Longer Sentence Examples
I could no longer hide my fear.
I thought you needed to sleep longer because you were working so hard getting ready.
She was no longer hungry, and she felt energized, fulfilled.
Grasso no longer hid the knife he carried in his right hand as they moved nearly out of range to a dark, windowless van.
In most parts of the world, women are no longer legally regarded as chattel.
Now it was no longer a possibility.
She met his gaze defiantly for a moment longer, but he made no attempt to argue.
I was surprised to notice the vehicle lent to Howie was no longer parked in front of his door.
His eyes were no longer piercing.
The spidey senses that warned him when a vamp was around calmed until he no longer sensed Jonny.
AdvertisementI can't wait any longer.
Lightning no longer left her for the clouds.
The small car fishtailed around a curve, but she kept up the pace until she no longer saw the man in her rearview mirror.
She wore those half-stockings that were supposed to be hidden by something far longer than what covered her pudgy legs, which were streaked with the stark blue of veins looking like a map of a very congested and curvy area.
The day isn't getting any longer.
AdvertisementFinally Royce could contain himself no longer.
She was almost angry enough with Wynn to wish he'd stayed here just a little longer.
If Martha's no longer with her mother, do you think Fred knows where she is?
They couldn't wait much longer.
He was older, in his mid-thirties, and the light took longer to appear in his eyes than it had the younger man.
AdvertisementDarkyn wore her out enough to where her thoughts no longer spun out of control.
They slopped forward, feet sloshing the muddy floor, no longer trying to avoid the water that oozed in rivulets down the narrow passageway, back toward the entrance, now out of sight behind them.
When Dean entered their bedroom, Cynthia was no longer crying, but furious.
But in spite of their pace, the return trip seemed to take much longer.
The auction crowd could wait a little longer for his chauffeuring gig.
AdvertisementAfter what seemed even longer than the Dean's first trip to the mine just two days earlier, they emerged into the basin where the valley floor was a sea of wildflowers.
The guests of longer term, the three remaining Dawkinses and Brandon Westlake, were all absent.
Then the body might have been there for much, much longer.
Even his many years absence from visiting Ouray no longer eliminated him as a suspect now that the age of the bones was uncertain.
She'd learn when she returned to a world she no longer controlled.
Her Gabriel had distrusted her – hated her even? – for much longer.
I'm guessing he's no longer missing.
She slowed, hating that she no longer had the heightened senses of a deity.
It was good that Cora had faith in Gabriel when he was losing death dealers who no longer believed in him.
The longer he thought, the more he realized his frustration had nothing to do with his duties as Death.
In the course of three days, the goddess had almost learned to see him as an equal while her human side no longer in denial about her destiny.
She responded to him with raw hunger, no longer timid as she had been when he kissed her the day before.
The worst case scenario – that she died of a tumor – was no longer possible.
But no longer, because she'd been trying to make sure she never lost him.
Is it no longer a matter of discretion?
The longer you let both deny you, the harder it becomes to win.
Gabriel guessed the deity considered his work done and was no longer concerned.
No longer hungry, she began to wonder how many other people she'd faulted over her lifetime.
By the trembling of her body, she wasn't going to be on her feet much longer.
It wasn't like in the old house, where she would have slept cold, got up to a colder house and had to start a fire in an old stove, then wait an hour until she could no longer see her breath.
Well, just write him a note and if we don't make it back before he gets home, it shouldn't be too much longer.
Alex selected a clean towel from the things he had brought to the barn and waited a little longer.
It seemed like a long time, but was probably no longer than fifteen minutes before the mare lunged to her feet, snapping the cord.
With her body no longer active and demanding attention, her mind was free to wonder.
Alex might be alive in body, but he was no longer the man she had married.
Destiny no longer mentioned Alex, and even Jonathan seemed resigned to living without him.
Still, that was longer than before.
For the next week, Alex continued to wake up more frequently and stay awake for longer periods of time, but he still didn't talk – didn't even try.
