Looks-like Sentence Examples
It looks like something out of a horror movie.
It looks like we've got company.
It looks like a Christmas card.
Geez. Looks like it's been hit by a locomotive.
It looks like a fine place to raise children.
It looks like he has other plans.
It looks like it might get bad.
This looks like a good spot to eat lunch.
It looks like he's moving east and maybe will drop down in the states in New York or New England.
In any case, it looks like Ully needs to go back to the drawing board, and we use Rhyn for now to take out Sasha's henchmen.
AdvertisementKinda looks like Armageddon.
At least it looks like mine.
While I'm not disagreeing with you that Edith looks like the best candidate, in my mind she's still the flavor of the month at the fruitcake sale.
And, it looks like we're going to have custody!
You think it looks like yours?
AdvertisementIt isn't what it looks like.
I think she's ready to foal and it looks like a storm is brewing out there.
I don't see anything that looks like gold.
It looks like we have the second afternoon in a row to ourselves.
But it rather looks like fun, doesn't it?
AdvertisementIt looks like Shipton got in a few good whacks.
It looks like it's starting to burn good.
It looks like it was Byrne's.
This looks like you were hit with a board.
It looks like a storm is building and I need to get some work done in the garden.
AdvertisementIt's not possible for someone who looks like Gerry to be interested in me.
It just looks like a birthday card to me.
It looks like he'd just come out of the shower and got it from behind, with something heavy.
So, it looks like Talon's goons took our pig and injected it with something to turn it into a vamp.
Jenn, looks like we need a ride.
This one looks like a busted piece of Halloween pottery.
It looks like the bear staked this out as his kill, so...
It looks like the messaging system is back up.
She looks like the Council, dismembered beyond recognition.
Fred, it looks like you've got yourself a real mystery this time.
When she rounded the corner to enter the room she shrieked, "Jesus, it looks like a bomb went off in here."
I don't give a hoot what he looks like.
It looks like he was attempting to arm the remaining weapons systems in the East.
Because I should trust a creepy ghost that looks like someone I once knew over the Immortal who rescued me from Death.
We should reach the fortress in the morning. It looks like she's there, Gabe reported.
Not us, not Katie, not the demons. That leaves other Immortals. Looks like we're not the only ones here.
Sure, it looks like a phony and we've got to check it out, but my money says it's a drowning.
Sorry to disappoint you, Sherlock, but it looks like a simple drowning.
It looks like she's too goody-goody to sue anybody, but I haven't given up yet.
If you'll just tell us what Cleary looks like we'll get out of your hair.
This note sounds like and looks like he was blind drunk when he wrote it and he doesn't know what the hell he's talking about.
There's still too many coincidences and things that don't add up and we'll probably never get the answers, but I agree—it looks like this is the end of the line if we can't locate him on this tour.
It looks like your 'something old' has become his 'something new'.
Unless this portal looks like a shrub, she said.
She's so cute, and Jonathan looks like a little man.
Hail. Some of them as big as baseballs, looks like.
It looks like you've been busy.
It looks like it's a good thing I arrived when I did.
It looks like she was bit by a dog.
There is what looks like an excellent contemporary portrait in one of the windows of All Souls College, which is figured in the Victoria County History for Hampshire, ii.
Viewed from the walls Peking looks like a city of gardens.
There remains what looks like absolute proof that, in essence, Crawford's Declaration and Letter Il.are independent documents.
After forming the prepuce the skin is reflected over the .glans and here looks like mucbus membrane.
All its lines arrange themselves in two families of series, in other words, the spectrum looks like that of the superposition of two spectra similar to those presented by the alkali metals.
At first this starting-point looks like dualistic realism, but in reality the author only meant dualism within experience.
Hence a religious map of South Germany looks like an historical map of the 17th century.
This long and wide depression, though it looks like one great valley, strictly speaking, includes portions of the valleys of the Tay, Isla, North Esk and South Esk, all of which cross it.
It " looks like a vaporous cloud " and is full of tricks and illusions of sense.
In the constitution of the Jomborg state and again in that of the eastern Vaerings (a Scandinavian body in the service of the East Roman Empire) we see a constitution which looks like the foretaste of that of the Templars or the Teutonic Knights.
This looks like the assumption of indigenous traits by a foreigner - cf.
