Major Sentence Examples
A major success helped raise our spirits.
I thought I was picking up on some major vibes out there.
The major raised his hand to his cap with a smile.
I could cause some major damage, but I can't kill them like the Grey God can.
Let me see now, something in a major key.
Rostov remembered Sventsyani, because on the first day of their arrival at that small town he changed his sergeant major and was unable to manage all the drunken men of his squadron who, unknown to him, had appropriated five barrels of old beer.
Ardvates, 317-284 B.C., freed himself from Seleucid control; and after the defeat of Antiochus the Great by the Romans, 190 B.C., Artaxias (Ardashes), and Zadriades, the governors of Armenia Major and Armenia Minor, became independent kings, with the concurrence of Rome.
Winston was founded in 1851 as the countyseat and was named in honour of Major Joseph Winston (1746-1815), a famous Indian fighter, a soldier during the War of Independence and a representative in Congress in1793-1795and 1803-1807.
The error was discovered, after eighteen years, by the explorations of Mr Babbage and Major Warburton in 1858, while Mr Stuart, about the same time, gained a more complete knowledge of the same district.
Of the several attempts to cross Western Australia, even Major Warburton's expedition, the most successful, had failed in the important particular of determining the nature of the country through which it passed.
AdvertisementMajor Warburton had virtually raced across from the Macdonnell range in South Australia to the headwaters of the Oakover river on the northwest coast, without allowing himself sufficient time to note the characteristics of the country.
He subsequently encouraged Major Roudaire, who wished to transform the Sahara desert into an inland sea.
D'Anville's map contained all that was then known, but ten years afterwards Major Rennell began his surveying labours, which extended over the period from 1763 to 1782.
Whately defined it as "a conditional syllogism with two or more antecedents in the major and a disjunctive minor."
When the Civil War broke out, he became a major in a Missouri volunteer regiment and served as chief of staff to Major-General Nathaniel Lyon until the death of that officer.
AdvertisementHe was able to restore Roman authority in the major part of the papal states, and in 1398 put an end to the republican liberties of the city itself.
But there was no domestic product nor manufacture; the kingdom depended solely upon the now precarious transit dues, and administration was in the hands of a major domus also called khakan.
The bearer, Major Baudus, knowing the importance of the manoeuvre which the I.
A Portuguese force under Major Serpa Pinto had invaded the II., - Shire highlands in order to forestall their annexation by the British, and the British government demanded satisfaction.
By varying the position of R other points can be found, and, since the curve is symmetrical about both the major and minor axes, it is obvious that any point may be reflected in both the axes, thus giving 3 additional points.
AdvertisementThe name was derived from a space in the chancery, surrounded by a grating, in which the officials sat, which is called higher or lower (major or minor) according to the proximity of the seats to that of the vice-chancellor.
These disputes include major civil engineering and energy projects in the Middle East and South America.
Tuesday, April 25, 2006 A major clampdown targeting people attempting to smuggle drugs into HMP Leeds is enjoying continued success.
So the Sergeant major gets a meat cleaver and chops his privates off!
The hotel is close to several chain restaurants, major grocery stores, and dry cleaners.
AdvertisementThe city is a dynamic metropolitan area, and major financial center.
It provided for the visitation of the clergy by the bishop, and for the power of the clergy to exclude their lay folk from the Holy Communion, subject to appeal to the bishop. Both minor and major excommunication had been in use, and for a long time public penance was required.
The germ of this dealing with a major causa may be found in the practice of the Arian emperors in the 4th century.
Before the death of Bruce an African Association was formed, in 1788, for collecting information respecting the interior of that continent, with Major Rennell and Sir Joseph Banks as leading members.
A British regiment, despatched to their assistance from Dinapur, was disastrously repulsed; but they were ultimately relieved, after eight days' continuous fighting, by a small force under Major (afterwards Sir Vincent) Eyre.
He attended the first Plattsburg Camp and was commissioned major in the U.S. Reserves in 1917, being assigned to the staff of Gen.
This is true not only of the major planets Mercury, Venus, the Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune; it is also true of the host of more than five hundred minor planets.
Following up this line of investigation, Major Ronald Ross in 1895 found that if a mosquito sucked blood containing the parasites they soon began to throw out flagellae, which broke away and became free; and in 1897 he discovered peculiar pigmented cells, which afterwards turned out to be the parasites of aestivo-autumnal malaria in an early stage of development, within the stomachwall of mosquitoes which had been fed on malarial blood.
In the Crimean War Baker was present at the action of Traktir (or Tchernaya) and at the fall of Sevastopol, and in 1859 he became major in the 10th Hussars, succeeding only a year later to the command.
She died in 1828, leaving two sons, Daniel Fletcher, killed in the second battle of Bull Run, and Edward, a major in the United States army, who died while serving in the Mexican War, and a daughter Julia, who married Samuel Appleton.
Let AB be the major axis of the orbit, B the pericentre, F the focus or centre of motion, P the position of the body.
The anomaly is then the angle BFP which the radius vector makes with the major axis.
The settlement was laid out in April 1737 by Major William Mayo (c. 1685-1744), and was incorporated as a town in 1742.
He placed himself at the disposal of the military authorities and was sent to France as a major in the Grenadier Guards.
Entering the Union army in 1861, he took part in the battles of Shiloh, Corinth and Vicksburg, as major of the 15th Iowa volunteers.
Retrenchment in expenditure formed a major item in his programme, together with a prompt and thorough revision of taxation.
Let the curve represent an elliptic orbit, AB being the major axis, DE the minor axis, and F the focus in which the centre of attraction is situated, which centre we shall call the sun.
On the morning of the 19th of August 1779 the British garrison was surprised by Major Henry Lee ("Light Horse Harry"), who with about 50o men took 159 prisoners and lost only 2 killed and 3 wounded, one of the most brilliant exploits during the War of Independence.
His father, Claude Babeuf, had deserted the French army in 1738 and taken service under Maria Theresa, rising, it is said, to the rank of major.
Meantime from Bohotle a force had advanced under Major Gough to Daratole, a spot not far from Gumburu.
The tomb of Humayun is one of the finest Mogul monuments in the neighbourhood of Delhi, and it was here that the last of the Moguls, Bahadur Shah, was captured by Major Hodson in 1857.
In 1861 he became captain, and in the Abyssinian expedition of 1867-68 was a brigade major, being again mentioned in despatches and given a brevet majority.
For his conspicuous services he was given the Kaisar-i-Hind medal of the first class, made an honorary major in the Indian army, a G.C.I.E., a K.C.S.I., and A.D.C. to the prince of Wales.
Then, leaving Davout to observe the archduke's retreat, the emperor himself rode after Massena, who with the major portion of the French army was following the Austrian weaker wing under Hiller.
In 1823 extensive explorations of the Minnesota and Red River valleys were conducted by Major Stephen Harriman Long (1784-1864), and subsequently (1834-1836) knowledge of the region was extended by the investigations of the artist George Catlin (1796-1872), the topographer George William Featherstonhaugh (1780-1866), and the geologist Jean Nicholas Nicollett (1786-1843).
On the other hand, it was from Spain and Gaul that Rome probably received the orarium (stole) as an ensign of the major orders.
In 1837 he resigned from the army to become his father's private secretary, but in 1846, at the outbreak of the war with Mexico, he was reappointed with the rank of major and paymaster.
And the Holy Office, on the 7th of March, pronounced the major excommunication against him.
Major Humbert was sent there by Napoleon in 1808 and his notes are still preserved in the museum of Leiden.
If the magnetization is parallel to the major axis, and the lengths of the major and minor axes are 2a and 2C, the poles are situated at a distance equal to 3a from the centre, and the magnet will behave externally like a simple solenoid of length 3a.
He became captain in 1871, and, transferred to the 7th Hussars in 1874, was promoted major in 1875, and returned to the Rifle Brigade as lieutenantcolonel in September 1876.
In 1649 he married Dorothy, daughter of Richard Mayor, or Major, of Hursley in Hampshire.
John Major in his Latin History speaks of "one Henry, blind from his birth, who, in the time of my childhood, fashioned a whole book about William Wallace, and therein wrote down in our popular verse - and this was a kind of composition in which he had much skill - all that passed current among the people in his day.
The latter completely encloses a large area of ground in a semicircle of which Besancon itself is the centre, and the whole of the newer works taken together form an irregular ellipse of which the major axis, lying north-east by south-west, is formed by the Doubs.
