Look-at Sentence Examples
Let's go look at the horses.
Sit down and let me look at it.
Don't look at me like that.
Maybe he wanted to look at the house too.
She had assumed Alex was, but... she needed to look at his files.
He didn't even look at her when he shook his head.
I saw some flowers in the woods and went to look at them.
I told you, he told you... as you said, he even offered to let you look at his files.
Felipa leaned around him to look at Carmen.
I told Morino last night that I would look at them before we left.
AdvertisementHe didn't look at her.
Why do you look at Mr. Giddon?
Uh, ladies, I think you better take a look at this.
Sam pulled away to look at him.
Are you ever going to look at me?
AdvertisementAlex didn't look at Carmen, which was her first inkling that something was amiss.
Alex, I'm going to look at a house with your father.
Carmen stiffened and looked up at Alex, but he found something interesting outside to look at.
Alex had invited her to look at his financial files any time she wanted, and yet it seemed an intrusion on his privacy.
How many times had he told her to look at the files?
AdvertisementAfter a startled look at Lisa, she turned on Giddon, a frown wrinkling her forehead.
As Giddon grabbed the reins, Diablo turned his head to look at his master.
Lisa started for her room to get a book to read and paused in the hallway to look at a photograph again.
I saw it in the paper yesterday and thought since I had Saturday off, I'd come out and look at it for you.
She didn't look at Yancey when they left.
AdvertisementShe stared at him, but he didn't look at her.
He pushed the passenger's side door open and she leaned down to look at him.
He didn't look at her when she walked through.
We stumbled into an incredible gift that was bestowed on Howie and we couldn't live with ourselves or look at one another if we didn't embrace everything in our power to maximize its benefits.
Darkyn's mate cast a worried look at the teen demoness, who was shaking.
Would you like to come take a look at it?
She raised her face to look at him and caught Sarah and Connie making a hasty exit from the room.
She chanced a look at his face only to discover that he was laughing.
You take time to think about a date, but I want to take you out tomorrow to look at engagement rings.
I thought maybe you could look at him.
We thought maybe you could convince him to go, or at least look at him.
I'll look at it after I change my clothes.
It was hard to look at his face without being fascinated by the color of his eyes.
He wouldn't look at her, and that fact confirmed her suspicions.
She slid down the rock and joined them, casting a sour look at Bordeaux as she brushed by him.
He could put her in the buggy and he could forcefully take her to the ranch, but he couldn't make her look at her father or talk to him.
Let's go by and take a look at your truck while we're in town.
Maybe so, but I've seen the way you look at him when you forget yourself.
I look at it this way; something is going on in Howie's head.
Watching strangers is one thing but I won't look at myself.
Martha was unable to get by her natural compassion of the moment and look at a long term goal.
Oh, and tell him I swear not to look at what other girl's he's been calling... cross my heart, like fun!
Howie, I can't tell you what to do; only give you advice and try to look at the options logically.
Just look at what Julie is doing in its name.
He was in the area and the police took a good look at him from the information I have but there wasn't enough evidence to charge him.
If you'd spare a moment and look at it, I'll have you driven back to the hospital after you're finished.
She didn't look at him, afraid of finding the devil himself in front of her.
Crossing the threshold into the bathroom, she paused to look at herself in the mirror with a grimace.
He rose without another look at Jonny and intercepted Bianca on her way back from the nurse's station.
A look at Dusty's tight features revealed he was furious.
Awkwardly jammed in the back seat, she sneaked a look at the occupants in the front of the car and withdrew her phone.
At least let me look at a couple of things.
It's not worth it, any way you look at it.
He was huddled forward and didn't look at her when she opened the car door.
The women paused in their activities to look at him.
She turned to look at him.
They heard a sound that made them freeze and look at each other.
Not trusting herself, she refused to look at him and instead wrapped her arms around him.
Pierre gave him a sidelong look at his butchered French, and Sofia smiled despite herself.
She didn't look at him until his back was to her on their way toward the door.
She sneaked a look at his face, surprised to see the warm smile there as he read through her notes.
He pulled her into his body, even as she refused to look at him.
He didn't even look at her, and her hope plummeted again.
She huddled closer to Damian, unwilling to look at his face.
