Looked Sentence Examples
She looked up at him.
The boy looked around him with wondering eyes.
He looked at my eyes.
She looked puzzled and felt my hand, and I repeated the letters.
From the garden it looked like an arbour.
She looked back at the picture.
For a moment he looked confused, and then turned away.
They all looked around, but the kitten was no place to be seen.
Zeuxis looked at it closely.
She looked disappointed and said, "I'll send them many kisses."
AdvertisementHe looked back and saw the innkeeper still standing by the door.
He looked at the beast, and--what do you think it was?
Putnam stooped down and looked in.
He sat up in the bed and looked around.
Beautiful he was, but he also looked high spirited.
AdvertisementFinally he looked up at her.
Felipa looked like she wanted to eat the words.
She looked up at his intent features.
He looked as if she had hit him in the stomach.
She looked up at him, surprised.
AdvertisementThey all looked around, but the piglets had disappeared.
The boys looked at her and wondered if the master would really be as good as his word.
She looked troubled, and hesitated a moment before answering.
For a moment her heart beat overtime and it looked as though she might fall, but Alex smoothly caught her and stepped around, covering her fumbling so well that no one appeared to notice.
Señor Medena looked at Alex.
AdvertisementHe heard a gurgled scream and looked up.
The kitten looked at the horse thoughtfully, as if trying to decide whether he meant it or not.
The big boy looked at him and blew it again.
She looked too proper to be considered beautiful, and her expression was lofty.
Her face flamed as she thought of how it must have looked to Morino.
Carmen stiffened and looked up at Alex, but he found something interesting outside to look at.
I was thinking about buying a new vehicle and wondered if we had the money, so I looked at his financial information on the computer.
He rubbed the back of his neck and looked away.
Jule looked up at him.
For the most part, the facial expressions of those sitting around the table were sympathetic, but Dulce looked as if she was ready to break into tears.
He looked uncomfortable and his gaze shifted absently to the cabinets.
She looked as surprised as Lisa felt.
Dusty looked from Darian's hopeful face to Jonny's pale and sullen features.
Jule looked around the cozy house.
She looked away and fumbled with the needle and thread she'd found in a sewing kit.
Her father moved to the center of the monument and looked around.
The Watcher winked out of existence, and Darian looked up.
Jule looked up at Xander, who stood near the Other, waiting.
They looked at each other.
If you had looked ahead fifty years to 1240, you wouldn't have anticipated much change.
I could see the way Ginger looked; all her beauty gone, her beautiful arched neck drooping, all the spirit gone out of her flashing eyes, all the playfulness gone out of her manner.
Ed merely looked at them and then back at Carmen.
Carmen had always looked forward to evening when Alex returned from work, but she was doubly relieved for the evening hours now.
She woke later and looked at the clock.
Alex looked up and smiled when they walked into the room.
When she looked up at him, his gaze roved over her face.
She looked at him.
He looked hurt and angry at the same time.
Finally he looked up.
That looked like a mighty cozy situation.
The white sand blowing around looked like a Texas blizzard.
Cassie leaned sideways and looked up at Bordeaux.
Damian looked down at Sofi and raised an eyebrow.
She started to hand him what looked like an intricate carving in the side of an orange.
Damian heard the uneasy note in her voice and looked her over, his gaze lingering at her hips, where her weapons should've been.
She cleared her throat and looked down.
She looked toward the fire.
She looked up and down the street.
He felt Dusty's thoughtful gaze on him and looked up from strapping a gun to his ankle.
A few of the guests cast curious looks her way, and everyone who looked at her seemed more interested in the plain charm at her chest than in meeting her gaze.
His face softened as he looked at her.
When she was brave enough, she looked up at Damian.
How good was a Defender of Humanity who purposely looked away from something that led to so many deaths?
He understood why she'd looked at Dusty before telling him about Claire.
It wrenched open, and a man in a black trench coat Damian's size looked her over once.
The door opened, and a different, blond man looked them over before stepping back.
Jule looked at her.
At last he saw something in the darkness that looked like two balls of fire.
In the morning, when he looked at the picture, he saw a fly on the man's nose.