The most characteristic members of the order are twining plants with generally smooth heart-shaped leaves and large showy white or purple flowers, as, for instance, the greater bindweed of English hedges, Calystegia sepium, and many species of the genus Ipomaea, the largest of the order, including the "convolvulus major" of gardens, and morning glory.
He went to Berlin as major and military attaché, and there, from 1909 to 1911, he pursued his military studies and enjoyed a social career as a ladies' favourite.
After spending a short time at Woolwich to complete his military education, he made a tour through Spain in 1787; and then, dejected by unrequited love for his cousin Georgina Lennox (afterwards Lady Bathurst), he sailed for New Brunswick to join the 54th regiment with the rank of major.
The British resident, Major Burney, who had been appointed in 1830, finding his presence at Ava agreeable neither to the king nor to himself, removed in 1837 to Rangoon, and shortly afterwards retired from the country.
Throughout the major part of his pontificate he had to reckon with the presence of the powerful antipope Clement III.
By act of Congress, approved in April 1904, the establishment of chaplains was fixed at 57 (15 with the rank of major), 12 for the artillery corps and r each for the cavalry and infantry regiments.
To 1 First described by the Turk, Haj j i Khalifa, in the 37th century; first seen by the Swedish traveller Otter in 1736, and first published in 1840 in Ritter's Erdkunde, iii., after a drawing by Major Fischer, made in 1837.
But the difficulty of regarding the visions as actual experiences, or as in any sense actual, is intensified, when full account is taken of the artifices of the writer; for the major part of his visions consists of what is to him really past history dressed up in the guise of prediction.
If the calculation be carried farther backas has been done by the seismic disaster investigation committee of Japan, a body of scientists constantly engaged in studying these phenomena under government auspices,it is found that, since the countrys history began to be written in the 8th century AD,, there have been 2006 major disturbances; but inasmuch as 1489 of these occurred before the beginning of the Tokugawa administration (early in the 17th century, and therefore in an era when methods of recording were comparatively defective), exact details are naturally lacking.
Philip Schuyler served in the Provincial Army during the Seven Years' War, first as captain and later as deputy-commissary with the rank of major, taking part in the battles of Lake George (1755), Oswego River (1756), Ticonderoga (1758) and Fort Frontenac (1758).
In the Mexican War he won two brevets for gallantry - that of captain for Molino del Rey and that of major for Chapultepec. He served at West Point as instructor and adjutant (1849-1855), and he took part in the Utah expedition.
Ramus also set the modern fashion of deducing the figures from the position of the middle term in the premises, instead of basing them, as Aristotle does, upon the different relation of the middle to the so-called major and minor term.
Much of the information in this was derived from personal experience, for Defoe claims to have made many more tours and visits about England than those of which we have record; but the major part must necessarily have been dexterous compilation.
Bischoffswerder, too, still a simple major, was called into the king's counsels; by 1789 he was already an adjutant-general.
On the 17th of July 1814 a force of British, Canadians and Indians under Major William McKay captured the fort,.
In 1650 he was sent against Montrose, who was defeated and captured by Major Strachan, Leslie's advanced guard commander; and later in the year, all parties having for the moment combined to support Charles II., Leslie was appointed to the -chief command of the new army levied for the purpose on behalf of Charles II.
The bodies of this class consist of eight major planets moving round the sun at various distances, and of an unknown number of minor planets, much smaller than the major planets, forming a separate group. Thirdly, satellites, or secondary planets revolving around the major planets, and therefore accompanying them in their revolutions around the sun.
The major planets are separated into two groups of four each, between which the minor planets, for the most part, revolve.
But there is an obvious gap between the two groups of major planets which is filled by the group of minor planets.
Taking the mean distance of this group as that of a planet, the distance of the major planets closely approximates to Bode's law, except in the case of Neptune.
The major planets all move around the sun in the same direction, from west to east, in orbits but little inclined to each other.
Mingling with Siamese and Chinese, who form the major part, may be seen persons of almost every race to be found between Bombay and Japan, while Europeans of different nationalities number over 1000.
He served in the Mexican War under Scott, and was breveted for gallantry at Contreras and Churubusco and at Chapultepec. He became captain in 1852 and major in 1861.
He was several times wounded, and was made major and colonel on the battlefields of Cochabamba and Sapachni.
Both major and minor kinds of excommunication are recognized by the Talmud.
The major excommunication (herem) excluded from the Temple as well as the synagogue and from all association with the faithful.
The company being unable to quell the revolt, Captain Hermann Wissmann - subsequently Major Hermann von Wissmann (1853-1905) - was sent out by Prince Bismarck as imperial commissioner.
He added also to their chiefships, and on the 1st of April hoisted the British flag, made a new treaty with Mwanga, and sent Major Roderick Owen to enlist 400 Sudanese from the Toro colonies.
Meanwhile Major Thruston - a man justly loved by his soldiers, in whom he had complete confidence - hurried to the garrison at Luba's, near the Ripon Falls, relying on his personal influence to control the men, and risking his life in the heroic attempt.
Early in January Mwanga escaped from the Germans, and, declaring himself a Mahommedan, reached Buddu with a large force, which Major Macdonald defeated with the aid of the Baganda army.
Heimburg's denunciations of the pope were widely circulated, and in spite of the major excommunication he was taken into the service of the archbishop of Mainz and was his representative at the diet of Nuremberg in 1462.
Abandoned since 495 - for Kasyapa was eventually slain during a battle fought in the plain beneath - it has, on the whole, well withstood the fury of tropical storms, and is now used again to gain access to the top. When rediscovered by Major Forbes in 1835 the portions of the gallery where it had been exposed for so many centuries to the south-west monsoon, had been carried away.
In the meantime Major Richard Ingoldsby and two companies of soldiers had landed (January 28, 1691) and demanded possession of the fort.
Carnot had just accepted promotion to the rank of major in the engineers.
During the Italo-Turkish War he served in Tripoli on the staff, receiving special promotion to major after the battle of Zanzur in June 1912.
When Major Richard Ingoldsby arrived with two companies of the king's soldiers and demanded possession of the fort, Leisler refused although he still professed his willingness to deliver it to Sloughter.
The first fruits of his work were a comic opera, Der neue krumme Teufel, and a Mass in F major (both written in 1751), the former of which was produced with success.
On his return to Vienna in 1756 he became famous as teacher and composer, in 1759 he was appointed conductor to the private band of Count Morzin, for whom he wrote several orchestral works (including a symphony in D major erroneously called his first), and in 1760 he was promoted to the sub-directorship of Prince Paul Esterhazy's Kapelle, at that time the best in Austria.
His most important works were the Missa hispanica, which he exchanged for his diploma at Stockholm, a Mass in D minor, a Lauda Sion, a set of graduals, forty-two of which are reprinted in Diabelli's Ecclesiasticon, three symphonies (1785), and a string quintet in C major which has been erroneously attributed to Joseph Haydn.
Thus, suppose a fundamental 256 has present with it overtone harmonics 512, 768, 1024, 1280, &c., and that we sound with it the major seventh with fundamental 480, and having harmonics 960, 1440, &c. The two sets may be arranged thus c 256 512 768 1024 1280 h 480 960 1440, and we see that the fundamental of the second will beat 32 times per second with the first overtone of the first, giving dissonance.
The very marked dissonance of the major seventh is thus explained.
When two sources emit only pure tones we might expect that we should have no dissonance when, as in the major seventh, the beat frequency is greater than the range of harshness.
Thus, take the major seventh with frequencies 256 and 480.
The example we have given above of the major seventh must serve here.
The Ecca series extends over the major portion of the province.
The place chosen by Captain (afterwards Major) Warden as the seat of his court was known as Bloemfontein, and it subsequently became the capital of the whole country.
In 1846 Major Warden occupied Winburg for a short time, and the relations between the Boers and the British were in a continual state of tension.
Other firsthand narratives of importance are the American officers' reports (Reports of Military Observers, General Staff, U.S.A.); Major v.
Wherever the Reformation was introduced the stole was done away with, even when chasuble, alb and cope were retained; the reason being that it was the ensign of the major orders, which in the Catholic sense were rejected by the Reformers.'
Here on the 3rd of July 1778 about 400 men and boys met, and under the command of Colonel Zebulon Butler (1731-95) went out to meet a force of about Iioo British troops and Indians, commanded by Major John Butler and Old King (Sayenqueraghte).
