Luxuries Sentence Examples
Still, having the luxuries Alex provided was delightful.
The rest of the room luxuries remain the same.
Students on a tighter budget may forego these luxuries in order to pay lower rent.
The Sanctuary was plain to the point of austere, with no luxuries.
He had a modest income that allowed him to live in a nice middle-class neighborhood, but did not let him enjoy many luxuries.
Previous to this (in 1629) Parkinson, the friend and associate of Johnson, had published his Paradisus, in which (p. 517) he gives an indifferent figure of the potato under the name of Papas seu Battatas Virginianorum, and adds details as to the method of cooking the tubers which seem to indicate that they were still luxuries.
In his old age Constantine, who had once been a famous warrior, utterly neglected the defences of the empire and reduced his army by disbanding 50,000 of his best troops; on the other hand, he spent extravagant sums on luxuries and the erection of magnificent buildings.
The Revolution had made war on princes and privilege, and the common people had in general gained wherever the Napoleonic rgime had been substituted for their effete despotisms; but the Continental System was felt as an oppression in every humble household, suddenly deprived of the little imported luxuries, such as sugar and coffee, which custom had made necessaries; and from this time date the beginnings of that popular revolt against Napoleon that was to culminate in the War of Liberation.
His daily living being very plain, he had a peculiar taste for sudden and isolated luxuries; he was an abstemious epicure.
This is the reason he is poor; and for a similar reason we are all poor in respect to a thousand savage comforts, though surrounded by luxuries.
AdvertisementHe can only imagine himself in the same position reveling in luxuries and yet here is Hitler who scorns them all.
In return for food and " luxuries " the couple must shovel sand all night to stop the village from being swamped in sand.
An individual who knows where their money is allocated can more easily plan for incidental expenses, such as vacations or other luxuries without disrupting their budget.
The culture follows strict rules on lifestyle, appearance and behavior that adheres to a very simple and old-fashioned existence that shuns modern technology and luxuries.
Many of the features found in spa baths are often considered luxuries such as a towel warmer or radiant heat flooring.
AdvertisementIf you are accustomed to the luxuries of modern construction, a historic house may not be right for you.
In the 1920s and 30s, teens began to experience more freedoms such as access to cars and income luxuries.
Depending on the company you've selected and the amenities you've requested, you'll be able to enjoy luxuries such as a plasma TV, open bar, karaoke machine, or mini-kitchen.
Depending upon the Houston limousine service you select, you may be able to enjoy luxuries such as complimentary champagne, a state-of-the-art sound system, and DVD movies.
The Simple Life took Hilton and Richie, who were well-known for their lavish spending on clothing, nightclubs and luxuries and placed them far from their comfort zones.
AdvertisementWhile they often come under fire for using a great deal of fuel to allow them these luxuries, it's easy to see why a private jet would be appealing.
Celebrity Cruises operates only a small fleet - less than a dozen current ships - but each vessel offers passengers only the best in amenities, luxuries, itineraries, and other features.
You will also enjoy the luxuries that come with a traditional cruise, even if you're not soaking up the rays of the Caribbean sun by a pool.
You will need to provide any luxuries you want your pet to have during his stay, including bedding and toys.
There are several basic types of living spaces; within each type there is a wide variation on luxuries, depending on the price you are prepared to pay.
AdvertisementStretching their limited budgets to include small luxuries such as visits to the hair salon, afternoon movie matinees or favorite edible delicacies is often impossible.
A gift basket filled with edible delicacies, spa luxuries or hobby essentials makes a wonderful retirement gift.
Folding camping trailers allow you to easily and quickly pack up the family and head out into the wilderness, knowing that you'll have the essential luxuries from home included in your tent trailer.
Tent campers are the most affordable solution for families who love tent camping, but who may want a few added luxuries and conveniences that a simple tent doesn't provide.
Small camping trailers can have many of the luxuries of a larger trailer, or have only the basics.
