Lowest Sentence Examples
Whoever receives the three lowest scores on the test will have to retake it.
They continued up a winding path toward the top of the lowest of the mountains.
The tourist group's aim was to travel to both the lowest and highest points of the country.
The north normally reaches its lowest temperatures in the month of January.
The town is amongst the healthiest in Scotland and has the lowest rainfall in the county.
The yield reached its lowest point in 1899, but subsequently increased through the application of improved machinery, while the tailings of the old diggings were treated by the cyanide process with profitable results.
The rainfall is one of the lowest in the kingdom.
It thus appears that the live stock industry is one of the most important in the state; the value of its product in 1899 exceeded its output of gold and silver, which had then reached its lowest point, by over one million dollars.
Contracts for large or important works or for the supply of large amounts of goods are usually put out to tender in order to secure the lowest price.
The largest area of wheat in the period was that of 1890, and the smallest was that of 1904; the same two years are seen to have been respectively those of highest and lowest total produce.
AdvertisementIn the highest hell rules alone the grisly king Sh'dum, "the warrior"; in the storey immediately beneath is Giv, "the great"; and in the lowest is Krun or Karkum, the oldest and most powerful of all, commonly called "the great mountain of flesh" (Third rabba d'besra), but also "the first-born of darkness."
As previously mentioned, a pair of minute jaws - the maxillulae- are present in the lowest order of insects, between the mandibles and the first maxillae.
The standing of the Trichoptera in a position almost ancestral to the Lepidoptera is one of the assured results of recent morphological study, the mobile mandibulate pupa and the imperfectly suctorial maxillae of the Trichoptera reappearing in the lowest families of the Lepidoptera.
The lowest grade tenderable used to be " low middling," but since October 1901 " good ordinary " has also been accepted.
Only the very lowest counts can be spun from cotton with " no staple," that is, with a fibre of about three-quarters of an inch.
AdvertisementThe difference between the highest and lowest price, we may observe, is a very imperfect indication of the range of movement (though, taken in conjunction with the standard deviation, it is the best at our disposal), because either of the extreme prices might be accidental and quite out of relation to all others.
Bitumen is, in its various forms, one of the most widel y -distributed of substances, occurring in strata of every geological age, from the lowest Archean rocks to those now in process of deposition, and in greater or less quantity throughout both hemispheres, from Spitzbergen to New Zealand, and from California to Japan.
Others are deprived of a part of their more volatile constituents by spontaneous evaporation, or by distillation, in vacuo or otherwise, at the lowest possible temperature.
In the Puerco, or Lowest Eocene of North America the place of the above species was taken by Euprotogonia puercensis, an animal only half the size of Phenacodus primaevus, with the terminal joints of the limbs intermediate between hoofs and claws, and the first and fifth toes taking their full share in the support of the weight of the body.
The temple is entirely of Pentelic marble, except the foundations and lowest step of the stylobate, which are of Peiraic stone, and the zophoros of the cella, which is in Parian marble.
AdvertisementMonaghan, to co-operate with the ribbonmen, and its membership seems to have been confined to the very lowest classes.
During his pontificate the church was brought to its lowest level of degradation.
No man in the 18th century did so much to create a taste for good reading and to supply it with books at the lowest prices.
It was transformed long since into a fixed amount per head of the animals taxed, which amount varies according to the region in which the tax is levied, the highest tariff being in the sanjak of Jerusalem (72 piastres) and the lowest in the Yemen (1 piastre).
In all other respects the council, provided that it kept within the limits of the laws the administration of which was entrusted to it, was to be entirely independent of the Ottoman government, free to appoint and dismiss its own officials from highest to lowest, and to carry on its administration on such lines as it thought best.
AdvertisementHere we may probably find the lowest temperatures of the northern hemisphere.
The uppermost lock is St John's, below Lechlade; the lowest is Richmond, but this is a half-tide lock, keeping the water above at a level corresponding to half that of flood tide.
The flowers, which are solitary, or rarely in pairs, at the end of slender axillary flower-stalks, are very irregular in form, with five sepals prolonged at the base, and five petals, the lowest one larger than the others and with a spur, in which collects the honey secreted by the spurs of the two adjoining stamens.
The values of the permeability corresponding to the highest and lowest temperatures are given in the following table.
Most of the permeability-temperature curves were more or less convex towards the axis of temperature, and in all the experiments except those with annealed iron and steel wire, the permeability was greatest at the lowest temperature.
Little is known of the form of the appendages in the lowest archaic Arachnida, but the tendency of those of the prosomatic somites has been (as in the Crustacea) to pass from a generalized bi-ramose or multi-ramose form to, that of uni-ramose antennae, chelae and walking legs.
There were 2847 post offices (agendas), of which 2166 were of the 4th or lowest grade.
The lowest rate of illiteracy is to be found in the southern half of the republic. Public instruction is, by constitutional provision, under secular control, but religious denominations are permitted to have their own schools.
Among the wool-carders - men of the lowest class, dwelling in the precipitous lanes about the Porta Ovile - there was an association styling itself the "company of the worm."
The series covers considerable areas in the lowest parts of the valleys and near the coast.
The lowest point is at Komati Poort, a gorge through the Lebombo hills only 476 ft.
West and north of the Drakensberg the general level of the low veld is not much below that of the lowest altitudes of the middle veld, though the climatic 1 By the Boers the western and less elevated part of the plateau is known as the middle veld.
The original top stratum is the purest, and each succeeding lower stratum has a greater proportion of impurities; the lowest consists largely of a solid or semi-solid alloy of tin and iron.
From the highest to the lowest - with the important exception of the priests - the new age of luxury wiped out the earlier simplicity.
They are extensive grassy plains, the lowest being the bed of an ancient inland lake about which is a broad terrace (mesa), the talus perhaps of the ancient encircling highlands.
Hence not only must the study of our subject include the diseases peculiar to man and the higher animals, but those of the lowest forms of animal life, and of plant life, must be held equally worthy of attention.
In a given case of anasarca due to a cause acting generally, it will be found that the liquid of the pleural cavity always contains the highest percentage of proteid, that of the peritoneal cavity comes next, that of the cerebral ventricles follows this, and the liquid of the subcutaneous areolar tissue contains the lowest.
That night the mine-fields at the mouth of the Dardanelles were cleared away, and battleships were in consequence enabled to penetrate into the lowest reaches of the defile on the morrow.
Peace returned, and during the next twenty or twenty-five years Sikhism reached its lowest ebb; but since then the demand for Sikhs in the regiments of the Indian army and farther afield has largely revived the faith.
He remained there for several years, acting as curate in one of the lowest districts, preparing his Manual of Prayers for the use of the Scholars of Winchester College (first published in 1674), and composing hymns.
New Hampshire had the highest average, 1785 lb per acre, and Mississippi the lowest, 440 Ib.
Silk is largely worn even by the lowest classes of the inhabitants.
In the King furnace, for example, the crucible, or lowest part of the furnace, is made detachable, so that when full it may be removed and an empty crucible substituted.
Separate assemblies were held in the groups for the discussion both of local and Hanseatic affairs, and gradually, but not fully until the 16th century, thegroups became recognized as the lowest stage of Hanse organization.
The lowest range of semicircular arches consists of twenty columns and the second of sixty; and above this is a row of eighteen windows in the same style separated by as many pilasters.
When the rivers are at their lowest, the garua prevails on the coast.
But during the last thirty years of the 19th century the increase in its trade was the lowest in comparison with the increase in the other great European ports.
From the geological formation here the name Trenton is applied to the upper series of the Ordovician (or Lower Silurian) system, and, particularly, to the lowest stage of this series.
By some it was developed into a complete philosophy of the world, in which matter itself is viewed as the lowest emanation from the absolute.
Plato, whose philosophy was strongly opposed to the evolution theory, distinctly inclines to the emanation idea in his doctrine that each particular thing is what it is in virtue of a pre-existent idea, and that the particulars are the lowest in the scale of existence, at the head of, or above, which is the idea of the good.
Moll is by no means of the lowest class.
It consists of two branches AC and BC, which meet in a lowest point C. It will be seen that as we increase the percentage of B from nothing up to that of the mixture C, the freezing-point becomes lower and lower, but that if we further increase the percentage of B in the mixture, the freezing-point rises.
So certain is the ore-bearing formation that engineers in estimating its auriferous contents feel justified in assuming, as a factor in their calculations, a vertical extension limited only by the lowest depths at which mining is feasible.
Emigration, by carrying off the young men and women, also reduced the Irish marriage and birth-rates, which were almost the lowest in Europe.