In 1772 he had been commissioned a major of New Hampshire militia, and on the 15th of December 1774 he and John Langdon led an expedition which captured Fort William and Mary at New Castle.
He then served against the Dutch, and in 1672 was commissioned major in what is said to have been the first English regiment armed with the bayonet.
Furia, in feudal law, was the right granted to tenants having major jurisdiction to erect a gallows within the limits of their fief.
The first prior was sometimes called prior major, sometimes prior claustralis.
P. Lamarck's term Annelides, now used to denote a major phylum or division of coelomate invertebrate animals.
At Vera Cruz he won the rank of first lieutenant, and for gallant conduct at Contreras and Chapultepec respectively he was brevetted captian and major, a rank which he attained with less than one year's service.
As to the great question at issue in 1861, Major Jackson's ruling motive was devotion to his state, and when Virginia seceded, on the 17th of April, and the Lexington cadets were ordered to Richmond, Jackson went thither in command of the corps.
This revolution may be accomplished by adding the term " mutation ascending " or " mutation descending " for the minute steps of transformation, and the term phylum, as employed in Germany, for the minor and major branches of genetic series.
He was promoted captain (August 1806), major (May 1808), lieutenant-colonel (Dec. 1809) and colonel (July 1812).
After the outbreak of the War of Independence he devoted himself chiefly to the enlisting and drilling of troops, and was chosen major of a regiment.
He first brought the revolutions of our satellite within the domain of Kepler's laws, pointing out that her apparent irregularities could be completely accounted for by supposing her to move in an ellipse with a variable eccentricity and directly rotatory major axis, of which the earth occupied one focus.
Four major subdivisions or systems of the group have been recognized in this region, as shown in the preceding table.
On the formation of the Italian legion he joined the second battalion as major, and was publicly complimented by General Oudinot for his extraordinary valour at the storming of Peschiera.
After the breaking out of the Civil War the governor of Ohio, on the 7th of June 1861, appointed him a major of a volunteer regiment, and in July he was sent to western Virginia for active service.
A little above the globus major a few scattered tubules are found in children in front of the cord; these form the rudimentary structure known as the organ of Giraldes or paradidymis.
Subsequently another inquiry was carried out by Major Reynell Taylor, which dealt simply with Hodson's accounts and found them to be "an honest and correct record.
Canes Venatici ("The Hounds," or "the greyhounds"), in astronomy, a constellation of the northern hemisphere named by Hevelius in 1690, who compiled it from the stars between the older asterisms Ursa Major, Bodtes and Coma Berenices.
Lucius Cornelius Balbus (called Major to distinguish him from his nephew) was born early in the last century B.C. He is generally considered to have been of Phoenician origin.
The "line of apsides" is that which joins them, forming the major axis of the orbit.
African coast, lying between the Syrtis Major and Marmarica, the western limit being Arae Philaenorum, and the eastern a vague line drawn inland from the head of the gulf of Platea (Bomba).
The cleido-mastoid generally arises from the basi-occipital, and the pectoralis major is connected with the latissimus dorsi.
In 1899 Dr Forsyth Major proposed a classification of the family in which a number of species were grouped with the spiny rabbit in the genus Caprolagus, whilst Oryctolagus was taken to include not only the common rabbit, but likewise the Cape hare.
The minor axis, on the other hand, is not constant, but, as we have already seen, depends on the latitude, being the product of the major axis into the sine of the latitude.
In 1775, however, when Raghuba Peshwa threw himself on the protection of the British, the reverses which Mahadji encountered at their handsGwalior being taken by Major Popham in 1780 - opened his eyes to their power.
The population numbered 828,511 in 1897, of whom the major part were Tatars; other races were Russians, the Iranian tribes of the Tates (89,519) and Talysh (34994), Armenians (52,233) and the Caucasian mountaineers known as Kurins.
The Bernese occupation lasted till 1798, though in 1723 an attempt was made to put an end to it by Major Davel, who lost his life in consequence.
In 1898 he became major, and on the outbreak of the Spanish-American War was promoted lieutenantcolonel, serving through the Porto Rican campaign.
Northern and eastern Europe is inhabited by a larger form (P. major), which differs in nothing but size and more vivid tints from that which is common in the British Isles and western Europe.
Most systems agree in deriving the major divisions from the characters of the reproductive organs (perithecia, apothecia, or basidiospore bearing fructification), while the characters of the algal cells and those of the thallus generally are used for the minor divisions.
Major Weller now received Lt.-Comm.
In 1864 he married a young lady who had helped him to escape from some Confederate marauders; and by the end of the war he rose to be major.
In subdividing the strata of the Carboniferous system and correlating the major divisions in different areas, just as in other great systems, use has to be made of the fossil contents of the rocks; stratigraphical units, based on lithology, are useless for this purpose.
After one or two harmonious interviews, the king advanced a claim for the payment of the quit rents for Anamabo fort and Cape Coast castle, rents the major part of which the Fanti had induced the British to pay to them, leaving only a nominal sum for transmission to Kumasi.
He received the brevets of major for Cerro Gordo, lieut.- colonel for Contreras-Churubusco and colonel for Chapultepec. After the war he was employed in engineer work at Washington and Baltimore, during which time, as before the war, he resided on the great Arlington estate, near Washington, which had come to him through his wife.
The "Tinamou" of Barrere has been identified with the "Macucagua" described and figured by Marcgrav in 1648, and is the Tinamus major of modern authors.'
On concentration of the solution, the major portion of the aluminium present separates as alum, and the mother liquor remaining contains beryllium and iron sulphates together with a little alum.
The verdict of the court, was a serious rebuff for the government; after a preliminary investigation of nine months, and a public trial of a fortnight, the major charges against the prisoners were dismissed, and six of them were condemned only to short terms of imprisonment for conspiracy.
Ray was chosen minor fellow of Trinity in 1649, and in due course became a major fellow on proceeding to the master's degree.
In June 1896, owing to the indefatigable exertions of Major Wingate, a perfected system of secret intelligence enabled the sirdar to bring an overwhelming force of 6 to 1 against the Dervish outpost at Firket and destroy it.
The British resident, Major Missett, having represented the importance of taking Rosetta and Rahmanieh,to secure supplies for Alexandria, General Fraser, with the concurrence of the admiral, Sir John Duckworth, detached the 31st regiment and the Chasseurs Britanniques, accompanied by some field artillery under Major-General Wauchope and Brigadier-General Meade, on this service; and these troops entered Rosetta without encountering any opposition; but as soon as they had dispersed among the narrow streets, the garrison opened a deadly fire on them from the latticed windows and the roofs of the houses.
Then came (May 1878) a commission of inquiry of which the principal members were Sir Rivers Wilson, Major Evelyn Baring (afterwards Lord Cromer) and MM.
With this object a small force under Major Marchand was sent from the French Congo into the Bahr-elGhazal, with orders to occupy Fashoda on the Nile; whilst a Franco-Abyssinian Expedition was despatched from the eastward, to join hands with Major Marchand.
Major Marchand had to retire from Fashoda, and as a concession to French susceptibilities he was allowed to retreat by the Abyssinian route.
In consequence of the Franco-Congolese Treaty of 1894, Major Cunningham and Lieutenant Vandeleur were sent from Uganda to Dufile, where they planted the British flag on the 15th of January 1895.
While the army moved along the west bank of the river, a force of Arab irregulars or Friendlies marched along the east bank, under command of Major Stuart-Wortley and Lieutenant Wood, to clear it of the enemy as far as the Blue Nile; and on the 1st of September the gun- man.
In later times forest culture was added, and the Gerard Adriaan van Swieten schools of forestry, agriculture and horticulture were established by Major van Sweiten in memory of his son.
He was promoted major in 1845, and colonel in 1853.
He disapproved of Major Anderson's removal of his troops from Fort Moultrie to Fort Sumter in December 1860; but there is probably no basis for the charge made by Southern writers that the removal itself was in violation of a pledge given by the president to preserve the status quo in Charleston harbour until the arrival of the South Carolina commissioners in Washington.
Ray Lankester (preface to the English edition of C. Gegenbaur's Comparative Anatomy), and employed by the same writer in the 9th edition of this encyclopaedia (article "Zoology") to denote the eighth phylum, or major division, of coelomate animals.
The main work continued to be done in Latin, and to better purpose by Hector Boece (q.v.), John Major and George Buchanan (q.v.) than by the earlier annalists Fordun (q.v.) and Bower (q.v.).