The streets are planted with huge shade-trees, so that as Bida is approached it looks like a forest.
The opium must not be burnt or made too dry, but roasted gently till it looks like burnt worsted; every now and then he takes it away from the flame and rolls it (still on the end of the dipper) on the flat surface of the bowl.
This broad comprehensiveness, which to outsiders looks like ecclesiastical anarchy, is the characteristic note of the Church of England; it may be, and has been, defended as consonant with Christian charity and suited to the genius of a people not remarkable for logical consistency; but it makes it all the more difficult to say what the religion of Englishmen actually is, even within the English Church.
The aboriginal inhabitants collect a kind of tea called t`ien ch`a, or celestial tea, which looks like the leaves of a wild camellia, and has an earthy taste when infused.
It looks like the beginning of success of an effort made by a slight percolation during the whole life of the reservoir to increase itself materially by erosion.
This chapter, on " things and their qualities," looks like an interpolation in an analysis of mere " ideas."
In every direction the country looks like a veritable hive of human activity and enterprise, every town and village full of factories, and alive with the din of machinery.
Just as the phenomena of sudden conversion, complete revolutions of character occurring to outward appearance in a momentary space of time, are no valid argument against determinism - they may be due to the sudden emergence of elements in life and character long concealed - so what looks like the orderly and necessary development of a character growing and exhibiting its activity in accordance with fixed laws may in reality be due to innumerable secret struggles and momentous decisions, acts of choice of which only the results are outwardly apparent.
In the Ecaudata the ilium is greatly elongated and the pubis and ischium are flattened, discoidal, and closely applied to their fellows by their inner surfaces; the pelvic girdle looks like a pair of tongs.
The more I look into your Econ shit, the more it looks like a front.
It looks like there's remnants of a torn off bumper sticker on the back fender and a dent on the rear right side.
His name's on the sign so it looks like we're a big-ass razzle-dazzle firm just like in Philly.
Yeah. I was going to bunk outside but I'm scared shitless of thunder and it looks like rain.
There's still too many coincidences and things that don't add up and we'll probably never get the answers, but I agree—it looks like this is the end of the line if we can't locate him on this tour.
It looks like a cathartic experience, and I wish I had been able to attend.
Big congrats to Tim, who now looks like he will be riding in the expert category next year.
Are you intrigued to see what your old school, house or office looks like now?
In the game, it looks like an invisible barrier.
Toward the bottom of the front bezel is what looks like a mouth.
The suit you have been wearing looks like it came from the bargain bin of a charity shop.
Facilitators Katy and George Description What do you think a bisexual looks like?
Considering a plain blue blazer will set you back £ 100+ from the likes of M&S, this looks like a pretty good deal.
Will need a brolly too cos it looks like it might rain!
And when a bubble bursts, prices often plunge far beyond what looks like fair value.
But they still have the same cadence - tho it looks like they don't so that could be what you saw.
The fruits are shiny black berries, surrounded by a persistent calyx, which looks like a star.
There is also what looks like a butcher with a very big chopper!
It looks like the beginning of a spider's cobweb, hence the name of this approach.
I think it's this auction, tho it looks like they've had some copycats.
She looks like a young Sigourney Weaver and plays the naive heroine well, if a little too credulous for my taste.
The wall has then been filled with what looks like more lime mortar and again is quite crumbly.
Around the area he is losing the hair it looks like he has dandruff, is the normal during molting season?
A full specification file looks like this. declarations% % rules% % subroutines Declarations and subroutines sections are optional.
It is a yellow dhal which looks like split peas but is much tastier and does not break up when cooked.
And because the church is not discerning, it is being poisoned with a deadly chemical that looks like living water.
The box on the right that looks like a doorbell actually is an wireless doorbell receiver hooked into the 1-wire network.
Alternatively ask them to produce a reconstruction drawing showing what they think the whole object looks like.
Each worm looks like it is conducting a random scan, but it attempts to minimize duplication of effort.
He has what looks like a rusty old dustbin, the lid being replaced by a copper retort.
Anyway, looks like we had a lucky escape from nearly buying a lemon.
Bodas - Bodas makes beautiful everyday underwear - lingerie which looks like a luxury but is affordable and made for wearing everyday.
The above example looks like this when rendered in a browser.