Sometimes when you look at a grain of sand in your hand, you forget that there couldn't be a beach without every one of them.
Fred O'Connor, dressed to the nines in a dapper suit, pink shirt, bow tie and sporting a boutonniere, asked Dean if his iron was broken when he took one look at his stepson's new but wrinkled slacks.
But I sure took a close look at my old man's will.
The medic knelt to look at her knee.
You should have had the medic take a look at that.
One look at Dean told her she was getting close to home.
Patsy Boyd Cynthia took one look at the note and began to cry.
Gabriel drew her into his body, and she tucked her head against his shoulder, so she didn't have to look at him.
Unable to look at him or control the tears starting to form, Deidre walked away.
She turned to look at him without leaving Darkyn's body.
He leaned his head into the window to look at the odometer.
Why do you look at me that way sometimes... all over?
I'm allowed to look at you that way.
Do you have any idea how good it makes a man feel to have a beautiful woman look at him that way?
You would look at it that way.
There was no other way to look at it as far as she was concerned.
Destiny squealed and when Alex turned to look at her, she lifted her arms for him to pick her up.
When the chuckle started, they both turned to look at Señor Medena.
With a last look at the Oracle, Gabe trailed.
Though she'd rather not be trapped by the eyes that made her blood quicken, she forced herself to look at him.
At her silence, he straightened to look at her.
With a look at the car, she trailed him to the beach house.
She didn't want to look at Gabriel, afraid of what she'd see.
Deidre drank her coffee in silence, feeling Wynn's gaze and unwilling to look at him after almost admitting to the plan.
She understood why he liked the spot; the scent of honeysuckle and herbs was thick in the air, the manicured gardens pleasant to look at and the awning providing the right amount of cool shade from the midmorning Georgia sun.
I have to look at a few more angles before I can determine if the option we found is feasible.
She took one more look at the ominous man in black and the sword at his hip and followed, shaking from more than cold.
Hannah took one look at her and frowned fiercely.
When her stomach was full, she allowed herself to look at him.
She lifted her head to look at him.
Sasha.s gaze took them both in, his eyes settling on her bandaged arm before he forced himself to look at Toby.
She paused at his words and turned to look at him again.
He stepped back to look at father and son, dead-dead together.
Helga turned to look at her curiously, and she forced herself forward.
He released her and turned to look at Iliana.
Katie stood on her tiptoes and looked up, taking one last look at the blue sky before she held her breath and ducked beneath the water.
One look at her disheveled '70s garb, and she decided to change into pajamas.
It twisted its odd little face to look at her and sniffed at her arm with its small trunk.
She pulled away enough to look at him.
Fred suggested that one of the letters might be in error so the group continued to look at the puzzle on the basis Cynthia had first suggested.
Listen to the words— 'smoke and whiskey breath of those who visited here' and look at the pronoun.
I'm no shrink, but look at the life she later resorted to.
Not if you look at it through Corday's eyes.
Dean took a look at the thawing street in front of Bird Song and went out back and unhooked his bicycle.
He could no longer look at the two crumpled bills on the bed, the stark reminder of her fury when he'd sent her away.
We got to look at all these loose ends and satisfy ourselves about 'em.
Let's look at the givens.
Let's look at why they were taken.
Hey, look at me now though, all adjusted and loving the vamp stuff.
Nothing hurts more than having the person you love call you terrible things and look at you with horror in their eyes.
She turned to look at him for the first time.
He didn't look at Elisabeth until the end of the piece.
Sarah skated into the kitchen, kissing them both, "Hi, look at you busy beavers."
I gave you one pass, but if you ever look at me like lunch again, I'll rip those fangs out of your head and shove them so far up your ass they'll reattach.
Don't look at me.
All the same, you'd better take a good, long look at what you're thinking about giving up.
I mean, look at Alex and I. We're both short, and both Mom and Dad were average height.
He threw a stern look at Katie.
Can I look at it?
Josh shot a disgusted look at Alex.
Every time I even look at another man you get crazy.
She took one look at Carmen and headed for the kitchen.
The woman craned her neck to look at something on a table behind the drawn curtain.
Sounds interesting, may I look at it?
She put an arm around his waist and together they strolled back to take a look at Ed.
God, look at you!
