Lumbar Sentence Examples
I had, among other deformities of my spine, a twisted sacroiliac joint and lower lumbar spine.
The vertebral column consists of seven cervical, eighteen dorsal, six lumbar, five sacral, and fifteen to eighteen caudal vertebrae.
It fits snugly into your lumbar curve, relieving strain on the lower back muscles.
Many researchers advocate the use of some form of lumbar support when sitting to maintain the lumbar lordosis and prevent low back problems.
This increases the lumbar lordosis, which is the sway in the lower back.
Using radiography, they found an average lumbar lordosis of 46.8 degrees with the lumbar support.
A lumbar fracture is a break in the lumbar vertebrae.
It refers to the strengthening of the abdominal musculature especially transversus abdominus and the deep spinal muscle lumbar multifidus.
Lumbar Puncture A thin hollow needle is placed into the lower back, into the spinal canal.
Parts of the body controlled by the lumbar plexus include the reproductive system and the abdomen, and the lumbar region of the back.
AdvertisementAll three nerves are derived from the lumbar plexus.
A lumbar puncture was taken which didn't show anything.
Back pain usually occurs in the lower back, the lumbar spine.
I am now booked in for a lumbar sympathectomy in March.
Karl Muggeridge, who fell this morning, has fractured the 12th vertebra and the second lumbar.
AdvertisementHe concisely cites (p. 238) no fewer than eight other characters of more or less value as peculiar to the Carinate Division, the first of which is that the feathers have their barbs furnished with hooks, in consequence of which the barbs, including those of the wing-quills, cling closely together; while among the rest may be mentioned the position of the furcula and coracoids, 4 which keep the wing-bones apart; the limitation of the number of the lumbar vertebra to fifteen, and of the carpals to two; as well as the divergent direction of the iliac bones - the corresponding characters peculiar to the Ratite Division being the disconnected condition of the barbs of the feathers, through the absence of any hooks whereby they might cohere; the non-existence of the furcula, and the coalescence of the coracoids with the scapulae (or, as he expressed it, the extension of the scapulae to supply the place of the coracoids, which he thought were wanting); the lumbar vertebrae being twenty and the carpals three in number; and the parallelism of the iliac bones.
The skull was small, with proportionately minute brain; and the arched back, strong lumbar vertebrae, long and powerful tail, and comparatively feeble fore-quarters all proclaim kinship with the primitive creodont Carnivora (see Creodonta), from which Phenacodus and its allies, and through them the more typical Ungulata, are probably derived.
Injections are commonly given in the lumbar region, sacroiliac region, thoracic and cervical spine.
The open hip angle and straddle posture supports the lumbar curve without a backrest.
The nerve roots appear thickened and clumped together and lie around the periphery of the theca interna in the lower lumbar canal.
AdvertisementStyles range from sleek and contemporary seats made of molded plastic with bucket seats, to mini chairs made with net weave, stainless steel and lumbar support at the back.
Italian conference table chairs offer modern style with lumbar support and a choice of stationary, rolling or executive models.
Finding an office chair with lumbar support is essential for giving your back the support that it needs.
Lumbar support chairs come in a wide variety of styles that are suitable for all budgets and all needs.
There are many different types of office chairs available, but only a few types offer the lumbar support that you should be looking for.
AdvertisementOffice chairs with built-in lumbar support have extra padding in the lumbar region.
In these chairs, the lumbar support is adjustable using switches or levers on the side of the chair.
What makes ergonomically designed chairs for lumbar support different is the ability to further tilt and tip the back and seat of the chair until the support lands right where you need it.
While it's always wise to shop around and take comparisons from various sellers, in the case of lumbar support chairs it's also wise to sit in the chair if at all possible.
Support the lumbar region throughout the work day.
It's very important for anyone who sits at a desk for hours a day to get the lumbar support that she needs.
Sitting without proper support to the lower back can create pain and discomfort in the lumbar region.
Use an office chair with lumbar support to ensure that your back stays pain-free.
It comes with an adjustable lumbar kit for extra back support and has a tilting mechanism that adjusts to natural body motion.
No matter how you move, the lumbar support stays in position.
Head and lumbar support pillows - These color-coordinated pillows provide increased support.
A spinal tap (lumbar puncture) is another procedure that the doctor may order to diagnose leukemia.
Lumbar puncture-A procedure in which the doctor inserts a small needle into the spinal cavity in the lower back to withdraw spinal fluid for testing.
Examples include lumbar puncture (spinal tap), urine collection, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), additional blood tests, or electrocardiogram (ECG).
Using a long, thin needle inserted into the lower back to withdraw spinal fluid (lumbar puncture) will reveal increased white blood cells and no bacteria (aseptic meningitis).
