Lovers Sentence Examples
She also said you were lovers for a short time many years ago.
I don't understand you two, both encouraging your lovers to cheat on you.
Martha and I know each other far too well to ever be lovers.
Romantic setting for two former lovers.
They looked like two lovers out for a stroll, not enemies.
Even to spurned lovers.
But it was Wordsworth, a native of Cumberland, born on the outskirts of the Lake District itself, who really made it a.Mecca for lovers of English poetry.
We're not seeing each other and we sure as hell aren't lovers!
He.d seen the way Kris looked at her and had long suspected the Council leader had two lovers, not one.
She was happy for the mist; it kept the seaside lovers off the Lane and made her feel more invisible.
AdvertisementWe're not the custodians of the morals of our guests, nor the taste of her lovers.
The two stayed together through the years, even attempting to be lovers once, though they quickly realized theirs was a relationship of brother and sister.
These days, she only fed on lovers when they had accepted her vampirism and wanted to share that intimacy.
Yes, we are a long line of art lovers.
The way he fussed over you at the restaurant and you two frolicking in the snow this morning like two lovers.
AdvertisementWe don't owe millions, or have lovers, or rare diseases, or tons of life insurance, or work for the CIA, or do drugs or any of that.
Dean couldn't think of more than 20 names—Ethel Rosewater, Cynthia Byrne, David Dean, even Jeffrey Byrne, not to mention half of Arthur's gay friends and lovers and most of his ex-clients.
She and Dusty had been platonic lovers, sharing a bed and their frustrations, until Bianca swept him away.
I can assure you, I'd never kill you once we were lovers.
But if you want to be a fool, then I'm glad we're destined to be lovers!
AdvertisementWe're not destined to be lovers!
You said once we were fated to be lovers.
Her husband, though he afterwards deteriorated, seems at that time to have been neither better nor worse than the Berrichon squires around him, and the first years of her married life, during which her son Maurice and her daughter Solange were born, except for lovers' quarrels, were passed in peace and quietness, though signs were not wanting of the coming storm.
Just as the latter afterwards makes Nathan the Wise and Saladin meet over the chess-board, so did Lessing and Mendelssohn actually come together as lovers of the game.
Another and somewhat similar example is furnished by what has been variously designated as the " string," toy," " lovers," and " mechanical " telephone.
AdvertisementHe dwells with great force upon the different treatment applied by Ford to the characters of the two miserable lovers - brother and sister.
Inquiries had been made on reports of the queen's ill-conduct, and several of her reputed lovers had been arrested.
The same day all her reputed lovers were executed; and on the 19th she herself suffered death on Tower Green, her head being struck off with a sword by the executioner of Calais brought to England for the purpose.'
Moreover, whatever the lovers of the fine arts may say, it is nearly certain that the " Bewick Collector " is mistaken in attaching so high a value to these old editions, for owing to the want of skill in printing - indifferent ink being especially assigned as one cause - many of the earlier issues fail to show the most delicate touches of the engraver, which the increased care bestowed upon the edition of 1847 (published under the supervision of John Hancock) has revealed - though it must be admitted that certain blocks have suffered from wear of the press so as to be incapable of any more producing the effect intended.
But with Wagner, just as there are people who have never tried to follow a sonata but who have been awakened by his music-dramas to a sense of the possibilities of serious music, so there are lovers of music who avow that they owe to Wagner their appreciation of poetry.
The abolition of the cropping of the ears of Great Danes, bull terriers, black and tan terriers, white English terriers, Irish terriers and toy terriers, in 1889 gained the approval of all humane lovers of dogs, and although attempts have been made to induce the club to modify the rule which prohibits the exhibition of cropped dogs, the practice has not been revived; it is declared, however, that the toy terriers and white English terriers have lost such smartness by the retention of the ears that they are becoming.
Dog lovers are now numbered by their tens of thousands, and in addition to shows of their favourites, owners are also liberally catered for in the shape of working trials, for during the season competitions for bloodhounds, pointers, setters, retrievers, spaniels and sheepdogs are held.
The Pena de los Enamorados, or "Lovers' Peak," is a conspicuous crag which owes its name to the romantic legend adapted by Robert Southey (1774-1843) in his Laila and Manuel.
In the 17th century the lovers of the new philosophy, the investigators of nature by means of observation and experiment, banded themselves into academies or societies for mutual support and intercourse.
It cannot be said that previously to Darwin there had been any very profound study of teleology, but it had been the delight of a certain type of mind - that of the lovers of nature or naturalists par excellence, as they were sometimes termed - to watch the habits of living animals and plants, and to point out the remarkable ways in which the structure of each variety of organic life was adapted to the special circumstances of life of the variety or species.
It was not entirely a bed of roses, for the "respectable Emily's" temper was violent, and after a time she sought lovers who were not so much des cerebraux as Voltaire.
In 1842 the two-volume edition of his Poems broke the ten years' silence which he had enforced himself to keep. Here, with many pieces already known to all lovers of modern verse, were found rich and copious additions to his work.