It was a strange thing to say, especially coming from someone who insisted she was no longer interested in him.
They talked a little longer and then Lori left.
At first she though exhaustion might be the cause, but when he started working longer hours, it was obvious that wasn't the case.
He was no longer an ardent lover.
He sat a moment longer and then reached out and covered her hand with his.
In fact, he no longer made any husbandly demands on her.
She wasn't the kind who sat around waiting to die, not when she wanted so badly to enjoy every day until she was no longer able to.
She should definitely stay longer.
Her bucket list was getting longer while her time was getting shorter.
Gabe nodded, forced to admit he no longer had any idea how to fix whatever was broken in Death's domain.
You have a list of enemies longer than mine, and he's obligated to protect you.
He flipped backwards in the book to the portion that no longer changed.
Worse, he wasn't able to operate under the radar for much longer, now that Gabriel had claimed his mate.
Whatever she knew of the world, it no longer pertained to her circumstances.
Very. I can tell but it takes men longer to figure out that stuff.
The longer they talked, the deeper the clammy shadows sank into her.
No longer able to register the world around her, she walked numbly towards the first trail she saw.
Gabriel held her gaze a moment longer before his hands dropped, and he walked away.
The Code was no longer his master.
Worse, whatever tormented him since they met was no longer an issue.
Whatever happened to him over the past few days, he was no longer willing to walk away or back down.
He was no longer the conflicted man she'd met on a beach a few days before.
It was dark and cool, the forest quiet while the waters before him no longer glowed brightly enough to be seen from the stronghold.
Her insides were shaking, no longer settled by his gentle magic.
I needed you for a while, and I no longer do.
I do not need you any longer.
Her ribs were sore but no longer painful.
It felt like mere seconds later when she opened her eyes but guessed it'd been much longer.
He drank longer than he had before and withdrew at last with a satisfied growl.
She strained, unable to move but no longer caring if he did kill her.
He resisted for a moment longer, watching the woman expertly slice Katie's shirt open.
Longer than you know.
When her mind had cleared and her body no longer thrummed with need, she tried to figure out what the hell had happened.
I've served you longer than any of the others.
Just say yes, you'll do anything for your friend, and I'll spare him a little longer.
He wished Andre had stuck around a little longer, so he could.ve asked him what to do.
I guess you no longer interest me, since you.re just another of my slaves.
You.re no longer exciting and different to me, she said with a shrug.
She awoke long before dawn, and her eyes went to the corner where Gabriel no longer sat.
Each one represented a millennium, and this creature had been around longer than Rhyn.s deceased brother, Andre.
And apparently, he alone knows how to render the grounds no longer sacred.
He no longer felt hungry despite the scent of blood.
You said there is a weakness to the castle that will render the ground no longer sacred.
Hannah no longer wore her engagement ring, and Katie wondered why she was so happy when she must know by now Gio wasn.t coming back for her.
As if unaccustomed to his longer legs, Toby tripped twice on his way to the door, stabilized himself, then started forward more cautiously.
He knew she wasn.t there, and the longer she stayed away, the more time he had to think about what to do.
What mattered was that she was safe, and he no longer caused her pain.
Though there was a wall of Immortals between her and the forest, she felt the demon watching her, waiting for its opening, now that she was no longer protected.
You know, Gabe, even though we.re no longer bound, I can still control my power.
The distance back to the beach seemed much longer than it had in her dream.
It takes you longer to plan a dinner party, Evey!
The standard day is longer than ours, about thirty hours instead of twenty-four, with that divided evenly between day and night.
For one, she was no longer faced with dark grey.
Kiera watched them, somewhat relieved not to be the center of attention any longer.
Kiera relaxed, no longer feeling his gaze on her.
Her thoughts went to the prisoner, and she wondered if she'd see him again if she stayed a little longer.
They waited a short time longer before the prisoner shifted to rise.
It was no longer kidnapping.
Other thoughts were skittering through her brain, those that reminded her she was no longer on her own territory and he hadn't told her something she hadn't heard before.