In the world of our chosen abstraction - that of sequential execution of a method - it looks like our thread has hung.
So, looks like it's that old fallback, beer.
It looks like they could be cleared in an orderly top-down fashion using a pulley system and great care.
The Efco Melting Pot The Efco melting pot looks like a small deep fat fryer.
Posts by The VERY novice gardener Help, my Japanese Cherry looks like a twig, is it dead!
All the outside of his left leg looks like someone did im over with a cheese grater.
The first looks like it's been given a Mohican haircut.
The small horsetail that looks like a soft baby pine tree is preferred over the rigid, leafless kind.
To me she looks like a desperate housewife in need of a decent meal.
The 31st floor contains what looks like shiny metal hubcaps.
Later she looks like an empty husk, her energy spent, her tale told.
The final band for the evening is Midair 91 whoâs guitarist looks like a former lodger of mine who owes me money.
Tho it looks like a slightly less attractive version of its predecessor as seems mandatory at BMW these days appearances are deceptive.
This newest bastard stepchild from the unholy matrimony of Daimler Benz and Chrysler just plain looks like ass.
We've therefore developed Monarch - a synthetic alternative that mimics the characteristics of the natural hair, it even looks like natural mongoose!
The disorder can affect the mucous membranes of the mouth and genitals where it looks like a grayish erosion (shallow ulcer ).
If it looks like the liner might be a tight fit, then use a nose cone and attach the rope to that.
I have painted a cardboard box and cut an oblong out of the front panel so that it looks like a television.
It looks like esthetics is a discipline which will remain opaque to me.
It illustrates a well-known optical illusion; the crater looks like a hill when the photo is upside-down.
A money belt looks like a normal belt, but includes a zipped pouch for valuables.
K das contributor Yea, Van Helsing looks like CG overload but also pretty fun.
Seating is provided by what looks like wooden Thonet chairs, painted red.
There is a little bit of color shift but the filter looks like a good addition to an achromatic refractor.
News Yahoo News upgraded Yahoo have totally revamped their News service with what looks like an attempt to compete directly with Google News.
A tick bite usually looks like a lump with a small scab on the skin surface at the site of the bite.
The Internet Archive office looks like the village schoolhouse.
With his slightly shaggy longish hair he looks like a rock star from the 1970's or 80's.
She looks like a very smiley, friendly witch.
Picture 5 is 40 years on and this is what Martyn Day looks like now, playing squeezebox with the Crane River Cajuns.
He kinda looks like a smurf at the moment, but all newborn babies look a little squished... I am very proud!
All the tracks are as previous, so it looks like they were just too stingy to shell out for the artwork!
One person in particular looks like he's auditioning to be in the next karma sutra, only with clothes and on a train.
In the end, Bohr looks like a complete genius, and Heisenberg appears much more sympathetic than seemed likely at the start.
To me it looks like ' Glorie ' Hunting not so teeny boppers outside the stage door after an Ishmael concert.
I loved thunderbirds when I was a kid & this looks like the same kind of thing, but funny funny funny.
An F-14 tomcat, looks like it's making an evasive, punching burner and dropping flares.
His is a smart black suit with a yellow tie and as it looks like rain a long black umbrella.
A celesta just looks like a small upright piano, but the part can also be played on a piano.
The more your home looks like a model home the closer to top market value you will receive.
Now if you stop thinking right there then vegetarianism looks like a kinder option.
He added, " I know what a civil war looks like.
A male cettis warbler was singing constantly, looks like he's going to try again here this year.
Although she looks like an 1800`s wooden stern wheeler she is of all steel construction and diesel electric powered.
Your wife drapes a blond wig over your monitor to remind you of what she looks like.
This is a popper fastening wrap, which from the outside looks like the standard Nature babies wrap.
Despite the Chancellor's much stated policy aim to raise UK productivity, 2005 looks like ground zero.
It looks like a big zit on his forehead.
In the greater part of its course it is a transverse slit, but in traversing the glans it enlarges considerably to form the fossa navicularis, and here, in transverse section, it looks like an inverted T (1), then an inverted Y (A), and finally at its opening '-'uNtAT and Adolf (1806-1871), and his grandsons Johann Adolf and Oskar Philipp.