Amongst the finest of his classical pictures were - "Syracusan Bride leading Wild Beasts in Procession to the Temple of Diana" (1866), "Venus disrobing for the Bath" (1867), "Electra at the Tomb of Agamemnon," and "Helios and Rhodos" (1869), "Hercules wrestling with Death for the Body of Alcestis" (1871), "Clytemnestra" (1874), "The Daphnephoria" (1876), "Nausicaa" (1878), "An Idyll" (1881), two lovers under a spreading oak listening to the piping of a shepherd and gazing on the rich plain below; "Phryne" (1882), a nude figure standing in the sun; "Cymon and Iphigenia" (1884), "Captive Andromache" (1888), now in the Manchester Art Gallery; with the "Last Watch of Hero" (1887), "The Bath of Psyche" (1890), now in the Chantrey Bequest collection; "The Garden of the Hesperides" (1892), "Perseus and Andromeda" and "The Return of Persephone," now in the Leeds Gallery (1891); and "Clytie," his last work (1896).
Proceeding from bad to worse, he sacrificed the honour of his daughter in order to obtain the money to complete his pyramid; and the princess built herself besides a small pyramid of the stones given to her by her lovers.
He encouraged the amour between the Trojan prince and his niece Cressida; and the word "pander" has passed into modern language as the common title of a lovers' go-between in the worst sense.
But the royal lovers still had some parliamentary mortifications to undergo.
Julie, ou La Nouvelle Heloise, is a novel written in letters describing the loves of a man of low position and a girl of rank, her subsequent marriage to a respectable freethinker of her own station, the mental agonies of her lover, and the partial appeasing of the distresses of the lovers by the influence of noble sentiment and the good offices of a philanthropic Englishman.
Besides these he wrote one or two good plays, and a novel in letters, on the story of two Jewish lovers.
At the same time the fact that the lovers are the helpless victims of the fatal force of a magic spell is insisted upon, in order that their career of falsehood and deception may not deprive them of sympathy.
The interest here centres in the rivalry between Tristan and Lancelot, alike as knights and lovers, and in the later redaction, ascribed to Helie de Borron, the story is spun out to an interminable length.
Like the story of Perceval that of Tristan has been made familiar to the present generation by Richard Wagner's noble music drama, Tristan and Isolde, founded upon the poem of Gottfried von Strassburg; though, being a drama of feeling rather than of action, the story is reduced to its simple elements; the drinking of the love-potion, the passion of the lovers, their discovery by Mark and finally their death.
Dante places him with his pupil Aquinas among the great lovers of wisdom (Spiriti Sapienti) in the Heaven of the Sun.
The aim of that association is " to promote the development, and maintain the well-being, of classical studies, and in particular (a) to impress upon public opinion the claim of such studies to an eminent place in the national scheme of education; (b) to improve the practice of classical teaching by free discussion of its scope and methods; (c) to encourage investigation and call attention to new discoveries; (d) to create opportunities of friendly intercourse and co-operation between all lovers of classical learning in this country."
They take lovers from among men, and are often described as of delicate, unearthly, ravishing beauty.
Gervaise of Tilbury, writing early in the 13th century, has in his Otia Imperialia a chapter, De lamiis et nocturnis larvis, where he gives it out, as proved by individuals beyond all exception, that men have been lovers of beings of this kind whom they call Fadas, and who did in case of infidelity or infringement of secrecy inflict terrible punishment - the loss of goods and even of life.
The larch, though mentioned by Parkinson in 1629 as "nursed up" by a few "lovers of variety " as a rare exotic, does not seem to have been much grown in England till early in the 18th century.
It appears to his imagination that the affinity of two atoms of hydrogen to one of oxygen, the attraction of the spermatozoon to the ovum, and the elective affinity of d pair of lovers are all alike due to sensation and will.
It may be said once and for all that her most trusted agents while she was still grand-duchess, and her chief ministers when she became empress, were also her lovers, and were known to be so.
The money they cost her was a small sum in comparison to the f 12,000,000 she lavished on her long series of lovers, who began with Soltykov and Stanislaus Poniatowski before she came to the throne, and ended with the youthful Platon Zubov, who was tenant of the post at her death.
Next year he tried Anne Boleyn and her lovers, was present on the scaffold at the unfortunate queen's execution, and recommended to parliament the new act of succession.
Without entirel y break ing with the pseudo-classic method he had adopted in Don Carlos - the two lovers, Max Piccolomini and Thekla, are an obvious concession to the tradition of the French theatre - Wallenstein shows how much Schiller's art had benefited by his study of Greek tragedy; the fatalism of his hero is a masterly application of an antique motive to a modern theme.
And to the sentimental rather than to the heroic side belongs also Stella, " a drama for lovers," in which the poet again reproduced, if with less fidelity than in Werther, certain aspects of his own love troubles.
He was anxious to show that sacred history might be presented in a form which lovers of Sallust and Tacitus could appreciate and enjoy.
