Looking-for Sentence Examples
Are you looking for a job?
What kind of job are you looking for?
He was looking for an answer.
When the band took a break, Carmen was looking for something cool to drink.
I'm not looking for anything; I'm just conveying information.
I was looking for the kid.
You're looking for someone treated Saturday night or Sunday morning for a gunshot wound to the leg.
I'm not looking for details, I'm just curious.
If they did, they'll be looking for us.
I've been looking for you every since.
AdvertisementShe leafed through the book, looking for a clue.
Apparently he was merely looking for companionship - his kind.
We are looking for an experienced Clinical Nurse Advisor to cover the northeast.
I'd better put it back before Scruffy comes looking for it.
They stopped looking for Annie's abductor when you were jailed for another crime.
AdvertisementWe may not have made his name public but that doesn't mean no one is looking for him and his motor home.
You can kill us; do you go around looking for every opportunity to do so?
She made a circle around the carcass looking for tracks and finally found one.
Neither of them was looking for a mate.
No one's looking for her, but she won't buy it.
AdvertisementIt said her boyfriend was the person they were looking for and she knew for certain.
Martha shook her head, as if looking for more.
She opened her eyes, looking for my approval.
We alerted the state police down there and now that the FBI is excited, there are a lot more eyes looking for him.
No one's identified the baby, legitimately…just whackos looking for a free baby and publicity.
AdvertisementThere's a chance it might be the vehicle we're looking for.
We better get Rainy in here before he tears down the hospital looking for her.
He glared down at her, looking for some sign of the woman he'd thought she was.
What are we looking for?
It tells callers looking for reservations to call after four o'clock.
I'm just looking for a job in law enforcement.
Maybe I've got it all wrong, and he wasn't listening at all—just staring at my boobs, and pretending to listen—but to me, it was what I was looking for.
I been looking for you all over.
We were looking for kids with booze.
That's like looking for a drumstick in chicken soup.
There was a note on the hall table from Cynthia that she and Martha had accepted Brandon Westlake's invitation to catch the late afternoon sun and photograph wildflowers, and Pumpkin Green has stopped by, looking for Dean.
I think you're here looking for answers in that thing.
He said he was looking for Lori, but why would he think Lori was there when he knew Alex was away?
What was he looking for?
Hannah said you came here looking for Rhyn?
She wandered the courtyard, looking for any sign of Ully or anyone she recognized.
I.m looking for an Immortal named Ully.
I gotta keep looking for demons or any other Immortal survivors.
Romas had tossed her in bed more than once over the past three months, though he had stopped lecturing her on how unbecoming a lush was to a man looking for a wife.
Rather than return home right away, she explored several small jewelry stores, looking for the perfect gift for Evelyn before she took her daily trip to the gym.
He'd spent ten sun-cycles looking for her.
Kiera was well indeed if she were able to send a man like this to Evelyn's door looking for advice.
Ne'Rin, my sister Gage is looking for you.
The men watched the silent battle in equal silence, their assessing looks warning her they were looking for something.
She couldn't survive if anything happened, and every Yirkin warrior on the planet would be looking for her, once they hear she exists.
He pushed her down it and stayed near the top, looking for other attackers.
I'm looking for a room.
If he's looking for a mystery, he's sure got one now!
When Weller didn't answer, Dean finally said, I was looking for Cynthia.
They were mostly looking for you, and kinda ticked when you weren't here.
She came by a while ago, looking for him.
It's not as if he visited the cribs and houses, looking for prostitutes! she said sternly.
Sarah could never understand why; she guessed it was some macho alpha male thing, but Jackson would occasionally go out looking for trouble.
Connor came down to the kitchen looking for Sarah.
So what kind of man are you looking for?
But then, he wasn't looking for a permanent relationship, and Lori wouldn't be nudging him to get married.
I know you're looking for a husband and...
You're looking for this.
Two more of his men moved cautiously from the forest, looking for Elise or Dan to appear.
Brady walked the area between the double walls, looking for anything or anyone in a large enough piece to provide clues as to what was going on.
Greenie looking for Lana.
No. Mike already told the soldiers the person they're looking for isn't here.
He and his team are looking for this little girl, Charlie said, holding up his micro.
I'm not looking for her.
If we find her, we can stop her before she takes Katie. We don't know what the demons are doing, but we know Death is looking for Katie.
Rhyn stared at him, looking for any sign the death-dealer wasn't his friend.
Ivy looked at Lara, almost like she was looking for permission.
Norfolk wants to clean this up and they're looking for direction on which way to lean.
It would eliminate his watching me pant around the house, looking for it, and him mooning away because he couldn't deliver.
If you were looking for a place to stay and save a buck, you'd have found it.