In front of the station is a long low island, and when the Nile is at its lowest this channel becomes dry.
The lowest layer of the molten mass is principally metallic bismuth, the succeeding layers are a bismuth copper matte, which is subsequently worked up, and a slag.
The North Atlantic maximum is the highest with water of 37.9 per mille salinity; the maximum in the South Atlantic is 37.6; in the North Indian Ocean, 36.7; the South Indian Ocean, 36.4; the South Pacific, 36.9; and the North Pacific has the lowest maximum of all, only 35'9.
Where a large area cannot be commanded, it is best to sink to the lowest point of the field for the convenience of drawing the coal and water which become level-freein regard to the pit.
In consequence of the comparatively high elevation of the country - the lowest part being S40 ft.
In 1 9 051906 the percentage of average attendance in the public schools to the number of children (between 5 and 15 years) in the state was 80; in Barnstable county it was 95, and in Plymouth 92; and the lowest rate of any county was 68, that of Bristol.
The latter is, as a general rule, fixed and unalterable, its size, position on the barrel, &c., being practically ascertained, as accurately as possible, for the lowest elevation on the back-sight.
Dogma stands lowest, not highest.
In consequence this census marks the lowest ebb of American census work.
The lowest current weight is 1 22.5 grains for sovereigns and 61.125 grains for half-sovereigns corresponding to losses by wear of about o.
The blanks are placed in the slide J and the lowest one is carried forward to the die in two successive movements of the " layer-on " K, a rod working backwards and forwards on a horizontal plate and actuating the finger L, fig.
The coins are placed in a rouleau in the hopper C and the lowest one is pushed on to the pan B by a slide not shown in the figure.
If the coin is heavier than the lowest legal weight (that is, the standard weight less the remedy) the righthand side of the beam begins to fall and the left-hand one is raised.
If the coin is heavy, S fits into the lowest step and the shoot stops over the left-hand slot.
Weak, foolish and dissolute, she made her reign one long scandal, which reduced the kingdom to the lowest depths of degradation.
Hence the note produced with any given circle of holes rises in pitch as the disk revolves more rapidly; and if, the revolution of the disk being kept as steady as possible, the tube be passed rapidly across the circles of the first series, a series of notes is heard, which, if the lowest be denoted by C, form the sequence C, C1, El, G1, C2, &c. In like manner, the first circle in which we have two sets of holes dividing the circumference, the one into say 8 parts, and the other into Io,.
The flame appears to lengthen, but if the reflection is viewed in a vertical mirror revolving about a vertical axis or in Koenig's cube of mirrors, it is seen that the flame is really intermittent, jumping up and down once with each vibration, sometimes apparently going within the jet tube at its lowest point.
Thus if a pendulum always receives a slight impulse in the direction of motion just about the lowest point, this is equivalent to an increase of the restoring force if received before passage through the lowest point, and to a decrease if received after that passage, and in either case it tends to maintain the swing.
The lowest lands are the most productive, and fertility diminishes as we ascend towards the south, until on the bleak crest of the Erzgebirge cultivation ceases altogether.
Each chain over a shore span consists of two segments, the longer attached to the tie at the top of the river tower, the shorter to the link at the top of the abutment tower, and the two jointed together at the lowest point.
Let the origin 0 betaken at the lowest point of the bent beam.
A commission was appointed to consider the best modes of retrenchment, and the outlay on shows and games was cut down to the lowest possible point.
The lowest administrative unit was the political sub-district (Bezirk) under an official (Bezirkshauptmann), who united nearly all the administrative functions which were divided among the various ministries according to their attributions.
The lowest part of the state is the surface of Big Stone Lake, .bout 970 ft.
There is a sand-bar at the entrance to the river, but at the lowest state of the tide there are 26 ft.
The lowest of these plains is the valley of the Red river, and this valley extends along the eastern edge of the state and varies in width from 25 to 70 m.
Its height above the sea-level is only 682 ft., so that it is said to be the lowest spot in Switzerland.
In its structure and cranial capacity it is entitled to a higher place in the zoological scale than any anthropoid, for it almost certainly walked erect; and, on the other hand, in its intellectual powers it must have been much below the lowest of the human race at present known.
The difference in altitude between the lowest, most northerly range, the Lower Astin-tagh, and the most southerly of the Arka-tagh ranges amounts to nearly 7500 ft.
In spite of his political reforms, he opposed the admission of the plebeians to the consulship and priestly offices; and, although these reforms might appear to be democratic in character and calculated to give preponderance to the lowest class of the people, his probable aim was to strengthen the power of the magistrates (and lessen that of the senate) by founding it on the popular will, which would find its expression in the urban inhabitants and could be most easily influenced by the magistrate.
The most famous relic of antiquity is the "Niobe of Sipylus" (Suratlu Task) on the lowest slopes of the mountain about 4 m.
Chemically pure chloride of potassium is most conveniently prepared from the pure perchlorate by heating it in a platinum basin at the lowest temperature and then fusing the residue in a wellcovered platinum crucible.
North of this salinity diminishes steadily, especially to the north-west, the Sea of Okhotsk showing the lowest salinity observed in any part of the globe.
The climate of Porthcawl is bracing, and the rainfall (averaging 25 in.) is about the lowest on the South Wales coast.
The original places and dates of these cannot yet be fixed, except for the lowest type of 138-140 grains; this belonged to Heliopolis (7), as two weights (35) inscribed of "the treasury of An" show 139.9 and 140.4, while a plain one from there gives 138.8; the variety 147-149 may belong to Hermopolis (35), according to an inscribed weight.
Another theory (3) derives the uten from 1/1000 of the cubic cubit of 24 digits, or better of 6/7 of 20.63; that, however, will only fit the very lowest variety of the uten, while there is no evidence of the existence of such a cubit.
The lowest stage is that of the civil virtues, then follow the purifying, and last of all the divine virtues.
The legal rate should be a very little above the lowest market rate; sober people will then be preferred as borrowers to prodigals and projectors, who at a higher legal rate would have an advantage over them, being alone willing to offer that higher rate.
These Seven, then, are in most systems half-evil, half-hostile powers; they are frequently characterized as " angels," and are reckoned as the last and lowest emanations of the Godhead; below them - and frequently considered as derived from them - comes the world of the actually devilish powers.
Situated on the lowest of four lakes, whose waters had only one small outlet from the valley, it was only 4 ft.
Below the lowest bridge on the river, and therefore in the neighbourhood of the shipping quarter, is the customs house (1781-1791), considered one of the chief ornaments of the city.
More familiar to the Anglo-Saxon race is the connexion between the soul and the breath; this identification is found both in Aryan and Semitic languages; in Latin we have spiritus, in Greek pneuma, in Hebrew ruach; and the idea is found extending downwards to the lowest planes of culture in Australia, America and Asia.
At the lowest level we have vague movements of large groups of muscles, as in "bier-divination," where the murderer or his residence is inferred from the actions of the bearers; of a similar character but combined with more specialized action are many kinds of witch seeking.
Inasmuch, however, as the floor on which the overlapping strata rest is, like the rest of the Laurentian and Superior Oldland, a worn-down mountain region, and as the lowest member of the sedimentary series usually contains pebbles of the oldiand rocks, the better interpretation of the relation between the two is that the visible oldiand area of to-day is but a small part of the primeval continent, the remainder of which is still buried under the Palaeozoic cover; and that the visible oldiand, far from being the first part of the continent to rise from the primeval ocean, was the last part of the primeval continent to sink under the advancing Palaeozoic seas.
The lakes were small at first, and each had its own outlet at the lowest depression in -the height of land to the south; but as the ice melted back, neighboring lakes became confluent at the level of the lowest outlet of the group; the outflowing streams grew in the same proportion and eroded a broad channel across the height of land and far down stream, while the lake waters built sand reefs or carved shore cliffs along their margin, and laid down sheets of clay on their floors.
The median age of the aggregate population is highest in New England and the Pacific states, lowest in the South, and in the North Central about equal to the countrys average.
The same sex constituted only 37-5% (34.6 0/c, in 1880) of the wage-earners of the third group; the South also showing here, as is natural in view of its colored class, much the highest and the Wescern division of states much the lowest percentage.
At one time a well-known theatre, it had degenerated into a disreputable haunt where nothing but the lowest melodramas were played.
This system, which has been employed for the lowest weir on the Moldau, and for a weir at the upper end of the Danube canal near Vienna to shut out floods and floating ice, as well as on the Seine, possesses the merits of raising all the movable parts of the weir out of water in flood-time, and rendering the working of the weir very safe and easy.