He does not possess the fiery pulse and humaneness of Burns, but the exquisite perfection of his metre and the subtle alliance of his thought and expression must always secure for him the warmest admiration of true lovers of poetic art.
The national sport of bull-fighting is conducted as humanely as possible, for the Portuguese are lovers of animals.
She is not so much a woman as woman in the abstract; and perhaps on this very account the poems written for her by her lover have been taken to the heart by countless lovers who came after him.
Their appropriateness to the spring season is, in a general way perhaps, obvious enough, but the association of the lovers' festiv,a1 with St Valentine seems to be purely accidental.'
As i o ixav%ris (" contriver ") she acts as an intermediary for bringing lovers together, a similar idea being expressed in 7rpa is (of "success" in love, or = creatrix).
Richelieu not only allowed him 500 crowns a year, but soon afterwards, it is said, though on no certain authority, employed his omnipotence in reconciling the father of the poet's mistress, Marie de Lamperiere, to the marriage of the lovers (1640).
As a result of quarrels with his unworthy wife, and the unwelcome intervention of Henry III., he undertook the seventh war of religion, known as the "war of the lovers" (des amoureux), seized Cahors on the 5th of May 1580, and signed the treaty of Fleix on the 26th of November 1580.
British lovers of poetry - except John Bright and others of like faith or spirit - have been slow to comprehend his distinctive rank.
He is said to have been one of the numerous lovers of his fascinating countrywoman, Margaret Woffington.
While the Church thus lived upon fragments of Origen's wisdom, lovers of the great scholar and thinker, who had dominated his age, and reconciled many a heretic to his own version of orthodoxy, must submit to have him branded as a heretic in later days, when all freedom of thought was falling under suspicion.
The older apartments of the palace, such as the throne-room, the Bagdad Kiosk, and many of the objects in the imperial treasury are of extreme interest to all lovers of oriental art.
They are the friends of lovers, and bless marriages and make them fruitful.
Henry was the most prodigal of lovers, and gave her all rights over the duchy of Valentinois.
On one side were the former ministers, Sillery and president Jeannin, ex-leaguers but loyalists, no lovers of Spain and still less of Germany; on the other the princes of the blood and the great nobles, Cond, Guise, Mayenne and Nevers, apparently still much more faithful to French ideas, but in reality convinced that the days of kings were over and that their own had arrived.
Her father, possibly influenced by Cowper's melancholy tendencies, perhaps possessed by prejudices against the marriage of cousins, interposed, and the lovers were separated - as it turned out for ever.
Polybius is careful constantly to remind us that he writes for those who are CALXoµaO€is lovers of knowledge, with whom truth is the first consideration.
The elderly lovers (for in 1681, when Lauzun was released, he was nearly fifty, and Mademoiselle was fifty-four) were then secretly married, if indeed they had not gone through the ceremony ten years previously.
But her heart had been won by the handsome Paolo, her brother-in-law; and the two lovers, being surprised by Giovanni, were murdered by him on the spot (1285).
The frieze beneath the cornice, reproducing the lovers' initials and the Malatestian ensigns, is in such very low relief that it only enhances the perfection of " that music " produced by the marvellous skill of Alberti.
I said, no, we weren't lovers, I just screwed Howie one time for the hell of it!
Dean couldn't think of more than 20 names—Ethel Rosewater, Cynthia Byrne, David Dean, even Jeffrey Byrne, not to mention half of Arthur's gay friends and lovers and most of his ex-clients.
Prints left by Hiroshige are now objects of unbounded admiration among lovers of pictures here.
And, for millennia, real legendary lovers have pledged adoration in the sun and shade of these slopes.
This area holds a special allure not only to wine lovers!
Beverages To walk into a german bakery is to walk into a food lovers ' paradise.
The Festival's famed Sausage Trail became a magnet for lovers of the British banger.
There will be a variety of stalls and displays of interest to all book lovers including bookbinding and parchment craft.
Since we were three childless beer lovers we opted for a cozy booth in the bar.
Animal lovers who are unable to give their spare time can support the shop by donating clothes, household bric-a-brac & books.
I'll judge if ya want Timmy (Timmy) Wed, 18 Jan 2006 lovers tiffs hehe ok igneous carl your on!
Made in the UK and not tested on animals. £ 8.25 Personalized Feline Friends Light catcher A light catcher for cat lovers.
A great new range of gifts for cavy lovers who often find theirselves ' At Home with your cavy lovers who often find theirselves ' At Home with your cavy ' in the kitchen.
Lovers became enemies, and enemies became fierce combatants.
The star-crossed lovers play out their tragic courtship in the setting of a private fee paying school.
Cast bronze cymbals with ingots of the secret Zildjian alloy, a must have for lovers of the old Zildjian sound.
This must be among the best delicatessens in the country an absolute must for all food lovers.
The story rarely deviates from the torture of the two doomed lovers.
The combination of these events left CMU Coke lovers sufficiently disgruntled that no one has bothered to wire up the new machine.
