Lunch Sentence Examples
Can you hold lunch for a little bit?
Are you going to have lunch too?
Sometimes Alex comes home for lunch and we eat together.
Lunch is in the refrigerator.
It was past lunch time so the three of us dropped by The Main Street Café for a late lunch.
After lunch, all four of them went outside to play ball.
I skipped lunch today.
Princess Mary listened without understanding him; she led him to the house, offered him lunch, and sat down with him.
After lunch, Cynthia borrowed a practice from Fred as she began to make a list of her own.
By then he'll be finishing a late lunch at the Timberline—the deli on Main Street.
AdvertisementAfter lunch, photographer Brandon Westlake took the opportunity to show a montage of his recent shots, first on the parlor coffee table, and then, as the crowd increased, he presented a full-fledged slide show.
I'll be home for lunch and examine her then.
Was this the same creek they had stopped to eat lunch beside that first time?
The predators were silent, watching their lunch parade by them.
By the time she brought lunch and a blanket down, he had a large area cleared under the cottonwood tree.
AdvertisementMaybe, if she made it out of here, she'd go to lunch Sunday and do whatever felt right, like spend her life with him.
The weather grew intermittently warmer and on one of those sunny warm days, Cade invited her to pack a lunch and join him in a ride on the ranch.
Why don't you meet me today and we'll go to lunch together with the kids.
Carmen fed her a light lunch and she lay down to sleep for a while.
He had been fortunate to catch her on lunch break from her bedside vigil at her mother's apartment.
AdvertisementA stop for lunch and then a drive over the biggest bridge Carmen had ever seen - and then they were in Galveston.
See you at lunch.
As the others remained behind the closed door of the conference room, I went out to lunch on my own.
We'll have lunch too.
I could eat you for lunch like a deli sandwich.
AdvertisementCarmen sat the butter on the table Your breakfast is ready and I packed a sack lunch for you.
When Alex came home for lunch, Carmen picked up Destiny and followed him to the barn.
Aren't you going to eat lunch?
Why don't I pack a lunch so we can go down to the pond for a picnic?
We stopped briefly for a fast food lunch.
Just before lunch, I reached a decision.
By the time he'd nibbled at a salad for lunch and changed into a suit, he was a nervous wreck.
Both Fitzgerald and the redhead are AWOL— been gone since before lunch.
There were pictures on her mantle of the two of them together when he was younger, toys piled into a box near her couch, a school lunch menu and more pictures -- these apparently from past Halloweens --on the bulletin board on one wall of the kitchen.
Dean returned to Bird Song and brought Cynthia up to date on his conversation with Sheriff Weller over a quiet lunch of soup and grilled cheese.
Thank you, but I have a lunch date.
Early in the morning, while all things are crisp with frost, men come with fishing-reels and slender lunch, and let down their fine lines through the snowy field to take pickerel and perch; wild men, who instinctively follow other fashions and trust other authorities than their townsmen, and by their goings and comings stitch towns together in parts where else they would be ripped.
When they called for the vessels again, I was green enough to return what bread I had left; but my comrade seized it, and said that I should lay that up for lunch or dinner.
We'd better get ready for lunch.
Carmen led Felipa to the cafeteria and bought her lunch.
She preceded him into the house and swiftly burdened the table with lunch.
Tears welled up in her eyes and spilled down her cheeks as she prepared lunch.
On her next visit to the ranch, Adrienne arrived to find Mrs. Marsh busy cooking lunch.
Brandon is out at the north pasture, he'll be in any time for lunch.
I twisted Cade's arm to get him to come out here with me for a picnic lunch.
This looks like a good spot to eat lunch.
We conducted one more test before lunch.
Over lunch he shared his thoughts.
We have to get on the road after lunch.
After smearing peanut butter and jam on whole wheat bread for a lunch on the fly, Dean knocked on Martha's door.
I'll go to the deli when he's having lunch.
I'm going to take Nikolai for a walk, then we'll have some lunch.
Jackson prepared lunch for Elisabeth and brought a tray up.
I gave you one pass, but if you ever look at me like lunch again, I'll rip those fangs out of your head and shove them so far up your ass they'll reattach.