There was a hopeless look in the dull eye that I could not help noticing, and then, as I was thinking where I had seen that horse before, she looked full at me and said, 'Black Beauty, is that you?'
Climbing the unfinished stairs she opened the door to the new room and looked around.
Even the tiny rose petal lips looked pale.
Sometimes the way Alex looked at him when he was talking - times when he was actually listening to him - it seemed to her that he felt that close bond.
It looked like she was pregnant.
He nodded and looked at Destiny as he spoke.
He looked up in surprise.
It looked nice against her winter paled skin.
She looked so cute that Carmen took a few pictures of her.
The next morning when he stood by the door before leaving for work, she looked him over while he examined a document.
Carmen looked up at her.
When she didn't respond, Alex looked up.
She looked at Señor Medena.
Carmen looked up at the nurse.
She looked up at Alex.
She leaned her head back and looked up at him, wiping the tears from her cheeks.
She looked up at Alex, teasing him with her eyes.
His brows lifted, but he still looked confused.
For a moment he looked uncomfortable... uncertain.
He looked startled for a moment, and then composed himself.
Len looked uncomfortable and glanced at Howard as if for support.
Her gaze went from Len's stoic face to Howard and then to Connie, who looked pale.
She looked away; wishing Connie hadn't brought it to her attention.
Giddon looked completely relaxed, right down to his lazy smile.
The shear lust in them left her wishing he had looked elsewhere.
His remark about how she looked in the swimsuit made it obvious that he saw her as something more than a baby sitter or maid.
For a moment he looked surprised, and then he frowned.
Inside, she closed the door and looked around.
It looked like the envelope the man in the black car had given him.
You looked like a scared school girl out there when I found you.
He looked relieved and reached up, pulling a leaf from her hair.
She felt somehow drawn to the picture of a frail looking girl with dark eyes that looked out hauntingly from a delicately beautiful face.
If Sarah suspected that she already knew what was going on and looked the other way, why not welcome her into the family?
Do you suppose this is what it looked like when the first settlers found it?
She looked over the car and expressed her approval, but her mind was consumed with guilt.
His face looked forlorn.
He looked tall and lean in a dark suit.
He looked startled for a second, and then his eyes flashed, the brows furrowing into one.
It looked cool and casual, but not provocative.
She looked away and bit her lip.
He looked to be about 25, but he had a 3-year-old daughter.
He looked mildly amused.
The night air was chilly on her bare arms and she shivered involuntarily, annoyed at herself because it looked like an obvious ploy.
She looked down at her plate before they discovered they had been observed.
She followed him to the front door and looked up at him inquisitively.
Lisa looked down at her hands.
When Lisa emerged from her room dressed in casuals, Sarah looked up and smiled.
Yancey stopped beside her and looked back down at the house.
He never looked directly at her, but the way he held back branches was indication enough that he knew she was there and was thinking of her.
After all she had been through, journalism looked less attractive.
She immediately looked in the mirror at her neck.
She looked and felt cool, and only part of the bruising was visible.
She reached the door and looked back, expecting to find him right behind her, but he wasn't.
His face turned scarlet and he looked away, running a hand through his hair.
He still looked confused and then realization lifted his brows.
The tall slender girl looked hauntingly sad, and yet proud.
And you looked me over defiantly.
I looked up Andy Gordon and found lots of pictures of his paintings, but no pictures of him, and very little information about him.
He finally looked up at Len.
She met his gaze briefly and looked away.
He looked funny... and somehow vulnerable.
For a moment he looked confused.
Mrs. Marsh looked startled.
It probably looked better for him, anyway, as he didn't have a date.
His gaze focused on her and he looked genuinely surprised.
His eyes looked huge when he was scared.
The doctor looked uncomfortable.
For one brief instant, he looked at Adrienne as if he actually saw her.
It looked... cold - detached.
He never even looked up.
Her eyes burned in warning and she looked away.
He looked like a rancher in his faded denim jeans and plaid shirt.
His broad chest and shoulders looked powerful.
Looked like a hunting party of fifteen or twenty.
He finally looked up.
Pete stood and looked down at Davis, who was silently nursing his coffee.
