Longest Sentence Examples
He tried for the longest time not to cry.
They were half the size of her longest finger.
The longest I had lasted in one foster home was six months.
Although her mining industries have been the longest and most widely known, the principal source of Peru's wealth is agriculture.
The old gild merchant remained longest intact and powerful in the smaller boroughs, in which, owing to the predominance of agriculture, few or no craft gilds were formed.
According to the latest calculations, the length of the main stream of the Ganges is 1540 m., or with its longest affluent, 1680; breadth at true entrance into the sea, 20 m.; breadth of channel in dry season, 14 to 21 m.; depth in dry season, 30 ft.;.
I asked, pointing to the longest underlined numbers at the rear of the booklet.
At a later date Berzelius denoted an oxide by dots, equal in number to the number of oxygen atoms present, placed over the element; this notation survived longest in mineralogy.
The longest day is 15 hours and 33 minutes, the shortest 8 hours and 50 minutes.
The parallels or climata 2 drawn through places, of which the longest day is of equal length and the decimation (distance) from the equator is the same, he maintained, ought to have been inserted at equal intervals, say of half an hour, and the meridians inserted on a like principle.
AdvertisementOn the longest day the sun rises at 3 o'clock A.M.
It was the longest second of her life, until she realized he wasn't going to pull the trigger.
The north side is the longest.
It was only a week past the longest day of the year and still light outside but Dean joined her, in case she changed her mind and needed him.
The Procuratie Vecchie is perhaps the longest arcaded façade in the world and certainly shows the least amount of wall space; the whole design is simple, the .moulding and ornamentation severe.
AdvertisementCombats of men with beasts were longest continued; they had not ceased even in the early years of the reign of Justinian.
In the middle of one of the longest sentences, he stopped the rotary motion of the snuffbox, raised his head, and with inimical politeness lurking in the corners of his thin lips interrupted Weyrother, wishing to say something.
For what it's worth, Gabe was the most respected and longest serving assassin of Death before he got promoted.
The average date of the opening and closing of navigation at the strait of Mackinac, where the ice remains longest, is the 17th of April and the 9th of January respectively.'
The YashkunChitral-Kunar river (it is called by all three names) is the longest affluent of the Kabul, and it is in many respects a more important river than the Kabul.
AdvertisementThe best known and longest cultivated species is the old-world grape-vine, Vitis vinifera; a variety of this, silvestris, occurs wild in the Mediterranean region, spreading eastwards towards the Caucasus and northwards into southern Germany, and may be regarded as the parent of the cultivated vine.
The king died on the 1st of September 1715, after the longest recorded reign in European history.
He retired from the Supreme Court on the 1st of December 1897 after a service of thirty-four years and six months, the longest in the court's history, and died in Washington on the 9th of April 1899.
Corps from Metz, having the longest distance to go, started first (on June 6), and soon the whole army was The in motion for the selected points of concentration, French every effort being made to hide the movements of the concen.
The longest recorded range is that given in 1888 by the 9.2-in.
AdvertisementOne of the longest circuits upon which it has been successfully worked is that between St Petersburg and Omsk, a distance of approximately 2400 miles of iron wire, with three repeating stations.
Though at first written consecutively, the work is now usually divided into three portions, - a preface, the history proper, and an epistle, - the last, which is largely made up of passages and texts of Scripture brought together for the purpose of condemning the vices of his countrymen and their rulers, being the least important, though by far the longest of the three.
Various computations were made at different times, from Biblical sources, as to the age of the world; and Des Vignoles, in the preface to his Chronology of Sacred History, asserts that he collected upwards of two hundred different calculations, the shortest of which reckons only 3483 years between the creation of the world and the commencement of the vulgar era and the longest 6984.
The first named, the longest river in the colony, though obstructed by a bar like all western, - and most eastern, - New Zealand rivers, is navigable for some 70 m.
The longest of them is over 250 m.
His reputation as a historian will chiefly rest on his History of the Norman Conquest (1867-1876), his longest completed book.
The longest and most prominent of these ranges, which are for the most part the eastern escarpments of the great Brazilian plateau, is the Serra dos Aymores, which extends along fully two-thirds of the western frontier.
The river is here crossed by three bridges; the (upper) steel arch bridge, built (1895) on the site of the former suspension bridge (built in 1869; blown down in 1889; rebuilt as a suspension bridge) near the Falls, is crossed by double carriageways and footpaths and by an electric railway, and is probably the longest bridge of the kind in the world, being 1240 ft.
An interest in Latin literature lived longest in Gaul, where schools of learning flourished as early as the 1st century at Autun, Lyons, Toulouse, Nimes, Vienne, Narbonne and Marseilles; and, from the 3rd century onwards, at Trier, Poitiers, Besancon and Bordeaux.
Its first and longest period lasted only 73 years.
It survived longest when followed by o or v, as at the beginning of the name of the town of Corinth.
Wallace also alluded to the resemblance of animals, and more especially of insects, to their surroundings, and points out that "those races having colours best adapted to concealment from their enemies would inevitably survive the longest."
Remember to also adjust the straps to their longest length when you try the overalls on to give you a realistic idea of just how large they will get.
In the third and longest section, the line starts from a pillar erected in the Perez Rosales pass, near Lake Nahuel-Huapi, and follows the water-parting southward to the highest point of Mt.
The longest established is that of Normandy, having its centres at Rouen, Havre, Evreux, Falaise and Flers.
Except on Charles Island, where settlement has existed longest, little or no influence of the presence of man is evident in the group; still, the running wild of dogs and cats, and, as regards the vegetation, especially goats, must in a comparatively short period greatly modify the biological conditions of the islands.
Padre, the longest of these islands, extends northward from the mouth of the Rio Grande more than Too m.
It was De la Gardie who first made Sweden the obsequious hireling of the foreign power which had the longest purse.
The slope of the department is from north-east to south-west, though its longest river, the Meuse, entering it in the south-east, pursues a winding course of III m.
The longest and most elaborate of these occupies the third book; it is an account of the course followed by the nations of modern Europe in the successive development of the several forms of industry.
