Luke Sentence Examples
The guy's name is John Luke Grasso.
He travelled under an alias; Luke Greely.
He was Luke the Fluke, but you didn't call him that.
The gospel is synoptic in character and is closely related to Matthew, though in the Resurrection accounts it has affinities with Luke.
Now it is again generally admitted that in these sections we have the genuine account of one who was a member of Paul's company, who may well have been Luke.
This linguistic evidence, which is of quite unusual force, has never yet been fairly faced by those who deny Luke's authorship of Acts.
Ioo, as is commonly assumed by critics who reject the authorship by Luke.
Some critics, however, hold that it is wholly Luke's own composition, and that the Hebraic style - in which he was able to write in consequence of his familiarity with the LXX.
Luke has also slightly altered the position of the call of the first disciples in the sequence of events.
He includes besides, a few pieces peculiar to this Gospel which Luke had probably himself collected.
AdvertisementMany sections, however, contained in the corresponding part of Mark have no parallel in Luke, while the parallel to one of them is placed later and differs considerably in form.
Once more the word € ary ycWeVBat ("to proclaim good tidings") is a favourite one with Luke.
According to the birth-narrative embodied in Luke i.
The Munich MS., formerly at Bamberg, begins at line 85, and has many lacunae, but continues the history down to the last verse of St Luke's Gospel, ending, however, in the middle of a sentence.
Addai was supposed to be one of the Seventy of Luke x.
AdvertisementAmong newer churches the most noticeable are the Evangelical church of St Luke, a Transitional building, with an imposing dome, finished in 1896, and the Gothic parochial church of the Giesing suburb, with a tower 312 ft.
Among its many charitable institutions are a Masonic Home and School (1893), a Home for the Homeless (1867), St Elizabeth's Home (1886), St Luke's Home (1869), a Home for Aged Men and Couples (1879), Utica Orphan Asylum (1830), St Joseph's Infant Home (1893) and St John's Female Orphan Asylum (1834), both under the Sisters of Charity; the House of the Good Shepherd (1872; Protestant Episcopal); and the General (1873; City of Utica), Homeopathic (1895), St Luke's (1869; supported by the Protestant Episcopal Churches), St Elizabeth's (1866; Sisters of the Third Order of St Francis) and Faxton (1873) hospitals.
Augustine found a justification for these penal measures in the "compel them to come in" of Luke xiv.
Earlier in life he had a great admiration for Origen, and translated many of his works, and this lasted after he had settled at Bethlehem, for in 389 he translated Origen's homilies on Luke; but he came to change his opinion and wrote violently against two admirers of the great Alexandrian scholar, John, bishop of Jerusalem, and his own former friend Rufinus.
Luke (the greatest festival is on the 8th of September).
AdvertisementThe expression was borrowed from Josephus by Luke, who wrongly imagined that Lysanias I.
The germ of both is to be found in the Gospels; the first words of the Greater Doxology, or Gloria in Excelsis, being taken from Luke ii.
The author of the complete work, as we now have it, has modified the original Two Ways by inserting near the beginning a considerable section containing, among other matter, passages from the Sermon on the Mount, in which the language of St Matthew's Gospel is blended with that of St Luke's.
Three of the Gospels have clearly been for some time in circulation; St Matthew's is used several times, and there are phrases which occur only in St Luke's, while St John's Gospel lies behind the eucharistic prayers which the writer has embodied in his work.
In the words of the Gospel of St Luke, he ordered "the whole world to be taxed," or, according to the revised version, to be enrolled.
AdvertisementThe origin of its later name, meaning the "Baths of St Luke," is uncertain.
John has a metaphysical prologue; Matthew and Luke have historical prologues; and Mark is without any prologue.
Mary and Martha are admittedly identical with the sisters in Luke x.
This view is confirmed by the fact that in Luke viii.
Here again we note that they do not appear at the corresponding point in Luke, though some of them are given by him in other contexts.
Further, Mark's work may very probably have been used by Luke in its original form.
Both Matthew and Luke show signs of having had a somewhat different beginning before them.
Further, its opening seems modelled on the lines of the preface to Luke's Gospel, to which, along with Acts, it may owe something of its very conception as a reasoned appeal to the lover of truth.
In the same passage of Luke mention is made of Lysanias, tetrarch of Abilene near Damascus, in the valley of the B arada.
Another allusion to the tripartite division is also no doubt to be found in the expression " the law, the prophets, and the psalms," in Luke xxiv.
These two works, the Logia (or, as some prefer to call it, the Non-Marcan document common to Matthew and Luke) and the Mark-Gospel, were the prime factors in all the subsequent composition of Gospels.
Our Matthew and our Luke are just combinations, differently constructed, of these two documents, with a certain amount of additional matter which the editors had collected for themselves.
St Luke was the first to write, as we may see from his preface, definitely in the spirit of a historian.
It is an event of no small importance for criticism that so eminent a scholar as Prof. Harnack should have come round to the view, almost universally prevalent in England, that St Luke himself was the final editor and author of both the Third Gospel and the Acts.
The matter peculiar to Matthew and Luke raises a number of interesting questions which are still too much sub judice to be answered decidedly or dogmatically, though approximate and provisional answers may before long be forthcoming.
The date of the completed Luke depends (a) on whether or not we believe Luke himself or a later disciple to be the author, and (b) whether or not we believe that the author of Acts had seen Josephus' Antiquities, published in A.D.
This is the general view of the Church of his time, except the little clique known as the Alogi who rejected the Fourth Gospel, and Marcion who only recognized St Luke.
There are many indications early in the 2nd century of a tendency towards the recognition of a single Gospel; for instance, there are the local Gospels according to Hebrews, according to Egyptians; Marcion had but one Gospel, St Luke, the Valentinians preferred St John and so on; Tatian reduced the Four Gospels to one by means of a Harmony, and it is possible that something of the kind may have existed before he did this.
The only exception which they allowed to this general rule was in the case of certain passages, especially in the last chapters of Luke, where the " Western " authorities omit words which are found in the Neutral and Alexandrian texts.