He looked angry enough to use it on her.
She admired his magnificent back and shoulders and then looked away.
He lifted her chin again and looked deep into her eyes.
She had changed into respectable clothes and looked painfully beautiful.
Darcie looked confused as she smiled graciously.
He actually looked hurt.
They looked enough alike to be twins.
Pete hugged her and looked at Bordeaux.
Her life was on a new course now, and the future looked brighter than it ever had.
Cynthia looked up at Adrena.
He looked closer to forty than thirty.
Three empty bedrooms were closed off to the heat, as well as a full bath that looked as though it hadn't been used in years.
They looked unused... his mothers' hobby, or was there a sad story?
He looked so tall, standing over her that way.
It looked like a Rainbow Trout.
She tried to smile cheerfully as she looked at him over one shoulder.
The stray dog looked hungry and cold.
He never looked up from his food.
A tall figure darkened the doorway and she looked up to find Cade watching her.
Cade looked as if he'd been slapped.
Nothing looked good and she felt feverish.
Chauvinistic, no doubt, but it was kind of nice to be looked after.
It depended on how a person looked at it.
He jabbed his hands in his pockets and looked away.
They rode in silence for a few minutes and finally he looked up.
He colored and looked away, dropping his hand.
She bit her lower lip and looked down at her hands again.
Cade looked up at Cynthia, his expression alarmed.
My future bride looked envious.
I looked my lovely future wife in the eye.
Quinn slapped me on the back as he looked up at the darkening sky.
He looked incredibly sad.
I was surprised to see he looked frightened.
He looked at me.
I found myself in a farm house living room where a woman who looked maybe in her thirties was ironing shirts.
I looked left and right and everything was there.
He smiled and looked somewhat relieved.
She looked around, surprised not everyone shared her enthusiasm.
He looked at each of us in turn.
He looked at Betsy.
They looked like two seated sentinels guarding the castle gate.
Betsy bounced up and down like a kid on a trampoline while Martha looked in awe.
She looked to Howie to continue.
The clothing looked the same.
He looked over to me.
The morning sunlight did the trick as the clock showed seven and I looked up to see Betsy pulling on her bathrobe.
I was walking from the opposite direction so everything looked backwards at first glance.
Martha looked at it longingly while the three of us emptied one in no time with Quinn doening the lion's share.
She looked at her husband, the most closed minded among us, when she spoke.
Quinn looked first at his wife and then stood up.
I know for a fact my wife turned as white as Casper and Quinn looked no better.
For some reason, everyone looked toward me.
Betsy looked at Howie beseechingly.
Howie looked to Martha.
We all looked questioningly to Martha who stood at the open doorway.
The street he was on looked as it had on the television he said, but the houses were absent numbers so it took him a few moments to locate the correct place.
I looked over her shoulder as she typed in pay phones.
Quinn looked on, opened mouthed.
Howie looked terrible as he poured a cup of coffee.
The rest of us looked to Howie, all of us wondering what roads we'd travel forward.
My wife looked up from her lap top.
Martha looked at each of us.
Betsy looked up, undeterred.
I guess I looked funny, so he asked me outright, if we'd been lovers.
I looked at the others.
Unknown to the police and the public, her prominent father was molesting her while her mother looked away.
Our activities certainly looked demanding and our positions important.
We showed his picture around but the best answer was he looked familiar.
You said they looked similar.
She looked at each of us in turn.
She looked to Howie before answering, as if looking for direction.
I caught a glance at Quinn who looked like his dog died.
Martha looked for approval and received it tacitly from all but her husband.
It looked more like she brought him.
She looked up at me, like a child she wasn't.
I looked up with sinking heart to see a FedEx driver at the front door looking at me quizzically.
Quick witted Betsy laughed, and told the man who was a frequent visitor, that it looked like a childhood picture of Howie in a Halloween costume.
She looked at me as if I was the psychic!
He looked like a prepubescent.
Quinn, Martha and especially Betsy looked perturbed at me for not updating them on my tete-a-tete with Howie but that could wait.
Betsy looked about to say something, but turned and led the others to the conference room.
He in turn, looked at her as if a princess was visiting his humble abode.
