Look-upon Sentence Examples
We will look upon you as enemies.
As he watched, spellbound, she revolved toward him, but he quickly closed his eyes lest he look upon her once beautiful face.
We may look upon them as the seven lines of an ascending high-water mark.
You must look upon them as a little token of friendship.
The supporters of the solar theory look upon Memnon as the son of the dawn, who, though he might vanish from sight for a time, could not be destroyed; hence the immortality bestowed upon him by Zeus.
Or, instead of looking upon a linear substitution as replacing a pencil of lines by a projectively corresponding pencil retaining the same axes of co-ordinates, we may look upon the substitution as changing the axes of co-ordinates retaining the same pencil.
He refused to look upon any ecclesiastical constitution as binding for all time.
But, although the relation of reason to an external authority thus constitutes the badge of medieval thought, it would be unjust to look upon Scholasticism as philosophically barren, and to speak as if reason, after an interregnum of a thousand years, resumed its rights at the Renaissance.
In times past it has been the habit to look upon its sphere Connexion as lying really within that of practical medicine, and with human medicine more particularly; as something Biology.
We do not now concur with the old view that inflammation was essentially an injurious process; rather do we look upon it as beneficial to the organism.
AdvertisementIf we compare this with a similar allegory in Nasir's diwan, which culminates in the praise of Mostansir, we are fairly entitled to look upon it as a covert allusion to the eminent men who revealed to the poet in Cairo the secrets of the Isma`ilitic faith, and showed him what he considered the "heavenly ladder" to superior knowledge and spiritual bliss.
Except in finance, he was not able to accomplish much, for he was met and thwarted at every turn by his chief's invincible hostility to change; but the more advanced section of the Liberal party began to look upon him as their predestined leader.
Directly, this arrangement prevented an Athenian empire; indirectly, it caused the sacrificed cities and their kinsmen on the islands to look upon Athens as their protector.
The vast extent of this donation, which, moreover, included territories not owning Charles's authority, and the fact that the king did not execute, or apparently attempt to execute, its provisions, has caused many scholars to look upon the passage as a forgery; but the better opinion would appear to be that it is genuine, or at least has a genuine basis.
The testimony which it affords to the Ignatian Epistles is so striking that those scholars who regard these letters as spurious are bound to reject the Epistle of Polycarp altogether, or at any rate to look upon it as largely interpolated.
AdvertisementWe are accustomed to look upon him chiefly as a missionary; but his completion of the conversion of the peoples of central Germany (Thuringians and Hessians) and his share in that of the Frisians, are the least part of his life-work.
As Castlereagh and Metternich began to regard the position as hopeless they began to look upon him as a possible ally.
And, in fact, it would be a mistake to look upon Pallas's retirement as a disgrace.
To this class also fundamentally belong the Simoniani, who have included the probably historical figure of Simon Magus in a system which seems to be closely connected with those we have mentioned, especially if we look upon the " Helena " of this system as a mythical figure.
Under such circumstances it would be folly to look upon them as anything but late productions, at all events later than the Early Version, and equal folly to assign these bulky volumes to the last two years of Wycliffe's 3 See Paues, op. cit.
AdvertisementThat in knowing objects certain thoughts are implied which are not presentations or their copies is at times dimly seen by Berkeley himself; but he was content to propound a question with regard to those notions, and to look upon them as merely Locke's ideas of relation.
The constitution of the oxyazo compounds has attracted much attention, some chemists holding that they are true azophenols of the type R N 2 R l OH, while others look upon them as having a quinonoid structure, i.e.
Among the enterprising and shrewd Catalans, who look upon their rulers as reactionary, and reserve all their sympathies for the Provencal neighbours whom they so nearly resemble in race, language and temperament, French influence and republican ideals spread rapidly; taking the form partly of powerful labour and socialist organizations, partly of less reputable bodies, revolutionary and even anarchist.
From the violence of a multitude in which women of the worst class were more furious than the men she was sheltered in the house of the provost, where she repeatedly showed herself at the window, appealing aloud with dishevelled hair and dress to the mercy which no man could look upon her and refuse.
Until more is known it seems wisest to look upon them as an isolated assemblage of animals with no near affinities to any of the great phyla.
AdvertisementHaving a military point of view, he was inclined to look upon the cabinet members as inferior officers, and when in need of advice he usually consulted a group of personal friends, who came to be called the "Kitchen Cabinet."
The growing tendency of the clergy to look upon their endow 1 Hefele, Beitrage zur Kirchengesch.
The flamen Dialis was not allowed to leave the city for a single night, to ride or even touch a horse (a restriction which incapacitated him for the consulship), to swear an oath, to look at an army, to touch anything unclean, or to look upon people working.
Thus pneumonia is now known to he due to the diplococcus pneumoniae, and yet its invasion occurs so frequently after a chill that it is almost impossible not to look upon chill and pneumonia as cause and effect.
His whole view of the moral government led him to look upon human nature and virtue as connected by a sort of pre-established harmony.