He's probably looking for help to keep from going back to jail.
They heard some guys were looking for 'em, so they hid out in this here...place.
I'll certainly let ol' Vinnie know you're looking for him.
If you're looking for John Doe, I think you're in luck.
As Dean smeared his whole-wheat toast with a coating of peanut butter, Fred poured the coffee, a sure sign he was looking for a favor.
If the boys sent Alfred Nota looking for him, they want this guy very badly.
We're not looking for stuff we can read in the phone book or the newspaper.
Maybe Scranton would provide the brick wall he was looking for and end this silly speculation.
Cleary had contacted her by telephone, saying he was looking for a furnished apartment to use when he traveled to the city.
Who's this guy you're looking for?
Then he added, "If I see Cleary, should I tell him you're looking for him or what?"
Dean was sure it was Nota and Homer Flanders, looking for information on where Vinnie Baratto was hidden, but there was nothing in the house to tell them.
When the world wasn't expressing sympathy for the old man, they were looking for details on Billie Wassermann, his butt-brand, and all the gory details of the fat twin's execution.
If Cleary didn't want to be located, any chance of Dean doing so now he knew someone was looking for him would be next to impossible.
Cleary mailed it before he knew we were looking for him!
Now that Mrs. Glass has spilled the beans that someone's looking for him, if he wants to remain incognito, he's going to be twice as cautious.
What on earth made you think that camper was the one you were looking for?
I can't be looking for them while I'm busy looking out for your hide.
Then he added, "The guy was real surprised someone was looking for Corbin."
Instead I should be ashamed of myself for not telling Gibbons to be mum about our looking for the guy.
I suppose you're pissed off and looking for an explanation.
They were looking for Vinnie.
My stepfather was looking for Byrne.
I wasn't sure who I was looking for.
If you keep leaving him sexually frustrated, he's likely to start looking for a substitute.
He was probably looking for some concrete sign that she was in agreement with him.
Are you still looking for more to fill your time?
He was looking for Lori.
Was that why he always ended up at their house, looking for Lori?
Was he looking for Lori, or a lost friend?
I figured you'd be here ... looking for Alex.
Lori had come here looking for Alex.
Was she merely looking for someone to blame if the decision was wrong?
They'd be looking for someone who could help them win their war.
Rather, he was looking for an excuse not to believe them.
Or looking for something else.
She'd been looking for it for weeks now.
She dismounted and tossed the cloak over the horse's saddle, looking for the face she sought.
Maybe most were, but there was that percentage – no matter where you went - who were looking for easy victims.
Are you looking for something to eat?
I'm just looking for a piece of paper and pencil.
Someone would see him and come looking for her.
He worked all day, climbed the hills looking for her – not to mention the worry she had cost him today.
Maybe he was looking for a reason to get away from her.
Are you still looking for someone?
They had been out to pasture all day, so they were looking for attention.
He shuffled through the desk drawer, obviously looking for something.
Are you and Denton looking for a house?
If he was looking for money, he was barking up the wrong tree.
Huntsville - looking for her?
Sure, only three weeks of her vacation remained, and it would be fun to have someone to enjoy them with, but she was hardly looking for a serious relationship.
We are looking for qualified members to become leaders for the site.
On the 11th of August the Dutch admiral kept in the shallow waters of the coast looking for a favourable opportunity to attack.
The Christians of the early centuries, looking for corporeal resurrection, avoided the incisions, extraction of organs, &c., practised by their pagan forefathers, and buried the body entire after pickling it in salt.
He's been camping in Keene for a week, looking for us.
The one D's looking for?
I don't know how you changed your profile, but you appearing the same day the soldiers came by looking for someone new and suspicious can't be a coincidence.
If you fellows show me some identification, then I'll know who to tell Vinnie was looking for him...if I happen to see him.
The one of the guy you're looking for?
There's a big bulletin board down by the information area where everyone's supposed to check for messages if they're looking for someone.
She studied him closely, as if looking for signs of the man he'd been the last time she saw him.
Churchill, who, confident in his powers, drunk with popularity, and burning with party spirit, was looking for some man of established fame and Tory politics to insult, celebrated the Cock Lane ghost in three cantos, nicknamed Johnson Pomposo, asked where the book was which had been so long promised and so liberally paid for, and directly accused the great moralist of cheating.
Themselves giving up this world as hopeless, and looking for salvation in the next, they naturally thought the Buddhists must do the same, and in the absence of any authentic scriptures, to correct the mistake, they interpreted Nirvana, in terms of their own belief, as a state to be reached after death.
In the following year he was again looking for a country house, and lighted upon Kelmscott manor house, in the Upper Thames valley, which he took at first in joint-tenancy with Rossetti and used principally as a holiday home.