They are shorter and scaled down and may not have as many luxuries and amenities as a larger trailer.
In addition, it's very off-putting to believe you must sacrifice such luxuries and necessities to appease the mandates of feng shui.
Depending on your needs, you may want to explore some of these luxuries.
You should be able to enjoy those luxuries and necessities without feeling guilty that it's not proper feng shui.
Thinking about the water temperature, air temperature and the activity you plan to do are all prerequisites, not luxuries.
Hot springs and sweat lodges, salt caves and other locations specific to healing are luxuries to most of us who are not in need of heroic measures.
Soldiers do not get the luxuries of home often, if at all, so getting a care package with junk food is like a piece of heaven to them.
With the addition of these adorably little luxuries, your blessed baby will be the talk of the nurseries!
In this thrifty day and age, it's not difficult to find a decent bargain or two on fashionable luxuries.
Newborn- Newborn clothing is featured in sizes 0 to 12 months and subdivided into separates, including tops, pants, newborn necessities, baby luxuries, bath and novelty, and outfits.
At the same time, potential residents should realize that the cheaper an apartment is, the fewer amenities and luxuries it will offer.
If these types of features appeal to you, you may want to consider more expensive apartments and calculate whether the added cost is worth the luxuries.
Develop a budget to track necessary spending and luxuries so you know where to trim expenses.
Mastering frugality does not mean you must deprive yourself of all luxuries in life.
However, a telescope, a library of architecture books, CD collections, shaving kits, candles, and other luxuries are also included.
Charleston hotels typically feature gyms, pools, restaurants, room service, free Internet, and other luxuries.
With the first affordable and comfortable Chrysler minivans of the 1980's followed an entire stream of minivan makes and models filled with luxuries and conveniences.
It was during that time that simple luxuries seemed out of reach, such as keeping the electricity on.
This means that they have to work fast, and therefore necessities such as sleep and food become luxuries.
To learn more about natural skin care products, check out the wonderful glossary of natural ingredients at Herbal Luxuries.
Guest rooms in the main lodge have neutral palettes, fluffy bedding and high-end amenities, while the cabins have fewer luxuries but more privacy.
She took them and shivered in the chilly night. Food and sleep had become luxuries during their travel.
About this time, inspired by a heavenly voice (which he pretends to have heard in a dream), he abjured all the luxuries of life, and resolved upon a pilgrimage to the holy shrines of Mecca and Medina, hoping to find there the solution of all his religious doubts.
The assumption explicitly made by General Walker that among the immigrants no influence was yet excited in restriction of population, is also not only gratuitous, but inherently weak; the European peasant who landed (where the great majority have stayed) in the eastern industrial states was thrown suddenly under the influence of the forces just referred to; forces possibly of stronger influence upon him than upon native classes, which are in general economically and socially more stable, On the whole, the better opinion is probably that of a later authority on the vital statistics of the country, Dr John Shaw Billings,i that though the characteristics of modern life doubtless influence the birth-rate somewhat, by raising the average age of marriage, lessening unions, and increasing divorce and prostitution, their great influence is through the transmutation into necessities of the luxuries of simpler times; not automatically, but in the direction of an increased resort to means for the prevention of child-bearing.
The best taxes, he says, are those levied on consumption, especially on Taxation luxuries, for these are least heavily felt.
In spite of certain prejudices against the import of luxuries and the export of gold, there is little indication of the influence of mercantilist or protectionist ideas.
The raw materials purchased by Flemish, German or English traders were used in the establishment of productive industries, while Portugal received a vast influx of bullion, most of which was squandered on war, luxuries or the Church.
As originally instituted in April 1798, during the great war with France, under the name of a "triplicate assessment," it was rather a consolidation of various assessed taxes levied upon the luxuries of the rich and upon property, than a wholly new tax.
He was granted royal state with his captive companions, made a guest at tournaments, and supplied with luxuries imported by him from France.
They furnished the mother country with luxuries which, by the r8th century, had become necessaries.
