Mad Sentence Examples
Her dreams, however mad, were never wrong.
I was just mad at you.
Fitzgerald looked mad enough to take a swing.
No, a restraining order wouldn't stop him from finding me if he wanted to, and it might just make him mad enough to do something worse.
I'd sure hate to spend the rest of the day with you mad at me.
He's a mighty nasty fellow and if he was as mad as you say, I wouldn't put it past him to hurt her.
Is she mad at me for not telling her?
She is like a mad woman when you are away.
You mad at me?
Don't leave me here alone with that mad man on the loose!
AdvertisementThe idea she'd hidden it somewhere he couldn't find was driving him mad, along with the scent of the human blood coating the walls of the far bedroom.
I didn't mean to make you mad.
Here in the desert southwest, she takes on the illegal monkey trade, lecherous ranchers, mad scientists, and vultures.
People in good relationships get mad, get insecure, even yell at each other sometimes.
If he cares about me, then he'll get mad and fight with me.
AdvertisementThey say he went mad when the woman he'd chosen as his mate chose Kris instead.
Fortunately I didn't have a wife at home to explain my mad shopping spree.
The curtain finally comes down on a mad whirl of destruction.
He said on several occasions This place is really mad.
Being so beautiful, why wast thou mad to fight with a wild beast?
AdvertisementAlthough it may seem like it, a cat doesn't usually urinate on your bed or elsewhere because he is mad at you, or because he is jealous.
You can see examples of items the company has in stock on the Mad Man Mund website.
Do you watch what you say so your partner won't get mad?
Orestes was persued by the Furies for committing matricide, they drove him mad and he chased him from land to land.
Buildings could go mad Buildings are prime targets for Millenium meltdown.
AdvertisementI found that mad moralist this morning in the kitchen garden yonder, and I heard the whole story.
We get very heavy gun and trench mortar fire, almost enough to drive us mad.
It boosts Verlaine's unjustly neglected status as a pop craftsman and offers up tantalizing glimpses of his mad genius.
Is it true that badgers go " mad " for unsalted peanuts?
It seems mad in these temperatures, almost as mad as the polar plunge.
When Italy is mad on art the Church seems too puritanical when England is mad on Puritanism the Church seems too artistic.
The crowd becomes quite raucous for French internationals, and downright mad during the World Cup.
Removed pointless and time wasting MAD single additional atom refinement (this may need to be done for MIR too ).
Into this category come mad rush with their debut CD.
The former British champion Bill Hartston said that " chess doesn't drive people mad, it keeps mad people sane " .
There is also the disgraceful manipulation of our food by mad scientists who are introducing Genetically Altered food into our diet.
Well, you could have fooled me or didn't you notice the mad scramble of the last few days?
We're all wrong and come showtime there are about 300 mad bastards ready to tear the place apart.
Thin Teachers Fat Teachers Mad about their cat Teachers And wearing white spats Teachers.
Son aged 10 who is very sporty, the whole family are Rugby mad!
If you've never seen a magician go stark raving mad over a fairly short period, then it can be instructive.
Imagine no more, because Pontiki are mad little plastic thingamabobs that can be customized to the max... .
These dealers really make me mad as you can probably tell A sulcata cannot live with a hermanns tortoise.
Some would say they were mad - yet they were, even at great personal sacrifice, ultimately triumphant.
Dogs go mad for garlic tho it can smell vile to us!
The NWSGC high intensity multipole wiggler MAD station will ensure such data collections are routine.
Were no such machine recognized, the thread of consciousness would be cut and orderly experience impossible; we must all go mad.
Thus there is no solution of the conflict between passion on the one side, and law, duty and religion on the other; and passion triumphs, in the dying words of "the student struck blind and mad by passion" - "0, I bleed fast!
Yet it may be doubted whether any such division can be safely assumed; and it may suffice to repeat that no domestic tragedy has ever taught with more effective simplicity and thrilling truthfulness the homely double lesson of the folly of selfishness and the mad rashness of crime.
Some trace the origin of the legend to the Children's Crusade of 1211; others to an abduction of children; and others to a dancing mania which seized upon some of the young people of Hameln who left the town on a mad pilgrimage from which they never returned.
Robert Devereux, earl of Essex, came over in 1599 with a great army, but did nothing of moment, was outgeneralled and outwitted by Tyrone, and threw up his command to enter on the mad and criminal career which led to the scaffold.
At Eylau, at Wagram, and later at Waterloo, his method of acting by enormous masses of infantry and cavalry, in a mad passion for conquest, and his misuse of his military resources, were all signs of his moral and technical decadence; and this at the precise moment when, instead of the armies and governments of the old system, which had hitherto reigned supreme, the nations themselves were rising against France, and the events of 1792 were being avenged upon her.