Luke wrote the first edition of the Gospel for Theophilus from Caesarea; this is the Neutral text of the Gospel.
Luke and Matthew appear to have been published between 80 and ioo.
Ramsay (Was Christ Born at Bethlehem?, 1898, pp. 1 49 ff.) defends the exact accuracy of St Luke's " first census " as witnessing to the (otherwise of course unknown) introduction into Syria of the periodic fourteen years' census which the evidence of papyri has lately established for Egypt, at least from A.D.
St Luke's statement of a general census is in all probability erroneous, and the introduction of the name Quirinius appears to be due to confusion with the census of A.D.
But St Luke's account, when the name of Quirinius is subtracted from it, ceases to contain any chronological evidence.
Strangely enough, however, the missing name of the governor under whom the census of the Nativity was carried out appears to be supplied by an author who wrote more than a century after St Luke, and has by no means a good reputation for historical trustworthiness.
This Saturninus was the middle one of the three governors of Syria named above, and as his successor Varus must have arrived by the middle of 6 B.C. at latest (for coins of Varus are extant of the twenty-fifth year of the era of Actium), his own tenure must have fallen about 8 and 7 B.C., and his census cannot be placed later than 7 or 7-6 B.C. The independence of Tertullian's information about this census is guaranteed by the mere fact of his knowledge of the governor's name; and if there was a census about that date, it would be unreasonable not to identify it with St Luke's census of the Nativity.
St Luke's phrase is a general one, " about thirty years old," and cannot be so pressed as to exclude some latitude in either direction.
No doubt it would be possible to explain Tiberius 16 as a combination of Luke iii.
There is, therefore, some slight presumption that the three earlier periods, which together cover about fifteen years, were intended by so artistic a writer as St Luke to mark each some similar lapse of time.
The church of St Luke is a beautiful building with Norman and Early English portions, but is mainly Decorated, with a western tower and spire.
Bright, The Gospel of Saint Luke in Anglo-Saxon (Oxford, 1893); for earlier editions see Cook, op. cit, p. lx.
Commentaries on the Gospels of St Matthew, St Mark and St Luke, we are told by the heading in one of the MSS.
It appears to be earlier than 150, and to be taken from a Gospel which followed more or less closely the version of the teaching of Jesus given by Matthew and Luke.
Luke's account is too much interpolated from Paul, and the texts of his oldest MSS.
The present article is concerned solely with general considerations affecting the four canonical Gospels; see for details of each, the articles under Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
In the case of the second and third there are indications, though slight ones, that he held the view of their composition and authorship which was common from the last quarter of the century onwards (see Mark, Gospel Of, and Luke, Gospel oF), but he has made the largest use of our first Gospel.
There is also a considerable amount of matter common to Matthew and Luke, but not found in Mark.
This second source used in the composition of Matthew and Luke has frequently been called " The Logia " in order to signify that it was a collection of the sayings and discourses of Jesus.
It may, however, fairly be called " the Logian document," as a convenient way of indicating the character of the greater part of the matter which our first and third evangelists have taken from it, and this designation is used in the articles on the Gospels of Luke and Matthew.
The arrangement of its contents can, it seems, best be learned from Luke.
Clement himself, taking it for granted that an epistle to Hebrews must have beeen written in Hebrew, supposes that Luke translated it for the Greeks.
The personality of Lazarus in John's account, his relation to Martha and Mary, and the possibility that John reconstructed the story by the aid of inferences from the story of the supper in Luke x.
It is curious, not only that Luke's story does not appear in the other gospels, but also that in no other of Christ's parables is a name given to the central character.
In The Kingdom of God (1889), which first encountered serious hostile criticism in his own communion, he accounted for some of the differences between the first and third evangelists on the principle of accommodation - maintaining that Luke had altered both the text and the spirit of his sources to suit the needs of those for whom he wrote.
Io), the order to which Zacharias, the father of John the Baptist, belonged (Luke i.
With regard to the testimony of Acts, the only question, since Harnack admits the Lucan authorship,' is whether Luke is describing the organization of the Church as it existed at the time of the events recorded or reflecting the arrangements which prevailed at the time when the book was written.
This is not likely, but, at all events, it would only prove that the office under another name existed at Ephesus, for otherwise Luke could not possibly have put into the mouth of Paul the address which follows.
He was educated at private schools and at King's College, London, after his father's promotion to the rectory of St Luke's, Chelsea.
A market for each Saturday was granted to Corfe in 1214, and in 1248 the town obtained a fair and a market on each Thursday, while Elizabeth granted fairs on the feasts of St Philip and St James and of St Luke; both of these still survive.
The account in Matthew is practically identical with that in Mark and is no doubt taken from the Marcan source, but Luke and John have different traditions.
Luke, who certainly used Mark, has partly rearranged this narrative and partly rejected it in favour of a different version.
But it seems probable that this is the motive which led to the redactorial change in Luke, and that the Marcan account, which is traditionally' connected with Peter, ought to be followed.
Luke preferred to connect it with the call of Peter, the writer of John xxi.
This narrative is followed, with the exception of the last part, by Luke, who as usual is inclined to omit anything which could be regarded as derogatory to the Apostles.
An account of it is preserved in John xxi., but it is here connected - probably wrongly - with a miraculous draught of fishes, just as the account of his call is in Luke.
In 1227 a market on Monday and a fair on the vigil and day of St Luke the Evangelist were granted to the archbishop, and in 1320 Archbishop Melton obtained the right of holding two new fairs on the feasts of St James the Apostle lasting five days and of SS.
There is more to be said for the suggestion that he was the brother of St Luke.
He seems to have received the ordinary Christian scriptures; and Origen, who treats him as a notable exegete, has preserved fragments of a commentary by him on the fourth gospel (brought together by Grabe in the second volume of his Spicilegium), while Clement of Alexandria quotes from him what appears to be a passage from a commentary on Luke.
A document, no longer extant, which was partially incorporated into the Gospels of St Matthew and St Luke.
Further information added by St Luke's Gospel.
