Lose Sentence Examples
I lose some cattle every year.
I won't lose you again.
I lose to the others but win from you.
What could he do about it but lose more sleep?
Tonight, I lose him forever.
I didn't want to lose you, but I didn't want you to be unhappy like mother either.
I concluded that if I reported to your Serene Highness you might send me away or say that you knew what I was reporting, but then I shouldn't lose anything...
Do you lose many cattle to wolves?
They must understand that we can only lose by taking the offensive.
You are causing me to lose the fruits of a campaign.
AdvertisementIf you win or lose, let it be on purpose.
He was about to lose all hope.
Damian was not one to lose control.
She'll lose those, too.
I don't lose deals, Wynn.
AdvertisementHow did you lose your deal? she asked Zamon.
Don't lose faith in yourself.
I don't want to lose this feisty little jewel.
He did not lose sight either of the welfare of his army or of the doings of the enemy, or of the welfare of the people of Russia, or of the direction of affairs in Paris, or of diplomatic considerations concerning the terms of the anticipated peace.
But he doesn't lose, does he?
AdvertisementThe tumultuous storm was beginning to lose some of its fury.
Then he made a sign to someone, and the torturing pain in his abdomen caused Prince Andrew to lose consciousness.
The pain caused by his removal into the hut had made him groan aloud and again lose consciousness.
I didn't lose either of you!
But how did one misplace or lose millions?
AdvertisementIf you have everything you have ever wanted, you have less to gain and more to lose by invading your neighbor.
Bolkonski only tried not to lose touch with it, and looked around bewildered and unable to grasp what was happening in front of him.
Maybe he knew he was about to lose a good housekeeper.
It was so hard to lose him, he was the best and kindest of friends, and I do not know what we shall do without him....
I don't want to lose her and there's no way I'll endanger what we're doing.
Then you lose before you begin.
You weren't about to take a chance that you lose her, Gabriel said, sounding baffled.
The pain she was in or the situation where she might lose her soul in three days.
If a million people lose their jobs to a machine, then entrepreneurs start businesses that hire those people to do other things.
In the formation of these the tissues break down, and in course of time lose their characteristic histological features.
Hence the second clock will gain or lose on the other.
Would misfortune make my Russians lose heart?...
He didn't lose at battle.
It was stupid of me to lose it and act like a school kid.
But when she touched the mainland she at once became possessed of a frontier which could be attacked, and found herself compelled either to expand in self-defence or to lose the territory she had acquired.
It is a peculiarity of the cotton-plant to lose a great many of its blooms and bolls.
The crusading states had been founded by adventurers who thirsted for gain; and the primitive appetite did not lose its edge with the progress of time.
That bread and wine should become flesh and blood and yet not lose the properties of bread and wine was, he held, contradictory to reason, and therefore irreconcilable with the truthfulness of God.
The imams do not form a priestly sect; they generally have other occupations, such as teaching in a school or keeping a shop, and may at any time be dismissed by the warden, in which case they lose the title of imam.
Bloodhounds quest slowly and carefully, and when they lose the scent cast backwards until they recover the original trail and make a fresh attempt to follow it.
His writings, which are chiefly theological and controversial, are largely formed of charges to his clergy, and sermons on different topics; but, though valuable and full of thought, they lose some of their force by the cumbrous German structure of the sentences, and by certain orthographical peculiarities in which the author indulged.
He was now free to follow his own course of studies and began to lose his love for company, unless it were with those who were drawn like himself to religion.
This mode has some disadvantages attending it; such sheets are difficult to handle; the crustaceous species are liable to have their surfaces rubbed; the foliaceous species become so compressed as to lose their characteristic appearance; and the spaces between the sheets caused by the thickness of the specimen permit the entrance of dust.
The syn-aldoximes or treatment with acetyl chloride readily lose water and yield nitriles; the anti-aldoximes as a rule are acetylated and do not yield nitriles.
On the other hand, the Russians, once their fatherland was invaded, became dominated by an ever-growing spirit of fanaticism, and they were by nature too obedient to their natural leaders, and too well inured to the hardships of campaigning, to lose their courage in a retreat.
The enemy, having everything to gain and nothing to lose thereby, agreed finally to a six weeks' suspension of arms. This was perhaps the gravest military error of Napoleon's whole career, and his excuse for it, " want of adequate cavalry," is the strongest testimony as to the value of that arm.
The severity with which Henry treated the last rebels was regarded as a blot upon his fame; but the only case of merely vindictive punishment was that of the poet Luke de la Barre, who was sentenced to lose his eyes for a lampoon upon the king, and only escaped the sentence by committing suicide.
This practically closed Wellington's operations for the year 1810, his policy now being not to lose men in battle, but to reduce Massena by hunger and distress.
In their natural condition the marekanite spheres are doubly refracting, but when they have been heated and very slowly cooled they lose this property and no longer exhibit any tendency to sudden disintegration.
In 1521 Sultan Suleiman took it from the Hungarians, and from that year it remained in Turkish possession until 1688, when the Austrians captured it, only to lose it again in 1690.
From 1 739 to 1789 the Turks were again its masters, when, in that last year, the Austrians under General Laudon carried it by assault, only to lose it again in 1792.
The seeds readily lose their vitality, and on this account need special care in transport.
Tubes are generally made up around mandrels, and allowed throughout the curing to remain imbedded i n p u lverized French chalk, which affords a useful support for many articles that tend to lose their shape during the process.
Catholicism increasingly took for granted that a man imperilled his soul by thinking for himself; Protestantism replied that he could certainly lose it, if he left his thinking to another.
Through or near this gap flow northwards in parallel courses the rivers Heri-rud (Tejend) and Murghab, until they lose themselves in the desert of Kara-kum.
Now iron, nickel and cobalt all lose their magnetic quality when heated above certain critical temperatures which vary greatly for the three metals, and it was suspected by Faraday 3 as early as 1845 that manganese might really be a ferromagnetic metal having a critical temperature much below the ordinary temperature of the air.
He could be broken but never bent, and his rude frankness accorded with his hard, sombre face, and alienated men's sympathies though it did not lose him their respect.
Later, in his article " Chromatics " in the supplement to the 5th edition of this encyclopaedia, he shows that the colours " lose the mixed character of periodical colours, and resemble much more the ordinary prismatic spectrum, with intervals completely dark interposed," and explains it by the consideration that any phasedifference which may arise at neighbouring striae is multiplied in proportion to the total number of striae.
It was the birthplace of Colonel Ephraim Elmer Ellsworth (1837-1861), the first Federal officer to lose his life in the Civil War.
Such objects might be imitated in other materials and by successive copying lose their identity, or their first meaning might be otherwise forgotten, and they would ultimately exercise a purely decorative function.
These observers maintain that the cells from some cause lose, or may never have had developed, their functional activity, and thus FIG.
The older Bel did not, however, entirely lose his standing.
Thus it came about not only that classifications of disease based on superficial likeness - such as jaundice, dropsy, inflammation - were broken up, and their parts redistributed, but also that even more set diseases began to lose their settlements, and were recognized as terms of series, as transitory or culminating phases of perturbations which might be traced to their origins, and in their earlier stages perhaps withstood.