To the home government the purely military problem, although assuming larger dimensions and more difficulties, still seemed to admit of a simple solution, namely, to strike hard where the rebellion was most active and capable of the longest resistance.
The longest, Theriaca, is an hexameter poem (958 lines) on the nature of venomous animals and the wounds which they inflict.
Many are mere fragments, and even in the longest there are often lacunae; but the compiler evidently set down all that he could collect of a poem from the memory of the rawis, and did not, like Abu Tammam, choose only the best portions.
There is no continuous littoral plain, the longest strip running from the recess of the Syrtis round past Bengazi to Tolmeita.
For many years extinct representatives of the Hyracoidea were unknown, partly owing to the fact that certain fossils were not recognized as really belonging to that group. The longest known of these was originally named Leptodon graecus, but, on account of the preoccupation of the generic title, the designation has been changed to Pliohyrax graecus.
Two of them in particular - the two who had the longest reigns - viz.
The presidency is reserved to the pope, and the cardinal of longest standing takes the title of secretary.
Yet it is a curious fact that the three longest glaciers in the Alps (the Great Aletsch, 162 m., and the Unteraar and the Fiescher, each 10 m.) are all in the Bernese Oberland.
In the main chain the two longest are both 94 m., the Mer de Glace at Chamonix and the Gorner at Zermatt.
In the Eastern Alps the longest glacier is the Pasterze (rather over 64 m.), which is not near the true main watershed, though it clings to the slope of the Greater Tauern range, east of the Dreiherrenspitze.
But the next two longest glaciers in the Eastern Alps (the Hintereis, 64 m., and the Gepatsch, 6 m.) are both in the Oetzthal Alps, and so close to the true main watershed.
On the whole, the form of a parallelogram with its longest sides in the proportion of about five to three of the shorter, and running east and west, may be considered the best form, since it affords a greater extent of south wall than any other.
After the close pruning of the branches to which they are annually subjected, and when the young shoots have shot forth an inch or two in length, they are turned out of their pots and have the old soil shaken away from their roots, the longest of which, to the extent of about half the existing quantity, are then cut clean away, and the plants repotted into small pots.
The seeds of the different cultivated varieties, of which there are a great number, differ much in size and in external markings; but average seeds are of an oval laterally compressed form, with their longest diameter about four lines.
It is a fashionable watering-place on Hobson's Bay, and possesses the longest pier in Australia.
These are of course quite immature, the longest rarely being one inch in length.
Three days are the longest period for which it lasts.
All the longest routes thus formed traverse late in their course the cortex of the cerebral hemisphere.
This means that the number of "longest routes" in man is, as compared with lower animals, disproportionately great.
Here again the longest slope is on the east side, where the Tweed bears the whole drainage of that side into the sea.
In the north-western counties, where the glaciers continued longest to descend to the sea-level, lakes retained by moraine-barriers may be found very little above the sea.
It is the longest book in the Buddhist Bible, and fills 1840 pages 8vo.
His calculations of the length of the longest day at four different points in the neighbourhood of Britain are probably based on native reports.
About sixteen such chambers were combined in such manner that the fresh gas passed into that chamber which had been the longest time at work and in which the bleaching-powder was nearly finished, and so forth until the gas, now all but entirely exhausted, reached the last-filled chamber in which it met with fresh lime and there gave up the last of the chlorine.
It is served by the Manila & Dagupan railway, and the bridge across the Rio Grande is one of the longest in the Philippines.
The tongue is bifid at the tip in a few genera; usually it is pointed and varies greatly in length, being comparatively short in Andrena, long in the humble-bees(Bombus), and longest in Euglossa, a tropical American genus of solitary bees.
It is covered with long hair, longest on the middle line of the back, where it is capable of being raised or depressed at will, of a dark-grey colour, with numerous transverse black bands and spots.
That along the east coast is longest and least broken, and between it and the next range inland is the level valley of the Agusan river, from 40 to 50 m.
Of the periodic variable stars, the lengths of the periods range from 3 hours 12 minutes, which is the shortest yet determined, to 61o days, the longest.
There is a very striking relation between the eccentricity and the period of a system; in general the binaries of longest period have the greatest eccentricities.
The longest, the Bradano, is 104 m.
The longest is written in the Ionic dialect, and bears the name of Herodotus, but is certainly spurious.
The Catalogue of the Ships begins with Boeotia; the list of Boeotian towns is much the longest; and they sail, not from the bay of Argos, but from the Boeotian harbour of Aulis.
Before the plains were fenced large herds drifted to the south in the winter, but now sufficient hay and alfalfa are cut to feed the cattle during the storms, which at longest are brief.
The longest river in Wales is the Severn (180 m.), in Welsh Hafren, which rises in Plinlimmon, and takes a north-easterly direction through Montgomeryshire before reaching the English border.
The longest of these new chapters deal with the primacy of the will, with death and with the metaphysics of sexual love.
Another characteristic of the de la Gardie government was its gross corruption, which made Sweden the obsequious hireling of that foreign power which had the longest purse.
Most of them, and these 1 longest, date from the time of Darius, but we have specims as late as Artaxerxes Ochus.
The foundations of the Edgar chapel, discovered in 1908, make the whole church the longest of cathedral or monastic churches in the country.
It survived longest in Ireland, where in 1152 a synod, presided over by the papal legate, decreed that, after the death of the existing holders of the office, no more should be consecrated.
This river, called Nam Kong by the Shans, Thanlwin by the Burmese, Lu Kiang, or Nu Kiang, or Lu Tzu Kiang by the Chinese, is the longest river in Burma, and one of the wildest and most picturesque streams in the world.
At the end of 1808 he read his third Bakerian lecture, one of the longest of his papers but not one of the best.
Of all travelling birds they undertake the longest and most remote journeys.
They are, in addition, the eagle excepted, the birds which elevate themselves the highest, and the flight of which is the longest maintained.'".
These were made largely of steel and aluminium, and one of them in 1896 made the longest flight then recorded for a flying machine, namely, fully half a mile on the Potomac river.