When the next company of Gargoyles advanced, our adventurers began yelling as if they had gone mad.
Have you gone mad?...
When Italy is mad on art the Church seems too Puritanical when England is mad on Puritanism the Church seems too artistic.
Marlene finally drives Karl mad as his receptionist at the surgery.
Removed pointless and time wasting MAD single additional atom refinement (this may need to be done for MIR too).
The former British champion Bill Hartston said that " chess does n't drive people mad, it keeps mad people sane ".
Some of the actors were mad with jealousy, and did not scruple to tell him that.
When I left the match on Saturday evening I was seething mad.
Technical Maintenance Your web site is like the proverbial swan, serene on the surface but paddling like mad underneath.
We 're all wrong and come showtime there are about 300 mad bastards ready to tear the place apart.
See how the bees are mad with joy, sipping the nectar there !
I jerked free of his bloodied hands and stood over him panting like a mad slavering beast.
Here in the desert Southwest, she takes on the illegal monkey trade, lecherous ranchers, mad scientists, and vultures.
Son aged 10 who is very sporty, the whole family are Rugby mad !
Then you will soon hear it sputtering away, mad to be made into tea.
If you 've never seen a magician go stark raving mad over a fairly short period, then it can be instructive.
But err on the side of caution here as the nutty runners may upset the status quo and go mad.
The crowd went mad; the benches exchanged sullen looks.
Feminist theologians will also want to question Lot 's apparent willingness to hand his daughters over to a mad crowd to face certain death.
Imagine no more, because Pontiki are mad little plastic thingamabobs that can be customized to the max....
You know how tenderly one feels when a poor stray cat comes trotting after one---- He got up, mad all through.
Dogs go mad for garlic tho it can smell vile to us !
Happily we reached a wayside inn, The Mad Axeman, some miles on.
On arriving in the swim we were confronted by a witch 's caldron - they were going mad.
They wouldn't be there long enough for him to get mad at them.
The child departs, leaving the house so silent you think you are going mad."
Rather than a mad dash to find the right clothes you can make shopping for outfits an enjoyable day out for you and your boys.
Really mad cat - Anger can be funny too!
Train cats to use toilet bowls and you'll have no more smelly litter boxes to clean and no more mad dash scooping before company arrives.
After that, Greg is no longer a guest of Rowley's family at the country club, and when Greg doesn't invite Rowley to his birthday party, the two friends get mad at each other.
You can find an extensive selection of previously owned and new office furniture at Mad Man Mund Office Furniture, located near Interstate 4 at 4669 L.B.
The television show Mad Men does a fantastic job of recreating stylish 1960s interiors.
Mad Cars - This is a post-apocalyptic game where world leaders are determined by who wins insane car races.
A mad scientist's lab can be a great setup for bubbling, fizzing, and smoking cocktails - body part snacks and the like.
For example, Sugarbush is in close proximity to Mad River Glen, but these are two completely different resorts.
The event takes place at Mad River Glen, the only Vermont resort that does not allow snowboarding.
All of sudden someone does something to make you mad; you want to start yelling at the person, but stop yourself.
You can choose from a globe, moon, mad stressed face or happy face.
On this mad, funny, swirling with laughter summer's day.
Ask a decorator to create a custom-designed mad hatter wedding cake, with wavy layers and wild colors.
If your friend gets mad at you for it, at least you know you may have just saved someone's life.
In 1999, Neil Patrick landed a lead role in the short-lived show Stark Raving Mad alongside Tony Shaloub.
Jon Hamm - Currently stars in Mad Men on AMC.
Robyn was a dental nurse and Mel had just wrapped up filming on Mad Max.
When he was 12 years old, his father moved the Gibson family to Sydney, Australia.Mel's acting career began in 1976, but his first real starring role came along in 1979, when he played the title character in the movie Mad Max.
The Mad Men cast is an extensive list of talented actors who bring the story to life.
Mad Men is a critically acclaimed drama that captures life in America during the 1960s, a simpler time in many ways but also on the verge of many changes.
Mad Men first aired on AMC in July 2007.
Mad Men centers around the character Don Draper, who works for advertising agency Sterling Cooper in New York City, New York.
While the Mad Men cast won many awards and been nominated for dozens more, there are no big names among the ensemble.
Vincent Kartheiser plays Pete Campbell on Mad Men, a married account executive who has a child with Peggy Olson.
John Slattery plays Roger Sterling Jr. on Mad Men, one of the partners at the agency.
To learn more about the show, the characters, and the actors themselves, visit the official AMC Mad Men website.
Mirroring her most famous role as Joan Holloway on Mad Men, actress Christina Hendricks appears to be a throwback to a different time when women weren't encouraged to be extremely thin, and they were honored more for being themselves.
Eventually she landed the role that would make her career, that of office manager Joan Holloway on Mad Men.