Owing to a variety of causes Jacobitism began to lose ground after the accession of George I.
After a year's imprisonment in the Tower Prynne was sentenced by the star chamber on the 17th of February 1634 to be imprisoned for life, and also to be fined f5000, expelled from Lincoln's Inn, rendered incapable of returning to his profession, degraded from his degree in the university of Oxford, and set in the pillory, where he was to lose both his ears.
The poor landowner, likely to lose all that he had from one kind of oppression or another, went to the great landowner, his neighbour, whose position gave him immunity from attack or the power to prevent official abuses, and begged to be protected.
It is easy to lose one's bearings by over-emphasizing the importance of variation and exception.
After his death, however, they quarrelled with the Fatimite rulers of Egypt (969) and began to lose their influence.
The Andes lose their majestic height to the northward; and beyond Cerro Pasco the eastern chain sinks into a lower range between the Huallaga and Ucayali.
The simple distillation of sea-water, and the production thereby of a certain proportion of chemically fresh water, is a very simple problem; but it is found that water which is merely evaporated and recondensed has a very disagreeable flat taste, and it is only after long exposure to pure atmospheric air, with continued agitation, or repeated pouring from one vessel to another, that it becomes sufficiently aerated to lose its unpleasant taste and smell and become drinkable.
Arrived at this stage of development, the Annals now began to lose their primitive character, and henceforward became more and more indistinguishable from the Chronicles.
The latter wished for more fasting, the prohibition of second marriages, a frank, courageous profession of Christianity in daily life, and entire separation from the world; the bishops, on the other hand, sought to make it as easy as possible to be a Christian, lest they should lose the greater part of their congregations.
Thus a comet may be encountered in the morning dawn or evening twilight, and without such an adjunct the astronomer may lose the whole available opportunity for observation in the vain endeavour to find a suitable comparison-star.
Practically the difficulty of making these diaphragms for the different powers of the exact required equality is insuperable; but, if the observer is content to lose a certain amount of light, we see no reason why they may not readily be made slightly less.
His devotion, indeed, to the ideal of international socialism caused him, at the outbreak of the World War, to lose touch not only with British public feeling in general, but even with the sentiment of the Labour party which he led.
During the last century and a half before the Christian era, the school, as it might be called, began to break up and to lose its individuality.
The ecclesiastical rulers, however, were to lose their possessions if they abandoned the old faith.
From this point of his career, when he had reached the age of forty, we lose sight of him almost wholly.
Eastern Washington, too, usually has a mild temperature, but occasionally some regions in this part of the state are visited by a continental extreme, and as the winds from the ocean lose most of their moisture in passing over the Cascades, the climate is either dry or arid according to elevation.
In 1886 his opposition to the Central Asian Military railway caused him to lose his seat in the council.
Many of the smaller streams in the Black Hills lose their waters in their lower courses through seepage and evaporation.
This lasts into February, when the northerly current begins to lose strength, and the gradual heating of the land produces local sea breezes from the gulf along the coast-line.
Notwithstanding its defects, Froude's History is a great achievement; it presents an important and powerful account of the Reformation period in England, and lays before us a picture of the past magnificently conceived, and painted in colours which will never lose their freshness and beauty.
The grizzly bear is said to lose this power of climbing in the adult stage.
The church, however, never attained any greater development, but on the contrary continued to lose adherents from century to century.
They lose their validity unless confirmed within two months by the Parliament which subsequently meets.
He must have died before 246, in which year his sister Claudia was fined for publicly expressing a wish that her brother Publius could rise from the grave to lose a second fleet and thereby diminish the number of the people.
The great obstacle in the way of this, the only true solution of the difficulty, was the opposition of the Lithuanian magnates, who feared to lose the absolute dominancy they possessed in the grand-duchy if they were merged in the szlachta of the kingdom.
They lose their facile cleavage and become hard, dark-coloured, slightly lustrous rocks, which have a splintery character or break into small cuboidal fragments.
The commissioners feared that, so long as Greek was a sine qua non at the universities, these schools would be cut off from direct connexion with the universities, while the universities would in some degree lose their control over a portion of the higher culture of the nation.
It did not, however, lose its independence, but became an ally of Rome, as is shown by an inscription, probably of the 2nd century B.C., in which it is recorded that the ambassadors of Tibur successfully cleared themselves before the Roman senate of a suspicion that they were acting contrary to their treaty with Rome.
He proposed the convocation of a national congress, but was overthrown by a conspiracy of Spaniards under one Yermo, who feared that they would lose their privileged position through severance from Spain.
The rivers of Bechuanaland are, with few exceptions, intermittent or lose themselves in the desert.
Other alleged discoveries, such as' the construction of early Roman history out of still earlier ballads, have not been equally fortunate; but if every positive conclusion of Niebuhr's had been refuted, his claim to be considered the first who dealt with the ancient history of Rome in a scientific spirit would remain unimpaired, and the new principles introduced by him into historical research would lose nothing of their importance.
Readers of Dante know the idea that the dead have no shadows; this was no invention of the poet's but a piece of traditionary lore; at the present day among the Basutos it is held that a man walking by the brink of a river may lose his life if his shadow falls on the water, for a crocodile may seize it and draw him in; in Tasmania, North and South America and classical Europe is found the conception that the soul - o-tab., umbra - is somehow identical with the shadow of a man.
With the rise of species, deities and the cult of individual animals, the path towards anthropomorphization and polytheism is opened and the respect paid to animals tends to lose its strict animistic character.
The twigs are densely clothed with flat spreading linear leaves of a fine glossy green above and glaucous beneath; in the old trees they become shorter and more rigid and partly lose their distichous habit.
His lose was greatly felt in the war of 1866.
In this line there is a tendency 'to lose the last upper molar, but in Prolagus, which ranges in the Pliocene from Sardinia and Corsica to Spain, and forms a side-branch, the corresponding lower tooth has likewise disappeared.
As these moulting periods approach, the worms lose their appetite and cease eating, and at each period of change they are left undisturbed and free from noise.
Even the position of the Solomon Islands was now in uncertainty, for the Spaniards, fearing lest they should lose the benefits expected to accrue from these discoveries, kept secret the narratives of Mendana and Quiros.
Without war the world would stagnate and lose itself in materialism."
With a slit equal in width to eight times the normal one the purity is reduced to o 45R, so that we lose rather more than half the resolving power and increase the light 3.7 times.
In consequence the question as to the connexion of the spectrum with the temperature of the gas seems to the present writer to lose some of its force.
As in a choir all the resources of an individual voice are used to strengthen the general effect, so must the individual lose his life that he may find it, witnessing by his share in the common service of the church to the ultimate unity of knowledge and harmony of truth.
He crossed over to England with the royal bride, but, unlike Thomas Cromwell, he did not lose the royal favour when the king repudiated Anne, and in 1541, having already refused the bishopric of Hereford, he became dean of Canterbury and in 1544 dean of York.
The Tharthar (Assyrian Tartar, in Tukulti-Ninib II.'s inscription) begins in the Sinjar range and runs southwards, to lose itself in the desert a little above the latitude of Hit.
