, and the provision of suitable and sufficient sanitary conveniences.
The tolls which may be taken by an urban council must be approved by the Local Government Board; and any by-laws which they make for the regulation of the market must be confirmed by the same body.
With regard to the by-laws which district councils may make for many purposes, the subjects of which have been already from time to time mentioned, it is only necessary to state By=laws.
We want to see whether we cannot make for the agricultural labourer some better hope than the workhouse in his old age.
He behaved constantly like a wary and cautious trimmer, avoiding all extreme measures, shaking off compromising allies like the Ultramontanes and the Regionalists, elbowing out of the cabinet General Polavieja when he asked for too large credits for the army, taking charge of the ministry of marine to carry out reforms that no admiral would have ventured to make for fear of his own comrades, and at last dispensing with the services of the ablest man in the cabinet, the finance minister, Seor Villaverde, when the sweeping reforms and measures of taxation which he introduced raised a troublesome agitation among the taxpayers of all classes.
We will take any payment we make for delayed baggage from the amount of any claim if your baggage is permanently lost.
Whilst this is of great academic value, it does not make for a good bedtime read.
But, does this happen at IBM or does it make for dinner table conversation?
Crystal clear waters, colorful coral and tropical fish abound and combine to make for an interesting day at the beach.
Often times Hotspots can make for very exciting matches, as usually intense firefights break out.
The tunnels at the sides and the open areas in front of the bases make for frantic firefights and nerve-wracking chases.
So leaving the fallen, he urges haste to make for the fortress of Helm's Deep and safety.
Arriving and departing passengers will be kept completely separate which should make for very easy transit.
The patio and conservatory style porch make for enjoyable summer evenings barbecuing or just reflecting on the days activiities.
At first glance such factors make for a gloomy prognosis Yet there are still plenty of reasons to be cheerful.
Next year's rankings will make for some interesting reading.
Her disposition, fresh and natural but lacking the qualities that make for distinction, gave no promise of eminence until reasons of state brought Napoleon shortly after his divorce of Josephine to sue for her hand (see Napoleon and Josephine).
The Congested Districts Board, however, have made efforts to improve the condition of the people, and a branch of the Midland Great Western railway to Achill Sound, together with a swivel bridge across the sound, improved communications and make for prosperity.
In habits the kakapo is almost wholly nocturnal, 3 hiding in holes (which in some instances it seems to make for itself) under the roots of trees or rocks during the day time, and only issuing forth about sunset to seek its food, which is solely vegetable in kind, and consists of the twigs, leaves, seeds and fruits of trees, grass and fern roots - some observers say mosses also.
Just you light out and make for that rock, Jim; and don't waste any time about it, either.
Give us a few days to learn what sort of laws you will make for us, and then we will say whether we can submit to them or not.
The view from across the Downs to Swanage Bay Arriving at Swanage, make for the newly restored pier and stone key area.
Twin spark plugs per cylinder also make for faster, more efficient combustion and cut polluting emissions.
It 's certainly an intense film; potentially harrowing subplots and Reygadas ' unforgiving use of close-up make for occasionally uncomfortable viewing.
A long detour around the Birdwood Road estate can make for a very tedious journey.
Electron donating groups, however, will make for weaker acids.
A string of tavernas and bars along the harbor side make for a pleasant enough place to wile away a couple of hours.
Still, if you aren't comfortable feeding your baby, it can make for an unpleasant experience for you both.
You will be tempted to bring only the bare minimum, but not having enough clothes, wipes, bottles, or sippy cups, etc. can make for a more difficult, less comfortable trip.
You must subscribe to their newsletter to complete this free offer, but many parents have found the book extremely helpful in making one of the most important decisions they will make for their new arrival.
The Cat in the Hat is certainly one choice, but Horton from Horton Hears a Who could make for a playful and whimsical nursery.
While the book has very simple line drawings, the movie version features a lot of soft, rich colors that could make for a lovely nursery for a boy or girl.
The whimsical characters and vivid color schemes make for a dynamic and stimulating nursery for any new baby and makes for a unique look for a child's room that will last long into the toddler years.
This can make for a far better concert experience by removing one of the most unpleasant parts of going to live events from the equation.
As long as you do a bit of homework regarding safety and recalls before you make your high chair purchase, it may just be one of the easiest purchases you make for the early years of your child's life.