In the case of children under 18 months of age, a lumbar puncture (spinal tap) may be recommended to rule out meningitis because symptoms are often lacking or subtle in children of that age.
Lumbar puncture is performed by inserting the needle between the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae (L4-L5).
In some circumstances, a lumbar puncture to withdraw a small amount of CSF for analysis may lead to serious complications.
Lumbar punctures should be performed only with extreme caution and only if the benefits are thought to outweigh the risks.
In people who have bleeding disorders, lumbar puncture can cause hemorrhage that can compress the spinal cord.
For this reason, aseptic technique must be followed strictly, and a lumbar puncture should never be performed at the site of a localized skin lesion.
The patient should remain lying for four to six hours after the lumbar puncture.
Lumbar puncture headaches typically begin within two days after the procedure and persist from a few days to several weeks or months.
Children with Marfan may develop kyphosis either in the upper (thoracic) spine or the lower (lumbar) spine.
During this trial, the medication is delivered into the spinal fluid via a lumbar puncture procedure.
If a condition affecting the brain and spinal cord is suspected, a lumbar puncture or spinal tap may be performed.
About 75 percent of abnormalities occur in the lower back (lumbar) region.
Since most abnormalities occur in the lumbar region, the lower limbs are paralyzed and lack sensation.
Two variants, lipomeningocele and lipomyelomeningocele, typically occur in the lower back area (lumbar or sacral) of the spine.
The spinal fluid is obtained by performing a lumbar puncture (also called a spinal tap), in which a needle is inserted into an area in the lower back where fluid in the spinal canal is readily accessible.
While this leads to some loss of normal motion, most functional activities are not strongly affected, unless the very lowest portion of the spine (the lumbar region) is fused.
These tests may include a complete blood analysis, liver function tests, kidney function tests, hormone tests, and a lumbar puncture to determine abnormalities in cerebrospinal fluid.
If the cancer appears to have spread beyond the eye, then other assessments such as a blood test, spinal tap (lumbar puncture), and/or bone marrow biopsy may be recommended.
The fluid is withdrawn through a needle in a procedure called a lumbar puncture.
As part of this examination, imaging studies such as CT and MRI may be done and electrodiagnostic muscle function tests (electromyogram) or lumbar punctures may be ordered.
A lumbar puncture (spinal tap) may be needed to rule out other possible causes, including meningitis or encephalitis.
A lumbar puncture (spinal tap) may be necessary.
Lumbar puncture (spinal tap) may be performed to aid in determining the cause when infection is suspected.
The chair itself has two zippered pouches, a cup holder and padding for the lumbar region and arms.
The lumbar back is the most commonly injured area.
Christa Lehnert-Schroth, physical therapist and author of The Schroth Method, which outlines her own scoliosis treatment program, warns against poses that encourage lordosis, or contraction of the lumbar spine.
However, lumbar stability is the function of the deep core muscles.
The former style is one that not only targets the stomach and waist area, but also provides relief from lumbar pain and muscle strains.
Not only will you appear slim and trim, shapewear offers men lumbar support and helps to reduce spinal pain.
In the middle of the queen's throne was a low stone box she mistook at first glance to be the world's most uncomfortable lumbar support.
The term " lumbar " vertebrae is inapplicable to birds.
The most anterior part of the ilium often overlaps one or more short lumbar ribs and fuses with them, or even a long, complete thoracic rib.
Dorsal and lumbar vertebrae together always nineteen, though the former may vary from twelve to fifteen.
There are generally nineteen dorso-lumbar vertebrae (thirteen thoracic and six lumbar), the form of which varies in different genera; in the cursorial and leaping species the lumbar transverse processes are generally very long, and in the hares there are large compressed inferior spines, or hypapophyses.
The dorsal and lumbar vertebrae are very numerous, 28 to 30, of which 21 or 22 bear ribs.
The number of vertebrae is - in the cervical region 7, dorsal 13, lumbar 6, sacral 2, caudal varying according to the length of the tail, but generally from 21 to 25.
There may be nineteen rib-bearing vertebrae, in which case five only will be reckoned as belonging to the lumbar series.
The transverse processes of the lumbar vertebrae are long, flattened, and project horizontally outwards or slightly forward from the arch.
The contents of a lumbar hernia may include small or large bowel, omentum, stomach, liver or rarely the kidney.
Flatten the lumbar curvature by raising the patient's knees.
The period of bed rest may be a few days longer for a lumbar laminectomy.
Below the lumbar section is the diamond-shaped sacrum which locks like a keystone into the pelvis.
She rubbed her lumbar area, vaguely aware of the pain that riding was causing.