Until now, the Council has obstructed his efforts, but that is no longer true.
I have warned them I no longer play their games.
I won't keep you any longer.
I mean, Ne'Rin is no longer a threat.
The small chamber holding the battle planner was silent, and he waved the computer on, unable to hold himself up any longer.
The two days were longer than any other two days had been in her life, and she grew more and more nervous, afraid the connection she had to A'Ran wouldn't be enough to make him want her again.
None was longer than a page and each asked after Annie's health and wellbeing and then added a few lines that mentioned that all was well in Boston.
They examined the rest of the garments and each, upon careful observation, was identified in a like fashion, although some of the markings were so faded they were no longer legible.
Her dress was a half a step above the rag she used to polish the furniture and her hair had longer roots than Elmer Fudd's garden.
By the time he looked back, they were around a curve and the cars were no longer visible.
It was obvious Donald, and to a lesser extent Dean, would enjoy steeper, longer and more challenging runs.
She can't wait any longer, with Shipton poking around town.
Now that the busy morning activity no longer occupied Cynthia's mind, she again was visibly upset about Bird Song's latest guest, Jerome Shipton, and the penchant for trouble that surrounded his presence.
Miss M was much nettled when I told her I'd no longer dance to her music and I saw her talking about me to the man who owns this dreadful place.
Dean sat a while longer, amid night sounds, the ticking clock, and the muffled ringing of Gladys Turnbull's alarm.
Your list is getting longer.
He could no longer look at the two crumpled bills on the bed, the stark reminder of her fury when he'd sent her away.
Jerome Shipton is no longer in the hospital and was never hurt critically.
Gladys Turnbull remained Bird Song's sole paying guest, at least for a couple of days longer.
Jackson felt she should wait a bit longer, but she was determined.
He would not let this go on much longer.
Sarah couldn't hold up any longer.
Jackson couldn't take it any longer.
They sat, not speaking, but it wasn't awkward any longer.
He had evidently decided to hang back a little longer.
Are you sure you don't want to wait a bit longer?
The scream came again, only this time longer.
Miriam could no longer hold her tears.
Sarah immediately ceased thrashing, but Jackson's control took longer.
Let's not wait any longer.
It's ten O'clock, and you've been sleeping longer than you think.
Or maybe they wanted you to stay in the hospital a little longer so they could enjoy some peace and quiet while you're away.
Finally Katie could bear the silence no longer.
If she were willing to take that tumble in the hay, he'd hang around a while longer?
There's no reason to wait any longer.
I worry we won't be enough to maintain government ops for much longer.
The scent of her musk and sweat made him look longer than he intended to.
Only one stared longer than a second.
By the level of activity and sophistication, he judged this place had been used for longer than the past few weeks.
I've known you longer than any creature still in existence.
I'm not sure your mortal body will hold up much longer down here.
When he no longer heals instantly, the shots are wearing off, Ully explained.
Katie frowned. In the course of a day, Gabe had gone from emotional to unaffected when discussing Death. He was distracted, and she felt like she was talking to someone completely different. Blaming herself for taking his mind off of their survival, she fell silent and followed him. Briars and branches caught her pant legs, and she found herself slowing to push more and more of the jungle's flora out of the way. Gabe, too, began to struggle with the bramble, and she noticed the jungle no longer laid their path before him. Instead of clearing away to allow them passage, it stayed where it was, obstructing them.
Andre didn't bother to disappear, as if no longer worried the Immortal might see him. The death-dealer looked lost for a moment then rose and strapped on his weapons.
She could move between worlds as he could, and he'd no longer be at risk of destroying everything he came into contact with.
He no longer felt slighted by her exclusion.
Instead of following, Kris dwelt a moment longer on Death's words.
From there, things had gone downhill, and Toby no longer knew what to say.
Andre didn't return. Katie waited longer, until the chill of the night dried the sweat that'd covered her since they began running earlier.