The women meanwhile, mother, sisters, lovers, friends, wife, wore flowing velvet and silk dresses.
Carved into the inglenook fireplace are the letters ' ell ' and in the stained glass window lovers ' swans.
The religion and creed of the lovers is non- existence.
Head chef Will Hay has called upon all his culinary skills to prepare a feast of dishes for all lovers of good food.
Very few animal lovers are not familiar with our collectible figurines with their open expressions and smiling faces.
We are sure these initiatives will help to nurture a new generation of Festival lovers.
I know cat and animal lovers will understand the heartbreak we are feeling.
Totally free to the music lovers of Geneva with apparently 40,000 turning up on site and the mainstage holding about 5-6000.
Rocking horse lovers in Lincolnshire admire rocking horses from our rocking horse maker for Lincolnshire.
The classic timeless rib design makes these tights a must have in every fashion lovers hosiery drawer.
Tyrants, says an interlocutor in one of Plato's dialogs, tremble before lovers.
Monsoon clouds are often likened to Krishna, finally arriving to quench the thirst of his lovers.
Powells perceptive commentary is of enduring interest to all lovers of esoteric lore.
Sitters are fully vetted, mature, responsible animal lovers.
The guest vocalist (male or female) are professional performers providing cabaret entertainment that will delight all music lovers.
From what I've read online the Red Deer also seems to attract pickled egg lovers.
I'm starting to feel like we're star-crossed lovers from opposite sides of the tracks who aren't permitted to see each other.
From Beck to Tom Waits, we've heard plenty of exciting new releases for discerning music lovers.
We have an amazing audience of music lovers around the world who are crossing genres.
Him parker of wine lovers were the company has.
Its spring steel wire and rolled cardboard create an irresistible lure for cats and great fun for cat lovers.
This section is for math teachers, math students, and lovers of math puzzles.
Mecca for outdoors enthusiasts, Chamonix is the ideal place to explore for history lovers too.
Clue people take wine lovers were shadle park neighborhood first prize said.
I think Austin is a town more full of computer nerds than music lovers, really.
Along this road nature lovers will enjoy the sounds and sights of numerous birds in the many large trees, including nightingales.
A traditional continental market is set to tempt food lovers with everything from mouth watering Dutch waffles to indulgent Italian nougat.
They are often overlooked by animal lovers looking to adopt a pet.
This is a large, cool retro pendent, in antiqued brass metal, with a plastic central vignette depicting a pair of lovers.
This welcome remastered reissue comes with bonus tracks and enhanced artwork and should appeal to all lovers of eccentric late 60's psychedelia.
Do you not know that, in moments of such rapture, lovers see and feel nothing but love?
Among the chivalrous lovers of Provence, this high rapture received the name of " Joy.
Antique lovers will feel at home at Egerton Gray, a former 17th century rectory.
Doggen is putting together an excellent trip, somewhat redolent of early Plastic Ono band meets Terminal Lovers.
Taken out of its dramatic context, this could simply be the ' innocent ' duet between two lovers who are finally reunited.
Rocking horse lovers in Lincolnshire admire rocking horses from our rocking horse lovers in Lincolnshire admire rocking horses from our rocking horse maker for Lincolnshire.
Disguising himself as Apollo, brother of Artemis, he overcame any scruples Callisto may have had and they became lovers.
Local producers come out in force to show the public their wares and the Assembly Rooms fills with beer lovers for the three-day shindig.
But lovers will not see or hear or know, They're wrapped up snug in their own rosy glow.
For the couple that go the gym together, an upbeat soundtrack for running will illustrate a profound understanding of your lovers psyche.
Obviously, the more financial support we receive from rabbit lovers, the more vital, humane, research projects we can pay for.
Tragically, their lovers ' tiff finally erupted in front of the rest of the Ireland squad.
Was it a lovers tiff, or was someone being given orders they had to obey.
The museum is a treasure trove for antique lovers.
Not surprisingly, life-long friendships, lovers ' trysts and ongoing group reunions are often the outcome of our mystical journeys.
He has also been on the advisory board for The Lovers ' Guide and was a featured agony uncle in it s magazine.
For my own weakness, Debt still unpaid, Hearts I have broken, Lovers betrayed.
Lovers ' Wisdom would make an ideal valentine 's Day gift.
The press hound the lovers, the government spin doctors try to suppress all news and Joanna's husband becomes very vindictive.
We at Cowell's Garden Center, the award winning ' meeting place for plant lovers "
These were traditionally named after two lovers who fled the wrath of the girl's father.
Unlike her former lovers, he was a man of masterful will, a budge philosopher who carried her intellect by storm before he laid siege to her heart.
The larch, though mentioned by Parkinson in 1629 as"nursed up " by a few " lovers of variety " as a rare exotic, does not seem to have been much grown in England till early in the 18th century.
And now I want to tell you what the dog lovers in America are going to do.
Prince Andrew shrugged his shoulders and frowned, as lovers of music do when they hear a false note.