Within the Archean protaxis they are of the most varied shapes, since they represent merely portions of the irregular surface inundated by some morainic dam at the lowest point.
In many cases the lakes of Canada simply spill over at the lowest point from one basin into the next below, making chains of lakes with no long or well-defined channels between, since in so young a country there has not yet been time for the rivers to have carved wide valleys.
The lowest waters are from August to December.
The Second Column, Corresponding To The Following Year In The Lunar Cycle, Must Have All Its Epacts Augmented By 11; The Lowest Number, Therefore, In The Column Is 12, Then 13, 14, 15 And So On.
In the centre of each weight is a hole capable of admitting the lowest and thickest end of the conical stem C, and a slot is cut into it just wide enough to allow the upper part of the cone to pass.
Most of these were recruited from the lowest classes in Japan.
When he applies sensation and will to nature, and through plants to the lowest animals, he considers their sensation and will to be rudimentary and unconscious.
But even so, have plants even those lowest impulses from feelings of pain or pleasure ?
The lowest and middle divisions have not yet been excavated; the upper part at the south end of the rock was completely exposed in1884-1885by Schliemann and Dorpfeld, and the almost complete plan of the various structures clearly made out.
Grey calicoes for home use, except the lowest kinds, are comparatively pure, and of late years the heavy fillings which used to be common in bleached goods have become discredited.
It appears, therefore, that if the poorer classes of the community have the discretion to avoid the lowest qualities they may obtain very good value in serviceable goods.
Antwerp had reached the lowest point of its fortunes in 1800, and its population had sunk under 40,000, when Napoleon, realizing its strategical importance, assigned two millions for the construction of two docks and a mole.
The other six are connected to each other and to the lowest one by wire cables and pulleys in such a way that when the cable which connects the two lowest tubes is wound in by means of a winch, each of the tubes except the fixed one will rise within the next one through the same distance.
Even at the lowest ebb of his fortunes Christian had never lost hope of retrieving them, and between 1629 and 1643 the European situation presented infinite possibilities to politicians with a taste for adventure.
It was the lowest of the great offices of state and hence it was regularly the first sought by aspirants to a political career (cursus honorum) .
The Brenner (4495 ft.) is almost the lowest of all the great carriage-road passes across the main chain, and has always been the chief means of communication between Germany and Italy.
The oldest portion of the sanctuary was, however, that situated on the lowest terrace but one.
The ground at the foot of the lowest terrace is 1476 ft.
A hot-water pipe f should run along both sides of the pathway, close to the front ledge of the lowest beds.
The return pipe is connected with the boiler at or near its lowest point.
The lowest branch would have four buds retained, the end one being on the lower side of the branch.
Near the base of the stem are two prominent buds, which would produce two vigorous shoots, but these would be too near the ground, and the buds should therefore be suppressed; but, to strengthen the lower part, the weaker buds just above and below the lowest branch should be forced into growth, by making a transverse incision close above each.
Pyrites low in sulphur is incapable of sustaining its own combustion without the aid of an external source of heat, and 45% of sulphur is, for economic reasons, usually regarded as the lowest admissible for sulphuric acid manufacture.
The lowest, up to about 3000 ft., is the zone of cultivation, where vegetables, and above them where water is more scanty, vines and olives flourish.
In the German lands, the lowest level was touched, and the writings of the Augustinian canon Johann Busch, and of the Benedictine abbot Trithemius reveal a state of things in the first half of the 15th century that urgently called for reform.
In the lowest leaf is directly the point of insertion of the pair one leaf is in above the first, leaf in the node, dividing front and the other and commences the leaf into similar halves, at the back; in the the second cycle.
Here the outermost circle represents a section of that portion of the axis bearing the lowest leaf, the innermost represents the highest.
In addition to these periodical fluctuations, there are also seasonal oscillations, the level being lowest in January and highest in the summer.
Immediately on its establishment in 1221 the Third Order spread with incredible rapidity all over Italy and throughout western Europe, and embraced multitudes of men and women of all ranks from highest to lowest.
It exists in greater percentage in Indian and Ceylon teas than in those from Java, and is lowest in China and Japan teas.
Where irrigation is carried on throughout the whole year, even when the supply of the river is at its lowest, the distribution of the water becomes a very delicate operation.
It should be cut in the lowest part of the ground at the lower end or side of the meadow.
The season of its rise and its fall, and the height attained by its waters during the highest flood and at lowest Nile vary to a comparatively small extent.
From the lowest to the highest gauge of water-surface the rise is on an average 25.5 ft.
The lowest flood on record has risen only to 5.5 ft.
It has already been said that the rise of the Nile is about 251 ft., so that a canal constructed to draw water out of the river while at its lowest must be 251 ft.
As the river daily fell, of course the water in the canals fell too, and since they were never dug deep enough to draw water from the very bottom of the river, they occasionally ran dry altogether in the month of June, when the river was at its lowest, and when, being the month of greatest heat, water was more than ever necessary for the cotton crop. Thus large tracts which had been sown, irrigated, weeded and nurtured for perhaps three months perished in the fourth, while all the time the precious Nile water was flowing useless to the sea.
The Baltic has the lowest spring temperature, and the autumn there is also not characterized by an appreciably higher degree of warmth.
Rural Communes.As stated above, the lowest administrative area is the commune, whether urban or rural.
Fredericks reign is one of great importance in the history of Austria and of the house of Habsburg, but under him the fortunes of Germany sank to the lowest possible point.
The lowest part of the plain, including an area of 4500 sq.
London, for example, is built on the old shore of Lake Warren, the highest of the extinct lakes; and St Catharines, Hamilton and Toronto are on the old shore of Lake Iroquois, the lowest.
The calculated heights - all referring to the lowest border of the aurora - varied from o 6 to 67.8 km.
Regular arcs were selected in most cases, but the lowest height obtained was for a collection of rays forming a curtain which was actually situated between the two stations.
Such extremely bright auroras seem very rare, however, even in the Arctic. There is a general tendency for both bands and rays to appear brightest at their lowest parts; arcs seldom appear as bright at their summits as nearer the horizon.
The master of the barbarians fell below the lowest Hellenic level when he put the brave Rhegine general Phyton to a lingering death, and in other cases imitated the Carthaginian cruelty of crucifixion.
Continuing to rise with ever-increasing rapidity, a revenue of close on 12 millions was collected in 1901 and 1902, in spite of the fact that during the latter of these two years the Nile flood was one of the lowest on record.
And the lowest of all was the sandstone school of Silsila, which is always the worst.
Lbelow the lowest part of the rim, which is very irregular in height.
The altitude of the valleys generally increases towards the east of Transylvania, the lowest depression being found in the western part of the Maros valley.
Almost all come from the Theological lowest orders, a few from the middle classes, and none.
They undoubtedly represent the lowest grade of algal life, and their distribution rivals that of the Green Algae.
Occupying as these algae do perhaps the lowest grade of plant life, it is a matter of interest to ascertain whether a nucleus or chromatophore is differentiated in their cells, or whether the functions and properties of these bodies are diffused through the whole protoplast.
Thus Laminaria digitata, which characterizes the lowest zone, is only occasionally exposed at all, and then only for short periods of time.
The southern edge of the county is formed by the scarps and moorlands of the Carboniferous Limestone and Millstone Grit (both of which form also the outlier of Pen-ceryg-calch north of Crickhowell), while the lowest beds of the Coal Measures of the South Wales coalfield are reached in the Tawe and Neath valleys (where the beds are much folded) and near Tredegar and Brynmawr.
The lowest part of the province, the north-west end, is occupied by the Birket el Kerun, or Lake of the Horns, whose surface level is 140 ft.
The lowest of these younger rocks are the various sedimentary and volcanic members of the Old Red Sandstone.
They constitute the lowest group of the most interesting series of strata in the Highlands, and yield a large number of fossils.
The counties in which the highest percentages of illegitimate births were found were Wigtown, Dumfries, Kirkcudbright and Peebles in the south; Elgin, Banff and Aberdeen in the north-east, and Caithness in the north; the shires showing the lowest percentages were Clackmannan, Dumbarton and Shetland.
Even in the lowest class of things, we find, in each individual, form and material qualities.
Hay is never mown on the true alps save in spots which are not easily accessible to cattle (in very high spots it belongs to the mower, and is then called Wildheu), but hay-crops are made on the Mayens or Voralpen, the lowest pastures, situated between the homesteads and the true alps; these Voralpen are individual (not communal) property, though probably in olden days cut out of the true Alpen.
In 1908, in some counties, the care of paupers was still let by contract to the lowest bidder or the superintendent was paid between $1.00 and $1.80 - seldom more than $1.50 - a week for each patient, and he paid a small (or no) rent on the county farm.