Mel Gibson soared to the A-list as an affable cinematic heavyweight with starring roles in Mad Max and Lethal Weapon, as well as directing and producing credits for Braveheart and The Passion of the Christ.
She sought help from addiction specialist Yefim Shubentsov (who goes by the nickname The Mad Russian) and used hypnosis to rid herself of the habit.
So now my boyfriend is mad at me and told me it's my fault because I'm not strict enough.
Alice in Wonderland fans will be mad as a Hatter for the large selection of Alice-inspired jewelry, especially Tom Binns' artistic designs.
That may be due in part to the TV show Mad Men.
Mad Men will mostly give you a look at the more conservative men's styles of the 1960s, but 1960s men's fashion ran the gamut from extremely laid-back and minimalist to more traditional items with a twist.
For a wider range of images of 1960s fashions, look at Mad Men, pictures of the Beatles, the Monkees, and more.
Timberwolf has taken extreme measures to ensure your pet is not in danger of contracting Mad Cow Disease by eliminating the risk of BSE (Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy), better known as Mad Cow Disease, contamination.
Organic beef is less likely to be a source of Mad Cow Disease because the animals are not fed anything containing animal by-products, often the source of the contamination.
For those who like the 1960s look captured in the hit show Mad Men, there are more options, although again, the dresses demand at least a girdle to look right, which many modern women quite reasonably prefer not to wear.
The popular show Mad Men has done wonders for reminding everyone how exquisite some of the fashions were in the early 1960s.
Actress Christina Hendricks in Mad Men shows off exactly how enticing some of the sexy 1960s clothes could look on a curvy woman if she knew how to dress to show off her figure.
As Mad Men likes to show off, there was a secret to women's flattering clothes.
Imagine a Mad Men open cup bra and this is it.
Famous couples are a popular costume options, whether they are based on real people - like John and Jackie Kennedy - or fictitious characters - like Mad Men's Don and Betty Draper.
The character of Joan on Mad Men has shown just how sexy curvy can be - in part because of her immense confidence.
You only need to try on one or two such cardigans - or look at Joan on Mad Men when she wears one - to see how much it can do for you.
If you want a sexy sweater a la Joan in Mad Men - or something of an earlier era - the best route is to knit it yourself.
As anyone who has seen even one episode of Mad Men knows, women of any size look better when wearing the right foundation garments.
Research is underway to find a cure for the disease and other related diseases in the "prion" disease family such as mad cow disease.
Mandibular Advancement Devices (MAD) keep the tongue and the soft palate away from the air passage by moving the jaw forward.
The MAD (mandibular advancement device) works by repositioning the jaw.
Bright yellow contacts will have your eyes resembling the Mad Hatter's from Alice in Wonderland.
A roller coaster fanatic may think the Mad Hatter Tea Party is boring, even though a 7-year-old may beg to differ.
Mad Catz makes a pair of cymbals that hook right into the Rock Band 2 drum set.
They fear that he is going mad, and so they have commanded Kratos to find Pandora's Box and use it to kill his master.
Blizzard Entertainment rocked the gaming world with Warcraft, drove us mad with Diablo, and finally took away our weekends with StarCraft.
The second downloadable content was Mad Moxxi's Underdome Riot.
Mad Moxxi is a trying to find a suitable fourth husband and uses fighting arenas to weed out non-potentials.
It is fun to see the changing expressions of the customers as they go from extremely happy to hopping mad!
Master Chief destroyed the Covenant in the first game (you DID play the first one, right?) and now they're mad.
Many developers have been involved in making the games, and this 13th version in the franchise was created by Slightly Mad Studios with Canadian developer EA Black Box.
Seaman gets cranky when you don't feed him, moody when you don't talk to him for periods of time, and will give you the full-blown silent treatment if he's mad at you.
He is a high-ranking member of the Mad Gear gang in Metro City, first appearing in Final Fight, and is dressed in a samurai-like outfit complete with a pair of short katana blades.
For Street Fighter IV, many gamers have applauded the build quality of the Mad Catz FightStick Tournament Edition.
The expression "mad as a hatter" comes from the mercury poisoning prevalent in seventeenth-century France among hat makers who soaked animal hides in a solution of mercuric nitrate to soften the hair.
Other small incisions can be mad to insert instruments to perform procedures.
While the dance was only one of the five competitive Latin dances prior to 2007, that year the first season of the A&E series "Mad Men" featured the dance prominently.
A slightly shorter version can be seen onMad Men'sJanuary Jones.
Mad at the world or dealing with pent up energy?
I didn't have to make a mad rush for the hospital.
Overalls come down in just two easy snaps and go back on even easier, making the mad dash for the restroom a quick and hassle-free experience.
I chose Miami Beach as the location as it is my "backyard" and I have a mad love for my city.