Most of them are but luxuries, and there is some degree of truth in the remark of Andreas Wagner in his Report on the Progress of Zoology for 1843, drawn up for the Ray Society (p. 60), that they " are not adapted for the extension and promotion of science, but must inevitably, on account of their unnecessary costliness, constantly tend to reduce the number of naturalists who are able to avail themselves of them, and they thus enrich ornithology only to its ultimate injury."
Some things are really necessaries of life in some circles, the most helpless and diseased, which in others are luxuries merely, and in others still are entirely unknown.
Most of the luxuries, and many of the so-called comforts of life, are not only not indispensable, but positive hindrances to the elevation of mankind.
With respect to luxuries and comforts, the wisest have ever lived a more simple and meagre life than the poor.
Most cats will never set eyes on an enamel encrusted pet dresser, but these luxuries are always fun to look at.
No matter what your style, the key to bedroom design is a well-dressed and comfortable bed, few distractions and simple luxuries.
The rooms offer the same luxuries as a Royal or Ritz Carlton Suite.
The chief luxuries of the ancient world, silks, jewels, pearls, perfumes, incense and the like, were drawn from India, China and southern Arabia.
They also eschewed the luxuries and pursuits of settled life, and lived in tents, refusing to sow grain as well as to plant vineyards.
It had come to depend largely upon the Germans for the importation of all its luxuries and of many of its necessities, as well as for the exportation of its products, but regular trade with the three kingdoms was confined for the most part to the Wendish towns, with Lubeck steadily asserting an exclusive ascendancy.
Some general idea of the resources of the Kandahar district may be gathered from the fact that it supplied the British troops with everything except luxuries during the entire period of occupation in 1879-81; and that, in spite of the great strain thrown on those resources by the presence of the two armies of Ayub Khan and of General Roberts, and after the total failure of the autumn crops and only a partial harvest the previous spring, the army was fed without great difficulty until the final evacuation, at one-third of the prices paid in Quetta for supplies drawn from India.
Every house possesses its staircase, its well, and cisterns for irrigation; and on the whole the Aryan Tajiks of this northern section of the Oxus valley seem to be well provided with most of the comforts, if not the luxuries, of life.
In the 15th century the great Eastern trade with Europe was carried on by the Venetian Republic - Venice was the gate from West to East, and her fleets, richly laden with goods brought down to the shores of the Mediterranean in caravans, supplied Europe with the luxuries of the Orient.
With all its luxuries and courtly ease, his house remained a true bishop's palace, breathing the strictest discipline and restraint.
Inter- cast-lead pipes, but they were regarded as luxuries, mittent supply, not as necessaries, and gave way to cheaper conduits made, as pump barrels had long been made, by boring out tree trunks, which are occasionally dug up in a good state of preservation.
Churches and schools were built, and soon many of the comforts and some of the luxuries of life made their appearance.
There were bazaars, shops, warehouses, market stalls, granaries--for the most part still stocked with goods-- and there were factories and workshops, palaces and wealthy houses filled with luxuries, hospitals, prisons, government offices, churches, and cathedrals.
When they first met, she had assumed he would be bored without the luxuries she assumed he was accustomed to.
In the United Kingdom, where the distances are comparatively small, sleeping and dining cars must be regarded rather as luxuries; still even so, they are to be met with very frequently.
From what Mums said, she generally did without any of the luxuries that other women took for granted.
They shared the worldly spirit in its various forms, particularly the desire for wealth and the luxuries it affords, and for a place in " good society " - which meant a pagan atmosphere.
The security which he thereby gained gave him the opportunity to indulge his taste for costly buildings, parks and other luxuries, of which the chroniclers give accounts bordering on the fabulous.
Mr. Law also proposed a tax on luxuries, following the general principles adopted in this matter by the French Government.
In this revocation the Apocalyptist saw the menace of a famine of the necessaries of life, while the luxuries would remain unaffected.