She flipped off the scenes from the mountain, unable to look at the destruction.
She straightened finally with an angry look at Dan, who smiled in response.
She didn't look at him or the picture.
But I've seen how you look at me.
He gave a sidelong look at Dan.
He still didn't look at her, and she couldn't help feeling hurt.
She itched to have her micro again, to look at the logs and hack into whatever she could to find the answers.
Lana turned to look at the speaker and craned her neck back.
Dan asked with a long look at him.
Maybe when she stops crying every time you look at her, you can ask her.
I want to look at the logs for the past few days to see if any of the scouts have reported any other fed buildings going up in flames.
Lana took one look at the thin metal stairs and looked away quickly.
With one last look at the river, she turned away and climbed the bank clumsily before heading towards the road leading from the bridge to her home.
He looked for signs anyone had walked through the brush and branches, pausing at intervals to squat and look at his surroundings from a different angle.
Charlie's gaze was amused, though he said nothing of Brady's long look at the picture.
She tried hard not to look at him, terrified of giving him away.
But sometimes I look at Hannah and see Katie, Kris said, recalling how he'd taken Katie's blood by force soon after she went to the castle.
Katie dumped a few of the cubes into her hand with another look at Andre. She drew a deep breath and tossed the cubes after Gabriel. She stopped walking as the cubes hit the ground behind him.
Follow me, Toby said. He cast another puzzled look at Deidre and ran forward.
Yeah, you want to look at it?
After a quick look at the sports section he tossed the paper aside and glanced at the bicycling magazine.
Baratto was in the john, but as soon as he emerged, he took one look at Winston and turned away.
I mean, look at this neighborhood.
The plane was scheduled to leave in 45 minutes but one look at the departure board was indicative of things to come.
Let's look at the facts, make a decision and close the case.
I just want to get a look at who's bugging the phone.
It was in the first wash of light outside that suit-two-blue-gun got a good look at Dean's face.
Fred took one look at the situation and took off after the men.
Jenny took one look at Dean's attire and made a "love your tailor" comment.
She turned to look at him and answered, coldly.
The bikers wore helmets and most were in a low tuck position, making it difficult to get an identifying look at them.
But let's look at the bright side," said Fred, "We're hot on his trail.
One look at his bike told him it was unridable.
That made me take a closer look at you—a biker.
After a brief look at her, he plodded back out of the dairy.
When she lifted her head to look at his face in the dim light, their lips were only inches away.
After a shower and lunch, she decided to go back down to look at the inside of the house.
Let me look at that shoulder.
His fingers lifted her chin so that she was forced to look at his face.
He turned to look at her directly, his eyes flashing with humor.
Since she didn't look at him, it was hard to say whether he was talking to her or Alex.
When you look at me... the way you are right now, I feel loved.
You're welcome to look at anything on my computer.
When Alex came in for his breakfast, he dropped into his chair and took one long look at her.
I'll have to go down there and look at it.
Mums opened the door, and after one look at Carmen's face, ushered her into the kitchen.
He turned in the saddle until he could look at her face.
At the top, Alex reined Ed in and turned to look at Carmen.
He stepped back from the edge and turned to look at her.
Aren't you supposed to look at one of Josh's cows this morning?
If they weren't there she would be able to look at the moon and know he could see it as well.
She turned her head to look at the chair, but Alex wasn't there.
Did he look at other women that way?
He shook his head, refusing to look at her as he spoke.
Let's go look at the old farmstead.
With one last look at the bassinet, Jenn left the room.
He paused to look at himself, studying his rugged features and swirling gold eyes.
Darian tucked the feline under his arm with one more look at the mirror.
Damian said nothing, and Darian didn't have to look at his little brother to know he was trying not to grin.
Considering what happened to you there, I don't know how you can look at it with any kind of fondness.
A look at Jonny sent the Black God back quickly as well.
He twisted to look at her.
He didn't write in it the last month or so before his death, but look at his last entry.
Jenn tried not to look at him, focusing instead on the scent of cheeseburgers.
Rissa turned to look at him, then Sirian.
She refused to look at him when he stopped.
She turned to follow his gaze, saddened by what might be the last look at her kingdom.
He stalked away with a look at Hilden, whose hand rested on the hilt of his sword.