However, long before Sisqo professed his love to this skimpy swim style, women everywhere already knew that this itty-bitty piece of fabric had the goods to drive admirers everywhere mad with desire.
Among those it is said to cure is malaria, AIDS, many forms of cancer, several forms of hepatitis, mad cow disease, herpes, and many others.
The idea of fashion hats for ladies sounds charming and even old-fashioned - straight out of Mad Men.
Ironically, some current women's business fashion has a decidedly retro vintage look, thanks to the popularity of the TV show Mad Men.
This gives the dress a retro feel, as well, so if you'd like to channel bombshell Joan Holloway from Mad Men every now and then, this is one way to do it.
Designers showed that they were absolutely mad for plaid.
They may involve unscrambling words, playing with anagrams, using the letters of one word to make other words, doing Mad Libs, or searching for words in a puzzle or word search.
Costumes for characters like the Mad Hatter and White Rabbit can be contrived easily using thrift-store finds.
The mysterious vampire apparently held great affection for the mad little girl Alice once was and he did not want James to hunt Alice as James hunted Bella in the first Twilight.
If you want to get into the mad spirit of things for St. Patrick's Day, a leprechaun costume is very much in order.
Last week he came down to my job because I'm a bartender and another girl was hitting on him--I watched and yes I was mad--very mad too but I never said anything, and I did notice that he chased her off.
You've seen your boyfriend or girlfriend lose his/her temper, maybe even get violent when he/she is mad.
Usually these games, such as the Speed Dating Game, will show you a caricature of a woman and present you with a selection of possible conversational responses that will either charm your paramour or make her so mad she leaves in a huff.
If you're feeling mad and resentful, you can listen to rock or heavy metal music as an outlet.
Television shows like "Mad Men" have shown that the sixties were a time of beautiful fashion and interesting jewelry. 1960s vintage engagement rings are a natural choice for brides who enjoy this classic style.
This will also help you avoid that mad rush where you suddenly drop your bag and the contents spill all over the floor.
However, you should be aware that such items, always difficult to find, have now become even more desirable thanks to shows like Mad Men, where the women carry marvelous bags.
Fire signs won't cope well and in the end, Scorpio will either become boiling mad or steamed over her fire sign lover.
What concerns me the most is she says she lies because she is afraid I will get mad at her if she tells me the truth.
Whether you're in a last minute mad rush to create a birthday card ,or would rather customize a birthday card including his favorite character or interests, the following Internet sites offer birthday cards for kids, printable and free!
For example, one quiz frequently offers the selection "you get mad (angry, frustrated)", reflecting the aggravation and conflict that may occur when taking a very strict stance.
Michael is given a universal remote by someone that appears to be a mad scientist, providing him with the power to pause and fast forward through time.
For example, the first season of Mad Men is $23.88.
Very scary Ouija stories detail experiences with the occult that drove one town mad and sent a woman into a jealous rage, resulting in her death.
In a small town in Southern California, police arrested seven people who had stripped nude and began to act "mad" after dallying with a Ouija board.
Eastbay shoes can be your little spot of sanity during a mad shopping season.
As anyone in Mad Men knows, men's Italian dress shoes are some of the finest shoes a serious man can wear.
Benjamin has guest-starred on The District, JAG and Mad TV.
When Bill, Sookie and Jason return from Dallas, they discover that Bon Temps has gone mad.
As Kimberly, Marcia Cross delivered a nuanced performance of a physician slowly going mad.
The Rivoli line is the result of a veteran watchmaker partnering up with a mad scientist.
Do not make last minute mad dashes to the airport or through the terminal.
Whether you want to have a Mad Hatter tea party or just need a special hat, paper bags are a great place to start.
The perception is that only plus sized women choose body shaping undergarments, but this has never been the case historically (witness the characters' girdles on Mad Men) and still isn't.
While it looks to be something straight out of Mad Men, the short and sweet baby doll goes back to the 1930s, when two kinds of nightgowns were prevalent.
Baby dolls from the 1950s and 1960s have always been sought after by lovers of vintage lingerie, even more so now that Mad Men has caused a resurgence of interest in the styles of the early 1960s.
A curvy look was still prized in the 1960s, as can be seen on the show Mad Men, where the rounder women are much more desirable than their slimmer sisters.
It may seem pretty simple and self explanatory, but in the mad rush of party planning, sometimes people forget some of the details.
Actors like Taylor Lautner haven't helped, as women of many ages are going mad for his chest and abs.
The interest in vintage and retro lingerie never really goes away, but it has grown in recent years (shows like Mad Men probably do a lot to help) and the ability to buy vintage and reproduction lingerie online has grown exponentially.
The success of the show Mad Men has led to an increased interest in period clothing, including the underwear that could be so sexy.
