Lord's prayer Sentence Examples
She mumbled something he could not understand until he forced concentration, eventually discerning the thin voice whispering The Lord's Prayer.
Then after a prayer for sanctification, or for worthy reception, followed the Lord's Prayer, and after the Lord's Prayer the communion.
The other also dates from the Caesarean period; it mentions many interesting details, and concludes with a fine exposition of the Lord's Prayer.
Others of his works (all in French) were his treatise on purgatory (1534), on the Lord's Prayer (1543), on the Supper (1555).
None of his sermons, however, unless we regard his book on the Lord's Prayer as a homily, has come down to us.
But in that case how can the creed and ritual of baptism, the Lord's Prayer and the Eucharistic formulae, have been kept secret?
After a residence in the north as chaplain to Henry Hastings, earl of Huntingdon, President of the North, he was made vicar of St Giles's, Cripplegate, in 1588, and there delivered his striking sermons on the temptation in the wilderness and the Lord's prayer.
Lyte's first work was Tales in Verse illustrative of Several of the Petitions in the Lord's Prayer (1826), which was written at Lymington.
Out of this grew up in the 3rd or 4th century what is known as the arcani disciplina, or secret discipline of the Church, involving the concealment from the uninitiated and unholy of the more sacred parts of the Christian cult, such as baptism and the eucharist, with their various accompaniments, including the Creed and the Lord's Prayer.
A few fragments printed in Polish had appeared before this, as the Lord's Prayer in the statutes of the bishops of Breslau in 1475, the story of Pope Urban in Latin, German and Polish in 1505, &c.; but the first complete work in the Polish language appeared from the press of this printer at Cracow in 1521, under the title, Speeches of the Wise King Solomon.
AdvertisementIn the main they are expositions of the Creed, the Lord's Prayer and the Decalogue, and thus follow a tradition that has come down from the days when Cyril of Jerusalem delivered his catechetical Lectures.
The Cathars used only the Lord's prayer in consecrating the bread and used water for wine.
He would amaze a drawing-room by suddenly ejaculating a clause of the Lord's Prayer.
They cannot, however, be called secular, as they are opened and closed with the Lord's Prayer and closed with the reading of the Bible.
The Lord's Prayer is then repeated by the postulant after the elder, who explains it clause by clause; the words panis superstantialis being interpreted not of the material but of the spiritual bread, which consists of the Words of Life.
AdvertisementThis is Stara i., the Lord's Prayer of the Moslems, a vigorous hymn of praise to God, the Lord of both worlds, which ends in a petition for aid and true guidance (huda).
The Lord's Prayer in its oldest and simplest form is the expression of its faith, and Christ's separation of mankind on the right hand and on the left in accordance with their service or refusal of service to their fellow-men is its own judgment of the right of any age or church to the name Christian.
Fewer than half could say the Ten Commandments; some could not even repeat the Lord's Prayer in English.
The Lord's Prayer was communicated with similar solemnity in the West (traditio precis).
The communication to the candidates of the Creed and Lord's Prayer was a solemn rite.
AdvertisementFollowing the fashion of the pagan mysteries in which men were only permitted to gaze upon the sacred objects after minute lustrations and scrupulous purifications, Christian teachers came to represent the Creed, Lord's Prayer and Lord's Supper as mysteries to be guarded in silence and never divulged either to the unbaptized or to the pagans.
Yet it is inconceivable that men and women should spend years, even whole lives, as catechumens within the pale of the church, and really remain ignorant all the time of the Trinitarian Epiclesis used in baptism, of the Creed, and above all of the Lord's Prayer.
They generally expound (I) The Apostles' Creed, (2) the Ten Commandments, (3) the Lord's Prayer.
The Lord's prayer in signs is not the Lord's prayer in English.
Without boasting, you know, I may say that I know the Army Orders by heart and know the Regulations as well as I do the Lord's Prayer.
AdvertisementThe Montebello Collections Prayer Cross is a lovely sterling silver and crystal necklace that features a unique center stone that, when viewed, reveals the entire Lord's prayer.
The sense of mystery as to how Montebello Collections created the prayer center stone, and the fact that wearers can view the entire Lord's Prayer easily, will appeal to many jewelry shoppers.