They sang together and everyone in the theater began clapping and shouting, while the man and woman on the stage--who represented lovers-- began smiling, spreading out their arms, and bowing.
Arranging meetings with lovers in my house!
Among the chivalrous lovers of Provence, this high rapture received the name of Joy.
Antique lovers will feel at home at Egerton Gray, a former 17th century Rectory.
Will it make the most of those seductive curves I know lovers can't resist?
They are avid water lovers who enjoy snorkeling, diving, kayaking, and fishing.
But lovers will not see or hear or know, They 're wrapped up snug in their own rosy glow.
Planting near to mature trees which naturally remove a great deal of moisture from soggy soil is a clever ecological solution for shade lovers.
The lovers are blasted around tempestuous seas for all eternity.
The website is brillant did n't know there were so many tortoise lovers out there, glad to know you are there.
Unfaithful lovers, betrayal by friends, sooner or later the pain must end.
Lovers ' Wisdom would make an ideal Valentine 's Day gift.
The press hound the lovers, the government spin doctors try to suppress all news and Joanna 's husband becomes very vindictive.
We at Cowell 's Garden Center, the award winning ' meeting place for plant lovers
These were traditionally named after two lovers who fled the wrath of the girl 's father.
The overbearing parents attempted to segregate the two lovers.
They are absorbent and washable, making them a popular choice among cloth diaper lovers.
In addition, lovers of the Baby Einstein collections can purchase baby items such as bibs, diaper bags, bath products, washcloths, t-shirts, rocker seats, swings, and pack-and-plays.
Cat Craze is another great resource website for cat lovers.
However, the sturgeon is now endangered, so caviar lovers have turned their taste buds elsewhere.
Walgreens allows makeup lovers to shop online for mascara from such popular cosmetics companies as Almay, Uptown Visions, Max Factor, Milani and Revlon.
What many movie lovers don't know is that you can easily build a DVD library at home without spending tons of money.
Today, seven storage choices await music lovers.
Shopping for used record albums has become an obsessive hobby for some diehard music lovers, and for good reason. offers movie lovers the chance to shop for many of their favorite titles in used format. offers golf lovers the chance to make purchases on clubs by such popular makers as Wilson, Mizuno, Ping and Adams.
Boat Trader Online offers boat lovers the chance to peruse or search their listings of over 100,000 boats for sale.
One of the most popular and beautiful of the spring bulbs is the tulip, which has been wowing flower lovers for around a thousand years.
The coffee bean jasper selection is sure to delight jewelry makers and coffee lovers alike, due to the combination of unusual beauty and the name.
There are also sections that list gifts under $10, $30 and $50 as well as specific types of gifts, like gifts for pet lovers, his and her gifts and teens.
The North Georgia Premium Outlet Mall provides bargain lovers in the Peach State a massive selection of shops to choose from, each one offering up tremendous savings on everything from clothing and electronics to housewares and jewelry.
A copy of The Night Before Cat-Mas, a clever re-telling of the Christmas classic that makes a great stocking stuffer for cat lovers of all ages.
For other pet lovers, the cost of premiums, deductibles and co-pays might add up to more than they would have paid on their own, especially if their cat remains healthy and doesn't need more than routine care.
I chose this topic because when it comes to naming your new kitten or cat, sometimes people who are not pet lovers don't understand the depths to which we go to name our new loved ones.
The Iams cat food recall is just another wakeup call for pet lovers everywhere.
Fortunately for pet lovers, the world is much more pet-friendly than ever before.
It was founded to give pet lovers a unique, new way to spoil their cherished pet while experiencing the element of surprise themselves.
Let's face it, many of we cat lovers have more than one feline prowling around the house, and as you may already know, some felines prefer to have a bit of space to call their own.
These are just a few of the questions many cat lovers have when they adopt a brand new friend.
There are probably a lot of other cat lovers out there who could benefit from the info.
I gave my dog loving audience a dog treat this week, and I didn't want to leave the cat lovers out.
Whether or not you've ever owned a cat or a cat has owned you, you've probably noticed that people are generally one of two types-cat lovers or cat haters.
Often, cat lovers choose funny cat names for their feline companions.
Siamese cat lovers continue to enjoy this breed in all its glory, from the traditional-looking cat to the modern version.
One of the best ways to locate a non pedigree kitten is to ask other cat lovers in your area what is available and which breeders they know.
Mouse Tales by Arnold Lobel is a favorite for animal lovers.
Another great series for animal lovers, Henry and Mudge is engaging but written simply and is a great way to start out the second grade year!
The Best Ghost Stories Ever by Christopher Krovatin will captivate ghost lovers.
While some martini lovers may argue that shaking with ice "bruises" the ingredients and results in bitterness, such a flavor is not unwelcome in this mixed drink that depends on a bit of "aperitif" flavor for the distinctive aftertaste.
Rum lovers delight in this drink, which originated in Cuba.
Starbucks gift cards are great to give to coffee lovers for birthdays or holidays or as a way to say thank you.