They finished lunch and then he took her to Katie and Bill's house.
I don't mean to be insensitive, but I was so busy today that I didn't eat lunch.
I would have brought you something – or packed a lunch.
She fixed breakfast and packed him a lunch – then went to see what was taking him so long.
Hopefully Alex wouldn't come home for lunch and find them together.
When lunch time arrived, she wasn't interested in eating.
Alex must have come home for lunch.
Would you like to meet me for lunch?
Then she took them in and fixed lunch.
All right, you pack a lunch and bring a blanket and I'll go get the weed whip and knock down some of the tall grass.
I like to plan and prepare my lunch and dinner in advance so that I don't grab convenience food.
Then went on to the Swan & Bottle mooring in Uxbridge for their lunch stop.
Will there be time for a sit-down lunch or would a fork buffet be more appropriate?
And if you 've been really good they'll take you with them for a slap-up lunch at the local greasy spoon.
This year, we have a new P.A. system, and D.J. playing great music, a wonderful buffet smorgasbord lunch.
For a chance win a swag bag full of Peter Carey books enter our Free Lunch competition.
The real celebration of Fred's release from jail didn't begin until the pair returned to Bird Song where Cynthia had baked a fresh apple pie, complete with vanilla ice cream, tagged on to the end of a healthy lunch.
Alex and Jonathan planned to grill steaks for lunch.
When they walked through the door at the house, she announced that she was going to fix lunch.
She showered and headed for the kitchen to start lunch.
She went straight to the bedroom to change clothes before starting lunch.
She tucked the small box into her jeans pocket and covered the bulge with her sweater, ducking into the bathroom to hide it before rejoining Ully for their small lunch.
He smiled at Cynthia who looked as if she'd been out to lunch during an important discussion but she said nothing.
When she closed her laptop, Jackson said, "I thought after, we could head toward the water and find a restaurant for lunch, then walk the beach if it's not too cold."
They enjoyed lunch with Sam doing most of the talking.
They went for a walk after lunch.
Elisabeth polished off her lunch quickly, then Jackson removed the tray and asked, "Now what would you like to do?"
After that the chickens needed to be fed and she needed to get that chevon roast in the oven so it would be ready for lunch.
No. Why don't we go in for lunch?
I was talking about having your brother as a guest for lunch... and you know it.
I thought we might go out for lunch and do some site seeing.
Lunch was at a rustic little seafood place in Rogers called Catfish John's, and afterward she directed him to the War Eagle Mill.
Alex was back by lunch and unusually quiet when they sat down to eat.
He ate the bastard for lunch!
He left sometime before lunch.
After a late lunch on the run, Dean spent most of the afternoon interviewing a burglary victim only three blocks from his Collingswood Avenue home.
I saw Jeff having lunch with this girl just a few weeks ago.
Take my word for it, there was no business reason for Jeff to be having lunch with Cece Baldwin—just monkey business.
Then he added, "I'll take care of lunch."
When Dean pointed out a nice restaurant where he could collect the lunch he'd earned for making the trip, Fred reached over to the back seat and produced a paper bag, containing two peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and an apple.
He saw you and Jeffrey Byrne having lunch.
The two travelers killed the time picking over a bland lunch and alternating long walks with longer periods of sitting on hard seats, re-reading a discarded newspaper.
He had already stopped for lunch and was rolling toward mile 47 when a sudden thought from nowhere hit him between the eyes.
Cynthia and Randy discovered the break-in when they returned from church shortly after lunch.
He'd eaten neither lunch nor dinner.
I saw his motor home when I went to lunch with Rose O'Brien.
Paperwork kept Dean chained to his desk until after lunch and he spent the afternoon pacing the courthouse corridor until plea-bargained to freedom shortly before five.
Dean met up with Fred O'Connor during the lunch break.
Besides, had she known he was coming home for lunch, she could have fixed him something to eat.
I met Alex for lunch – not that it's any of your business.
After a shower and lunch, she decided to go back down to look at the inside of the house.
After making sure they had grain and water, they headed for the house to eat lunch.
I called to tell you I was coming home for lunch.
I saw him with a little blond girl at lunch yesterday.