We pass on now to compare with this narrative of St Mark another very early document which no longer exists in an independent form, but which can be partially reconstructed from the portions of it which have been embodied in the Gospels of St Matthew and St Luke.
Accordingly so much of St Mark's Gospel has been taken over word for word in the Gospels of St Luke and St Matthew that, if every copy of it had perished, we could still reconstruct large portions of it by carefully comparing their narratives.
They did not hesitate, however, to alter St Mark's language where it seemed to them rough or obscure, for each of them had a distinctive style of his own, and St Luke was a literary artist of a high order.
It is probable that many passages of St Luke's Gospeel which have no parallel in St Matthew were also derived from this early source; but this is not easily capable of distinct proqf; and, therefore, in order to gain a secure conception of the document we must confine ourselves at first to those parts of it which were borrowed by both writers.
We shall, however, look to St Luke in the main as preserving for us the more nearly its original form.
We cannot say by our present method of determination, how this document closed; for in the narratives of the Passion and the Resurrection St Matthew and St Luke only coincide in passages which they have taken from St Mark.
There can be little doubt that much more of it is embedded in St Luke's Gospel, and something more also in St Matthew's; but in order to stand on firm ground we have considered thus far only those portions which both of these writers elected to use in composing their later narratives.
It can only be effected by a close examination of the style and language of the document, which may enable us in some instances to identify with comparative security certain passages which are found in St Luke, but which St Matthew did not regard as suitable for his purpose.
These are found in St Luke, but not in St Matthew.
On the other hand, it is not improbable that the wonderful words which begin, " Come unto Me all ye that labour," were drawn by St Matthew from the same document, though they are not recorded by St Luke.
But here we have entered upon a region of less certainty, in which critical scholarship has still much to do; and these passages are mentioned here only as a reminder that the document must have contained more than what St Matthew and St Luke each independently determined to borrow from it.
St Luke was a physician who had accompanied St Paul on his missionary journeys.
St Luke gives a table of genealogy which is irreconcilable with the artificial table of St Matthew's Gospel, and which traces our Lord's ancestry up to Adam, " which was the son of God."
The scene ends with the rejection of Christ by His own townsfolk, as in the parallel story of St Mark which St Luke does not give.
It is probable that St Luke found this narrative in the second document, and chose it after his manner in preference to the less instructive story in St Mark.
St Luke's use of his two main sources has preserved the characteristics of both of them.
This impression is confirmed by the Gospels of St Matthew and St Luke, which though they add much fresh material do not disturb the general scheme presented by St Mark.
Away from the atmosphere of contention we find Him manifesting the same broad sympathy and freedom from convention which we have noted in the other Gospels, especially in that of St Luke.
Other institutions are the technical college, Leonard Street, and St Mark's, St Luke's and the Royal chest hospitals.
Nicholaus de Lyra (commenting on the passage in Luke) says that Mammon est nomen daemonis.
In 1701 he published A Paraphrase upon the Gospel of St Matthew, which was followed, in 1702, by the Paraphrases upon the Gospels of St Mark and St Luke, and soon afterwards by a third volume upon St John.
In 1846 a water-cure was established where St Luke's hospital now stands, in the adjoining borough of Fountain Hill (pop. in 1900, 1214), and for a few years this attracted a considerable number of visitors during the summer season.
This book of the Bible, which now stands fifth in the New Testament, was read at first as the companion and sequel of the Gospel of Luke.
We have every reason to trust the Church's tradition at this time, particularly as Luke was not prominent enough as an associate of Paul to suggest the theory as a guess.
Most scholars admit that the " we " narrative is that of a personal companion of Paul, who was probably none other than Luke, in view of his traditional authorship of Acts.
But many suppose that the tradition arose from confused remembrance of the use by a later author of Luke's " we " document or travel-diary.
The speech of Paul at Athens, as given by Luke, would not occupy more than a minute or two in delivery.
The prologue to Luke's Gospel itself implies the dying out of the generation of eye-witnesses as a class.
Such a mistake was far more likely to arise in oral transmission of the speech, before it reached Luke at all.
It may well contain some true supplements to the original text, derived from local tradition or happy inference - a few perhaps from a written source used by Luke.
This he did by setting aside the spurious gospels, purging the real gospel (the Gospel of Luke) from supposed judaizing interpolations, and restoring the true text of 2 On the relation of matter to the Creator, Marcion himself seems not to have speculated, though his followers may have done so.
Besides these excavated monuments, the Stadion; the enceinte of fortifications erected by Lysimachus, which runs from the tower called the "Prison of St Paul" and right along the crests of the Bulbul (Prion) and Panajir hills; the round monument miscalled the "Tomb of St Luke"; and the Opistholeprian gymnasium near the Magnesian gate, are worthy of attention.
The hypothesis that a saying of Jesus is loosely added here to an Old Testament citation is very forced, and the inference is that by the time the author wrote, Luke's gospel was reckoned as This would be explicable if Luke could be assumed to have been the author, in whole or part, of the pastorals.
The most curious of later buildings is the church of St Luke, south-east of the Cadmea, believed to contain the tomb of the evangelist.
With George Upfold (1796-1872), bishop of Indiana from 1849 to 1872, Doane founded St Luke's in New York City.
In the Gospel of Luke also, it is true, this same source has been used for the teaching of Jesus.
Again, the commission to them to preach throughout the world is supported by Luke xxiv.
Once more, there is somewhat more parallelism between the fragments of the Gospel according to the Hebrews and this Gospel than is the case with Luke, not to say Mark.
In particular the evangelist brings out more strongly than either Mark or Luke the national rejection of Jesus, while the Gospel ends with the commission of Jesus to His disciples after His resurrection to "make disciples of all the peoples."
Most of what the Fathers narrate of Cerdo's tenets has probably been transferred to him from his famous pupil Marcion, like whom he is said to have rejected the Old Testament and the New, except part of Luke's Gospel and of Paul's Epistles.
True, the mystical sense given to the term in one of the sources of Luke, by Paul and some of the Church fathers, is not present.