God is your Father, He says in effect; you will be His sons if like Him you will refuse to make distinctions, loving without looking for a return, sure that in the end love will not be wholly lost.
Thanks, however, to the efforts of automobile engineers, great improvements were now being effected in the petrol engine, and, although the certainty and trustworthiness of its action still left something to be desired, it provided the designers of flying machines with what they had long been looking for - a motor FIG.
Thenceforward public opinion, which was looking for something quite different from the superannuated formula of 1614, abandoned the panements, which in, their turn disappeared from view; for the struggle beginning between the privileged classes and the government, now at bay, hadgiven the public, through the states-general, that means of expression which they had always lacked.
On the 8th of July he again entered Paris, " in the baggage train of the allied armies," as his enemies said, but in spite of this was received with the greatest enthusiasm by a people weary of wars and looking for constitutional government.
He was watching her intently, looking for some kind of response.
The woman cocked her head, looking for all the world like a raven.
A woman your age ought to be looking for a husband – or already married, not chasing all over creation in pants, trying to act like a man.
Because I'm still looking for a guy who doesn't make me feel like a tease when I won't sleep with him - or because you think I'll never find a man like that?
I promised to keep looking for a reference to Alder's Bridge for him.
Molly accepted our excuse we were looking for someone without explanation as perused our first campground, unsuccessfully.
No one's identified the baby, legitimately…just whackos looking for a free baby and publicity.
I was looking for Czerno's bank accounts, but I found this bizarro file on her instead.
Maybe I've got it all wrong, and he wasn't listening at all—just staring at my boobs, and pretending to listen—but to me, it was what I was looking for.
The balance of the day was spent moving Fred back to his own now-vacant room and later with Cynthia joining Dean in a patrol of the surrounding area looking for Pumpkin Green.
I went looking for him at one point, Rhyn said.
The brothers on the Council were looking for any excuse to expel or kill him, and Andre was his only advocate.
I find it funny you demons spend your days looking for ways to break the Code then dare quote it to me.
The demon lord, Darkyn, circled the shape-shifting demon, looking for any signs its true nature hadn't been completely screened by the combination of its own skill and the injections.
He was also curious about the tire repair kit and examined it closely, as if looking for a secret compartment.
Flanders is wanted in Philly for skipping child support and he has-n't seen his parole officer in weeks, but no one's gotten around to putting out a call for him, so officially they weren't looking for him.
The last thing he needed right now was the humiliation of having people out looking for him.
Maybe most were, but there was that percentage – no matter where you went - who were looking for easy victims.
He worked all day, climbed the hills looking for her – not to mention the worry she had cost him today.
He was adamant that the company is now looking for a period of stability.
He was looking for antecedent recoveries, income payments and aging book debts or equity in the matrimonial home.
He was looking for more information on autonomy in psychotherapy and counseling.
He's looking for belligerent countries to take action in favor of peace.
I continued to read, looking for any contextual cues.
He was looking for both ephemeral ponds and permanent water-bodies containing fish.
I visit every day and find what I am looking for.
We are still looking for feasible solutions in new areas of the design space.
We are looking for the most feasible scenario.
If you are looking for hectic nightlife, Lloret de Mar is just a short taxi ride away.
They were looking for indigenous Australians.
It was innocuous enough, like a good job for someone looking for an easy way to spend a few months.
We are looking for the knowledgeable enthusiast rather than the academic or complete novice.
The ad was looking for knowledgeable gardeners, RHS members or non-members.
Lady Carteret died during childbirth in 1736 and supposedly haunts the corridors looking for her lost love.
Potential buyers are looking for a property that they can see themselves living in.
They were looking for the propaganda poster that said "Careless talk costs lives."
As I said in my first post I'm really just looking for deals on bulk purchase of high mha aa and aaa batteries.
The wine maker can also correct or adjust the acidity of the wine using tartaric acid to achieve the taste they are looking for.
Logic approach for better newspaper advertisements start looking for want to bitch.
I am looking for other petanque aficionados in Provence who speak English fluently.
Through no fault of mine I am now looking for my 3rd home at the ripe old age of 9 months.
We provide information about Area Rugs, Rugs, Carpets and Flooring solutions. portable air conditioner Looking for a full featured portable air conditioner?
Now, the reason I use google analytics is that I can work out what people are looking for.
We are looking for dynamic, well qualified applicants with healthcare experience and working knowledge of the NHS.
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At the moment we are looking for volunteers in three key areas.
Hello, I'm looking for some fresh asparagus Hello Mrs Depp.
Enron was " looking for a quick way to sell assets to generate income, " said one long-time Enron finance person.