In 1905 they made forty-five flights, in the longest of which they remained in the air for half FIG.
Farther south, these rocks form the low coastal belt of Lancashire, edged with the longest stretches of blown sand in England, and dotted here and there with pleasure towns, like Blackpool and Southport.
It is more usual to tunnel under such channels, and the numerous Thames tunnels, the Mersey tunnel between Liverpool and Birkenhead, and the Severn tunnel, the longest in the British Islands (42 m.), on the routes from London to South Wales, and from Bristol to the north of England, are all important.
The valley between these hills and the eastern escarpment is one of the longest and most profound chasms in Abyssinia.
There is also a telephonic service, the longest line being from Harrar to the capital.
During the latter part of his residence in Sir Thomas Egerton's house, Donne had composed the longest of his existing poems, The Progress of the Soul, not published until 1633.
The Patia is the longest river of the Pacific group, and is the only one having its sources on the eastern side of the Western Cordillera.
The river is here spanned by the Chicago Great Western railway steel bridge, or viaduct, one of the longest in the country.
The filament most important in the economy of the angler is the first, which is the longest, terminates in a lappet, and is movable in every direction.
The gas developed by the coal near the mouth of the retort is quickly washed out into the ascension pipe by the push of the gas behind, and the period for which it has been exposed to the radiant heat from the walls of the retort is practically nil; whilst the gas evolved in the portion of the retort farthest from the mouthpiece has only its own rate of evolution to drive it forward, and has to traverse the longest run possible in tile retort, exposed during the whole of that period to radiant heat and to contact with the highly heated surface of the retort itself.
Among these additions that on the Basque language is the longest and most important, Basque having for some time specially attracted his attention.
The longest account of the battle that followed occurs in a source very partial to Brian and the deeds of Munstermen, in which Maelsechlainn is accused of treachery, and of holding his troops in reserve.
In 1907 the sanctuary of Athena "of the Brazen House" (X aX KlocKos) was located on the Acropolis immediately above the theatre, and though the actual temple is almost completely destroyed, fragments of the capitals show that it was Doric in style, and the site has produced the longest extant archaic inscription of Laconia, numerous bronze nails and plates and a considerable number of votive offerings, some of them of great interest.
But Charless longest expeditions were made into Germany, and in these he sought the support of the Church, then the greatest of all powers since it was the depositary of the Roman imperial tradition.
The fifth book contains properties of normals and their envelopes, thus embracing the germs of the theory of evolutes, and also maxima and minima problems, such as to draw the longest and shortest lines from a given point to a conic; the sixth book is concerned with the similarity of conics; the seventh with complementary chords and conjugate diameters; the eighth book, according to the restoration of Edmund Halley, continues the subject of the preceding book.
Wherever Valmiki has condensed, Tulsi Das has expanded, and wherever the elder poet has lingered longest, there his successor has hastened on most rapidly.
When there is more than one row or whorl in a flower, those on the outside are sometimes longest, as in many Rosaceae; at other times those in the interior are longest, as in Luhea.
Hutton as "unequalled for grandeur of outline, purity of taste and radiance of total effect"; while his latest and longest, "The Dream of Gerontius," is generally recognized as the happiest effort to represent the unseen world that has been made since the time of Dante.
But those survived the longest which extended the most widely their privileges to outsiders.
The only fossils of the clay are radiolaria, sharks' teeth and the ear-bones of whales, precisely those parts of the skeleton of marine creatures which are hardest and can longest survive exposure to sea-water.
The descent to the garage seemed longer than the longest car ride she'd ever taken.
The longest navigable aqueduct in Britain is the Pontcysyllte in Clwyd, Wales, opened 1805.
Normally, you would expect the height of the capital letters to be at least that of the longest ascenders.
Traditionally ascribed to Vyasa, it is the longest literary epic poem in the world.
It also boasts the longest Gothic vault in Europe - superbly atmospheric.
The barrier reef, which is 185 miles long, is the longest barrier reef in the Western Hemisphere.
What's the longest bender you've ever been on?
I want to write the longest blog in the world ever!
Femur - the upper leg or thigh bone - the longest bone in the body.
Back on Monument Road, the next point to view any activity is on the extended centerline of the longest runway - 13/31.
Walking the 18 km path through the longest gorge in Europe has today become more like joining the queue at a supermarket checkout.
The first, the longest, and the loudest clamor against Roosevelt came with his plan for the reorganization of the Supreme Court.
The leadership contest will be the longest in history.
The longest downhill run at Attitash is four kilometers, but there is also cross-country and tree skiing available for more advanced skiers.
The High pass filter cutoff controls the longest temporal period that you will allow.
However, the longest running study of the effects of smoking has confirmed beyond all doubt that smoking does not prevent dementia.
The line DA is d, the longest diagonal which is what we've been trying to work out all this time, remember?
Finding a longest path in a complete multipartite digraph, by G. Gutin.
The temporary dipoles are greatest for the longest molecule.
B ack in the Eighties, a Labor election manifesto was famously dubbed the " longest suicide note in history " .
Bellingham News ONE of the longest serving teachers in the North Tyne hangs up her blackboard duster today.
The pedestrian Tyne Tunnel in Jarrow has the world's longest continuous wooden escalator.
Scotland ' s longest Glen, and the UK ' s greatest geological fault, is 73 miles long.
This was to be our longest day's paddle - 34km into one of Norway's most spectacular fjords.
The Master Blaster & Rubber Tire Ride -- Both these rides combine to make the longest indoor water flume in Ireland.
Probably the brightest & longest glowing glow in the dark keyring in the world...
Ever since, the odds of anyone successfully rehabilitating this incredible hulk have been the longest in the development business.
This was one of the longest and most complex murder investigations Lothian and Borders Police has carried out.
The existing jetty is one of the longest jetty structures in Europe.
Can you tell me the longest unbeaten league run United have had?
The best scrubber is the one where the limewater takes longest to go milky.
Once enclosed by the longest moat in England, only 13 acres remain of the original 36.
Set in 6½ acres of gardens, the Priory is sited on an island surrounded by England's longest water filled medieval moat.
