Majesty Sentence Examples
The people are still hoping to see Your Majesty again.
Now, your majesty, what would you like to do today?
The vision of the Almighty is full of majesty and peace.
I have heard of such cases and know that His Majesty is very severe in such affairs.
Don't you hear it's His Majesty the Emperor's health?
Ormazd in his exalted majesty is the ideal figure of an Oriental king.
This pronounced him guilty of disobedience, and adjudged him "unfit to serve his Majesty in any military capacity whatsoever."
To whomever Your Majesty commands.
Majesty and magic, those are big themes for Mardi Gras!
Her Majesty strongly demurred to a second general election within seven months; but Gladstone persisted, and she yielded.
AdvertisementOn the outbreak of the Boer War in 1899, these same chiefs, at a great meeting held in the presence of the resident commissioner, gave a further protestation of their loyalty to Her Majesty.
He recognized in the genius of the poets of that time, not only the truest ornament of the court, but a power of reconciling men's minds to the new order of things, and of investing the actual state of affairs with an ideal glory and majesty.
In these circumstances, His Majesty's government have decided to confine the territory to be transferred to the districts in the Transvaal."
He was unusually tall, and possessed in advanced years a strange and rather terrifying air of sombre majesty.
I came in with my horse and arms just at the retreat; but was not permitted to stay longer than the 15th by reason of the army marching to Gloucester; which would have left both me and my brothers exposed to ruin, without any advantage to his Majesty.
AdvertisementEach prince was " so to live, reign and conduct himself as he would be willing to answer before God and His Imperial Majesty."
In spite of the illness of the emperor Frederick a certain number of court festivities were held in her honour, and she had long conversations with Prince Bismarck, who was deeply impressed by her majesty's personality.
He was brought to the coast and put on board her majesty's ship "Blonde," where, on the 20th, he died.
The " most distinguished " Order of St Michael and St George was founded by the prince regent, afterwards George IV., in 1818, in commemoration of the British protectorate of the Ionian Islands, " for natives of the Ionian Islands and of the island of Malta and its dependencies, and for such other subjects of his majesty as may hold high and confidential situations in the Mediterranean."
After the repudiation of the British protectorate of the Ionian Islands, the order was placed on a new basis, and by letters patent of 1868 and 1877 it was extended and provided for such of " the natural born subjects of the Crown of the United Kingdom as may have held or shall hold high and confidential offices within her majesty's colonial possessions, and in reward for services rendered to the crown in relation to the foreign affairs of the Empire."
AdvertisementThe Royal Victorian Order was instituted by Queen Victoria on the 25th of April 1896,' and conferred for personal services rendered to her majesty and her successors on the throne.
Under authority of a letter from the home government addressed to Nicholson, "or in his absence, to such as for the time being takes care for preserving the peace and administering the laws in His Majesty's province of New York," he assumed the title of lieutenant-governor in December 1689, appointed a council and took charge of the government of the entire province.
His shorter style is " His Majesty the Emperor and King," and " His Imperial and Apostolic Royal Majesty "; the lands over which he rules are called " The Austrian-Hungarian Monarchy " or " The Austrian-Hungarian Realm."
He was responsible for the passing of the Vestry Act of 1831, and is said to have first used the phrase "his majesty's opposition."
These services were recognized by the award of the Royal Astronomical Society's gold medal in 1869, and on the resignation of Sir Thomas Maclear in 1870 he was appointed Her Majesty's astronomer at the Cape.
AdvertisementPapal legates to Germany seldom failed to visit the university and by their magnificence bore witness to the majesty of the Roman church.
On the 15th of October 1604 Chichester was appointed lorddeputy of Ireland He announced his policy in a proclamation wherein he abolished the semi-feudal rights of the native Irish chieftains, substituting for them fixed dues, while their tenants were to become dependent "wholly and immediately upon his majesty."
After a short detention in a police cell, an offender, unless disposed of summarily, passes into one of His Majesty's prisons, there to await his trial at sessions or assizes.
From him Spinoza received a communication enclosing a passport from the French commander, who wished to make his acquaintance and promised him a pension from the French king at the easy price of a dedication to his majesty.
The majesty of Christ is also impressed upon us by the signs at His crucifixion, some of which are related only in this Gospel, xxvii.
Her Majesty went in state to the Regent House, where a congregation of the senate was held, and a number of honorary degrees conferred.
Vain to protest against the imperial majesty of Rome!
His Majesty will no doubt wish to see you, but not today.
Our lives and property--take them, Your Majesty!
I raise fervent prayers to Heaven that the Almighty may exalt the race of the just, and mercifully fulfill the desires of Your Majesty.
I 'm sure I spotted Her Majesty buttering the scones !
The cruise vacations from Imperial Majesty are run very smoothly.
An important event of his pontificate was the capture of Granada (2nd of January 1492), which was celebrated at Rome with great rejoicing and for which Innocent gave to Ferdinand of Aragon the title of "Catholic Majesty."