You can get seamed stockings in many department stores, but most modern stockings are not made with the attention to shape, fit and overall quality as they were in the era of Mad Men.
Another taster was released, 'Wages Day', whilst the band tried to finish their album amidst another mad touring session.
Fans of the 2009 American Idol contest fell in love with one of the performances by Adam Lambert - Mad World.
His choice of eclectic, moving songs like Mad World helped to establish his originality and set him apart from the rest of the pack.
Lambert's performance of Mad World came on the evening when the Idol contestants were instructed to choose songs that were written during the year of their birth.
Lambert selected Mad World, a melancholy ballad originally written by the British pop-duo Tears for Fears in 1982 and was the first single from the band's debut album The Hurting.
Lambert's choice of Mad World was effective because it wasn't such a wildly popular single.
In fact, Lambert's version of Mad World was actually a cover of a cover.
Gary Jules' version accentuated the desolate side of Mad World beautifully.
In December of 2003, Jules' cover of Mad World was the number one song in the UK.
The Adam Lambert Mad World performance was much more inspired by the Gary Jules version of the song than the original Tears for Fears version.
Singing over a lone piano with strings and delicate percussion, Lambert highlights Mad World's swelling dynamics while preserving the ominous overtones creating a version that is dark and haunting, yet oddly uplifting.
Check out the following links to see, hear, and even purchase versions of Adam Lambert Mad World.
Click this link to see Lambert perform Mad World live on American Idol.
When Lambert performed Tear For Fears' Mad World, the show ended with Cowell simply giving him a standing ovation as a review.
Mad scientists have played a critical part in horror history, bringing the world Frankenstein's monster, Mr. Hyde and an assortment of mutant monsters.
For a private party like this, you can have a special theme, like Mad Men with drinks from the 1960s.
Lauren and Audrina slowly became good friends, which made Heidi mad.
It is also worth noting that the animals he tries his potion on become mad.
In despair at the death of his lover and driven nearly mad by the magic he now possesses but can't control, Vanyel is prevented from killing himself by the intervention of Companion Yfandes, who chooses this moment to make her selection.
Fast forward to today, and now Ellison is a policeman in Cascade Washington and working on a mad bomber case.
The LiveShip Traders trilogy, made up of Ship of Magic, Mad Ship, and Ship of Destiny, is set down the coast from the Six Duchies.
Of all the films released in 1979, Australia's Mad Max probably has the greatest 'return on investment'.
Mad Max is set in an unspecified 'near future' just as civilization is breaking down.
These troops were often teenage or younger, and the vehicles were dubbed 'technicals'; the sight of armed teens roving the countryside in weapon-bedecked vehicles was often referred to as 'Mad Maxian', or 'just like in Mad Max'.
The first movie was only briefly released in America - it was Road Warrior, or Mad Max 2, that really launched the series in the US.
Fortunately, succeeding Mad Max movies were released in the US with their soundtrack intact.
The second entry in the Mad Max series is the one most Americans remember as 'Mad Max'; this film was released in the US as The Road Warrior.
The original Mad Max movie gave no explanation of how Australia, where the film is set in the near future, degenerated into the post-apocalyptic wasteland of the film.
Our hero Mad Max, wandering the outback with his dog, stumbles across such an outpost.
Punks, thugs and bandits variously driving and riding motorcycles, dunebuggies and assorted four-wheeled chariots against Mad Max in a Mack truck provide one of the most spectacular and thrilling pursuit sequences ever filmed.
Thus, puppeteers who actually have the bravery to risk space-travel are, by puppeteer standards, slightly mad.
Knowledge that an heir to Isildur is returning to claim the vacant throne drives him mad, and he dies by his own hand, while trying to slay his surviving son.
The next part of the movie becomes part anthropological-study, part Lord of the Flies, as Mad Max is discovered and rescued by a band of forgotten children.
Mad Max is left behind to prevent the forces of Bartertown from interfering with the plane's takeoff.
One peculiarity of the Mad Max movies is the speed with which high-tech civilization falls and other forms of societies spring up to supplant it.
Other gothics featured mad monks, real ghosts, curses, and supernatural elements of every description.
Buffy manages to defeat him with Spike's help.Spike is Angelus' grandchild, the get of Drusilla who is a woman Angelus drove mad before turning her into a vampire.
Many people don't realize that Christopher Lloyd's mad scientist in the feature film Back to the Future was based on Jack Sarfatti.
In Gondor, Pippin chooses to serve Denethor, but summons Gandalf when the mad keeper nearly kills his own son.
They warned that if the egg was not returned to the island, that the creature that hatched would destroy Japan in its mad search for food.
Nothing makes a man get mad faster.
The loneliness drove her mad.
I thought about it, but I was afraid you'd get mad.