The conditions which approximate most closely to our present, perfect, future and imperative are marked either by aspiration of the initial or by one of the five prefix consonants according to the rules of euphony, and the whole looks like a former system thrown into confusion and disorder by phonetic decay.
Nothing exists that even remotely looks like Twitter before the Internet.
After all, we live in a universe that looks like it has plenty of room for us to expand into.
See whom she looks like!
It looks like he 's got a dead raccoon on it, does n't it?
Mini refrigerator satellite guidebooks give short looks like it to day cruise.
Home to find Button has regurgitated what looks like an ex bird on the sitting room carpet.
However, sometimes a property that looks like a quick, easy resale at a large profit turns out otherwise.
He looks like a frog, with those eyes and those rubbery lips.
A rudimentary lighting capability is supported, but the image produced still looks like a plot.
There is only one place in town which looks like a really scuzzy bar.
The future looks like slim coal pickings again for the pit village bright sparks.
We had a shooting at the Regency hotel, what looks like sniper fire through a window.
The island is famous for its almond trees - in early spring, their blossom looks like a sprinkling of snow.
He kinda looks like a smurf at the moment, but all newborn babies look a little squished... I am very proud !
The patch looks like a sticking plaster and is usually applied to the upper arm.
All the tracks are as previous, so it looks like they were just too stingy to shell out for the artwork !
To my 21st century Catholic eyes it looks like nothing so much as a symbol of rebirth and resurrection.
Beside, anything other than letting P Neville tarnish what otherwise looks like a pretty decent english line up !
Some people may not even remember what a telex machine looks like.
I loved Thunderbirds when I was a kid & this looks like the same kind of thing, but funny funny funny.
An F-14 Tomcat, looks like it 's making an evasive, punching burner and dropping flares.
I 've never been to Nogaro before but it looks like a very interesting and twisty track.
Our first reaction This looks like a unfair burden on business.
His ramp looks like the best vert ramp ever.
He added, I know what a civil war looks like.
A male cettis warbler was singing constantly, looks like he 's going to try again here this year.
Despite the Chancellor 's much stated policy aim to raise UK productivity, 2005 looks like ground zero.
Diaper Cake - Making something that looks like a cake, but is made out of rolled up diapers is a great way to make a beautiful centerpiece that is also a useful gift for the mother-to-be to take home.
Because infants typically outgrow their clothing long before it's worn out, you can often find designer infant clothing that looks like new without that new price tag.
The 2.3-inch TVs are encased in a plastic handheld design that looks like an old portable radio.
There are many different varieties of cacti available now, even some where one cactus has been grafted on another so it looks like the cactus is blooming.
If you are shopping online, the company night not be so reputable if their website looks like a blog.
What looks like a great deal initially when you start pricing carpets may end up being a not so good deal when you factor in labor costs.
Leave a note in the mailbox if it looks like the swingset goes unused, or if it will be removed shortly.
Accompanying Pepsi Throwback in its re-release in 2010 is Mountain Dew Throwback--also made with regular sugar--in a can that looks like it's from decades ago.
With fluctuating stock market and uncertainty surrounding both the dollar and the Euro, buying and selling gold and silver looks like a particularly attractive choice for investors.
Jenda looks like a regular calendar display with a full month showing.
An E-ink screen looks like a book but the pages will not refresh as quickly as they do with and LCD.
The Cat Window Seat looks like a piece of fine furniture and will compliment most decors.
He also holds his head in what looks like a somewhat aggressive posture.
Look for frothy vomit or vomit that looks like coffee grounds.
Sometimes an infected bite can abscess and actually puff up with a growth that looks like a large pimple or boil.
Now you should have a better understanding of what a Himalayan cat looks like.
If the thief looks like you, even remotely, this method of theft can lead to criminal charges against you for the thief's actions.
A trundle bunk bed actually looks like a typical double bunk bed with a full-length drawer underneath the floor height bunk bed.
Similar to the tumbler, the bio orb looks like a ball supported by a framework.
However, if you have never cooked with the fresh root, you may wonder what it looks like.
Add a few scale models of pirate ships displayed on floating shelves and some canvas bedding or a window treatment that looks like sailcloth.
The grown-ups can (in theory) navigate a holiday meal without making a casualty of your table décor, but kids will make your linens looks like they've been through the wars.