No, he wouldn't be taking her to lunch to discuss Josh.
He picked up a fork and lit into his lunch.
They stopped on the hill and ate the lunch she had packed.
We'd better eat lunch.
Afterwards, I went to the horses to grab our lunch.
Are we going to have pizza for lunch?
Lets take them out for lunch and then to Katie and Bill's house.
After church they all met at Katie and Bill's house for lunch.
I'll see you at lunch, sweetheart.
A quick glance at her watch confirmed it was lunch time.
I've got to fix lunch.
I didn't realize it was that close to lunch time.
Felipa entertained the guests in the morning and Carmen joined them after lunch.
Lunch is almost ready.
She was fixing sandwiches for lunch when her phone rang.
They all agreed that the new look was cool and then decided on pizza for lunch.
After lunch the twins wanted to take a bath.
Later, when Felipa was outside with the children and Carmen was cooking lunch, Alex wandered into the kitchen.
Lunch will be ready in a few minutes.
Felipa returned with the children as she was putting lunch on the table.
On the way home she decided to stop at the clinic and see if Alex wanted to go out to lunch.
Refreshed and clean, she made herself a sandwich of lunch meat and scratched her way through half of a novel before she gave up and went to the bathroom to search for some kind of ointment.
A stomach cramp reminded her that she hadn't eaten lunch.
Gerry mouthed the words to Jessi then added for her ears only, "I'll take you to lunch tomorrow, if you do it."
We'll go to lunch and talk about it.
So I'm free to meet Gerry for lunch, too, if I want.
When she ducked out for lunch at noon, the line showed no signs of decreasing in size.
There is a considerable trade in " lunch tongues."
Should these rules be insufficient, then (4) proteid and farinaceous food should be taken in separate meals - farinaceous food at breakfast, proteid alone at lunch; farinaceous in the afternoon, and proteid again in the evening.
I'm going home for lunch early, Saundra.
A glance at her watch confirmed it wasn't lunch time yet, so why was Alex coming home already?
Maybe things were slow at the veterinary clinic and he decided to take an early lunch.
Felipa bought Jonathan and Destiny something inexpensive to keep them entertained and then fed them all lunch in the mall.
Lisa took a frying pan from the cabinet and started preparing lunch while father and daughter went into the living room to play.
They planned to have a birthday lunch and then Connie would take her over to get the car.
As soon as she finished preparing lunch, she'd pack and leave.
The clattering of dishes, the hectic scramble at lunch, and the incessant gossiping of her coworkers left her at the edge of her patience at the end of the day.
No. We were finished with lunch and having a discussion about the pond.
We scampered over the rocks, inhaling the brisk sea air and later, we drove to Swampscott, to the north, and ate a pleasant sea food lunch.
Bianca was cooking something that made him wonder if the vamp killed their lunch, too.
By then he'll be finishing a late lunch at the Timberline—the deli on Main Street.
Both Fitzgerald and the redhead are AWOL— been gone since before lunch.
Meanwhile, I have lunch ready.
Happy the demon could draw his lunch out of the forest, Rhyn pounced on the demon, cracking its neck before it could fight.
Take my word for it, there was no business reason for Jeff to be having lunch with Cece Baldwin—just monkey business.
He moseyed to the kitchen to bolster his sparse lunch where he found Fred eating sauerkraut, a gift from a neighbor lady, directly from a jar.
I only had lunch with him three or four times and those bastards tell you I'm....
I met Alex for lunch – not that it's any of your business.
I would have brought you something – or packed a lunch.
She fixed breakfast and packed him a lunch – then went to see what was taking him so long.
The tour finished with a buffet lunch at Maglands, a sheltered housing complex in Watchet.
WhileI thought it was going to rainafter lunch, it didn't.
Breakfast and topping up air cylinders was followed by a short move to a deep dive site before finding a secure anchorage for lunch.
At lunch, we have a picnic where we aim to visit a variety of secluded anchorages.
We were offered an aperitif in the lounge before lunch and were served a delicious kir along with olives, nuts and savory nibbles.
The story of a chairman of the Library Committee who sent his lunch hours reading childrens ' comics was unfortunately not apocryphal.