Naturally we're looking for those examples that stand out as particularly atrocious.
This book is essential reading for photographers and artists looking for ways to stay creatively awake, aware, and alive.
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Having spent a long time looking for natural belays, we decided to use bolts.
Everyone needs to then move a single character from one location to another, as the characters scramble about looking for a safe bolt-hole.
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The standard eBay buyer will not read between the lines, because they are only looking for that 1 item right now.
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It settled in a distant tree, perfectly camouflaged, looking for all the world like a broken off branch.
Whether you're looking for a holiday home or a touring caravan, these pages should provide you with some guidance.
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We can become censorious, looking for faults in everyone else that doesn't look or sound like us.
Are you a career changer, job seeker, student, or someone just looking for a better life?
It also helped achieve greater clarity for me in terms of what I'm personally looking for.
She was looking for a photo editor to help her teach a class on photo restoration.
We are looking for someone who has good clerical, communication and organizational skills.
I was trying to sell instant coffee to a customer who was now looking for the real thing.
Perhaps the Purley Gazette & Advertiser is looking for an outspoken columnist.
I suspect these phones are aimed at the bored rail commuter, looking for something to keep him entertained.
But this is not comparative philology, it is looking for Finnish and Pictish words that are roughly similar in spelling.
A URC logo can help those specifically looking for URC congregation.
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This month we will be looking for the winter constellation of Hydra, the Snake.
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For those just looking for a quiet CPU cooler, I can't justify the £ 30 price tag.
Successful and forward thinking agency based in the heart of Warwickshire are looking for an experienced copywriter to lead and inspire.
Most of the time Indefatigable was off Ushant looking for French corvettes sent out to harry British ships.
She wasn't looking for a handout from her distant cousin Roz, just a job at her thriving In the Garden nursery.
My other co-worker was busy looking for her debit card to pay her portion of the bill.
We encourage composting and alternatives to herbicides and pesticides and are looking for habitat creation as well as variety of plants present.
A local expert and the rangers will take you on a night walk around Three Sisters Recreation Area looking for these misunderstood creatures.
So if you are looking for a short stay and want creature comforts, don't choose this hotel when booking online.
Not a canal for those looking for a leisurely cruise!
Or, maybe you are looking for Easter decorations, baby shower decorations, or even prom decorations?
We are looking for an experienced dental hygienist / nurse who has managerial quality and administration skills.
I am looking for equine dentists who would consider allowing me to observe them over the summer whilst they are working.
The study was looking for the levels of a range of chemicals from underarm deodorants and antiperspirants, known as parabens.
Their Surrey based Studio is looking for a lead designer to join them on an exciting new project.
Giving a " socially desirable " answer or the one you think the employer is looking for is dangerous.
Site Design Copyright diamondHunt.co.uk, designed by Manic Monday Limited Looking for certified diamonds for your engagement or anniversary?
Always looking for the silver lining in the cloud, Billy welcomed the temporary discontinuation of polishing boots.
That place where the ego is completely disoriented is what you're looking for.
By contrast, scotch malt whiskey distillers are generally looking for a more subtle oak influence.
Now we are looking for squares of all numbers divisible by 4, hence squares of even numbers.
A scruffy old drunkard comes to the hospital looking for his son.
I'm looking for more slogans for my limited edition Steve Allen Tour badges.
From when I first read the script I was looking for a dog that was not particularly effusive and affectionate.
If you're looking for a truly electrifying day out, why not visit First Hydro's Electric Mountain Visitors Center.
Unlike audiences in World War 1 who needed escapism, the audiences of the 1940s were looking for something more.
Ideal for regular exercisers looking for a simpler, more athletic workout for the whole body.
Due to our rapid expansion across the country for Driving Instructor Learning we are looking for new Driving Instructors.
Due to massive expansion plans we are looking for an experienced Resourcing Manager or Hiring Manager.
David Cane The animal you are looking for is virtually extinct.
Signature scanning is similar to the process of looking for DNA fingerprints, he said.
This top 25 accounting firm are currently looking for a Corporate Tax Supervisor/Assistant Manager to join their division of 45 tax professionals.
I'm still looking for match fitness, I'm seven or eight games behind the other guys who were out there tonight.
If you're looking for authentic flamenco then this, most definitely, is not it.
Walk looking for evidence, adaptation, collecting and identification, woodland food chains and decomposers.
Our client, based in Basildon, is an expanding freight forwarder looking for an additional team member.
Centers are currently in Derby, Durham, Watford, Hertford, North West London and Oxford and are looking for suitable franchisees elsewhere.
In the last hour of light I drove the Paphos Airport approach road looking for black francolin.
Its purpose is also to encourage discernment by those who are looking for sound reference points for a life of greater fulness.