Carbon forks make for a lighter, smoother ride, because the carbon "gives" more on bumps.
Slipping heels can cause blisters, and too tight shoes can make for smashed toes.
The biggest selling points are the ease of assembly and the porcelain coated iron grates which make for easy clean ups and less sticking.
This is a decision all pet owners need to make for themselves when they consider how to take care of a cat.
You might prefer an additional measure of vodka in your drink to make for a fuller and more potent drink.
Lillet Rogue and Lillet Red will make for an excellent vodka martini, but won't contain the acerbic taste of Lillet Blanc.
If you plan on having guests, a trundle bed will make for a great sleep option.
This can make for a lovely day in the countryside, but it's not always the most efficient way to find what you want.
There are teas that you can make for most general aliments.
Slipcovers make for a family friendly room and give the décor a tailored, yet casual, vibe.
Whatever the decorating choices you make for your bedroom in terms of style, you can incorporate accents into your bedroom design that make the room more inviting and calming.
Deep, blue water, some marine life (dolphins, starfish, tropical fish, etc.), a blue sky and maybe even a sailboat would make for a lovely nursery wall mural.
Light weight fabrics or see-through fabrics make for beautiful window sheers.
Light weight or see-through fabrics like chambray or chintz, make for beautiful window swags or sheer curtains.
The sturdy furniture, durable fabrics and cheerful colors make for a great family room or living space.
While these tools do not always make for a relaxing, comfortable experience, the benefits involved far outweigh the discomfort.
The purse spray and refill make for an easy on-the-go fragrance gift that allows for instant touch-ups.
No matter what kind of Internet shopper you are, familiarizing yourself with the process and possibilities of online shopping will make for the best experience.
Newborns can easily be lost in a large image, so closely cropped shots make for better compositions.
Neon lights, abandoned buildings, and holiday lights are just some of the objects that make for stunning night photos.
You may be tempted to choose the same recipes you'd make for brunches to celebrate other holidays, but it's not hard to pick more unique recipes that still aren't difficult to make.
In a pinch, wine glasses will work and make for a great presentation.
When deciding what to make for your Independence Day party, there are many things to consider.
The French take pride in understanding the chemistry of food, and in mastering the difficult techniques that make for the best in food artistry.
These are just a few of the recipe ideas you can make for Mothers Day breakfast.
Here are a few great recipes that you can make for Christmas dinner.
Whatever program you use (and you can really use almost any program, including Microsoft Word, but it won't make for fancy pages), to get started you open a document and import your picture or pictures that you want to use on the page.
Minimizing disruptions will make for a more enjoyable event.
Layouts that show the animal displaying these activities and journaling describing the name make for interesting albums.
Though you may not be happy with the pet at the time, later the photos may make for great scrapbook layouts.
Organizing your scrapbook by themes can make for more interesting pages than simply putting your trip in chronological order.
This mountain offers various natural features that make for family friendly skiing.
The same qualities that make a good friend are those that make for a good choice in a romantic partner.
These make for great adventures and to him, a date should be an adventure.
The Libra man and romance can often make for a confusing situation for women interested in a man of the Scales.
The Leo's love of flattery and the Gemini's quick wit and good nature also make for a good conversation.
This may not make for a flawless relationship, but a well-matched Venus can certainly establish a strong bond and sometimes even that "tractor-beam" sensation that brings two lovers together and keeps them happy long-term.
If Taurus or Scorpio rests in several of the major planets such as the sun, moon, Mars and Venus, this can make for a fairly dominant chart.
While older kids are more likely to mingle without as much direction, a video of birthday greetings will make for a fantastic video later.
This can make for hours of fun with the toys, but has also led to movies, comic books, video game, and Saturday morning cartoons.
Newsweek finds that the Twilight novels and film saga make for great bonding between mothers and daughters particularly because of the focus on romance, relationships and friendships.
Whether these mansions are haunted merely by local legend, or whether there is true paranormal activity, they do make for an interesting side trip if you happen to be in one of these areas.
Can't decide what to make for your next project?
Frugal Living Tips provides inexpensive meal options for you in a fun and friendly way, assuring you always have something to make for dinner.
Black and white portraits on colorful patterned backgrounds make for a striking look.
Even if you're not a vegetarian, tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches make for a satisfying lunch.
Halloween arts and crafts to make for kids let your family enjoy spending time together while celebrating this fun holiday.