As Darkyn had said, the underworld tempered his Immortal magic, but Rhyn felt the demon power broiling behind the constraints, seeking a way out of him. He was sticking to his plan, though he no longer had time to find Death.
The Ully-demon launched towards him. The tree snatched Toby and lifted him to safety, and Toby dangled far enough over Ully's head that the demon couldn't reach him. As he watched, the Ully-demon transformed into its natural form, a creature of wings, talons, and teeth longer than Toby's fingers.
The queue to get in here is longer than you'd guess.
Rhyn studied him a moment longer.
Dean made surprisingly good time driving to Philadelphia in spite of having taken longer than he had planned interviewing the wife of the missing man.
If I were planning on dumping Harry and leaving town, I'd work at it longer than that!
The two travelers killed the time picking over a bland lunch and alternating long walks with longer periods of sitting on hard seats, re-reading a discarded newspaper.
Dean let Cynthia Byrne rest a while longer while he telephoned the news to Parkside.
The streets of her city were no longer safe for women and children.
The silence that followed stretched far longer than Dean would have liked.
Once he saw the area, he knew he'd made a mistake in not accepting her offer and staying longer.
The lateral of the switchback was longer than it appeared and by the time he reached the spot below where the cyclist had stood, the other biker was long out of sight.
Dean could no longer see the gun but he knew it remained in place, pointed at him.
Because if she stayed with him any longer, she might be sorry in the morning.
If I stay any longer, I'm afraid I might not go home tonight.
She would no longer be paying her own way.
The longer you stay here, the more likely it is that something will happen that you'll regret.
They decided to kiss again... and then again – a little longer.
Even if romance was no longer part of his feelings for Carmen, he still didn't like the idea of someone else actually taking what he had considered for so long as his place.
Unable to contain her curiosity any longer, she pounced on Carmen before she could get out of the kitchen.
Last night you said you were feeling anxious because you no longer had a home and you were about to lose your name.
When she could resist no longer, she gripped his neck and forced her lips against his passionately.
For a moment longer he held her in his arms, and then released her.
He's had longer to adjust to the idea.
She played with the lamb for a little while longer, unconcerned when both straps fell.
Indian summer lasted seven days and not an hour longer.
It can wait a little longer.
It was just as well, because she was no longer interested.
She went to the window seat and stared past the old tree at the Farmstead, but it no longer beckoned.
She no longer felt anything — for anything.
No longer filled with magic, the room would be haunted by bittersweet memories.
She was no longer a complete woman.
She lay in his arms, afraid to answer the desire pounding at the door of her heart — afraid he would discover she was no longer the woman he married.
The light banter was no longer there.
She struggled with the decision a little longer and then blurted it out.
Didn't you notice how quickly he made the switch to Lori when he finally realized you were no longer available?
The longer he knew Carmen, the more certain he was that Josh wanted her to have everything — even his child.
She instinctively reached for the necklace no longer around her neck.
The longer she sat, the harder it seemed to get up.
Though he consulted her as frequently as he always had, he no longer took her with him everywhere he went or told her what he was doing.
She stopped, angry at herself for trying to protect the boy who was no longer a boy.
I no longer feel like meat dangling over a hungry lion's cage.
I have probably three days until my mind control no longer works on him.
Her cravings had taken on a new life the longer she was pregnant.
His magic warmed her from the inside out, the gentle current spreading through her body the longer they remained in contact.
She'd be lucky to get any sleep with the vamps hovering over her and before facing one god no longer under her influence and another with a wild streak that might get them all killed.
Darian resisted the urge to tell her he was no longer the lost man who asked her for cookies every day.
A traitor, she'd no longer be recorded on any obelisk in the immortal world, even her own family's, especially the way Damian killed her.
With his disappointment at the discovery of his immortal home no longer standing, he also felt a sense of peace that had eluded him.
Darian hesitated one moment longer before he located a small group of Others near Jonny's lair.
The chant no longer soothed the pain within her as she thought of her own past.
She's no longer your sister, not when she serves the White God.