The British army is bound by His Majesty's Rules and Regulations to play at the Philharmonic pitch, and a fork tuned to a' 452.5 in 1890 is preserved as the standard for the Military Training School at Kneller Hall.
The extension of the southern boundary line by this decision due westward until it met His Majesty's other governments gave rise, however, to a controversy with New York.
Danby therefore ordered a return from every diocese of the numbers of dissenters, both Romanist and Protestant, in order by a proof of their insignificance to remove the royal scruples.3 In December 1676 he issued a proclamation for the suppression of coffee-houses because of the "defamation of His Majesty's Government" which took place in them, but this was soon withdrawn.
Here the commander of " the Golden Horde," as the western The section of the Mongol empire was called, fixed his Golden headquarters and represented the majesty of his Horde.
A drama by him, Flodden Field, was acted at His Majesty's theatre in 1903.
The result of overtures made to him from India was that in 1877, when Lord Lytton, acting under direct instructions from Her Majesty's ministry, proposed to Shere Ali a treaty of alliance, Shere Ali showed himself very little disposed to welcome the offer; and upon his refusal to admit a British agent into Afghanistan the negotiations finally broke down.
It was felt in British circles at the time that a very considerable concession to Habibullah's independence of attitude was displayed in the fact that he was styled in the treaty " His Majesty "; but, in the circumstances, it seems to have been thought diplomatic to accede to the amir's determination to insist on this matter of style.
Walid was the first caliph, born and trained as prince, who felt the majesty of the imamate and wished it to be felt by his subjects.
One of Alexander III.'s first acts was to confirm " the constitution which was granted to the grand-duchy of Finland by His Majesty the emperor Alexander Pavlovich of most glorious memory, and developed with the consent of the estates of Finland by our dearly beloved father of blessed memory the emperor Alexander Nicolaievich."
He now, it is said, applied for help to Dr Israel Tonge, rector of St Michael's in Wood Street, an honest half-crazy man, who even then was exciting people's minds by giving out quarterly "treatises in print to alarm and awake his majesty's subjects."
He was accused 2 " I wax now somewhat ancient; one-and-thirty years is a great deal of sand in the hour-glass....I ever bare a mind (in some middle place that I could discharge) to serve her majesty; not as a man born under Sol, that loveth honour; nor under Jupiter, that loveth business (for the contemplative planet carrieth me away wholly); but as a man born under an excellent sovereign, that deserveth the dedication of all men's abilities.
The trial accordingly took place before a body of her majesty's councillors, and Bacon had a subordinate and unimportant part in the accusation.
Essex was tried along with the young earl of Southampton, and Bacon, as one of her majesty's counsel, was present on the occasion.
For that (if your majesty marketh it) taketh away or at least qualifieth the danger of the example; for that will be no man's case."
The judges, at the conclusion of his speech, fell on their knees, and implored pardon for the manner of their letter; but Coke attempted to justify the matter contained in it, saying that the delay required by his majesty was contrary to law.
The point of law was argued by Bacon, and decided by the chancellor in favour of the king, who put the question to the judges individually, " Whether, if at any time, in a case depending before the judges, which his majesty conceived to concern him either in power or profit, and thereupon required to consult with them, and that they should stay proceedings in the meantime, they ought not to stay accordingly?"
I have been (as your majesty knoweth best) never author of any immoderate counsel, but always desired to have things carried suavibus modis.
This act of union was followed in 1542 by an " Act for certain Ordinances in the King's Majesty's Dominion and Principality of Wales " (34 & 35 Henry VIII.), which placed the court of the president and council of Wales and the Marches on a legal footing.
He accounts for their temporary success by recording that "the Mussulman hordes experienced the comfort of fighting for their religion, and the blessings of it reverted to the sovereignty of his just and pious majesty."
It was the literary expression of the majesty of Charles XI., and of his autocratical dreams for the destiny of Sweden.
Admirable descriptions of this inhospitable region, the farthest south of the inhabited parts of the globe, may be found in the Narrative of the Surveying Voyages of His Majesty's Ships "Adventure" and " Beagle" between the years 1826 and 1836 (3 vols., 1839).
The most important of his writings are historico-political, and derive at once their majesty and their weakness from his theocratic theory of Christianity.
The Sassanid ruler is the representative of the Kingly Majesty, derived from Ormuzd, which appears in the Avesla as the angel Kavaem Hvareno, the royal glory, and, according to legend, once beamed in the Iranian kings, unattainable to all but those of royal blood.
He was to treat with his majesty of Trafique and Commerce for our English Marchants,2 but his reception was not encouraging, and led to no result of importance.
Overpowered by the majesty and novelty of the Christian message of salvation, too conscientious to rest satisfied with the ordinary attempts at the solution of difficulties, while prevented by the limitations of his time from reaching an historical insight into the relation of Christianity to the Old Testament and to Judaism, he believed that he expressed Paul's view by the 1 Esnik's presentation of the Marcionite system is a late production, and contains many speculations that cannot be charged upon Marcion himself.