The Development Production Dept is looking for people who stand up for their rights and are proud to cause a fuss.
If you are looking for reliable kitchen gadget suppliers, you have come to the right source.
Jennie and Spiral wasted no time in having a good gander, peaking into cupboards and doors, presumably looking for more secret passages.
I'm looking for storage space - about the size of a lockup garage.
The BBC is looking for the best amateur gardener in the British Isles with the launch of BBC Gardener of the Year 2006.
For discerning families looking for a quiet Spanish holiday getaway, the Costa Almeria is the place to go.
Are you looking for a company that can supply unique unusual birthday gifts?
We are still looking for people who can support our on-going ministry by becoming a regular giver.
As you can imagine, Southwark is ideal if you're looking for rolling greensward with rocky outcrops.
Aged 20 and looking for champions league success this year and female football groupies.
Due to organic growth they are they are looking for the next shining star to fill some very large boots.
The spam harvesters that scour the web looking for e-mail addresses always find mine.
Without this technology the job would be similar to looking for needles in an underground haystack.
The survey depends on looking for eaten hazelnuts - an important food source which enable dormice to put on weight for winter hibernation.
A priceless family heirloom has been stolen and everyone in town is looking for it.
It would please almost any holidaymaker looking for a quiet peaceful and relaxing holiday.
We also meet teachers looking for better ideas for mathematics homework.
There are several big hypermarkets in Calais which are geared up to sell what UK buyers are looking for.
F rotates the icosahedron in various ways apparently looking for pentagon based pyramids on the " left " and " right " hand sides.
Despite that, around 70 million technically illegal workers crowd the urban streets looking for employment.
In the radical interpreter Davidson is looking for the means of translation between mutually incomprehensible languages.
The team will be looking for remnants of the island's original inhabitants.
Success takes shape Smooth finish with gas injection molding Even in economy-class cars, drivers are looking for elegance and substance.
We are looking for qualified instructors on a variety of shifts.
Iâm not enjoying being away from work, Iâm getting irritable looking for things to do, anything!
Holidays in Cayo Guillermo appeal to those looking for the solitude and romance of a virtually pristine and otherwise deserted island.
The burly former jailbird would fit the bill of the big striker Worthington will be looking for to partner Robert Earnshaw.
I am looking for a dance group that offers tap, jazz, and ballet.
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First, the script kiddie is going for the easy kill, they are looking for common exploits.
Everyone who's anyone is looking for Scottish roots in their family so they can don a kilt and be seen in it.
Our client is looking for a laboratory technician to work full time on a permanent basis in the laboratory technician to work full time on a permanent basis in the laboratory.
Snooks have teams in 3 different snooker leagues and in the pool league and are always looking for new players or teams to join.
We are looking for someone who is able to combine administrative legwork with intellectual curiosity about a research question.
We visit the rain forest looking for the largest living lemur, the Indri Indri.
He is looking for people to put it through their neighbors ' letterboxes, so that everybody gets a copy.
If you are looking for a wedding limousine or a limo for your hen party.
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I'm looking for a sample machinist in the Yorkshire area, can you help?
I checked into a campground at Twizel and casually told the very friendly manageress that I was looking for Black Stilts.
If you have been looking for norton personal firewall 2002 4.0 then you are doing so in an unregulated marketplace.
They are currently looking for an executive PA for a 6 month maternity cover.
Offered Wanted Looking for an accommodation ideally flatshare with double bed in double room for non-smoker flatmate max rent 400 per month including bills.
Also, scanning many megabytes of data looking for the right bits is not a job I'd wish on my mortal enemy.
We were looking for the elusive Micronesian megapode, said to be here.
Just looking for people to chat to on msn messenger.
Hameur Bouazza is also looking for a place in the squad after returning to training following a broken metatarsal.
We were looking for placebo-controlled RCTs of analgesics used for the treatment of acute migraine.
It wonât be long before they are cruising up and down the Grand Union Canal, looking for juicy morsels down The Embankment.
Out of work mousers looking for rural employment opportunities.
There was no mucking about along the ' what salary are you looking for?
Since it is so multifaceted Soul II Soul have been looking for various ways to take up the challenge of the NET.
We are currently looking for Assistant Branch Managers for our local, yet national well-established client.
If you're looking for a new nightie, chemise, pjamas or a robe then you'll have a great choice.
Surely, such control is the exact opposite of what the search engines should be looking for.
This ought to serve you well for any aquatic organisms you might be looking for.
The Solar System Live includes an interactive orrery of the Solar System, which might be what you are looking for.
Red Tiger Oscars 19/02/06 No I'm looking for 4 young tiger oscars for my 100 gallon tank.