To save himself from the penalties of high treason, Patkul fled from Stockholm to Switzerland, and was condemned in contumaciam to lose his right hand and his head.
On heating, the crystals lose water, swell up, and give the anhydrous sulphate, which, on further heating, gives alumina.
Certain springs and geysers lose some of their energy at intervals, while others gain; certain geysers have become quiescent, but some new ones have been formed.
The seeds should be kept in sacks or bags in a dry place, and if from plants which are rare, or liable to lose their vitality, they are advantageously packed for transmission to a distance in hermetically sealed bottles or jars filled with earth or moss, without the addition of moisture.
But as the rays of light, even in passing through transparent glass, lose much of their energy, which is further weakened in proportion to the distance it has to travel, the nearer the plant can be placed to the glass the more perfectly will its functions be performed; hence the importance of constructing the roofs at such an angle as will admit the most light, especially sunlight, at the time it is most required.
In ordinary cases the potting soil should be just so far removed from dryness that when a handful is gently pressed it may hang together, but may lose its cohesion when dropped.
He did not, however, lose sight of his`true goal; he collected a large library, and, after the conclusion of the Seven Years' War, in 1763, he resumed more enthusiastically than ever the studies which had been partially interrupted.
Never for one moment did William lose heart or relax his efforts and vigilance; he felt that with the two maritime provinces secure the national cause need not be despaired of.
Moreover Gregory strictly forbade monks to minister in parish churches, ordaining that any monk who was promoted to such ecclesiastical cure should lose all rights in his monastery and should no longer reside there.
He had the misfortune to lose his father at the age of two.
It was in Krushevats that the last Servian tsar, Lazar, assembled his army to march against the Turks, and lose his empire, at Kosovo, in 1389.
Now in oxidizing, or introducing more oxygen, for instance, by means of a mixture of sulphuric acid and potassium bichromate, and admitting that oxygen acts on both compounds in analogous ways, the two alcohols may give (as they lose two atoms of hydrogen) CH 3 CH 2 COH and CH 3 C0 CH 3.
This seems to be the case with molten sulphur, which, when heated, becomes dark-coloured and plastic; and also in the case of metals, which obtain or lose magnetic properties without loss of continuous structure.
On the south-west they lose themselves in the sandy desert of Registan, which wraps itself round the plain of Kandahar, and forms another impassable barrier.
In tropical countries, however, many trees lose their leaves in the dry season.
Reversing his fathers policy, Otto resolved that the dukes should act in the strictest sense as his vassals, or lose their dignities.
They turned from him and decided that the pope should be asked to judge Henry; that if, within a year, the sentence of excommunication were not removed, the king should lose his crown; and that in the meantime he should live in retirement.
Three times he refused to appear, and early in 1180 sentence was pronounced against him; he was condemned to lose all his lands and to go into banishment.
As for the electors, they had the strongest possible motive forresisting the papal claim, because if this were once admitted they would quickly lose their grcrwing importance in the state, Lastly, the cities which had stood behind the Empire in the most difficult crises of its contest with Rome were not likely to desert it now.
The Protestants responded by demanding that they should lose nothing which they had held before 1618, when the war began.
The plan would establish a normal fleet, and the Reichstag, having once assented, would lose all power of controlling the naval budget.
The air-bladder may be so reduced as to lose its hydrostatic function and become subservient to a sensory organ, its outer exposed surface being connected with the skin by a meatus between the bands of muscle, and conveying the thermobarometrical impressions to the auditory nerves.
They did not wish to lose the opportunity which now was open to them of winning influence over the administration.
In spite of all the precautions they took and the contracts they made, the Egyptians could never quite rid themselves of the dread that their tombs might decay and their cult be neglected; and they sought therefore to obtain by prayers and threats what they feared they might lose altogether.
The treasury could not afford to lose the land-tax, which it would naturally forfeit by the first two of the above occurrences, and we read of various expedients being tried to prevent this loss.
Malet, telegraphed that if Colonel Hickss army is destroyed, the Egyptian government will lose the whole of the Sudan, unless some assistance from the outside is given, and advised the withdrawal to some post on the Nile.
The few and peaceful traders who explored those northern waters were careful never to lose sight of the Saxon, Frisian and Frankish shores during their passage.
Not stopping to reflect that in the angry and suspicious state of men's minds he was sure to lose as much in one direction as he would gain in the other, Justinian entered into the idea, and put forth an edict exposing and denouncing the errors contained in the writings of Theodore generally, in the treatise of Theodoret against Cyril of Alexandria, and in a letter of Bishop Ibas (a letter whose authenticity was doubted, but which passed under his name) to the Persian bishop Marls.
The Azhar students not seldom enter government offices and even hold important administrative posts, but they never lose the stamp of their education - the narrow, unteachable spirit, incapable of progress, always lost in external details, and never able to grasp principles and get behind forms to the substance of a matter.
We lose trace of the plot to slay him from the 10th of October 1 545 till the end of May 1546, the documents being missing; but on the 29th of May 1546 Beaton was cruelly murdered in his castle of St Andrews.
The United States, asserting that expatriation is an inalienable right of man, maintains that, to lose his right to American protection, the emigrant who has been naturalized in the United States must have done that for which he might have been tried and punished at the moment of his departure; it claims to protect him against the exaction of what at that moment was merely a future liability ' Cf.
The enforced adoption of new names makes it easy to lose the historical identity of many who really belonged to the Minster Anabaptists, and, on the other hand, has led to the classification of many with the Munster sect who had no real connexion with it.
Often an inferior chief will give up his title to a younger man, yet he himself will lose but little by so doing.
There were slaves in many islands, either persons conquered in war, or those who had Lecn condemned to lose their personal liberty on account of evil conduct.
He was ennobled in 1802, and in 1804 the duke of Weimar, unwilling to lose him, doubled his meagre salary of 400 talers.
They therefore sent a joint deputation of Pharisees and Herodians to entrap Him with a question as to the Roman tribute, in answering which He must either lose His influence with the people or else lay Himself open to a charge of treason.
He who seeks to gain his life will lose it.
Western Palestine is a region intersected by groups of mountain peaks and ranges, forming a southern extension of the Lebanon system and running southward till they finally lose themselves in the desert.
Thus the inspirations of genius, appropriated by those who imperfectly appreciate their subtle beauty and quality, become hackneyed and lose their charm and interest.
Washington (9 vols., New York, 1853-1854), and - the best - by Paul 3 "Jefferson, in 1789, wrote some such stuff about the will of majorities, as a New Englander would lose his rank among men of sense to avow."
He must be perfectly unembarrassed in the service of God, not bound by the common ties of life, nor entangled by relationships, which if he transgresses he will lose the character of a man of honour, while if he upholds them he will cease to be the messenger, watchman and herald of the gods.
The early stages of morphinism are marked by moral degeneration; the patient seems to lose all sense of right and wrong, and will lie most plausibly and even thieve to obtain the drug; personal disorderliness, disregard of time, neglect of business and decline of family affection become soon evident.
Orthodoxy triumphed, never again to lose its place as the state religion.