The qualifications of parliamentary voters are those which existed in the several colonies at the establishment of the Union, save that " no member of His Majesty's regular forces on full pay " can be registered as a voter.
A certain section of the press, not in the Transvaal only, preaches openly and constantly the doctrine of a republic embracing all South Africa, and supports it by menacing references to the armaments of the Transvaal, its alliance with the Orange Free State, and the active sympathy which, in case of war, it would receive from a section of Her Majesty's subjects.
I can see nothing which will put a stop to this mischievous propaganda but some striking proof of the intention of Her Majesty's government nDt to be ousted from its position in South Africa.
This was done in 1794 (by an act annually renewed until 1801) and again in 1817, as to persons arrested and detained by his majesty for conspiring against his person and government.
For these services he received the title of Fidelissimus, " Most Faithful "; " Majesty " had already been adopted by John IV.
The duty of consuls, under the " General Instructions to British Consuls," is to advise His Majesty's trading subjects, to quiet their differences, and to conciliate as much as possible the subjects of the two countries.
In the absence of any of His Majesty's ships he is senior naval officer; he looks after men left behind as stragglers, or in hospital or prison, and sends them on in due course to the nearest ship. He is also empowered by statute to advance for the erection or maintenance of Anglican churches, hospitals, and places of interment sums equal to the amount subscribed for the purpose by the resident British subjects.
The consul may even defray the expenses of maintaining, and forwarding to their destination, passengers taken off or picked up from wrecked or injured vessels, if the master does not undertake to proceed in six weeks; these expenses becoming, in terms of the Passenger Acts 1855 and 1863, a debt due to His Majesty from the owner or charterer.
Finally - on the 9th of July 1 609 - Rudolph signed the famed " Letter of Majesty " which gave satisfaction to all the legitimate demands of the Bohemian Protestants.
In the " Letter of Majesty " Rudolph recognized the Confessio Bohemica.
They were further empowered to elect " defenders " chosen in equal number from the estates of the nobles, knights and citizens, who were to superintend the execution of the enactments of the Letter of Majesty and generally to uphold the rights of the Protestants.
This was a direct infringement of the agreement concluded by the Romanist and Utraquist estates on the day on which King Rudolph had signed the Letter of Majesty.
Article 1, after expressing the regret felt by Her Majesty's government for the escape, in whatever circumstances, of the "Alabama" and other vessels from British ports, and for the depredations committed by these vessels, provided that "the claims growing out of the acts of the said vessels, and generically known as the ` Alabama ' claims" should be referred to a tribunal composed of five arbitrators, one to be named by each of the contracting parties and the remaining three by the king of Italy, the president of the Swiss Confederation and the emperor of Brazil respectively.
The word suzerain is used in the Pretoria convention of the 3rd of August 1881 between the British government and the late South African Republic. The convention (by its preamble) granted to the inhabitants complete self-government, " subject to the suzerainty of her Majesty," and this suzerainty was reaffirmed in the articles.
From first to last its majesty and high destiny are present to his mind.
The divine meaning of the work of Jesus is thus made apparent, while of the majesty and glory of His person a peculiarly strong impression is conveyed.
Nothing came of the proposed engagement, but the wrongs of Honoria, his affianced wife, served as a convenient pretext for some of the constantly recurring embassies with which Attila, fond of trampling on the fallen majesty of Rome, worried and bullied the two courts of Constantinople and Ravenna.
The royal seal thus developed as a seal of majesty became the type for subsequent seals of dignity of the monarchs of the middle ages and later, the inscription or legend giving the name and titles of the sovereign concerned.
After the conquest of England, he added a seal of majesty, copied from the seal of Henry I.
They promise not to enter into " any correspondence, agreement or treaty with any foreign nation or power, except with the knowledge and sanction of his Majesty's government."
In a circular letter addressed to the powers on the 1st of August 1885 His Majesty declared the neutrality of the "Independent State of the Congo," and set out the boundaries which were then claimed for the new state.
In accordance with this request the 5th marquess of Lansdowne, then secretary of state for foreign affairs, issued a despatch on the 8th of August 1903 to the British representatives at the courts of the powers which signed the Berlin Act, drawing attention to the alleged cases of ill-treatment of natives and to the existence of trade monopolies in the Congo Free State, and in conclusion stating that His Majesty's government would This concession was asserted by traders who had previously dealt direct with the natives, and by traders who hoped so to do, to contravene the provision of the Act of Berlin prohibiting any commercial monopoly in the Congo basin.
The bulk of these bonds (£426,000) were issued to King Leopold, but in January 1895 His Majesty cancelled the bonds in his possession.
With a view if possible to effect the release of the prisoners by conciliatory measures, Mr Flad was sent back, with some artisans and machinery, and a letter from the queen, stating that these would be handed over to his majesty on the release of the prisoners and their return to Massawa.