The stage musical became one of the longest running Broadway musicals of all time.
The campaign promises are the predicate nominatives of the first and longest sentence, and feature again in the final sentence.
The Archers is the world's longest running soap opera.
Also the longest too, a generous twenty-five minute opus combining a lot of moods and styles.
It is recorded in the longest know papyrus, the Great Harris Papyrus, that many people throughout the region were made homeless.
Specializing mainly in harbor porpoises he has the longest running porpoise survey worldwide.
Clearly, Teoma appears to have the longest sandbox of all the search engines.
We were all seasick except father, mother the longest of all.
The lines which are longest extend to a more remote limb than the others and therefore that limb looks smaller.
A typical Tamworth has the longest snout of the present day domestic breeds.
The longest platform faces under the trainshed spans are Nos. 8 and 9, which reach an impressive 1200 foot.
Abstract The length of a longest common subsequence (LLCS) of two or more strings is a useful measure of their similarity.
Supplying the actual number of bytes in the longest line to be merged (or some larger value) prevents abnormal termination.
The triangle was a right-angled triangle with the longest runway being aligned with the main direction of wind for the area.
In practice the shortest ultras are usually 50km while the longest organized test is the Sri Chinmoy race held every year in New York.
Well one of the longest interviews we have on the site and completely uncut.
A few features Exeter Cathedral has the longest unbroken stretch of Gothic stone vaulting in the world.
He gives the longest pipe of this organ, B natural, as 31 Brunswick feet, and the circumference 31 ft.
The longest known is Diprotodon, an animal of the size of a rhinoceros, with a dental formula of i.
The Darling is reckoned amongst the longest rivers in the world, for it is navigable, part of the year, from Walgett to its confluence with the Murray, 1758 m., and then to the sea, a further distance of 587 m.
By dividing a line into two halves the working speed will be dependent upon the KR of the longest half, and as both K and R are directly proportional to the length of the line, the KR product for the half of a circuit is but one quarter that of the whole length of the circuit, and the retardation is correspondingly small.
Pytheas, a navigator of the Phocean colony of Massilia (Marseilles), determined the latitude of that port with considerable precision by the somewhat clumsy method of ascertaining the length of the longest day, and when, about 330 B.C., he set out on exploration to the northward in search of the lands whence came gold, tin and amber, he followed this system of ascertaining his position from time to time.
Beyond this he spoke of a land called Thule, which, if his estimate of the length of the longest day is correct, may have been Shetland, but was possibly Iceland; and from some confused statements as to a sea which could not be sailed through, it has been assumed that Pytheas was the first of the Greeks to obtain direct knowledge of the Arctic regions.
He will probably be longest remembered for his Biography of Robert Hall, which first appeared in the collected edition of Hall's works, was published separately in 1833, and has since passed through several editions.
The two meteorological events of the decade which will probably live longest in the recollection were, however, the terrible drought of 1893, resulting in a fodder famine in the succeeding winter, and the severe frost of ten weeks' duration at the beginning of 1895.
The Procuratie Vecchie is perhaps the longest arcaded façade in the world and certainly shows the least amount of wall space; the whole design is simple, the .moulding and ornamentation severe.
Most of the inscriptions are sepulchral; by far the longest and most important is that on an obelisk found at Xanthus, which is a historical document, the concluding part of it being in a peculiar dialect, supposed to be an older and poetical form of the language.
The longest running of these was carried out by the " BIG EAR " radio telescope operated by the Ohio State University.
The world 's longest railroad station name is in Wales.
This marked the fifth monthly rise in a row and the longest upward run since the UK was in recession in the early 1990s.
Films with low residual stress appear to exhibit the longest lifetimes.
Quadratic residue diffuser In this case, the longest wells in the diffuser were replaced by shorter, active equivalents.
Clearly, Teoma appears to have the longest Sandbox of all the search engines.
Snowmobiling in Montana, you'll find some of the longest snowmobile trails in America.
This case represents one of the longest survivors, in complete remission, after syngeneic transplantation for MM.
The longest recorded tapeworm found in the human body was 33 meters in length.
This achieved nothing than to create a twanging, thrumming sound like the longest string of a harp.
She is the longest, broadest, and tallest passenger vessel ever launched, with an unprecedented gross tonnage of 150,000 tons.
Some of the World 's longest rivers are joined by tributaries that themselves are major rivers.
The main room, with its impressive trussed roof plays host to one of the longest pub bars in England.
Laying the turf Start by laying the first turf down the longest straight edge.
Subject to the priority policy the person who has been longest on the waiting list will be offered the next vacant plot.
Second, vivisection is probably the best and longest established form of organized, officially acknowledged animal cruelty.
Robinson was Wolves longest serving player after working his way up to the first team from the Youth Academy.
Egyptian cotton produces the longest threads and is the softest and most absorbent.
A canister with a tight fitting lid kept in a cool, dry place will keep the tea fresh the longest; up to a month.
Leather portfolios usually cost the most, though they also offer the longest lifespan of usage.
What's left are the base oils of the perfume, and these contain the fragrances that will cling to your skin the longest.
Make sure you can fit your thumb between the tip of the shoe and your longest toe when trying the shoe on.
The 1 wood, or the driver, is the most difficult to master since it is the longest.
Be sure to read the care and use instructions carefully to get the longest life out of your muffin pan.
The Nook is the longest lasting, with 10 days, and the iPad battery lasts 11 hours.
Fujitsu's Lifebook T2020 is a very lightweight tablet, with one of the longest battery lives in the industry -- up to 11 hours.
According to the 2006 Guinness Book of World Records, the longest cat at the time was a purebred Maine Coon named Verismo Leonetti Reserve Red.
Each of these herbs works with your pet's body to give her the longest, healthiest life possible.
Finding out your cat has feline leukemia virus can be devastating, but you will be able to enjoy your pet for the longest time possible by providing proper care and management of the disease.
According to the 2006 Guinness Book of World Records, the longest cat was a purebred Maine Coon named Verismo Leonetti Reserve Red.
By following the suggestions of your veterinarian at each stage of life, you can be sure that your cat will live the longest life possible.