Only after the introduction of sin did man lose his spiritual body, and acquire the animal nature with its distinction of sex.
The attacking divisions were beginning to lose their offensive value, and the reserves were insufficient.
John refused; he was summoned to Paris before the royal judges, and failing to appear was sentenced at the end of April 1202 to lose all his fiefs.
The word, " What shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul?"
And even after this event, whatever may have been the attitude of churchmen towards the old heathen poetry, the kings and warriors would be slow to lose their interest in the heroic tales that had delighted their ancestors.
But he did not lose heart; at once he threw himself into the double duty, which now devolved on himself and Pusey, of counselling the many who had hitherto followed the movement, and who, now in their perplexity, might be tempted to follow their leader's example, and at the same time of maintaining the rights of the church against what he held to be the encroachments of the state, as seen in such acts as the Gorham judgment, and the decision on Essays and Reviews.
To the north-west of the volcanic island of Zebayir the depth is less than 500 fathoms; the bottom of the channel rises to the ioofathom line at Hanish Island (also volcanic), then shoals to 45 fathoms, and sinks again in about the latitude of Mokha in a narrow channel which curves westward round the island of Perim (depth 170 fathoms), to lose itself in the Indian Ocean.
The wines which remain for a long period in cask gradually lose alcohol and water by evaporation, and therefore become in time extremely concentrated as regards the solid and relatively non-volatile matters contained in them.
Llewelyn was, however, foolish enough to lose the results of this very favourable treaty by intriguing with the de Montfort family, and in 1273 he became betrothed to Eleanor de Montfort, the old Earl's only daughter, a piece of political folly which may possibly in some degree account for Edward's harsh treatment of the Welsh prince.
There was also a shortlived attempt to declare that even a clerk in lower orders should lose his clerical privileges on his marriage; but Boniface VIII.
Thus, the species inhabiting Sumatra, Java and Borneo are almost always much smaller than the closely allied species of Celebes and the Moluccas; the species or varieties of the small island of Amboyna are larger than the same species or closely allied forms inhabiting the surrounding islands; the species found in Celebes possess a peculiar form of wing, quite distinct from that of the same or closely allied species of adjacent islands; and, lastly, numerous species which have tailed wings in India and the western islands of the Archipelago, gradually lose the tail as we proceed eastward to New Guinea and the Pacific.
So Peter also seemed to have thought, for though Mons was decapitated and his severed head, preserved in spirits, was placed in the apartments of the empress, she did not lose Peter's favour, attended him during his last illness, and closed his eyes when he expired (February 28, 1725).
Thus the world, and all definite existences contained in it, would lose their independence and disappear in the "indeterminate."
A saturated solution of the hydroxide deposits on cooling a hydrated form Ba(OH) 2.8H 2 0, as colourless quadratic prisms, which on exposure to air lose seven molecules of water of crystallization.
It is not unusual in bad seasons for a single grower to lose 30 per acre in one season.
These precipitated oxychlorides on continued boiling with water lose all their chlorine and ultimately give a residue of antimony trioxide.
Kalat is the " hub " or centre, from which radiate the Bolan, the Mulla and the southern Lora affluents; but the Lora drains also the Pishin valley on the north; the two systems uniting in Shorawak, to lose themselves in the desert and swamps to the west of Nushki, on the road to Seistan.
It is now admitted that, apart from treaty, custom has established very few consular privileges; that perhaps consuls may be arrested and incarcerated, not merely on criminal charges, but for civil debt; and that, if they engage in trade or become the owners of immovable property, their persons certainly lose protection.
A touch of the finger will then often reduce them to quiet; but if the hoop be expanded, the included grease is so far attenuated as to lose its effect.
In Gram's method, however, only some bacteria retain the stain, while others lose it.
Hence the Nestorians, who insisted upon the duality of the natures to such a degree as to lose sight of the unity of the person, and who rejected the term Theotokos, repudiated the decrees both of Ephesus and of Chalcedon, and upon the promulgation of the decrees of Chalcedon formally separated from the church.
The chests need to be kept in a dry warehouse for a length of time, but ultimately the opium ceases to lose moisture to the shell, and the latter becomes extremely solid.
Both streams run from west to east across the plain of Damascus, which owes to them much of its fertility, and lose themselves in marshes, or lakes, as they are called, on the borders of the great Arabian desert.
Beyond the Atrek and other rivers watering the northern valleys a few brackish and intermittent rivers lose themselves in the Great Kavir, which occupies the central and western parts of the province.
Nevertheless a comparison between Lucernaria and its close ally Haliclystus shows clearly that the absence of sense-organs in the former is the result of secondary reduction, so that a true medusa may lose its most characteristic feature.
They therefore ordered Herbert not to lose sight of the enemy, but rather to fight if he could secure an advantage of position.
On this view, the nauplius, while no longer regarded as reproducing an ancestral type, does not altogether lose its phylogenetic significance.
But to push the equation of St Paul with Simon Magus further than we are forced to by the facts of the case is to lose sight of the real character of the Clementines as the counterblast of Jewish to Samaritan Gnosticism and to obscure the greatness of Simon of Gitta, who was really the father of all heresy, a character which has been erroneously attributed to Simon Magus.
A woman does not lose nor a man acquire right to property by marriage, and a wife may manage, sell, or will her property without the assent of her husband.
These prescriptions are marked by a conscientious classification based on considerations of material, size and number; but they lose themselves in an exaggerated casuistry.
As for the reasoning powers in animals, the accounts of monkeys learning by experience to break eggs carefully, and pick off bits of shell, so as not to lose the contents, or of the way in which rats or martens after a while can no longer be caught by the same kind of trap, with innumerable similar facts, show in the plainest way that the reason of animals goes so far as to form by new experience a new hypothesis of cause and effect which will henceforth guide their actions.
Narrow and deep clefts, through which descend mountain torrents to lose themselves in the sandy soil of the coast land, afford means of reaching the plateau, or the easier route through the Hawash valley may be chosen.
The enemy were thoroughly routed, but Campbell lost the opportunity of pushing the victory home by forbidding Outram to cross the bridge in pursuit if he thought he would lose a "single man," and by sending the cavalry away from the environs of the city at the critical moment.
Now, though a pure specialist may be an abstraction of the mind, the tendency of specialists in any department naturally is to lose sight of the whole in attention to the particular categories or modes of nature's working which happen to be exemplified, and fruitfully applied, in their own sphere of investigation; and in proportion as this is the case it becomes necessary for their theories to be co-ordinated with the results of other inquirers, and set, as it were, in the light of the whole.
But all such bodies appear to lose their distinctive properties when heated in a vessel which nearly encloses them, for in that case those radiations which they do not emit are either transmitted through them from the walls of the vessel behind, or else reflected from their surface.
The country could not afford to lose the goodwill of the emperor of the French, at that time one of the most powerful factors in Europe - in July 1869 Bratianu, although immensely popular, found it necessary to resign office, and with him fell the rest of the cabinet.