It was produced with great success in 1883, and was the first of a too short series of modern English operas; Mackenzie's second opera, The Troubadour, was produced by the same company in 1886; and his third dramatic work was His Majesty, an excellent comic opera (Savoy Theatre, 1897).
The old familiar name Yahweh became a secret; its place was taken by such general expressions as the Holy, the Almighty, the Majesty on High, the King of Kings, and also by the simple word "Heaven."
Other institutions are the London Hospital, Whitechapel, the East London children's hospital, the headquarters of Dr Barnardo's Homes, Stepney Causeway, and Her Majesty's Hospital for waifs connected therewith; the Stepney training college of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, and the Spitalfields trade and technical school.
In 1857 he severed his connexion with the London Missionary Society, with whom, however, he always remained on the best of terms, and in February 1858 he accepted the appointment of "Her Majesty's consul at Quilimane for the eastern coast and the independent districts in the interior, and commander of an expedition for exploring eastern and central Africa."
But as Rhodes truly said at Cape Town in 1898, " The only chance of a true union is the overshadowing protection of a supreme power, and any German, Frenchman, or Russian would tell you that the best and most liberal power is that over which Her Majesty reigns."
In 1714 the question of finding the longitude at sea, which had been looked upon as an important one for several years, was brought into prominence by a petition presented to the House of Commons by a number of captains of Her Majesty's ships and merchant ships and of London merchants.
In February 1840, however, Her Majesty had married her cousin, Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha.
Majesty formally complained to Lord John Russell that important despatches were sent off without her knowledge; and an arrangement was made under which Lord Palmerston undertook to submit every despatch to the queen through the prime minister.
His political eloquence can worthily image the majesty of the state, and enforce weighty counsels with lofty and impassioned fervour.
He arranged with the king to moot a series of financial projects the acceptance of which by His Majesty would have implied a long tenure of office for the Conservatives, and so Alphonso XII.
Canovas, who was consulted by the queen when Alonzo Martinez failed, faithfully carried out the pact of El Pardo and advised Her Majesty to send for Sagasta again, as he alone could, carry out what remained to be done of the Liberal programme.
Sagasta loyally furnished the queen with a constitutional pretext for carrying out her desire, and tendered the resignation of the whole cabinet, so that Her Majesty might consult, as usual, the party leaders and generals on the grave question of the expediency of entrusting to new ministers or to the Liberals the mission of testing the new electoral system.
He formed a regency ministry pending the arrival of his majesty, who confirmed his appointment, and for six years Canovas was premier except during the short-lived cabinets of Marshal Jovellar in 1875 and Marshal Campos for a few months in 1879.
His Majesty expressed the utmost abhorrence of the system, arising from the scenes he had himself witnessed in Cuba 40 years ago.
His only interest seems to be working and inventing gadgets for MI6, he is a very loyal ally to Her Majesty The Queen.
Join us to celebrate her majesty the Queen's 80th birthday, A Truly Scottish Evening in the grounds of Balmoral Castle.
Her Majesty the Queen has been invited to perform an official opening ceremony in the summer.
A little longer, and we find Tamasese visited and addressed as king and majesty by a german commodore.
This time honored ritual emphasizes the continuity and majesty of the British monarchy.
Jubilee Jottings When Her Majesty was at Balmoral recently she visited an old cottager living near.
Majesty, to keep decorum, must No less beg than a kingdom.
Or maybe unavoidably detained at Her Majesty's pleasure?
Voyager will surpass december by approximately majesty queen Elizabeth.
In 2000 Trisha received the Order of the British empire from her Majesty the Queen for Services to Evidence Based Medical Care.
It was originally set to Charles Wesley's hymn Thou God of glorious majesty.
Caribbean cruise majesty royal sea room for only opportunity to visit.
You can't mistake a masterful piece of pop majesty, and PLEASE STAND UP fits that bill perfectly.
It was a very nerve-racking experience standing in front of the Girlguiding picture boards waiting to be presented to Her Majesty.
It's true that fewer photo Ops could speak more to the fact that Her Majesty is a private person.
He was awarded the Order of Merit by Her Majesty the Queen in May 1999 - a unique distinction for a catholic prelate.
I'm sure I spotted Her Majesty buttering the scones!
As he got up and started walking I was able to see him now in his full splendor and majesty.
Used by His Majesty King George III to observe the 1769 transit of Venus.
The Prior's door has a tympanum showing Christ in Majesty with two angels, reminding the viewer of the Last Judgment.
He is the first to express clearly the conception of a sacred nation, isolated by its religion from all others, the guardian of divine law and the abode of divine majesty.
Within five weeks of its formation King Humbert was shot by an anarchist assassin named Bresci while leaving an athletic festival at Monza, where his Majesty had distributed the prizes (2Qth July 1900).