So shrewdly analyze your ability to pay off debt, then examine many of the introductory offers for the lowest possible APR for the longest period of time, in addition to the parameters of the APR hike at the end of the promotional period.
Do a dry run - Lay a few planks against the longest wall of the room to decide how you want the overall layout to look.
Snap a chalk line - You need to begin your bamboo floor layout on the longest wall of the room.
Snap a chalk line - Use a chalk line to guide installation, being sure to start with the room's longest wall.
The traditional method of raking leaves takes the longest, but some people enjoy this autumn ritual.
Yet another study suggests that babies stare longest at yellow, white, pink, and red.
You don't need a great deal of experience with woodworking to get the job done, and the longest part of the project is waiting for your paint to dry.
You'll want to start where the design has the longest and straightest line.
Matte Lipstick is the longest lasting type for a basic look, but avoid on over-dry lips.
The deepest and longest lasting are the base notes.
The base notes last the longest and tend to be recognizable even after 24 hours of initial application.
Once kids choose their character, they enter a burping contest where Shrek and Fiona battle to see who can burp the loudest and the longest.
Know which type of Canon cameras have the longest life span.
Yet, you also need a digital camera that allows for the longest shutter speed possible, anywhere from two to 30 seconds.
Meats and tougher vegetables, such as celery, carrots, and broccoli will cook longest, while vegetables such as bean sprouts or green onions don't require much cooking at all, so you add them last for the least amount of cooking.
The longest run is almost four miles long at Gore Mountain, so you will spend a lot of time on the slopes and not as much time waiting in line for lifts.
It has one of the longest ski seasons in the Toronto area.
This ski region has one of the longest ski seasons in North America.
The resort has 34 slopes of which the longest is a mile long.
The show is Adult Swim's longest running original cartoon.
It happens a lot in life-you're best friends for the longest time, and then BAM, one person becomes more romantic about the other, confesses feelings, and all of a sudden things get weird.
Once the movie is filmed, the editing process begins, which often takes the longest.
It was the longest 3 minutes of my life.
That eternity was, to date, the longest five seconds of my life, during which my mind conjured up two possibilities for his reticence.
This is the mildest form of the disorder, but it can last the longest.
California King beds are the longest beds on the market, being four inches longer than a twin extra long or a standard king.
Biel was cast as Mary Camden on the show Seventh Heaven, which ended up being the longest running and the highest rated show on the WB network.
Octomom became famous when she gave birth to the world's longest surviving set of octuplets on January 26, 2009.
Interestingly, Nicholson also holds the record for longest span of time between Best Actor awards.
She is responsible for introducing countless numbers of kids to American sign language through this program, and her character is the longest ongoing television role ever held by a deaf person.
For the most rugged, longest lasting jean jackets, look for well-known brands such as Levi's (a company that knows denim inside and out) or even DKNY, which carries a boy's denim jacket that's much more affordable than you may think.
Like Bradford School, its longest programs are only 16 months.
Most eastern Caribbean voyages include several ports of call, and the longest journeys may stop at five or more different locations.
Queen Mary 2, or QM2, the longest, widest, tallest, biggest, and most expensive ship ever built (at least to date) is a formal ship.
Though there is a significant distance between San Diego and Cabo San Lucas, the four day excursion enables passengers to quickly cruise to the end of the longest peninsula on earth.
The longest of the cruises are round-trip, starting and ending in Vancouver.
The Nile is the longest river in the world and is home to some of the most awe-inspiring sights on the planet.
Known to many as America's most historic waterway, the Mississippi River is the longest of its kind in all of North America.
It lasts the longest, and it makes the placemat water and food tight.
When discussing which dog breed is the largest of all, "largest" could mean heaviest, tallest or longest.
Each one adds beauty to the winter landscape just when the gray days of winter seem the longest.
Of all the Japanese guitar companies that are around today, Ibanez has been around the longest.
If you are working with wood strips, lay the wood parallel to the longest wall in the room.
One of the most inexpensive choices and also one of the longest lasting, with the least maintenance, is vinyl siding.
The most common option is to place the flooring so it runs parallel to the longest wall in the room.
The longest lasting protection most deck owners experience from a good stain is two to three years.
While setting it to one will provide you with the most control and the least overspray, it will also take the longest to complete the job.
For the longest time, men's magazines were mainly devoted to outdoor recreation, sports and admiration of the female form.
Running shorts come in different lengths with an inseam of .5" being the shortest and 10" being the longest.
While most men's compression shorts will say they are machine washable, you will enjoy the best performance for the longest amount of time if you wash them in cold water on a gentle cycle and dry them flat.
Body oils absorb easily into the skin and moisturize for the longest period of time.
They should be able to give you advice on which wines will keep the longest and which are best for your needs.
Satin lingerie is easy to care for, but like most delicates, it requires gentle washing for the longest life.
To get the longest life out of these socks, wash them as you would any delicates; either hand wash them or place them in a lingerie bag before putting into a washing machine on the gentle cycle.
Nightmares typically take a little time to experience; so, they generally occur during early morning hours when REM sleep is the longest.
The electromagnetic spectrum includes (from longest wavelength to shortest) radio waves, microwaves, infrared, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet, ultraviolet, x-rays, and gamma rays.
Red light is the longest wavelength of visible light.
Lines for large rides are longest in the morning and afternoon, so stay at the park longer to be sure you can experience everything.
Son of Beast is one of the longest, tallest, and fastest wooden roller coasters in the world, and when it first opened it included the only vertical loop on any wooden coaster in the world.
The ride's lines can be quite lengthy, and it is best to try to ride right away when the park opens or to wait until crowds disperse later in the day to avoid the longest waits.
This makes the Spanish flag the longest one to spend time in Texas' skies.
Today, The Simpsons is the longest running television series in history and has shown more than 400 episodes.
This is the longest ride at the park, and many consider it the most thrilling.
Avoid visiting Cedar Point on weekends and major holidays when the lines will be longest, and you will be able to enjoy more thrills for the same admission price.