Hegel's fortunes were now at the lowest ebb.
This is the lowest stage of concrete consciousness - life, and not knowledge; the spirit inspires, but does not reflect.
In general the stratified deposits lie nearly flat and in regular conformable succession, the lowest resting upon the floor of ancient crystalline rocks.
The fresh lime is continually charged into the top cylinder, is gradually moved towards the other end, falls down into the next lower cylinder and thus gradually makes its way to the lowest cylinder.
There are, moreover, traces of still more primitive walls, built of rude small stones placed one upon the other without mortar, which are in character earlier than those of Tiryns, and have their parallel in the lowest layers of Hissarlik.
The lowest beds of this series, which from their position may belong either to the Permian or to the upper part of the Carboniferous, have yielded no recognizable fossils; but they include a conglomerate which closely resembles the boulder bed near the base of the Talchir series in India.
The lowest beds consist of red grits which contain Neocomian fossils, while the middle and upper Cretaceous consist chiefly of limestone and chalk.
Griesbach, basic volcanic rocks are interbedded with the lowest part of the plant-bearing series, and enormous outbursts took place during the Neocomian period.
The lowest terminal ridges, especially towards the west, are, as has been said, naked in aspect.
In 1899 it was little over 217,000 Rx, the period of lowest intermediate depression being in 1897.
It rises very gradually from the sea at either end; the lowest point of the watershed between the Punjab rivers and the Ganges is about 924 ft.
The lowest Gondwanas are very constant in character, wherever they are found; the upper members of the lower division show more variation, and this divergence of character in different districts becomes more marked in the Upper Gondwana series.
The beds there are lower in the series than those of the Raniganj field; they belong to the upper part of the Talchir group, the lowest of the Gondwana series.
The lowest seam is the best, and this is as good as English steam coal.
The ore occurs in the middle division, coal in the highest and lowest.
In that year the name of Job Charnock, the future founder of Calcutta, appeared in the lowest grade of the staff.
The king, after a somewhat farcical occupation of Rome, which had been evacuated by the French, hurried back to Naples as soon as the French attacked his troops, and although the lazzaroni (the lowest class of the people) were devoted to the dynasty and ready to defend it, he fled with the court to Palermo in a panic on board Nelson's ships.
Tufa is also found in the lowest part of the city towards the sea in front of the few houses that have been discovered; and in the very high banks that surround them, as also in the lowest part of the theatre, there are plainly to be seen earth, sand, ashes, fragments 3 C.I.L.
Nickel sesquioxide, N1203, is formed when the nitrate is decomposed by heat at the lowest possible temperature, by a similar decomposition of the chlorate, or by fusing the chloride with potassium chlorate.
The recognition of the individual is a matter of his accidents, to which even sex belongs, and the gap from lowest universal to individual may still be conceived as unbridged.
Brooklyn is connected with Manhattan by three bridges across the East river - the lowest, known as the Brooklyn, opened in 1883; another, known as the Williamsburg or East River bridge, opened in 1903; and a third, the Manhattan, was opened in 1909.
There are only two distinct classes among the Parsees - the priests (dasturs, or high priests; mobeds, or the middle order; and herbads, or the lowest order) and the people (behadin, behdin, or "followers of the best religion").
In San Diego, Imperial and Riverside counties a number of creeks or so-called rivers, with beds that are normally dry, flow centrally toward the desert of Salton Sink or " Sea "; this is the lowest part of a large area that is depressed below the level of the sea, - at Salton 263 ft., and 275 ft.
California has the highest land and the lowest land of the United States, the greatest variety of temperature and rainfall, and of products of the soil.
These orders were supposed to occupy 365 heavens, each fashioned like, but inferior to that above it; and the lowest of the heavens was thought to be the abode of the spirits who formed the earth and its inhabitants, and to whom was committed the administration of its affairs.
It was not till after a rising of the lowest order of all, the industrial labourers, had been suppressed in 1378 (tumulto dei Ciompi, the wool-combers), that quieter times ensued under the wise leadership, first of the Albizzi and finally of the Medici.
The lowest group is on the horizon of the Calciferous Sandstone series, being visible at Corrie where it underlies the Corrie limestone, and is traceable southwards beyond Brodick.
Renevier proposed to use Silurique to cover the same period with the Cambrian as the lowest series, but these differences of treatment are merely nominal.
Jules Marcou and others have used Taconic (Taconian) as the equivalent of Cambrian, and C.Lapworth proposed to apply the same term to the lowest sub-division only; he had also used "Annelidian" in the same sense.
These formations lie at the base of the lowest Cambrian strata and may possibly be included in the pre-Cambrian, though in Norway they are clearly resting upon a striated floor of crystalline rocks.
It is thus used figuratively of the lowest depth of a person's spirits or the lowest point in a career.
The lowest recorded is 34% in Sydney, and the highest 95% at Hong Kong in 1899.
The railway from Moscow has its terminus close to the fair buildings, to the south of which is the suburb of Kunavino, widely known throughout the East as a place for amusements of the lowest kind during the fair.
Marshy soils are found along the lowest portions of the Coastal Plain, and are exceedingly productive wherever reclaimed by draining, as in portions of the Dismal Swamp. Other portions of the Coastal Plain afford more valuable soils, sandy loams overlying sandy clays.
The case of a sphere spinning about a vertical axis at, the lowest point of a spherical bowl is obtained by reversing the signs of a and c. It appears that this position is always stable.
As regards the most general motion of a spherical pendulum, it is obvious that a particle moving under gravity on a smooth sphere cannot pass through the highest or lowest point unless it describes a vertical circle.
Nothing, indeed, is more remarkable in the whole development of the caste-system than the jealous pride which every caste, from the highest to the lowest, takes in its own peculiar occupation and sphere of life.
As in the social sphere, so also in the sphere of religious belief, we find the whole scale of types represented from the lowest to the highest; and here as there, we meet with the same failure of welding the confused mass into a well-ordered whole.
Thus, the founder's twelve chief disciples include, besides Brahmans, a weaver, a currier, a Rajput, a Jat and a barber - for, they argue, seeing that Bhagavan, the Holy One (Vishnu), became incarnate even in animal form, a Bhakta (believer) may be born even in the lowest of castes.
Although it is true that there is a certain amount of gradation in the degree of development to which these organs have attained in the various orders, yet it is hardly sufficient to enable the imagination to bridge over the gap which separates Amphioxus from the lowest fishes in regard to this feature of organization.
The dealer gives three cards to each player and turns up another; if this is not lower than an eight (ace is lowest) he goes on till such a card is exposed.
The salinity of the waters is relatively great, the highest recorded being 42.7 per mille (Gulf of Suez), and the lowest 36.2 (Perim harbour).
But it should be understood that there are several tiers of galleries, and the vertical depth from the highest to the lowest is 260 ft.
There is a great gap to be bridged between the highest anthropoid and the lowest man, and much importance has been attached to the discovery of an extinct primate, Pithecanthropus, which has been regarded as the "missing link."
A number of officers, as well as of men in civil life, were mixed up in the plot, while the methods employed were the lowest forms of anonymous slander; but at the first breath of exposure every one concerned hurried to cover up his part in it, leaving Conway to shoulder both the responsibility and the disgrace.
In its lowest portions just behind the front ranges are the natural "parks" - great plateaus basined by superb enclosing ranges; and to the west of these, and between them, and covering the remainder of the state east of the plateau region, is an entanglement of mountains, tier above tier, running from north to south, buttressed laterally with splendid spurs, dominated by scores of magnificent peaks, cut by river valleys, and divided by mesas and plateaus.
The lowest monthly mean in 16 years (1887-1903) was 17.30.
Running through the different national systems there are some common elements the result not of inheritance merely but still more of necessity, or at the lowest of similarity in environment.
Following this summary philosophy come the sciences proper, rising like a pyramid in successive stages, the lowest floor being occupied by natural history or experience, the second by physics, the third, which is next the peak of unity, by metaphysics.
The quotations for the various kinds of flaxes are made with one or other special mark termed a base mark; this usually, but not necessarily, indicates the lowest quality.
The lowest quality of Riga flax is marked DW, meaning Dreiband Wrack.
The Great Schism of 1811 marks in fact the lowest point to which the fortunes of the once powerful and popular Church in Wales had sunk; - in 1811 there were only English-speaking prelates to be found, whilst the abuses of non-residence, pluralities and even nepotism were rampant everywhere.
On the side of Nature the lowest rank (r) seems to belong to what Usener has designated " momentary " or " occasional " gods.'