Notwithstanding the unsatisfactory results of the October manifesto the tsar kept his promise of convoking a legislative assembly, and on the 10th of May 1906 the first Duma was opened by his majesty in person; but it was so systematically and violently hostile to the government and so determined to obtain executive, in addition to its legislative, functions, that it was dissolved on the 23rd of July without any legislative work being accomplished.
This Epiklesis survives in the Greek liturgies, but in the Roman a prayer takes its place that the angel of the Lord may take the oblation laid on the visible altar, and carry it up to the altar sublime into the presence of the divine majesty.
Without consulting his ordinary advisers, his majesty ordered the minister of the interior to send a circular to the provincial governors of European Russia, containing a copy of the instructions forwarded to the governor-general of Lithuania, praising the supposed generous,.
He was honoured by the university of Oxford with a doctor's degree, by the Royal Academy with a professorship, and by the king with an interview, in which his majesty most graciously expressed a hope that so excellent a writer would not cease to write.
No person shall, without lawful authority, collect, record, publish or communicate, or attempt to elicit, any information with respect to the movement, numbers, description, condition or disposition of any of the forces, ships, or aircraft of His Majesty or any of His Majesty's allies, or with respect to the plans or conduct, or supposed plans or conduct, of any operations by any such forces, ships, or aircraft, or with respect to the supply, description, condition, transport or manufacture, or storage, or place or intended place of manufacture or storage of war material, or with respect to any works or measures undertaken for or connected with, or intended for the fortification or defence of any place, or any information of such nature as is calculated to be or might be directly or indirectly useful to the enemy, and if any person contravenes the provisions of this regulation, or without lawful authority or excuse has in his possession any document containing any such information as aforesaid, he shall be guilty of an offence against these regulations...
She excelled particularly in the impersonation of evil or malignant passion, in her presentation of which there was a majesty and dignity which fascinated while it repelled.
And when, in 1867, a coadjutor was chosen for the bishop of Toronto, an application for a royal mandate produced the reply from the colonial secretary that "it was not the part of the crown to interfere in the creation of a new bishop or bishopric, and not consistent with the dignity of the crown that he should advise Her Majesty to issue a mandate which would not be worth the paper on which it was written, and which, having been sent out to Canada, might be disregarded in the most complete manner."
The Riksdag of 1682 proposed a fresh Reduktion, and declared that the whole question of how far the king was empowered by the law of the land to bestow fiefs, or, in case of urgent national distress, take them back again, was exclusively his majesty's affair.
Without considering the impossibility of restoring the majesty of ancient Rome, or the absurdity of dignifying the medieval Roman rabble by the name of Populus Romanus, he threw himself with passion into the republican movement, and sacrificed his old friends of the Colonna family to what he judged a patriotic duty.
Please do so, your Majesty.
The Empress' chamberlain invited him to see Her Majesty.
It has, Your Majesty.
This icon of the Venerable Sergius, the servant of God and zealous champion of old of our country's weal, is offered to Your Imperial Majesty.
In such a state of affairs, whatever your ultimate plans may be, the interest of Your Majesty's service demands that the army should be rallied at Smolensk and should first of all be freed from ineffectives, such as dismounted cavalry, unnecessary baggage, and artillery material that is no longer in proportion to the present forces.
Home to Her Majesty The Queen, and roving ambassador for Great Britain for over forty years.
The conservation of a majesty scutcheon looted from Oliver Cromwell 's funeral.
The eight sloops recently built in his Majesty 's Yards have been ordered to their stations to prevent the running of wool from Ireland.
After dinner his illegitimate majesty and myself had a walk, and talked as well as my twopenny Samoan would admit.
The Prior 's door has a tympanum showing Christ in Majesty with two angels, reminding the viewer of the Last Judgment.
That the Propositions sent to his Majesty for a safe and well-grounded Peace be forthwith printed.
The dealership carries brands from the large and imposing Majesty to the more demure BW 125.
In addition to documenting Hollywood’s royalty, Leibovitz was granted permission to capture Queen Elizabeth II on film prior to her majesty’s state visit to Virginia in 2007.
Imperial Majesty Cruise Line Vacations is a small and relatively new cruise line offering two-night budget cruises from Florida to the Bahamas.
Regal Empress is the only ship in the Imperial Majesty Cruise Line fleet.
Imperial Majesty Cruise Line Vacations offers many advantages that other cruise lines do not.
Regal Empress is the ideal cruise ship for those searching for a short cruise to the Bahamas and those who have never yet experienced the majesty of vacationing on a luxurious cruise ship.
The Regal Empress is the only ship in the Imperial Majesty cruise line.
Travelers interested in a quick vacation with all the amenities of a longer cruise should consider Regal Empress cruise vacations with the Imperial Majesty cruise line.
His Majesty are the most ornamental of these plants.
The striking beauty and majesty of the mountains and glaciers defy description.
Walking across the bridge is a great way to experience the majesty of the Golden Gate Bridge.
The glimmering effect will give the impression of magic that is inherent to the Sugar Plum Fairy's majesty.