Manta lifts riders 140 feet in the air and take them through 3,359 feet of track, making this the second-tallest, fastest and longest flying coaster in the world.
Today, the Beast is still the longest wooden roller coaster in the world, and it ranks in the top 10 wooden coasters for top speed and biggest drop.
The theme park includes one of the longest boat rides in Europe.
The Bolliger and Mabillard (B&M) ride is the tallest, fastest and longest coaster in the Southeast.
You'll really stretch your brain looking for letter combinations to make the longest words you can!
Your task is to link together a string of letters to form the longest word possible, feeding these juicy tiles to the awaiting librarian-like worm on the left hand side of screen.
Ideally, you want to make the longest word possible using the highest valued tiles on the board.
Often popular European games (for example, the critically-acclaimed French action-adventure game Beyond Good and Evil and gorgeously crafted adventure The Longest Journey) stumble when they reach American shores for exactly this reason.
The Nintendo Game Boy has the longest running success story of any gaming system today.
You also want to create the longest word possible when using these tiles.
Whoever can hold it on to it the longest, performing the most "style" moves and getting the most tackles, wins.
You link together adjacent letters and form the longest word you can.
Twilight Princess, the upcoming GameCube title, promises to be the longest and most realistic Zelda game yet.
They've got a bit of a focus on Nintendo consoles, but that could just be because Nintendo has been around the longest.
The Edna Valley Vineyard is near San Louis Obispo and enjoys one of California's longest and coolest growing seasons.
Littorai is a gem, and for the longest time a hidden secret among Pinot Noir afficianados.
The latent phase usually lasts the longest and is the least intense phase of labor.
Yoga originated in ancient India and is considered one of the longest surviving philosophical systems in the world.
In fact, in 2008 they worked with Alan Jackson to choreograph the world's longest line dance (long in terms of how many people, not in terms of how long it took).
In fact, they noted that the longest day of the year occurred on the summer solstice while the shortest day occurred on winter solstice.
The top of the symbol shows summer and the summer solstice that brings the longest day of the year.
This method takes the longest, sometimes many years.
Emo girl haircuts can be any length but usually fall from about chin-length to cuts where the longest layers hit at roughly bra strap level in the back.
From the shortest bobs to the longest locks, discover your perfect style.
Nevertheless, if one of these airplanes does make it to Earth, it will have made the longest flight ever by a paper plane by covering some 400 km.
Paper Airplanes that Will Fly the Longest has instructions for a simple glider plane that is appropriate for an adult who is new to origami.
Your napkin is now a triangle, and the longest side is facing you.
If your longest cycle was 30 days, subtracting 11 gives you 19.
This phase is the longest stage of labor.
The Golden Gate Bridge, the symbol of San Francisco, was the longest suspension bridge in the world when it opened in 1937.
The bridge was surpassed as the world's longest bridge in 1964, with the opening of the Verrazano Narrows Bridge, connecting Staten Island and Brooklyn in New York City.
The 4,200 foot long main suspension held the record for the longest suspension for 27 years.
The height of the bridge (calculated by using the mean water height of the San Francisco Bay) is 220 feet.When construction was completed on the bridge in 1937, it was the longest suspension bridge in the world.
Akashi-Kaikyo Bridge, which opened in 1998, is the longest suspension bridge in the world today with a length of 6,532 feet.
Did you know that the construction of a suspension bridge is such that it can span the longest distance of any bridge type?
Upon its completion, the Golden Gate Bridge had the tallest towers and the longest span in existence.
The Singer Featherweight, which was introduced in 1933, was one of the longest running and most popular Singer models.
The longest short that's offered is Hurley One & Only Grain Board short for $36.00.
Waxing typically provides the longest lasting, smoothest results.
The best pool toys range from simple to sophisticated and are commonly judged by the amount of enjoyment they provide for the longest time period.
It'll last longest and best if you hand wash it after wearing in a gentle liquid detergent, roll it up in a towel and then hang it out to dry.
The overall mood was still optimistic, and by night's end it was remembered as the longest Oscar ceremony in history, clocking in at four hours and 23 minutes.
If you have a hit there, you are most likely going for the longest battleship on the grid.
Achievements such as setting up the longest road, having the most soldiers, building roads, and developing your town are all worth "victory points," the currency that will allow a player to ultimately win.
You can also see your longest winning and losing streak as well as your current streak-with your losing streak indicated by an '-'.
Word Seeker attempts to find the longest word based on the letters on your tiles.
For the best results and longest candle burning time, always burn a votive candle in a glass candle holder made specifically for votive candles.
For the longest lasting scented candle, container candles are the way to go.
It remains one of the longest running grant programs and is part of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
The CDBG is one of HUD's longest running programs.
A fresh cut Christmas tree will last the longest and require the least amount of care.
Make it a contest by seeing who can last the longest or tickle each other at the same time.
What is the longest you've gone without sleep?
As this is usually the first item on your wallet to fail, for longest life - check and double check the wallet's enclosures before purchasing.
The girl who can hula hoop the longest wins the prize.
Players swing the hula hoop on their hips simultaneously to see who can sustain the hoop the longest.
The winner keeps the hula hoop going the longest.
To date, Greer Garson still holds the record for longest "thank you" at a whopping 7 minutes.
The standing ovation he received from his admirers is among the longest on record.
This is the longest missing child email urban legend having originated sometime in September 2001.
It may take you longest to find a pair that fits just like you want.
From the longest running series to today's newer hits, soap opera hunks are abundant on every show.
The Days of Our Lives soap opera is the longest running daytime soap opera on the NBC network.
Actress Frances Reid continued her role as beloved matriarch Alice Horton, and was the show's longest running cast member until her death in February, 2010.
As the longest running daytime soap opera on the NBC network, Days has fans who are eager to find out what is happening with their favorite characters in the Horton, Brady and DiMera families.
General Hospital is ABC daytime's longest running daytime drama.
Guiding Light, the longest running soap opera in the United States began as a radio drama in 1937.
In all, the actress spent an impressive 20 years on screen as Fletcher before leaving in April 2008, and she holds the Guinness Record for longest continuing role in an Australian drama.