The esprit bourru by which he was at all times distinguished, and which he now displayed in his rather arrogant Excuse a Ariste, unfitted him for controversy, and it was of vital importance to him that he should not lose the outward marks of favour which Richelieu continued to show him.
In general these rivers lose themselves in some vlei in the desert land.
The deciduous plants lose their foliage in the dry season but revive with the winter rains.
Many younger sons from the colony, with nothing to lose, left their homes with horse and rifle to join the republican forces.
None of its streams reaches the sea, but all lose their waters by seepage or evaporation.
But as time goes on, the works gradually lose the character of commentaries on the text, and develop into expositions of the law as a whole.
The lambs are weaned towards the end of June and the ewes run on the poorest pasture till August to lose surplus fat.
Slaveholders were not footloose; they had all to lose if they should carry their blacks into Kansas and should nevertheless fail to make it a slave-state.
Williams favorites had all to lose by his death.
Did not Sir William Stanley, the best paid of those who betrayed Richard III., afterwards lose his head for a deliberate plot to betray Henry VII.?
They declared that they were no Puritans themselves, but that, with such a dearth of able ministers, it was not well to lose the services of any one who was capable of preaching the gospel.
It was believed that Gladstone on more than one occasion desired to escape from a position which he disliked by resigning office, and that the resignation was only averted through a consciousness that the ministry could not afford to lose its most eloquent member.
Another Reform Bill, memorable for driving certain good Liberals into a Cave of Adullam, broke up the new government in a few months; Disraeli contributing to the result by the delivery of opinions not new to him and of lasting worth, though presently to be subordinated to arguments of an inferior order and much less characteristic. "At this rate," he said in 1866,"you will have a parliament that will entirely lose its command over the executive, and it will meet with less consideration and possess less influence."
That there was a master motive for this resolution may be taken for granted; and it is to be found in a belief that not to throw back the Russian advance then was to lose England's last chance of postponing to a far future the predominance of a great rival power in the East.
Africa after peace was signed, only to lose Botha almost immediately and to find himself, by the sudden death of his leader and close friend, Prime Minister of the Union in Sept.
On the whole the facts seem to be against this supposition, though we need not suppose that the gnathobase was very large or the rami undeveloped in the buccal parapodia which were destined to lose their mandibular features and pass in front of the mouth.
We find ourselves, when we try, compelled to lose our positive ideas of finite spaces in the negative idea of Immensity or Boundlessness, and our positive ideas of finite times in the negative thought of Endlessness.
Citizens with anything to lose were driven to act for themselves.
Dumouriez succeeded in rousing the spirit of the French; he occupied the defiles of the forest of Argonne, thus causing the enemy to lose many valuable days, and when at last they turned his position, he retreated without loss.
And they would lose a great part of their significance if they did not testify to the continued existence in a man's personality of motives and tendencies likely to influence his conduct in the future as they have already influenced it in the past.
He now only contends that " virtue deserves to be chosen for its own sake, and vice to be avoided, though a man was sure for his own particular neither to gain nor lose anything by the practice of either."
As compared with the earlier assize it prescribes greater severity of punishment for criminal offences; arson and forgery were henceforth to be crimes about which the jurors are to enquire; and those who failed at the ordeal were to lose a hand as well as a foot.
As he found them so he left them, lingering in Dublin long enough to lose his own crown.
The consolidated rate was now paid by the occupier, who would profit by economy and lose by extravagance.
He was asked the meaning of the cross of St John which he wore on his doublet, and replied that it was the sign of a small benefice which he held from the pope, and would lose if he were not back by the 1st of January.
The practice of "dumping" must be fairly met; if foreign goods were brought into England to undersell British manufacturers, either the Fair Wages Clause and the Factory Acts and the Compensation Act would have to be repealed, or the workmen would have to take lower wages, or lose their work.
He had learnt prudence and self-restraint in the troubled times of the regency, and did not lose his moderation in success.
Moreover, he held that it would be of no advantage to Prussia to create a new German state; if Denmark were to lose the duchies, he desired that Prussia should acquire them, and to recognize the Augustenburg claims would make this impossible.
Caustic potash and caustic soda are locally very irritating, and destroy the tissues, but lose this quality when combined with acids as in the case of their carbonates, bicarbonates and borax.
At the same time the non-striped muscles slightly lose their tonicity, and when very large doses are given the haemoglobin of the blood becomes converted into the chocolate-coloured methaemoglobin.
All cultivated hemp belongs to the same species, Cannabis saliva; the special varieties such as Cannabis indica, Cannabis chinensis, &c., owe their differences to climate and soil, and they lose many of their peculiarities when cultivated in temperate regions.
In a place that operated on rigged deals where demons didn't seem to lose, she was certain anything she asked Darkyn for was going to cost her.
The brutal reality was that he'd double-bound her to ensure he didn't lose – and not because any part of him was capable of affection.
If you win or lose, let it be on purpose, he said.
A pair of older boys stood atop a corner building with a water cannon, letting lose on the paraders with a stream from their high, seemingly secure position—until the fire truck proved its might by soaking them and their perch, to the delight of the crowd.
Darkyn wanted more than for past-Death to lose her bet; he intended to guarantee she never again became the threat she was.
You weren't about to take a chance that you lose her, Gabriel said, grappling with the reasoning behind the demon lord's actions.
She also said if I didn't want to lose you, I'd better start acting more like the man you married and less like the frightened zombie you brought home from the hospital.
Do you know what happens if you lose a wager to a deity? past-Death challenged.
I don.t want to lose you, Katie.
I don.t intend to lose it.
She cannot do what the nishani must to help Anshan, and once our people see her, they'll lose their faith in him.
Her face flushed, but she didn't lose the look of resolution in her features.
With every step toward the phone she told herself she shouldn't answer it – shouldn't lose her temper.
I have a bad feeling about this trip — like I'm going to lose you.
If she didn't face that nagging fear, she was going to lose the two people she cared about most — Alex and Jonathan.
And yet, Tiyan would not only fall into war, it would lose the bloodline and demon the warlords fought so hard to preserve!
It is what he has to lose – his honor.
Using perspective projection the spherical panorama would lose much of its phenomenal reality.
In a vain attempt to lose some weight, I have taken to reading the labels on the food I buy.
You ca n't abort a mare, Pa says, or you'll lose her.
All who reach old age must lose their strength and become like him, feeble and gray.
And because of this, we would therefore lose the inevitable relationships that naturally formed?
Someday the computer program will lose its job, although I don't know to what.
The house will know where everything in it is; you will never again lose your keys or your child's favorite stuffed animal.
In a world without scarcity, or that has scarcity at such a trivial level it is hardly noticeable, all the conventional theories and dogmas lose their meaning.
Do not let us lose any time...
As soon as historians of different nationalities and tendencies begin to describe the same event, the replies they give immediately lose all meaning, for this force is understood by them all not only differently but often in quite contradictory ways.
As time passes, the sports memorabilia trickles down to future generations; however, the cards lose sentimental value.
She.d lose her sister, her only family, and Rhyn hadn.t yet proven he could keep her safe.
She didn.t want to lose him just yet.
There was something about the warrior that warned her he didn't lose his battles.
You're not going to lose me, I'm here and I'm not going anywhere.