Martha confirmed my suspicions Quinn was mad as hell, convinced the whole business was down the flusher.
Naughty, naughty, Miss Reagan; mustn't make daddy mad!
Yes and no, and I'm mad as hell about it.
Howie turned away, mad as hell at me.
I know you're mad at him and thought you'd like to pester him.
He alternately let her feed just enough to drive her mad then drank from her, while he commanded her body relentlessly.
He didn't numb the pain this time, and it drove her mad with need.
I figured everybody would be really mad and I'd get a beating for sure.
He must have been mad as hell.
God, I hated it and I was mad as hell.
I guess that shows they at least believed what they were doing was right—not just whacking you on the spur of the moment because they were mad as hell, taking their anger out on your backside.
I was so damned mad!
Ginger was steaming mad.
Patsy got mad at one of the women where we were staying so she swiped her car and we took off.
So then, one day you told him to kill Katie and her baby, because you were mad at Rhyn and the demons were coming.
His anger surprised her with its intensity, and she judged from Ully's reaction that seeing the lord and master pissed was not something the good-natured mad scientist wanted anything to do with.
At barely above her height and slender, the mad scientist was very unlike the Immortal warriors that filled the castle.
It made Janet as mad as a hornet, but Martha's back in the classroom.
I was so mad, I unholstered my piece and pointed it right at the little son of a bitch.
I know I was doing wrong, but I was so mad, I didn't give a shit.
In his mind's eye Dean could picture climbers rappelling downward in great lunges, covering many feet in long swings, reaching the bottom in but a few mad leaps into space.
Shipton was mad as hell at me for knocking him down.
What on earth could I possibly be mad at you for?
She may well think you've gone mad.
He'd get glad the same way he got mad.
Dan's got her chained to a tree, she's so mad, Brady said.
A moment later, a thin figure entered the room. The last of the shapeshifters created, this one was a mirror image of the mad scientist, Ully.
Toby held his breath as Ully disappeared through the door to where Jared sat. When the mad scientist wasn't sent sailing back through the door, Toby sat down to put on his shoes.
Ethel, you're just mad because you didn't dump me first.
As Mom used to say, he'd get glad the same way he got mad.
She'd watched him go from a near-comatose state, through his teenager stage that nearly drove them all mad, to the gym-obsessed warrior trying to understand his place in the world.
It killed them all - -or we did when they went mad.
Even the purest and strongest of them, to include my brother's daughter, went mad and were killed.
Rissa said nothing, unable to tell him her father was driven too mad by the demon his last ten years to know his daughter.
The thought of what almost happened drove her mad with despair.
As old and frail as I am, I still wish to fight the barbarians, but my advisor warns me I'll soon follow the path of my mad father.
She strained, mad with anger and fear.
As he sucked in deep breaths, his senses went mad when they detected her approach.
You drive me mad, Rissa, and I honestly don't know if I'll leave you or bed you when this is over.
My father was the mad warlord's most trusted advisor, the descendent of the first warlord's brother.
I watched her father go mad.
The original host goes mad.
Her father was mad before he reached twenty summers.
As long as the demon didn't drive her mad, and a part of her remained, he'd find a way to save her.
I'll bet you he gets mad.
So you aren't mad at me for taking off the necklace and lying to you and not trusting you to help me.
Tired of mad pranks, in a fit of home-sickness, she found herself one evening in the convent chapel.
Of those, again, who maintain the traditional view, some, like Niebuhr and Grote, regard it as convicting Alexander of mad ambition and vainglory, whilst to Kaerst Alexander only incorporates ideas which were the timely fruit of a long historical development.
Surely that "you are mad."
At a corner of the square is a remarkable cannon, known as Dulle Griete (Mad Meg), 19 ft.
In 1541 Francisco de Orellana discovered the whole course of the Amazon from its source in the Andes to the Atlantic. A second voyage on the Amazon was made in 1561 by the mad pirate Lope de Aguirre; but it was not until 1639 that a full account was written of the great river by Father Cristoval de Acufia, who ascended it from its mouth and reached the city of Quito.
It may suffice to repeat that no domestic tragedy has ever taught with more effective simplicity and thrilling truthfulness the homely double lesson of the folly of selfishness and the mad rashness of crime.
Under his influence a synod endorsed the changes in 1654; one bishop alone, Paul of Colomna, dissented, and he was deposed, knouted and kept in prison till he died mad.
The discovery of gold in1692-1695by bands of adventurers from the Sao Paulo settlements, led to every occupation and profession being abandoned in the mad rush for the new mines.
Tricked into a liaison with the Fisher King's daughter Elaine, he becomes the father of Galahad, the Grail winner, and, as a result of the queen's jealous anger at his relations with the lady, goes mad, and remains an exile from the court for some years.
If so, it might be possible to save the lives of persons bitten by mad dogs.