C. grade has been as high as £40 per ton, while its lowest recorded price is £12.
He was commissioned commodore on the 6th of February 1898, and on the 24th of March, although lowest on the list of commodores, he was put in command of the "flying squadron," with the "Brooklyn" as his flagship, for service in the war with Spain.
The tides being lowest on the north coast of the province, the scheme of the Waterstaat, the government department (dating from 1879), provides for the largest removal of superfluous surface water into the Lauwerszee.
In this adjustment the lowest stage is taken by 'reflex action and instinct, where Spencer the change of the organs is purely automatic. As the external complexity increases, this automatic regularity fails; there is only an incipient excitation of the nerves.
The following table shows this; the figures for 1893 are given as the lowest during the period.
The immediate effect however of what Knox thus approved was to bring his cause to its lowest ebb, and on the very day when Mary rode from Holyrood to her army, he sat down and penned the prayer, "Lord Jesus, put an end to this my miserable life, for justice and truth are not to be found among the sons of men!"
The birth-rate between 1876 and 1900 averaged 28.51 per thousand; the death-rate between 1891 and 1900 was 16.36 per thousand, the lowest ever recorded over such a period for any European country.
The lowest mortality is found in the districts about Lakes Vener and Vetter; the highest in Norbotten, the east midland districts, Skane, and Goteborg och Bohus Lan.
In the three lowest classes (out of a total of nine) a single system of instruction is practised; thereafter there are classical and scientific sides.
The higher rates are designed chiefly to protect national industries, while wines, liquors, cigars and tobacco are admitted at the lowest rate.
Each of the four co-ordinates, n', x', y are functions of %, rj, x, y; and if it be assumed that the field of view and the aperture be infinitely small, then, n, x, y are of the same order of infinitesimals; consequently by expanding ', ii', x', y in ascending powers of E, rt, x, y, series are obtained in which it is only necessary to consider the lowest powers.
On account of the aberrations of all rays which pass through 0, a patch of light, depending in size on the lowest powers of E, x, y which the aberrations contain, will be formed in the plane I'.
Meanwhile, the Roman Empire was at the lowest ebb.
The pay of the police is principally provided from fiscal sources and varies in an ascending scale from 1125 marks and lodging allowance for the lowest class of constable.
The impulse of self preservation in nature is the lowest form of religion; above this comes animal religion; and finally rational religion, the perfection of which consists in perfect knowledge, pure volition and love, and is union with God.
Matters got to such a climax of disorder, disturbance and confusion, from the highest to the lowest strata of Spanish society, that the president of the executive, Figueras, deserted his post and fled the country.
Among the most surprising features of cave scenery are the vertical shafts that pierce through all levels, from the uppermost galleries, or even from the sink-holes, down to the lowest floor.
On a large platform rose seven solid terraces, each smaller than the one below it, the lowest being 272 ft.
The lowest of its three floors contains the Egyptian museum; on the first floor plaster casts of ancient, medieval and modern sculpture are found, while the second contains a cabinet of engravings.
The mean annual rainfall for the entire state in 1903 was 16.60 in.; the highest amount recorded was at Murray, Shoshone county (37.7 0 in.) and the lowest was at Garnet, Elmore county (5.69 in.).
Education is well advanced, and Bohemia has the lowest proportion of illiterates amongst the Austrian provinces.
For fifty-eight days Nadir Shah remained in Delhi, and when he left he carried with him a treasure in money amounting, at the lowest computation, to eight or nine millions sterling, besides jewels of inestimable value, and other property to the amount of several millions more.
There is no difference between the seasons, which, though the islands belong to the northern hemisphere, have the highest' temperature in January and the lowest in July.
It sinks lowest where the estuary of the Humber gathers in its main tributaries, and the greater part of the surface is covered with recent alluvial deposits.
The pressure at any given latitude is normally highest in the centre of the country and on the east coast, and lowest on the west coast.
The proportion of males to females is moo to 1068, this being a higher proportion of females than any recorded in the 19th century, during which the lowest proportion of females was 1036 in 1821.
It is lowest, naturally, in the mining districts, as Glamorgan, Monmouth, Durham, Northumberland; but an exception may be noted in the case of Cornwall, where a high proportion of females is attributed to the emigration of miners consequent upon the relative decrease in importance of the tin-mines.
The marriage-rate per thousand has ranged since 1841 from 14.2 in 1886 to 17.6 in 1873, and is evidently closely associated with the general prosperity of the country, for in the latter year the value of the total imports and exports per head of the population of the United Kingdom was at its highest, and in the former year at its lowest.
The lowest coccygeal vertebrae of man remain as a rudimentary tail.
Among these is the argument from the numerous borings made in the alluvium of the Nile valley to a depth of 60 ft., where down to the lowest level fragments of burnt brick and pottery were always found, showing that people advanced enough in the arts to bake brick and pottery have inhabited the valley during the long period required for the Nile inundations to deposit 60 ft.
An examination of the details of savage life shows not only that there is an immeasurable difference between the rudest man and the highest lower animal, but also that the least cultured savages have themselves advanced far beyond the lowest intellectual and moral state at which human tribes can be conceived as capable of existing, when placed under favourable circumstances of warm climate, abundant food, and security from too severe destructive influences.
The Australian black-fellow or the forest Indian of Brazil, who may be taken as examples of the lowest modern savage, had, before contact with whites, attained to rudimentary stages in many of the characteristic functions of civilized life.
The comparative science of civilization thus not only generalizes the data of history, but supplements its information by laying down the lines of development along which the lowest prehistoric culture has gradually risen to the highest modern level.
The Bengal native army was their tool, which circumstances put into their hands at the psychological moment when British power seemed to be at its lowest point.
This quarter has wide airy streets and lofty houses, and though perhaps the houses were let at prices which were beyond the purses of the lowest class, the result of their erection was to cause a number of the poorer houses in the old town to be vacated, thus giving an opportunity to the lowest class to be at any rate better housed than they were before.
At an early stage of development a large cell makes its appearance in the central region of the nucellus; this increases in size and eventually forms three cells; the lowest of these grows vigorously and constitutes the megaspore (embryo-sac),which ultimately absorbs the greater part of the nucellus.
Adiantum; the lowest vein in each half of the lamina follows a course parallel to the edge, and gives off numerous branches, which fork repeatedly as they spread in a palmate manner towards the leaf margin.
In the Abietineae the cells of the middle tier elongate and push the lowest tier deeper into the endosperm; the cells of the bottom tier may remain in lateral contact and produce together one embryo, or they may separate (Pinus, Juniperus, &c.) and form four potential embryos.
They are of large amount, even at the lowest rates of I to 4 per cent.
The standard of comfort is lowest along the Danube and in parts of the Dobrudja.
It is an undulating country, for the most part well drained, but swampy in its lowest portions.
It was long an ordinary practice with pious writers to cite Bunyan as an instance of the supernatural power of divine grace to rescue the human soul from the lowest depths of wickedness.
The absence of lines of the spectrum of any element from the solar spectrum is no proof that the element is absent from the sun; apart from the possibility that the high temperature and other circumstances may show it transformed into some unknown mode, which is perhaps the explanation of the absence of nitrogen, chlorine and other non-metals; if the element is of high atomic weight we should expect it to be found only in the lowest strata of the sun's atmosphere, where its temperature was nearly equal to that of the central globe, and so any absorption line which it showed would be weak.
Psychology is with Cabanis directly linked on to biology, for sensibility, the fundamental fact, is the highest grade of life and the lowest of intelligence.
The lowest member (Table Mountain Sandstone) consists of sandstones with subordinate bands of shale.
The lowest beds contain many fossils, including Phacops, Homalonotus, Leptocoelia, Spirifer, Chonetes, Orthothetes, Orthoceras, Bellerophon.
Ferdinand grew up athletic, but ignorant, ill-bred, addicted to the lowest amusements; he delighted in the company of the lazzaroni (the most degraded class of the Neapolitan people), whose dialect and habits he affected, and he even sold fish in the market, haggling over the price.
The lowest part of the course, between the socalled green milestones, is done at a run.
The lowest part of the surface of this rock was reached after excavating through alluvial deposits to a depth of about 70 ft., but owing to its fissured and cavernous nature it became necessary to excavate to much greater depths, reaching in places more than 120 ft.
The former must occupy the lowest part of the natural hollows, and the latter must run in the line of the greatest slope of the ground.
A main receiving drain was to be carried along the lowest part of the ground, with sub-drains in every subordinate hollow that the ground presented.
In consequence of the Norman Conquest and of the formation of the common law the tenure was developed into the lowest form of freehold.