If you want a Christmas tree that looks like it stepped off the pages of a Victorian novel, then an old world style Christmas tree might be right for you.
By learning the methods, you can turn out stained glass that looks like it costs thousands for a couple of dollars.
It's worth the extra expense to make sure the fabric you're purchasing looks like the online photo.
If you have an old fridge that looks like it's seen better days, try painting it and turning it into a chalkboard.
Galley - A galley kitchen basically looks like a corridor, consisting of two opposing counters at least 42" apart that also hold the appliances.
When decorating with contact paper, you can transform the surface of an item into something that looks like brick, stainless steel, wood, leather, marble, suede or even a usable chalkboard surface.
Paint that looks like granite is available in nearly all Tuscan colors, and is a great way to bring dimension to a space.
One type of print you could go with is a print that looks like a giraffe hide.
Rustic style furnishings in this type of kitchen may include elements such as an old-fashioned wood burning stove or perhaps a refrigerator that looks like a vintage wooden ice box.
Even if you are younger, stick to matte looks like pale lipstick or lip stains.
Next, a Cover Girl eraser stick (the one that is in what looks like a lipstick container) under my eyes and any other areas that need concealing.
When you apply it to your skin, however, it looks like a real opal.
They might choose something they think looks like a good color, and they put it on and it's not right for them.
One of the reasons so many people love Kristen Stewart's makeup is that she almost looks like she isn't wearing any.
Instead of starting with "http," a secure site's URL will start with "https." Depending on your web browser, an icon that looks like a locked padlock may also appear to show that you're on a secure website.
Some people are only going to pay when it looks like you've gotten serious about taking action against them, which is what going to a collection agency represents.
Unfortunately that link brings you to a fake web site (that looks like the real site) that just collects your information for criminals.
For example, if you have to find a bowl or a spear, having a visual of exactly what that bowl or spear looks like makes finding the cleverly disguised items easier as they blend into a detailed background scene.
Even though the website looks like a Senior Web Project for college or even high school, you will find hundreds of 8-bit Nintendo games available to play.
Pour into martini glasses, and garnish with a maraschino cherry on a toothpick so that it looks like a cocktail olive.
You crave oatmeal cookies but get lazy with the baking measurements and add what looks like the right amount of flour, instead of the full two cups.
Drag a toothpick from the outside to the center of the cupcake so the food coloring now looks like a spider web.
If you have ever seen a matzo then you know what bread without leavening looks like.
A muddler is a stick that looks like a tiny club.
My recipes are gourmet and delightful and it looks like you spent hours in the kitchen.
Brush Script is a clean script font that looks like the letters were painted on the page.
Chalkboard is a font that looks like school letters written on a chalkboard.
Papyrus looks like a its written with a quill pen.
Stencil looks like the words were formed with stencils.
Swing is a pretty basic script font that looks like cursive handwriting (the lowercase letters join together when you type with them).
This is a fun thing to do with extra space on a page, if you don't fill up all the space you left for journaling or the page just looks like it needs a little something extra.
There are full-color examples to go along with each blueprint to give you a great idea of what it looks like when fleshed out with photos, journaling and embellishments.
In this technique, one leg glides in front of the other so that it looks like the skier is performing a series of lunges that descend the hill.
Sometimes you can even tuck the end into your shoe so it looks like you have on really long socks.
Real fur will have a complex base of what looks like wool, faux's base will show hairs all the same length and color.
Another thing to keep in mind is whether the graduate depicted on the card looks like the graduate in your life.
This color looks like fresh fallen snow.
Designer looks,like a Versace dress, have their own distinct style and Gucci prom dresses are no different.
At first blush, this looks like a relatively simple sheath, but as you peer more closely, the intricate designs begin to yield their secrets.
Forking - Place hundreds of plastic forks in the yard in front of the school so it looks like you are growing a fork field.
Wearing designer prom dresses or a dress that looks like high fashion is a memorable way to celebrate prom night with your date and freinds.
Consider montbretia/Crocosmia, which almost looks like freesia, but develops those aforementioned pods when mature.
Make a smaller bouquet that looks like your wedding bouquet if you plan to be tossing one at your reception.
This site also has more traditional bride and groom options that you could use in addition to colored icing that looks like waves and sand on the top of your cake.
Decide what information is essential for your wedding program before you consider the design, since the amount of information you'll need to include might affect what your finished program looks like.