Hickory, NC is a Mecca for furniture lovers and Hickory furniture outlets offer customers a huge selection of big name brands for very reasonable prices.
Target is the low-price chain store that home design lovers are crazy about because it \ offers a lot of style for a very little price.
Seafarers who traveled to the island ports, especially in the Caribbean, often brought back gifts known as sailors' valentines because they'd give the shell-encrusted items to their lovers.
Luckily for those lovers of fragrance, the marketplace provides many options to satisfy your nose and your pocketbook.
That sort of passion both, for the industry and personally for each other, is what drove the two unacknowledged lovers to the continued development of one of the finest Parisian beauty products around.
With so many shades and finishes to choose from makeup lovers have endless possibilities for creating different looks and color combinations.
These eyeliners are a favorite among MAC lovers.
Beauty lovers turn to cosmetic outlets to get good deals on eyeshadow palettes, lipsticks and primers.
CoverGirl lovers will be pleased to know that they have a creamy medium coverage product.
Book lovers will doubtless be curious about where to find books online and how to read them.
Canine lovers will appreciate the wide range of breeds on the site.
You can also browse through the website, and trade players or objects with other Sims lovers.
Crossword Lovers requires you to register for an account, but it's free, as are all the crossword puzzles.
Dog lovers can raise a pet at Virtual Puppy.
Cat lovers, don't feel left out; the makers of this website also have Virtual Kitty for you, which has a very similar interface.
In addition to the ideas listed above for paper scrapbooks, these online resources offer a variety of free papers for both types of scrapbook lovers.
Powder lovers can take a luxury Snowcat tour off the backside of Aspen Mountain.
Colorado's ideal climate and terrain make this a popular travel destination for ski lovers each year.
Imeem provides Meditation for free listening from the album Rio for Lovers.
For true crime lovers, The Book Thief will keep you riveted!
Lovers' themes are always a good choice and can include Celestial Magic, Parisian Passion, or Moonlight Mystery.
For teens that can't play an instrument or sing, one creative activity for music lovers is to compile a music collection.
The Lovers Quotes site has more than just teen love quotes it has poems as well.
Love and romance are always popular, and many schools choose themes like "Cupid's Night," "Romance in the Park" and "A Night for Lovers."
Meatless lasagna, and its vegan and even raw food variations, offer Italian food lovers and cooks the same delicious taste of traditional lasagna.
Sprout kits are perfect for kids' seed experiments or for avid sprout lovers who prefer to grow and eat organically.
For the sports-nuts, tickets to an upcoming sporting event would hit home, while book lovers would enjoy a selection of the best sellers nestled in a basket of fine coffees.
For adventure lovers less content with catching the rays and taking in the historical sights, there are plenty of options for exciting and adventurous honeymoon destinations.
Animal lovers can embrace a nature theme that includes lovely animal-inspired bells while cyclists can include their favorite sport by using bicycle bells into the occasion.
Some of these methods are met with great dismay by animal lovers and activists.
This design is sure to make coconut lovers happy.
Steve's Australian accent and catchphrase "Crikey!" made him an instant hit with animal lovers of all ages.
The pair were star-crossed lovers indeed, as they later wed in March of 1995.
Celebrity gaffes can provide endless entertainment for gossip lovers, but sometimes they're just downright sad.
It was the first live performance in almost a decade for the band, and was soon followed by the release of the album Lovers Rock.
For animal lovers, look for clothing that showcases fun animal designs, and so on.
From first coming aboard to exploring the ship to partaking in different activities and sampling delicious meals, this ship truly is a paradise for cruise lovers.
Nature lovers will marvel at the wondrous sights featured along the majestic waterway.
Meanwhile, food lovers will get their fill on the trip from regional Cajun cuisine offered on some lunch and dinner cruises, while music fans can kick up their heels to traditional jazz and bluegrass songs played by live bands.
History buffs, wine connoisseurs, and nature lovers will love this cruise of the Rhine.
Securing a last-minute deal on an Antarctica cruise is akin to hitting the jackpot for nature lovers.
We dog lovers tend to carry as many pictures of our pets as we do of our children and grandchildren.
For some pet lovers, the search led them to a not so well known brand of dog food called Timberwolf Organics.
Dog angel Christmas ornaments offer one more way to include your faithful friend in your family festivities, and they also make great gifts for other dog lovers.
There's a growing interest in holistic pet care as dog lovers look for better ways of providing the best possible care for their canine companions.
The Internet has created an outlet for dog lovers to share video clips of their favorite pooch doing his funniest trick or most amazing behavior.
What Russell told me about pet food blew my mind, and I believe that all pet lovers need to be made aware of this information.
Kelly, James and I wanted to create the very best comprehensive information resource for dog lovers everywhere.
Many dog lovers that wish to become canine professionals want to know how to become a dog trainer.
Dog lovers learned a hard lesson from the 2007 Menu Foods dog food recall.
In an effort to protect their dogs from toxic dangers, many dog lovers are turning to organic dog toys as a natural alternative to more traditional offerings.