Major, Prince Henry the Navigator (London, 1868, p. 55).
In 1796 it was named Bloomfield in honour of General Joseph Bloomfield (1753-1823), who served (1775-1778) in the War of American Independence, reaching the rank of major, was governor of New Jersey in 1801-1802 and 1803-1812, brigadier general in the United States army during the War of 1812, and a Democratic representative in Congress from 1817 to 1821.
These strands and belts were the only visible records of the Iroquois, but they required the trained interpreters who could draw from their strings and figures the acts and intentions locked up in their remembrance" (Major Rogers, Account of North America, London, 1765).
The ammonia is for the major part found in the mother-liquor as ammonium chloride.
In 1900-1901 Major Walter Reed (1851-1902), a surgeon in the United States army, proved by experiments on voluntary human subjects that the infection was spread by the Stegomyia mosquito,' and the prevention of the disease was then undertaken by Major William C. Gorgas - all patients being screened and mosquitoes practically exterminated.'
In the meantime Yakub Khan, one of Shere Ali's sons, had announced to Major Cavagnari, the political agent at the headquarters of the British army, that he had succeeded his father at Kabul.
In 1748 a British fleet arrived under Admiral Boscawen and attempted the siege of Pondicherry, while a land force co-operated under Major Stringer Lawrence, whose name afterwards became associated with that of Clive.
His trained regiments were defeated in two pitched battles by Major Adams, at Gheria and at Udha-nala, and he himself took refuge with the nawab wazir of Oudh, who refused to deliver him up. This led to a prolongation of the war.
This was quelled by Major (afterwards Sir Hector) Munro, who ordered twenty-four of the ringleaders to be blown from guns, an old Mogul punishment.
In 1764 Major Munro won the decisive battle of Buxar, which laid Oudh at the feet of the conquerors, and brought the Mogul emperor as a suppliant to the British camp.
By the terms of peace then dictated the infant son of Ranjit, Dhuleep Singh, was recognized as raja; the Jullundur Doab, or tract between the Sutlej and the Ravi, was annexed; the Sikh army was limited to a specified number; Major Henry Lawrence was appointed to be resident at Lahore; and a British force was detailed to garrison the Punjab for a period of eight years.
In 1766 he received a severe wound in an encounter with some Sannyasis, or religious fanatics, from which he never thoroughly recovered; and in 1777 he retired as major on a pension of £600 a year.
See Sir Clements Markham, Major James Rennell and the Rise of Modern English Geography (London, 1895).
Not the least of these burdens were the personal and irregular drafts of some of the executives upon the treasury and revenue officers, particularly the custom-house of this port, upon which the republic depended for the major part of its revenue.
The de Officiis, Tusculan Disputations and Cato Major are found in a number of 9th-century MSS.
A curious case of this sort is that of the five stars a, -y, 6, and i of Ursa Major.
The greatest displacement of the star from its mean position (the semi-axis major of the ellipse) is called its parallax.
The group consisting of five stars of Ursa Major together with Sirius has already been alluded to; another very marked group of 16 stars in Perseus, all of the Helium type of spectrum, form a similar association.
The Streams. motion of the stars in the mean towards Canis Major is thus a resultant motion, which, when examined more minutely, is found to be due to the intermingling of two great streams of stars moving in very different directions.
It lasted from 869 to 883, and tasked the government to its utmost.2 1 This Bogha was called al-Kabir, or major; the ally of Wasif, a man of much inferior consideration, al-Saghir, or minor.
Sloat, after seizing Monterey, transferred his command to Commodore Robert Field Stockton (1795-1866), who made Fremont major of a battalion; and by January 1847 Stockton and Fremont completed the conquest of California.
The major productive works are the upper and lower Ganges, the eastern Jumna, and the Agra canals.
Each inference contains three terms. In syllogistic inference the subject of the conclusion is the minor term, and its predicate the major term, while between these two extremes the term common to the two premises is the middle term, and the premise containing the middle and major terms is the major premise, the premise containing the middle and minor terms the minor premise.
Thus in the example of syllogism given above, " border-war between Thebes and Athens " is the minor term, " evil " the major term, and " border-war " the middle term.
With regard to inference, he remarked that a universal judgment means by " all," not every individual we know, but every individual absolutely, so that, when it becomes a major premise, we know therein every individual universally, not individually, and often do not know a given individual individually until we add a minor premise in a syllogism.
Thus, we must think in (r) All P is M " to avoid illicit process of the major, in (2) "All y is z " to avoid undistributed middle, in (3) "All x is y" to avoid illicit process of the minor.
This done, as the major is convertible, the analytic order - P-M, S-P, S-M - was easily inverted into the synthetic order - M-P, S-M, S-P; and in this progressive order the deduction as now taught begins with the centripetal force of the sun as real ground, and deduces the facts of planetary motion as consequences.
Whately, on the other hand, proposed an inductive syllogism with the major suppressed, that is, instead of the minor premise above, he supposed a major premise, " Whatever belongs to A, B, C magnets belongs to all."
It is, in fact, a common point of Jevons, Sigwart and Wundt that the universal is not really a conclusion inferred from given particulars, but a hypothetical major premise from which given particulars are inferred, and that this major contains presuppositions of causation not contained in the particulars.
Thus Whewell mistook Kepler's inference that Mars moves in an ellipse for an induction, though it required the combination of Tycho's and Kepler's observations, as a minor, with the laws of conic sections discovered by the Greeks, as a major, premise.
In the same way, to infer a machine from hearing the regular tick of a clock, to infer a player from finding a pack of cards arranged in suits, to infer a human origin of stone implements, and all such inferences from patent effects to latent causes, though they appear to Jevons to be typical inductions, are really deductions which, besides the minor premise stating the particular effects, require a major premise discovered by a previous induction and stating the general kind of effects of a general kind of cause.
But this inference contains the tacit major, " What has a given colour, &c., is magnesium," and is a syllogism of recognition.
A deduction is often like an induction, in inferring from particulars; the difference is that deduction combines a law in the major with the particulars in the minor premise, and infers syllogistically that the particulars of the minor have the predicate of the major premise, whereas induction uses the particulars simply as instances to generalize a law.
As we have seen, Jevons, Sigwart and Wundt all think that induction contains a belief in causation, in a cause, or ground, which is not present in the particular facts of experience, but is contributed by a hypothesis added as a major premise to the particulars in order to explain them by the cause or ground.
But whether Kant be right or wrong, Wundt and his school are decidedly wrong in supposing " supplementary notions which are not contained in experience itself, but are gained by a process of logical treatment of this experience "; as if our behalf in causality could be neither a posteriori nor a priori, but beyond experience wake up in a hypothetical major premise of induction.
In all induction the universal is the conclusion, in none a major premise, and in none the ground of either the being or the knowing of the particulars.
When A, B and C are objects of sense, their relative positions are matters, not of inference, but of observation; when they are not, there is an inference, but a syllogistic inference with a major premise, induced from previous observations, " whenever of three things the first is to the right of the second, and the second to the right of the third, the first is to the right of the third."
Bradley seems to suppose that the major premise of a syllogism must be explicit, or else is nothing at all.
The major premise of syllogism, says the Pyrrhonist, is established inductively from the particular ' 'Errt4 opcc. = " in " as in i raywyi 7, inductio, and - 40pa = - ferentia, as in 8eoopa, differentia.
The conclusion then is really used to establish the major premise, and if we still will infer it therefrom we fall into the circular proof.'
In indicating specifically, too, the case of conclusion from a copulative major premise with a disjunctive minor, Herbart seems to have suggested the cue for Sigwart's exposition of Bacon's method of exclusions.
He re-entered the army as a captain of mounted rifles in the Mexican War, served with distinction, and was breveted major for bravery at Contreras and Churubusco.
In 1723 Major Davel, at Lausanne, and in 1749 Henzi, in Bern itself, tried to break down this monopoly, but in each case paid the penalty of failure on the scaffold.
He was on the staff of General George Crook at the battles of Opequan, Fisher's Hill, and Cedar Creek in the Shenandoah valley, and on the r4th of March 1865 was brevetted major of volunteers for gallant and meritorious services.
Major Hume appears to combine the latter theory with Philip's political objection to Escovedo.