In Khandesh the indigenous plant from which one of the lowest classes of cotton in the Bombay market takes its name has been almost entirely superseded by the superior Hinganghat variety.
This denominator must, if the fractions are in their lowest terms (§ 54), be a multiple of each of the denominators; it is usually most convenient that it should be their L.C.M.
But in measuring a distance we may find that it is " between " two distances differing by a unit of the lowest denomination used, and a subdivision of this unit follows naturally.
The pth root of a number (§43) may, if the number is an integer, be found by expressing it in terms of its prime factors; or, if it is not an integer, by expressing it as a fraction in its lowest terms, and finding the pth roots of the numerator and of the denominator separately.
If the denominator of the fraction, when it is in its lowest terms, contains any other prime factors than 2 and 5, it cannot be expressed exactly as a decimal; but after a certain point a definite series of figures will constantly recur.
The tuath was the political unit, and the ruler of it was the lowest to whom the term "king" was applied.
At the beginning of the 4th century a system came into use by which penitents undergoing discipline were divided into four grades, the lowest being the mourners, then the hearers, the kneelers and the consistentes (standing).
The lowest point in the state in its south-east part, in Montgomery county, is 725 ft.
The lowest point of her fortunes had been reached under the administration of Margaret of Anjou, during the weary years that preceded the outbreak of the civil wars in 1459.
As far as government was concerned, when Henry Pelharn died (1754) the lowest depth of baseness seemed to have been reached.
Its lowest one, the Itaboca cataract, is about 130 m.
With the exception of the lowest group, such glands always communicate with the exterior by means of the teats, nipples or mammae, from which the class derives its name.
A four-chambered heart, with a complete double circulation, and warm blood (less markedly so in the lowest group than in the rest of the class), distinguish mammals from existing reptiles, although not from birds.
The Insectivora are certainly the lowest group of existing placental mammals, and exhibit many signs of affinity with marsupials; they may even be a more generalized group than the latter.
The summit is a plateau from which three rocky knolls rise up, that on the west being the lowest, that on the south-east the highest.
In the former case the gas traverses pipes exposed to the atmosphere and so placed that the resulting products of condensation may be collected at the lowest point.
The lowest elevations are in the southern and central portions of the state, where the altitude averages between 580 and 600 ft.
The lowest tenant of all was the freeholder, or, as he was sometimes termed tenant paravail.
Before it receives the Voronezh the Don has a breadth of 500 to 700, or even in a few places loon ft., while its depth varies from 4 to 20 ft.; by the time it reaches its most eastern point the depth has increased to 8-50 ft., and the ordinary breadth to 700 -1000 ft., with an occasional maximum of 1400 ft.; in the lowest division the depth is frequently 70 ft., and the breadth in many places 1870 ft.
It might have been said that even at that time intrigue to get rid of him had yet to cease in his own party; and but a few years before, a man growing old, he was still in the lowest deeps of his disappointments and humiliations.
A central series of cells can be distinguished in it, the lowest of which is the ovum; above this come a, Equisetum.
Lankester (5) has shown (and his views have been accepted by Professors Korschelt and Heider in their treatise on Embryology) that the limb of the lowest Crustacea, such as Apus, consists of a corm or axis which may be jointed, and gives rise to outgrowths, either leaf-like or filiform, on its inner and outer margins (endites and exites).
The average elevation above the sea-level is 1640 ft.; the lowest point is at Bottingen (410 ft.), where the Neckar quits the country; the highest is the Katzenkopf (3775 ft.), on the Hornisgrinde, on the western border.
At the same time the National Guard was opened to the lowest class.
The National Guard was reorganized so as to exclude the lowest class.
Two years later he took up Calvert's work on the former site, and, convinced that Troy must be on the lowest level, hewed his way down, regardless of the upper strata, wherein lay unseen the remains of which he was really in search.
It is only the lowest form of virtue - the " civic " virtue of Plato's Republic - that is employed in regulating those animal impulses whose presence in the soul is due to its mixture with the body; higher or philosophic wisdom, temperance, courage and justice are essentially purifications from this contagion; until finally the highest mode of goodness is reached, in which the soul has no community with the body, and is entirely turned towards reason.
In its lowest parts this plain barely keeps above sea-level, but it rises gradually towards the interior, terminating in a ramification of valleys.
It is highest on the tableland, on the north side of Vatnajokull, and lowest on the north-west peninsula, to the south of North Cape.
It is on the south side of Vatnajokull that they descend lowest; the lower end of Breidamerkurjokull was in the year 1894 only 30 ft.
Of the primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols having the same empirical formula, the primaryhave the highest, and the tertiary the lowest boiling point; this is in accordance with the fairly general rule that a gain is symmetry is attended by a fall in the boiling point.
His letters and his poems abound in impudent demands for money from patrons, some of them couched in language of the lowest adulation, and others savouring of literary brigandage.
Between these years the numbers fluctuated widely-1852 showing the highest total, 190,322 souls, and 1905 the lowest, 30,676 souls.
But Tyrone and Tyrconnel, and the mountains everywhere, sheltered the Celtic race, which, having reached its lowest point under Edward I., began to recover under his son.
The lowest members of these rest directly upon the central mass of crystalline rocks, and consist of sandstones, conglomerates and shales, which have been supposed by some to belong to the Trias, without, however, the discovery of any fossil necessary to confirm this supposition, except some silicified trunks of trees.
It is the lowest part of a ridge which slopes from Majuba to the Buffalo river, and before the opening of the railway in 1891 the road over the nek was the main artery of communication between Durban and Pretoria.
Again, the study of the evolution of human institutions from the lowest savagery to civilization is essentially a novel branch of research, though ideas derived from an unsystematic study of anthropology are at least as old as Aristotle.
The lowest contemporary savages remember little or nothing of any ancestor farther back than the grandfather.
But it is found that among the lowest or least cultured races, such as the south-eastern tribes of Australia, who do not propitiate ancestral spirits by offerings of food, or address them in prayer, there often exists a belief in an " All-Father," to use Howitt's convenient expression.
As an almost universal rule, in the lowest culture, no prayers are addressed to this being; he has no sacrifices, no dwelling made with hands; and the images of him, in clay, that are made and danced round with invocations of his name at the tribal ceremonies of initiation, are destroyed at the close of the performances.
The All-Father belief is most potent among the lowest races, and always tends to become obsolete under the competition of serviceable ancestral spirits, or gods made in the image of such spirits, who can be bribed by sacrifices or induced by prayers to help man in his various needs.
Thus the doctrines of evolution and of creation, or the making of things, stand apart, or blend, in the metaphysics and religion of the lowest and least progressive of known peoples.
It has already been shown that the lowest and least intellectual races indulge in local animal-worship, each stock having its parent bird, beast, fish, or even plant, or inanimate object.
The survivals of rites, objects of worship, and sacrifices like these prove that religious conservatism in Greece retained much of savage practice, and the Greek mythology is not less full of ideas familiar to the lowest races.
Elsewhere the coast lowlands merely form the lowest steps of the system of terraces which constitutes the ascent to the inner plateaus.
The most striking feature is the existence of two great lines of depression, due largely to the subsidence of whole segments of the earth's crust, the lowest parts of which are occupied by vast lakes.
The lowest is the Triassic Keuper found in the Isle of Axholme and the valley of the Trent in the form of marls, sandstone and gypsum.
The Kimeridge clay is succeeded by the Spilsby sandstone, Tealby limestone, Claxby ironstone, and carstone which represent the highest Jurassic and lowest Cretaceous rocks.
The Benue reaches its greatest height in August or September, begins to fall in October, falls rapidly in November and slowly in the next three months, and reaches its lowest in March and April, when it is fordable in many places, has no perceptible flow and at the confluence begins to be covered with the water-weed Pistia Stratiotes.
Here the river is at its lowest in April and May; in June it is subject to great fluctuations; about the middle of August it usually begins to rise; and its maximum is reached in September.
On the west another rough and hilly tract, similar to that which divides it from the Sierra de Guadarrama in the east, separates it from the Sierra de Gata, the westernmost and the lowest of the Spanish sierras belonging to the series.
In granting a concession for a new railway the practice is to give it to the company that offers to construct it with the lowest subvention.
The war destroyed the fisheries, which steadily declined, reaching their lowest ebb from 1820 to 1840.
But the practical end of all his writings is to inculcate bhakti addressed to Rama as the great means of salvation - emancipation from the chain of births and deaths - a salvation which is as free and open to men of the lowest caste as to Brahmans.