He looked bewildered as he explained the situation to us.
While the fools looked for my car nearby, I, in spite of excruciating pain, managed to escape their feeble efforts to find me.
When Julie controlled herself she apologized and looked up at me.
For a long time, I just looked at her until she commenced to cry again.
She looked up, her eyes pleading for understanding.
I looked forward to weekends when he'd come back down to Boston and we'd get together.
I looked at her.
Julie looked ready to faint and kept casting glances at Betsy.
Betsy looked at her, as if wanting to hear more.
Martha looked bewildered as she tried in vain to quiet Claire.
She looked up with a smile as Betsy met me with a kiss.
She raised her head and looked me in the eye.
I looked at my wife intently.
Martha looked awful but apologized for her actions.
I put my hand over the receiver and looked up.
Did you read any that looked promising?
I put aside a dozen or so that looked promising but that was all.
When I looked over at my wife I could see a tear seep down her cheek.
We both looked at her intently, unable to respond.
She spoke with total resignation, utter defeat as she looked up at me.
Neither Betsy nor I liked chain fast food so I looked in the windows of the café we liked.
I looked up to see Molly and Bumpus approaching.
There's been so many, you probably don't remember, but I looked him up.
While Molly looked troubled when she returned, Bumpus was just the opposite, hopping around like he'd just retrieved a ball and would win a reward.
When I looked surprised she added, "I snuck in."
Jackson looked at a piece of paper.
I looked him in the eye.
He looked for my reaction.
I looked around for Betsy.
My wife looked concerned as she dished out homemade chili and corn bread.
I poured a healthy slug and looked at my watch.
I looked at my watch.
Detective Jackson looked up at me.
I thought about what my wife said as I looked around our beautiful property.
Molly looked close to tears when she returned and handed me the instrument.
We both looked up to see Molly standing there.
Molly looked on expectantly while I remained silent.
It was a warm late afternoon as I stood out on the sidewalk and looked up at the six massive columns towering above another busy and impressive train station.
They looked at one another until one of the younger looking men was pushed forward, as a spokesman.
He looked up at me.
I looked at Willard for clarification.
All the main line murderers, gangsters and gang bangers looked down on us sex offenders like puke on the sidewalk but the pecking order didn't stop there.
You see, guys who just hunted down women looked down on the children snatchers and the scum that took on little girls thought they were a rank better than the little boy snatchers.
A couple of thousand eyes have looked and gotten zilch.
She looked petrified, as she should be!
A blue haired old lady with a walker and her mate hauling an oxygen tank looked at me as If I was the Boston strangler.
He looked confused, but did my bidding as Paul made a quick U-turn and followed after the speeding vehicle.
I stopped briefly enough to thank Pual who looked disappointed to be out of the drama.
He secured the back of the van, looked around, and actually smiled back at the camera.
He looked as bad as I felt.
He looked at me but said nothing.
Bianca looked from her pale brother lying too still on the hospital bed to the smiling nurse.
Bianca waited until she heard the door click closed and looked across the small bay to make sure her daddy still slept.
Purple-eyes looked at her, and she shrank behind Green-eyes.
She blew her nose loudly and looked at him through blurry eyes.
His voice turned to a whisper and he looked at her, conflicted.
He looked at once panicked and guilty.
Several of the rooms on either side were open, revealing couples in various stages of undress, a room with junkies shooting up and potheads lighting up, and a room filled with what looked like people sleeping.
She looked away from the scene, unwilling to believe what she saw was real.
Talon looked her up and down in a way that made her skin crawl before he took her arm.
Dusty glanced at his long-time Miami Station Chief, the handsome Hispanic man who looked as severe as he was lighthearted.
Dusty looked around them, gaze settling on the only car on the streets that didn't belong to him and wasn't on blocks.
She looked up, fear and anger flashing through her.
Tears wetted her face as men in what looked like black tactical SWAT gear entered the garage.
Dusty looked at his adopted sister again.
She looked at it, flushing to think someone had taken the time to figure out her sizes.
From his shoulders to his chest to his flat midsection, every part of him looked as if he'd been carefully carved from stone.