If he stayed, he'd lose her forever.
You could lose me any time.
Similar principles apply in infinite detail to the treatment of wind instruments, and we must never lose sight of them in speculating as to the reasons why the genius of Beethoven was able to carry instrumentation into worlds of which Haydn and Mozart never dreamt, or why, having gone so far, it left anything unexplored.
However, one should never lose hope of beating a food addiction.
The detachable antenna is easy to lose and it would be better with a solid one.
Arcadia ego Brideshead did not make me lose my (rather desperate attempt at) faith.
Slowly, the old land-owning aristocracy was beginning to lose ground to the abstract forces of money.
Nor need a welfare attorney who becomes bankrupt lose their powers.
Trying to be in control can sometimes backfire - you can lose what you might have gained.
A couple of hours passed with nothing until I managed to lose a good barbel in a snag, last cast.
Britain is about to lose that birthright of the law and with it, its nationhood.
Blades usually lose their set before becoming blunt, by being trapped in the felling cuts of trees.
In the last lesson we saw that atoms can lose or gain electrons to form ionic bonds.
We rapidly lose interest in the mystery that shrouds the eponymous boogeyman.
We may well hear more about this case, but if Debenhams do eventually lose it will at least make the bookkeeping easier.
Why should a family lose a breadwinner and the company and its directors that committed this crime lose nothing?
In the latest version you completely lose the locus of control, you have limited chances of stopping breakaways.
Once you lose the Fatherhood of God, you soon lose the brotherhood of man.
The only real way to lose weight is by eating fewer calories than your body burns in a given day.
If they are on a base they have a catcher, but they can't see the bowler bowling and lose interest.
Brazil ' s central bank loses $ 68m How do you lose $ 68m?
He began to lose his focus and a lot of he general chitchat of the staff just washed over his head.
Local papers that unfairly undermine local institutions to boost circulation will lose their readers ' trust.
In the scenario above, the work library will clobber the home library, and you would lose the four new references.
Page 387, fourth paragraph, lines 3-4 The earlier query did not lose it's joins predicate tho transitive closure - so.. .
You could lose some traffic to your dot com competitor.
Don't lose the blanky Comfort Blankets has revamped what must be the most popular brand of baby comforters.
Now, changes recommended by the electoral commission mean his ward will lose at least 600 electors, most of them Protestants.
A swing in the economic or political conjuncture suffices for such radicals to lose their bearings.
Keeping areas contiguous with district areas would, however, lose the operational efficiency of common destinations.
There were " Violent tornados of temper when he would lose himself " as Bond & Tobin put it, not continual aggravation.
The visitors somehow contrived to lose 20 wickets in a day at a ground where the pitches are renowned for being batsmen friendly.
In the intro section of the game there are a few more details on why the undercover cop seems to have nothing to lose.
Patients can also lose their vocal cords, used to produce speech sounds.
If a mermaid was to marry a fin man she would slowly lose her beauty, until she became an ugly crone.
Lose yourself in a snowy forest, toast the occasion by a log fire, go cross-country skiing to work up an appetite.
In cases of marital separation, they lose custody of their children.
I have a datura which does not seem to be in a book and I do not want to lose my plants through ignorance.
Men, even in the highest deciles, were less aware that they are overweight and few of them were trying to lose weight.
Lose a Whole - a Free Printable game for teaching decimals.. .
When they did, Colonel Leavenworth was warned to do something decisive or he would lose Indian respect forever.
If you lose or never receive the email containing the decrypt key, it will be impossible to retrieve the decrypt key, it will be impossible to retrieve the decrypted card number.
In the short term, most people who go on low carbohydrate diets lose weight very quickly.
Battersea Healthy Living Initiative and local NHS dietitians are offering a new course to Battersea residents who need to lose weight.
Subjectivity is fractured and connects with others, but Haraway does not lose the agency - as often happens in postmodern discourse.
We must not lose sight of the fact, however, that there are not enough bone marrow donors, full stop.
But he never became downhearted, nor did he lose his enthusiasm for new opening or new ideas.
Very soon she begins to lose herself in a shady quagmire of corporate duplicity and espionage.
The welding electrode can also lose contact in extreme cases, causing weld splash.
The ruling elite, the royal families of Europe were never supposed to lose control.
Help us not to lose hope when overwhelmed by the enormity of poverty, hunger and oppression in your world.
The adventurer was not the only man to lose his life on the ill-fated expedition.
I would lose every last farthing I had, I would sleep rough, I would do anything to have my son back.
Once you lose the fatherhood of God, you soon lose the brotherhood of man.
But if He does that, we have to look at ourselves and ask what we've done to lose the favor of God.
So many people get caught up in the buying frenzy of wedding planning, that they lose sight of the thing that really matters.
This is not a time to try to lose weight, or prevent weight gain.
Senior officials will lose out; they are biggest gainers from the final salary link.
Why on earth she would have to lose weight is beyond me, have you seen the gal?
Driving like that you'll lose your license I haven't got a license.
If they see a particularly grotesque corpse they might puke up or lose it altogether and run around hysterically, shooting everyone in sight.
Clive becomes first of 4 people to lose their wooly hats.
Many highly skilled people lose their jobs, in areas such as manufacturing, machinery repair and livestock haulage.
Goliath herons are known to lose a percentage of their catch to Fish Eagles.
How do I lose weight and exercise with an arthritic hip?
A few have no desire whatever to lose their symptoms and have merely agreed to try hypnotism to please their friends or relations.
Forensic Alliance Ryan and Haslam also hypothesize that women may feel they have less to lose.
He may lose his inhibitions and become sexually inappropriate.
The campaign will continue in its attempts to reduce the grief of families who lose loved ones as a result of driving inexperience.
And we must not lose our sense that this is an utterly inhumane way to treat people.
You must pay these installments or you will lose your home.
Oh, let us lose not an instant in bringing help to this poor creature.
Those covered by direct-selling insurers are the most likely to lose by not making enquiries.
Revenue lose tax Status Case Property investors - a few tax return pointers intestacy - What happens if there is no will!
He has a tendency to lose his v-necked jumpers when using them for goalposts on the rare occasions he plays football at lunchtime.
Kenneth sims visible to the once a year these people lose.
You lose fat because of a process called ketosis - the transformation of fat into fuel.
However, as adipose tissue contains about 7,000 kilo calories per kilo calories per kilogram, physical activity alone is seldom sufficient to lose much weight.
To lose one kilogram of fat requires an energy deficit of around 7,000 calories.
Likely lose your you are in blue-chip kingpins unwind.
It sounds really kooky and newage, but after reading all your posts it seems like you have nothing to lose by trying it.
The energy dairy cows lose is so great, that most only manage three lactations before being killed (3 ).
Don't forget - you can only lose eight lemmings!
Top 10 easy ways to cut calories There are two ways to lose weight burn more calories or eat less of them.
Bristol is highly likely to lose its Objective 2 EU status (based on GDP per head) from 2006.
Some Win, Some Lose The slowdown is throwing into sharp relief the uniquely lopsided shape of Britain's TV market.