Saint Simon relates that he once asked a hearing of the comte de Pontchartrain, saying that he would at first believe him mad, then become interested, and then see he was right.
Pontchartrain bluntly told him that he did think him mad, and turned his back on him.
The first onslaught of the Knights of the Cross did indeed rout the weak irregulars placed in the van of the Turkish army, but their mad pursuit was checked by the steady ranks of the Janissaries, by whom they were completely defeated (1396).
According to this account the poet was born in 95 B.C.; he became mad in consequence of the administration of a love-philtre; and after composing several books in his lucid intervals, which were subsequently corrected by Cicero, he died by his own hand in the forty-fourth year of his age.
Although they made some concessions, .the Beaujeus succeeded in maintaining the results of the previous reign, and in triumphing over the feudal intrigues and coalitions, as was seen from the meeting of the estates general in 1484, and the results of the "Mad War" (1485) and the war with Brittany (1488); and in spite of the efforts of Maximilian of Austria they concluded the marriage of Charles VIII.
Lamennais, then in the height of his Catholic exaltation, persuaded Comte's mother to insist on her son being married with the religious ceremony, and as the younger Madame Comte apparently did not resist, the rite was duly performed, in spite of the fact that Comte was at the time raving mad.
It is odd that this irregular poem, with its copious and varied music, its splendid sweep of emotion, its unfailing richness of texture - this poem in which Tennyson rises to heights of human sympathy and intuition which he reached nowhere else, should have been received with bitter hostility, have been styled "the dead level of prose run mad," and have been reproved more absurdly still for its "rampant and rabid bloodthirstiness of soul."
The Mad river is made to furnish good water-power by means of a hydraulic canal which takes its water through the city, and Dayton's manufactures are extensive and varied, the establishments of the National Cash Register Company employing in 1907 about 4000 wage-earners.
The principal places where the wine is produced are Tarczal, Talya, Mad, Liszka, Tokaj, Tolcsva, Sarospatak, Keresztur, and Zsadany.
A properly understood worship of gods and demons is quite compatible with a purified monotheism, and they might as well give up the mad idea of winning the authorities over to their faith, or of hoping to attain anything like universal agreement on divine things.
He feigned madness at his trial, but during the forty years of his subsequent confinement at Bedlam he talked and acted like a rational being, and when he was at length released and sent to Australia he earned his living there as a house painter, and used to declare that he had never been mad at all.
After the destruction of Thebes by the Epigoni, Alcmaeon carried out his father's injunctions by killing his mother, as a punishment for which he was driven mad and pursued by the Erinyes from place to place.
In these confused records of human imagination gone mad, we possess a veritable herbarium of all possible Gnostic ideas, which were once active and now rest peacefully side by side.
Finding him obdurate, she went on to appeal to the pope; while at Rome she went mad (end of September 1866).
He had at first to meet and crush at once the mad enterprise of the Paris commune.
The cumbrous mythology and cosmogony of Mithraism at last weakened its hold upon men's minds, and it disappeared during the 4th century before a victorious Catholicism, yet not until another faith, equally Iranian in its mythology mad cosmological beliefs, had taken its place.
Christian, who loved to figure as "the friend of God, the enemy of the priests," is sometimes called "the mad bishop," and was a merciless, coarse, and blasphemous man.
He had become an incurable hypochondriac. He said long after that he had been mad all his life, or at least not perfectly sane; and, in truth, eccentricities less strange than his have often been thought ground sufficient for absolving felons and for setting aside wills.
Athamas went mad, and slew one of his sons, Learchus; Ino, to escape the pursuit of her frenzied husband, threw herself into the sea with her other son Melicertes.
Though the Khalif were hapless as Bayezid, cruel as Murad, or mad as Ibrahim, he is the shadow of God, and every Moslem must leap up at his call ou will say, The Egyptian is more ungrateful than a dog, which remembers the hand that fed him.
The excitement and pressure of the crowds was at this time almost overwhelming, and the relatives of Jesus endeavoured to restrain Him; " for they said, He is mad."
There were kings of Syria in the train of Alexander who thought he was mad when he bowed before the high priest.
The bold and patriotic Crabbe contrived to board the bewitched flagship, and was seen apparently laying about him with an axe on the water - which the spectators took to be a proof either that he was mad, or that this was the devil in his shape.
Two years later Mahmud died mad, and a few years saw the end of Ghilzai rule in Persia.
The Maenads (" mad ones ") or Bacchae, the women attendants of Dionysus, with their snake-accompaniments, are only one of the various snake-features associated with the cult of a deity who was also a god of healing.
In February 1680 he is described as nearly mad, no doubt from the effects of solitary confinement.
Probably he wanted to give him some easy employment, and save him from going mad in confinement.