He didn't move away, and she looked up at last.
His gaze went lower, and she flushed again as he looked her over.
When she looked to the stranger, she found his warning look on her.
He returned from the kitchen with tray holding a glass of orange juice, a plate with what looked like homemade granola bars, and a small bowl of sliced apples.
She looked at the pictures on his walls, not surprised to find them bland.
He seemed done with his interrogation of her, and she looked at him.
He looked at his watch, aware he had a morning packed with activities to follow up on.
Red crept up her features, and she looked away.
She still looked fatigued, with dark circles under her eyes and skin pale beneath the caramel.
Jonny sensed him as well and looked up, confusion and fear crossing his face.
Bianca looked at him, and he ignored the sense she wanted to be alone with her brother.
They both looked at him.
He tucked the gun away at the small of his back and looked at Bianca.
He looked at his watch again, then settled in bed on his side behind her.
He looked her over, enjoying the view, and rested his hand on her warm stomach.
He looked pissed as it was, his unusual golden eyes swirling in a way not even remotely human.
While he looked to be in his early thirties, he spoke like Jonny and Kyle.
A tall, toned woman who looked like she did Pilates for a living stood in the hall in tight black leather pants and a tight pink T-shirt that drew attention to her large breasts.
Dusty looked up from the computer screen as Toni walked in, staggering under the weight of a massive box.
He looked around, at once irritated.
He looked at her again, taking in her warm features and shapely body.
She flushed and looked him over, then took a step back in to the living room.
He admired her flush, and she looked away.
The condo smelled of breakfast, and he looked around, satisfied to find it clean again.
Darian looked at her, content with cookies resting on one thigh and the cat on the other.
She looked up at him, touched, as he felt his face again.
He looked down at her intently.
He looked up, a surprised expression crossing his face, as if he'd told her something he wasn't supposed to.
Dusty and Darian, both drenched and covered in what looked like seaweed, were in the foyer.
She looked away fast for fear of the sizzling blue gaze and dropped to her knees in front of Darian, pulling his hands from his face to see the wound.
They looked after him before she met Darian's gaze.
Darian flushed and looked down guiltily.
He looked at the slight Natural with dark hair and eyes who happened to have a doctorate in every type of science he could name.
She looked unsettled at the idea of leaving her lab and looked around, as if trying to figure out what to take.
Iggy looked around, dismayed.
Jonny hesitated then looked up finally.
Her throat tightened as she looked at him.
He looked at her long enough for her to see resignation in his gaze.
The two looked up and down the hallway, then withdrew a lock pick set.
Hands shaking, she looked around the car's interior for a cell.
They looked towards her as the bell over the door rang.
She looked up at him with a curious smile.
She stared in the space he'd occupied and looked at the phone.
She looked around at the quiet foyer of a massive house.
He stopped too close for her comfort, and she looked up at him, breathless at how handsome he was.
Jonny looked towards the door to the kitchen suddenly, and his gaze darkened.
Bianca looked at her curiously.
Toni's plans looked real good.
She looked well-rested, her cheeks glowing and her eyes dancing.
Yet he couldn't shake the memory of her body against his, the way she'd looked at him last night.
Jonny took it before she could and looked through her addresses.
He looked at Darian, recalling Sofi's warning.
Darian looked at him uneasily.
Toni looked up with a frown.
She looked down at the swing of a necklace grazing her chest.
Bianca looked fearfully at the pregnant blonde, whose blood already soaked her clothing, then at the waiting devil beside her.
She looked at the unconscious woman in her lap then twisted to look up at Darian.
The devil looked around.
She looked into the car beside them at the smiling family frozen in place.
Dusty looked around the gym, sensing it was beyond time for him to admit he couldn't prevent what was coming.
He felt panic bubble within him as he looked around.
Jonny looked apprehensive yet resigned, as if he'd known this was coming.
Darian sensed him and whirled, his eyes lighting up before he looked down.
Jonny looked confused and uneasy, while Darian looked like he was ready to pounce.
Startled, she looked up.
She looked away, wanting nothing more than to disappear.
Dusty released her, strapped in the last weapon, and looked around.
He looked away and steeled himself.