In a game where you can lose your character within seconds of starting a bout, adding extra speed is just utter lunacy.
We lose too many of our warriors too soon.
These studies indicate that residential mortgagors are more likely to lose their home than residential tenants.
Max Payne is a man with nothing to lose in the violent, cold urban night.
I lose my breath at biking and as for that mixed hiking I'd rather play noughts and crosses with you.
Mr Mathers won the best Song Oscar of course, for 8 Mile track ' Lose Yourself ' .
Certain rare inherited disorders can cause normal kidneys to lose phosphorus, which causes osteomalacia.
Dan's slightly otherworldly show is a place to come and lose yourself from the crowds.
Have you been trying to lose weight but find it comes off at a snail's pace?
When I see a snarling vampire in the movies with white pancake makeup and bloody fangs, I lose interest.
If I lose this tooth I've told the PCT I'll sue the pants of them!
It continues to lose mass via a stellar wind as it dies, forming a planetary nebula.
Best Before Date Supplements can lose potency over time, especially in hot and humid climates.
The other thing I would say is do n't pressurize people into signing up on the spot, or you could lose them altogether.
John Prescott will stay as deputy prime minister, but will lose his department.
In the Internet age it's got to be quick, or you lose the punters.
Although these people are better than ' mug punters ' they almost all lose long-term.
A fortnight later, you feel queer, Somehow lose your immune veneer.
Life will immediately begin to be sweeter and what you lose on this side will be abundantly recompensed on the other.
Some patients are never reconciled with having to lose their natural teeth.
Fourteen years ago, they committed regicide on Margaret Thatcher when they thought she would lose them an election.
Snowflakes can also fall through layers of different relative humidity where they can both build up and lose mass.
Ultimately I aim to lose the object, concentrating on color and light to evoke something beyond the merely representational.
Ireland made a perfectly respectable 263 for 9 to lose the game by 38 runs.
Fasting, skipping meals, and overly restrictive diets will enable you to lose weight in the short run.
The keyboard has to be used to turn on the spot using the tail rotor or to gain or lose height.
What have you got to lose apart from an occasional hour of your usual routine?
It seems that the RE were somewhat saddened not to lose the Waterloo & City!
Affected animals refuse food, drool saliva from the mouth, and lose weight.
Those who preach a salvation that you can lose, are preaching a perverted gospel.
Autistic savants who do seem to make the change, albeit belatedly, may thus lose their abilities.
If we win we will be great heroes; but if we lose we will be the greatest scoundrels the country has ever produced.
Is there any chance of introducing some sort of mini season ticket so that I could pick and choose and not lose out?
The nymphs can move about but later they lose their legs & become sedentary.
People who have generalized seizures usually fall to the ground and lose consciousness.
Lose Weight Now was at number 8 in the UK's overall best selling self-help audio charts for 2003.
For a moment only did I lose recollection; I fell senseless on the ground.
I'm printing serial, my baud rate is at 9600, and intermittently the printer will lose data.
We all know what happened, I went for a walk during the penalty shootout, I just knew we were going to lose.
Many of the large firms lose sight of these basic principles.
During the winter of 1993-94 there was severe cliff slippage at Filey, which caused the club to lose its clubhouse and changing rooms.
Such as the lose maybe winning featuring london socialites on quot law.
However, we must not lose that spontaneity in our work.
I was told I had the classic cysts on my ovaries & I also struggled to lose weight & was quite spotty.
Whether you want to tone, tighten, lose weight, build strength or increase stamina we can help.
Hull, Birmingham and Nottingham have now stepped-up their game to make sure the people they serve do not lose out.
They breathe through tiny holes in their leaves called stomata; they also lose water through the stomata.
Even if shopping streets lose tenants, they will be replaced, says Mallen.
Be careful not to damage the chrome strip or lose any of the screws or their special chrome cup washers.
And, like all Dyson vacuum cleaners, it doesnât lose suction.
Susan pepperdine a. Determined to create don't lose huge.
More recently, had the likes of Petty held sway, we might not have even started this season with league status to lose.
Tho Iâve still got more weight to lose, Iâm more active playing tennis, skiing and able to work harder.
The most efficient way to lose weight is to increase thermogenesis.
Similarly, we can see Indy's is still the division to lose, especially as they have tiebreakers over the Flames.
We run a pretty tight ship here and we win together and lose together so it's been a pretty quiet weekend.
Yes, certainly, although I think I might lose a toenail as a result of the run,?
He should lose the tontine, and with that the last hope of his seven thousand eight hundred pounds.
I get up, my feet lose traction in the muck.
In Afghanistan, Islamic traditionalism was strong, and warlords and traditional leaders had much to lose from foreign interference.
It's a mundane, but vital thing, because if we leave the room untidy, we might well lose our venue.
But of all those nations, Russia has most to lose if an American viceroy replaces Hussein in Baghdad.
Did I lose a wager, accidentally enter the wrong competition or just open somebody else's mail?
International cover Extended warrantee Accidental damage " Lose your PDA.. .
When the ice melts your drink will not lose its flavor and become too watery.
Duncan, whose swim was very weedy, had the misfortune to lose seven good fish.
Fear must release me to my God Anger must leave me, As a gentle whisper in the wind Death must lose its sting.
Lose money betting the largest winery not much offered.
Slim & Aerobics Lose weight faster and help keep it off with the ultimate in cardio-vascular workouts.
However at the current year-end of March 2001 the old rules still mean you need to be fully spent lest you lose the balance.
Geitel (7) that even the most perfectly insulated conductors lose their charge, and that this loss depends on atmospheric conditions.
Or a philosopher like Hegel, armed with a metaphysical theory, may descend upon the facts of religion and interpret them in its light, till they almost lose their original significance, which we might provisionally define as consisting in this, that the believer in any religion finds himself helped or (as he claims) saved by it.
To lose thyself in some sort, as if thou wert not, and to have no consciousness of thyself at all - to be emptied of thyself and almost annihilated - such is heavenly conversation....
The victims of this affliction lose for the time all self-control and all sense of their own identity, imitating the actions of any person who chances to rivet their attention.
But the king of Prussia's taunt is deprived of its sting by the almost incredible candour of her own words to Kaunitz, that if she was to lose her reputation before God and man for respecting the rights of others it must not be for a small advantage - if, in fact, Austria was to share in the plunder of Poland, she was to be consoled for the distress caused to her feelings by the magnitude of her share of the booty.
The penalty for corrupt resigning or exchanging of a benefice with cure of souls is that the giver as well as the taker shall lose double the value of the sum so given or taken, half the sum to go to the crown and half to a common informer.
On the other hand, they would certainly lose their hold on the laity, unless some kind of change were made; for many of the Church's rules were obsolete, and others far too severe to impose on the France of Montaigne or even the Spain of Cervantes.
And sometimes very active snakes, like the cobra, advance simultaneously with the remainder of the body, which, however, glides in the ordinary fashion over the ground; but no snake is able to impart such an impetus to the whole of its body as to lose its contact with the ground.