It is clearly manifest in the humanitarianism of Luke also.
In the terrible "famine of St Luke" in 1835, Selassie still further won the hearts of his subjects by his wise measures and personal generosity; and by extending his hospitality to Europeans, he brought his country within the closer ken of civilized European powers.
The missionaries, who have reduced the language to writing (Gospel of St Luke, London, 1881), assert that it contains no fewer than 30,000 words, although the numerals stop at five, already a compound form, and although the same word expresses both hand and finger; but it appears that a large number of the words included in this total are compounds.
The passage where re-birth is best put forward in connexion with baptism is Luke iii.
That in the temple of Herod is referred to in Luke i.
It has further been argued that the narratives of the Virgin birth (Matthew, Luke) are an intermediate stage in Christology.
It was published under the title of Elias Redivivus, the text being Luke i.
The remainder of his life was devoted to helping Brian Walton with the Polyglot Bible (1657) and to his own best-known work, the Horae Hebraicae et Talmudicae, in which the volume relating to Matthew appeared in 1658, that relating to Mark in 1663, and those relating to 1 Corinthians, John and Luke, in 1664, 1671 and 1674 respectively.
Among the charitable institutions are the general hospitals (Harper, Grace and St Mary's); the Detroit Emergency, the Children's Free and the United States Marine hospitals; St Luke's hospital, church home, and orphanage; the House of Providence (a maternity hospital and infant asylum); the Woman's hospital and foundling's home; the Home for convalescent children, &c. In 1894 the mayor, Hazen Senter Pingree (1842-1901), instituted the practice of preparing, through municipal aid and supervision, large tracts of vacant land in and about the city for the growing of potatoes and other vegetables and then, in conjunction with the board of poor commissioners, assigning it in small lots to families of the unemployed, and furnishing them with seed for planting.
Well, the closing ' Home Again ' starts all strummed acoustic then eventually launches into Luke singing over himself - the cello appears.
We cannot find a birthplace for Luke in the UK.
Luke Jones ran an outstanding race in the intermediate boys championship where he took the bronze medal just 10 seconds behind the race winner.
Jane and Luke will be tackling the challenge on a tandem provided by Specialized.
Yet Luke is usually held to be later than Mark, but it is not concerned to emphasize the Christological confession.
Luke Prince seemed to be having some success down the right flank and twice produced good crosses that made the Bedworth defense flap.
Defensively very good at the back, tim, andy, matty Curtis, and speedy luke all looked solid.
Now, unless we are extremely dense, we can hardly miss what Luke is saying.
Here Luke uses the dissension to introduce seven prominent men.
In the midst of a fierce lightsaber duel with the Sith Lord, Luke faces a terrible truth about the Skywalker legacy.
We've seen an echidna in our school ground. from Luke To Marcus and Jake B. How are you?
Young Luke, seven years old was out in the Fens with his Dad on his first Winter Pike fishing expedition.
Beloved wife of Bernard, dearly loved mother of Bev and Niki, loving grandmother of Luke, Dominic and Anna.
Who it sounds like Cool Hand Luke are slightly grungy and heavy, slightly poppy and slightly experimental.
Luke Harding reports that Germany is reveling in an explosion of national pride and silly headgear.
Luke Welch leaves to become a housemaster at More House School in Surrey which specializes in children who have difficulties associated with dyslexia.
Prof Luke O'Neill provided a keynote talk on the functioning of innate immunity at the mucosal barrier.
Did he get anything wrong, because, if he did, then Luke is not inerrant, and nor is the bible.
Mule gimmer lambs are sold at the annual Carlisle Luke Fair sale in September.
Shortly before the half hour mark the game livened up when Luke Prince charged into the area to latch onto a Jenkins pass.
I rang Dawn the day after and several times after that and only seemed to be getting a Luke warm response from her.
A crazed machete wielding maniac attacked children in St. Luke's Infants School, Blakenhall.
Luke often used the Greek Old Testament for his stories.
City were lifted from the start with the appearance of Luke Prince, playing having rejected overtures from DML rivals Weston-super-Mare.
Luke was too busy getting his eyebrows plucked to join in.
But Luke had been the chief presbyter when the Church was founded, and for a few years thereafter.
When Luke skips town, Jo plots an almighty surprise for unsuspecting punters at Chez Chez, - but how will Cheryl react?
Stowe's resignation follows the loss of Luke Smith, who resigned in disgrace his councilor seat in August.
Also, are you going to write a sequel to " Eight Days of Luke "?
Despite extensive searches and several unconfirmed sightings there has been no news from Luke since and his current whereabouts remain a mystery.
Dr. Steve Worrall is a consultant oral & maxillofacial surgeon at St Luke's Hospital, Bradford.
I fully sympathize with your son Luke's problems.
In Mondays are Red, Luke wakes from a coma to find that he has developed an extraordinary condition called synaesthesia.
There is a standing centrifugal tendency in the church from Paul to Luke.
Luke often used the Greek Old testament for his stories.
Both, as we have come to expect from Luke, involved some excellent guitar work with gentle and sometimes wry lyrics.
On the question of the relationship of the Synoptic Gospels, Holtzmann in his early work, Die synoptischen Evangelien, ihr Ursprung and geschichtlicher Charakter (1863), presents a view which has been widely accepted, maintaining the priority of Mark, deriving Matthew in its present form from Mark and from Matthew's earlier "collection of Sayings," the Logia of Papias, and Luke from Matthew and Mark in the form in which we have them.
Like the Wycliffite Versions it is merely a secondary rendering from the Latin Vulgate, and it suffered from many of the defects which characterized these versions, extreme literalness, often stilted, ambiguous renderings, at times unintelligible except by a reference to the Latin original, as in Luke xxii.
Luke obviously preferred this narrative to the Marcan account, but the fact that the same story comes in John xxi.
St Luke appears to have taken it over in sections for the most part without much modification; but in St Matthew's Gospel its incidents seldom find an independent place; the sayings to which they gave rise are often detached from their context and grouped with sayings of a similar character so as to form considerable discourses, or else they are linked n to sayings which were uttered on other occasions recorded y St Mark.