Guided evening osprey Watches - looking for fishing Ospreys.
City poured forward looking for an equalizer, but despite Gordon looking pacey they couldn't breakthrough.
If you are looking for joint venture partners online, 97% of people will do nothing to help you.
I have now received the replacement pashmina and am happy to say that it is exactly what I was looking for.
They are not necessarily looking for big paybacks on their investments.
We're looking for a new pediatrician in case anyone's wondering!
Percy popcorn Your the one looking for the website!
I am looking for a Linux program to do some close-range photogrammetry.
Piranha and or fish tank 10/04/06 No I am looking for a red belly piranha and or fish tank 10/04/06 No I am looking for a red belly piranha or a shoal of piranha's.
The company is looking for a senior planner with commercial new build experience, gained within a main contractor.
The theater is looking for applications from aspiring playwrights to receive a place on its New Writing Award scheme.
Originally posted by Percy popcorn Your the one looking for the website!
The Little Gem is the ideal choice for those looking for a truly portable Scooter.
Experience is still important but employers are now more and more focused on looking for graduates to fill management positions.
We are looking for graduates and post-graduates who can demonstrate practical problem-solving skills, maturity, and evidence of teamwork and initiative.
They are also looking for a famous LA person to write a preface.
Netster.com makes it fast and easy to find water toys preschool Looking for water toys preschool in the UK?
I'm looking for experienced presenters only please at the moment.
I became the beautiful princess looking for her prince.
She lived her childhood dream of being a fairy princess, always looking for a Prince.
The Princess Royal would be suitable for experienced publicans or those looking for their first venture.
However there were few puffins in evidence probably they were out at sea looking for sandeels for their young.
Netster.com makes it fast and easy to find Japanese puzzle quilts Looking for Japanese Puzzle Quilt?
We have surveys using ground penetrating radar of the Treblinka camp looking for mass graves.
But not when I'm trudging the streets like a drowned rat looking for a basement bolthole.
The manager is ideally looking for an experienced medical rep, who has the ABPI.
Due to a large internal restructure they are looking for a new team of researchers.
It was exactly the start they were looking for in their opening round robin game.
These are all people looking for the inside scoop, the whole story, the truth.
Jane was looking for nori seaweed to make sushi.
Sun Island holidays appeal to those looking for a lively cosmopolitan resort, tho the size of the island allows visitors to find seclusion.
It's a case of never seeming to be in the mood to just go out, looking for things to take pictures of.
We are looking for a motivated self-starter who has excellent keyboard skills.
We're looking for an energetic self-starter who is proactive in driving revenue, increasing client base, and selling for Crosby.
We are looking for an enthusiastic self-starter to work in our consumer insight division.
They are looking for someone who is a real self-starter with a can do attitude.
Start looking for a very subtle light shading to appear on the Moon's left portion.
Why does the data sheet not give the spec you are looking for?
We are also looking for any club that is interested in running a slalom at Mile End Mill in 2006.
Alternatives to Farming In the face of falling incomes and greater pressure on resources, many smallholders are looking for other sources of income.
While out in the jungle alone looking for the treasure chest the pair started getting snippy over how to carry the trunk.
And if you're looking for some tips, why not try something simple and elegant?
The three speakers from the three major areas employing statisticians spoke on ' What I am looking for in a statistician ' .
The find method scans the input sequence looking for the next subsequence that matches the pattern.
We are looking for confirmation that they cannot find any prohibited substances in the dietary supplements.
Walking round a car park in the dark carrying a suitcase looking for my car was not the ideal end to a holiday.
In order to make the class sustainable the group are looking for more regular participants.
We've only just begun looking for X-ray synchrotron radiation.
The following table may help you to find what you're looking for.
It was 1966, and record company talent scouts were still touring the Village looking for " the new Dylan " .
The Spaniard's teammate, Leon Haslam, will also be looking for victories at his ' home ' track.
Next day saw the sheer tedium of dragging around looking for accommodation.
Disney, searching for an East Coast location for his second theme park, decided Orlando was just the place he was looking for.
Or you can continue to navigate the thesaurus looking for more possible terms.
The TRC is looking for sympathetic people, experienced in riding and handling thoroughbreds, who enjoy the thoroughbred 's temperament and abilities.
She's probably the person I'll be looking for tomorrow to help me tie the damn knot in my stupid black tie the damn knot in my stupid black tie.
Red tiger Oscars 19/02/06 No I'm looking for 4 young tiger oscars for my 100 gallon tank.
When you are looking for advice, try consulting one of the many share tipsters or trawling through financial websites ' bulletin boards.
Boys choir looking for trustees Bistro to add touch of class to.. .