Many dog lovers ask the question, "What is the best dog food for my dog?"
Not all campers are dog lovers, so it's important to respect others who pitch a tent at the grounds (or park their campers, if that's the case).
Two Minute Dog Advice columnist Wendy Nan Rees shares an idea for an economical gift for dog lovers that their dogs will love.
Whether you are an authority on a particular breed or just love dogs, Canine Review keeps dog lovers up to date on all of the latest happenings in the dog world.
Their fluffy coat and expressive eyes instantly make an impression on dog lovers, many of whom find this crossbreed irresistible.
The idea of a dog litter box may seem a little odd to some dog lovers since these boxes are mainly associated with cats.
Possessing a vigorous constitution and sporting into many varieties when raised from seed, it attracted early attention from lovers of flowers; its more striking forms were fixed and classified, and it became a "florists flower."
Besides P. vulgare and its varieties, there are several deciduous kinds, such as P. dryopteris (Oak Fern), of which P. d. plumosum is the best form, and P. phegopteris (Beech Fern), well known to all Fern lovers.
For most garden lovers, the thrill of sinking your shovel into a pile of perfect dirt is the ultimate ecstasy.
Guitar playing lovers of the pop-emo music scene can find information about My Chemical Romance tabs in the following article.
Guitar-playing lovers of classic rock yearn for Steppenwolf tabs so they can play some of the most famous songs in the rock and roll canon.
Made from inexpensive materials in fun shapes and colors, costume jewelry allows jewelry lovers to adorn themselves with beautiful jewels without breaking the bank.
Nevertheless, many fashion jewelry lovers enjoy collecting vintage jewelry from decades past and antique shops are full of attractive costume pieces.
Judith Jack dog charm bracelets are sought after by dog lovers and the general public alike.
Claddagh bracelet silver Celtic jewelry makes highly symbolic, richly meaningful gifts between friends, lovers, or anyone who shares a special relationship.
However, the hunt is part of the fun for antiques lovers, and makes the piece all the more valuable to you when it is finally located.
Red Envelope, a popular gift store for jewelry lovers, offers some lovely earring trees.
From ocean-inspired round swirl earrings to colorful open drop earrings, there are a variety of Avon fun swirl earrings vintage jeweler lovers can choose from.
The range of options is extensive for lovers of vintage and antique jewelry.
This is available in different colors and is an excellent choice for lovers of fashions from the 1980s.
Fashion lovers who are looking for Avon vintage styles will find that there are plenty of opportunities to shop around for interesting and fun earring designs.
Etsy - Jewelry lovers will be interested to peruse the vintage jewelry categories at Etsy.
This retailer carries a variety of buckles besides cowboy-related ones, but rodeo lovers can choose from many different kinds here.
They also carry a variety of fantasy costumes, corsets, bustiers, chemises and have a special section for purple lovers.
Goth lovers can also get the Lil Dead Riding Hood Gothic costume at, which features an off-the-shoulder cream peasant blouse, jagged skirt, belt and jagged hip-length cape.
Snow sports lovers and backpackers need essential warmth and protection from unexpected rainstorms and showers.
From seniors that are sports enthusiasts or coffee lovers to those that enjoy gourmet delicacies or a relaxing day at the spa, there are retirement gift baskets to suit the interests or palettes of many people.
A basket for coffee lovers often contains gourmet coffee from well-known names such as Starbucks, Godiva or Wolfgang Puck.
Depending on what types of gadgets the engineer already has and the budget for the gift, there are also ideas for music lovers, such as iPods, mp3 players, and headphones.
D&G is an offshoot of the main Dolce & Gabbana brand - a collection of lower priced, ready-to-wear items which allow lovers of designer fashion to sample some Italian style without having to re-mortgage the house to do it.
You can even sign up for The Word, a newsletter for Electric lovers.
Her unique and original designs struck a chord with fashion lovers everywhere, and with good reason.
Glare can be hazardous in combination with snow, so avid winter sport lovers might do well to review the products listed here.
Beer lovers will enjoy a visit to the Brewmasters Room for a free tasting of Anheuser-Busch beers.
Animal Kingdom Villas and Lodge - Ideal for animal lovers, this resort is designed to resemble an African lodge nestled among an enormous wildlife reserve where guests can observe numerous exotic animals.
All-Star Music Resort - Music lovers will delight in the surroundings of this music-themed Disney resort property.
Part zoo, part thrill rides, Animal Kingdom is a perfect destination for young animal lovers to explore.
This ensures the coaster will continue to operate and offer thrills to new generations of coaster lovers, even as bigger, faster, and more powerful inverted coasters are constructed around the world.
One of the park's biggest attractions for coaster lovers is the SheiKra roller coaster, a floorless coaster featuring a 200 foot vertical drop.
Dollywood itself is attraction enough for theme park lovers, but its location in the Smoky Mountains offers many other reasons for adding a trip to the park to your next vacation schedule.
Although Alton Towers has plenty of family friendly attractions, the park definitely caters to thrill ride lovers.