Holtzmann, pp. 92 seq., and Von Soden in Theologische Abhandlungen, 18 9 2, pp. 1 331 35) have suggested that Luke may have been the amanuensis (cf.
Of Biblical and exegetical works we have a considerable part of Eusebius' Commentaries on the Psalms and on Isaiah, which are monuments of learning, industry and critical acumen, though marred by the use of the allegorical method characteristic of the school of Origen; also a work on the names of places mentioned in Scripture, or the Onomasticon, the only one extant of a number of writings on Old Testament topography; and an epitome and some fragments of a work in two parts on Gospel Questions and Solutions, the first part dealing with the genealogies of Christ given in Matthew and Luke, the second with the apparent discrepancies between the various gospel accounts of the resurrection.
The memorials which crowd the picturesque church and churchyard of St Luke near the river, commonly known as the Old Church, to a great extent epitomize the history of Chelsea.
The other principal Protestant churches are St Luke's, St Nicholas and St Anne Shandon, with its striking tower of parti-coloured stones; and its peal of bells extolled in Father Prout's lyric "The Bells of Shandon."
Stowe 's resignation follows the loss of Luke Smith, who resigned in disgrace his councilor seat in August.
I fully sympathize with your son Luke 's problems.
The thirteenth chapter of Luke takes us deeper into the ministry of the gospel of God.
It occurs in the twelfth chapter of Luke 's Gospel.
However, we find no clear additional evidence that Luke wanted to integrate vicarious suffering or a redemptive death into his own christology.
At the age of three, Luke suddenly became seriously ill with viral encephalitis of unknown origin.
Sutton whinged a lot (which forward does n't) and looked the part but was generally taken care of my Cool Hand Luke !
After his accident, Luke has myriad prescriptions to take.
Although aghast at the state of his once pristine house, Luke managed to call the police quickly to report the break-in.
Luke is young, I expect he'll bounce back from this quickly.
For example, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John have been traditional and popular names for years.
Furniture Hoo offers shoppers a beautiful selection of Luke leather furniture.
Luke leather furniture is made from 100 percent Italian leather and is completely manufactured in Italy.
Star Wars bedding was popular back in the 70's when Luke, Han Solo and Princess Leia first hit the big screen.
Wilson, who is the brother of actor Luke Wilson, has been romatically linked to singer Sheryl Crow and actress Kate Hudson.
Black is considered a member of the "Frat Pack," a group of actors that includes Owen and Luke Wilson, Ben Stiller, Will Ferrell, Vince Vaughn, and Steve Carell.
He was found by his brother, actor Luke Wilson.
Along with an all-star cast that consisted of Diane Keaton, Claire Danes, Dermot Mulrooney and Luke Wilson, Sarah Jessica Parker played the role of uptight business woman Meredith Morton in the film The Family Stone.
His brother Luke, who placed the 911 call to Santa Monica's Emergency Services, found Owen in his home.
Following Saturday Night Live, Will Ferrell easily found film roles, beginning in 2003, when he co-starred with Luke Wilson and Vince Vaughn in Old School.
Ferrell is known as one of Hollywood's Frat Pack - a group of actors that includes Owen Wilson, Vince Vaughn, Jack Black, Ben Stiller, Steve Carell and Luke Wilson.
Stiller is part of the "Frat Pack," which includes Jack Black, Owen Wilson, Will Ferrell, Vince Vaughn, Luke Wilson and Steve Carell.
He has three children with ex-wife Kristen Richards, Grace and Isabelle, now nine and Luke, 11.
Kelly was recently arrested for slapping gossip columnist Zoe Griffin at a London nightclub for making disparaging remarks in her column regarding her boyfriend, Luke Worrall.
Over his long career, veteran actor Dennis Hopper has appeared in iconic films such as Rebel Without a Cause, Giant and Cool Hand Luke.
It is very similar to when Luke Skywalker was first learning the ways of the force from Obi-Wan Kenobi.
The opportunity to play some of the main characters on both the Rebel and Empire side like Luke Skywalker, Yoda, Darth Vader, Boba Fett and Han Solo is the ultimate.
Fight as one of the main heroes including Luke Skywalker, Darth Vader, Yoda, Boba Fett and Han Solo.
In 1983 Jedi Arena was released and simulated lightsabre battles in an homage to the A New Hope scene where Luke Skywalker trains with a seeker.
Players entered the seat of Luke's X-Wing fighter and battled TIE fighters on the way to destroying the Death Star in the famous trench scene.
It features a command center, a repair hanger, and six mini figures, including Admiral Ackbar, Lando Calrissian and Luke Skywalker.
Luke, Leia and Han's costumes can be very simple and inexpensive to construct, as are any of the Jedi knight costumes, with the exception of props like Han's blaster and of course the light saber.
Imagine if the trailer for The Empire Strikes Back included the voice of Darth Vader saying "Luke...
Uma Thurman steps out of her comfort zone to play the needy superhero ex-girlfriend of Luke Wilson in the July 21 release of the comedy/romance My Super Ex-Girlfriend.
Directed by Wil Shriner and starring Logan Leman, Brie Larson, Cody Linley, and Luke Wilson, Hoot is filled with plot twists and humor.
Most of the characters are household names like Han Solo, Luke Skywalker, and Boba Fett.
This 2004 film directed by Mel Gibson follows the story of Jesus Christ's last hours as depicted in the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
Their adventures were likened to that of Luke and Laura on rival soap opera General Hospital.
For GH, couple fans may include Luke and Laura (Spencer), Liason (Jason Morgan and Elizabeth Webber), Jarly (Jason Morgan and Carly Corinthos), J&B (Jasper Jax and Brenda Barrett) etc. There are also pairing haters.
While GH pioneered the action adventure storyline (Ice Princess, Luke and Laura) in the late 1970s, the advent of HBO's The Sopranos heavily influenced the daytime drama.
Every day at 3 p.m. Eastern time, mothers would shuffle their kids in from school, turn on the television and sit down to find out what was happening with Luke, Laura, Anna, Duke and others.