The official flower for the month of September is the Aster, which is a flower that looks like small daisies.
After all, most guests care far more about how their cake tastes than what the slice looks like.
I was in the dark about what teen culture looks like today so I figured other parents might be in the same boat.
Crystal methamphetamine or "speed" looks like ice or glass and can be smoked, snorted or injected.
An affirmations curtain, with silly phrases written on what looks like Stickies.
Round until it looks like middle of your own lips.
Crush chocolate wafer or chocolate sandwich cookies until they are very fine, so that it looks like dirt.
Use a piping bag to create lines on the sides of the square cake so that it looks like the brick of a chimney.
Whether it's a sheet cake with paws for a tiger or wolf mascot or a sculpted cake that looks like a tornado, there are many options for incorporating the mascot into a graduation cake.
It looks like Kevin Federline won't get that street cred he's been craving so much.
It looks like public indiscretions aren't limited to young Hollywood anymore.
While other Idol castoffs have not achieved Hudson's level of success - and many have completely faded out of the spotlight - it looks like Sanjaya Malakar isn't going anywhere too soon.
Even though she's overcome cancer, it looks like she is still trying to regain her Charlie's Angels' image.
It looks like it may be Donald Trump's turn to be fired.
It looks like the public will be the judge this time.
By now, we're more than aware that Corey Haim's acting career has dried up, but it looks like the actor is making a last ditch effort - with an advertisement featuring himself in Variety magazine.
Uh-oh. Looks like actress Bai Ling got busted for a little five finger discount.
It looks like Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt are playing the law of averages - by immersing themselves in so many projects, they're bound to find success with one of them.
Guy looks like he's in pain and Madge looks like an ice queen.
Boyle has said that she'd really like to get an album out and it looks like she's about to realize that dream.
Burke gushes on how she thinks Sophia looks like Jude.
Like with many people who have had too much work done, she now looks like a caricature of her former self.
While she has admitted to nothing, it certainly looks like she's had some work done on her face; lip implants and a cheek augmentation are what many people are guessing.
This picture bears the most proof that there was in fact some type of work done, comparing the teenage Bullock to the what she looks like today.
An even dressier option is the Katie and Co. piqué coat in pastel pink, which looks like it would be a perfect coat to cover your daughter's Easter dress or be worn on any other occasion during the spring months.
For everyday wear, football players often don their jerseys or a mock jersey that looks like the team jersey of their favorite professional football player.
We Love Colors offers footless tights for both women and children, including the 'color splash' version that looks like several different shades of tie-dye.
This ensemble looks like a dress, but it is composed of a flared-hem top and a skirt, plus a head wrap.
According to Memphis River Front, however, it looks like things could change as early as May 2011 thanks to Seattle-based Cruise West and the Spirit of America.
One of the great things about the Internet is that it makes it easy to see what your cruise ship looks like before you even set foot on board.
The male is two years old, and his skin has a lot of dryness that looks like dandruff.
He is also shedding so badly his coat looks like it's turning white, but he's a supposed to be a chocolate.
It looks like explosives went off in the house, even if we only leave him for an hour.
Be vigilant when you bring him back in, and give him a loud firm "NO" if he looks like he is going to pee, then take him right back outside and give him the command to go.
I really don't want to return him to the shelter, but that's what it looks like mom is going to make us do.
She is muscular, and when she runs fast she looks like a Greyhound.
These items provide no nutritional value, and it's only people who care about what the food looks like.
Ruthie said, "Yes Wendy, I think I know what a skunk looks like.
Use the pulse button to mix well until you have what looks like a mix of crumbles.
You can get a clipper that works like a guillotine to cut the nail, or you can get a clipper that looks like a scissors that has a notch on one of the blades for the toenail to sit in.
They believe that nudism teaches one to be comfortable with one's body, whatever it looks like.
The yellow tinge of the foliage is extremely bright, and at a distance looks like a glowing mass of yellow bloom.
Use only one plant per pocket, even if it looks like you can fit in a lot more.
If you are worried about taking care of your floors, you may want to look at laminate flooring that looks like hardwood.Hardwood floors are a great addition to any home.
Mounted within the structure of the ceiling so it looks like it is flush with the ceiling, recessed lighting can provide incandescent or fluorescent light.