She looked up at Darian a short distance away, watching his dark-light power streak around the room.
He sat and looked around.
She looked around, disoriented.
She looked at Dusty's still body, feeling overjoyed and fearful.
He looked at his watch, satisfied to see it was past dawn despite the storm-blackened sky.
She looked up, eyes bright.
He looked at Darian, who frowned.
Jonny looked healthy and rested, his dark eyes swirling, his clothing dry and neat despite the storm.
Dusty looked at Bianca, not wanting to send her away before talking to her.
Jenn met his gaze, and he looked again towards the fire.
She looked up at him, surprised at his easy agreement.
He looked over his shoulder again at the dark landscape behind him.
She looked down at her stew, her father's warnings coming back to her thoughts.
While it was hard to tell his height when he was seated, he looked to be Sean's size, well over six feet tall.
She jumped and looked up at him.
He looked small in the middle of the foyer, and he wore an insincere smile like he might any other piece of easily removable clothing.
He looked like a professional wrestler with his muscular physique, tattoos, and long braid.
He looked the same as when he'd come for her at the orphanage.
She looked him over again, certain he could escape any time he wanted.
The man before her looked pretty human himself, with beautiful brown eyes and a body unlike any she'd seen before.
Jonny looked up, uncertainty crossing his face.
She propped her chin on his chest and looked up at him with a smile.
Amused, Damian looked at Darian and tossed his head towards the door.
She looked down and stepped away, trotting to the locker room.
Any hope he'd had of finding something—anything!—to use as a weapon was dashed as he looked around the sparsely decorated room.
Jule looked again towards the garage, growing concerned he hadn't heard a car or garage door motor yet.
Jule looked down at the arrow protruding from his shoulder, growing annoyed with her for the first time.
Yully opened the door and looked around wildly.
Maybe it was his delirium, but Jule thought the vamp looked larger than even Damian.
Jule's shaking had stopped, and he looked pale rather than flushed from a fever.
She flushed and looked down.
He looked down, and she bounded to the kitchen, surprised to find her breathing ragged after such a simple kiss.
The fever had left him, and while he looked pale beneath his cocoa skin, he was alert and his speech coherent.
He looked tired after the talk, and there was a note in his voice she recognized as caution.
His gaze was intense as he looked up at her.
She was surprised to see three people within, none of whom looked like they fit in the refined, elegant spaces of the parlor.
Jenn glanced at Jonny, who looked agitated yet distracted.
She looked far less harmless than the Other.
She'd looked harmless to him, beautiful and scared.
She was in the kitchen with Bianca and looked up with a smile when he entered.
Darian nodded and looked the vamp up and down.
She opened her eyes and looked down.
Jonny looked at the massive vamp, who made no move to close the distance between them.
The Magician looked around, confused, before recognition crossed her features.
She looked up at last, her eyes glimmering with tears.
He looked up as she exited the bedroom.
She lifted both coins and looked down.
The man looked like an ancient Greek prince with blond hair and chiseled features.
Jule looked up from strapping a knife to his calf and accepted the phone.
He Transported himself into Yully's room and looked around briefly before stepping into the quiet hallway.
She looked down, both thrilled by the idea of an eternity with the man who made her feel whole and horrified at what her father told her.
Jule looked around Yully's room, trying to digest everything he was learning about himself.
She paused to listen, looked at the ground, and changed directions three times before she heard the sound of water flowing.
It looked untouched, but a quick search revealed the only weapons remaining were those she'd taken when she left her room, and the beacon was gone.
Yully looked around curiously, not recognizing the sloping hill before them.
Yully looked up from her seat on the couch as he entered.
She looked around, curious as to why such a popular site was so quiet.
She looked again at the name on the paper and dialed.
Damian hung up and looked at his executive officer and sparring partner.
He looked down as two of his Guardians hopped up from their positions.
The two Guardians looked at each other, neither certain how to respond.
Jake looked at Laney, then at him.
The middle-aged man with bright green eyes standing in his study looked harmless.
If not for the painful sunlight, she would've looked up at the hushed note in his voice.
She met his gaze with a nod, and they looked at each other until her face flushed.