For the murder of Escovedo, see Andrew Lang's discussion of it in his Historical Mysteries (1904); and the Espanoles e ingleses (1903) of Major" Martin Hume, who had access to various newly discovered MSS.
It is doubtful whether the distinction drawn between pestis minor and pestis major has a real aetiological basis.
The original plan of the city, which was prepared by Major Pierre Charles L'Enfant (1755-1825), under the supervision of President Washington and Thomas Jefferson,' was a masterpiece in landscape architecture and in the main it has been preserved.
The commissioners - Thomas Johnson (1732-1819) and Daniel Carroll (1756-1829) of Maryland and Dr David Stuart of Virginia - gave the city its name; Major L'Enfant drew its plan, and Andrew Ellicott laid it out.
The increasing mass of the population dwelt along the western border or on the less fertile ridges which make up the major part of the land even in tide-water Virginia.
Now in a conic whose focus is at 0 we have where 1 is half the latus-rectum, a is half the major axis, and the upper or lower sign is to be taken according as the conic is an ellipse or hyperbola.
From 1876 to 1878 Major Alexander P. di Cesnola continued his brother's work, but the large collection which he exhibited in London in 1880 was dispersed soon afterwards.14 On the British occupation of Cyprus in 1878, the Ottoman law of 1874 in regard to antiquities was retained in force.
The main duty of the flamens was the offering of daily sacrifices; on the 1st of October the three major flamens drove to the Capitol and sacrificed to Fides Publica (the Honour of the People).
On the same day Louvois orders Vauroy, major of the citadel of Dunkirk, to seize Dauger and conduct him to Pignerol.
Distrusting tradition, he took a few of the finest dialogues as his standard, and from internal evidence denounced as spurious not only those which are generally admitted to be so (Epinomis, Minos, Theages, Arastae, Clitophon, Hipparchus, Eryxias, Letters and Definitions), but also the Meno, Euthydemus, Charmides, Lysis, Laches, First and Second Alcibiades, Hippias Major and Minor, Ion, Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, and even (against Aristotle's explicit assertion) The Laws.
He served with great distinction under Washington, and in 1778 was promoted major and given the command of a small irregular corps, with which he won a great reputation as a leader of light troops.
Although the name (which apparently had its origin in Britannia Major, the name given to the island to distinguish it from Britannia Minor or Brittany) had, in earlier times, been often used both by English and by foreign writers, especially for rhetorical and poetical purposes, it was not till after the accession of James I.
But he sent his son John to school (no doubt the well-known grammar school of Haddington), and thereafter to the university, where, like his contemporary George Buchanan, he sat "at the feet" of John Major.
Major was a native of Haddington, who had recently returned to Scotland from Paris with a great academical reputation.
But in Major's last Glasgow session a "Joannes Knox" (not an uncommon name, however, at that time in the west of Scotland) matriculated there; and if this were the future reformer, he may thereafter either have followed his master to St Andrews or returned from Glasgow straight to Haddington.
All through this dialogue too, as in another at Lochleven two years afterwards, Knox was driven to axioms, not of religion but of constitutionalism, which Buchanan and he may have learned from their teacher Major, but which were not to be accepted till a later age.
The major rural divisions are the fOgderier, under bailiffs, a subdivision of which is the lansmansdistrikt under a lansman.
In company with Major St John, R.E., he made a large collection of the vertebrate fauna in a journey from Gwetter to Tehergn in 1872.
Ancient Ethnograp/iy.In historical times we find the major portion of Iran occupied by peoples of Indo-European origin, terming themselves Aryans (Arya; Zend, Airya) and their language Aryanso in the inscriptions of Dariusthe same name, which is used by the consanguineous tribes of India who were their nearest relations.
In the evening of the 18th of April 1775 a British force of about Boo men under Lieut.-Colonel Francis Smith and Major John Pitcairn was sent by General Thomas Gage from Boston to destroy military stores collected by the colonists at Concord, and to seize John Hancock and Samuel Adams, then at Parson Clarke's house (now known as the Hancock-Clarke House) in Lexington.
This mine and a major mine in Turkey, which rose to prominence in the 1990s, now supply nearly all the world's borax.
Till 1813 it was in the hands of Major de Bosset, a Swiss in the British service, who displayed an industry and energy in the repression of injustice and development of civilization only outdone by the despotic vigour of Sir Charles Napier, who held the same office for the nine years from 1818 to 1827.
Vivien de St Martin; "Attempt to identify some of the Places mentioned in the Itinerary of Hivan Thsang," by Major Wm.
In the latter part of 1857, the Indian rebellion being at its height and the city of Delhi still in the hands of the rebels, a British officer (Major Henry Green) was deputed, on the part of the British government, to reside as political agent with the Khan at Kalat and to assist him by his advice in maintaining control over his turbulent tribes.
This duty was successfully performed until 1863, when, during the temporary absence of Major Malcolm Green, the then political agent, Khodadad Khan was, at the instigation of some of his principal chiefs, attacked while out riding by his cousin, Sher dil Khan, and severely wounded.
On the other hand the observations of Major Ryder and other surveyors who peaks.
The great thrust-plane which is thus imagined to exist at the base of the Himalaya, corresponds with the " major thrusts " of the N.W.
Greece for her part had a minor objective in Epirus - a region of which the northern limit was vague - and as a major objective Salonika and the Aegean littoral beyond, not to mention more remote objects in Asia Minor.
In 1847 he went to Mexico as major in a volunteer regiment, but arrived too late for service in the field.
On receiving a promise that his life would be spared, the last of the house of Timur surrendered to Major Hodson; he was afterwards banished to Rangoon.
For this he was breveted major, and in May 1814 received a regular major's commission, but being reduced at the conclusion of the war to the rank of captain, temporarily left the service.
In May 1816 he was reinstated as major, and in 1819 was promoted to be a lieutenant-colonel; and in the routine discharge of his duties he was stationed at various posts on the western frontier.
In 1842, also, he was elected a fellow of Trinity, and became a major fellow in 1845, the year in which he proceeded to the M.A.
Before daylight on the 19th of August 1779 was approaching, Major Henry Lee with a force of about 400 men surprised the British garrison at Paulus Hook, where Jersey City now stands, and, although sustaining a loss of 20 men, killed 50 of the garrison and took about 160 prisoners.
The persons on board the fleet included 564 male and 192 female convicts, and a detachment of marines, consisting of Major Ross, commandant, 16 officers, 24 non-commissioned officers, an adjutant and quartermaster, 160 privates and 40 women.
Major's voluminous writings may be grouped under (a) logic and philosophy, (b) Scripture commentary, and (c) history.
Buchanan's severe epigram, perhaps the only unfriendly words in the flood of contemporary praise, may be explained as a protest against the compromise which Major appeared to offer rather than as a personal attack on his teacher.
Major takes a more independent attitude in his History, which is a remarkable example of historical accuracy and insight.
In 1645 he was present as major in the engagement at Langport on the 10th of July, at Hambleton Hill on the 4th of August, and on the 10th of September he commanded the horse at the storming of Bristol.
At the beginning of the War of Independence he was given a major's commission to raise troops in Western Pennsylvania.
He withdrew to Randa, there wrote his Ars major and Ars generalis, visited Montpellier, and persuaded the king of Majorca to build a Franciscan monastery at Miramar.
Land comparatively poor yields crops eight to tenfold the quantity sown; the major part of the land yields twenty to thirtyfold.
Another expedition of Abyssinians, under Dejaj Tasamma and accompanied by three Europeans - Faivre (French), Potter (Swiss) and Artomonov (Russian) - started early in 1898, and reached the Nile at the Sobat mouth in June, a few days only before Major Marchand and his gallant companions arrived on the scene.
We judge from some major arrest of activity, as when the heart ceases to beat.
This litany has often been confused with the litania major, introduced at Rome in J98 (vide supra), but is quite distinct from it.'
It is generally acknowledged that they are the equivalent of the Christian Church of the Roman lustrations of the crops in spring, the Ambarvalia, &c. The litania major, or great procession on St Mark's day (April 25) is shown to coincide both in date and ritual with the Roman Robigalia, which took place a.d.
The litania major followed the same route as far as the Milvian bridge, when it turned off and returned to St Peter's, where mass was celebrated.
The history of Scotland from 1436 to 1561 owes much, in its earlier chapters, to the accounts of Hector Boece and John Major, though no small portion of the topographical matter is first-hand.
