Lower-limit Sentence Examples
However we may interpret the lower limit of this period, the literature which it embraces is immense.
This date, then, is a likely lower limit for Hermas's revision of his earlier prophetic memoranda, and their publication in a single homogeneous work, such as the Shepherd appears to be.
In the southern coalfields it is usually known by the miners' name of " Farewell rock," from its marking the lower limit of possible coal working.
The lower limit of the Roman age of classical studies may be conveniently placed in the year 529.
Those of the earliest period, the lower limit of which is put about 150o B.C., are aeneolithic, metal being, however, rare and only found in the form of small ornaments; pottery with linear decoration is abundant.
Agur's word, breathing the spirit of scepticism, falls into the category represented by Ecclesiastes, and we may probably set the year 200 (or possibly 150) B.C. as the lower limit of the Book of Proverbs; allowing a century for the collection and combination of the various parts, we shall have the year 300 B.C. as the date of its earliest section.
Whilst there is thus no well-defined lower limit to the dimensions of systems of two stars, on the other hand we cannot set any superior limit either to the number of stars which shall form a system or to the dimensions of that system.
In all other cases there must be an upper anda lower limit to the altitude.
The same species can thus endure a great difference of temperature; but the important fact is, that the individuals have become acclimatized to the altitude at which they grow, so that seeds gathered near the upper limit of the range of a species will be more hardy than those gathered near the lower limit.
The lower limit of the resolving power of the eye is reached when the distance is approximately 3438 times the size of the object.
AdvertisementThe presence of carbon dioxide tends to raise the lower limit since it has a higher specific heat than nitrogen.
In practice, a reasonable lower limit for spectacle correction is + 1.50 dioptres (+ 3.00 ret. @ 2/3 meter).
In the approximate 60 individuals they studied, the average IQ was 68 (70 is the lower limit of the normal range).
Simply put, the upper limit gives you a warning when you're pushing yourself too hard, and the lower limit serves as a kick in the pants to prevent unintentional slacking.
Many have the ability to pre-set an upper and lower limit with audible warnings both for overexerting yourself and when you need a kick in the rear to get back in the zone.
AdvertisementThe only limit to actual bandwidth may be the bottleneck of the user's network card, which typically has a lower limit than the web hosting server.
The lower limit is therefore a truer division line to-day.