Darian watched for a moment longer.
She held his gaze in silent challenge a moment longer before dropping back and stretching out once more.
Taran waited only a moment longer before approaching.
Whatever it was he knew, he needed her around a little longer.
He was too much like Memon not to act against someone he no longer needed.
He no longer questioned the need for such a trained, disciplined army, or the absence of able-bodied men within the city's walls.
She'd survived another time, but she couldn't count on fate favoring her much longer, not when madness had begun to take its hold of her.
She wondered why it was no longer triumphant when confronted with her betrayer.
He hesitated a moment longer before urging his horse forward at a quick canter.
Torn, she agonized over how much longer she would live before she, too, fell into madness.
She sighed, no longer able to sustain her hope.
The demon was calmer, its movement no longer urgent or panicked.
He no longer bristled at the mention of the name Medena, nor did he avoid them.
They weren't in a race, though, and the longer route would give her guests more time to explore.
They talked for a little while longer and then she announced that she had to bury Brutus, but she would meet them at the stable in a couple hours for the first ride.
They were riding slower than she had with Alex, so it took them longer to get there, but the men were impressed with the attraction.
She drew a deep breath and let it out slowly until it no longer faltered.
A person never got old enough or mature enough that they were no longer capable of making a poor choice.
I've kept you longer than I intended.
He eyed her a moment longer and then sat down on the edge of the bed, kicking his slippers off.
I'm sure they'll stay pretty longer in the vase.
She no longer wanted a taskmaster – especially one who would leave his wife and children when things didn't suit him.
Alex was a good man and she still loved him, but she no longer wanted him or anyone else in charge of her life.
At that point it was obvious that this was no longer play.
Something snapped inside of her and he was no longer Alex – and she was certainly no longer herself.
Losing him was no longer a possibility.
It hurt to think he no longer cared about what happened to her.
He held Felipa longer and then kissed her on the forehead when he released her.
Who would they turn to when they no longer had each other?
Of course, it probably had a pedigree longer than her arm and a name she'd never be able to pronounce.
She couldn't hide it much longer anyway.
It wasn't the time or place, but the subject was opened and the confrontation could no longer be delayed.
If they had to work at love during courtship, what would marriage be like - when he no longer needed to pretend affection?
If you're no longer engaged, why do you have to deceive him?
The cabin was no longer in sight.
I'll stay for a while longer if it will make you feel better.
Strange, but the idea no longer gave her chills.
Obviously he was no longer interested.
He was the only man for her, and she didn't want to wait any longer.
She wasn't there to help him any longer.
Her adopted son was no longer needed in her world.
In exchange, you no longer influence the vamps you create.
You no longer access the power created when a human is vamped.
Eden gazed at his writhing body a moment longer before she rose.
Unusually dissatisfied at the idea of releasing a potentially fun prey into the wild, Xander remained a moment longer.
He left the kitchen, his air no longer calm.
The more you fight, the longer I hold you.
We can go for a longer drive after the signing.
The longer they kissed, the more he wanted to experience what he did earlier.
Jessi hesitated a moment longer before finally saying, "Okay, but if I get fed up, I throw up the boundary."
The longer she sat and watched them, the more upset she got.
Her arms were around his neck, her hunger for him no longer hesitant.
She could avoid reality for a little longer.
Jenn texted him earlier to let him know his condo no longer existed.
She hesitated a moment longer then texted Jonny.
Of course, she no longer had anyone to contact, now that Xander was out to make her number seven.
Upper margin of the end of the proboscis developed into a distinct finger-like process, much longer than the lower margins, and the whole trunk uniformly tapering and smooth.
The native idea, which may be true, is that the shorter period occurs in the case of female and the longer in that of male calves.
The Society of St Vincent de Paul was founded by Frederic Ozanam and others in 1833, in reply to a charge brought by some free-thinking contemporaries that the church no longer had the strength to inaugurate a practical enterprise.
The Muwahhadi princes had a longer and a more distinguished career than the Murabtis or "Almoravides".