In 1871 the late Professor Rankine, F.R.S., whose remarkable perception of the practical fitness or unfitness of purely theoretical deductions gives his writings exceptional value, received from Major Tulloch, R.E., on behalf of the municipality of Bombay, a request to consider the subject generally, and with special reference to very high dams, such as have since been constructed in India.
Considerable remains of public buildings, constructed in concrete faced with small stones with bands of brick at intervals, an amphitheatre with a major axis of 390 ft.
Among the Dominicans, Carmelites, Augustinians, &c., the superior was called Praepositus, " provost," and Prior; among the Franciscans, Custos, " guardian"; and by the monks of Camaldoli, Major.
It is nearly elliptical, the major axis, 250 m.
In the autumn the major body of the pioneers arrived.
This last-named building was erected in 1879 to replace the old and famous grammar school, where John Knox, William Dunbar, John Major and possibly George Buchanan and Sir David Lindsay were educated.
The expedition of Major Noel in 1919 to northern Kurdistan had revealed a very general and genuine desire for separation from Turkey and independence.
Soon after this decisive success, it was found that a French expedition under Major Marchand had reached the upper Nile and had hoisted the French flag at Fashoda.
During the second war with Great Britain, the Wisconsin Indians and French settlers generally sided with the British, and in 1814 many of them participated in Major William McKay's expedition against Fort Shelby at Prairie du Chien.
Friction between the settlers and the Indians could not long be avoided, and in 1827 Red Bird and his band of Winnebago attacked the whites, but after some bloodshed they were defeated by Major William Whistler (1780-1863) of Fort Howard.
This was the decisive action of the campaign in Central India, and Tantia Topi was obliged to seek refuge in the jungles of Rajputana and Bundelkhand, where he was taken by Major Meade, condemned, and executed on the 18th of April 18 J9.
By continuously and systematically selecting the best grains from the best ears, Major Hallett succeeded in introducing "pedigree wheats" of fine quality.
The kind of reasoning which his view of virtuous conduct requires is one in which the ultimate major premise states a distinctive characteristic of some virtue, and one or more minor premises show that such characteristic belongs to a certain mode of conduct under given circumstances; since it is essential to good conduct that it should contain its end in itself, and be chosen for its own sake.
Captain Thomas Bullitt (1730-1778), a Virginian, commanded a company under Washington at Great Meadows (July 4, 1754), was in Braddock's disastrous expedition in 1755, and after the defeat of Major James Grant in 1758 saved his disorganized army by a cleverly planned attack upon the pursuers.
But when definitive results as to the orbits are required, it is necessary to compute the perturbations produced by such of the major planets as have affected the motions of the body.
The speed of the latter may, therefore, be expressed as a function of its radius vector at the moment and of the major axis of its orbit without introducing any other elements into the expression.
Major, The Life of Henry of Portugal, surnamed the Navigator (London, 1868); Jules Mees, Henri le Navigateur et l'academie.
Under Prince Ferdinand he pursued the same despotic methods of government which had characterized his administration during the regency; Major Panitza, who had organized a revolutionary conspiracy, was tried by court-martial and shot at Sofia in 1890; four of his political opponents were hanged at Sofia in the following year, and Karavelov was sentenced to five years' imprisonment.
Their music is rude, and is said to be always in the major key.
He was then restored to his rank in the army and promoted major.
But the anti-Semitic and antiDreyfusard spirit in certain French circles could not easily be quelled even then; and on the occasion of the translation of the remains of Emile Zola (Dreyfus's determined champion) to the Pantheon on the 4th of June 1908, Major Dreyfus was shot at and wounded by a fanatical journalist named Gregori, who was subsequently acquitted by a Paris jury of the charge of attempted murder, his own plea being that he had merely intended a "demonstration."
On the west the rivers are generally short and torrential, excepting the Erne, which drains the two beautiful loughs of that name in county Fermanagh, and the Shannon, the chief river of Ireland, which, rising in a mountain spring in county Cavan, follows a bow-shaped course to the south and south-west, and draws off the major part of the waters of the plain by tributaries from the east.
The predicate of the conclusion is called the major term, the subject the minor term; the term which is common to the premises and disappears in the conclusion is the middle term.
This possibility, according to Averroes, led to the adoption by the physician Galen of the so-called fourth figure, in which the middle term is predicate of the major and subject of the minor.
This, however, destroys the appropriateness of the phrases major and minor term which are specially chosen because in fact the major term does imply the more comprehensive notion.
Violation of this rule is called an " illicit process of the major (or the minor) term."
In brief, the solution depends upon the view we take of the major premise, "all men are mortal."
If, however, we take the true view of the major premise, namely, that it is not a mere summary of observed particulars but the enunciation of a necessary connexion between two concepts or universals, then the conclusion assumes a different character.
The " whole " (omne) of the dictum, the major term, ceases to be taken in extension, and becomes intensive or connotative, and the inference consists in subsuming the minor under (bringing it into connexion with) the major.
There are also many memorials of the battle of Leipzig, including an obelisk on the Randstadter-Steinweg, on the site of the bridge which was prematurely blown up, when Prince Poniatowski was drowned; a monument of cannon balls collected after the battle; a "relief" to Major Friccius, who stormed the outer Grimma gate; while on the battle plain itself and close to "Napoleonstein," which commemorates Napoleon's position on the last day of the battle, a gigantic obelisk surrounded by a garden has been planned for dedication on the hundredth anniversary of the battle (October 19, 1913).
He entered the army as an officer in the 61st regiment of foot, and on the outbreak of the Hungarian war of independence was promoted to be a major in the third Honved regiment at Szeged.
From this or otherwise it is readily deduced that the ordinates of an ellipse and of the circle described on the major axis are in the ratio of the minor to the major axis.
An important metrical property of conjugate diameters is the sum of their squares equals the sum of the squares of the major and minor axis.
The angle cp is termed the eccentric angle, and is geometrically represented as the angle between the axis of x (the major axis of the ellipse) and the radius of a point on the auxiliary circle which has the same abscissa as the point on the ellipse.
If now the strip be moved so that the point a is always on the minor axis, and the point b on the major axis, the point P describes the ellipse.
Let JO intersect the major axis in 0 1.
Generally speaking, the northern portion was known as Mysia Minor or Hellespontica and the southern as Major or Pergamene.
The highest scientific authority of the day, Major James Rennell, believed, however, that the Niger ended, by evaporation, in the country of "Wangara" - a region located by him, through a misreading of Idrisi, far too much 1 Sir Rufane Donkin in a curious and learned work, A Dissertation on.
A geographical appendix by Major James Rennell summarizes the information then available about the Niger.
Major Hruschka's little son chanced to have in his hand a bit of unsealed comb-honey in a basket to which was attached a piece of string, and, as the boy playfully whirled the basket round in the air, his father noticed a few drops of honey, ?
A crisis occurred in Cowper's life when his cousin Major Cowper nominated him to a clerkship in the House of Lords.
He was commissioned a major of infantry in the Massachusetts militia in April 1776; was promoted to the rank of lieutenant-colonel of artillery in November; was stationed at Castle William, defending Boston harbour, and finally received command of this fort.
How I crossed Africa, by Major Serpa Pinto (English trans., London, 1881), contains a graphic account of the visit paid to the falls by the Portuguese explorer.
He served in Cuba through the Santiago campaign, was appointed chief of ordnance with the rank of major of volunteers, and in June 1899 assistant adjutant-general.
He entered the Sardinian army in 1823, and was a captain in March 1848, when he gained distinction and the rank of major at the siege of Peschiera.
In other plants, but more rarely, the pistil is perfected before the stamens, as in Potentilla argentea, Plantago major, Coix Lachryma, and they are termed proterogynous.
In 1900 he was commissioned major in the regular army and three years later was engaged in planning fortifications in the neighbourhood of Newport, R.I.
A flower of a rather different type, Pseudaraucaria major, exhibiting in the occurrence of two seeds in each scale an approach to the cones of Abietineae, has been described by Professor Fliche from Lower Cretaceous rocks of Argonne.
The same is true of the Homeric epics wherein the Pleiades, Hyades, Ursa major, Orion and Bootes are mentioned, and also of the stars and constellations mentioned in Job.
According to Callimachus he taught the Greeks to steer by Ursa minor instead of Ursa major; and other astronomical observations are assigned to him.