There are a selection of options from the more humble lunch time bar menu, (including baguettes ).
Had ham and cheese baguettes for lunch, which became the norm for the rest of the week and did some more sun bathing.
Serve the salad for lunch with a flour bannock or as part of a buffet, if you're having a crowd.
After lunch she wanted to use the egg shells to grow cress in - no cress, so they now have basil.
Equally, you may decide to drop anchor in a secluded bay for a romantic lunch or a spot of sunbathing.
Are journey was made more bearable by a good old pub lunch on the way home.
This was followed by a picnic lunch in a nearby beauty spot.
We had a picnic lunch and boiled the billy on an open fire.
At the Persephone Lunch on 3 July the distinguished biographer Lyndall Gordon talked about Katherine Mansfield.
We headed to the southern tip of South Uist where it was very blowy and had lunch.
We then had lunch but not before Viv saw a nice male brambling.
Drop by for a break from shopping or during your lunch break, pop in for a light lunch or Business Lunch.
Your sisters and I are going word search game online to motor to Westchester and lunch there with your sister and your latest brother-in-law.
Lunch will be held in a private function room with a fork buffet.
Lunch is venison burger sandwiches, made with the left over burgers from last night.
We spent much of the day in a classroom and stayed together as a group when visiting the canteen for tea and lunch breaks.
We got served a quite nice lunch of salmon mousse, chicken and rice and creme caramel shortly after we took off.
At 12.30 on Wednesday 20th December, carols Galore gives you a chance to sing along in your lunch hour to your favorite carols.
I ate my lunch at 1p.m. as usual, somewhat apprehensively, knowing full well what the after dinner chatter would be about.
They're going to do try and do a cheapie £ 5 deli style buffet thingy in the restaurant for lunch or dinner.
Lunch was disregarded by both the little beans as neither fully chipper.
I had a long chuckle at some of his material during my lunch break today.
It could be because that worker had a marijuana cigarette over lunch.
Full board consists of breakfast (usually continental ), lunch and dinner, half board is breakfast and dinner.
Lunch 4oz lean boiled chicken breast, 1 cup steamed spinach, 1 cup of herbal tea, 1 chocolate chip cookie.
She is the consumer affairs correspondent for BBC 2's Working Lunch.
Lunch Menu for Tuesday 15 August Rutherford Dining Hall Beef and mushroom pie, barbecue chicken, breaded haddock, roasted vegetable couscous.
I also survived lunch without being verbally skewered like an unworthy politician for saying something crass.
We'd only had a crepe for lunch about an hour ago.. .
After that we made our own packed lunch of smoky bacon crisps, 2 ham and cucumber sandwiches and 2 penguin bars.
Massive lunch was cooked by mom, Chicken, stuffing, I ate every crumb.
Morning tea, lunch and afternoon cuppa are all included.
Effings on the High Street is an expensive and high class delicatessen where lunch consists of quality deli fare sourced from around the world.
We headed here for lunch but found the place so delightful that we stayed the night.
It was beginning to get quite chilly, we had lunch on the move and again found the canal devoid of traffic.
The Restaurant provides the ideal location for a romantic dinner, lunch with friends, private parties, or business gatherings.
Whatever takes your fancy After lunch or dinner, relax in the lounge bar where you can enjoy a dram from our impressive selection.
After lunch some of the group went swimming whilst others walked the grounds seeing only Cattle egrets and Cuban Crows.
I had lunch at a very nice terrace restaurant on the beach run by a Canadian expat and his Dominican wife.
After lunch we celebrated the festival of the Nile.
Good for lunch if you want to spend a fiver.
We are happy to prepare a packed lunch with homemade flapjacks or cakes for your day's activities.
The three course lunch dishes vary from roast red leg partridge to pan fried foie gras.
She had therefore forfeited her right to a free meal to provide her children with a packed lunch.
At the lunch break HHDUGC held a comfortable lead of 8 4 after the morning foursomes.
We had free lunch and got to play other games to find out what we all thought of Every Child Matters.
McAveety clings on after lunch gaffe Site Feed This is the news page of the Edinburgh People's Festival.