The intensity of the secondary light is no longer to be arrived at by addition of individual intensities, but must be calculated with consideration of the particular phases involved.
At a further stage of their growth the particles disperse in the perpendicular direction a light which is no longer fully polarized.
As regards the polarization of the dispersed light as dependent on the angle at which it is emitted, we find that although, when terms of the second order are included, the scattered light no longer vanishes in the same direction as before, the peculiarity is not lost but merely transferred to another direction.
These long-chinned mastodons must have had an extremely elongated muzzle, formed by the upper lip and nose above and the lower lip below, with which they were able to reach the ground, the neck being probably rather longer than in elephants.
Albany's longer absence in France permitted the partyfaction of the nobles to come to a head in a plot by the earl of Arran to seize the earl of Angus, the queen's husband.
When the weather is temperate, mushrooms will appear in about a month after the bed has been made, but at other times a much longer period may elapse.
He no longer pressed him to attend public functions.
On the day of the funeral Peter addressed to Alexius a stern letter of warning and remonstrance, urging him no longer to resemble the slothful servant in the parable, and threatening to cut him off, as though he were a gangrenous swelling, if he did not acquiesce in his father's plans.
When Roland heard of his wife's condemnation, he wandered some miles from his refuge in Rouen; maddened by despair and grief, he wrote a few words expressive of his horror at those massacres which could only be inspired by the enemies of France, protesting that "from the moment when I learned that they had murdered my wife I would no longer remain in a world stained with enemies."
Albany had to blockade Margaret in Stirling Castle before she would surrender her sons, After being obliged to capitulate, Margaret returned to Edinburgh, and being no longer responsible for the custody of the king she fled to England in September, where a month later she bore to Angus a daughter, Margaret, who afterwards became countess of Lennox, mother of Lord Darnley and grandmother of James I.
Such in mere outline is the celebrated theory of vortices, which for about twenty years after its promulgation reigned supreme in science, and for much longer time opposed a tenacious resistance to rival doctrines.
But when this happened, Cartesianism was no longer either interesting or dangerous; its theories, taught as ascertained and verified truths, were as worthless as the systematic verbiage which preceded them.
In 1557, however, a great flood caused the Tiber to change its course, so that it no longer flowed under the walls of the castle, but some half a mile farther west; and its old bed (Fiume Morto) has ever since then served as a breeding ground for the malarial mosquito (Anopheles claviger).
The new city formed a rectangle, enclosed by a colossal mud rampart, the longer sides of which ran north and south.
With " very hard " water this deposit may require removal every three months; in London it is usual to clean out the boiler every six months and the cylinders and tanks at longer intervals.
If it be true, as Bishop Alcock of Ely affirms, that Lydgate wrote a poem on the loss of France and Gascony, it seems necessary to suppose that he lived two years longer, and thus indications point to the year 1451, or thereabouts, as the date of his death.
The longer efforts partake of the nature of translations from sundry medieval compilations like those of Guido di Colonna and Boccaccio, which are in Latin.
The pulpit of St Mary's was no longer closed to him, but the success of Balliol in the schools gave rise to jealousy in other colleges, and old prejudices did not suddenly give way; while a new movement in favour of " the endowment of research " ran counter to his immediate purposes.
It used to be customary among Presbyterians to stand during public prayer, and to remain seated during the acts of praise, but this peculiarity is no longer maintained.
It is also darker in colour, has less of the frontal crest, shorter legs, a longer tail, and the markings beneath take the form of bars rather than stripes, while the bill, eyes and legs are all black.
But his measures speedily gave dissatisfaction to the Argentine or Creole party, who had long chafed under the disabilities of Spanish rule, and who now felt themselves no longer bound by ties of loyalty to a country which was in the possession of the French armies.
Compulsory service with the colors is in Germany no longer universal, as there are twice as many able-bodied men presented by the recruiting commissions as the active army can absorb.