Luke and Laura, for example, are a couple that has spent 30+ years in the consciousness of the fans whether Genie Francis is on the screen or Luke is married to Tracy, the prescience of Luke and Laura as a couple cannot be diminished.
He left the show in 1984 arm in arm with Francis' Laura and returned sans Laura in 1991 in the role of Luke's lookalike cousin Bill Eckert.
The lookalike cousin part was killed off in 1993 when Francis returned to General Hospital and Geary has played the role of Luke Spencer since.
She shot to superstardom when her character was paired first with Scott Baldwin in a story of teenage love and later with Luke Spencer.
She returned for a brief stint on the show in November of 2006 to celebrate Luke and Laura's 25th Anniversary.
The Spencers - Luke, Laura and their children Lucky and Lulu are a core family of the modern GH.
Those years featured the love stories of Luke and Laura, Robert and Holly, Anna and Duke and Frisco and Felicia.
A complaint about the current show is that many of the heroes of the action adventure years (Luke, Robert, and Frisco) are all portrayed as deadbeat dads.
Soap fans were introduced to a new style and trend in soap operas in the late 70s and early 80s as Luke and Laura adventured their way to romance and saving the world.
The Luke and Laura phenomenon surprised more the writers and producers of GH almost as much as it did the fans.
The relationship between Laura and Luke was not scripted.
In fact, when Luke Spencer approached young Laura Baldwin that night in his disco, he was a bad boy with mob ties, a bad temper and a drinking problem.
In fact, these types of storylines became very prevalent throughout the 1980s as a direct result of Luke and Laura's superstardom.
Hunks are not just eye candy, however, because Anthony Geary, arguably one of the most well known daytime soap hunks in the role of Luke Spencer is not the typical pretty face.
The first win for the soap opera occurred in 1981 during the height of Luke and Laura fame and the year that saw another daytime record broken when 30 million viewers tuned in to watch their wedding.
His record is six wins in the category of lead actor for his role as Luke Spencer on General Hospital includes 5 wins since 1999.
Francis returned for just six short weeks to commemorate the 25 years of Luke and Laura and those six weeks earned her Emmy nomination and eventual win.
In the early 2000s, Lily's son Luke struggled with his homosexuality and during a fight with his mother; she fell down the stairs and into a coma.
The storyline proved successful with fans as Luke's sexual identity was folded into typical daytime story drama.
His encounters with Marissa, the girl next door, often leads him into conflicts with Luke, her boyfriend.
For fans of Lorelai and Luke, Lorelai and Christopher, Lorelai and Max, Lorelai and Rory, Rory and Dean, Rory and Jess or Rory and Logan, the options are infinite.
From the first moment viewers see Lorelai in Luke's diner, there is a flirty spark between them.
The pair share a history in Stars Hollow and whenever there is a falling out between Luke and Lorelai, Lorelai finds herself bereft because she can't go to the diner for a cup of coffee and banter with Luke.
Fanpop Art - Some of these wallpapers are conceptual and others are straight screenshots from Gilmore Girl's season five when Luke and Lorelai explore their romance.
Days of our Lives is credited with creating the first super couple in Doug and Julie Williams (Bill and Susan Seaforth Hayes) in the early 70s long before Luke and Laura searched for an Ice Princess on General Hospital.
Anthony Geary, for example, who began his tenure as globe trotting adventurer Luke Spencer in the 70s and earned many Daytime Emmy award nominations and won the most Daytime Emmys for Lead Actor.
Jackie adventured with Luke and became involved with Robert Scorpio.
He adopted Lily's son Luke (from her marriage to Damian Grimaldi) and also shares children from his previous relationships including Abigail (from his high school sweetheart Molly) and Aaron (from his affair with Julie Wendell).
Gilmore Girls fan fiction allows fan authors to tell the stories they want to see about Lorelai, Rory, Luke and more.
We meet Luke, the gruff owner of Luke's Diner and we learn about Lorelai's passion for coffee and her estrangement from her parents.
While her first meeting with Luke is described in one episode, fan fiction allows fans to write how that meeting may have gone.
If the story details the relationship between Luke and Lorelai, particularly their dating or private moments, then setting it during the sixth season is a better choice than the seventh.
Plus, there is no fumbling with the remote to fast forward through scenes you don't really want to see like…surprise, surprise, Luke left town again or Sonny is in the middle of a mob war.
Apart from a brief stint watching GH (in the Luke and Laura days) I've mostly only watched Y&R.
The behind-the-scenes scrambling caused endless speculation and spoilers, particularly because Season Six ended on such a sour note for Luke and Lorelei fans.
Tony Geary--The soap veteran has been playing Luke Spencer on General Hospital on-and-off since 1978.
Erika's Viki Lord Buchanan is to One Life to Live what Susan Lucci's Erica is to All My Children and Anthony Geary's Luke is to General Hospital.
The actress has enjoyed working with actors such as Gary Sinise, Ellen Burstyn, Will Farrell, and Luke Wilson and more.
Viewed by more than 30 million people and featuring a silver screen legend for a guest (Elizabeth Taylor), it is no wonder that Luke Spencer's wedding to Laura Webber Baldwin is a moment well remembered.
Heroines come in all shapes and sizes on ABC soap operas from Erica Kane to Laura Spencer to Nora Buchanan while male heroes like Luke Spencer, Tad Martin and Antonio Vega are great choices for boy names.
Luke (GH) - Tony Geary's Luke is a popular boy name in any decade.
Francis is one-half of the legendary power couple, Luke and Laura.
Luke Hemsworth - The oldest of the three acting brothers, Luke played Nathan Tyson on Neighbours, then moved on to other series.
Her storylines and the addition of Anthony Geary as Luke Spencer turned the soap opera around.
Luke and Laura's wedding on General Hospital was watched by more than 30 million viewers.
During her tenure, soap operas achieved their zenith in popularity, particularly her coupling with co-star Anthony Geary, the actor who portrays Luke Spencer on the show.