The Guiding Light, often referred to as GL, is the longest running daytime drama according to the Guinness Book of World Records.
Guiding Light has the distinction of being the longest running daytime drama in the history of television.
Days of our Lives is the longest running NBC soap opera still on the air.
They would tour Italy for their honeymoon and the couple, like the actors who play them, remain one of the longest running married couples in daytime history.
EastEnders is Great Britain's longest running soap opera.
Actress Helen Wagner plays the longest running As the World Turns characters Nancy Hughes.
She also shares the distinction of playing the longest running character in television.
The Hughes family has been in Oakdale since the show began and remains one of the longest running families on daytime television.
The 11th and final season aired on the CW Network in the 2006-2007 television season, making the program the longest running family drama on television.
In the summer of 2010, her character was written as being away in Europe for a few months, which provided her with the longest vacation the actress says she has ever taken in her adult life.
Cooper joined Y&R in November of 1973 and remains its longest running cast member.
Recognized as one of the United Kingdom's longest running soap operas, Coronation Street first hit the television airwaves in 1960.
He is also credited as being the actor with the longest history on any British soap opera.
Known as Corrie by all who know and love it, Coronation Street is England's longest running soap opera and clearly one of the most popular.
Want to know more about the man who plays longest running character Ken Barlow?
In April 2009, the announcement by CBS that the longest running daytime soap opera Guiding Light was canceled.
In addition, the house is also home to Lou Carpenter played by the soap's longest serving cast member Tom Oliver.
At the time of GL's demise, only As the World Turns, which premiered April 2, 1956 will be the longest running soap opera still on the air, followed by General Hospital (1963), Days of Our Lives (1965) and One Life to Live (1968).
While the Degrassi franchise has been broken up into four separate series, it is the longest running teen focused drama on television.
Following the death of fellow cast member Clive Hornby, he is the longest running cast member on the show.
As the longest running actress on Emmerdale, Deena Payne is a Britian born actress and singer.
Today they still have the world's longest running soap opera broadcast in its original daytime radio format (though it is now broadcast in the evening).
It was broadcast almost every single weekday except for a short period of contractual dispute, and was considered to be one of the longest running plot lines to ever hit the airwaves.
As of September 2010, ABC will be home to the longest block of soap operas in the afternoon including All My Children, One Life to Live and General Hospital.
The site, founded in January of 1998, is one of the longest running OLTL fan sites online.
The Coronation Street actors have beaten the odds to make the British drama one of the longest running soap operas in history.
William Roache, portraying Ken Barlow, is the only actor to remain on Coronation Street for the first fifty years, and has earned a place in the Guinness Book of World Records as the World's Longest Serving Soap Star.
Kate Ritchie - She played Sally Fletcher on Home and Away for twenty years, earning herself a Guinness World Record for the longest continuous role in an Australian drama series.
Norman Coburn - He played Headmaster Donald Fisher on Home and Away for fifteen years, earning a Guinness World Record as the longest serving actor in an Australian serial.
Probably the most widely seen types of scarification, this method dates back the longest.
While visitors walk through these tunnels, they learn about the history of the Erie Canal, view some of the artifacts left behind by the building teams, and experience America's longest underground boat ride.
The city is loaded with history, southern charm, and dozens of popular tourist attractions, including the Citadel, Fort Sumter, and the Arthur Ravenel Jr. Bridge, the longest cable-stayed bridge in the Western Hemisphere.
This is the time of the year when the days are at their longest.
To get the longest life out of your yoga clothing, always hang pieces to dry.
This is perhaps the longest and section of a report.
Also look for one offering the longest grace period.
The information should be provided in reverse chronological order, meaning that the employment and educational history sections should list the most recent positions or courses first, and the ones completed the longest ago last.
Discussion - This is the longest section.
This employment history section of your resume should be organized in reverse chronological format, listing your employment history starting with your most recent job and going back to the one you held the longest time ago.
Do some research on what cars last the longest with the least amount of repairs or downtime.
Battery power lasts for approximately four hours, the longest battery life of most GPS devices, and although the screen size is 3.5 inches, you can see it in direct sunlight.
Other benefits of this vehicle include its top safety scores and the longest warranty of any minivan on the market.
Start with the longest piece of cardstock and tape or glue it to the paper towel roll, about half way down the tube.
Add the next longest one, overlapping the ends of the card stock.
Statistics show that the people who have the most live the longest.
The longest of the phases, the construction phase lasts for four weeks.
In fact, most people who stick with exercise programs the longest frequently report that they derive some level of enjoyment from the activity or from the results that it brings.
If the policy lapsed, then the company either takes the cash value of the policy to buy the longest term policy the cash value can buy, or the company will simply keep the policy active but reduce the death benefit.
The Fruit of the Loom brand name long underwear has one of the longest, most well respected and trusted reputations when it comes to thermal clothing.
Most chenille robes must be dry cleaned to protect the fabric and furnish the longest wear time, which is something to consider before making a purchasing decision.
The Simpsons - One of the longest running animated shows on television, it isn't any wonder that it has a fan or two.
Women are all too familiar with the care lingerie needs - bras and stockings last best and longest when hand-washed in cold water and hung up to dry.
You'll find that these bodysuits generally last the longest if you treat them right, and you will find brands on their website like Wolford.
As of June 2006, the show is still running at the Nederland, making it one of the longest running musicals in Broadway history.
The stage play is the highest earning entertainment event ever, and it is the longest running musical on Broadway of all times (narrowly edging out another Andrew Lloyd Weber creation, Cats).
Although Gahan's much chronicled struggle with drug abuse has threatened to derail the band many times, Depeche Mode has managed to become one of the longest lasting acts in music.
The song was successful at the time - it reached number eight on the charts - but it has had one of the longest history of pop culture uses of any popular music.
This station - called 2RN - eventually evolved into RTE Radio One and is the longest running continually broadcasting public service station in Europe.
The song reached number one in 11 countries and helped Kesha earn the distinction of having the longest running number one debut single by a female artist since 1977.