The oils and fats are distributed throughout the animal and vegetable kingdom from the lowest organism up to the most highly organized forms of animal and vegetable life, and are found in almost all tissues and organs.
The lowest specific gravity is owned by the oils belonging to the rape oil group - from 0.913 to 0.916.
In Colombia the three principal chains are continuations of those under the equator, and show very slight traces of volcanic action, In the western chain, which is remarkable for its regularity, the highest peak is 11,150 ft., and the lowest pass 6725 ft.
U1 - U', leaf-traces, numbered according to the phyllotaxis, It 5 belonging to the lowest leaf of the five; ph, a group of primary phloem; pd, periderm, formed from pericycle.
The flora of Bovey is like that of the lignite of the Wetterau, which is either highest Oligocene or lowest Miocene.
It is situated on a hill, so that the lowest part is about 1000, the highest 1485, ft.
The condition of the peasantry, however, during this reign reached its lowest point, and the " recess," or charter, of 1653 practically recognizes the existence of villenage.
Usually the highest temperatures of the year are in July and the lowest in January.
The earthy matters form a fusible glass or slag melt, and collect at the lowest point of the hearth, whence they are removed by opening a hole pierced through the front wall at the bottom.
Among the lowest races the culture-hero commonly wears a bestial guise, is a spider (Melanesia), an eagle hawk (in some myths and south-east Australia), a coyote (north-west America), a dog or raven (Thlinkeet), a mantis insect (Bushman), and so forth, yet is endowed with human or even super-human qualities, and often shades off into a permanent and practically deathless god.
Lowest count gets the single.
It made me cry that I, who so short a time past was one of their ranks, is now shunned by a member of even this, the lowest profession.
Frustrated he couldn't help Katie while Ully was out, Toby started off again into the jungle, looking at each tree until he found one he thought he could climb. He leapt to the lowest branch, which slithered in his grip before it wrapped around him.
The attempt to win adherents requires the appeal to the lowest common denominator.
African-American men have the lowest life the dinosaurs to.
The lowest layer contains ammonites from the topmost zone of the Middle Lias.
The three monthly average of sales has fallen to the lowest level since April 2000, with the underlying trend indicating modest volume growth.
Pity the Standby mode display backlight lowest setting is too bright for bedroom use.
The map shows areas of sandy sediment in less than 20 m water depth using bathymetry calculated to the Lowest Astronomical Tide datum.
With proxy bidding you will pay the lowest possible price until someone else places a higher bid.
The impact on Germany is especially high, since the country has the lowest birthrate in Western Europe.
The lowest birthrates are in the more developed countries, where food is most abundant.
For some reason she is wearing her shortest skirt and her lowest cut blouse.
And its largest boughs are the lowest on the boughs they spring from.
The lowest unit, the Llandovery Series, comprises coarse sandstones and conglomerates and siltstones with abundant fossil brachiopods and trilobites.
Fox will give you a car rental rate that is guaranteed to be the lowest among all major car rental companies.
A 21 key chanter is also possible with a reflexed bore to bring the lowest keys within reach - compass g to b 11.
There are now just 8 traveling animal circuses, the lowest number ever.
Your main consideration is finding the lowest common denominator of the people who will be viewing the image.
Why do we always have to use the lowest common denominator?
In many cases this has led to the adoption of measures reflecting the lowest common denominator among Member States.
A Europe scaling the heights of ambition; not seeking the lowest common denominator.
Sadly, in the rush for the lowest common denominator, others are unlikely to follow our lead.
Look at the 6 and the 9. What's the lowest common multiple of 6 and 9?
Overall, prices still remained exceptionally competitive, with lowest price still dominating the decision making process.
A condensate drain, fitted to the lowest point of the separator bowl removes the condensate.
A condensate drain, fitted to the lowest point of the separator bowl removes the condensate drain, fitted to the lowest point of the separator bowl removes the condensate.
The lowest frequency leads to the chair conformation, and the second lowest to the twist boat.
Location of the global minimum structure (lowest energy folding conformation ), however, is a difficult optimization problem.
Senegal can also claim the lowest level of cancers on the African continent.
Guitar bows and pigeon coos and where is the lowest level of fondness and longing and sorrow in a house?
Yet these same cretins support the age of criminal responsibility being ten, one of the lowest figures in the world.
The lowest decile hourly earnings in the private sector was under £ 5.00 compared with £ 5.78 in the public sector.
Of a failed a few large variety of lowest car insurance rate deductibles.
Our interest is to maintain the nuclear deterrence which has been established at the lowest possible level.
This allowed the temperature on the grass to fall to -1.8C, the lowest of the month, that froze dew formed.
Discus for sale quality discus for sale quality discus at lowest prices Many strains.. .
This has caused disillusionment in a private sector reluctant to waste bidding costs where lowest price wins at the end of the day.
He was at the lowest ebb I've ever seen him " .
The goal is to find visual characteristics of the domain which determine or at least estimate the lowest eigenvalue.
The contents of O and Mg were lowest in the thick rodless enamel of the surface layer, and highest in the deep layer.
Online lenders are offering home equity loans with the lowest interest rates in years.
To generate customer footfall into the 280 stores nationwide, highlighting top quality beds at the lowest prices.
I felt ghastly - this was the start of the lowest period in my life.
The aim should be to resolve the grievance at the lowest relevant level.
But even when bonuses are stripped out, earnings growth slowed to 3.9 %, the lowest since February 2004.
This year's poppy harvest will be the highest ever and the price of heroin on our streets is the lowest ever.
Those with the lowest baseline hemoglobin had the greatest increase in hemoglobin.
There was a clear dose related increase in parathyroid gland hyperplasia from the lowest dose 400 ppm.
Illinois indiana Michigan lowest average calculated take years says.
The gypsum underlay has survived well and still bears clear imprints of the lowest layer of blocks.
The lowest order contributions to the partition function will come from metrics with a U1 isometry, and given behavior at infinity.
The lowest premium approved Fannie mae month i was is the company.
From the head of the Church down to the lowest, dirtiest religious mendicant, the Church was one mass of seething corruption.
The lowest score was by Peter Manning in the blue & white midget with Bill Bennett in his J2 not far behind.
The Cyclops is totally mindless and instinctive, the lowest depths of mental deficiency capable of post-natal existence.
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Of the people in the lowest quintile by income, 58% of their journeys are entirely on foot.
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The records of convocation in Chicheley's time are a curious mixture of persecutions for heresy, which largely consisted in attacks on clerical endowments, with negotiations with the ministers of the crown for the object of cutting down to the lowest level the clerical contributions to the public revenues in respect of their endowments.
If the mean of the gradients observed at the ground and at 1500 metres be taken as an approximation to the mean value of the gradient throughout the lowest 1500 metres of the atmosphere, we find for the potential at 1500 metres level 112,500 volts.
The lowest of these slides reposes upon a foundation-plate pp, into one end of which the screw s is tapped.
The Tigris begins to rise about the middle of November and is highest in May and June, and lowest in September and October, The principal towns on its banks are Diarbekr (anc. Amida), on the western branch; Bitlis, on the eastern branch; Mosul; Tekrit, a town dating from Persian days, said to have been founded by Shapur I.
The first to attempt to define pitch would seem to have been Arnold Schlick (Musica ausgeteutscht and ausgezogen, Heidelberg, 1 511), who gives a measure, a line of 4s Rhenish inches, which, he says, multiplied sixteen times, should be the lowest F of a small organ.
These attributes jarred on the sensitive Ritson, who racked his brains for contumelious epithets such as "stupid and disgusting," "cart-loads of rubbish," &c.; and during the greater part of the 18th and 19th centuries Lydgate's reputation was at its lowest ebb.
Taking the first class of courts, which have both civil and criminal jurisdiction, the lowest tribunal in the system is that of the juge de paix.
He regards the Australians as representing the lowest and most primitive examples of this primitive Caucasic type, and he urges that they must have arrived in Australia at a time when their ancestors had no pottery, knew no agriculture, domesticated no animals, had no houses and used no bows and arrows.
Still farther south-east, Potenza has almost the coldest climate in Italy, and certainly the lowest summer temperatures.
Birth and marriage rates vary considerably, being highest in the centre and south (Umbnia, the Marches, Apulia, Abruzzi and Molise, and Calabria) and lowest in the north (Piedmont, Liguria and Venetia), and in Sardinia.
The death-rate is highest in Apulia, in the Abruzzi and Molise, and in Sardinia, and lowest in the north, especially in Venetia and Piedmont.
The districts of Italy which show between 1881 and 1903 the greatest increase of new institutions, or of gifts to old ones, are Lombardy, Piedmont, Liguria, while Sardinia, Calabria and Basilicata stand lowest, Latium standing comparatively low.