Luke and Laura's wedding broke viewership records in 1981 and was honored with repeat performances on the twenty-fifth anniversary in 2006 both on SoapNet and on the ABC sudser itself.
In 1993, Francis joined Anthony Geary on screen once more as their perennial super couple Luke and Laura.
She drew the attention of producer/label owner Dr. Luke, who convinced her to drop out of high school and come to California to pursue a music career.
Kesha came close to signing with Warner while working with DAS, but Dr. Luke stepped in and blocked the deal since she was technically still under contract.
A break came in 2009, when she wandered into a recording session for fellow Dr. Luke artist Flo Rida.
Dr. Luke convinced her to jump on three Flo Rida tracks, including Right Round, which would go on to be a number one hit.
Her performance set off a major label bidding war, and she eventually signed with RCA Records, with the agreement that her album would be cross imprinted with Dr. Luke's label.
Luke won the challenge and Jacob was sent home.
The first event is the Lazy Bro Slalom Challenge, which Luke wins.
Before they leave, the guys go to a biker bar to see who can last the longest in the wrestling ring with Mario, which Luke wins.
The show features bachelor Luke Conley, who meets 20 single women in his search for his perfect mate.
Luke Conley, the bachelor on More to Love, is 26 years old.
Only later did it become Chapter IV of the saga of the Skywalkers, Luke and Anakin.
Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill), discontented farmboy who yearns to be a pilot and see the galaxy.
While Luke flies his fighter to Dagobah to find legendary Jedi Master Yoda, Han and Leia escape in the Millenium Falcon to Cloud City, where Lando (Billy Dee Williams), a smuggler friend of Han rules a community of smugglers.
Luke discovers Yoda is a tiny green troll, who can move mountains with his mind, and is a stern taskmaster.
Vader arrives to collect Leia, with which he hopes to be able to capture Luke Skywalker.
Luke, deep in Taoist monk-like training under Yoda, becomes aware of the perils of his friends through the Force, and leaves his training unfinished to come to their aid.
Arriving at Cloud City, he meets and fights Darth Vader, and Vader reveals that he is Luke's father.
He offers Luke the devil's bargain - the opportunity to help Vader overthrow the Emperor and rule with him as father and son over a dominion of slavery.
Resisting the lure, Luke throws himself off the floating city.
Leia, hearing Luke's decision through the Force, succeeds in getting Lando to swing back just in time to rescue Luke before he plummets to his death.
It ends with Han frozen, Luke half-trained, the Alliance scattered and Vader in pursuit of his son and heir.
Luke makes a more frontal assault, declaring himself at the door and claiming the title of Jedi Knight.
Jabba has him thrown the the Raccor, a dinosaur-like beast that Luke manages to slay.
In rage, Jabba decides to toss his captives to the giant sand thing; Luke, in a display of Force bravado hitherto unknown in the Star Wars films, saves his friends, defeats Jabba and destroys his court.
Returning to resume his training, Luke finds Yoda dying.
Leia and Han head to Endor with the ground team, while Luke goes to confront Vader.
Vader takes Luke to the evil Emperor, a master Force user and all-around hideous (and ugly) dude.
Vader and the Emperor both try to persuade Luke that his best bet is to join them, but Luke remains firm.
The Ewoks and rebels on Endor attack the forces protecting the field generator, and Luke battles alone against Vader and the Emperor.
Of course, when the Emperor has the upper hand and is bent on killing the recalcitrant Luke, Vader changes.
In the first three movies (Chapters four-six), the pair are often parted, as Luke needs Artoo to help him maintain his fighter when he goes to Dagobah, and Threepio hangs with Han and Leia as they run the Rebel Alliance in Luke's absence.
Getting Luke, Han, Leia and Chewbacca out of difficulties is just part of the job for these two droids, and they do it often.
Along the way, they are forced to stop at the desert world Tatooine, where they meet the young Anakin Skywalker, whom we already know is going to grow up to be Darth Vader and father of Luke Skywalker.
Bat-obsessed Vale acts as Bruce's love interest in the film, but the relationship is luke warm and the association between them seems strategically placed for the sole purpose of selling the movie, or filling the need for more conflict.
Qui-Gon was obviously the Chosen One in his generation, followed by Obi-Wan, then Anakin (whom Palpatine/Sidious corrupted), then Luke.
The embodiment of youthful energy and enthusiasm, Luke Skywalker is the protagonist of episodes IV, V, and VI.
Twin sister to Luke Skywalker and daughter of Anakin Skywalker and Padme Amidala, Princess Leia Organa is the love interest in the original three films of the franchise.
While critics and fans alike bashed the Anakin trilogy, it definitely added texture to the previous three films - particularly the sequence where the Emperor is killing Luke and Vader seems torn.
Fans are left to wonder who Vader sees in front of him, pleading for their life - Luke or Luke's mother?
Leia is a pivotal figure in the government of the New Republic while Luke is beginning to rebuild the Jedi Academy.
Perhaps the most powerful character to emerge in the Star Wars universe that did not originate in the films is Mara Jade, the future wife of Luke Skywalker and mother to his son Ben.
The ship featured numerous hiding cargo storage, including spaces under the floor panels where Han, Luke and Obi Wan hid after the ship was captured by the Death Star.
For example the name Luke means "bringer of light" and is a suitable name for the Star Wars epic hero.
When Luke Skywalker buzzes around in his landspeeder, the average fan would never associate the familiar whoosh with the roar of the Los Angeles Harbor Freeway played through a vacuum-cleaner pipe.
You hear pieces of Leia's recurring melody when she is describing the fragile memories she has of her mother and then Luke's Theme takes precedence as he reveals that not only is Darth Vader his father, but that Leia is his sister.
The use of the very familiar leitmotif as the source of Anakin and Padme's song created an emotional connection between the audience and the pairing which would eventually produce Luke, and thus Luke's Theme.
For the first trilogy, the story spun around Luke Skywalker, a farm boy who begins his quest to save a Princess and eventually an entire galaxy.