It reached the top of the Billboard mainstream rock and modern rock charts - where it broke the record for longest running number one - though it only peaked at 37 on the main Hot 100 chart.
One of the longest running musicals in history, audiences have been discovering and falling in love with the music from the production since 2003.
Despite changing sounds and line-ups, The Cure is one of the most successful and longest lasting alternative bands in music history.
Les Miserables, A Chorus Line and Chicago finish out the top five Broadway musicals that have the longest runs.
Turn up the music and have your guests try and see who can hula hoop the longest.
Roll paper sheets into tubes lengthwise, so the longest dimension of the paper is the length of the tube.
See who can run the longest distance when they're being pulled from behind by a strong bungee cord.
Contests can be things such as who can swim the silliest, who can go underwater the longest and who can swim the fastest.
Water Balloon Toss - The team that can toss the water balloon longest without it breaking is the winner.
Another idea to have is a one-legged contest to see who can stand on just one leg the longest.
Sadly, though, the ones who do the most hurting are usually the ones that stay on the show the longest.
Real World is the longest running show on MTV, and is credited with starting the reality TV craze.
Before they leave, the guys go to a biker bar to see who can last the longest in the wrestling ring with Mario, which Luke wins.
She has the longest resume of music video credits and the musicians she works with are always after her for a date.
Treatment - The treatment is the longest pre-writing document you will create.
The second season was also the longest season of Survivor ever, lasting 42 days instead of 39.
He holds a handful of Guinness World Records, including Longest UTV Ramp Jump.Bell is currently the host of the MTV series Ultimate Parkour Challenge.
Originally from England, Lisa boasts the longest marriage of the cast with nearly 30 years of marriage to her husband Ken.
Smallville was the longest running of any Superman dedicated series.
As of 2011, this magazine is the longest running science fiction magazine in history.
It’s not as bad as on SG 1 – Amanda Tapping told me it always smelled cause she was the only girl for the longest time.
Side effects are few, with most patients experiencing only mild swelling and light redness that usually disappears within an hour or, at longest, within a day.
An hour of sleep was the longest he'd managed in over a week, and he felt more tired than when he lay down.
Douglas's longest, last, and in some respects most important work is his translation of the Aeneid, the first version of a great classic poet in any English dialect.
It wears longest and keeps its "spring" to the last.
Their length is nearly equal to that of the longest pair of the ordinary form hitherto recorded, while the tip-to-tip interval is nearly double that of any other known specimen.
The unfinished one is perhaps that of Arses, who reigned at the longest two years, or, if not his, then that of Darius III.
Another rule is that the quartan has the longest cold stage, while its paroxysm is shortest as a whole; the quotidian has the shortest cold stage and a long hot stage, while its paroxysm is longest as a whole.
These plumes, the middle and longest of which may measure from 3 ft.
This was the longest siege on record, having been protracted for more than twenty years; but in 1667 it was pressed with renewed vigour by the Turks under the grand vizier Ahmed Kuprili, and the city was at length compelled to surrender (September 1669).
This, the longest of his works, added much to existing knowledge, especially as to the relations between England and the continent, but it lacked something of the freshness of his earlier books; he was over seventy when it was completed, and he was never quite at home in dealing with the parliamentary foundations of English public life.
Of his many mistresses the one for whom his passion lasted longest was a certain Vannozza (Giovanna) dei Cattani, born in 1442, and wife of three successive husbands.
Climata based on the length of the longest day were introduced by Hippocrates (c. 400 B.C.).
The terminal circle, whose longest diameter is 300 ft., is somewhat difficult to make out, as it is broken by the houses and gardens of a little hamlet.
The main range, that known as the Great Atlas, occupies a central position in the system, and is by far the longest and loftiest chain.
It is the third or fourth longest river in Asia and the seventh or eighth in the world.
Of the Bahia group, the Jequitinhonha, sometimes called the Belmonte on its lower course, is the longest and most important, rising near Serro in the state of Minas Geraes and flowing in a curving north-east direction for a distance of about 500 m., 84 of which are navigable inland from the sea.
The largest and longest, the Tugela, with the Buffalo, Mooi, Klip and other tributaries is treated separately.
The former was the author of a good many poems; the longest - which is however by some attributed to Ephraim8 - is the work in 12 books on the history of Joseph, of which a complete edition was published by Bedjan in 1901.
The longest of these is the German line from Caracas to Valencia (111 m.), and the next longest the Great Tachira, running from Encontrada on Lake Maracaibo inland to Uraca (71 m.), with a projected extension to San Cristobal.
The nucleolus is elongated, and its longest measurement lies in the direction of the equatorial plane of the nucleus.
The longest is the Yaqui, which has its source on the eastern side of the Sierra Tarahumare in Chihuahua and breaks through several ranges of the Sierra Madre before reaching the gulf near Guaymas.
There remains only the huge division of his correspondence, which is constantly being augmented by fresh discoveries, and which, according to Georges Bengesco, has never been fully or correctly printed, even in some of the parts longest known.
It follows that the crowning science of the hierarchy, dealing with the phenomena of human society, will remain longest under the influence of theological dogmas and abstract figments, and will be the last to pass into the positive stage.
Catholicism lingered longest in the cathedral chapters.
The four ate with gusto and animated conversation, led by Fred O'Connor, who won the contest of sucking up the longest spaghetti strand without dribbling oil on his chin.
Making another hole directly over it with an ice chisel which I had, and cutting down the longest birch which I could find in the neighborhood with my knife, I made a slip-noose, which I attached to its end, and, letting it down carefully, passed it over the knob of the handle, and drew it by a line along the birch, and so pulled the axe out again.
It is one of the longest running musicals in the history of Broadway, surpassing the runs of such famous musicals as The Sound of Music, Damn Yankees and The King and I.
His Timocrate boasted of the longest run (80 nights) recorded of any play in the century.
If on each occasion he himself made the observations his voyage must have extended over six years; but it is not impossible that he ascertained the approximate length of the longest day in some cases by questioning the natives.
Ulm is remarkable in the history of German literature as the spot where the Meistersinger lingered longest, preserving without text and without notes the traditional lore of their craft.