The course fee includes a gourmet three course lunch with wine.
Feeling pretty groovy with change in your pocket for lunch?
My only advice is don't eat too much of the delicious grub they serve for lunch!
The place is a natural lunch halt for walkers and it's very unlikely that you will have it to yourself.
Enjoy a good lunch, stock up on serrano ham, cheese and good wine at the same time.
This hilltop hamlet offers views over Pienza and is a perfect lunch stop before your return across archetypal Tuscan countyside to Montepulciano.
After lunch enter the world of medieval Cairo, visiting the imposing hilltop Citadel built by Saladin in the 12th century.
Lunch at this time of year (sometimes dinner) is often homemade soup, alll sorts of different combinations of veggies.
Take care & as always I look forward to hearing from you. *Before people start getting huffy I worked some of my lunch!
Came back to the lodge for lunch and watched the hummingbirds for a few hours in the middle of the day.
Lunch Wholemeal pitta bread filled with a tbs reduced fat hummus, mixed salad, 5 olives and cherry tomatoes.
Over lunch one day, he expressed a certain impatience with " victim nationalities " .
We arrived at Yala in time for lunch and an afternoon jeep drive, during which it was overcast with heavy rain.
We also reported parents' great frustration over powerful peer pressure at school to eat only junk for lunch.
For kids, a special lunch offer is included in the price at the ski kindergarten.
Meeting over, there was just enough time to grab a burger king for lunch before catching the train back to Edinburgh.
Just make in the morning, then ladle straight from the fridge at lunch or supper.
Went on to Mirfield for lunch then found a launderette about 15 minutes walk away to do our washing.
Now we're having a late lunch on the patio of a country club, overlooking the lush green lawns of the golf course.
I played lawn tennis in the morning, and after lunch down with Graham to Apia.
We spent quite a while after lunch scanning the now almost fully leaved oak trees below the monastery building.
Today friends joined us for lunch at the blue Lias pub (blue lias refers to the local stone ).
Enjoy v logging OFF During the recent HD event, some make-up artists were popping out to buy it during their lunch break.
The PTA offered to hire a hall in town for students to eat lunch.
Hours were very long and the principle of a communal cooked lunch arose at this time because members just went home to sleep.
We even had a lift down by cable car and were able to enjoy lunch on the summit.
Please see the packed lunch menu in your suite We require 24 hours notice for packed lunches to ensure the freshest of produce.
The absence of wind meant a leisurely lunch till the sea breeze finally made its way to Bewl Reservoir.
We headed back to another delicious lunch at the lodge.
We holed into a pub and enjoyed a hearty lunch.
Drop by for a break from shopping or during your lunch break, pop in for a light lunch break, pop in for a light lunch or Business Lunch.
Please see the packed lunch menu in your suite We require 24 hours notice for packed lunch menu in your suite We require 24 hours notice for packed lunches to ensure the freshest of produce.
A free buffet lunch will be provided at both seminars.
A sandwich lunch is provided for all full day courses.
I have a lunchbox bearing his face on it despite never eating a packed lunch in my life.
We swapped our latest writings and ' did lunch ' - a literary luncheon?
Had a lovely lunch, even the big mac die hard teens enjoyed it!
Lunch 2 slices of wholemeal bread, 1 hard boiled egg mixed with ½ tbs reduced fat mayo, sliced spring onion.
I liked them so much I got fifths at lunch because I was the only one at my table who like meatballs.
Pizza Hut came home for lunch; Steve took the girls shopping and they bought pizza, pasta, ice cream and dolly mixtures.
Had lunch on the move and moored on the pontoon above West Bridge alongside May Bee, as there were no spare moored on the pontoon above West Bridge alongside May Bee, as there were no spare mooring places.
After finding a motel and eating lunch I circle the one-way streets of little downtown Astoria until I find parking at the library.
Departure does cruise hawaii luxury not meat on a dine on damselfly naiads desk for lunch.
At twelve noon precisely Chartreuse left the office for a two-hour lunch.
Lunch is served on the way to Tanjung Harapan, a rehabilitation center for orphaned orangutans, 2 hours away from Kumai.