The musical scores that accompany Luke's battles with Vader contain many a poignant note amidst the bold brass, horns and drums as though the music mourns the lost relationship long before the audience is aware of it.
Among the favorite good guys is Yoda, the ancient and revered Jedi Master who is also tied to all the good guys including Obi-Wan Kenobi and Luke Skywalker.
He makes the perfect antagonist because as his character unfolds, we learn he is Luke Skywalker's father.
The character, Anakin Skywalker, is the father of Luke Skywalker and his sister Princess Leia.
This name fits Luke Skywalker's character as the protagonist who fights for the light side of the Force.
It is also said that the Star Wars creator, George Lucas, identified with this character and shortened Lucas to Luke.
The episode leaves us with a bit of hope, though, in Anakin's twin children Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia.
Luke Skywalker is now a young adult who finds himself catapulted into the heart of the Rebel Alliance.
Luke struggles with what he learns when he meets Obi-Wan Kenobi.
The older man has lived in hiding for years on Tatooine and becomes Luke's teacher and Jedi Trainer.
Obi-Wan dies in a duel with Darth Vader, but the Force is with Luke and he is the one who destroys the Empire's Death Star.
The Rebellion is defeated on the icy planet known as Hoth and Luke travels to the planet Dagobah where Master Yoda has been in hiding.
Instead the two duel and Luke experiences physical harm when he loses his hand and an emotional blow when he learns that Darth Vader is his father.
This episode brings the Star Wars saga to a close when Luke confronts his father Darth Vader one last time in a duel.
The Star Wars plotline included the story of Annakin "Luke" Starkiller, raised on a farm in a distant world, who turns out to be the hero of the tale.
The final draft for film included Luke's mentor Jedi Knight Ben Kenobi and the hero's name as Luke Skywalker.
People do dress up as Darth Vader, Luke Skywalker, Princess Leia and assorted aliens for the day, but they do this at Star Wars conventions and other events, too.
Space opera follows the tale of an average hero (Luke Skywalker) on a larger than life journey with universe altering events.
I waited to hear John Luke Grasso, and steeled myself to pretend I didn't recognize the name.
I was in a cold sweat as I drove toward town knowing John Luke Grasso was in the area!
Does the name John Luke Grasso ring any bells?
The Luke part would fit but I just can't say.
As for Luke the Fluke, he sounds like John Luke Grasso to a tee and a prime suspect for killing my friend's sister.
I see no reason not to mention my suspicion about John Luke Grasso and his connection to Willard.
John Luke Grasso, his name was so much bile on my tongue I gagged to keep it down.
There was no brief respite, no few days of safety; John Luke Grasso was here in our back yard!
I hoped to god my wife was smarter than John Luke Grasso.
John Luke Grasso is our man.
While it would take time for precise confirmation, we all knew the burned out vehicle contained the bodies of Howie Abbott and John Luke Grasso.
We don't even know if John Luke Grasso was Annie Abbott's killer
The church of St Luke is Perpendicular, enlarged in modern times.
In 1501 Bishop Luke of Prague edited the first Protestant hymn-book; in 1502 he issued a catechism, which circulated in Switzerland and Germany and fired the catechetical zeal of Luther; in 1565 John Blahoslaw translated the New Testament into Bohemian; in1579-1593the Old Testament was added; and the whole, known as the Kralitz Bible, is used in Bohemia still.
Complete works, edited by Luke Wadding (13 vols., Lyons, 1639) and at Paris (26 vols., 1891-1895).
The city's charitable institutions include the Memorial (1903), Virginia Sheltering Arms (1889) and St Luke's hospitals, the Retreat for the Sick (1877), the Eye, Nose, Ear and Throat Infirmary (1880), the Confederate Soldiers' Home (1884), supported jointly by the state and the city, a Home for Needy Confederate Women (1900), the City Almshouse and Hospital, and several orphanages and homes for the aged.
The most important parts are the homilies on Jeremiah, the books of Moses, Joshua and Luke, and the commentaries on Matthew, John and Romans.
Evanson rejected most of the books of the New Testament as forgeries, and of the four gospels he accepted only that of St Luke.
The words ascribed to Christ in Luke x.
Two treaties negotiated with the Sioux by Luke Lea, commissioner, and Governor Alexander Ramsey in 1851 opened to settlement the greater part of the land within the territory west of the Mississippi, and such an unparalleled rush to the new lands took place that a census taken in 1857 showed a population of 150,037.
The severity with which Henry treated the last rebels was regarded as a blot upon his fame; but the only case of merely vindictive punishment was that of the poet Luke de la Barre, who was sentenced to lose his eyes for a lampoon upon the king, and only escaped the sentence by committing suicide.
Loisy recognizes two eye-witness documents, as utilized by all three synoptists, while Matthew and Luke have also incorporated Mark.
Mark's narratives of the sepulture by Joseph of Arirathea and of the empty tomb are taken as posterior to St Paul; the narratives of the infancy in Matthew and Luke as later still.
He edited and revised Matthew (the 9th ed., 1897), Mark and Luke (the 9th ed., 1901), John (the 9th ed., 1902), Romans (the 9th ed., 1899), the Epistles to Timothy and Titus (the 7th ed., 1902), Hebrews (the 6th ed., 1897), the Epistles of John (the 6th ed., 1900).
This tradition is important in spite of the fact that it first comes clearly before us in a writer belonging to the latter part of the 2nd century, because the prominence and fame of Luke were not such as would of themselves have led to his being singled out to have a Gospel attributed to him.
The question of the authorship cannot, however, be decided without considering the internal evidence, the interpretation of which in the case of the Third Gospel and the Acts (the other writing attributed to Luke) is a matter of peculiar interest.
There is then strong reason for believing the tradition that Luke, the companion of the Apostle Paul, was the author of our third Gospel and the Acts.
Luke also claims that he has written "in order."
Against such the writer argues in Paul's name, as Luke had already done.
It wasn't John Luke Russo!
Our boy John Luke Grasso drives a motor home!
The detective seemed unconvinced until I told him John Luke Grasso wanted something from my friend and he might have contacted him.