Then again, look at the number of people in the world who are killed every year by mosquitoes.
He didn't look at her when he spoke and his voice was controlled.
It's a scary thought, isn't it – having someone look at what you have instead of the person you are?
He didn't look at Carmen.
Felipa shot a nervous look at Senor Medena and then Carmen.
Alondra shot a startled look at Carmen, but she said nothing.
He gripped her shoulders and pulled her back so he could look at her face.
He tried to focus on the book again, but after a few minutes something compelled him to look at her.
If it weren't for your money and position, no man would take a second look at you.
After tea, Clara convinced her to walk around the cabin to look at the vegetation.
Why don't you go change, and I'll drive you around to look at some of God's country.
Both of you look at things positively.
She pulled it on with a dirty look at her assistant.
Jessi pulled her legs out from between Xander's thighs and stood, refusing to look at him.
A look at the line made her think she was going to be there all night.
Her face felt hot, and she refused to look at him.
Jessi refused to look at him as she grabbed her purse and left.
I see the way you look at me.
Jessi didn't look at him, but her cousins crowded him.
Jessi refused to look at him and slid into the passenger's seat.
Damian's look at the woman in his arms was wary this time.
Ashley took one look at him, hesitated, and flung herself into Xander's arms.
But, when we look at the many passages in which the violas double the basses, we shall do well to consider whether there is room in the harmonic scheme for the violas to do anything else, and whether the effect would not be thin without them.
The God of Nature, whom deists confess, does punish in time, if they will but look at the facts; why not in eternity ?
Before speaking of the more fundamental grounds urged for the rejection of Ephesians, we may look at various points of detail which are of less significance.
Arpad Berczik's Nezd meg az anyjdt (" Look at her Mother "), A protekczio (" Patronizing "), also followed on the lines of Csiky.
It is sufficient to look at wire gauze backed by the sky or by a flame, through a piece of blackened cardboard, pierced by a needle and held close to the eye.
But when we look at the Elohim psalms more nearly, we see that they contain two distinct elements, Davidic psalms and psalms ascribed to the Levitical choirs (sons of Korah, Asaph).
But when we look at the psalms themselves we see that they must originally have been a hymn-book, not for the Levites, but for the laity who carne up to Jerusalem at the great pilgrimage feasts, and who themselves remembered, or their fathers had told them, the days when, as we see in Ps.
If we look at the work of the Alexandrian schools in medicine as a whole, we must admit that the progress made was great and permanent.
It is too bad that he doesn't look at it as I do, but he does not, and we have to work together as we can.
And in this need men began to look at the prophetic books, mainly in the hope that there might be found in them predictions.
But while the banner was square the pennon, which resembled it in other respects, was either pointed or forked at its extremity, and the pencel, which was considerably less than the others, always terminated in a single tail or streamer.6 If indeed we look at the scale of chivalric subordination from another point of view, it seems to be more properly divisible into four than into three stages, of which two may be called provisional and two final.
He became torpid, bloated and horrible to look at.
Whether we look at his pure mathematical or at his physical researches we receive the same impression of Pascal; we see the strongest marks of a great original genius creating new ideas, and seizing upon, mastering, and pursuing farther everything that was fresh and unfamiliar in his time.
This aspect of the Epicurean physics becomes clearer when we look at his mode of rendering particular phenomena intelligible.
In Rome, under the broadening influence of classical and ecclesiastical art, he learned to look at Christianity in its human and universalistic aspects, and began to develop his great idea, the inseparable relation of religion and morals.
To begin with what we are most competent to criticize, let us look at some of the more extended narratives.
To take one's watch from the pocket and look at it when from a familiar clock-tower a familiar bell strikes a familiar hour, is an instance of a habitual action initiated by a sense perception outside attentive consciousness.
It is of the first importance that we should endeavour to see this book as a whole; to gain the total impression which it makes on the mind; to look at the picture of Jesus Christ which it offers.
In the words of Falkenhayn, who refused his cooperation to the proposal made by Conrad von Hgtzendorff in Dec. 1915, " this project contemplated an operation which must, once at least during the war, have certainly attracted the attention of every general staff officer who took a look at the map of the Italian theatre of war.
