Loneliness Sentence Examples
A wave of loneliness washed over her.
She felt a deep sense of loneliness and longing.
The loneliness drove her mad.
Maybe it was the fact that he never smiled, or the loneliness in those green eyes.
He noticed the change in the little princess' dress, Mademoiselle Bourienne's ribbon, Princess Mary's unbecoming coiffure, Mademoiselle Bourienne's and Anatole's smiles, and the loneliness of his daughter amid the general conversation.
The loneliness of a queen who had no husband or children and no relatives to mention must at all times have been oppressive; it grew desolating in old age after the deaths of Leicester, Walsingham, Burghley and Essex, and Elizabeth died, the last of her race, on the 24th of March 1603.
Was loneliness the culprit of her decision to spend the night?
It was either plunge in with him or be eaten up by the loneliness that had been snapping at her heels all her life.
She had missed Josh, but it wasn't the gut-wrenching loneliness she felt when Alex left.
Loneliness is not something a deity can feel. Only humans and Immortals.
AdvertisementShe felt suddenly overwhelmed by loneliness.
The loneliness of his end has often been commented on; it was probably due to its unexpectedness.
Lisa stared at the floor, consumed by loneliness.
Irresistible drowsiness overpowered him, red rings danced before his eyes, and the impression of those voices and faces and a sense of loneliness merged with the physical pain.
Pierre, on unexpectedly becoming Count Bezukhov and a rich man, felt himself after his recent loneliness and freedom from cares so beset and preoccupied that only in bed was he able to be by himself.
AdvertisementIsolation, loneliness, and hopelessness can be prominent in older adults who may live alone, or who have a medical condition or disability.
There are a number of ways parents can help children and teens deal with loneliness, depression, and suicidal feelings.
Rupert loved having a countryman to ease the loneliness of being a stranger in a strange land.
The title poem is a brilliant evocation of the loneliness of abandonment.
Like their parents, they may take responsibility for the deterioration of their home lives and often feel anger, loneliness, fear, guilt and depression.
AdvertisementMany of them suffer from loneliness, and since I know first hand how much a dog (or cat or other pet) can change their lives, I want them to have this joy again.
A Goldie Poo shut in an apartment all day is prone to begin destroying things out of boredom and loneliness.
The daycare staff encourages those who attend to be more active, which reduces loneliness and feelings of isolation.
Other songs like opener ' Rain Fall Down ' and set closer ' On My Own ' are heartbreaking paeans to loneliness.
In each case their " loneliness " is largely self-imposed.
AdvertisementMany people (men and women alike) will take their loneliness and despair about the divorce as a sign that they should reconcile with their ex-spouse.
Friendships develop and seniors gain a sense of accomplishment and feelings of self-worth that may have been overridden by feelings of loneliness and depression.
Rejection or victimization by peers may become a source of significant stress to children, contributing to feelings of loneliness and low self-esteem.
These feelings can include loneliness, rejection, and awareness of one's gay or bisexual sexual orientation.
Other common emotions at this stage of development include loneliness, grief, anxiety, and a sense of powerlessness.
Feelings of sadness, loneliness, guilt, lack of self worth, and self-blame are common in nine to 12-year-olds.
Victims experience loneliness and report having trouble making social and emotional adjustments, difficulty making friends, and poor relationships with classmates.
When on the island one can sit in a small cell on "D" block and just imagine the numbing loneliness and frustration of living imprisoned so close, but yet so far, from San Francisco outside the prison walls and just across the water.
When a husband or wife is sent on an overseas mission, the spouse often is left to deal with loneliness and the stress of managing the home, financial concerns, and facing any emergencies alone.
If you're a member of the Armed Forces stationed far from home, loneliness can be a real issue.
Loneliness can make an otherwise fulfilling life seem empty, but it doesn't have to bring you down.
Therefore, it's important to seek professional help if your feelings of sadness and loneliness become overwhelming or start to interfere with your daily life.
StopLoneliness.com offers articles focusing on understanding and defeating loneliness.
Information on loneliness from the University of Cambridge directed at college students.
Coping with Erectile Dysfunction in the current dating world is a challenge, but not a sentence for loneliness.
For others, feelings of being unlovable and loneliness are common.
It's no wonder Hollywood couples often give in to the temptation and loneliness.
It can be difficult to handle the loneliness and depression that often follow any breakup, whether good or bad.
Loneliness can be a powerful motivator to launch you into a relationship, but try to make it a compatible one.
Loneliness is a very painful feeling and it stirs up other feelings like sadness, guilt and regret.
Clouds and rain can represent loneliness while the sun breaking through the clouds may represent the dawning realization of love.
The Well of Loneliness written by Radclyffe Hall in 1928 was so controversial that the author was taken to trial for obscenity - in spite of the fact that "there are no descriptions of sex in it, no rude words."
I don't know how you remembered what today was or how your letter managed to wing its way here just in time, but my loneliness fled at the first word on the page.
They might want a casual encounter as a way to boost low self-esteem or to escape loneliness.
If you're the type who thrives on social interaction, however, you may find loneliness to be a real issue.
Since writing is a solitary occupation, professional freelance writers often find that loneliness is the biggest downfall of their career choice.
As feelings of exhaustion, loneliness, and hunger all affect a child's ability to stay on task.
Coping mechanisms for teens with Asperger's syndrome can help them deal with the daily stress and profound loneliness that they may experience.
For a moment she envisioned him and felt a pang of loneliness.
Which came first, the recluse or the loneliness?
It was as if rescuing these long forgotten remains from oblivion would somehow prove such a resurrection from years of absolute dark and loneliness would make anything possible.
Maybe the loneliness he saw in her eyes was merely a reflection.
He led, separated from his family, an erratic life for some years; was divorced from his consort in 1812; and finally settled at St Gall in Switzerland in great loneliness and indigence.
Yet in the loneliness of life at Berlin the idea of a wife as the comfort of gathering age sometimes rose before his mind - only to be driven away by cautious hesitations as to the capacity of his means, and by the shrinking from the loss of familiar liberties.
This research indicates that access to services and activities intended to alleviate social isolation and loneliness among older people is inequitable.
Loneliness, in one form or another, provides the leitmotif of the book.
I will give my elderly neighbor a visit to assuage her loneliness.
To the abandoned adolescent, it involves feelings of betrayal, guilt, loneliness, and lack of self-esteem.
One of the best ways to fight loneliness is to go where other people are.
Apparently, the loneliness was too much to bear for young Richard Miller.
Mine Sam and Tara hook up to escape their loneliness.
You don't mind the loneliness?
I thought you decided you couldn't live with the loneliness on the ranch because I was gone so much.
She ached for him, and the magic thrummed around her, echoing her loneliness.
It was almost an admission of loneliness, if a demon had feelings.
Part of her ached with loneliness even her sister's presence did nothing to help.
Mixed in with the loneliness of bereavement, Naomi felt abandoned, helpless, without hope and in despair.