It will have been noticed that it was an old idea of the northern Buddhists to look upon distinguished members of the order as incarnations of Avalokitesvara, of Manju-sri, or of Amitabha.
What he would have been as a poet, if, instead of visiting Europe in early life and drinking in the spirit of the middle ages under the shadows of cathedral towers, he had, like Whittier, grown old amid American scenery and life, we can only guess from his earlier poems, which are as naturalistic, fresh and unmystical as could be desired; but certain it is that, from his long familiarity with the medieval view of nature, and its semi-pagan offspring, the romantic view, he was brought, for the greater part of his life, to look upon the world of men and things either as the middle scene of a miracle play, with a heaven of rewarding happiness above and a purgatory of purifying pain below, or else as a garment concealing, while it revealed, spiritual forms of unfathomed mystery.
Many an earnest heart full of disappointment or enthusiasm has gone through a similar struggle, has learnt to look upon all earthly gains and hopes as worse than vanity, has envied the calm life of the cloister, troubled by none of these things, and has longed for an opportunity of entire selfsurrender to abstinence and meditation.
We have said that never till 1872 did he look upon the full cup of popularity.
And, again, when one perceives the tendency to look upon the alleged ancestor or weli as an almost divine being, there is much to be said for the view that the patriarchal figures were endowed by popular opinion with divine attributes.
At last, just as the kingdom had become the personal property of the king, so the officialsdukes, counts, royal vicars, tribunes, centenariiwho had for the most part bought their unpaid offices by means of presents to the monarch, came to look upon the public service rather as a mine of official wealth than as an administrative organization for furthering the interests, material or moral, of the whole nation.
At the beginning of the i9th century they had fallen into such a state of weakness that Napoleon could, with some considerable measure of excuse, look upon their country as a species of no-mans-land into which his troops had only to march on.
The curvature of the range around the Brazilian massif, and the position of the zone of older rocks upon the eastern flank, led Suess to the conclusion that the Andes owe their origin to an overthrust from east to west, and that the Vorland lies beneath the Pacific. In the south Wehrli and Burckhardt maintain that the thrust came from the west, and they look upon the ancient rocks of Argentina as the Vorland.
O, i follow'd that I blush to look upon.
They begin to look upon themselves as invincible, almost invulnerable.
But, be warned, even long-standing dance enthusiasts look upon the Tango as one of the hardest dances to master.
Machine or no machine, how could any girl look upon such miraculous self-control unmoved?
Their heads were too big for their bodies and their faces were decidedly ugly to look upon.
Now this is formally analogous to the distributive law of multiplication; and in fact we may look upon AFB as a particular way of multiplying A and B (not A and B).
In five generations the viking settlers of Normandy had not only completely forgotten their old Scandinavian tongue, but had come to look upon those who spoke the kindred English idiom not only as aliens but as inferiors.
It was not till much later that the nation came to look upon the Star Chamber as the special engine of royal tyranny and to loathe its name.
Next morning they all assembled for the final parting, and many of the officials and courtiers came to look upon the impressive ceremonies.
My dear Carrie--You are to look upon it as a most positive proof of my love that I write to you to-day.
I look upon England today as an old gentleman who is travelling with a great deal of baggage, trumpery which has accumulated from long housekeeping, which he has not the courage to burn; great trunk, little trunk, bandbox, and bundle.
Rather, look upon gluten intolerance as an opportunity to exercise your culinary imagination.
He finds great visual joy in owning pieces of art he can look upon.
Now that we know what a shooting star is, we have began to look upon them as a symbol of hope.
She'd never look upon the obelisk or her immortal home again.
Settled in and around Jerusalem, they look upon themselves as the sole community, the true Israel, even as it was believed that once before Israel entered and developed independently in the land of its ancestors.
The doctrines of Christianity were by that time so firmly established that the Church could look upon a symbolical or mystical interpretation of them without anxiety.
Among other things, he made a more thorough study of socialist writers, with the result that, though he was not converted to any of their schemes as being immediately practicable, he began to look upon some more equal distribution of the produce of labour as a practicability of the remote future, and to dwell upon the prospect of such changes in human character as might render a stable society possible without the institution of private property.
The earth is conceived of as a round disk, slightly sloping towards the south, surrounded on three sides by the sea, but on the north by a high mountain of turquoises; behind this is the abode of the blest, a sort of inferior paradise, inhabited by the Egyptians who were saved from drowning with Pharaoh in the Red Sea, and whom the Mandaeans look upon as their ancestors, Pharaoh himself having been their first high priest and king.
On the other hand, he came to look upon the Old Testament prophets as approved by their antiquity, sanctity, mystery and prophecies to be interpreters of the truth.
Formerly, they were gener ally arranged amongst the Platyelminthes as 2 a sub-order in the order of the Turbellarians, but with the advance of our knowledge of these lower worms it has been found desirable to separate them from the Turbellarians and to look upon the Nemertina as a separate phylum.
He should look upon his accomplished tasks as of inherent dignity independent of the monetary recompense to be received.