His phone dinged, and he looked down at one of the zillion text messages he received from any number of his Guardians every day.
She withdrew her face from his chest and looked up at him, her silver-blue eyes filled with emotion.
Several of the beefy men living in the house were in the grassy, well-lit courtyard, sparring with swords, knives, and other weaponry that looked like it came straight out of the Middle Ages.
He led her down the stairs into a basement that looked more like a dungeon.
Laney's eyebrows shot up, and he looked at the unconscious, blood-spattered woman.
She looked again at the sunlit courtyard beyond her window.
The scents of what looked like pizza night taunted her, and she stood peering through the cracked door at the long dinner table.
She made out the shape of the bottom of a tattoo on his bicep, what looked like a half-sun.
She looked away, embarrassed.
She looked at him with a coy smile before approaching.
She looked to the bushes several floors down and decided it was worth the risk.
Sofia looked down at herself.
She looked decent in jeans and a long-sleeved shirt.
She looked at it curiously, then at Damian.
She looked to him and blinked.
Damian caught his eye and looked pointedly at Dusty, silently asking if the Guardian had done as he asked and told his boss that the Natural was more than a new recruit.
She looked herself over, satisfied that she looked good.
Claire, stunning in maroon and bedecked with diamonds and rubies, looked her over dismissively before returning her gaze to the men.
She eyed him and then looked to Damian, who stared at her with an intensity she'd last seen aimed at Claire.
The bloody man—Rainy— looked at her with pure hostility.
The woman looked up at her, surprised.
Sofia looked down at the beautiful woman on the bed before jerry-rigging the IV over a lamp to keep it elevated.
Sofia smiled and looked at the pretty woman beside her.
Pierre trailed them at a distance just out of earshot, and Linda looked at her curiously.
Linda looked at her, and she cleared her throat, anger spiraling through her again.
Her breath caught as she gazed at him, and she looked for any sign he was still angry at her.
She crossed her arms and looked up at him, meeting his steady look with a challenging one of her own.
There were tears in her eyes, and she looked sincere.
I saw the way she looked at you.
He paused before a keypad and looked at his hand.
He looked around and found a familiar dirt trail that led to a large rock overlooking the desert he'd sat on earlier to watch the sunset.
Two looked around him.
He looked up and recalled the stars.
Two went back to the door and looked at his hand.
When he looked up, he was alone.
She looked healthier and happier than during their last two encounters, and Linda had let it slip that she and Rainy were talking again.
He looked at the charm dangling from her necklace and held out his hand to her, palm up.
She looked up at his soft tone.
She looked back to see if Pierre followed.
She looked up at Jule.
Her two-toned eyes were still, her head resting on the back of the chair as she looked up at him.
There was a tenderness in the way she looked at him that amazed him.
He looked past her.
The model on the couch looked between them with a frown.
The adobe structure was guarded by several more Guardians, none of whom looked like Damian from the distance.
It looked like a war zone and smelled like a cesspool.
While he looked dead, he was alive enough for his memories to reach her.
She looked up, hearing the unspoken threat.
Dustin looked at her, then at Jule.
He hung up, and she stared at the cell then looked to her car.
Jule and Dustin reached the building, and she looked at them.
The chain around his hand bit into his finger, and he looked at it.
He looked around him and at the necklace in his hand.
Damian was chained to the wall so he could be force fed what looked like fruit punch.
He lifted the chain, kiri's chain, and looked at the identical marks, struck by the idea that he somehow belonged to the same world they did.
He followed a familiar path through a narrowing hall and looked at his palm for the three codes written in green ink there.
The Black God looked from her towards the direction of the voice.
He looked to his brother again, fury of the deepest kind running within him.
He looked to the Watcher, surprised.
Jule and Dustin both looked to Damian.
He looked to Dustin.
He was coiled and ready to snap if the Watcher so much as looked at her too long.
He looked down at her.
The door opened, and they both looked towards it.
It looked irritated at her question.
Suddenly, he looked up, an uneasy expression crossing his features.
She looked seductive, no longer sweet.
At the reminder, she looked away, uncertain how to handle her newest foray into the weirdness that was the Immortal world.