She went on to the Guildhall for lunch before watching a pageant of 150 years of policing in Exeter.
You would not ask for a kiss good-bye, or an extra napkin in your lunch pail.
The steak and chips partaken of for lunch seemed now She spoke only the name.
The lunch counter is wooden, with a beautiful patina of age.
The lunch is in aid of the Fund to send young helpers to Lourdes where they attend the sick pilgrims.
At Tendaba we will take a lunch break, after which we will take a pirogue into the mangrove creeks.
I knew I should have had something more than just a rather pitiful BBC canteen sandwich for lunch.
Offerings includes breakfast, brunch, lunch, dinner, bar snacks, cocktails, wood-fired pizzas and pastas.
Take a stroll along the country lane into the nearby hamlet for lunch or dinner at the local pizzeria which even does takeaway pizzas.
Went to the Narrow boat pub for lunch where I had a very good chicken curry (£ 4.35) and Beryl had plaice.
We can also provide lunch from local suppliers and you can choose from a sandwich platter to a cold or hot buffet.
Lunch breaks can include outdoor playtime, but it should never exceed 40 minutes.
The lighter, perhaps more suitable lunch dishes that we finally plumped for were both deftly executed.
Tomato Herb Bread Italian plum tomatoes with a mixture of Oregano, thyme, rosemary and basil in a sourdough is a perfect lunch.
One feels quite presentable in them when turning up at a cafe for coffee or lunch.
Most of these men have been in the betting shop for much of the afternoon having spent lunch in a nearby pub.
Sunday lunch, (dinner in those days,) was the traditional roast and veg, followed usually with home made rice pud.
Needless to say there was no chocolate pud at the Annual Savoy Lunch this year, sorry!
We had lunch on the move and stopped by the gravel quarry before White Mills Lock.
Nice for lunch - I had salmon quiche with salad - not too runny which is how I prefer it.
There were lots of people in for lunch, and the chatter did not quieten down until later.
Fin after 1; to N for quick lunch and pick up N and off, ta Ra!
Dora and I were contemplating walking into Barnsley directly after lunch, but it was so rainy and stormy we had to stay in.
We had lunch at Arnes campsite and more redwings sang as we ate our sandwiches.
After a brief sojourn for lunch the group re-formed at the St Bride Printing Library.
Healthy lunches in boxes The major problem with lunch boxes is that they get terribly repetitive.
Request that you spend more time with the manager you will be working for, perhaps in an informal setting over lunch.
By 1.30pm we were sat on the veranda of our chalet enjoying a proper French lunch in the beautiful sun shine.
It had immediate effect when negotiations between Fords management and union representatives including shop stewards broke for lunch.
We'd just meet in the day I cut my work hours, threw sickies, met her in the lunch time.
We had lunch at the Research Station and after a short siesta we walked back up the track searching for feeding flocks.
The terrace offers shaded comfort and makes an ideal spot for an after lunch siesta!
Do you remember lunch in the basement restaurant where we were entertained by a singer.
You may find yourself involved in playing skittles at lunch time or going off together with your group on some extra-curricular activity.
Lunch spaces You can pre-book a half-hour slot in one of our lunch spaces during your visit - please enquire when making your booking.
Last night I spent $ 8 on lunch and a strawberry smoothie and $ 3 on a club soda at the dive bar.
Anticipating a difficulty, I ask the stewardess to serve me a kosher lunch.
On the first occasion he claims the man got him drunk over Sunday lunch and raped him while he was in an alcoholic stupor.
Another huge lunch appears, with fresh fruit juice, fried sweet potato, chicken and lots of different fruit and vegetables.
Lunch is a welcome but ' edgy ' affair, as not everyone has seen the tanagers.
We had excellent lunch at the traditional Greek fish tavern.
Take a leisurely dip in the crystal blue sea and then stop for lunch at a beachside taverna.
To make his visit extra special, a Fathers ' Day lunch will be on the menu in the castle tearooms.
This discreet, traditional trattoria is particularly appealing on a sunny day, when the courtyard is perfect for a peaceful lunch.
The event will involve a predefined route, will include a treasure hunt, lunch stop and have various prizes at the finish venue.