Of the coast defences the principal are Toulon, Antibes, Rochefort, Lorient, Brest, Olron, La Rochelle, BelleIsle, Cherbourg,St-Malo, Havre, Calais, Gravelines and Dunkirk A number of the older fortresses, dating for the most part from Louis XIV.s time, are still in existence, but are no longer of military importance.
In the winter coat the hair is long and pendent, elongated into a short beard on the sides of the lower jaw behind the chin; and it is also longer than elsewhere on the neck and the chest; at the base of the long hair is a thick growth of short and woolly under-fur.
The upper incisors are nearly equal and vertical, with the first slightly longer, narrower, and separated from the rest.
Hind extremities proportionally longer with inner toe represented only by a small metatarsal bone.
Tail longer than the body and head, scantily clothed with short hairs, prehensile.
The Greeks held out for a considerable time, but had finally to surrender, probably from want of food, to Simon Maccabaeus, who demolished the Acra and cut down the hill upon which it stood so that it might no longer be higher than the Temple, and that there should be no separation between the latter and the city.
The Asmonean dynasty lasted a few years longer, but finally came to an end when Herod the Great, with the aid of the Romans, took possession of Jerusalem and became the first king of the Idumaean dynasty.
Accepting the law he distinguishes productive from permissive or transmissive function (p. 32), and, rejecting the view that brain produces thought, he recognizes that in our present condition brain transmits thought, thought needs brain for its organ of expression; but this does not exclude the possibility of a condition in which thought will be no longer so dependent on brain.
This flora, isolated by arid country from the rest of the continent, has evidently derived its plant life from an outside source, probably from lands no longer existing.
Mitchell on the north-east, where they no longer appear.
The Chinese difficulty, so far as the mining population was concerned, was solved by the exhaustion of the extensive alluvial deposits; the miners' prejudice against the race, however, still exists, though they are no longer serious competitors, and the laws of some of the states forbid any Chinese to engage in mining without the express authority in writing of the minister of mines.
But when Artabanus invaded Armenia, Vonones fled to Syria, and the emperor Tiberius thought it prudent to support him no longer.
Tiridates, who was proclaimed king, could no longer maintain himself, because he appeared to be a vassal of the Romans; Artabanus returned from Hyrcania with a strong army of Scythian (Dahan) auxiliaries, and was again acknowledged by the Parthians.
Encouraged by this approval, de Lesseps no longer allowed anything to stop him.
The Frisians struggled against Roman over-lordship somewhat longer, and it was not until A.D.
Gelderland, however, which had revolted after Nancy, had Charles of Egmont for its duke, and the two bishoprics of Liege and Utrecht were no longer subject to Burgundian authority.
The regent was alienated from the popular leaders, and was no longer disposed to help William of Orange, Egmont, and Hoorn to secure a mitigation of religious persecution; and the heart of Philip was hardened in its resolve to exterminate heresy in the Netherlands.
The Malays formerly suffered severely from smallpox epidemics, but in the portion of the peninsula under British rule vaccination has been introduced, and the ravages of the disease no longer assume serious dimensions.
Representatives of their race are also found scattered among the Malayan villages throughout the country, and also along the coast, but these have intermixed so much with the Malays, and have acquired so many customs, &c., from their more civilized neighbours, that they can no longer be regarded as typical of the race to which they belong.
The white pine had been much cut off by 1890 and it is no longer commercially important.
As the king had no longer a field army, the war after Naseby resolved itself into a series of sieges which Charles had no means of raising.
Marsollier's longer life, in two volumes (1700), is quite untrustworthy; still more so that by Loyau d 'Amboise (1833), which is rather a romance than a biography.
Far greater polyphonic detail of another kind is no doubt possible, but it requires far longer time for its expression.
After a longer or shorter period it enters the alimentary canal of its proper host with drinking-water, or it bores through the skin and reaches the bloodvessels, and is so conveyed through the body, in which it becomes sexually mature.
Houses were let usually for the year, but also for longer terms, rent being paid in advance, half-yearly.