His later years were clouded with many sorrows and disappointments; his relations with Governor Joseph Dudley were unfriendly; he lost much of his former prestige in the Church - his own congregation dwindled - and in the college; his uncle John Cotton was expelled from his 8 8 4 _ Mather, Increase charge in the Plymouth Church; his son Increase turned out a ne'er-do-well; four of his children and his second wife died in November 1713; his wife's brothers and the husbands of his sisters were ungodly and violent men; his favourite daughter Katherine, who "understood Latin and read Hebrew fluently," died in 1716; his third wife went mad in 1719; his personal enemies circulated incredible scandals about him; and in 1724-1725 he saw a Liberal once more preferred to him as a new president of Harvard.
Le Calvaire (1887), a chapter of which on the defeat of 1870 aroused much discussion, was followed by L' Abbe Jules (1888), the story of a mad priest; by Sebastien Roch (1890), a bitter picture of the Jesuit school in which his own early years were spent; Le Jardin des supplices (1899), a Chinese story; Les Memoires d'une femme de chambre (1901); and Les Vingt-et-un jours d'un neurasthenique (1902).
Orestes, after the deed, goes mad, and is pursued by the Erinyes, whose duty it is to punish any violation of the ties of family piety.
Ino, pursued by her husband, who had been driven mad by Hera because Ino had brought up the infant Dionysus, threw herself and Melicertes into the sea from a high rock between Megara and Corinth.
The Inquisition interfered, and the dying king was driven mad among them.
Meanwhile a change had taken place in the domestic politics of France; the Burgundians seized Paris in May 1418; the constable Armagnac and many of his Triumph partisans were massacred, and John the Fearless got of the possession of the person of the mad Charles VI., Bur- and became the responsible ruler of France.
Two quarters of the town, Svenska Mad and Tyska Mad, recall the time when the site was a marsh (mad), and buildings were constructed on piles.
It was from the Dutch and German workmen, introduced at this time, that the quarter Tyska Mad received its name.
In each case the data rest on an ultimate basis, undemonstrable, indeed, to any one who denies them (even if he be called mad for doing so), except by the continuous process of working out their own proofs, and showing their consistency with, or necessity in, the scheme of things terrestrial on the one hand, or the mind and happiness of man on the other.
In the Indian frontier risings of 1897-98 the "mad mullah" of Swat led the attack upon the Malakand, while the Hadda mullah was largely responsible for the risings amongst the Mohmands, Afridis and Orakzais.
The leader of the risings in Somaliland in1899-1910was similarly known as the "mad mullah."
Despite the signal failure of the first crusade, when he had been taken prisoner; despite the protests of his mother, of his counsellors, and of the pope himself, he flung himself into the mad adventure of Tunis.
In vain did the malcontent princes attempt to set up a new League of Public Weal, the Guerre folle (Mad War), in which the duke of Brittany, Francis II., played the part of Charles the Bold, dragging in the people of Lorraine and the king of Navarre, In vain did Charles VIII., his majority attained, at once abandon in the treaty of Sable the benefits gained by the victory of Saint-Aubin du Cormier (1488).
At a period when all the world was a little mad, the parlement The had imagined a loyalist revolt, and, though it raised Fronde an armed protest, this was not against the king but of the against Mazarin and the persons to whom he had Parlenient.
The reduction of the royal revenues did not suffice to fill the treasury; while the establishment of a chamber of justice (March 1716) had no other result than that of demoralizing the great lords and ladies already mad for pleasure, by bringing them into contact with the farmers of the revenue who purchased impunity from them.
Petrarch refuses to believe that any good thing can come out of Arabia, and speaks of Averroes as a mad dog barking against the church.
The marriage of Juana, called the Mad, with Philip of Habsburg, son of the emperor Maximilian brought a new dynasty to Spain.
According to a later and more definite story, his disappointment drove him mad; he rushed out of his tent and fell upon the flocks of sheep in the camp under the impression that they were the enemy; on coming to his senses, he slew himself with the sword which he had received as a present from Hector.
Aglauros and Heise disobeyed the injufiction, an&when they saw the child (which had the form of a snake, or round which a snake was coiled) they went mad with fright, and threw themselves from the rock of the Acropolis (or ere killed by the snake).
I was just a stupid teenager; mad as shit on my shoe at losing my best friend.
Every thought of the bastard who had my wife in his sick clutches nearly blinded me with the rage of a mad man.
The last blood-bound Oracle was Damian's mother, who went mad soon after his birth.
I guess that shows they at least believed what they were doing was right—not just whacking you on the spur of the moment because they were mad as hell, taking their anger out on your backside.
I suppose if she were mad enough at him, she might kill him but I could visualize her whacking him over the head with a library book more than sneaking up to the ice park and cutting his rope—and then going to the trouble to blame it on me.