Black-whiskered Vireos were everywhere and we spent an enjoyable lunch break swimming in a truly tropical bay fringed with palm trees.
Thanks for the advice, the other thing is got the right ump because I insisted on paying the bill for lunch last time.
After lunch we head uphill through heavy undergrowth until we reach the tallest single tower on this section of the Wall.
At lunch but room on may tell himthe underling world-class venues coupled.
We will stop for a picnic you can then unhitch before lunch.
Our lunch stop is at Aigues Mortes, one of the last remaining completely walled cities of France.
After lunch we made biscuits and then iced them - so a rather yummy activity.
They might balk at getting on an airline flight flown by a computer and prefer having a pilot on board to take over if he "feels in his gut" that something is wrong (even if that feeling is the airport burrito he had for lunch).
Fin after 1; to N for quick lunch and pick up N and off, ta ra !
We had lunch at Arnes campsite and more Redwings sang as we ate our sandwiches.
Police and Road Safety Officers visited Barking College over the lunch time period yesterday, distributing cd 's in the refectory area.
Since this section was easy we arranged a stop at Rowlands Gill and a chance to regroup for lunch.
We walked up to the Admiral Nelson under umbrellas for a late lunch and then all said a reluctant farewell.
A retiring collection will be held to cover the cost of lunch.
Bafflingly variable entrance fees from free (Fri lunch, Sun pm) to £ 2.50 (Fri or Sat eve).
Ship Cruise Ahead lunch was scabby faces of the amazing grace.
When lunch arrives, they spoon rice into their mouths and slurp seaweed soup with gusto.
We ate our packed lunch sitting on the seats soaking in the atmosphere and being serenaded by a budding musician.
To include room hire, two servings of tea & coffee, lunch (either cold finger buffet or hot lunch).
We 'd just meet in the day I cut my work hours, threw sickies, met her in the lunch time.
Glasses chinked, and snoring noises came from under a chestnut where Mr. Witcher was contemplating his lunch.
For lunch and dinner, you can choose from a succulent roast from the Carvery or the Chef 's Specials of the Day.
Please bring with you suitable clothing and a packed lunch.
Sunny in the morning but mostly cloudy after lunch.
Locally, Age Concern provides community-based services ranging from lunch clubs, day centers and home visits to computer courses and tai chi classes.
At around mid-day we headed for a local taverna for lunch and a welcome cooling drink.
But soon he was drinking brandy after his lunch and then he was doing tequila shots before he left the house.
After lunch we did one of those tescos science test-tube kits on fingerprinting.
The beds posed as a tempting offer to relieve our tired eyes, but lunch beckoned.
Xmas Lunch Menu STARTERS Grilled Saint Maure Goat 's Grilled goat 's cheese on a toasted brioche with pink gooseberry chutney.
Lunch at the surfing town of Lahinch or in quaint Doolin, home of Irish trad music.
The miserable faces trudging round the city center make my lunch break the most depressing hour of the day.
Watched from veranda for a while after lunch - thought it was going to rain but didn't. m White-fronted Falconet from veranda.
Unfortunately, instead of being a cool yuppie bar, say, this is just a naff lunch cafe.
They are resting in a zip-lock bag in the fridge for today 's lunch.
The kind little boy shared his lunch with the wretch.
She didn't know whether to laugh or cry when the baby covered himself with his lunch.
Lunch and dinner are grilled cheese and hamburgers, respectively.
The mall food court has a plethora of options for lunch.
She always starts out her day with a protein shake because it will satisfy her hunger until lunch.
The school bully used coercion to force the other kids to give him their lunch money.
Try to begin taking him at regular periods during the day, such as after lunch and before naps and bedtime.
That's why it is a good idea to feed your baby a healthy snack or a nutritious lunch or dinner before he dives into that birthday cake.
The most important step you can take is to reassure your boss that nursing your baby or pumping during your lunch and break periods will not take away from your performance at work.
While some women are lucky enough to run home at lunch to nurse their babies, and others have on-site day care at their work places, making it easy to nurse their child during the day, most breastfeeding moms have to pump.
It's always said there's no such thing as a free lunch, and that may be true.