In the 5th century B.C. the Athenian astronomer Euctemon, according to Geminus of Rhodes, compiled a weather calendar in which Aquarius, Aquila, Canis major, Corona, Cygnus, Delphinus, Lyra, Orion, Pegasus, Sagitta and the asterisms Hyades and Pleiades are mentioned, always, however, in re Corvus.
But the greater inequalities in township representation subsisted, although in 1874 an amendment had given all townships of 5000 inhabitants two seats in the lower house, every other one " to be entitled to its present representation," and in 1876 another amendment had provided that no township incorporated thereafter should be entitled to a representative " unless it has at least 2500 inhabitants, and unless the town from which the major portion of its territory is taken has also at least 2500 inhabitants."
The major part belongs to the great North-German plain, but the western and south-western districts include parts of the Harz, with the Brocken, its highest summit, and the Thuringian Forest.
Yet never had he faced so many major decisions at once... not decisions like these, anyway.
Why would he have chosen to major in computer technology instead of animal husbandry?
On any major policy decision, we'll decide collectively and agree; otherwise, you'll follow orders.
I said, knowing full well every aspect of such a charge would be a major problem to Howie.
After good times and hard times and a number of renovations, it is once again a major New England travel hub, second only to Logan Airport where I'd just left my wife Even the iconic clock on the front of the building with its twelve foot face, styled after Big Ben, has been restored and running again.
Gabriel eyed him, unaware of what the half-demon found funny about the major event preceding his takeover as Death.
Thus was created a major climbing facility and, in the process, an additional invitation for winter tourists, earning the small town a reputation as a growing Mecca for this exciting and perilous sport.
The seasonal highlight was a major festival held each January, attracting climbers from around the world.
He chose a sprightly sonata in b-flat major.
Major Scroll's team was hit with an ambush an hour ago.
Major Brady was staring hard at the doctor, as if ready to pounce if he raised the adrenaline charge gun again.
Ours ran under the major cities.
She held out her hand again. A hologram-like image appeared in her hand. Rhyn saw the demons pouring from the skies over major cities in the mortal worlds.
Major League, good guys team, Philadelphia franchise, Dean thought to himself, as he held out his hand.
When there's a major drug buy, nobody trusts anyone else—especially face to face.
Tiyan's strongholds were marked in black around all major routes into and out of the territory as well as two located closer to the walled city.
The owner was absolved from the responsibility of paying for major repairs.
The document cites him as a major influence.
Smog was cited as a major factor that contributes to global warming.
China is one of the oldest continuous major world civilizations, with records dating back over 5,000 years.
Every major physics concept is treated, but should arrive to the student in a real-world context.The book departs from the "physics for physicists" approach of concentrating on physics principles and trying to find applications.
It was city government's intention that developers should meet the total costs of major developments.
We will explain the major provisions of the legislation and attempt to demystify accompanying jargon often used by privacy professionals.
It still works, which is a major kudos to Apple from a PC person.
There are obscure passages in the system, but it is now rapidly becoming a major thoroughfare.
His speech was preceded by a reception for students representing all the major faiths on campus.
Bob has been a major voice in helping us to understand the vagaries weather investigators must endure.
As Lionel Robbins shows, all the major classical economists were quite vehement in their denunciation of laissez faire as an abstract standard.
These girls are having a major difficulty conjugating verbs in different tenses.
The test is very similar to those used by major employers and covers verbal, numerical and diagrammatic reasoning.
One has to ask whether or not any of the major banks have implemented this system.
Nothing short of an encounter with the risen Christ has remotely explained his major about-face.
Patrick Viera and Martin Keown are both out for the Gunners, while Kiev have no major absentees.
The sources exhibit a very wide range of spectral hardness, with interstellar absorption identified as a major influence.
Enhanced waves in these regions could play a major role in electron acceleration to relativistic energies during periods of prolonged substorm activity.
Can the origin of the Western tradition be traced to one major revision with later accretions?
Surgery led to an increase in against the rule astigmatism, which was the major cause of uncorrected visual acuity less than 6/18.
We report a case of Brunner's gland adenoma in which the patient presented with major gastrointestinal bleeding.
Hitler's army adjutant, Major Gerhard Engel, returned with a vivid description of the mountain terrain.
See our major project on air admittance valves for details of larger valves for toilets.
The fact they regularly adorn the covers of the major organ magazines suggests that many people agree.
Advent of the euro was undoubtedly a major factor driving the increase in bond market activity.
It is not easy for me to pass penal judgment upon a defeated adversary in a major military campaign.
His experience and knowledge of the global aerospace and defense markets will be a major benefit to companies looking to expand their horizons.
The restructuring of the European aerospace and defense industry is a major step which will help to improve competition in the global market.
He was a frequent visitor to Peckham while attending rehearsals of his first major play afore Night Come at the Royal Shakespeare.
It sets out a challenging agenda for Departments in terms of identifying their major impacts, planning improvements, and monitoring and reporting performance.
The major method of collection was to enlist the aid of school children.
This fuel network supplied all the major bomber airfields during the cold war.
Despite not having a major record deal, the album is receiving fabulous reviews and regular radio airplay.
Every major airport in the UK depends on our baggage handling systems.
On September 1, 1939, as the war broke out, Warsaw suffered the first German air raids on a major city.
Proves tougher to know with three televisions airtime with major may also elicit.
Some of these selections come from Java and other parts of Indonesia via the fm airwaves of Sumatra's major cities.
I highly recommend reading The alchemist before a major transition in your life- it could be at any age.
By the mid-18th century larger alehouses were becoming common, while inns beside the major highways grew in grandeur in this coaching era.
The basics of confidentiality, authentication, and some major cryptographic algorithms are outlined in chapter two.
The private motor car plays a major role in the creation of a society in which individuals are increasingly alienated from others.
This leads to increased vulnerability to both major and minor aliments.
Boldine, the major alkaloid, is responsible for the plant's bile stimulating effect, which has been reported to improve appetite.
To cut ourselves off from the major strategic alliance on our doorstep would be an act of supreme folly.
It is the first time a major global airline alliance has operated such a scheme in these markets.
In some cases, major structural alterations will be required.
There is no means to prevent amebiasis, a disease that ia a major cause of childhood morbidity and mortality.
Reactions range from minor skin rashes to major life-threatening anaphylaxis.
Content The course comprises 10 modules covering the anatomy and physiology of the major systems of the human body.
The most severe form causes weakness of the major blood vessels, which may swell (the swelling is called an aneurysm ).
There is no evidence that the EU has succeeded in overcoming the national antagonisms between the major capitalist classes in Western Europe.
My major is in forensic anthropology with a minor in Geology.
Three major histocompatibility antigens are encoded on each copy of chromosome 6, but they are inherited as a group.
A major liver protecting nutrient is vitamin E. E is generally recognized as the major lipid fat-soluble antioxidant in human tissue.
The major life threatening complication affects the aorta, which is the major vessel arising from the main pumping chamber of the heart.
A major focus of his work is on the formation of the dorsal aorta and the generation of adult blood stem cells during embryogenesis.
Biology, identification and control of the major greenhouse pests including aphids, whitefly and mites.
The word ' apocalypse ' has come to mean the end of the world, or a major catastrophe.
He now works mainly in non-fiction, tho has been a major script contributor to the children's Kiwi post apocalypse drama The Tribe.
Consequently, what Major has done is to have written an apologia and a defense.
The aim of our work is to understand how the photosynthetic apparatus is assembled in all major cell-types of a leaf.
Our client's are a major international carrier, who have all the resources in place to support the successful appointee.
A major groundwater aquifer, two fifths of Kuwait's entire freshwater reserve, remains contaminated to this day.
The other half is predominantly arable; foxes kill three of the major pests to arable farmers - rabbits, voles and mice.
The Maldives is a group of low-lying coral islands, forming an archipelago of 26 major atolls, situated south west of Sri Lanka.
The Five has a major swing arm update too.
Craig suggest that repetition of ' A ' finger in executing E major arpeggio is responsible for slowing the tempo of this section.
It is currently closed pending a major renovation scheme to restore it to its 1930s art deco glory.
Simultaneously, the company is mounting a major assault on mainland Europe.
Turning force launches a major assault on the right flank.
A major goal of modern astrophysics is to understand how galaxies formed.
The bacteria were shown to spread via the bloodstream from the mouth to the major blood vessels where they caused accelerated atherosclerosis.
Recently the Brooklyn district attorney 's office had handled seven major cases of fraud.
Ideally located for all of Cornwall's major attractions.