Lombardy, with 25 lawsuits per 1000 inhabitants, holds the lowest place; Emilia comes next with 3!
The ratio of voters to qualified electors tends to increase; it is highest in Campania, Basilicata and in the south generally; the lowest percentages are given by Einilia and Liguria.
This method of classification, though formally accurate, has slight value in the exact sciences, partly because at every step one of the two groups is merely negatively characterized and therefore incapable of real subdivision; it is useful, however, in setting forth clearly the gradual descent from the most inclusive genus (summum genus) through species to the lowest class (infima species), which is divisible only into individual persons or things.
Hence, in a colony of calyptoblastic hydroids, the oldest polyp of a system is the lowest; the youngest polyp is the top F =most one; and the axis of the system is a false axis composed of portions of each of the consecutive polyps.
Thus, though he looked on species as fixed, being the realization of an unchanging formative principle (c0vis), he seems, as Ueberweg observes, to have inclined to entertain the possibility of a spontaneous generation in the case of the lowest organisms.
Thus man approaches the beasts, and the animal kingdom is nearly joined with the vegetable, and so on down to the lowest and " most inorganical parts of matter."
Robinet, in his treatise De la nature, worked out the same conception of a gradation in organic existence, connecting this with a general view of nature as a progress from the lowest inorganic forms of matter up to man.
He prepares the way, too, for a doctrine of evolution by his monistic idea of the substantial similarity of all things, inorganic and organic, bodily and spiritual, and still more by his conception of a perfect gradation of existence from the lowest " inanimate " objects, whose essential activity is confused representation, up to the highest organized beingman - with his clear intelligence.'
This writer, by his conception of the world as will which objectifies itself in a series of gradations from the lowest manifestations of matter up to conscious man, gives a slightly new shape to the evolutional view of Schelling, though he deprives this view of its optimistic character by denying any co-operation of intelligence in the world-process.
The accurate investigation of the lowest forms of animal life, commenced by Leeuwenhoek and Swammerdam, and continued by the remarkable labours of Reaumur, Abraham Trembley, Bonnet, and a host of other observers in the latter part of the 17th and the first half of the 18th centuries, drew the attention of biologists to the gradation in the complexity of organization which is presented by living beings, and culminated in the doctrine of the echelle des titres, so powerfully and clearly stated by Bonnet, and, before him, adumbrated by Locke and by Leibnitz.
The groups of Fungi, Licheneae and Algae have completely run into one another, and, when the lowest forms of each are alone considered, even the animal and vegetable kingdoms cease to have a definite frontier.
The older method was to attempt the comparison between the highest member of a lower group and the lowest member of a higher group - to suppose, for example, that the gorilla and the chimpanzee, the highest members of the apes, were the existing representatives of the ancestors of man and to compare these forms with the lowest members of the human race.
In the natural process of growth, the gap must necessarily be wider between the summits of the twigs than lower down, and, instead of imagining " missing links," it is necessary to trace each separate branch as low down as possible, and to institute the comparisons between the lowest points that can be reached.
The mystic erratic temperament of Otto, alternating between the most magnificent schemes of empire and the lowest depths of self-debasement, was not conducive to the welfare of his dominions, and during his reign the conditions of Germany deteriorated.
Thallophyta.The simplest members of both the Algae and the Fungi (q.v.) (the two divisions of the Thailophyta, which is the lowest of the four great groups into which the plant-kingdom is divided) have their bodies each composed of a single cell.
The lowest Hepaticae have an extremely simple vegetative structure, little more advanced than that found in some of the higher Green Algae and very much simpler than in the large Red and Brown Seaweeds.
In this connection, it is interesting that in the east of England with the lowest summer rainfall of this country, many common sciophytes are absent or rare in the woods, such, for example, as Melica uniflora, Allium ursinum, Lychnis dioica, OxalsY Acetosella, and Asperula odorata.
All but the lowest plants visibly tend towards or actually achieve in various degrees the differentiation of the body, whether sporophyte or gametophyte, into stem, leaf, root, &c., that is, the differentiation of parts not previously present.
Here there is a clear and formal statement of the interaction and causal relation of all the phenomena of distribution on the earth's surface, including the influence of physical geography upon the various activities of mankind from the lowest to the highest.
On large-scale maps it is necessary to show two coast-lines, one for the highest, the other for the lowest tide; but in small-scale maps a single line is usually wider than is required to Coast- represent the whole breadth of the inter-tidal zone.
A stream flowing into a hollow will tend to fill it up, and Lake s sad the water will begin to escape as soon as its level rises high Interna l enough to reach the lowest part of the rim.
Wherever the relief of the land is pronounced, roads and railways are obliged to occupy the lowest ground winding along the valleys of rivers and through passes in the mountains.
In comparison with all other vertebrates the number of neck-vertebrae of the birds is considerably increased; the lowest number, 14 to 15, is that of most Passeres and many other Coraciomorphae; the largest numbers, 20 or 21, are found in the ostrich, 23 in Cygnus olor and 25 in the black swan.
Accordingly their disproportionate prevalence in South America points unerringly to the lower rank of the avifauna of the region as a whole, and therefore to the propriety of putting it next in order to that of the Australian region, the general fauna of which is admittedly the lowest in the world.
At the lowest computation 37 genera seem to be peculiar to it, though it is certain that species of several are regularly wont to wander beyond its limits in winter seeking a southern climate.
At the 1899 show, for example, the highest proportion of the carcase weight to live weight was 68% in the case of an Aberdeen-Angus steer and of a Cheviot wether, whilst the lowest was 61%, afforded alike by a Shorthorn-Sussex cross-bred heifer and a mountain lamb.
On the lowest levels the southern forms, the Ficus sycomorus and the date-palm, appear, and increase in the direction of Egypt (see Lebanon and Palestine).
For, on the expulsion of the thirteen from the palace, a council of 124 plebeians created a new magistracy of twelve difensori (defenders), no longer drawn exclusively from the order of the twelve, but composed of five of the popolo minuto, or lowest populace (now first admitted to the government), four of the twelve, and three of the nine.
The specific gravity is highest in anthracite and lowest in lignite, bituminous coals giving intermediate values (see Table I.).
All gold coins received at the Bank are weighed on automatic balances (see below) and those below the lowest legal current weight are separated.
The percentage of illegitimate births (2.6) is the lowest in Germany.
At one time a wellknown theatre, it had degenerated into a disreputable haunt where nothing but the lowest melodramas were played.
At the Restoration many changes were made, the old military and religious orders were restored, and the Legion of Honour, now Ordre Royale de la Legion d'Honneur, took the lowest rank.
Now, as some of the remains at the Heraeum correspond to the two lowest layers of Hissarlik, the evidence of the Argive temple leads us far beyond the date assigned to the Mycenaean age, and at least into the second millennium B.C. (see also Aegean Civilization).
The native town is yearly extending, and though most of the inhabitants are small shop-keepers and coolies of the lowest class, the houses are for the most part well and solidly built of stone.
The difference was more marked among young men (22% in the highest income quintile compared with 12% in the lowest).
All results compared the lowest with the highest quintile of dietary intake.
Hard disk drives will continue to provide the lowest cost random-access, rewritable storage for the foreseeable future.
The policy would also leave the lowest income earners paying exactly the same high marginal rates of tax.
Japan has one of the lowest incidences of colon and rectum cancer in the world.
Highest to lowest savoyard regionthrough the the lineup of.
Linux provides the lowest cost, most stable, scalable platform for hosting.
C.S. Lewis wrote Servile fear is, to be sure, the lowest form of religion.
The dress of the women in the lowest ranks of society was at first a shapeless dress.
Add water to suit, bring to the boil then simmer on lowest heat possible.
Smokeless tobacco is only legal in Sweden, where lung cancer rates are among the lowest in the world.
The lowest times for me in Durham were the clashes of cultures when it came to socializing with members of other cultures.
In most cases, dissecting behind the sac will expose the spermatic cord structures at the lowest point of dissection.
Beaches The beach is the area between the lowest spring tide level and the point reached by the storm waves in the highest tides.
The lowest gears may only be necessary if the vehicle is loaded or when you are climbing a steep gradient.
Preferred the lowest us that we through some mutual friends sued stewart for.
The current was adjusted to obtain the greatest twitch at the lowest stimulus intensity.
Simply cut back all the previous season 's growth to the lowest pair of buds where it joins the main stubby framework of branches.
Thanks to massive government investment, its sugar cane industry now boasts the lowest production costs in the world.