I'll have to start looking for a white tracksuit.
These kids are fighters ' white trailer trash ' looking for a way out.
The following morning while looking for a Siamese fireback (pheasant) we were surprised by fantastic views of a red-headed trogon.
Obvious what we are looking for and yes there are the two large scoops of the torpedo tubes.
They are looking for works of up to 5,000 words from previously unpublished writers on the theme of hidden or secret London.
You do not necessarily have to be looking for a spiritually uplifting experience, or indeed involvement of any kind.
This shift of emphasis was originally the work of economists looking for a way of making utilitarianism operational.
The project is looking for new genetic variants linked to diabetes type I, with cooperation from clinicians across the UK.
Notes reading these verses might lead us to wonder whether Samuel was looking for approval or reassurance.
This helps pupils to avoid looking for the ' correct ' meaning of biblical verses and so risk an over-literal interpretation.
I am still looking for a home for Bryn, my 7 year old wire-haired vizsla.
And all the women in Derby Was looking for his skin To make a fancy waistcoat For that was just the thing.
Whether looking for ladybirds or watching out for water voles, wildlife watchers are standing up for wildlife!
Finally, I would advise anyone looking for the well to wear Wellingtons.
Those looking for a sandy foreshore should take a short walk westwards to the small sheltered beach at Littleham Cove.
In 1892 four Scottish whalers from Dundee sailed south looking for right whales.
But frankly, considering the NHSâs recent financial woes, it is no surprise that budget-conscious finance managers are looking for easy targets.
He is looking for a buyer for his self-build ocean-going yacht and his Iridium satellite phone.
The result of their report was that all pilgrimage thither from the province of Bohemia was prohibited by the archbishop on pain of excommunication, while Huss, with the full sanction of his superior, gave to the world his first published writing, entitled De Omni Sanguine Christi Glorificato, in which he declaimed in no measured terms against forged miracles and ecclesiastical greed, urging Christians at the same time to desist from looking for sensible signs of Christ's presence, but rather to seek Him in His enduring word.
His foes were looking for him.
But they will be looking for you.
All your court has been looking for you for the past two hours.
I am looking for the king.
The machine should start looking for correlations we would not expect.
At that point, people flee the land looking for a better deal.
Later that evening when Simonides was at a banquet with Scopas, he got word that two young men were outside looking for him.
She follows with her hands every motion you make, and she knew that I was looking for the doll.
When her attention was drawn to a marble slab inscribed with the name FLORENCE in relief, she dropped upon the ground as though looking for something, then turned to me with a face full of trouble, and asked, "Were is poor little Florence?"
He gave her a grateful look, but was still expectant and looking for someone.
Rostov glanced round, looking for someone who would put this man back in his place and bring him water.
He pushed through, evidently looking for someone.
But Natasha stayed by her mother and glanced round as if looking for something.
But if he won't--that's his affair, said Marya Dmitrievna, looking for something in her reticule.
Having found what she was looking for in the reticule she handed it to Natasha.
Mary Hendrikhovna assented and began looking for the spoon which someone meanwhile had pounced on.
I was looking for you.
She rose and saw Dunyasha her maid, who was evidently looking for her, and who stopped suddenly as if in alarm on seeing her mistress.
Perhaps it's his brat that the fellow is looking for.
A paper has come from the Tsar!' so they began looking for him," here Karataev's lower jaw trembled, "but God had already forgiven him--he was dead!
Once you have any kind of weapon, you might start looking for small, puny creatures to kill for XP.
Netster.com makes it fast and easy to find japanese puzzle quilts Looking for Japanese Puzzle Quilt?
But not when I 'm trudging the streets like a drowned rat looking for a basement bolthole.
Very rebellious spirit looking for adventure pretty much describe your life.
Floor contractors, hardwood floor, contractor, floor refinishing, floors when looking for a pennsylvania contractor, find a service that you.
When the " cured " Norman Osborn suddenly regressed back to insanity, he came looking for Parker.
Examiners are looking for more than a regurgitation of the facts you have " learned ".
And we are always looking for additional rehearsal pianists (a paid position).
Post reply -- London Tuition Wanted Tor 22 Jun Tuition Wanted looking for a English tutor I am a foreign postgraduate student.
If you are looking for a resilient insulation for use beneath a concrete screed, click the following G8 link G8.
This means that we are looking for resourceful individuals who are great at working under their own steam.
Ripped jeans and an old T-shirt may not be what you are looking for so ask them if they will be dressed accordingly.
Locals roamed the streets looking for Sunday morning pursuits.
The teams were also looking for possible rogue traders.
Serious smokers can be seen rummaging through rubbish and peering in gutters looking for discarded, but not quite spent, Bic lighters.