His Purple Majesty sold some 13 million copies of the Purple Rain soundtrack when he saw little Nicki grind.
Both Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth and His Royal Highness Prince Charles have given Burberry Royal Warrants.
Playing for two time champions The New York Majesty, (formerly the New York Euphoria, whose name was given to New England), Krystal Gray is 23 years old and hails from Niagara Falls, New York.
Krystal is currently team captain and training to become the Majesty's next quarterback.
Officials announced plans to add the New York Majesty to the league and Mitchell Mortaza announced that he will be bringing the LFL to North Carolina in 2010 with his expansion team, the Charlotte Crush.
With both soon to be added New York Majesty and Charlotte Crush being in the east, it's unclear as to how the league will decide on which team will go to which conference.
The first thing I saw when I looked at Qui-Gon was true majesty.
His intense application to affairs is noted by the English minister, John Robinson (1650-1723), who informed his court that there was every prospect of a happy reign in Sweden, provided his majesty were well served and did not injure his health by too much work.
Of the miracles of Jesus, Bushnell says, " The character of Jesus is ever shining with and through them, in clear self-evidence leaving them never to stand as raw wonders only of might, but covering them with glory as tokens of a heavenly love, and acts that only suit the proportions of His personal greatness and majesty " (Nature and the Supernatural, p. 364).
The admiralty advocate or advocate to his majesty in his office of admiralty represented specially the lords of the admiralty.
Another article reserved to her majesty " the control of the external relations of the said state, including the conclusion of treaties and the conduct of diplomatic intercourse with foreign powers," and the right to march troops through the Transvaal.
The acknowledged and admitted grievances, of which your Majesty's subjects complained prior to 1895, not only are not redressed, but exist to-day in an aggravated form.
That all points of mutual difference shall be regulated by the friendly course of arbitration, or by what- The ever amicable way may be agreed upon by the government with Her Majesty's Government.
That Her Majesty's troops now on the high seas shall not be landed in any part of South Africa."
His hopes and expectations were fulfilled when 4 The return was made " by special command from the Right Honourable the Lords of His Majesty's Privy Council."
Hamilton's orders - eight now that the 52nd had arrived - in reality gave a very misleading impression of the strength of the force; his Majesty's Government had, however, during the course of the month decided to dispatch large reinforcements to this theatre of war, and the Allied commander-in-chief had been cheered by the tidings that five further divisions, the loth, 11th, 13th, J3rd and 54t h, had been placed under orders for the Aegean, and would join him between July 10 and Aug.
Bergne reported on the 27th of July 1907 to Sir Edward Grey that " The permanent session had met in special session on the 25th of July, to consider the suggestion of His Britannic Majesty's government to the effect that, if Great Britain could be relieved from the obligation to enforce the penal provisions of the convention, they would be prepared not to give notice on the 1st of September next of their intention to withdraw on the 1st of September 1908 a notice which they would otherwise feel bound to give at the appointed time "; and he added that " At this meeting, a very general desire was expressed that, in these circumstances, arrangements should, if possible, be made which would permit Great Britain to remain a party to the Sugar Convention."
On the 1st of August 1907 the Belgian minister in London transmitted to Sir Edward Grey a draft, additional act prepared by the commission for carrying out the proposal of His Britannic Majesty's government, and on the 28th of August following an additional act was signed at Brussels by the plenipotentiaries of the contracting parties, by which they undertook to maintain the convention of the 5th of March 1902 in force for a fresh period of five years.
It is noteworthy that the poet, like Milton, sees in Satan no mere personification of evil, but the fallen archangel, whose awful guilt could not obliterate all traces of his native majesty.
The senate and the estates, naturally anxious about the succession to the throne, had repeatedly urged her majesty to marry, and had indicated her cousin, Charles Gustavus, as her most befitting consort.
He felt the majesty of these truths to be the greater that they so represented to him not only the most fundamental of human beliefs, but also all that man could be reasonably expected to believe, though to believe with his whole reason.
He makes us feel more than any one the majesty of the Roman state, of its great magistracies, and of the august council by which its policy was guided.
The "service of God and his majesty" was the formula which expressed the belief of the sovereign and his subjects.
Of younger coins the first series has a king's head on the reverse, and the old obverse is enriched with two Sabaean monograms, which have been interpreted as meaning " majesty " and "eponymus " respectively.
On the 10th of May she wrote curtly that the course proposed by Sir Robert Peel was contrary to usage and repugnant to her feelings; the Tory leader then had to inform the House of Commons that, having failed to obtain the proof which he desired of her majesty's confidence, it was impossible for him to accept office.
The series of attempts on the queen was closed in 1882 by Maclean, who fired a pistol at her majesty as she was leaving the Great Western Railway station at Windsor.
In 1855 the emperor and empress of the French visited the queen at Windsor Castle, and the same year her majesty and the prince consort paid a visit to Paris.