That's right, it looks like wood but is only a fraction of the cost.
Generally, even a very good reproduction looks like a reproduction and not the real thing.
Just because a product is made of glass, it doesn't mean that you can see through it or that it just looks like a flat soda pop bottle.
Installing siding looks like a big job, but it isn't as overwhelming as it appears.
Use ceramic tile that looks like wood to save labor money on installation and still get the appearance of a true hardwood floor.
One solution that tile-makers have come up with is ceramic tile that looks like wood.
Tile that looks like wood is less expensive than hardwood and laminate flooring.
Just because it looks like a Chanel necklace you saw before, that doesn't mean it will always be the same size.
They also sell higher end faux jewelry that looks like the real thing.
At first glance, the prayer cross looks like a regular cross and the prayer can only be seen when someone looks into the center stone design, which gives the wearer some privacy.
If it's cotton, pick a tie that looks like it could be made from the same material.
It looks like a fedora but is much easier to care for and travel with.
In the background one can make out an image that looks like the Aurora Borealis and a smattering of souls.
Know what inappropriate work attire for men looks like will help you know what to avoid wearing in a professional environment.
It looks like silk but can be machine washed for easy care.
It is pre-knotted and looks like a regular tie expect for the hidden zipper that opens and allows you to place it around your neck and simply re-zip to complete the look.
After the tea ferments, the sac that forms on the top looks like a mushroom cap.
The website will also allow you to save what you view for 60 minutes in its "Must Sew List" and get a close look at exactly what the outfit looks like.
When you think of an Easter dress, you probably think of something that looks like a little girl's birthday cake - lots of light pink and lace and ruffles.
The material looks like crushed velvet, offering a feeling of antiquity.
The Pompeii Side Tie swimsuit by Longitude looks like a stained glass window and features a cross-over front, shaped bust and a Powernet full-frontal lining control panel.
A control brief is a panty girdle that looks like a pair of panties.
The dressing room allows you to drag different components of an outfit into the online editor to see what it looks like as an outfit.
Today's plus size women don't have to settle for beachwear that looks like it was designed for their mother or grandmother.
The dress looks like a three-piece outfit, with a frilly white short-sleeved blouse, a black corset with white laces and a short red skirt with a white petticoat.
From the front, it looks like a silky short robe with see-through lacy shoulders.
The shirt almost looks like something you nicked from your boyfriend, but it's very much made for you.
The EHO-708, for example, looks like a regular pair of glasses from the front.
All feature the Electric Visual logo, which looks like a lightning bolt within a set of parentheses.
The end result almost looks like a spider's web--very visual indeed!
It looks like a standard Disney website, but a subtle script at the top of the screen notes that this is the official site for tourists living in India.
It's kind of hard not to love the adorable bald guy who looks like grandpa but dances like your son.
Unfortunately, every one else looks like they need a face lift from Dr. Beverly Hills 90210.
The game looks like one of those old Game 'n Watch games, where the track moves around your car, but your car stays still.
Even so, Astro Blasters Online looks like a computer game that is just fun to play.
Developed by Digital Entertainment, and published by PlayLogic International, this looks like it has the potential to be a very successful game.
Each song you choose looks like a music video.
As a matter of fact, it looks like you are play one long episode of Family Guy.
Another comparison is that it looks like a bad Sci-Fi original movie with homemade greenscreen effects.
It looks like cell shading but is done in a way that I've never seen before.
To the fate of Vekta is put in your hands and you must help in repel the Helghast, which looks like a futuristic version of Hitler's armies.
If you're going 30 MPH, then it feels and looks like you are going 30 MPH.
Based on everyone's prior experience with Madden football games, Madden NFL 09 looks like it's going to be another instant classic.
Mario Superstar Baseball looks like every other Nintendo brand game staring their cast of famous characters.
The menu is interesting, and looks like a transparent mirror surrounded by hieroglyph-like symbols.
I expected twitchy graphics and the "player-on-greenscreen" effect (where it looks like they were filmed on a stadium background) and that's what I got.
The center icon, which looks like a small DS, activates the settings menu (described below).
The right icon, which looks like a small clock, is used to turn the alarm function on and off.
The first (pink), which looks like a wrench, offers three options.
The one that looks like a globe is for choosing a language.