And just as mind does not lose but gain in individuality in proportion as it parts with any claim to the capricious determination of what its world shall be, and becomes dominated by the conception of an order which is immutable so the will becomes free and " personal " in proportion as it identifies itself with objects and interests, and subordinates itself to laws and requirements which involve the suppression of all that is merely arbitrary and subjective.
The children are pretty but soon lose their charm, and the race, generally speaking, is ugly from the European standpoint.
As a single soul (world-soul) it belongs in essence and destination to the intelligible world; but it also embraces innumerable individual souls; and these can either submit to be ruled by the nous, or turn aside to the sensual and lose themselves in the finite.
The mountains in the neighbourhood were the home of the Diacrii or Hyperacrii, who, being poor mountaineers, and having nothing to lose, were the principal advocates of political reform; while, on the other hand, the Pedieis, or inhabitants of the plains, being wealthy landholders, formed the strong conservative element, and the Parali, or occupants of the sea-coast, representing the mercantile interest, held an intermediate position between the two (see Cleisthenes).
Remember when Janis Joplin sang "Freedom's just another word for 'nothing left to lose'"?
I have a picture of old Rip in my fingers which they will never lose.
In the Internet age it 's got to be quick, or you lose the punters.
If you lose, quit without saving and simulate again until you win.
It would be most regrettable to lose the timing gains now available.
Just thinking of the resale value, would be a shame to lose too much just on the cosmetic damage.
Note that you have to make sure that when you rewrite the URL, you donât lose the query string.
The rosebay willowherb was just about to lose its seeds, the wind carrying them to fresh pastures.
It seems that the RE were somewhat saddened not to lose the Waterloo & City !
Lose Weight Now was at number 8 in the UK 's overall best selling self-help audio charts for 2003.
I 'm printing serial, my baud rate is at 9600, and intermittently the printer will lose data.
Many people are too shy to talk in front of others, so lose out on vital practice.
In contrast, with a sole proprietorship or partnership, the owners can lose personal assets in a business lawsuit.
Can Bink solve the riddle of Greek mythology 's most terrifying monster or will he lose his kingdom, his princess and his life?
Only speculate with money you can afford to lose.
Little grandson, whom we both expected to lose interest after about half an hour sat for the full two hours absolutely spellbound.
Clearly these parties had to lose all support and all influence among the workers and the toiling strata of the peasantry.
You may progress bathing dressing eating to our flex susan pepperdine a. Determined to create do n't lose huge.
Consumers who contest a takedown notice stand to suffer heavily whether they win or lose.
Always there is this teasing Sometimes I lose all hope Where is my strength to hold on?
My sister is taking thyroxine tablets to lose weight is n't this dangerous?
Similarly, we can see Indy 's is still the division to lose, especially as they have tiebreakers over the Flames.
We run a pretty tight ship here and we win together and lose together so it 's been a pretty quiet weekend.
Yes, certainly, although I think I might lose a toenail as a result of the run, ?
Their endorsement ' feeds her ego and causes her to lose touch with reality '.
Now, the southwest of England is due to lose £ 100 million in tourism revenue.
They were most unfortunate to lose in a 5 penalties finish.
Stourport 's first Novice Four were unlucky to lose the final of their event at Penarth Regatta two weeks ago.
It 's a mundane, but vital thing, because if we leave the room untidy, we might well lose our venue.
Did I lose a wager, accidentally enter the wrong competition or just open somebody else 's mail?
If you decide to disown someone, you should lose all connections with them.
If you want to lose weight, curtail the time you spend watching television and replace it with exercise.
Using deceit is an excellent way to lose respect from other individuals.
The chef's cooking let off a malodorous scent, causing some guests to lose their appetites.
The engineers are working very hard to make sure that the space shuttle will not lose any air pressure.
I immediately lose respect for anyone who speaks in a condescending way to their employees.
Janell has been very vigilant with her diet because she is determined to lose weight and be healthier.
The aerobic benefits of kickboxing helped me lose 20 pounds in six months.
If the employee decides not to abide by the contract, he will surely lose his job.
Entrepreneurs are like travelers in unexplored territory. It's easy to lose your way or to reach a crossroads and not be sure which way to go.
Tell them to limit their investment to what they can afford to lose.
You don't want to lose the flexibility and dexterity to move quickly and respond to real situations or opportunities.
You don't want to lose money on the deal.
In fact, some women actually lose a little weight during this time period.
Remember, the more weight you gain, the more you'll have to lose.
If you were already overweight to begin with, you'll struggle even more to lose that weight.
If you were to purchase an item that is actually designed for an older or younger child, the baby that you are giving it to will probably lose interest in it rather quickly.
Because breastfeeding requires more calories, nursing mothers can eat more healthy foods and often still lose the baby weight quicker than those moms who don't breastfeed.
Babies can also lose blood because of acid burning the esophagus.
For example, Delilah cut off Samson's hair and made him lose his strength.
Keep in mind that it is common for premature babies to lose weight or experience very slow weight gain in the first couple of weeks after birth.
When it is time to travel, make sure all of the items that won't go in the quart size zip-top bag are packed into your checked luggage so you don't lose them at the security check point.
Make sure you check the size of your bottles so you don't lose your medicine.
Most babies lose weight or stabilize once they become mobile.
While it is true that a toddler's attention span is shorter than an adult's or a school age child's attention span, many children lose interest in toys not because they are bored but because they are frustrated.
Keeps playing time for each individual game short so that toddlers get some sense of completion before they lose interest.
If you go into it with this attitude you can't lose even if your investment doesn't bear the returns that you are looking for.
Once coffee is ground it begins to lose flavor and freshness rapidly.
Try not to buy corn that has been husked because this allows the corn to dry out and lose flavor.
The longer that they sit around the more flavor they lose.
Wet-aged beef isn't exposed to air so it doesn't lose as much moisture through evaporation.
Cats to begin to lose their senses of taste and smell after passing this age.
Cologne can lose its scent after a couple of hours of wear.
Usually you can come out on top, because at this point they've invested far too much effort into the sale to lose it at the last minute.
For instance, do not try and rationalize the purchase thinking that you will lose some weight and it will fit well then.
Herbs don't really ever go bad, but they do start to lose their strength after about six months.
If you're not, you can lose a lot of money (and time).
Sure, most of the gadgetry that you'll pick up will be outdated shortly after you purchase it, but that doesn't mean that it will lose its functionality.
Stores are much less likely to lose or forget a rental when money has all ready been put down on the item.
Finally, over the years, an antique can lose some or all of its strength and sturdiness.
People spend most of their money on a set of clubs hoping to find that one magical club that can win or lose a game.
Over its lifetime, the battery may lose some of the gumption to keep a full charge, so picking up an extra battery might be beneficial.
You will probably find the prices very competitive or even better because they don't want to lose out.
Using a bad or cheaply made mount can jerk the movements enough where you lose sightings, which can get annoying.
The reason is that the digital files will not be that large to upload and send, but will not lose quality and be reasonably viewable.
It's best to use waterproof sheets with memory foam, as water and other liquids can damage the foam and cause it to lose its elasticity.
When the stock price drops again, these investors lose money.
Retailers rarely, if at all, make any money on doorbusters and probably lose money.