The "spacious arches of stone and other vestiges of departed majesty," with which Ker Porter found it surrounded in 1818, were possibly remains of the college (medresseh) and monastery (zavieh) where Ibn Batuta found shelter during his visit to the locality.
In 1606 Melville and seven other clergymen of the Church of Scotland were summoned to London in order "that his majesty might treat with them of such things as would tend to settle the peace of the Church."
His Majesty expressed his displeasure, and summoned them before him in the councilchamber, where he insisted on his supreme prerogative, which, he said, ought not to be discussed in ordinary argument.
In consequence, together with Pym and Sir Robert Philips, he was thrown into confinement; and, when in the August of the next year he was released, he was commanded to remain in his house at Stoke Poges during his Majesty's pleasure.
At a town meeting on the 11th of July 1774 it was resolved that "a firm and inviolable union of our colonies is absolutely necessary for the defence of our civil rights," and that "the most effectual measures to defeat the machinations of the enemies of His Majesty's government and the liberties of America is to break off all commercial intercourse with Great Britain and the West Indies until these oppressive acts for raising a revenue in America are repealed."
On the 13th of October it signed a declaration to the effect that it associated itself still with the Lower Estates in the making over of the kingdom, as a hereditary monarchy, to his majesty and his heirs male and female.
The spectacle of thousands of British subjects kept permanently in the position of helots, constantly chafing under undoubted grievances, and calling vainly to Her Majesty's government for redress, does steadily undermine the influence and reputation of Great Britain, and the respect for British government within the queen's dominions.
They could n't equivocate on the majesty of His oratory.
Take in the majesty of the Norwegian fjords or the newly offered Croatian Coast or the variety of Greek Islands.
Then it dawns on us that Her Majesty would be accompanied by the junior footman of the pooper scooper.
Touring West End theater, ballet and opera comes to the Edwardian grandeur of His Majesty's Theater.
Upon the sea of the world unfolds the lotus of the New Day, And there the Mother sits enshrined, in blissful majesty.
The lieutenant-governor soon came into the town house and there met some of his Majesty's Council and a number of civil magistrates.
You have plenty of time to appreciate the majesty of the scenery from Notchland Inn, with wonderful walking trails nearby.
Read how to capture the majesty of nature before the moment is lost.
I want them to see the majesty of My unveiled deity.
Stand for a moment at the west end of the Cathedral and experience the true majesty of the building.
But for any poem to have the majesty of Black Orpheus's original it needs a figure as grand as Santiago.
Dated on board his Britannic majesty 's ship Canterbury in Port Louis, this 8th March 1747-8.
Was it the port or his satanic majesty that finally did you in?
Indeed the inhabitants have sworn that Aesculapius, the god of medicine, has quit heaven and clothed his divine majesty with my appearance.
She added that Her Majesty had deigned to show Baron Funke beaucoup d'estime, and again her face clouded over with sadness.
Anna Pavlovna's alarm was justified, for Pierre turned away from the aunt without waiting to hear her speech about Her Majesty's health.
I ask an opportunity to atone for my fault and prove my devotion to His Majesty the Emperor and to Russia!
Besides, unless His Majesty the Emperor derogates from the principle of our alliance...
Yesterday I learned that, despite the loyalty with which I have kept my engagements with Your Majesty, your troops have crossed the Russian frontier, and I have this moment received from Petersburg a note, in which Count Lauriston informs me, as a reason for this aggression, that Your Majesty has considered yourself to be in a state of war with me from the time Prince Kuragin asked for his passports.
Two valets rapidly dressed His Majesty, and wearing the blue uniform of the Guards he went with firm quick steps to the reception room.
They are burning for the combat," declared this representative of the Russian nation, "and to prove to Your Majesty by the sacrifice of their lives how devoted they are...."
I deem it my duty to report to Your Majesty the condition of the various corps I have had occasion to observe during different stages of the last two or three days' march.
With all the majesty and stately elaboration and musical rhythm of Milton's finest prose, Taylor's styleis relieved and brightened by an astonishing variety of felicitous illustrations, ranging from the most homely and terse to the most dignified and elaborate.
On April 11, 1582, the lords of the council wrote to the lord mayor to the effect that, as " her Majesty sometimes took delight in those pastimes, it had been thought not unfit, having regard to the season of the year and the clearance of the city from infection, to allow of certain companies of players in London, partly that they might thereby xvi.
The prime minister, Lord Melbourne, submitted to the king a choice of names for the chancellorship of the exchequer and leadership of the House of Commons; but his majesty announced that, having lost the services of Lord Althorp as leader of the House of Commons, he could feel no confidence in the stability of Lord Melbourne's government, and that it was his intention to send for the duke of Wellington.
The king's ardent desire that diversities of minds and opinions should be done away with and unity be " charitably established " was further promoted by publishing in 1543 A Necessary Doctrine and Erudition for any Christian Man, set forth by the King's Majesty of England, in which the tenets of medieval theology, except for denial of the supremacy of the bishop of Rome and the unmistakable assertion of the supremacy of the king, were once more restated.