I did n't and spent about 15 minutes rummaging about in boxes looking for the Win XP CD case.
They were going through their house looking for items to put up for sale by auction.
A researcher might be looking for salmonella in pigs.
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Now then, I'll lay down and think of you as you schlep around looking for the old food there.
So he'll go scouring around the net looking for computers running vulnerable services.
One day a scrap merchant came looking for unwanted items.
Site Searching Where visitors are looking for very specific information, services or products a simple site search system is very effective.
We set off looking for the seedy side of town.
It 's a case of never seeming to be in the mood to just go out, looking for things to take pictures of.
Are you looking for a self esteem building program?
Start looking for a very subtle light shading to appear on the Moon 's left portion.
The sincere lover of God is not looking for excuses to shirk the responsibility to do what God would have them do.
He comes looking for fruit to gather and discovers only a few pitiful bunches of shriveled grapes.
If you are looking for reliable silverware suppliers, you have come to the right source.
Their massively green scaled bodies skulking around, looking for someone useless to play with.
And if you 're looking for some tips, why not try something simple and elegant?
The ones looking for contact with nature are invited to spend relaxing hours with fishing-rod on the Vistula riverbank or at the park pond.
On the first bump (no kick start, still looking for one) it coughed and spluttered then died.
A spotter plane is used to circle above the reef looking for whale sharks.
The three speakers from the three major areas employing statisticians spoke on ' What I am looking for in a statistician '.
Are you stuck in a fitness rut and looking for some new ideas to renew progress?
Still stuck - see our looking for a gift page Looking to book next years holiday or a Ski Holiday for Christmas?
Ultimately, the Engineering Academy is looking for suitable applicants for its apprenticeships.
Italian football, its reputation sullied by match fixing allegations, is looking for a tonic.
Hi, I am looking for new friends around the surrey area.
We'll miss the way she used to raid the bid in the living room looking for sweetie wrappers.
We 've only just begun looking for X-ray synchrotron radiation.
The following table may help you to find what you 're looking for.
It was 1966, and record company talent scouts were still touring the Village looking for " the new Dylan ".
The Spaniard 's teammate, Leon Haslam, will also be looking for victories at his ' home ' track.
I have been running lots of large mathematical searches on a supercomputer looking for entangling teleportation groups.
If you are looking for term life insurance, then you can request a free quote for low cost term life insurance.
She 's probably the person I'll be looking for tomorrow to help me tie the damn knot in my stupid black tie.
We achieved this by looking for a ' telescopic ' tooling solution in a common bolster.
Boys choir looking for trustees Bistro to add touch of class to...
There 's simply no need to traipse the streets looking for somewhere to carry on the party it 's all under one roof !
I will also be looking for ways to triangulate the findings.
A fabulous resource for absolutely anyone looking for trivia contests.
We are looking for a new trumpet player to replace our beloved Jon.
I am also looking for shrimp, hermit crabs and possibly turbo snails.
She was looking for scintillations in the radio signal, analogous to the familiar twinkling of stars.
They 're looking for Financial Managers, and I have to say, they seem a lot more professional than your two-bit outfit does.
Connie makes the hazardous decision to attempt a third unmasking of a serial killer, knowing he will come looking for her.
She is looking for ripe, red cherries, in among the unripe olive green colored fruit.
Some companies make it clear which skills or abilities they are looking for from applicants on their vacancy advertisement or on their company website.
Make you travel plan, Book a Hotel, Rent a Car or looking for a vacation package.
Notes Reading these verses might lead us to wonder whether Samuel was looking for approval or reassurance.
I am an experienced soprano and am looking for a harpsichordist, viol da gamba player and some other early music singers.
But that ca n't disguise the vitriol directed at people who come to these shores looking for a better future.
You can see them casually walking around on the forest floor, or looking for ants in the crowns of the highest rainforest trees.
Hot Job Search Made Easy Quit wasting time looking for that dream job by visiting 2 Get Work today.
Whether looking for ladybirds or watching out for water voles, wildlife watchers are standing up for wildlife !
Finally, I would advise anyone looking for the well to wear wellingtons.
However, Manfred Wolf of the GPA white-collar union is looking for a substantial increase.
He 'd gone to the exhibition looking for a new windsurfing board.
In a test, wiz zes are looking for character (sense 4), ability, resolve, but most importantly that spark.
I'm looking for a childcare provider from an organization with accreditation and a good reputation.
Pessimists can learn to be more optimistic by distracting themselves from negative thoughts and looking for the humor in life.
The department is looking for a new head of the human resources division.
If you are looking for a job, I can forward your call to the human resources department.
Her mundane, quotidian routine was beginning to bore her, so she started looking for a new job.