But, if we look at the two factors in their new position by the light of (a), we see that the sign must not change.
A dog is brought in to take a last look at his inanimate master in order to drive away the evil spirits.
On the whole, however, there is a disposition to look at the book more objectively and to follow up the hints as to its aim given by the author in his opening verses.
Now, in the Iliad these passages are the finest and most characteristic. The element of connexion and unity is the story of the " wrath of Achilles "; and we have only to look at the books which give the story of the wrath to see how essential they are.
But the senses cannot lead to truth; thought and reflection must look at the thing on every side.
The flamen Dialis was not allowed to leave the city for a single night, to ride or even touch a horse (a restriction which incapacitated him for the consulship), to swear an oath, to look at an army, to touch anything unclean, or to look upon people working.
He was sensible of this, and could not bear that any one should look at him.
But the tendency to look at things historically is not merely the attitude of men of science.
Let us look at the Homilies in this light, and see how far what they have to tell us about Simon accords with conclusions which we have already reached.
His courtesy to all visitors, even to strangers and children who called to look at him, or who, not venturing to call, hung about his garden-gate in order to catch a glimpse of him, was almost a marvel.
We have now to look at Protestant theology in its dealing with questions in which it is more immediately or more fully interested.
The sagas of the south are either lost or absorbed in that of Nial (970-1014), a long and complex story into which are woven the tales of Gunnar Nial, and parts of others, as Brian Boroimhe, Hall o' Side, &c. It is, whether we look at style, contents or legal and historical weight, the foremost of all sagas.
I look at those eyes and I remember this fabric I buy but never use.
It wasn't important who they inherited their traits from, but it was a brief look at the soul of this mysterious woman no one seemed to understand.
Yet, he had invited her to look at his files many times.
She had to look at him, he was going to be suspicious if she didn't.
Howie didn't get a good look at him because the girl's scream and the father must have scared the shit out of him.
Betsy won't even look at the web site, afraid of the anguish she'll feel seeing negative results from some of our cases and in action on others.
Jule's hand grew too bright to look at directly, and a small ball formed in his palm.
She wanted to reach out to him, but she was ashamed even to look at him.
It was this compulsion that was like a drug weighing down her thoughts and making her hungry, like walking past a bakery first thing in the morning and trying not to look at what was in the window.
With the hum of their bonds and the satiation of the blood exchange, she ventured a look at him.
She took one look at the smirk on his face.
When the chuckle started, they both turned to look at Señor Medena.
She lifted her head to look at him, unable to tell if he meant it as a joke and ready to bolt if not.
You're saying a deity must look at the Code as one of many factor instead of the only factor.
She took his hand but didn't look at him, the odd melancholy stirring his instincts once more.
The words jarred him out of his daze, and he blinked, turning to look at Mansr.
Listen to the words— 'smoke and whiskey breath of those who visited here' and look at the pronoun.
During the night, he'd turned the matter over in his mind, and kept coming back to the fact that someone from Bird Song had killed Shipton and any objective viewer would be taking a long and hard look at David Dean as that person.
Someone out there is a killer and if Corday has his head up his ass over your guilt, somebody needs to be taking a hard look at what really happened.
Baratto started to grumble but took one look at their faces and decided to leave well enough alone.
The attendant took one look at Cynthia and yelled, Holy shit!
That made me take a closer look at you—a biker.
She cast a forlorn look at the beckoning hills and reluctantly turned toward his house.
He could look at the track – maybe exonerate Brutus for you.
Hindsight—and Xander's revelation—made her look at his persistent presence and brotherly protectiveness in a new way.
It's a scary thought, isn't it – having someone look at what you have instead of the person you are?
In fact, I now look at them in quiet despair.
She gave a furtive look at the deserted shops on the opposite side of the road.
However, you can look at our glossary, which explains the meaning of all these new terms.
Did I not look at you with such adoration that you wanted nothing more than to spend the rest of your life with me?
The council will look at each offer with a view to finding the ' most economically advantageous ' offer.
Let's look at how we work to keep dangerous people from hijacking airplanes.
If we look at style as an organism, style-markers are its genetic material - making this project analogous to the human genome project.
To begin with, let's look at how simple discourse anaphora is handled on GSDL.