The sequence of major events in Scotland leading up to 2014 also augured well for a revival, she said.
All the major auteurs, now in Europe, are doing Royal Court plays.
Major tourist routes have fast autobahns on which a toll is charged.
The North America business group is a major supplier of airborne avionics and electronic warfare systems.
The major axis of the ellipse will be along the East-West line and the minor axis of the ellipse will be along the East-West line and the minor axis will be North-South.
In the absence of these embryonic growth cues adult sensory axons make major growth errors at key choice points.
The Chantry Singers play a leading role in the Festivals and have performed nearly all the major bach works over the years.
Scottish Screen had already become the film's major backer with £ 500,000 of lottery cash.
The letter spelled out major reforms and austerity measures linked to a massive bailout of the Indonesia economy.
That includes every major country, since bank bailouts have been occurring regularly throughout the world once every 7 to 10 years.
Finally, the issue of achieving a better work/life balance is now a major theme in government policy.
Check out track all their minor league players in we have tickets for every major league ballpark.
The fee must be paid by bank draft in Canadian Dollars and can be purchased at most major banks.
That trend to world markets is irreversible unless the major economic powers set up trade and tariff barriers.
They boast a prestigious client base, which includes numerous major blue chip accounts.
Of cashing in are putting together major league baseball.
The Command of 6th battalion then devolved onto Major J L Hughes MC.
During the War she took part in many major events, the first of which was the pursuit of the german battleship Bismarck.
Look good feel better This is a service run by volunteer beauticians from major cosmetic houses.
In 1979 homeless beggars on the streets of major British cities were fiction, not an obscene reality.
We must understand that belligerence, aggressiveness and causing major inconvenience to the public will quickly erode sympathy and support.
By 1914, barbed wire was a standard item in the military defense schemes of all the major belligerents of the Great War.
They hoped to secure a major benefaction for the Center.
Virtually every major building, scholarship and facility in the College owes something to a legacy benefaction.
It also reviews existing major human activities in the area that are currently affecting the benthos.
Major advances in understanding the treatment of asthma have resulted in patent applications for the use of interferon beta in the treatment of asthma.
Since a power surge would potentially affect every station, this was cause for ambulance bigwigs to declare a major incident.
The loss of species is of major concern to those committed to preserving biodiversity.
The model simulates the major biomes of the world.
Technology & Instrumentation Development Enabling technologies represent the major driving force for quantitative bioscience.
Yet, they are major problems that modern biotechnology can assist in solving.
The in vitro results showed that CYP3A4 was the major human P450 enzyme catalyzing the biotransformation of imatinib.
Neither emtricitabine nor tenofovir inhibited in vitro drug metabolism mediated by any of the major human CYP450 isoforms involved in drug biotransformation.
Health officials are working overtime to prevent bird flu from becoming a major outbreak.
Let p 1 be the true proportion of babies born with major birth defects to women who did not take folic acid.
Other major work will be the removal of encroaching blackthorn and bramble scrub from the western end of the southern boundary of the common.
The omission of a specific scheme to address generalized blight constitutes a major flaw in the proposed compensation package.
I'm really enjoying the game, which is well written with no major bloopers in gameplay.
The second major blooper is using images that are just plain text.
Woodland established on cut-over bog is a major contribution to the limited woodland area.
Osteoporosis Osteoporosis -- or brittle bones -- is one of the major health concerns for older women.
If only dry garden waste is burnt the occasional bonfire should not cause a major problem.
Corals are one of the world's biggest on line sports bookmakers offering fixed odds betting on the world's major sporting events.
In a major GM tournament, players could expect to be defaulted for visiting the bookstall during a game.
Major research and teaching collections cover botany, entomology, mineralogy, paleontology and zoology, mainly from the 18th and early 19th centuries.
The badge printers were a major bottleneck in the system.
The rest of the piece, in both major and minor aspects, is my own brainchild.
Offering flexibility and choice, we cater for all business and meetings and gatherings, from a creative brainstorm to a major sales conference.
Our employees are now the major breadwinners in their families.
In 1888, a major breakthrough came with the historic drive of Bertha Benz.
It is really a fault zone bounded by two major faults and filled with a well cemented fault breccia.
Part I includes some specialist options while remaining mostly broad-based; Part II includes further specialist options and a major project.
Single women were in short supply in the American West and in all the major towns had brothels.
One major bugbear, however, is the present state of the road surface.
The casualties included Major Burger, wounded by a stray bullet.
The Tattoo Regimental Sergeant Major, right hand man to the Arena Master, agreed there were only minor bumps to iron out.
Within the past couple of days in my area alone, I have come across three major bungles, including one of identity theft.
The major, and most painful conditions include bunions, blisters and sores, ingrown toenails, cracks and fungus.
Libby is exasperated at Geri's attempt to get the byline on the major story.
Effective avoidance of chlorination byproducts could therefore require major changes in behavior.
The replacement battalion cadre was normally commanded by an Oberstleutnant or Major with a relatively small staff.
It is a major commercial and historical center with the central square, Parque Santa Catalina, acting as one giant outdoor cafe!
Are you really going to let the establishment kill an honest man who has simply exposed a major conspiracy to defraud by spreadsheet calculations?
This formation, the Mount Warning erosion caldera, is one of the major examples of this landform in the world.
It also shoots the least powerful cartridge that can qualify as " major caliber.
The second choice was a major caliber revolver; the third a minor caliber self-loader, and in last place the minor caliber revolver.
Over 5,000 individuals and organizations formerly registered under the major inquiry procedures following call-in.
Candida, a yeast-like fungus, has become a major cause of the life-threatening infection called invasive candidiasis.
This major exhibition offers the first opportunity to view John Constable's seminal six-foot exhibition canvases together.
The major capital expenditure was for storage heaters, compensated for by a gratifying rise in our portfolio valuation.
Fox will give you a car rental rate that is guaranteed to be the lowest among all major car rental companies.
In Siwa, dates are a major cash crop and thus signify economic stability and wealth.
The introduction of three-way catalysts to new vehicles will reduce future emissions from this major source.
Major cave systems probably developed while the post-Variscan cover supported large drainage catchments and concentrated water into a few sinks.
It seems to me that in the first year of living together with her he underwent a major catharsis.
Within the cell the major cation is potassium; in contrast, in plasma and extra cellular fluids the major cation is predominantly sodium.
The major record labels in Canada remain cautious however.
Would fill my specialty coffees coffees at big major cay.
Major Features 1. High-precision, high-quality imaging The Optio750Z employs a 1/1.8-inch primary color CCD with a total of 7.41 megapixels.
For example, the enzyme cellulase breaks down cellulose, an insoluble polymer, which makes up a major part of plant tissues.
I am using microcrystalline cellulose, a major pharmaceutical excipient, in various forms of soft solid.
The development of the polymerase chain reaction has had a major impact on medicine.
Dr. Chris Gibson-Smith, the service's outgoing chairman, believes the company has finally turned the corner following a major post-9/11 slump.
Understanding the climate system is a major research challenge given urgency by global warming.
New media are causing major changes in the nature of learning.
Will the banks complete the changeover of their customer accounts without major problems by the New Year?
The group also aligned with Epitaph, walking away from the lure of those wide- open major label checkbooks.
Previous packaging experience is essential, ideally with a major blue chip.
Artificial insemination spreads fowl cholera, a major bacterial disease of intensively reared turkeys.
The choir performs major choral works twice a year under conductor Stephen Rhys, MBE.
The third sample contained a major hydrated component that could be isolated in pure form by high-performance liquid chromatography.
Its major new shopping complex, the Chimes Center, boasts a wide range of shops, cafes and a nine-screen multiplex cinema.
Salinity is therefore a major factor in the density driven global scale thermohaline circulation.
Deep convective clouds also produce large extensive anvils in the upper troposphere and are a major source of tropical cirrus.
A short coda brings the movement to a close in a bright B major.
This seductive French cognac and passion fruit blend is featured in the videos of major R&B and Rap artists.
A major component of modern linear accelerators which assists this technique is the multi-leaf collimator (MLC ).
The project also hosted a major international colloquium on Hellenistic Monarchy at Somerville College, Oxford, in March 2003.
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The commandant Major Herbert Slessor of the Royal Marine Artillery was appointed Commandant on the 20th May 1903.
Therefore, the first major effect of promoting legitimate commerce was the tremendous expansion of domestic slavery.