Lonicera Sentence Examples
The flowers are regular as in Viburnum Flowering shoot of Lonicera Caprifolium, slightly reduced.
The flowers of Lonicera, which have a long tube, open in the evening, when they are sweet-scented and are visited by hawk-moths.
Honeysuckles (Lonicera) flourish in any ordinary garden soil, but are usually sadly neglected in regard to pruning.
Climbers starring this month are many of the clematis, abutilon, climbing roses and the honeysuckle (lonicera japonica ).
Climbers Name Common name Comments Lonicera Honeysuckle Climbing varieties twine through shrubs and supports and have trumpet shaped flowers, most are scented.
The plants are mainly shrubs and trees; British representatives are Sambucus (elder), Viburnum (guelder-rose and wayfaring tree), Lonicera (honeysuckle) (see fig.); Adoxa (moschatel), a small herb with a creeping stem and small yellowish-green flowers, is occasionally found on damp hedge-banks; Linnaea, a slender creeping evergreen with a thread-like stem and pink bell-shaped flower, a northern plant, occurs in fir-forests and plantations in the north of England and Scotland.
Japanese honeysuckle, or Lonicera japonica, is an invasive species that should not be purposefully cultivated in any planting zone.
Chinese herbal remedies used for acne include cnidium seed (Cnidium monnieri) and honeysuckle flower (Lonicera japonica).