This system required two line wires, and, although a remarkably serviceable apparatus and in use for many years, is no longer employed.
The particular sizes and descriptions of wires used are dependent upon the character of the " circuits " the longer and more important circuits requiring the heavier wire.
The life of a cable is usually considered to continue until it is no longer capable of being lifted for repair, but in some cases the duration and frequency of interruptions as affecting Life.
These trains are produced by pressing the key in the primary circuit of the induction coil for a longer or shorter time' and generating a long or short series of oscillatory electric sparks between the spark balls with a corresponding creation of trains of electric waves.
It was then found that when electric waves fell on the antenna a sound was heard in the telephone as each wave train passed over it, so that if the wave trains endured for a longer or shorter time the sound in the telephone was of corresponding duration.
The year of his death is unknown, but he is referred to as no longer alive in Jerome's Contra Vigilantium (406).
Below this the watershed of the Apennines is too near to the sea on that side to allow the formation of any large streams. Hence the rivers that flow in the opposite direction into the Adriatic and the Gulf of Taranto have much longer courses, though all partake of the character of mountain torrents, rushing down with great violence in winter and after storms, but dwindling in the summer into scanty streams, which hold a winding and sluggish course through the great plains of Apulia.
The mandamenti or administrative divisions no longer correspond to the judicial divisions (mandamenti giudiziarii) which in November 1891 were reduced from 1806 to 1535 by a law which provided that judicial reform should not modify existing administrative and electoral divisions.
Meanwhile the podest still subsists; but he is no longer equal to the task d maintaining an equilibrium of forces.
His ancient place is now occupied by a new functionary, no longer acting as arbiter, but concentrating the forces of the triumphant party.
No longer a tyrant of Ezzelinos stamp, he reigned by intelligence and terrorism masked beneath a smile.
At Milan it was more serious and lasted longer than elsewhere, as the movement was controlled by the anarchists under Arturo Labriola; the hooligans committed many acts of savage violence, especially against those workmen who refused to strike, and much property was wilfully destroyed.
The Triple Alliance was maintained and renewed as far as paper documents were concerned (in June 1902 it was reconfirmed for 12 years), but public opinion was no longer so favorably disposed towards it.
If we accept moral ideals at all, we are no longer in the world of mere phenomenal sequences, but in a new world.
To revise one's first principles is to be an intuitionalist no longer.
If we did hit the exact mark, apparently we need no longer be immortal.
Briefly, they are to be found in the conditions of the time; the increasing insularity of the English barons, now no longer the holders of estates in Normandy; the substitution of an unpopular for a popular king, an active spur to the rising forces of discontent; and the unprecedented demands for money - demands followed, not by honour, but by dishonour, to the arms of England abroad.
It is, however, very much longer than the former charter and somewhat longer than the Articles.
Cladonema still has the typical medusan structure, and is able to swim about, but in Clavatella the umbrella is so much reduced that swimming is no longer possible.
Its eastern side is built into the hill, its longer diameter is 76 yds., and it accommodated seven or eight thousand spectators.
Lewes points out that Leibnitz is inconsistent in his account of the intelligence of man in relation to that of lower animals, since when answering Locke he no longer regards these as differing in degree only.
Writers on biological subjects no longer have to waste space in weighing evolution against this or that philosophical theory or religious tradition; philosophical writers have frankly accepted it, and the supporters of religious tradition have made broad their phylacteries to write on them the new words.
But he was certainly not a man of genius, as has long been imagined, and his success was chiefly due to the support of the papacy; once his father was dead his career was at an end, and he could no longer play a prominent part in Italian affairs.
In the matter of criminal jurisdiction we paused for a moment at the edict of Milan; but we may at once trace this second or civil branch of episcopal judicature or quasi-judicature down as far as the reign of Charlemagne, when it underwent a fundamental change, and became, if either litigant once chose, no longer a matter of consent but of right.
The subject matter over which the ecclesiastical courts had jurisdiction was no longer purely " criminal " with a civil quasijurisdiction by way of arbitration.