For five years, Disney's California Adventure food and wine festival has been a huge success not only for food and wine lovers, but for the park as well.
Kids, Disney fans, and 3D-platformer lovers (that's me) are sure to enjoy this game, but hardcore gamers may find no challenge in Chicken Little or will just be bored.
Yes, play online against fellow Luigi lovers, Bowser buddies, and Koopa crew.
Gamers want 3D surround sound for their computer games, Internet phone users want clarity, and music lovers want crispness.
One feature that music lovers will really enjoy is that the skins are now composed of full-on music videos from a wide range of popular artists.
The mission-based gameplay will detour some lovers of the Sims, but if you've always wanted something more from the game the Urbz will fill the void.
White Burgundy lovers appreciate the wines grown in Burgundy's Corton-Charlemagne region.
The quality and character of white Burgundies from the Corton-Charlemagne region make them a favorite among wine lovers, and the wines command a high price.
Foodies and wine lovers alike agree that when you appropriately pair food and wine, the combination of the two is often better than the sum of its parts.
As one of the United States' up and coming wine producing states, Oregon produces wines that have received acclaim from wine lovers, journalists and critics.
Bubbly lovers may enjoy the Cellars Wine Club's Champagne Club, For around $50 plus shipping and handling, club members can receive two bottles each month of some of the world's top Champagnes and sparkling wines.
Wine of the month clubs provide a great way for wine lovers to experience varied wines while building their collections.
For wine lovers, wine accessories can enhance their enjoyment of a good glass of wine by providing a convenient way to open, serve and store each bottle.
Others are a little less practical, but may make fun gifts for wine lovers.
The wine accessory industry is booming, and you're bound to find all kinds of practical and impractical accessories for wine lovers.
This event brings growers, winemakers, and lovers of the pinot noir grape together to celebrate this varietal in style.
Zinfandel lovers have ZAP, and Pinot Noir lovers have World of Pinot Noir.
With such startling variety in wines, it's no surprise Sonoma County is such a popular destination for wine lovers of all types.
The wine lovers in your life will appreciate wine-themed gift baskets.
While the selection of baskets containing wine is smaller at Gourmet Gift Baskets, the pairing of pairs quality wines with artisanal, gourmet foods makes these gifts unique and thoughtful for wine lovers.
Fortunately for wine lovers, Joseph Phelps also offers many extremely affordable high quality wines, including the Pastiche series.
Steer clear of basic stemwear since most wine lovers will have a set in their collection.
Mention California Wine Country and people will conjure up a picture of a state covered with vineyards and bucolic countryside landscapes that beckons wine lovers to visit.
Many of the best wineries are in Shenandoah Valley with Renwood, Sobon Estate, and Shenandoah Vineyards being great places for Zinfandel lovers.
Share your wine creation with friends and loved ones - nothing is more personal than a homemade gift, and for wine lovers, they will cherish the unique present.
For wine lovers, it's harvest time in wine country!
It's trendy - Even though premium wine sold in a box is slower to catch on in the United States, wine lovers in Europe and Australia have been enjoying box wine for years.
Here's a complete gift buying guide for the wine lovers in your life!
Where do you go to find gifts for wine lovers?
Wine accessories always make terrific gifts for wine lovers; however, if you don't know what accessories they have, you run the risk of duplicating the accessories they already have in the drawers and cupboards.
Many wine lovers are enjoying replacing a wine bottle's original label with inexpensive, personalized wine labels which they designed themselves.
Some wine lovers are lucky enough to have a dark, cool basement or other area that maintains a low temperature.
Most wine lovers don't have that cool basement so they rely on a wine refrigerator to maintain the low temperature required for wine storage.
The Wine Lovers offers easy to read and understand nutritional information about red wine, white wine and dessert wine.
Iit is becoming an increasingly popular destination for wine lovers.
Many wine lovers prize Syrah for its deep, dark, intense red flavor, complemented by the astringent bite of the alcohol and the slightly bitter tannins that linger on the tongue.
You can buy lovely gift baskets for wine lovers at a number of places.
Local wineries - If you are lucky enough to live in a region with wineries, then it will be easy to find gift sets for wine lovers.
High-end grocery stores and specialty shops - Many high-end grocery stores like Whole Foods have a number of terrific gift options for wine lovers - or they will make up a gift basket for you.
These are just a few ideas to help you find the perfect gift for the wine lovers in your life.
Wine lovers have coveted Burgundy wines since ancient Roman times.
Most wine shop owners are wine lovers who are happy to share their knowledge of wine with the public.
Wine Country Gift Baskets offers a wide range of options for wine lovers. is a site that specializes in all types of gift baskets, and they have some great options for California wine lovers.
Wine clubs are a wonderful way for wine lovers to try bottles of wine they may not have discovered on their own.
K&L Wine Merchants wine clubs are consistently rated as top picks by wine lovers.
When asked to describe Cabernet Sauvignon, wine lovers are likely to give a variety of answers.