In 1563 a second Book of Homilies was submitted along with the 39 Articles to convocation; it was issued the same year under the title The second Tome of Homilies of such matters as were promised and instituted in the former part of Homilies, set out by the authority of the Queen's Majesty, and to be read in every Parish Church agreeably.
Her majesty personally superintended the committees of ladies who organized relief for the wounded; she helped Florence Nightin War.
Further, it was announced in the Gazette that his Majesty had expunged Sackville's name from the roll of the Privy Council.
His Majesty the Emperor has deigned to send your excellency a project submitted by me...
Your misfortunes are cruel, but His Majesty the Emperor and King desires to arrest their course.
And, though he cannot unroll before us the page of heroic action with the power and majesty of Homer, yet by the sympathy with which he realizes the idea of Rome, and by the power with which he has used the details of tradition, of local scenes, of religious usage, to embody it, he has built up in the form of an epic poem the most enduring and the most artistically constructed monument of national grandeur.
The colonel respectfully informed His Majesty of Balashev's mission, whose name he could not pronounce.
At last the law-abiding Jews might and must assert the majesty of the outraged Law.
Having at first rejected the demand of the Bohemians for greater religious liberty, the emperor was soon obliged to yield to superior force, and in 1609 he acceded to the popular wishes by issuing the Letter of Majesty (Majestdtsbrief), and then made similar concessions to his subjects in Silesia and elsewhere.
Soon afterwards her majesty went to Biarritz, and the occasion was made memorable by a visit which she paid to the queen-regent of Spain at San Sebastian, the only visit that an English reigning sovereign had ever paid to the Peninsula.
The novice is classified according as his destination is the priesthood or lay brotherhood, while a third class of "indifferents" receives such as are reserved for further inquiry before a decision of this kind a strict retreat, practically in solitary confinement, during which he receives from a director, yet relying on Thine infinite kindness and mercy and impelled by the desire of serving Thee, before the Most Holy Virgin Mary and all Thy heavenly host, I, N., vow to Thy divine Majesty Poverty, Chastity and Perpetual Obedience to the Society of Jesus, and promise that I will enter the same Society to live in it perpetually, understanding all things according to the Constitutions of the Society.
An act authorizing the change of control was passed by the imperial parliament in July 1868; the arrangement made with the Hudson's Bay Company was accepted by the Canadian parliament in June 1869; and the deed of surrender from the Hudson's Bay Company to Her Majesty is dated November 19th, 1869.
So don't be surprised if not only the Minister of War but also his Most August Majesty the Emperor and King Francis is not much delighted by your victory.
Certain homilies, accordingly, composed by dignitaries of the lower house, were in the following year produced by the prolocutor; and after some delay a volume was published in 1547 entitled Certain sermons or homilies appointed by the King's Majesty to be declared and read by all parsons, vicars, or curates every Sunday in their churches where they have cure.
Her Majesty would unite Rupert's Land and the North Red river regarded with suspicion a transfer of control concerning.
In the contrary case, Your Majesty, I shall see myself forced to repel an attack that nothing on my part has provoked.
According to the institution of the Apostles, and the doctrine of the Gospel, let us believe in the one Godhead of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost, of equal majesty in the Holy Trinity.
They repeated their professions of loyalty to his majesty and the principles of the English Constitution.
And, moreover, the instincts of Jordanes, as a subject of the Eastern Empire, predisposed him to flatter the sacred majesty of Justinian, by whose victorious arms the overthrow of the barbarian kingdom in Italy had been effected.
But although, like his fellow-brigands under Ruffo, he styled himself "the faithful servant and subject of His Sicilian Majesty," wore a military uniform and held militaryrank, and was even created duke of Cassano, his atrocities were worthy of a bandit chief.
The aunt spoke to each of them in the same words, about their health and her own, and the health of Her Majesty, "who, thank God, was better today."
It is evident that something has displeased his Majesty but I cannot imagine what it can be.
Yet it would be treason to the majesty of man's incessant struggle towards an ideal good, if one were to deny that in and through the Crusades men strove for righteousness' sake to extend the kingdom of God upon earth.
The local assembly, in which 36 out of 38 members were committed to repeal, passed an address to Her Majesty praying her not to " reduce this free, happy and hitherto self-governed province to the degraded condition of a servile dependency of Canada," and sent Howe with a delegation to London to lay the petition at the foot of the throne.
His Majesty will probably desire to see you, he added, bowing his head.
He is a man in a gray overcoat, very anxious that I should call him 'Your Majesty,' but who, to his chagrin, got no title from me!
The signboard of a wayside inn near Goring Heath in Oxfordshire long bore a portrait of the king with couplets reciting how his majesty "drank from the bowl, and bowl'd for what he drank."
It still depends on Your Majesty to preserve humanity from the calamity of another war.