Those who feel the ' violent anarchists ' are curbing their successes should maybe look at how successful their own tactics are.
I look at it from every angle in order to find out why my response is mild annoyance or absolute rage.
This course will take a fresh look at what living with severe aphasia means.
Another way to determine which of the great archangels you resonate most closely with is to look at the vowels in your name.
First, we should look at Korean archery from a historical viewpoint.
The module term will end with a brief look at the reasons for the collapse of logical atomism.
Then I did beeswax it, an ' look at it now!
If it does not bleep, I look at the meter and make a judgment.
But it is not easy to look at this evidence without ideological blinkers.
Both titles, as their back cover blurbs suggest, present a fresh and original look at key events in history.
Drafting and Understanding Boilerplate clauses takes an in-depth look at the practical and effective use of boilerplate clauses takes an in-depth look at the practical and effective use of boilerplate clauses in your commercial contract.
She does sound a little bit bonkers, finding it too hard to look at zoo animals - how sweet.
Stroll along palm tree-lined boulevards, take a look at the great range of shops, or head for the beach.
Bovine eyeballs The Committee was asked to look at the question of the use of bovine eyeballs The Committee was asked to look at the question of the use of bovine eyeballs in schools.
Brands A high level look at the digital cameras offered by the leading brands A high level look at the digital cameras offered by the leading brands.
We will look at reorder buffers and scheduling algorithms later.
With this step, the CD at least proved capable of taking a look at itself in the mirror.
Read a little about Canberra's distinguished career or take a look at the photo galleries.
Couples can approach priests who look at individual astrological charts and data to suggest the most auspicious nights.
A simple way to look at a sequence is to click Views in your toolbar and then click thumbnails.
A lovely heavy weight cob who is a proper stunner to look at with the sweetest nature going.
We have a slightly comical style taking a satirical look at campus goings on.
The second maid had been woken by the commotion and also went to look at her master.
For five miles I rode south, striking a tinder from time to time to look at my pocket compass.
Take a look at this question that was asked previously about the upcoming planetary conjunction.
I crept across the grass to get a better look at the weird contraption.
But America needs to look at a more serious aspect of its China policy which has becomes less credible with the passing of time.
It's a very crooked, Zen-like, look at the world.
There are many museums in Constance but also take a look at the minster with of course the usual ancient crypt.
Gareth led the J. After a fairly cursory look at dummy I could see that prospects looked good.
A peek behind the net curtains into a world we don't want to look at.
Have a close look at the beautiful silver cutlery on the tables.
A while back, the rights of pedal cyclists were laughed at, but look at SUSTRANS now.
Go through the main entrance to have a look at the entrance hall with its glazed tile dados.
It would be good to look at using a more advanced syslog daemon.
I wish things were so dandy in reality; these foreign diplomats should look at how multi-ethnic their respected countries are.
The onus was on the NWS to look at how to break the current deadlock in arms control.
There are other ways to look at the complexity of the music, which might break this degeneracy and tell you more interesting things.
To help you with your choice, take a look at the product demos and comparison charts available.
Read Frithjof's fascinating Micscape article ' A second look at some well known test diatoms ' where this is discussed.
Jane Griffin, consultant nutritionist and accredited sports dietitian, takes a hard look at the truth behind the myths.
Other studies look at whether support groups help ease the discomfort of the patient.
He then takes a somewhat dismissive look at a few of the other clubs before focusing on the underachievement of the national team.
The papers in this session look at bringing together disparate data in a variety of ways.
The mediation process helps disputants to look at alternative options for the child in question.
If you're having problems with a driver you may need to look at the driver documentation (check the kernel documentation tree ).
Or look at yon fallen woman drinking the dregs of her bitter, damning cup!
With all of the animation being computer based, this is a rather dull look at some CGI gone wrong.
She turned to look at me her face had an expression of deadly earnest.
Sir Michael Lyons, newly empowered to look at councils ' functions and finance, might be rewriting the entire script.
While you're there, take a look at the huge earthwork enclosures of Durrington Walls and the North Kite.
The other area we have to look at is how to conserve more energy in existing buildings, particularly housing.
Now let us look at two historical figures who were truly enlightened.
Let's look at China's recent economic development, and what exactly is concerning environmentalists.
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